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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts

The Heirs of Hogwarts

Chapter Twenty-One - Christmas At Illustris

"It is time, Wormtail," Lord Voldemort hissed from his chair.

"T…Time, My Lord?" Peter Pettigrew whimpered from his place on the floor. "But…Master, the potion! It's not….ready…."

"Fool!" Voldemort spat in anger, "I did not mean that. That plan is not to take place for a few more weeks. I am not as stupid as you, Wormtail!"

"Y..Yes, My Lord," Peter muttered.

Voldemort snarled at him once more and quickly rose. Wormtail scrambled anxiously to his feet, keeping himself in a hunched bow.

"The other plan is ready to take place," the Dark Lord said quietly. "Today is the perfect day and I am ready to begin heading toward my final plan. My faithful Death Eaters are ready and so am I. It is time to show the world that Lord Voldemort is alive and ready to take over once more."

Wormtail shivered at his menacing words but nodded. "Shall I gather everyone together, My Lord?"

"Yes, we must not delay any longer. We leave before the sun rises."

Wormtail made a last hurried bow and rushed from the room, letting the doors bang shut behind him. Voldemort stared at the wand in his hands and an evil smile played at the corner of his lips.

"Let the games begin," he whispered.


Screams and shouts filled the air around the beautiful country home on the outskirts of London. Curses could be heard throughout the din and brilliant flashes of light glared through the smoky haze of the burning building. The cries of a young child were faintly heard, along with the pleas of a mother. A flash of green light lit up the sky and the mother was silenced.

Death Eaters swarmed around the almost destroyed house, their bone white masks turning a shade of blood red from the flames. Their maniacal laughter rose over the roar of the fire as they tortured the young man before them. He screamed and writhed in agony, which only further prompted their actions.

Lord Voldemort watched uninterestedly from a distant, his gaze fixed on the now collapsing house.

"Any moment now," he muttered.

Sure enough, a succession of echoing cracks was heard all over the area. Aurors from the Ministry of Magic Apparated out of nowhere, wands drawn and faces set, ready to face their enemies.

The Death Eaters swung around sharply, one of them quickly uttering the Killing Curse at the man before he could flee. He fell ungracefully to the earth, and as soon as he hit, the battle broke out.

The shouts of spells and curses was strangely magnified in the open field. Wands were waving everywhere, engaging in duels and creating havoc. The brilliant colors of light were tripled, some missing, some hitting their target. Yells of pain and triumph could be heard from both sides. The Aurors greatly outnumbered the Death Eaters, and as the minutes wore on, the battle was obviously in their favor.

Voldemort was choosing not to join in the battle. He preferred his duels to only rest with two people: Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter, both of which were not present. His red eyes glared around, knowing Dumbledore would eventually appear. The hunger to get back at the old wizard after their duel in the Ministry of Magic grew within him and he felt a sudden need to enact some sort of revenge. His eyes fell on a pair dueling not far from him and he grinned evilly.

Oh, Dumbledore, you old fool, time to bring more sorrow into your life! he thought, moving his wand idly in his hands.

Sturgis Podmore sent a perfect Stunning Spell at the Death Eater before him, who slumped to the ground. He quickly had thick cords appear out of nowhere and bind around the unconscious man, before turning around to find a new target. He had barely moved two steps when the hair on the back of his neck rose and a shiver ran down his spine.

"Well, well, well," the hissing voice of Voldemort sounded behind him, "what have we here? A pathetic Auror who just took one of my men down? I can't have that!"

Sturgis turned around to face the vile creature, trembling, but holding his wand firm. Voldemort's wand was pointed directly at his heart and his eyes were burning with an unknown hatred and a thirst for death. Sturgis stood his ground though, he refused to bow down to Lord Voldemort.

"I'm prepared to fight you!" he shouted in a surprisingly strong voice.

Voldemort's eyes glinted even more and he let out a low chuckle. He raised his wand higher and put himself in a dueling stance.

"Then fight!"

Sturgis quickly raised his wand as well but before he could open his mouth, Voldemort shouted a spell at him.


Sturgis fell to the ground in agony, screaming. His wand slipped from his hand and it felt like his whole body was on fire. He vaguely heard Voldemort laughing at him but numbness was already setting in. A few seconds later, the spell was taken off and he lay on the grass, panting.

"You fool," Voldemort spoke quietly, slowly stepping forward, "you think you can duel me? Lord Voldemort can not and will not be defeated by someone as worthless as you. It is time to say good-bye. I have no use for you anymore. You are simply a message to be sent to Dumbledore."

