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The Heirs of Hogwarts by PhoenixFirebolt

The Heirs of Hogwarts


Disclaimer: Everything in the Harry Potter world belongs to J.K. Rowling and her wonderful imagination. I only own the plot.

Author's Note: After not updating or looking at this story for a year now, I have finally decided to re-start it. I am so incredibly sorry to all the people who liked my first two chapters and wanted more for so long now. I am grateful for the reviews but this story wasn't going any where a year ago. I needed to take a break from it and set it aside. Now I know more clearly where I want it to go and I'm excited about writing it. I hope you guys will love it as much as you did before!
This chapter answers a good many questions but not all of them, cause where would the story be if I did everything now? lol. I truly am sorry for the long wait, I feel awful but I think the story will definitely be better now. So, enjoy and PLEASE PLEASE review!!!!
Much Love,

The Heirs Of Hogwarts
Chapter Three - It Has Begun

Two weeks after Hermione's discovery of the Prophecy of Merlin in the library, she sat with Harry and Ron in their usual corner of the Gryffindor Common Room, pouring over her homework. The world seemed to fade away as she diligently wrote an essay on Veritaserum for Potions. As much as she hated Snape, she quite enjoyed Potions, something Harry and Ron could never understand.

Half-way through the four sheet long essay, Hermione's concentration was broken by a burst of laughter from Ron, which was unconvincingly suppressed by a hasty round of coughs. Hermione looked up, her quill frozen in place and a very stern look in her eyes. Ron was sitting across from her, sniggering into his hand before noticing her gaze and smiling innocently at her. Harry sat in the chair next to him, biting his lip in amusement before waving cheerily at Hermione. Her eyes quickly found the sheet of parchment in Harry's other hand and she glared at him.

"What is so amusing?" she snapped in irritation.

Ron giggled some more and stuffed his fist in his mouth, tears coming to his eyes. Harry's eyes widened, however, and looked almost scared.

"Oh...umm.....nothing Hermione," he muttered nervously, "just....just go back to your essay."

Hermione was unconvinced and glared harder at him, making Harry gulp in fear and Ron just to giggle harder. Before he could react, she leaned forward and snatched the parchment out of Harry's hands. It was clear to her that he had indeed started the same essay she was working on but had lost heart a few sentences in. She raised her eyebrows in shock when she saw the drawing Harry had on the parchment, which involved Snape, a rather interesting rendition of a cauldron being thrown on his head, and a bewildered Snape being turned into a very disgruntled looking horned toad. Harry had obviously bewitched it to move and repeat over and over again.

Harry just watched her, his green eyes very wide while Ron still seemed unable to control his fit of giggles. Hermione set the parchment down on the table before picking her quill up again and turning back to her own essay.

"Well, I must say it is interesting. Though I did imagine Snape as more likely to turn into an overgrown bat."

Ron fell off his chair with another fit of laughter and Harry's jaw dropped open before he smirked and shook his head. "Ahh...that was too easy. Besides, don't want him flying off, do we? He can't frighten as easily as a toad."

Hermione hid a smile and scratched a new sentence on her parchment before turning a page in Advanced Potions. Ron finally pulled himself back into his chair, breathing hard and running a hand through his red hair. "That....has got to be of the funniest things...... I've ever seen. You're a damn good drawer too, mate."

Harry blushed and quickly folded the parchment up and pocketing it in his robes. "Nah, just a moment of inspiration you could say."

"Well, have another 'moment of inspiration' and actually write the essay this time," Hermione said sternly, her eyes never leaving her book, "You two really need to get working on your homework. You both are falling behind, we need to prepare for N.E.W.T.S!"

"Hermione," Ron said in exasperation, "have you forgotten when N.E.W.T.S take place?! They're not until next year! We have practically two years until then, plenty of time to prepare. Let us have some fun."

"Yeah 'Mione, come on, it was just a bit of a break," Harry said before grinning brightly at her. Hermione, unfortunately for her, looked up at that moment and found herself blushing furiously and unable to string two words together, her quill almost dropping from her hand.

