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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts

The Heirs Of Hogwarts

Chapter Fourteen - Daily Prophet Headlines

Ron walked dejectedly back into Hogwarts after his walk around the lake. Fortunately for him, because he had woken up so early, breakfast had just begun and he would have time to eat. Feeling very alone, Ron sat at the Gryffindor table by Seamus, Neville, and Dean, who were all watching him closely.

"You ok, Ron?" Neville asked timidly.

"Fine," he muttered, "I just need to eat something." And he grabbed a bowl of scrambled eggs and began piling them on his plate. He started shoveling them in his mouth as the worried expressions on the other boys' faces never left. Ron noticed and sighed deeply.

"Look, don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Yes, I'm sad that they're all gone but what can I do? They're going off to save the world, I'm just left behind." He gave a short, bitter laugh and then a strained smile, shrugging his shoulders. "I'll survive."

Seamus opened his mouth as if he had something to say but his words were cut off by the flurry of wings and feathers. The morning post had arrived and owls were zooming all over the Great Hall. Ron wasn't paying attention to any of it, not expecting any mail, until he heard Lavender gasp in shock and then Seamus saying, "No way."

Ron looked up and saw Seamus snatching the Daily Prophet out of Lavender's unwilling hands and scanning the front page, aghast. His eyes shifted nervously to Ron, who was staring at him in confusion.

"What's wrong, Seamus?" he questioned.

Seamus shoved the paper under the table, reminding Ron of the time Hermione had done the same thing to Harry in their fourth year. A pang went through his heart as he remembered them but he deliberately ignored it. His eyes narrowed and he glared at Seamus.

"N...Nothing's on the paper, Ron," he said in an unconvincing voice.

"Bloody hell, don't lie to me, Seamus," Ron growled, "Hand it over." And he held his hand out.

Seamus shifted uncomfortably but brought the now crumpled paper out and handed it shakily to Ron, who snatched it out of his hands. He stared down at the front page and his eyes were greeted with the sight of four individual pictures of Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Draco underneath a large, bold headline:

The Four Heirs Revealed?
Fact or Fraud?

Ron's eyes nearly popped out of his sockets in shock. "What the bloody hell does that mean?" he whispered, skimming the article for a second before starting to really read the content.

It seems as if Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has been keeping a great secret from the public for many long years, writes special correspondent, Teresa Niffle. As readers are well aware, the Prophecy of Merlin has been a subject of great talk and legend for hundreds of years. Finally dismissed as untrue, despite the reputation of Merlin, the Prophecy fell away and the belief in the Four Heirs of the Four Founders of Hogwarts was thought to be ridiculous.
Not so anymore though!
Information that Albus Dumbledore has tried to keep behind the walls of his school has finally leaked out to the press and I am pleased to write that the
Daily Prophet is the first to bring you this extraordinary news! The Four Heirs have apparently been revealed, as many students have reported hearing and witnessing the events of the Heirs' changes. Rumors spread around Hogwarts until the truth finally surfaced and the events proven. But what makes the discovery of the Heirs even more extraordinary, is the fact of who they are.
Harry Potter, the famous Boy-Who-Lived, and is often thought of as an attention seeker by many, has apparently become one of the chosen. Godric Gryffindor, believed to be the greatest wizard of his age, seems to have "hand-picked" Mister Potter, as did all the other Founders with their Heirs. After everything else that happens to the Boy-Who-Lived, is it possible that something this incredible could happen to him as well? It seems to be so.
Harry Potter is not alone though. His believed long-time girlfriend, Hermione Granger, a Muggleborn witch, has somehow made the role of the Heir of Ravenclaw. Occasional fling for Mister Potter, Ginevra Weasley, of the much respected Weasley family, is the Heir to Hufflepuff, and long-term friend of Harry's, Draco Malfoy, is the Heir of Slytherin.
It seems that this is what the wizarding world has been waiting for for so many years. The saviors of our world have finally come and will rid us of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, restoring an everlasting peace and protecting both the Wizarding and Muggle worlds.
But is this really true?
Many believe this is just another ploy of Albus Dumbledore's to try and rebuild fully his reputation in the eyes of the public, after it was tarnished last year when no one believed the return of You-Know-Who. Though there is proof in You-Know-Who's return, many still are weary of Dumbledore.
"I don't trust him," an anonymous reader of the
Daily Prophet says, "after all that rubbish with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, how could anyone trust him! Four Heirs indeed! Prove it to me, I say!"
Others strongly doubt that four wizards can be born and marked with powers unlike any ever before seen in our world. Merlin's prophecies all came true and the trust in him was great, but from the first time this prophecy was heard, many were skeptical. Even more so now, after the First War with You-Know-Who, when no sign of saviors came, the public just does not want to believe. Four Heirs, popping up out of no where, all from Hogwarts, and one of them the most famous wizard of today, all this information sounds a bit unrealistic.
So, it is up to you now, the reader, to decide what you will believe. Are there really Four Heirs or is this just one big hoax, meant to stir the public and draw them into another war? As for me, I have my doubts, but don't let my opinion sway you. Just ask yourself our headlining questions: fact or fraud?