Sturgis desperately sought for his wand as Voldemort once more raised his. His hand finally grasped the slippery wood and he raised it.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort shouted above him.

Sturgis ducked and managed to yell weakly, "Protego!"

But nothing can block the Killing Curse, and Sturgis knew this. It was only meant to be a last chance at defending himself and not giving in to the Dark Lord. The Killing Curse sliced through the protective shield and hit the man straight in the heart. He collapsed fully to the ground, his eyes wide open, his wand falling out of his limp hand once more.

Voldemort let out a hysterical round of laughter. He gazed with delight upon the body of Sturgis Podmore, satisfaction filling him.

"There you are, Dumbledore, you fool! One of your mighty supporters has fallen before me within minutes. Soon, you and Harry Potter will be joining him as well. I await the meeting with pleasure!"

Voldemort laughed once more and quickly muttered, "MORSMORDRE!"

The vast, green, glittering image of a skull with a serpent slithering from its mouth quickly rose up into the sky and shone its eerie light all over the battlefield. The Death Eaters, seeing the sign, quickly Disapparated, leaving the still-fighting Aurors staring at blackness. They swung their wands at Voldemort but he disappeared in a flash of smoke, dead silence following him.

Many miles away, in a dark room of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore stared out into the star-studded night, his eyes fixed on some unknown point in the distant. He finally turned away and looked to his desk, as if seeing a person that wasn't there.

"So, Tom," he whispered, "this is the beginning of the end. So be it."


December twenty-fifth dawned bright and beautiful but cold. Snow was several feet thick all over the grounds of Illustris and more was still falling. The rays of the sun fought weakly to make their way through the gray clouds. The forest behind the castle was covered in layers of ice and snow, the leaves gone and the darkness within looking even deeper.

Over the two training areas set outside, the Professors had formed magical barriers to keep the snow and cold from penetrating within. The Four Heirs were practicing hard every day and slowly but surely, they kept improving. The time for the Final Battle was drawing closer and closer every day, always in the back of their minds, one of the main things that kept them going.

But today was Christmas Day, so there was no training taking place. The Four Heirs were clearly enjoying their one day of freedom and were sleeping in. Only the sound of gently falling snow and the occasional snore from one of the two boys could be heard breaking the peaceful silence.

Around ten o'clock, Harry woke with a start and an uneasy feeling in his stomach. No visions had been within his dreams that night but as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, he couldn't help but feel that something bad had happened.

Shoving his glasses on, he looked toward the slightly frosted window and watched the snow spin downward for a few minutes. Running a hand wearily through his hair, the clench in his stomach never left and Harry could hardly believe it was Christmas. Could something have happened on this day, of all days?

Kicking off his covers and rising from the bed, Harry didn't even bother to change out of his rumpled t-shirt and pants and went to the door, quickly opening it and stepping out into the Common Room. He immediately noticed he was the only one awake and sat himself on the couch before the crackling fire, staring blankly into the flames.

A beautiful Christmas tree stood a few feet to the left of the fireplace, covered in sprinkles of snow, bejeweled ornaments that flashed different colors, holly branches, and golden owls. The star on top twinkled like a real star and the owls hooted serenely every few minutes. Presents were piled on the rug underneath the tree, each wrapped in a different bright color.

But Harry paid no attention to this lovely sight, and instead put his face in his hands and started muttering under his breath.

"Ugh…it's Christmas morning and here I am, acting like Voldemort just took over." He sighed deeply and then said, "Why do I have such a horrible feeling right now?"

Harry shut his eyes tightly, willing his brain to stop thinking. He wanted to enjoy this day, a day where no training was to take place and him and the others didn't have to think about the Final Battle. With each day and with each new spell they learned, the Heirs felt the growing weight of anxiety resting on their shoulders. They felt even more, the reason why they were learning all of this. Everything that would happen in this war would be because of them. Their actions would make the decision of which side would win. The pressure was immense and Harry knew they were all feeling it.

The Heirs of Hogwarts. A gift and a curse. The chosen and the unwilling. The saviors of the world. They did not choose this destiny, others long before them did. And now, more than ever, Harry was beginning to hate the Founders and hate Merlin.

