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Unwanted Love by Harrys Mistress

Unwanted Love

Harrys Mistress

Okay, so here's a tiny little sneak peak of the Companion fic I was telling you about. I hope you like what I have so far. It starts off at the last night for Dameon at Hogwarts. Pretty much this story is not going to be at Hogwarts, mainly because I won't be able to write any scenes of Harry and Hermione if it was all at Hogwarts. Anyway, I don't know how long this is going to be, but probably not as long as Love Lost. Love Found. Hope everyone enjoys this and please let me know what you think!


Unwanted Love


Dameon Malfoy stood by the window of the Gryffindor dorm, peering out at the dark Hogwarts campus. He could see the great lake shimmering from the moonlight and smiled softly when he saw a large shadow of a large tentacle flapping out of the surface. Merlin, he was going to miss this place. Tomorrow, he would leave Hogwarts for the final time and although he was excited to start his new life, he would miss the one he had here for the last seven years.

So many people had told him to cherish his time at Hogwarts, because it would end as quickly as it began. His dad and older brother...Rosie...Albus, and Lily. He was only a boy then, had just turned eleven and the thrill and excitement of finally getting to go to Hogwarts consumed him so much he didn't even listen. Seven years was a lifetime away. Now here he was....years flying ahead of him...and it was all over. He did have some fun though, made lifelong friends, and helped Gryffindor win four Quidditch Cups in a row as the Seeker. Those were the moments he would miss the most. Playing Quidditch was something he had always wanted to do, ever since he had watched his father and Uncle Harry play in his family Quidditch pitch when he was a little boy. Both Uncle Harry and his father had taught him well as he grew up, getting him ready for Hogwarts, and by the time he was nine, he was a natural flyer.

"Hell of a Seeker," he had heard Uncle Harry say to his Father just as he was touching back down to the ground. "Dameon, you're a better Seeker at nine, than your father was at fifteen."

"Hey," his father had said, insulted at first, then shrugged in agreement. "Yeah, okay." He flung an arm around his shoulders like a proud papa. "Whichever team you play for will be damn lucky to have you."

That team was Gryffindor...which had been a pleasant surprise, considering he was the first Malfoy in Merlin knew how long that wasn't in Slytherin. He had almost been afraid to Owl his family, not quite sure how his father was going to take it. It had been foolish to be afraid, because his father had been nothing but supportive and even proud. As for Scorpius...well, he hadn't been too worried telling him, since Gryffindor had practically adopted him during his last few years here. Scorpius had even told him once that the hat was considering putting him in Gryffindor, but changed his mind at the last minute.

Dameon gave the grounds one last longing look, before stepping away from the window and glanced at the grandfather clock that lazily ticked time away. It was just after two in the morning and he was still wide awake. He should at least try and go up and catch a few hours before morning came. He was just about to turn and head to the stairs when he heard someone slowly heading down the girls stairway. Maybe it was Bridget Nelson, he thought hopefully. She'd probably be up for one last snog for old times sake. It had been awhile since they had a good snog since she had dated Justin King most of the year, but she had just broken things off with him a few days ago. He wasn't in a relationship either which was perfect, they always did have fun together in between relationships.

But it wasn't Bridget Nelson sneaking down the steps, he realized when the girl finally came into view. Instead, it was the last person he wanted to spend with on his last night at Hogwarts. "What the hell are you doing up?"

The girl snapped her head up with a gasp, then let out a yelp when a foot slipped on the steps, landed firmly on her butt and skidded down the last two steps before landing at the bottom with a thud.

Dameon clapped mockingly. "Nice one, Grace."

Ava James Potter, or also know as A.J. to her close friends and family, scowled up at the person she hated the most. "Kiss my ass, Malfoy."

Dameon raised a single brow. "Kiss your mum with that mouth?" When she only winced and rubbed her butt, he rolled his eyes and made his way over to her. "I swear,'s a wonder you manage to stay on your feet most of the time."

He grabbed her arm and yanked her roughly to her feet before she could protest, causing her to stumble clumsily into his chest. She immediately pushed him away with a huff and then hastily pushed back her tousled hair. "I wouldn't have fallen if you hadn't scared the crap out of me."

"So sue me." He took in her blue and yellow pajama shorts and white tank top. "Nice P.J.'s."

She quickly looked down at herself and tried hard not to blush as she tugged self consciously at her shirt. "Shut up. Are you going back up so I won't have to look at your face anymore?"

"I was going to." He rocked back on his heels. "Then I heard someone coming down the stairs and I hoped it would be Bridget so I could convince her to spend our last night snogging on the couch."

Ava rolled her eyes. "Ugh, I'm going to be sick," she said as she shoved past him, then paused and spun around. "My book. I had a book before..."

"You fell so gracefully on your ass?" he finished for her.

She ignored him as she looked for her book, then spotted it on the laying it on the third step and went to retrieve it. However, as she bent down to get it, Dameon swooped it out of her reach before she could grasp it. "Hey!" she exclaimed in protest as she spun back around. "Give it back!"

Dameon held it high out of reach to read the title. "Healing: The Basics," he read and then looked down at her annoyed face. "A Healer? You want to be a Healer?"

"Yeah, so?" She whipped it out of his hands and stalked over to the den. "I'm going to be able to assist Madame Kissinger in the Hospital Wing twice a week next year." She plopped down on the couch and Dameon followed her and sat on the chair closest to the couch. "And if I have a knack for it...which I think I do...I'm going to apply for different Healing Schools in the area."

"A Healer," he said in thought as he studied her as she opened the book to her marked page. "Healers are usually dull and put work before relationships and leave lonely boring lives."

