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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts

The Heirs of Hogwarts

Chapter Twenty-Four - Of Unicorns and Foxes

Hermione woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring and sunlight pouring through her open window, hitting her directly in the eyes. Unwilling to wake up but knowing she had to, Hermione rolled over, turned the alarm off, and sat up in her bed, yawning. Another day of classes awaited her and the other Heirs.

At least individual lessons didn't take place today. Hermione rolled her eyes as the thought crossed her mind before swinging her legs over the side of the bed and then standing up. As she ran a brush through her tangled brown hair, Hermione started thinking about what was planned for the day ahead.

Occlumency lessons with Snape. Always a joy, she thought bitterly.

Today the Heirs were going to be actually performing their Elemental powers before taking what they knew of Occlumency and controlling the degree of damage they allowed. It was going to very complicated but they were having class outside so Hermione wasn't as worried.

In their physical training, Moody was getting tougher and tougher. All of the Heirs were exhausted when they left that lesson and could barely perform for Professor Lupin. At the moment, Moody was teaching them self-defense and Hermione found herself to be quite good at it. With a slight smile on her face, she remembered how she had successfully beaten Harry the other day. He was still sulking and bearing a couple bruises on his body, much to Draco's delight.

As Hermione moved into the private bathroom that was connected to her room, she reminisced about her Defensive and Offensive Dark Magic class. She was having a wonderful time in that class and was only just behind Harry as the best of the Four in it. Not surprisingly, her extensive research of curses, spells, and hexes was helping her immensely. Ginny was slowly improving the more lessons she took and the fact that Hermione was helping her on the side was part of it too. Unfortunately, Draco wasn't too happy about the whole deal. To say he was upset when Ginny had beaten him in a duel was putting it mildly.

Hermione smirked a little as she washed her face. It was obvious there was something between Ginny and Draco. If only Draco would make a move because Hermione knew Ginny had tried enough on her own to break through the icy heart of the Slytherin Heir. She could tell he wasn't as malicious as he used to be and actually seemed to be getting along with the other Heirs, but something was still holding him back. Maybe if she talked to Draco…..

Should I even get involved though? Hermione thought as she absentmindedly turned on the shower.

She knew Ginny wouldn't be very happy with her but maybe if she made some sort of comment, Draco would finally get his head out of his arse and seal another bond between the Heirs. Or maybe she could talk to Ginny even, whoever she came upon first. It was worth a shot no matter what.

Her mind made up, Hermione stepped into the shower, remembering the most exciting thing that was going to happen that day. An Animagus lesson with Professor McGonagall that would truly prove what Hermione's and Ginny's animal transformations were going to be. Harry and Draco had been focused on mainly in the last few lessons because they were both so sure of what they were going to change in to.

Hermione, though fairly positive she was to be a Unicorn, had requested more time from Professor McGonagall to study up on different Animagus forms. Ginny was still at a complete loss, tentatively saying she would be a Hippogriff just to please her Professor with something.

Today would be the day both girls would find out for sure though. Professor McGonagall would perform a simple spell to confirm the transformations and then just a few more lessons and all Four Heirs would be able to change into their respective animals.

Removing herself from her thoughts, Hermione finished washing her hair and stepped out of the shower, drying herself off. She wrapped her dark blue towel tightly around her body before picking up her wand and performing a quick drying spell on her hair. With another flick, her hair instantly hung down her back in neat spiral curls. After applying light makeup, Hermione returned to her room and dressed in a sweater and jeans.

With a wave of her wand, the room suddenly looked neat and tidy. A satisfied smile spread across her face as she picked up her bag and exited to the Common Room. The first person she saw was Ginny, sitting on a couch and pouring over a book Hermione had lent her, You and Your Animagus Form.

"How's the reading going, Gin?" Hermione asked as she nodded toward the book.

Ginny looked up and shrugged her shoulders. "Not bad. I'm still thinking a Hippogriff but I'm not sure. I've got this gut feeling I'm going to change into another animal, but what?"

Hermione didn't blame the younger girl for looking utterly exasperated. She's been looking at different books for months on this topic.

"I'm sure you'll do fine with whatever your transformation is," she said softly, resting a hand on the redhead's shoulder. "Don't worry, Gin."

Ginny smiled, finally closing the thick book. "Thanks, Herm. I know you're right."

Hermione laughed. "As usual. Now, where are those boys?"

As if on cue, Draco walked out of his room, looking immaculate as always in neatly pressed clothes. He gave a curt nod to both girls and walked out of the Portrait Entrance. Ginny sighed deeply as she watched him go, earning a quick glance from Hermione. Ginny blushed and looked at the floor.

