Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Than Meets the Eye by E. C. R. Potter

More Than Meets the Eye

E. C. R. Potter

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and related characters are owned by J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury, Scholastic, Warner Brothers and various publishers. Transformers and related characters are owned by Hasbro, Takara, IDW Publishing, Dreamworks, and various publishers. No money is being made off of this work.

A/N Woohoo! This is one of my favorite chapters yet. It's got action! It's got suspense! It's got tension! It's got a cliffhanger!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Read on dear readers. You will enjoy this one.

Chapter 13: Express or Shuttle

In no time September 1st came and Platform ¾ at Kings Cross was bustling with young students eager to start a new year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the cheery attitude however there was a generally tense feeling of fear clouding it all. There hadn't been a feeling like this since the years Voldemort had been in power and the wizarding populace was not keen on having it back.

Hermione was one of the Order's escorts on the train. She found a compartment at the front of the train and made herself at home pulling out a book. Curled right next to her was her beloved cat, Crookshanks accompanying her on the trip. Crookshanks's uncanny ability to detect untrustworthy people would definitely come in handy although Hermione wasn't entirely sure if Crookshanks could detect Decepticons. Of course, he had been acting rather agitated when she had brought him on board the express so he may have sensed something dangerous nearby.

Hermione was reading the last book of a series she had been following avidly for quite some time. Unfortunately, she had to admit that the last book as well as the previous book, were rather disappointing. There was no denying that the plot, setting, background, storytelling, narrative style, and buildup were absolute genius. Unfortunately the character development was frustratingly inconsistent and the romantic subplot downright sucked. And the series epilogue was just plain horrible in an annoyingly clichéd and cheesy way.

"Um Hermione... do you mind if we join you?" Hermione looked up from the book and was surprised to see Ginny and Luna enter the compartment.

"You're part of the Order's team as well?" Hermione asked.

"Myself, Mum, Dad, Percy, and George," said Ginny as she sat down opposite of Hermione. "We're all itching to get back at them after they blew off the roof of the Burrow and I've still got a score to settle with what they did to me back at Diagon Alley."

Hermione nodded. She turned to Luna and said, "Oh Luna, I'm sorry about your father."

Luna's expression was still sad but she managed a small smile. "I'll be OK," she said as she sat down next to Hermione. She pulled out her wand, pointed at her forehead and said, "Scourgify." As the cleaning charm whipped her hair about she noticed the questioning glances on Hermione and Ginny's faces. "It cleans the miteoads out of your head. You should try it."

Hermione and Ginny chuckled, relieved to at least see even a sliver of the usual Luna. "So Ginny, how have you been?" asked Hermione, hoping to make some light conversation.

Ginny raised an eyebrow. "How have I been? Let's see. Well recently between getting attacked by 'abnomalies' I've been debating on whether to wait for Harry to dump me or go on ahead and dump him myself," she said dryly. At Hermione's shocked expression she said, "What? It's not like you didn't notice that it was coming. You're the one he hangs out with all the time." There was no denying the slight bitterness in her voice.

Hermione's expression grew troubled. "Ginny. I'm so sorry..."

"Forget it," said Ginny dismissively. "I'm over it. And besides, this is probably for the best. I don't think we're suited for each other anymore: at least not in this universe anyway." At Hermione's questioning glance Ginny continued, "I don't think I ever quite let go of the image I had of him: the Boy-who-lived, the Chosen One, Saviour of the Wizarding World, yadda yadda yadda. I know that there's so much more to him than those titles but I grew up listening to those stories and they're hard to get rid of no matter what. I've never been able to get rid of them and see Harry for who he really is." She stared pointedly at Hermione and said, "Not like you have."

This brought out a blush on Hermione's face.

The Hogwarts Express whistled and started pulling out of Kings Cross. A few of the parents on the platform couldn't shake the feeling that something looked a little off with the scarlet steam locomotive but dismissed it. It was a magical train after all; maybe it just wanted to look different that day.

* * *

As the Hogwarts Express chugged along the English countryside a red and white F-22 Raptor flew high up in the air following the train. "Jetfire here, repoooorting in," said the F-22. "Well really though nothing to actually report. Train's chugging along fine and no sign of Decipti-creeps anywhere as the optic can see."