Ever since he had heard the Prophecy about himself and Voldemort, Harry had despised being chosen. He felt anger that his life was not allowed to be normal and he had to watch everyone he loved suffer and die. But though he felt grief at Sirius' death, Harry had come to terms with the entire situation. He had a duty to perform and he refused to back down. He still doubted himself and his abilities but he promised himself he would not go down without a fight. Voldemort wouldn't take him with ease. Harry owed that to every person in his life that fought for him. Whether he died or not, at least he would feel comforted in the fact that he had fought.

But Harry had never expected anyone else to fight his fight. His mission was to protect all of those that stood by him, all of the innocent. He wanted to protect those he didn't know, but most of all, he wanted to protect Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, Ginny, Neville, Luna, McGonagall, Remus, and everyone else who stood by him. Hell, as much as he hated him, he even wanted to protect Malfoy, for no one deserved to live under the reign of Voldemort.

The Prophecy of Merlin had changed everything though and now some of the ones he loved most dearly were a direct target. This was the last thing he wanted. It wasn't right, this was his battle, not theirs. They did not deserve this. Ginny, Hermione, and Draco should never have been put in this position. But now they were and Harry felt utterly helpless. They would face down Voldemort and Heirs or not, they might die. Harry could barely stand that thought and he hung his head.

"They don't deserve this," he whispered angrily, wiping the scattered tears running down his face. "Why couldn't it just be me? I'm suppose to fight Voldemort, not them. They shouldn't be wondering if every day might be their last, it's not fair. Why did that damn Prophecy have to be made?"

Harry shut his eyes again, willing his anger to go away. He sighed deeply and blinked his eyes open to stare at the fire. He knew he shouldn't questions the other Heirs' abilities. They were very capable of fighting and defeating Voldemort. But guilt hung over Harry and he knew he would never be able to shake it away. His stomach clenched once more as he remembered why he had been thinking these thoughts. The bad feeling swept over him like water and he knew something terrible had happened last night.

"But what?" he muttered.

Harry's concentration was broken by the creaking sound of a door opening. He jumped and quickly wiped his eyes once more, removing all remnants of his tears. He turned his head toward the sound and saw a disheveled and weary Draco coming out of his room.

"Happy Christmas, Malfoy," Harry said in what he hoped was a nice tone.

Draco stopped short and stared at him blearily before grunting out a reply and slouching into one of the armchairs.

"My, aren't we chipper this morning?" Harry commented dryly, a little offended at having his greeting being practically ignored.

"Sod off, Potter," Draco mumbled into his hands.

Harry huffed and then said, "Well then, what crawled up your arse and died?"

Draco's head shot up and he glared hatefully at the black-haired young man. "I said, SOD OFF!" he snapped loudly.

Harry narrowed his eyes and raised his hands up in defense. "Back off, Malfoy, I was just trying to be nice. You don't have to chew my bloody head off for it. All I've done is tried to make conversation with you, tried to put some of those bad memories behind us, but you keep making things extremely difficult. For once in your life, don't be a complete prat!"

Harry glared at him once more before crossing his arms and staring moodily at the tree. Draco watched him with a mixture of anger and guilt on his face, trying to figure out exactly why he had snapped at Harry. His moods had been haywire for a while now and he blamed the fiery Weasley for that.

Damn her for getting under my skin, he thought bitterly.

The truth was, ever since they had kissed up at the top of the tower, his thoughts had been consumed by her. He would never admit to that but he felt his tough resolve crumbling every time she was near him. Draco hated himself for letting emotions get the better of him and for letting himself fall for a Weasley. He knew he liked her but he was very reluctant in even admitting that fact. Draco figured the only person he could blame was Ginny herself, so he did. He tried desperately to ignore her but she always found her moments to get to him, like when she had kissed him on the cheek in front of Harry and Hermione. His mind was on an internal battle, thus the mood swings and bursts of anger.

Draco finally opened his mouth, actually considering apologizing to Harry, when another door was heard opening and the source of Draco's annoyance stepped out. He scowled unhappily at her and mimicked Harry's position of staring into the fire.

Ginny didn't even notice and smiled brightly at the two boys.

"Happy Christmas, Harry!" she exclaimed, giving him a hug.

Harry returned the hug and smiled for the first time that morning. "Same to you, Gin," he replied, nodding.

"Draco," Ginny said, her eyes lighting up as she turned to him, "Happy Christmas."

Draco grunted and said coldly, "Ginevra."

Ginny raised an eyebrow at him in surprise and quickly tried to mask the hurt look on her face. Harry saw though and he shot Draco a hateful stare, for he understood why Ginny was hurt. He might not agree with the young Weasley's choice of who she loved but he refused to condemn her for it. He tried to give Ginny a reassuring smile but she had wandered over to the tree and was trying to distract herself by finding her pile of presents.