"Why don't you go after him, Gin?" she said quietly.

Ginny gave her a shocked look. "Are you crazy? Me? Go after Draco Malfoy? No….no, that's not going to happen." She even emphasized her point by backing up a few steps from the door.

"Oh, come on, Ginny. I know you like the git and you're the only one he really responds to. Just… to him, try and settle some differences. I think he may like you as well."

Ginny looked slightly hopeful at Hermione's words but a trace of doubt could still be seen in her eyes. Chewing her lip thoughtfully, she continued staring at the back of the portrait, the blonde boy who had just left through it now on her mind.

"Fine," she said suddenly, "I'm going. Not because you asked me to but because I want to. See you in Occlumency, Herm."

Ginny grabbed her book bag off the floor and left the Common Room, Hermione smiling knowingly after her.

"Well, well, well, Miss Granger, when did you become a Matchmaker?" a voice said slyly to her right.

Hermione's smile widened and she turned to look over at her boyfriend, who was leaning on the doorframe to his bedroom. Harry was smirking at her, his eyebrow raised and his arms crossed, looking very amused.

"Just now in fact, Mister Potter." She waved her hand toward the door. "And I'm about to have my first match succeed."

Harry laughed as he made his way across the room, stopping before Hermione and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Ginny Weasley and Draco Malfoy? Who would have thought they would ever hook up? Ron's going to have a fit." Harry dropped a kiss on her lips after he spoke.

"As long as Ginny is happy, I don't think it matters what any of us thinks," Hermione said wisely.

Harry scowled a bit. "Malfoy better not hurt her though, I already warned him. I may be getting along with him better now since I've been helping him with the Parseltongue but if he breaks her heart……." He trailed off, clenching his fists together.

Hermione grabbed his arm and gave him a stern look. "Watch it, Harry, no need for that. I don't think we need to worry though, I truly think that Draco cares for her and has no intentions of letting her go."

Harry grinned and gave his girlfriend another kiss. "You're always right, 'Mione."

Hermione laughed before taking his hand in hers and leading him from the Common Room. "Come on, Mister Potter, we're going to be late."


Ginny walked briskly down the corridors, searching for Draco with every turn she made. She had no idea why she decided to listen to Hermione but in the back of her mind she knew she wanted to find Draco. Ginny knew she was in love with him, despite how much of a bastard he was. She couldn't help herself, there was just something about him. She couldn't pin point it to something specific but whatever it was, made her love him. Ginevra Weasley loved Draco Malfoy.

With a smile, Ginny turned another corner, finally seeing Draco ahead of her at the far end. His head was slightly bent and he was walking very slowly, as if he was dreading Occlumency. Surprising because Ginny knew he thought highly of Professor Snape and any class he taught.

Heart pounding, Ginny started running down the corridor, determined to catch him before he entered the classroom.

"Draco!" she yelled, her bag banging against her legs.

The blonde Slytherin froze midstep but made no move to turn around. Ginny skidded to a stop next to him, panting softly. Nerves took over once more but she forced it down and tentatively reached a hand out to touch his shoulder.

Draco jumped away from her before she could, whipping his head around to glare at her.

"What, Weasley?" he snapped, gray eyes flashing.

Ginny backed up a few steps but returned his glare. "I just wanted to talk to you. No need to bite my head off."

Draco snorted and moved to the other side of the corridor to lean against the wall. Raising an eyebrow at her in a mocking fashion, he smirked at her.

"Well, talk. What do you want?"

Ginny sighed again for the millionth time that day. This wasn't going to be easy. Draco may have kissed her a few times, he may have seemed to sort of break down, she may have gotten through to him slightly, but he was still Draco Malfoy. He was raised to be the way that he acted, and nothing, nothing, would ever totally change that.

"I…I…" she paused, taking a deep breath to calm herself down. "I want to know what your problem is. I'm going out on a limb here but there seems to be something between us. You may be Draco Malfoy, the cold hearted bastard of Slytherin, but I've seen another side of you. I've seen a softer side, one that shows that you truly do have a heart. And I like that side of you, I want to see more of it. You've kissed me twice now and both times were of your own accord. Now you're treating me like crap. What do you want, Malfoy?! I'm tired of your games. Do you want to be with me, or not?"

Breathing hard, Ginny stopped her rant, hardly believing she had just said all of that. It was basically a confession of her feelings, telling Draco that she wanted to be with him. Embarrassment suddenly filled her when she noticed his hard expression had not changed nor had he made any reaction to her monologue. A deep red blush crept up her neck and she knew she should just leave.

