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Unwanted Love by Harrys Mistress

Unwanted Love

Harrys Mistress

Hey guys! Well, I finally got to see the new HP movie and considering it was my least favorite book of the series, it was a pretty damn good movie! There were a ton more H/Hr moments than I expected and it kind of made me sad since I knew it wasn't going to happen. Even my friend, who doesn't read the books, had told me that she always thought Harry would end up with Hermione. Oh, how we all wish! Well, at least we have our fanfiction! This one I'm hoping to wrap up soon, because after seeing those awesome H/Hr moments in the movie, it made me really anxious to get back to my new story I've already started! I will start posting once this is done! For now…enjoy this decently long chapter of Dallas and Nora. And coming up next? The much anticipated camping trip! Much love everyone!


Chapter 13

Nora made her way through the tall open doors to the stable and found Dallas in front of the tack room fiddling with two saddled horses. He was bent over at the waist with the horse's back hoof propped on his thigh while he used a pick to break out all the rocks and dirt that had been compacted around the horseshoe.

Because she was a woman who appreciated the male body, she took a moment to admire the way the denim of his jeans strained over his delectable butt. His faded blue cap was tucked into one of the back pockets and he was dressed in his signature white cotton shirt, plus his brown scarred boots he always wore. It was practically the same outfit he wore when she first saw him, she realized with an affectionate smile.

He looked fantastic. She wanted nothing more than to go over and jump him, but-somehow---managed to resist. She just hoped he would be just as undone by how she looked. Only one way to find out, she told herself once Dallas straightened.

"Hey there, cowboy."

He turned, sporting a grin, but it faltered as his jaw dropped ad the pick in his hand thudded to the ground.

Mission accomplished. "You like?" she asked, doing a little twirl as she danced up to him.

"Oh, yeah." He hooked two fingers in the front of her jeans…and tugged. "I like."

Then, before she could have another coherent thought in her mind, his mouth was on hers. Hot, hard, passionate…leaving them both breathless and humming with need. "Wow," Nora sighed once she got her tongue back. "I should dress like this more often if I get that kind of welcome."

"It was the boots…I'm a sucker for a sexy woman in boots."

"Dually noted."

He laughed and pressed his lips to hers once more, lingering a moment before pulling away. "Ready to go?"

"You bet. Need any help with anything?"

"Nope...we're all set." He shifted and patted the flank of the buckskin mare. "You'll be riding her today. I thought she'd suit you."

"Oh?" She asked as she walked up to the mare to introduce herself. "Why's that?"

"Well…at first I almost saddled Freckles for you, because…well." He grinned as he brushed a finger over her nose that was dusted with freckles.

She smiled. "You should saddle Freckles for my sister Rose when we go out on our camping trip. Her husband calls her Frecks."

"Really? Well, I'll have to remember that."

"So…what made you decide on this one?" she asked curious. "She doesn't look a thing like me."

"No…but I have a soft spot for her," he said as he loomed himself over her. "You two have that in common."

She felt all her insides go all soft and gooey inside. "That's nice. What's her name?"

"Queen B." When she simply cocked a skeptical brow at him a deep, chuckle erupted from the pit of his belly. "Sorry, but you have to admit…she suits you."

He bent down to take a nip out of her lips and sighed in defeat. "Yes…I suppose so."

"Well then…let's get you saddled up…your highness."


Together, they climbed their horses up the side of the mountain as they enjoyed not only each other, but also the beautiful land around them. Every once in awhile, Dallas would comment on a certain summer flower they would pass or point out a deer grazing in a nearby meadow.

She was having the time of her life. Riding had become one of her greatest joys in just a few short days and she never wanted to give it up. She would have to find away to keep riding when she returned home, but since going home and leaving Dallas made her unbearably sad, she quickly put it out of her mind to enjoy the moment.

Dallas had been right. Queen B was right for her and when Dallas treated her with a short easy lope through a wide smooth part of the trail, Nora's heart soared with delight. "She moves like a dream!" she laughed once they had slowed to a walk. "She's wonderful!"

"She has a gate like a rocking horse," Dallas said as he gave Tango a rewarding pat after the lope. "So does Tango…very fluid and smooth."