"So I'll be dull and lonely," she said dryly as she kept her eyes trained on the page. "Thanks for the warning."

"Well...lonely at least. You're too annoying to be dull, A.J."

Ava shifted her eyes up to his. "Careful, Malfoy...that was almost a compliment."

"I'll have to watch myself next time."

"You do that," she said as she began to reread the same paragraph for the second time. "Would you mind going away? It's hard to concentrate when you're there...being your normal irritating self."

"Maybe in a minute." Dameon grinned as he stretched out his legs, enjoying himself more than he thought he would. "So...I've noticed Liam Kelson has been sniffing your way recently."

Ava sighed as she shut her book in defeat, knowing she wasn't going to get any serious reading done when he was here. "What?"

"Liam Kelson," he said again. "The Ravenclaw in your year who everyone thinks is a bloody saint."

"Wow, that jealousy I hear?" she teased, knowing that would get under his skin.

Annoyance flickered in his eyes. "I'm hardly jealous of a guy who's never beaten me at Quidditch. He's a pathetic excuse for a Seeker."

Ava knew that wasn't the case, Liam was a very good Seeker and probably one of the best. However, Dameon was so ridiculously good...he made everyone else look bad. He was even starting training camp with the Chudley Canons in a matter of weeks, trying to make the squad and they would be stupid not to take him. She wouldn't dare admit it to his face though. She wouldn't want to give him the satisfaction. Instead, she just gave him a little shrug and a smirk so he would think she didn't believe him. "Whatever you say, Malfoy."

Dameon scowled. "All I'm saying is that I don't buy his act. Something sketchy about that guy and I don't trust him."

Ava blinked in astonishment. "Are you actually warning me, Malfoy? Some would call that being...nice."

"Call it what you want," he said casually. "Just giving you my opinion, although I know you don't think much of it." He got up and stretched. "I guess I'll go on up." He walked his away around the couch and because he knew it would annoy her, he shoved her head as he walked by. "Try not to hurt yourself going back up the stairs, Grace."

"Oh, sod off!" She yelled back over her shoulder. "Thank Merlin you won't be back next will be a lot more peaceful around here...and quiet!"

"Maybe," he called out as he walked up the stairs to his room. "But it will also be incredibly boring!"

"Yeah right," she muttered to herself as she opened her book back up, then slammed it almost immediately closed.

He had been a pain in her ass since the day she was born and her first six years at Hogwarts with him had been anything but enjoyable. She couldn't remember a time in her life when she had a decent conversation with Dameon Malfoy. They fought about almost everything. Sometimes over something petty, sometimes over serious issues and sometimes over just plain ridiculous stuff. She remembered the time in their third year, it was during lunch and somehow were forced to sit across from each other, which was never a good idea. She didn't remember what brought on the was probably stupid, but she did remember it ended with a brawl. He had said something to make her snap and she threw a handful of sweet potato's right smack in his face. He lunged for her and she lunged right back and somehow they fell onto the floor, wrestling and grabbling with each other while half the school circled around them, chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" It had been Hagrid who had broken them up, grabbing them both by his big hands, yanked them apart and then dangled them at least three feet off the floor. Needless to say, they had both been punished and had to spend the night in the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid. It was awful and they had both learned their lesson. They didn't stop fighting, but it was the last time they got into a physical fight.

Restless, Ava got up and paced the room. The boy was insufferable! Well, she wouldn't call him a boy anymore, he had definitely sprouted a few inches over the years and now practically towered her. She hated that. And it incredibly annoying that he was very attractive. He knew it, too, with all the girls falling all over him all the damn time. He had so many girlfriends through the years she lost count. They were all suckers for his deep blue eyes and dusty blonde hair. She snorted as she rolled her eyes. "I've seen better," she mumbled out loud then smiled smugly as if he was there. "Like Liam Kelson."

She sunk back into the couch, curling her feet under her as she gave Liam Kelson some consideration and remembered what Dameon had said. I've noticed LIam Kelson has been sniffing your way. Interesting way to put it. Although she played dumb with Malfoy, she had also noticed Liam looking her way in the past few days. He was in her Charms class and had caught him staring at her and he just gave her a wink and a smile, causing her to blush like an idiot. He was rather attractive, she mused as she propped her head against her hand. He had dark hair that was cut short over his head and hazel eyes. He had a charming smile and a pair of nice broad shoulders. He wasn't as tall as Dameon, but he was taller than her, which was one of her pet peeves since she was taller than most girls. A girl didn't want to bend down to kiss her boyfriend, but reach up on her toes while circling her arms around his neck. She sighed as she imagined kissing Liam that way. He was probably a good kisser, she decided with a smile. Sweet and gentle.

And Dameon actually had the nerve to warn her about him! It was almost laughable! If anyone needed a warning it was the next girl who fell for his fake charm. Like Bridget Nelson, she thought with a roll of her eyes. She was a curvy blonde with big boobs and a small brain. Dameon's usual type, she thought with a snort. Smart girls wouldn't fall for his charm. Sensible girls wouldn't fall for his quick grin and piercing eyes. It didn't matter that he was gorgeous. It didn't matter how she couldn't help but notice how hard his chest was when her body smacked into it moments ago. He could be the most gorgeous guy in England or even the world. It didn't change the fact that he was without a doubt, an infuriating, unbelievably annoying, impossibly stubborn, ridiculously egotistical, entirely too smug, of a man! And as of next year...she was going to be Dameon free. It was going to be so pleasant.....

"Crap," she said with a sigh as she slumped her shoulders. As much as she hated the jerk and could hardly stand being in the same room with him...he was right. It was going to be incredibly boring.