"Umm….umm…I'll just be….going now," she stuttered, slowly stepping away.

How could I have just said all of that? she thought desperately. Stupid Weasley.

Only a few more steps down the hall, a strong hand suddenly gripped her upper arm, bringing Ginny back to reality. With a gasp, she was whirled around and found herself staring straight into Draco's silver eyes. A conflicting amount of emotions was swirling in their depths and Ginny was transfixed by their beauty. He had gorgeous eyes.

"Did you really mean that?" he asked gruffly. "Are you saying you want to be with me?"

Ginny gulped, trying to find her voice but couldn't. She merely nodded in response. Draco averted his eyes at her acknowledgment, as if thinking. He finally looked back up at her and Ginny swore he could probably hear her racing heart.

Draco then leaned forward so their noses were almost touching. "Yes," he said simply.

Ginny looked confused for a second before realization dawned on her and her brown eyes widened. Barely comprehending what had just happened, she was caught even more off guard when Draco leaned forward and captured her mouth in a gentle kiss.

Who ever thought gentle and Malfoy could mix? she thought in amusement.

She succumbed to the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening it. His hands went to her waist before his tongue lightly brushed her bottom lip, asking for entrance. Ginny granted it and their tongues slowly slid against each other, creating tingles up her spine. Draco finally broke away but kept his hands on her waist, giving her a cheeky grin. Ginny could only stare back, dazed.

"Come on, Weasley. Let's get to class before Snape murders us. I doubt Dumbledore would be very happy if two of his Heirs were suddenly eliminated."

Smirking, he grabbed the redhead's hand and tugged her down the hall. Ginny stumbled after him, a silly smile crossing her face.

Bloody hell, he's a good kisser. She thought dreamily. Oh, snap out of it, Ginny. No need to become a ditz over a kiss.

She felt Draco squeeze her hand, obviously asking for her attention. She looked up at him and smiled, squeezing his hand back. Ginny was very happy when she saw Draco had his own small smile crossing his face.


A few hours later, Hermione and Ginny sat before Professor McGonagall, waiting for her to look up from her stack of papers. Hermione turned and gave Ginny a quick wink, earning from the younger girl an embarrassed smile. Ginny had quickly told her good friend what had happened between her and Draco with a promise to fill in the details after class. Hermione was excited for her friend and it was wonderful to see her absolutely glowing. She made a mental note to give a hug to Draco later, no matter how much he squirmed.

Professor McGonagall finally cleared her throat, asking for the girls' attention. Both Harry and Draco had been excused from their Animagi lesson that day, as Minerva wanted to focus on the other two Heirs.

"Alright, both of you have submitted your essay to me, explaining what animal you think you will transform into and why. Very good by the way, if this was for a grade, both of you would be receiving O's." She smiled at her two students who grinned back.

Professor McGonagall stood up and walked in front of the two girls, leaning on her desk. "Now I know both of you have studied different books carefully for you were both unsure of your animal forms. As it is, only one of you was correct, I believe, in choosing the right form. The other, though close, didn't pick the right animal, but no worries, you'll just have to concentrate harder and become more attuned with your new form."

She paused, noticing both Ginny and Hermione looked nervous, wondering which of them was wrong. Professor McGonagall pulled her wand out of her robe pocket and pointed to Hermione.

"If you please, Miss Granger." She motioned for the Heir of Ravenclaw to stand up.

Hermione stood a bit shakily and moved so she was in front of her Professor. What if she was the wrong one? Hermione Granger had never been wrong about anything. Well, almost anything. She knew there were a few things she had slipped up on in the past.

"Don't worry, Miss Granger. This is a very simple spell I'm performing and it will not hurt. You'll just feel a bit of warmth go through your body. Now, please close your eyes."

Obediently, Hermione took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Professor McGonagall raised her wand and muttered the spell.

"Verto contineo!"

Hermione felt warmth spread through her body for a few seconds before she felt it leave her. Opening her eyes, Hermione watched as the smoky form of a Unicorn waved before her eyes before disappearing. Professor McGonagall smiled at her.

"Wonderful job, Miss Granger. It appears you were right. A Unicorn is a very loyal animal but amazingly magical. Very shy but noble. They are also sometimes associated with water because, well, they drink water." She laughed a little when she said this.

Hermione looked very happy. "Thank you, Professor. I'm excited now. I can't wait to fully transform."

"Just a little more training and all four of you shall be ready. You may go now, Miss Granger. I need some time with Miss Weasley."