Ron was utterly speechless as he finished reading the article. The paper shook violently in his hands and he had the urge to rip it to shreds. Neville scooted further down the bench from Ron, afraid the other boy would suddenly lash out and strike the closest person to him.

Through tight lips, Ron finally managed to speak. "Who....who's this...this...Teresa Niffle," he spat.

"She's like Rita Skeeter, only ten times worse," Dean replied, "absolutely horrible. She spreads the nastiest rumors and says all sorts of things about a person to ruin their reputation. It's all about money for her, she doesn't care. I haven't seen one article of hers where she doesn't trash someone."

"My gran hates her worse than Rita Skeeter, and that's saying something," Neville piped up.

"'...long-term friend, Draco Malfoy...' What rubbish is that?" Ron said furiously, "even that Skeeter woman knew that they weren't friends."

"Oh, she exaggerates all right," Seamus said, "she twists everything around to how she wants it to be. No matter about the truth, she just wants a story."

"Bloody, sodding wench," Ron whispered, tearing the paper into little shreds and then throwing them to the floor. "Just wait until they read that. They're gonna want to pack their bags and hide."

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that," Dean said calmly, "remember fourth year? All those things they said about Harry and Hermione? They didn't hide from it then and they won't now. It'll hurt, those words, but they won't condemn the world for a silly woman's stupid opinions."

Ron sighed. "Yeah, I know that, I just wanna...." he made a violent gesture in the air, "to that Teresa Niffle." And he crossed his arms and scowled darkly at his plate.

The three boys looked at him sympathetically until Parvati Patil gave a squeak and exclaimed, "Ohh, look! There's more!"

It was Dean this time who snatched a different copy of the Daily Prophet from Parvati's hands, who gave him a dirty look.

"'Five mysterious deaths, turn to page six for details,'" he read. Ron flinched in his seat but made no other movement, so Dean flipped to page six and began to read:

Mysterious Deaths
Possible Connection to the Four Heirs?

It seems that there has been several deaths to occur within both the wizarding and muggle worlds, writes special correspondent, Teresa Niffle. About one month ago, Mrs. Jane Granger and Mr. Robert Granger, parents to Hogwarts student, Hermione Granger, were found dead in their home in London. It was obvious that the Avada Kedavra curse was used on them, as no mark was left on their bodies, but just who is responsible for their deaths?
A few short weeks after these two deaths, Bill Weasley, a worker for Gringotts Bank, was found dead in his office at Gringotts Headquarters, sprawled over his work, dead from the same curse. Who is responsible for his death?
Shortly after this death, Rose Malfoy, young daughter of the prominent Malfoy family, was found dead, apparently to have drowned in the family pool, but Healers at St. Mungo's found she was first killed by the
Avada Kedavra, and then placed in the pool. Who is responsible for her death?
And finally, just a little over a week ago, Rubeus Hagrid, Grounds Keeper and Care of Magical Creatures professor at Hogwarts, was found down an alleyway in Knockturn Alley, where he apparently put up a terrible fight and was finally brought down by the same curse that put an end to the first four. Who is responsible for his death? And how are all of these deaths connected?
For most readers, you will have spotted the connection already. For those who haven't, I shall go into further detail. Hermione Granger, Heir to Rowena Ravenclaw, lost both of her parents. Ginevra Weasley, Heir to Helga Hufflepuff, lost her eldest brother, who she was reported to be quite close to. Draco Malfoy, Heir to Salazar Slytherin, lost his beloved younger and only sister. And Harry Potter, Heir to Godric Gryffindor, lost his half-giant friend, who is reported to be the one who first made contact with Harry from the wizarding world when he turned eleven. All of them were special and loved by one of the Four Heirs and it has been long believed that the Heirs would have to suffer a tragedy to show their true powers. Tragedy has struck and the Heirs revealed, these deaths are not coincidental, they were planned.
But just who planned them and brought about the deaths?
The first thought would be He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, who is a lover of random killing. But why would You-Know-Who want the Heirs revealed? How could he benefit from this? In truth, there is no benefit except for You-Know-Who's destruction and why would be bring it about himself?
This leaves only one other option: Albus Dumbledore.
The Four Heirs are supposedly the key to the destruction of Voldemort and all evil. They are saviors to the Light and bringers of peace. Why wouldn't Dumbledore want them revealed? Their unique powers could be vital to the fall of the Dark side and Dumbledore would not want to risk them never being revealed. It seems only too obvious that he would cause the deaths of five innocent people and then hope the wizarding world would immediately point to You-Know-Who.
There was a flaw in Dumbledore's plan though. Clues were scattered about every site of each person's death. Clues that point directly to Dumbledore and his followers. The
Daily Prophet tried to find the specifics of these clues but the Ministry of Magic is very tight-lipped, refusing to comment and not allowing us a glimpse at important evidence. Proof is not needed though, it is apparent who is behind these horrendous deaths. And I warn Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ginevra Weasley, and Draco Malfoy about their trust in their mentor. They are merely puppets in a puppeteers' hands.