" out for you two," she stuttered, feeling the need to run far, far away.

Harry looked at her in concern from her strange behavior but Ron raised his eyebrows, realization dawning on his face and a smirk on his lips. Aha! I should have seen it before. She fancies Harry! No wonder she's never dated before. Hmm....I think I need a talk with Lavender.......time to play a little matchmaking game.

He smiled wickedly at Hermione, who pointedly ignored him and looked out the window behind him. Why? Why did I have to blush right then? Ugh...I am so stupid! Hermione thought angrily. She avoided looking at Harry and Ron and they all fell into silence. Hermione returned to her essay while Harry grabbed a clean sheet of parchment and started to actually write his essay. Ron, however, pulled out a pack of Exploding Snap cards from his robes and begin to build a castle with them.

Hermione sighed, feeling defeated but wanting to say something anyways. "Ronald Weas --" her words stopped short as a searing pain coursed through her body. Ron looked up at her sudden stop of words and horror filled him when he saw Hermione.

Harry looked up as well and yelled, "Hermione!"

Just then, Hermione let out a horrible scream. She fell out of her chair and began writhing on the ground, clutching her head in a way Harry knew all to well. He clutched his own head like that whenever his scar burned. Her screams filled the Common Room and silence fell as everyone watched her in horror, too much in shock to move or help. An odd, bluish glow began to surround Hermione, her screams growing louder, the pain obviously increasing. She was shaking horribly, as if the Cruciatus Curse was being performed on her. The blue light around her increased to almost blinding and Harry and Ron covered their eyes. They were clueless as to what to do and both looked at each other in fear for their friend.

And just when Harry had decided he had witnessed enough and was going to go to Hermione even in her current state, her screams reached an ultimate pitch and the blue light vanished. Hermione stopped her screams and trembling and lay utterly still, unconscious from the ordeal. For a few brief seconds, a shadowy image of a raven appeared over her form but it disappeared before anyone in the Common Room could realize it was there.

Harry and Ron rushed to Hermione's side and Harry quickly checked for a pulse. Her skin felt very hot to the touch but to his immense relief, her pulse beat strongly.

"Wha....what happened to her?" Ron whispered frantically.

Harry shook his head, unable to speak. He picked Hermione up in his arms, carefully holding her and started to carry her toward the portrait entrance, Ron rushing after him. Everyone watched them nervously, unsure of how to react to what they had just witnessed. They all watched them leave, knowing they were heading for the Hospital Wing.

Harry and Ron exchanged no words on the way there, confused thoughts spinning through their heads. They somehow reached the Hospital Wing and Ron shoved the door open, finally finding his voice.

"Madame Pomfrey!" he screamed.

"What in the blazes is going on here?" Madame Pomfrey came rushing out of her office, an angry look on her face. "You can't just barge........" Her words trailed off when she saw the unconscious Hermione in Harry's arms. She put a hand to her mouth in shock.

"Oh my word, what happened? Bring her to the bed right here, lie her down," she quickly commanded, "Oh, the poor girl, what did happen?"

Harry placed Hermione gently on one of the beds while Ron explained brokenly what had happened. "Doing homework....Common light.....more screaming....." He still seemed to be in shock and fell quiet while Madame Pomfrey bustled around, grabbing potions off of shelves. She stopped suddenly and turned to Ron at his words, looking very grim and worried.

"I'll look after Miss Granger now. The both of you need to bring Professor Dumbledore here immediately. He needs to be informed of this, it is of most importance. The password to his study, I believe, is Sugar Quill. Now go, no time must be wasted."

Extremely confused, Harry and Ron quickly ran from the Hospital Wing to Dumbledore's office. They halted, panting in front of the large gargoyle and uttered the password "Sugar Quill." The gargoyle jumped aside but before they could step on, Dumbledore stood before them, a very grave look on his face. "Lead the way," he said simply.

Ron took off down the hall but Harry trailed back with Dumbledore. "Professor, how did you....?"

