Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Than Meets the Eye by E. C. R. Potter

More Than Meets the Eye

E. C. R. Potter

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and related characters are owned by J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury, Scholastic, Warner Brothers and various publishers. Transformers and related characters are owned by Hasbro, Takara, IDW Publishing, Dreamworks, and various publishers. No money is being made off of this work.

A/N Personally I'm having a harder time capturing the personalities of the post 1986 Transformers when compared to the pre 1986 Transformers, which is why so few of them come out in comparison. Sometimes I wonder why I even included them in this fic even though they add further depth to the core cast. Still, after this chapter I'm sticking predominately to the core Transformers cast.

Chapter 10: Enter the Scorpion

Rodimus stood up only to hear the treading of tires running down the street toward them. He gazed down the path and recognized something. "Hey, you remember that girl robot I was mentioning?" he said. "Well here she comes, with another friend of mine."

Ron looked up to see two vehicles driving toward them: a pink and white Buell Firebolt XB12R Motorcycle (very interesting how a motorcycle was running with no driver) and an army green Jeep Wrangler. The motorcycle transformed into a robot, one that was undeniably feminine in shape, posture, even in her stride.

"Rodimus what happened? What's going on?" Even her voice was female.

"Arcee, I just had a run in with the Insecticons," said Rodimus. He gestured to Ron and Luna. "Or more like they were having a run in with the Insecticons. I barged in and chased them off but then the girl started screaming." He glanced over at the remains of the burning house. "It seems that she had a loved one who just died in that fire."

"Oh my Primus," exclaimed Arcee. "I'll go see her." She made her way over toward Ron and Luna.

Rodimus turned toward the Jeep Wrangler. "Springer..." he frowned when he noticed that one of their party was missing. "Where's Ultra Magnus?"

The Jeep Wrangler, Springer transformed into his army green robot mode. "Out bug hunting," he said. "Aside from the Insecticons you're not going to guess who we've got intel on roaming the place."

'Scorponok," said Rodimus, a hint of anger in his voice.

Springer shrugged. "OK, I was wrong. You can guess."

"Not quite," said Rodimus. He pointed at the tracks he found. "He's the one behind the fire; left behind a calling card."

Luna suddenly sprung up and ran toward Rodimus. "WHERE IS HE?" she screamed.

"What?" exclaimed Rodimus. Luna started beating on his metallic feet.

"Where is he? Where is the one who did this?" she screamed in a very un-Luna like manner. She started beating on Rodimus's feet getting more and more hysterical. "Where's the one who did this? Take me to him! I'll kill him!"

"Luna stop!" exclaimed Ron. He forcibly pulled Luna away from Rodimus.

"Hmm. And I thought female 'bots had bad cases of emo," said Springer.

"I heard that," snapped Arcee, sounding annoyed.

"Come on Luna," Ron gently whispered into her ear. "The 'Looney' Lovegood I know isn't like this. The 'Looney' I know and love is always weaving tales about 'nargles' and 'heliopaths' or heading out on wild quests for 'snorkacks'. Where did she go?" Luna started to calm down though she was still crying. Ron suddenly realized he had said the word "love" and spluttered, "I-I-I mean we've been f-f-f-friends for quite some time n-now and-and I've rather grown fond... yeah fond of you as it is and... er..."

"It's like I'm a prisoner again. So helpless, not being able to help Daddy," whispered Luna in between sobs, causing Ron to perk up. "Only it's r-r-r-real this time. Oh God! It's real!" She clutched her bottle-cap necklace and whispered, "Daddy."

The Autobots were meanwhile discussing their next course of action. "Well, I'm going to be the big, bad mean dude here and say that Optimus Prime's orders were to meet up with his team at Canterbury," said Springer.

"Optimus will have to wait," said Rodimus. "I'm not about to abandon those two to Scorponok and the Insecticons. I'll go scout the area. Arcee, stick with those two. Springer, take to the air and see if you can find Ultra Magnus or the Decepticons."

Springer smirked and said, "You're the boss-man!" before transforming. However, instead of a Jeep Wrangler, he transformed into an AH-64 Apache Helicopter. Within seconds the helicopter had lifted off and was flying around over the treetops.

Ron was puzzled. "Wasn't he a car before? And now he's one of those helo-thingies."

"Springer's a triple-changer. That means two alternative modes," said Rodimus. "You two, stick with Arcee. And for the love of Primus don't do anything impulsive!"

Arcee gave Rodimus a look. "Look who's talking. I seem to recall a certain someone who..."

"OK! I got it!" shouted Rodimus, sounding somewhat embarrassed. "I'm going scouting. If I'm lucky I might even be able to find ole' stinger 'n claws." Rodimus made his way past several trees when he suddenly came face to face with a giant, purple and green, mechanical scorpion. "OK, I didn't mean that lucky."

The scorpion swung its tail hitting Rodimus straight in the chest. The Autobot went flying past the trees before he made full impact on of one the larger trees having just passed Arcee, Ron, and Luna.

"Rodimus? Are you OK?" exclaimed Arcee.

"I feel like I've just been pulverized by a combiner's right hook," muttered Rodimus. "This though, is a tail."

The giant mechanical scorpion, nearly twice as large as Rodimus sprang out from the woods, claws snapping and tail swinging. The first thing Ron thought was relief: it wasn't a mechanical spider after all. The next thing he felt was dread: it wouldn't make any actual difference whether it was a spider or a scorpion.

"Rodimus. We meet again in combat," snarled the scorpion.

"Yeah, not exactly ideal circumstances to ask you out on a play date, Scorponok," snapped Rodimus.