They cut through a narrow trail that snaked through the trees, while Dallas listened to the latest drama about Ava and Liam. "She deserves better," he said once she was done as they crossed a shallow creek. "The guy was an ass."

"Well said," she said then let out a laugh when Queen B pawed the water hard with her front hoof, getting her slightly damped. "Queenie's getting me wet!"

"Give her a little kick…she loves the water so you have to be a bit forceful with her."

Nora chuckled as she gave her a firm nudge. "That's enough B…you got me wet enough."

The mare gave one last paw, but followed suit and trotted herself out of the bank. "You okay?" Dallas asked with a chuckle. "She got you pretty good."

"Fine," she laughed. "It was kind of fun…and I got a nice cool down."

"You look good wet," he said with a grin then turned Tango back around. "Let's go…almost there."

Twenty minutes later, Nora found herself stretched out on a blue and white plaid blanket, surrounded by a sea of beautiful yellow flowers. Coreopsis…that was what Dallas had said they were called. She didn't know much about flowers or their names…but she did think they were pretty.

The small meadow of flowers was right by a cliff and the view was spectacular. All that green stretched for miles below and the snow peaked mountains off in the distance. And the sky was so brilliantly blue it almost looked like a painting

"It's so beautiful up here," she said as she closed her eyes and lifted her face up to the warm rays of the sun.

Dallas smiled and took a moment from unpacking their lunch to study her. "And you look beautiful in it."

She peaked open an eye. "Smooth talker."

"Always. Hungry?"

"Famished." She sat up and looked at the amount of food and drink, then over to the basket that had carried it. "Something tells me that's a special picnic basket."

He laughed as he set the small basket aside. "Gotta love magic."

"You bet…is that strawberries?"

"Yes." He plucked one of the freshly cut berries from the bowl and held it out to her.

She happily accepted and bit into the berry. "I love strawberries."

"Me too," he said with a grin and plopped the rest of the berry in his own mouth. "I have finger sandwiches too…I didn't know what you liked so I made a few options."

"Anything will work," she said as she scooted closer and took the paper plate he offered her. "You sure know how to pack a picnic." She picked out a turkey then decided on a ham and cheese, as well.

"Wine?" Dallas asked as she held up a bottle of chardonnay.

"Love some."

"We can't go too crazy on the wine," he said as he poured her a glass. "I don't want us to have to ride back completely wasted."

She let out a laugh as she accepted the glass. "I'll try and behave."

"Now, I didn't say anything about behaving," he said with a mischievous grin and tapped his glass with hers. "Cheers."

"Cheers." She watched him over her glass as they both took a sip, then leaned into each other for a deep, deep, kiss that left her wanting more. "Maybe I'm not that hungry after all," she murmured against his lips and shifted closer to him. "For food anyway."

He groaned out a chuckle as he trailed his lips along her neck. "Only you would be able to make me hot and bothered and make me laugh at the same time."

Her lips curved as she angled her neck to give him more access. "It's a gift."

"I'll say." He let out a shaky sigh as he nuzzled her neck. "You make me all fuzzy…I had a plan. Eat, talk." He nipped at her skin. "Then convince you to let me make love to you."

She shivered at her words. "There's no reason we have to do those things in order."

He leaned back to brush back her long, wild auburn hair he loved so much. "Well…we have to at least talk first…but we can eat last."

"It's important," she said, once she saw the look in his eyes.

Dallas thought of Phoebe and her sparkling eyes and infectious laughter. "Yes…it's important."

She shifted back and folded her legs but linked one of her hands with his. "Then I'm listening."

He lifted their joint hands and kissed her fingers, then took a moment to figure out how to begin. "I told you before…I became involved with someone a few summers back."

She nodded. "Yes…you loved her."

"I did. At least I thought I did." He had always thought he loved Julie…until he met Nora. "It was my first summer here and although I took the job for the horses, I was still too young to be completely in charge of it. Kris, the guy in charge back then, trained me and helped teach me all I needed to know.

"I spent as much time as I could at the stables, but there were days I had to help out in other areas when we were short handed. I was a waiter at the chow hall a few times, but usually if I wasn't working with the horses I was doing lifeguard duty at the pool. That's where I first met her."

"What was her name?"

"Julie…Julie Browning. Her family is from New York…fairly powerful in the wizarding world…comes from money."