Dean finished the article and lifted his eyes cautiously to look at Ron, who was gripping the edge of the table so hard his knuckles were white. His face was an odd shade of red and he was trembling. Neville was moving further and further away from Ron and Seamus looked ready to flee, as if expecting an explosion.

Ron surprised everyone though and stood from the table and simply walked out of the Great Hall. Eyes from every different table followed his progress to the doors, some of them having read the articles themselves, and all of them waiting for his reaction.

As the doors swung shut behind Ron, Seamus breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, that seemed to go--"

But his words were cut short by a very loud, very angry yell that came from the Entrance Hall, followed by the sound of a heavy door being slammed shut.

"Damn," Seamus muttered.


Hermione woke up the next day, feeling oddly out of place until she sat up and took in her surroundings. She noticed the royal blue color of her room, with its silver linings, and was confused until she realized where she was. Illustris.

She kicked off the covers and stepped into her slippers before pulling on her robe. She walked over to one of the large windows in her room and pushed it open, letting in the first rays of sunlight for the day. Hermione breathed in the fresh, cool air and a smile filled her face. The view from her room was breathtaking. The morning sun glittered off of the water beneath her window. The dew covered grass stretched like a carpet before her eyes, ending in the close grown trees of the forest, which swayed and whispered in the wind. Hermione would have to ask later the name of the forest and why it was so dangerous, it appeared to be so wonderful.

She glanced to her right and caught a glimpse of the high-walled training area, the light reflecting off of the metal. Reality came crashing back into her and Hermione remembered this wasn't a vacation, she was here for a reason. She sighed deeply and turned away from the sight, her mind suddenly becoming occupied with the thoughts and feelings of the three other people she shared this tower with.

Trying to shut off her Empathic abilities, desperate to not invade the privacy of her companions, she didn't even notice the tawny owl that swooped into her room and landed quietly on her desk. A rolled up paper and leather pouch were attached to its leg and the owl clicked its beak impatiently at being ignored. Hermione still took no notice of the owl and it wasn't until it flew up and cuffed her with its wing before landing again did she rush over to it and untie its burden, depositing money into the pouch.

The disgruntled owl flew off through the window once more and Hermione unrolled the Daily Prophet, eager to take her mind away from the others. Her eyes skimmed across the title and the paper suddenly froze in her hands. With short, gasping breaths, she read the article, becoming paler with each sentence.

"No," she whispered when she finished, "How?"

Not even thinking, Hermione rushed from her room, the paper still clutched in her hand, and began banging violently on Harry's door.

"Harry!" she yelled frantically, "Harry, wake up!"

The door flew open and a very disheveled and bewildered Harry stood before her. His hair was sticking up worse then ever, his glasses were askew, and his shirt and pants were very rumpled. Hermione momentarily forgot her train of thought and stood there, gaping at Harry, wanting nothing more than to grab him and snog him senseless. Oh yes, a just woken up Harry was definitely a good thing.

Shaking her head and blushing furiously at her thoughts, Hermione looked up into Harry's green eyes, which were watching her in slight amusement.

"You know, if you wanted to just stare at me, you could've asked. I wouldn't have minded," he teased.

Hermione flushed even more but glared at him angrily. "Enough with the ego, this is serious," she snapped, and she shoved the paper into his hands, tears starting to well in her eyes. "They know, and they don't believe us."