Harry was just kneeling down on the floor with her to help, when Hermione finally stepped out of her room, looking very refreshed. She smiled happily at her three companions and sent out a loud "Happy Christmas!" to announce her arrival.

Harry jumped up and gave her a big hug in greeting, feeling finally comforted now that Hermione was in his presence. Draco made a funny coughing noise behind them and Ginny just smiled in a wistful way, eyeing Draco the entire time.

The problems from earlier erased from Harry's mind for a short while, he turned to the other two and said, "What do you say about opening some presents?"

Ginny excitedly nodded her head and Draco gave an uninterested shrug. Hermione and Harry stepped forward as Ginny shoved two piles of presents in their direction.

"There. I sorted everyone's gifts to make it a bit easier."

"Thanks, Gin," Hermione said as she reached for a small box wrapped in silver paper.

Ginny turned her eyes to Draco, shoving some gifts toward him. "Here," she said stiffly.

Draco rolled his eyes before leaning forward and snatching a box off of the top and then tossing it back and forth in his hands before peeling the red paper away. The sound of ripping paper and exclamations of gratitude was all that was heard for the next several minutes.

Ginny's face fell as she saw that her mother had, once again, knitted her a sweater. But the crestfallen look changed to one of surprise when she saw it was black with the Hufflepuff crest stitched into the center. Mrs. Weasely had also sent her a box filled with all of her favorite treats and several of her own home baked pies.

Setting those aside, Ginny reached for a fairly large box and giggled silently to herself when she saw it was filled with every joke item imaginable, courtesy of the twins, who had just opened up their own joke shop in Diagon Alley. She decided she'd be very careful with trying out some of the items.

Hermione leaned her head over and stared into the box on Ginny's lap.

"Oh, you got some from them too!" She pointed to the box in front of her that held many of the same items. "I have no idea what I'll do with them."

Ginny snorted and said, "We could always prank good old Snape."

Hermione grimaced and said loftily, "Even he doesn't deserve some of their tricks."

Ginny shook her head in amusement and grabbed a flat package wrapped in green. It was from Luna. Opening it, a small, leather bound book fell into her hand with the words Ginny Weasley's Diary stamped in gold letters across the front. Ginny flipped open to the first page and read,

Hey Gin,

I thought this was something you could use with all of the events happening in your life now. I know the last one you had was quite troublesome but I assure you, this one is safe. I hope you have a Happy Christmas and watch out for the Nargles in the mistletoe!

Love from,

Ginny set the diary aside, a bit apprehensive in trusting anything from Luna. Guilt filled her, remembering how much she was doubting her friend. She grabbed a gift that said it was from Ron and gasped in delight when she saw a pretty silver charm bracelet fall out with a small note attached.


I hope this is something you would like. I wasn't too sure, I'm horrible at buying gifts for girls but Luna went into Hogsmeade's with me and said you would love it. I picked out different things that I figured related to you. Hope everything is going well over there, I miss you. Happy Christmas.


Ginny quickly fastened the bracelet around her wrist and marveled at how much it sparkled in the faint light. She saw a tiny wand, a book, a crystal ball, a flame of fire, a badger, a lion, and a castle. She grinned happily, loving each little piece. Feeling eyes watching her, she looked up and saw Draco staring at her with a strange look in his eyes. He flicked his gaze over to the charm bracelet and then sneered at her before turning back to the book before him. Ginny swallowed nervously and reached for the gift from Hermione.

A fairly heavy and large book entitled The History and Life of Helga Hufflepuff was what she saw. She gave Hermione a quick hug.

"Thanks, Herm. I usually don't read but I think this might be interesting."

"Oh, I was hoping you would like it!" Hermione said as she was unwrapping her own sweater from Mrs. Weasley. Hers was a beautiful royal blue with the Ravenclaw crest stitched in the middle.

Ginny then reached for Harry's gift, which was a small crystal ball with a note saying, I thought this might come in handy.

Ginny placed it in her hand and stared at the beautiful silver mist swirling within. Now she would be able to practice her Seeing with her own crystal ball, not that old one of Professor Trelawney's.

"Thanks, Harry," Ginny said, holding it up.

"You're very welcome. Thanks for the new quills. Mine were starting to droop a bit." He pointed to the new set of Phoenix feather quills lying off to the side.

Ginny blushed and smiled. "I thought they might be appropriate."