Professor Dumbledore shook his head. "I just did Harry, that's all you need to know now. This is a very serious situation. The thing I feared would happen has now begun. The Prophecy is starting to be fulfilled."

More confused then ever now, Harry opened his mouth to say more but was silenced by Dumbledore's hand. "No time to explain now Harry, we must attend to Miss Granger at the moment. Once she is awake, I will explain. Though, I fear, I will not be able to answer all of your questions completely, not until......" he trailed off, seeming to be very unwilling to finish his sentence.

Harry was beyond confusion now. What the bloody hell is going on here? What does Dumbledore know that he's so unwilling to speak about? What's wrong with Hermione? And what did he mean by 'The Prophecy'? He can't mean the one about me and Voldemort, what does that have to do with Hermione?

Harry's thoughts were stopped when they reached the Hospital Wing once more. Dumbledore swept inside and began to speak in quiet whispers to Madame Pomfrey. Ron was already at Hermione's side, looking most upset. Harry sat in the chair at his side and put a hand on Ron's shoulder, who flinched as if he had been shocked.

"Its ok Ron, she'll be ok," Harry whispered, more to convince himself than Ron.

Ron nodded numbly. "I'm just scared Harry. She's one of my best friends, always there for me and you. It just seems weird to have something happening to her now."

"I know, mate, I know," Harry muttered.

Dumbledore turned away from Madame Pomfrey and stared sadly upon the sleeping Hermione. Harry and Ron watched him nervously before Ron blurted out, "Are you going to tell us what the bloody hell is going on here or are you just going to let us be kept in the dark while our friend lies here unconscious?"

Dumbledore smiled sadly at Ron. "My apologies, Mr. Weasley, I know this is most unfair to you but this is a very complicated matter. There is more involved here than simply Miss Granger going into a sudden fit. The Prophecy has finally begun, and much sooner than I expected."

"What prophecy?" Harry said angrily, fed up himself with Dumbledore's riddles, "Is this all that everything is ever based on, prophecies? First mine with Voldemort..." (Ron flinched.) "...and now this one! Will you just please tell us what has happened to Hermione!"

Dumbledore gave a very deep sigh. "I will tell you but be patient, Miss Granger should be awake for this. Poppy, please grab a vial of your Re-Awakening Potion." He held up a hand as Madame Pomfrey sputtered about Hermione needing rest. "I know she needs rest Poppy but this cannot wait."

With a huff, she marched off and returned with a small vial of a light purple liquid. She walked beside Hermione, tilted her head up, and carefully poured the liquid down her throat. A few seconds later Hermione let out a soft groan and her eyes fluttered and blinked open. A dazed look crossed her face and she grimaced in pain, obviously feeling the after effects of her earlier experience. She slowly sat up and her brown eyes flickered from an extremely upset and worried looking Ron and Harry to Dumbledore, who looked very serious and grim to Madame Pomfrey, who looked to be in a huff.

"Don't move too much dear. You really should still be asleep but Professor Dumbledore insisted that I wake you at the moment. I'll give you a Dreamless Sleep Potion when he is finished."

Dumbledore stepped closer to the foot of Hermione's bed. "I really am sorry to wake you Miss Granger but this is very important and with what has happened to you, the situation just became more grave. The Prophecy has started." He gave Hermione a knowing look while she stared back in understanding.

"You mean," she said quietly, "the Prophecy of Merlin is.......true?"

"Very much so, Miss Granger. It began with you much sooner than I anticipated."

" knew? You knew it was true but you did not tell us?" she said accusingly.

Dumbledore hung his head, looking almost ashamed. "I wanted to protect you four. I thought if I waited it would be easier. I was very mistaken."

"Wait, hold up," Ron said suddenly, "what exactly is the Prophecy of Merlin?"