With a nod, Hermione picked up her bag, gave Ginny a comforting smile, and left the classroom. Very pale now, Ginny stood up and made her way over to her Professor.

"Professor, I was so sure….." she trailed off, looking very unhappy.

"I know, Miss Weasley. I was thinking of a Hippogriff for you at first too, but it doesn't totally match up. Hippogriffs are proud creatures and hate to be insulted, much like you, but their other characteristics do not match. I have a feeling I know what your animal shall be but I will check you. Please close your eyes."

Ginny closed her eyes and much like Hermione, felt a sudden warmth pass through her. After a few seconds, she was told to open her eyes and Ginny was shocked to see the smoky form of an ordinary fox staring back at her. Her jaw fell open in horror. A fox?!

"Professor! There must be a mistake! A fox? That's an ordinary creature, not a magical animal!" She looked close to tears.

Professor McGonagall placed a gentle hand on her shoulder though and Ginny looked up at her. "No, Miss Weasley, not a fox. A Chinese Fox."

Confusion crossing over her face, Ginny opened her mouth to respond but Professor McGonagall shook her head, stopping her.

"Let me explain, Miss Weasley. A Chinese Fox is a magical creature. A very powerful one but also, in certain ways, an evil one. Chinese Foxes are Seers, which is no surprise that it connects with you since you are one. You will be able to See not only now but also in your Animagus form. Your Elemental power is Fire. A Chinese Fox can start fires with it's tail, which I believe will be a very useful item for you during battle."

Professor McGonagall watched Ginny's expression but so far she was not moving, just listening. She decided to continue.

"The Chinese Fox also carries traits of a regular fox. Very sly and very bright, much like you, Ginny. But I must warn you, a Chinese Fox has one bad trait. It is an ancient creature that is well-known in China as a Death Omen. It is believed by Chinese folklore that anyone who sees a Chinese Fox shall later die."

Ginny gasped. "I'm a…..Death Omen? How is this a good thing, Professor? I don't want to be a magical creature that is feared! The Chinese Fox may possess many good traits but a Death Omen? I'm not sure if I……" She stopped herself, not wanting to cry.

Why do I always have things like this happen to me? she thought.

Professor McGonagall sighed and stared hard at the younger girl. "Listen to me, Ginny. The Chinese Fox is a wonderful magical creature. You should feel blessed to be transforming into such a powerful animal."

"I'm not," Ginny snapped, firmly keeping her eyes to the floor.

Professor McGonagall knew she wouldn't be able to convince the Heir of Hufflepuff that her Animagus form was really a wonderful thing. She had a feeling that Dumbledore would be delighted to hear of the news. A small animal that looked almost exactly like a normal fox would be very useful in finding out information in the War. Most likely, only Voldemort would be able to see through the transformation but there was no need to worry about that yet.

Staring down at the dejected girl, McGonagall pitied her, deciding to let her leave.

"You may go, Miss Weasley. And please, just remember this. Not everything is as it seems. A lot of good shall come out of your Chinese Fox transformation. I hope the rest of your classes go well today."

She returned to her desk and started sorting through papers once more. Ginny nodded slowly before grabbing her bag and practically running from the room. Once in the corridor, Ginny collapsed against the stone wall and shut her eyes tightly.

She didn't want to be a Chinese Fox, it was completely unexpected. Draco would have lots of fun teasing her about being a Death Omen.

A Death Omen. Ginny sighed and pushed herself off the wall, starting her walk back to the West End Tower to drop her books off and then head down to lunch. As Professor McGonagall's words drifted through her head once more, Ginny begin to think that maybe, just maybe, being a Chinese Fox wouldn't be as bad as she first thought.


Author's Note: Finally, another chapter up and it didn't take me that long either! I had a lot of fun with this chapter and I'm quite proud of it so I hope all of you enjoyed it too! You now know the Animagus forms of Hermione and Ginny. A Chinese Fox is a true magical creature btw, I did a bit of research on it and everything I wrote is true according to folklore. I thought it would be good for Ginny to be something very different. I finally got Ginny and Draco together too! I hope all of you D/G fans are happy about that! :) I'm heading back up to school tomorrow so I dunno about being as frequent with the updates, I will TRY to write though, no promises though. I hate pausing this story, I'm enjoying it too much. I really hope all of you enjoyed the chapter and please please review! The next chapter is about wandless magic with Dumbledore so start looking for that! Thank you for all the wonderful reviews and remember to review this chapter! Oh, btw, verto contineo is another Latin term that is two words that seperately mean "transform" and "check" respectively.
Much Love,