"Stand up and fight!" exclaimed Scorponok. "A warrior such as you should not be felled with merely a blow such as that one."

Rodimus smirked. "Who said anything about standing up? Arcee!" Rodimus instantly transformed back into his Dodge Viper form. Arcee leapt into the air and landed standing on top of the Viper.

"Don't do anything rash," Arcee said to Ron and Luna as she pulled out what looked like a cross between a sniper rifle and a crossbow. Ron, somewhat dazed could only nod.

Rodimus started driving circles around the scorpion as Arcee started shooting at it. Scorponok attempted to block the beams with his claws but couldn't prevent the damage that Arcee was inflicting on him. Whenever Scorponok flailed out with his claws or tail, Rodimus simply veered out of the way.

"This won't do," snarled Scorponok. He instantly transformed into his robot form, a large purple and green humanoid with orange horns and pincer claws instead of hands. He started firing missiles at the Autobots only for Rodimus to dodge every one with terrific driving sense while Arcee continued shooting at him.

"Whoa. Freaky," said Ron, gazing at Scorponok's robotic form.

Luna stared at Scorponok, the expression on her face unreadable. "That's the one," she whispered.

"What?" said Ron, coming to his senses. Before he could stop her, Luna ran toward the robotic battle.

"You killed my father!" she screamed. She whipped out her wand and fired a strong "Reducto!" at the scorpion robot. Scorponok's head was slammed to the side in whiplash but he was otherwise unharmed. He turned his attention toward Luna.

"If that is a challenge, consider it accepted," he said, pointing his right claw straight at Luna. Ron barely managed to tackle Luna out of the way of the missile.

Luna seemed to have regained her senses. "Oh God! Oh God!" she whispered. "Did I just..."

"Come on Luna, we have to go," exclaimed Ron. He turned around just in time to see Scorponok fire another missile at them. "Uh-oh."

Rodimus suddenly veered in between Ron and Luna. He and Arcee took the full blast of the missile and were blown away. Rodimus managed to change back into his robot mode but was clearly damaged. "Urgh," he grunted. "Springer, we could use some backup!"

"Kinda busy!" exclaimed Springer. Rodimus looked up to see that the helicopter was trying to fight off none other than the Insecticons.

"Bombshell, Kickback, clear the way. I am unleashing the clones-clones!" hissed Shrapnel. He released hundreds of metal pieces which changed into clones of the Insecticons. Instead of three robot insects, Springer found himself facing an army of robot insects.

"Oh no, no, NO!" exclaimed Springer. "Haven't you guys ever heard of 'fair fight'?" Springer started firing the Apache's machine guns at the clones. The clones fell easily before the bullets but there were so many of them that Springer soon found himself overwhelmed.

"Kill him!" yelled Bombshell. The clones continued crowding around the helicopter.

"Hey!" shouted Springer, "I've got better things to do tonight than die!" He started shooting down clones at a more furious pace.

Rodimus and Arcee meanwhile were desperately dodging Scorponok's missiles, dragging their damaged bodies as much as they could. Eventually however, Scorponok managed to corner Rodimus. "It seems I am finally the victor," said Scorponok.

Rodimus smirked. "Guess again." Scorponok suddenly found his legs smashed by the swinging form of the trailer section of a Freightliner Car Carrier Truck. The truck's cab was white while the carrier trailer was red and blue. Scorponok tumbled over into a heap with a ground shaking thud.

"Thanks a lot, Ultra Magnus," said Rodimus. "And for that matter, where have you been?"

The Car Carrier Truck, Ultra Magnus transformed into his robot form, a large red, white, and blue robot. His blue helmet had high horns and vents and he had a pair of large, rectangular pillars sticking upward from his shoulders.

"Looking for something ugly," said Magnus, gesturing to the struggling form of Scorponok. "Lost track of him until my audio sensors picked up the sounds of this battle."

"Awesome," said Rodimus. He, Ultra Magnus, and Arcee pointed their firearms into the air and started shooting Insecticon clones down.

Scorponok had finally managed to stand up. "You Autobots! Why I ought to..." a Bombshell clone fell on top of Scorponok's head. Scorponok stared at the clone until his face twisted into a smirk. "Decepticons retreat!" he ordered. When the Insecticons gave him a quizzical look he said, "I've got a better idea."

That seemed to be enough for the Insecticons. They flew off, taking their clones with them. Scorponok too transformed back into his scorpion mode and scurried away.

Springer touched down and transformed back into a robot. "Remind me to get the extra strength pesticide next time," he said.

"Where are they going?" asked Ultra Magnus.

"Beats me," said Rodimus. "Scorponok said something about 'a better plan'. That does not sound good?"

"What are we going to do now?" asked Arcee.

The Autobots glanced at each other, then at Ron and Luna. Ron was still comforting Luna whom finally seemed to have calmed down.

"Optimus Prime's orders are to meet with his group in Canterbury," said Ultra Magnus.

"I know that," said Rodimus. "But the Decepticons targeted these humans for a reason and until we figure out what Scorponok's after I don't think we should leave them alone." He turned to Magnus and said, "Contact Prime and tell him there's been a change of plans."

"What are you thinking, Rodimus?" asked Arcee.

Rodimus grinned. "Something wild," he said. He walked up to Ron and Luna and asked, "Hey, mind if we talk?"

Ron looked up at the robot, startled. "What?"

Rodimus grinned and said, "I've got a proposition for you."

A/N You know, I originally planned to make Rodimus act more like 'Hot Rod' for this fic. But now that I'm actually writing it out, he seems more like 'Rodimus Prime'. Oh well, I suppose it fits into the story better that way. Let me know what you think.