"A very ancient prophecy, Mr. Weasley, proclaimed by Merlin himself. Merlin said that during a time of great evil in the wizarding world, Four Heirs would arise, the Heirs of the Four Founders of Hogwarts. They alone would be able to defeat the evil but not until they joined forces and the Key was unlocked. They would be able to perform special magic that ordinary wizards and witches are unable to perform. They are to be special Animagi, they are Elementals, and they have special, extraordinary powers." Dumbledore explained this all to an amazed Harry and Ron, who were gaping at him.

"There is a price though, something not written in the book you read, Miss Granger. A terrible tragedy has to befall the Four Heirs before their powers are unleashed because true powers are never realized until emotions take over, much in the same way in how you first became wizards. I am sorry that it comes along with it but the Four were marked since birth by the Founders themselves. There was nothing I could do to try and prevent this from happening, though, I often wished I could." Dumbledore sighed deeply again, seeming almost nervous.

Hermione stared in horror at Dumbledore before whispering, "Am of them?"

"Yes Miss Granger. You are the Heir to Rowena Ravenclaw. The Sorting Hat did wish very strongly to put you in her House, am I correct?"

Hermione could only nod numbly, beginning to feel speechless. She felt as if her throat was constricting and a horrible sensation within her was starting to grow. Her? The Heir of Rowena Ravenclaw? How was that even possible? As far as Hermione knew, she was the first out of her entire family to be a witch, so how could Rowena Ravenclaw, one of the greatest witches ever, be related to her? She shook her head in absolute disbelief. None of this made sense to her.

"Professor," she spoke quietly, "how is that even possible? I can't be related to her by blood, can I?"

"No, you are not, Miss Granger. You see, Helga Hufflepuff was a Seer. A true Seer. She predicted many events herself, much like Merlin. She looked into the future and she saw two witches and two wizards, all very powerful, and she could tell they were meant to do great things. She called upon Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin and informed them of these four. All of them agreed that they wanted parts of themselves transferred down to these four. Each got to pick the one they would most like to follow in their footsteps and marked them. Granted, she did not predict what they were meant to do nor did she even known of it, that was for Merlin to foretell, but the Founders did begin what would eventually lead to the Prophecy." Dumbledore stopped and stared again at his three students, all looking very shocked and seeming to have trouble comprehending so much information in one sitting. If they only knew the entire story, Dumbledore thought sadly.

"Miss Granger, I believe that is enough information as of now. You really do need your rest. Some new powers have been awoken in your body and you need time to adjust. There are some that still need to be realized though......" and he winced inwardly at knowing how the final powers would be achieved. "Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, you should return to your Common Room and inform your Housemates that Miss Granger is in no grave danger and will be perfectly fine in a few days. I ask though, that none of you repeat this to anyone. This information should not be spread around, due to the many consequences that could come from certain persons knowing of such details and facts." Dumbledore gave them all a very stern look which they merely nodded at.

Madame Pomfrey came hurrying forward, holding a goblet filled with the Dreamless Sleep Potion. "Come on dear, drink this. You need to sleep and rest your body."

Hermione took the goblet and was about to drink when her hand froze in mid-air. Harry gave her another concerned look. "What is it 'Mione?"

"Professor, you said a great price has to be paid to receive these powers? What kind of price do you mean exactly?"

This was the question that Albus Dumbledore feared the most. He knew every single Heir would ask him this question. All of them would ask, what was my price? He hated to answer them, he did not want to answer them. But he knew it was his duty to tell them. Every single one of them had a right to know, though he feared their loyalties may sway from knowing the truth. He stared blankly at Hermione and then his eyes flickered to Madame Pomfrey, and she understood.

Then Dumbledore, looking as if he had suddenly aged one hundred years and the weight of the world was resting on his shoulder, answered her in a quiet voice, "The one you love most dearly."

Madame Pomfrey tipped the goblet to Hermione's lips, forcing her to suddenly swallow the potion, and before Dumbledore's answer could register in her brain, she was fast asleep.

Harry and Ron sat frozen once more as Madame Pomfrey wiped a tear from her cheek. Professor Dumbledore hung his head and muttered once again, "It has begun."