Down on the ground Ratchet, Wheeljack, Arcee, and Springer were in their vehicle modes following the train on some rough terrain. "Keep it in sight Jetfire. I have no idea how long we'll be able to follow the thing," said Ratchet.

"Oh? Why's that?" asked Jetfire.

"Hey! You try following a train that magically jumps tracks at every opportunity from the ground! It's a miracle we've even kept up with it up till now," exclaimed Wheeljack.

Jetfire sped forward, his jets blurring faster. "Well in that case I'll just continue surveillance. If I'm lucky maybe... wait... something's wrong!"

* * *

Hermione was reading another book enjoying the quiet when Crookshanks started hissing and spitting. Confused, she turned to her cat and asked, "Crookshanks, what's wrong?"


Hermione and Luna were shocked as their wands sailed out of their possession into Ginny's free hand. Ginny had her own wand trained on Hermione and Luna, a glazed lifeless look in her eyes. It looked like Ginny was under a spell similar to the Imperius yet with subtle differences.

"G-Ginny?" asked Hermione and Luna at the same time. Ginny said nothing and merely beckoned for them to step out of the compartment. Outside, Hermione and Luna were met with another horrifying sight: about twelve terrified students around eleven or twelve years old being held hostage by a glazed eyed Arthur and Molly Weasley while a glazed eyed George and Percy Weasley were severing the connections between the front carriage and the rest of the train. "W-what is going on?" demanded Hermione.

"Are they ready yet, Bombshell?" said a voice. To Hermione's horror, it was coming from the engine of the Hogwarts Express itself.

"All is well," said a voice from the roof. Luna instantly recognized it as the voice of the Insecticon Bombshell.

"Good. I can finally get rid of this paint job!" exclaimed the voice from the locomotive. The Hogwarts Express's engine suddenly started shaking itself causing what seemed to be a red shell to be shaken off piece by piece. In the end, what was thought to have been the Hogwarts Express was revealed to be in truth a black and purple British Standard Class Four Steam Locomotive. It would be the last thing Hermione would see for the next several hours as Ginny shouted, "Stupefy!"

* * *

Back on the Ark, Optimus Prime had been observing the events through visual and communications equipment. "Not good. Not good at all," he said. "Autobots, transform and roll out!"

* * *

"It's Astrotrain!" shouted Jetfire. "Well have no fear, Jetfire's here! I'm going down and taking him out!"

"Jetfire wait!" exclaimed Ratchet. "I sense Seekers flying in from the west!"

"Hey, if wizards want to fly around on broomsticks chasing after little gold thingies tell them to do it outside of my turf," said Jetfire.

"Not those kinds of 'seekers' you trademark infringement bootleg!" shouted Springer. "He means the 'Screamer's boys' type!"

"What?" said Jetfire. A second later he was suddenly rammed straight on by a US Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet. "Ah crud! Ramjet," muttered Jetfire as he fell to the ground. "And here come Dirge and Thrust plus three more." Just before he crashed, Jetfire transformed in his robot form complete with wings, visor like optics, and antennae on both sides of his helmet. As he was kneeling, Ramjet transformed into his robot form and was joined by two more F/A-18s and three F-22s Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp who all transformed into robots surrounding Astrotrain and the front carriage of the Hogwarts Express. Ramjet and the other two F/A-18 robots, Dirge and Thrust looked a lot like the F-22 robots, only their nosecones formed their heads.

"Ah, Jetfire," said Starscream, the leader of the jets. "Long time no see old friend."

"Starscream!" spat Jetfire, "can't say I'm happy to see you 'old buddy'."

"Now why do you have to say that after all that we've been through?" said Starscream, mockingly.

Jetfire scoffed, "Ancient history!" He fired his double-barreled rifle at Starscream. Starscream dodged the attack and fired back.

"Astrotrain, get a move on!" Starscream yelled as he and Jetfire continued firing at each other.

"Yeah, right on it," said the steam locomotive. He suddenly transformed into a NASA Space Shuttle and flew on top of the carriage. Dirge and Thrust started attaching connecting hooks from Astrotrain to the carriage.

"Stop them!" shouted Ratchet. He, Wheeljack, Springer, and Arcee transformed into their robot modes only to be stopped short by a series of missiles being fired toward them. Scorponok stepped out of the shadows of the surrounding woods, his claws pointed straight at the Autobots.

"So, this is the idea you were talking about huh?" said Arcee. Scorponok smirked before giving them a quick nod.