Her eye was then caught by a small, slim package that had no note attached to it. Curiosity filling her, Ginny bent down and picked up the gold colored present and lightly shook it. A small tinkling rattle greeted her ears and her curiosity was peeked even more. Glancing over at Harry, Hermione, and Draco in turn to make sure they were all preoccupied, she started to tear the wrapping off.

Ginny didn't know why she felt like keeping this unknown gift a secret but she had that feeling it was something personal. A dark blue velvet box slipped out and Ginny checked once more before opening it. She gasped in shock and awe at the beautiful piece of jewelry that lay inside, surrounded by cotton.

It was a necklace, with a pendant of a tiny badger hanging from the silver chain. The eye had a small yellow diamond set into it and it flashed at her as if winking. Ginny raised her finger up and lightly touched the delicate piece, smiling at its beauty. She quickly unclasped it and placed it around her neck, feeling the cool metal against her skin. Her eyes was then caught by a small rolled up note almost hidden in the cotton.

Ginny quickly picked it out and carefully unrolled it. It read:

A badger's bite certainly can be as bad as a snake's. Both are stubborn and full of a fiery temper. So, the question is, who will fall first?

It was unsigned but Ginny knew immediately who it was from. Her eyes raised and locked with Draco's, who was staring at her once more. His gray eyes flicked to the necklace she was now wearing and then raised again to her eyes. Ginny glared back at him until he smirked at her and gave her a seductive wink. Disgusted, Ginny turned her head away from him before he saw her blushing. Touching the pendant once more, an evil grin spread across her face.

Well, two can play that game I guess, she thought.

Ginny looked at Draco again and sent him her own wink. His eyes widened in surprise before he understood her meaning and nodded his head. Ginny went back to her pile of presents, suddenly feeling sad.

"Maybe one day he'll love me," she whispered softly.

What she didn't know was that deep down, Draco already did, he was just too selfish to admit it. He gazed down at the wand holster that Ginny had given him and felt a wave a guilt go over him for treating Ginny the way he did. The present was made of a beautiful soft leather and the image of a green and silver serpent had been stitched intricately into the side. It must have cost her a small fortune. He sighed deeply and set it aside, resolving to one day finally give his heart to Ginny Weasley.

"But not yet" he whispered, turning his back on the red-head.

None of this exchange was noticed by either Harry or Hermione, who were too caught up in giving each other their gifts. Hermione shyly handed over the package for Harry that was wrapped in bright green paper. She chewed her lip nervously as he unwrapped it and opened up the box.

"Oh, Hermione, wow," Harry uttered softly as he drew the small golden Snitch out.

"You like it?" Hermione said in disbelief.

"I love it," Harry replied eagerly, giving her a hug and a kiss.

Relief washed over Hermione's face and she smiled. "Oh, I was hoping you would. I know you don't get to play Quidditch anymore with all of the training and everything so I wanted to give you something related to it. I wasn't sure though, it seemed so….cliché."

Harry shook his head. "No, its wonderful. I've always wanted my own Snitch to practice with. Thanks so much, 'Mione!"

Hermione grinned again and watched as Harry let the Snitch go and it started speeding around the room, flapping its tiny silver wings. Draco and Ginny both watched it for a second before Harry got up and quickly caught it as it flitted by. He placed it back in the box and shot Hermione another grateful grin, which sent her heart melting. He then reached down and placed a tiny bright blue box in her hand.

Hermione saw the very nervous look on his face as she began to unwrap it and she narrowed her eyes in confusion.

"Just open it," he said quietly, toying with some of the shreds of paper on the floor.

Hermione lowered her eyes back to the box and slowly lifted the lid. She gasped loudly in surprise and stared back up at Harry in shock.

"Harry, what….." she began.

"It's a promise ring," he explained quickly.

"Oh my," Hermione said as she lifted the beautiful white gold ring from its place and stared at it in awe. It was a small band with two small hearts in the center, one with a ruby stone, the other with a sapphire stone. A tiny inscription was engraved on the inner part of the band. It read: I'll love you forever. HJP&HJG

Tears filled Hermione's eyes and she threw her arms around Harry in a tight hug. He gripped her back and softly rubbed her back as she cried on his shoulder.

"Shhh…don't cry, Hermione."

"I'm just so happy! Thank you, Harry. It's absolutely beautiful. I love you too."

She leaned back and they shared a loving kiss. When they broke apart, Hermione slipped the ring on her finger and smiled at Harry through her tears.