"What?" Harry said in confusion, looking down at the paper and quickly reading it. His eyes narrowed and by the time he was done, he looked thoroughly angry.

"What the bloody hell?" he seethed. "What right has she got? We're not making this up! And this stuff about us," he muttered, "well, when have they ever been right about all of our relationships?"

"Oh, Harry, I don't like it at all," Hermione said worriedly, "I know I shouldn't pay attention to anything the public has to say but I can't help it. It would be nice if we were supported and believed. Its just like it was for you last year, when no one believed V-Voldemort had returned."

Harry made a funny noise at this comment and glared at Hermione momentarily. She gasped and put a hand to her mouth.

"Oh.....I'm sorry, Harry. I shouldn't mention that, I know its hard for you," she whispered.

"Forget it," he mumbled, turning away from her and walking back into his room.

Hermione followed cautiously behind him, shutting the door. Harry's room looked exactly like hers, only in colors of red and gold and a lot messier, with clothes and books all over the floor and any other available surface. Smiling slightly at the disarray, Hermione grimaced and tried to push the strong feelings of anger and sadness that weren't hers, to the back of her mind. She watched as Harry threw the paper carelessly on the bed and then walked over to the window, staring blankly out of it.

Hermione shifted her feet nervously, reminded strongly of their encounter in the Astronomy Tower. A question had been plaguing her mind for a while now, a question she needed an answer to. Yes, her and Harry had kissed then, basically admitting their feelings for each other that way. They now kissed every once in a while, and they held hands. There was an obvious "thing" between them but what this "thing" was, had never been established. Everyone assumed they were dating now, that they were a couple, but Hermione needed to hear it officially, she needed to know exactly what Harry felt for her. She needed to hear, from his own lips, that he wanted to be with her. Assuming things wasn't enough for Hermione, she needed solid facts with every aspect of her life.

Wringing her hands and willing the words forth, she spoke. "H...Harry? Can...can I ask you something?" she said softly.

When she got no answer, Hermione looked up and saw he was nodding his head. Plunging forward before she lost her nerve, she rushed out her next words. "I was just wondering, how exactly do you feel about me?" She froze, waiting with bated breath.

"I thought......that was......obvious," he said brokenly, still not turning to face her.

"No, no its not," she responded, feeling more confident, "I need to hear you say what I've only guessed from what's been happening. How do you feel about me?"

Harry sighed and gripped the window sill between his fingers, deep in thought. "I don't think its good for us to go there now, Hermione," he said finally.

"Wha....what do you mean?" she choked out, trembling.

"I mean," he said, finally facing her, "that for right now, I don't think we should be, or admit, anything."

"Why?" she whispered, studying the red carpet intently.

"Because.....because there's too much risk with us being together," he replied softly, looking at the floor himself.

Hermione snorted in disbelief. He was going to pull this on her again? "That's the dumbest reason I've ever heard," she said, "What about everything that happened on the Astronomy Tower? What about the past week? All the hand holding and kisses, was that nothing to you? Was it a funny little joke?"

Hermione was furious with Harry but she utterly refused to read his mind, not wanting to hear or feel the truth behind his words. She dared to look at him and saw, with shock, that he seemed to be in as much pain as her and that every word he spoke to her was difficult for him to say.

"It wasn't a joke, Hermione," he whispered, "I'd never joke about my feelings for you. I care for you, more than you know but now that we're here, and after reading that article, I realize the risk that's involved with us being together. I can't let you be at risk, you're in enough as it with just being an Heir. But if you became my girlfriend, it will become ten times worse. I don't want you a target."

"I DON'T CARE!" Hermione yelled loudly, making Harry jump and stare at her. Tears were flowing down her face and she sobbed. "For once, let me make my own choice, don't dictate my life for me anymore. I want to be with you, don't you understand that? I've had to suffer for too many years already, just being your friend and not being allowed to love you at all. Now, I have the chance and you're taking it away from me. I don't care about the risk, I. Don't. Care. All I care about is you."

Hermione looked at him through watery eyes, knowing she had spilled more than she should to him but she couldn't lose him, not now, when she was so close to having him. Harry was rigid in shock, blinking rapidly as her words sunk in.

" love me?" Harry said in disbelief.

Hermione breathed deeply, trying to stop her racing heart. "Yes, I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember."