"It is rather simple, really," said Scorponok. "As you are all aware, Bombshell has those cerebro shells of his. Stick them in a brain whether robot or fleshling and he can control... ACK!" Scorponok was suddenly shot in the right side of his head and toppled to the side.

"That's enough of a monologue for now Scorponok." Optimus Prime stepped out of the nearby woods, his rifle, the ion blaster smoking. Accompanying him were Jazz, Prowl, Ultra Magnus, and Cliffjumper.

"Prime! You and your timing!" growled Scorponok, as he stood back up. Shrapnel and Kickback emerged from around him and Bombshell flew over to them as well.

Starscream also noticed the unwanted guests. "It's Optimus Prime! Wonderful," he hissed. "Astrotrain, get a move on it! Dirge, Thrust, Ramjet, Thundercracker, Skywarp, destroy them!"

Astrotrain took off into the air carrying the carriage as the Decepticons and Autobots attacked each other straight on. Ultra Magnus went straight for Scorponok, the two starting to battle it out. "I'm not letting you escape this time!" he yelled.

Scorponok smirked and said, "Who said you were going to be the one to face me?" Skywarp suddenly appeared in the air in front of Ultra Magnus and kicked him straight in the face. Magnus was knocked back as Skywarp placed himself in front of Scorponok.

"There's a lot more of that coming!" cackled Skywarp. Ultra Magnus suddenly veered back and rammed his fist straight into Skywarp's face, knocking him back straight into Scorponok causing the two Decepticons to tumble down.

"You were saying?" said Magnus.

Ratchet, Wheeljack, Cliffjumper, Arcee, Jazz, and Prowl were all engaged in an all around melee brawl and firefight against Dirge, Thrust, Thundercracker, Ramjet, Kickback, Bombshell, and Shrapnel. "Take that, Decipti-creeps!" yelled Cliffjumper as he jumped on Thrust's back and started pounding on his head.

"Get off!" yelled Thrust. He managed to throw Cliffjumper off of himself only to find himself facing Jazz.

"Whoa dude. I think you're going to need a little time out!" said Jazz as he leapt up and landed a twisting kick into Thrust's face. "What do you say, Prowl?"

"Too much chaos! Shut up! Please," said Prowl as he was shooting at Kickback and Thundercracker. He seemed to look a tad desperate.

"Hey buddy, chill out man!" said Jazz as he elbowed Thrust behind himself.

"I don't think a big time melee like this is Prowl's style," said Wheeljack as he shot at Dirge. "Then again I guess it isn't really anybody's style." Wheeljack proceeded to smash his left arm with a backward lariat into Ramjet's torso. "By the way, is someone trying to stop Astrotrain?"

"Kinda busy," said Jetfire as he was now engaged in a high altitude dogfight with Starscream. "Will someone please get him for me?"

"I will shoot Astrotrain down," said Optimus, readying his ion blaster. "Springer, you must catch the carriage. We cannot let any harm come to the humans onboard."

"You can count on me," said Springer, readying himself into a springing motion to catch the carriage. Prime lifted his ion blaster up, aimed at the fleeing space shuttle and...

WHAM! A silver jet with a distinctly alien design crashed straight into Optimus at high speeds sending him flying several hundred feet back through the woods. Optimus landed with a crash, somewhat dazed as the alien jet flew by and landed in front of him transforming into a thirty five feet tall silver robot. He was truly bestial in appearance from the large, hulking legs, the claws at the end of his fingers, the alien design of his armor, to the glowing red eyes. His most distinguishable features were his vaguely conical shaped helmet, the large silver cannon strapped upward on the right side of his back, and the even larger, twenty-foot long black cannon attached to his right arm. He glanced down at Optimus's fallen form and smirked. "What's the matter Prime? Surprised to see me?"

Optimus forced himself onto his feet, his stance ready for anything. "Megatron!"

A/N Originally this chapter wasn't supposed to be this action packed. It was just supposed to be the "Hogwarts Express" turned out to be Astrotrain and he takes a bunch of students plus Hermione captive (in my original plan Ted was supposed to be with Hermione as well but I dropped that). But then, I decided that it would be a great place to showcase a duel between Optimus Prime and Megatron before the final showdown during the climax as well as a good opportunity to use Bombshell's cerebro shells. Hence, you get one heck of an action packed adventure here.