"I'm never taking it off," she whispered firmly.

Feeling elated at her comment, Harry kissed her again, not believing he could love one woman so much. The fact that she loved him back was just unbelievable and he knew he was the luckiest man alive.

I can never, ever lose her, he thought, fighting back his own tears.

"Happy Christmas, Hermione," he whispered.

"Thank you, Harry," she replied back, never loosening her hold on him.

Ginny watched them, tears shining in her own eyes at the tender scene before her. They were such a perfect couple in her eyes, true soul mates. She glanced toward Draco and was made speechless when she saw he was quickly trying to wipe his own tears away. He didn't notice her look and busied himself with the rest of his presents, obviously ashamed of his show of emotion.

Ginny felt the need to say something to him, but before she could, the portrait entrance burst open and Professor Dumbledore hurriedly stepped inside.

The Four Heirs leapt to their feet in shock and stared at the downcast expression on the Headmaster's face. The lines on his face were even more pronounced and not one spark was seen in his blue eyes. His shoulders were sagging as if under a great weight and he looked weary and tired.

The clench reappeared in Harry's stomach and he gripped Hermione's hand tightly, feeling the cool metal of her ring on his palm.

"Professor…." he started to say.

Professor Dumbledore cut him off though. "I'm sorry to do this, especially on Christmas Day, but I am afraid I have some bad news."

Draco's face remained blank but the other three showed signs of fear. Dumbledore hung his head for a second before looking them in the eye again.

"Voldemort attacked a Muggle house on the outskirts of London very early this morning. The family was killed by the time the Ministry arrived. A battle broke out and the Aurors were winning until Voldemort decided to enact some revenge and he killed one of the Aurors himself, something he never usually does."

Dumbledore paused again and Hermione started trembling. "Who…who was it, Professor?" she asked quietly.

Closing his eyes, Dumbledore replied, "Sturgis Podmore."

Ginny let out a gasp and Hermione reeled, quickly grabbing onto Harry's arm for support. Draco shifted suddenly and Harry felt sick, his worst fear since that morning coming true.

"I…I didn't think he was an Auror," Harry said, not knowing what else to say.

"Not many people did," Dumbledore said sadly. "But Voldemort knew he was connected to me in some way so he took out his revenge for me on him. We have lost a valuable member of the Order of the Phoenix today. Voldemort has finally begun the Final Battle."

"Professor, what does this mean?" Ginny said softly.

Dumbeldore turned his eyes to her and said, "It means you must all train harder than ever now. The final day approaches where you four must fight him. The Power of the Four Heirs will be revealed and the destruction of Voldemort will come about. But none of you have yet truly realized the Key to the Light coming out victorious. Once you have realized the depth of it, you shall then win. Search into yourselves and you shall find something that has been there all along."

The Four Heirs stared at their Headmaster in deep confusion and thoughtfulness. Dumbledore smiled sadly and nodded his head at them.

"Please try to enjoy the rest of this day. I am truly sorry to have to tell you this sort of news but you now know how important it is for the four of you to train and defeat Voldemort. The survival of the world depends on it. Mourn Sturgis Podmore and never forget how he valiantly defied Voldemort and fought him until the end. Fight for him and all those who have died by Voldemort's hand."

Dumbledore backed out of the room without another word and absolute silence followed in his wake. Determination was now fully set in the minds of the Four Heirs. It was now time to begin the fight they were destined to fight since their birth. It was now time to truly defy Voldemort and show the power of good over evil. It was now time to show who the Heirs of Hogwarts really were.


Author's Note: Oh wow, I am so so so sorry about how long it has taken for me to get this update out to you guys! Like I said, college life is really hectic right now and as it is, I'm already behind on a lot of my studying. I've known for a while how I wanted to write this chapter I just never found the time to actually write it. I finally did though so, here you go! I really hope you did enjoy the chapter. Its a bit longer and it has some action and a bit of fluff too, more H/Hr, lol. I also made it a bit AU with Sturgis Podmore, I'm not sure if he really is an Auror but he is for the purposes of this story. I'm sorry to kill him off too, but it was necessary to make the Heirs realize how important it is for them to train and discover the Key.
I'm so grateful for all the awesome reviews I keep getting. I'm amazed at the support and its awesome to have such great fans of the story. I really do hope you enjoyed the chapter and I ask you to again, please review! I love all the feedback! I'll try and write the next chapter whenever I can and I will try not to take so long with it. I really don't know though so, please please be patient with me!!
Much Love,