Harry turned his back on her again, not knowing what to say. He closed his eyes, wanting nothing more than to jump for joy and shout, "She loves me! Hermione loves me!" but he stopped himself, unwilling to respond, unwilling to let his emotions take over. He heard Hermione take a few steps toward him and he stiffened, knowing she was about to say more.

"The only question is," she whispered finally, "do you love me?"

She was directly behind him now, waiting anxiously for his answer, not knowing what to expect. She kept fighting the urge to read his mind, using every ounce of strength to put a block between them.

Harry was having his own fight then too. A fight between what he wanted and what he should do. He loved Hermione with everything he had and wanted to tell her but should he? How much danger would she be in from a simple answer such as, "Yes"? Her hand touched his shoulder and it was like a bolt of electricity went through him. He shivered, wanting to just turn around and kiss her, pouring all of his heart into that one kiss.

"Harry?" Hermione said timidly.

The sound of her voice breaking into his thoughts is what finally broke him. Harry turned around sharply, their faces inches apart and their eyes locked. Hermione took in a sudden breath, afraid to read into the look in Harry's eyes, scared of the truth.

"Yes," he said, before leaning forward and crushing their lips together.

The kiss was hurried and full of passion, both of them trying to say everything they felt for each other through it, without words. Their hands became entangled in each other hair, trying to bring the other as close as possible. They finally broke away from each other, breathing hard, eyes wide and shining.

"Wow," Hermione muttered.

Harry grinned slightly. "Yeah, I'd say that about sums it up."

Hermione looked at him in confusion though. "But....but I thought you said...."

"The risks?" he finished for her, sighing once more. "Yes, I still remember them. But I can't not follow my heart, and my heart is with you. So, Hermione Granger, will you be my girlfriend?" He gave her a playful smile and took her hand in his.

Hermione blushed and nodded. "I'd like that."

Harry smiled wider. "Good, I was hoping I hadn't gone through all that work for nothing."

Hermione punched him lightly on the arm but laughed. They leaned toward each other once more, needing to feel the other's lips on their own, needing to feel their love for each other.

And to them, all was right in the world, at least for a little while. They had no idea, that hundreds of miles away, a cold, high laughter was ringing with delight.


Author's Note: Thank you once more for the reviews! They keep getting better and better! Thank you to all for the support!

Before you all start throwing things at me, I'm sorry about the chapter being a bit shorter. I originally didn't plan it that way and actually, this chapter was a spur the moment thing that flew into my head to tie some loose ends I'd let hang, together. I wanted to get more public view of the Heirs and I established a reporter who is kinda like Rita Skeeter. I don't know yet if I'll have her play a bigger part but we'll see, lol. The whole thing with Harry and Hermione, I feel I've been neglecting their relationship and this IS predominantly an H/Hr fic and so far, it really hasn't seemed it. Thanks to those who pointed this out! I also feel I never TRULY established what their relationship is and where it was at so I felt I needed to put this in here, you know Hermione and the facts, lol. I wanted to have them really admit what they felt for each other rather than have it be an assumed thing. Just my opinion, I hope you like their interaction though and I promise to include them more!

Also, I wanted to point out a sort of mistake I made last chapter. I said Dumbledore Apparated back to Hogwarts. This could be looked at as simply a foolish mistake by me, lol, or the fact that I never truly said where Dumbledore Apparated to to return to Hogwarts. Mind you, Dumbledore is a powerful wizard so he could possibly have brought the defenses down in order to Apparate and return to Hogwarts more quickly. I know I worded it wrong but look at it from all possible angles! Also, I said the symbol of Ravenclaw is a raven and a reviewer said it was an eagle. If someone could please inform me of the answer I'd be very grateful because I could've sworn that JKR wrote in one of the books that it was a raven. If I'm wrong, I apologize. :)

It seems I've intrigued people with the Passim Mirrors, lol. I'm glad I did, they suddenly popped into my head and I had to write them in. I warn you though, don't just look at it as something Draco just wants to mess with, he has a reason for wanting to use them, which you will find out later in the story.

Again, thank you to all the amazing reviews and I really really hope you enjoyed this chapter! The training starts next, that'll be interesting! Oh, and thank you to everyone who nominated my other story Light and Dark for the Portkey Reader's Choice Awards under Best Novel Length Fic (AU). I'm so touched and grateful, it means so much to me! I don't expect my story to beat out all the H/Hr it's going against but I'm still very happy with just the nomination, so THANK YOU!

Big hugs and kisses to everyone and I'll get the next chapter up asap, and I'll try my hardest to make it longer!
Much Love,