"That name sounds familiar," Nora said. "I think they've come to a few of my dad's charity events he's put together through the years. I couldn't pick them out in a crowd, but they definitely ring a bell."

"That doesn't surprise me," Dallas said with a harsh laugh. "Mr. Browning would want to associate himself with your dad…it would be just like him. If he donated any money it wasn't because he wanted to help others, like your dad would…he would do it to uphold the Browning name."

"You don't like him."

"I don't respect him," he corrected. "But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me backtrack. "I had noticed her while lifeguarding and since I knew very well it was against the rules to date guests I didn't do anything but enjoy the view. I was a typical guy at eighteen, back then, and appreciated the female body, so it was a look, but don't touch thing for me.

"To my surprise, however, she noticed as well and actually approached me. It was harmless flirting at first, but then she came to the stables one day, looking for me. I had happened to be alone…Kris was out taking guests on a trail ride…and well, I won't go into details, but it changed between us that day. After that…we met in secret almost every day for the rest of the summer."

"What happened between you?" Nora asked, encouraging him to continue after Dallas had gone silent.

Dallas took a deep breath to get his bearings. Talking about Julie and that summer was a lot more difficult than he imagined. "We went the entire summer without getting caught and the night before she had to leave we had both promised to keep in touch. We had even fantasized about running away together someday…I told her I loved her that night. She didn't repeat it…exactly…all she said was, `Me too.' I should have known right then that it wouldn't work out."

Nora reached for his hand. "I'm so sorry, Dallas."

"Thanks." He squeezed her fingers. "But I'm not done. Five months after she left…she showed up at my front door. Pregnant."

Her hand in his grasp flinched. "Pregnant?" she whispered.

Dallas nodded. "She was practically in tears…she was scared and didn't know what to do." Because it was hard to look at Nora's stunned face, he glanced over and watched the horses grazing nearby. "I assured her that everything would be okay…I would take care of her. Her father had found out and was furious of course so she ran away…to me. I told her I would marry her…do it right, but she said she wanted to wait till after the baby was born. Deep down I knew something wasn't right with her, but I continued to ignore it."

He took a moment and took a much needed sip of his wine to quench his nervous, dry mouth. "When the baby was born," he finally continued looking down into his glass. "It was the most scary, exciting and wonderful day of my life. I was by Julie's side…the whole time and when she finally gave birth…I was the first to hold her." He finally made himself look at Nora and his heart clenched when he saw her eyes shimmering with tears. "She was breathtaking, Nora…the moment I held her I knew I would do anything for her…would die for her."

Nora couldn't say anything; she was too overwhelmed with the passionate look on his face when he spoke of his little girl. He was a father. She couldn't believe it.

Dallas saw a single tear slid down Nora's cheek and wanted desperately to brush it away, but was too scared he'd be rejected so he watched her brush it away herself. "When I held our baby out to Julie," he finally continued. "She didn't want her…she claimed she was too tired. She hardly even looked at her. Even after we took her home, I still found myself doing everything…bottle feeding her, since Julie refused to breast-feed. I changed her, bathed her…loved her.

"At the end of the week I had decided to finally confront her, but…when I woke up that morning…she was gone."

Nora gasped softly. "Gone? She just left?"

"She left me a note…apologizing. She just couldn't be a mother to our baby or a husband to me. She had to go back to her parents and her life. She didn't love us…she also left a bag full of Galleons, as well. `For your troubles.' That's what she had written…as if having our baby in my life was a bothersome."

"That's horrible." Nora shook her head in awe. "I can't believe it…how selfish and cruel of her…to leave you and her own infant daughter."

"I didn't keep the money," he said as his face hardened. "Phoebe…that's her name…she was all I needed. So I transferred it to muggle money and donated it to a children's foundation my mom is in charge of back home in Dallas. A foundation that helps underprivileged kids…it's my mom's pride and joy."

"That's brilliant," Nora sobbed softly as she choked back the tears. "And brilliant of you to use the money that way…Oh, Dallas…you have a little girl?"

"Yes," he said, slightly uneasy with her tears. Happy tears? Angry tears? He hoped they were happy…he prayed they were happy. "I'm sorry if you're angry with me for not telling about her sooner, but…"

"I'm not angry," she said cutting him off as she scooted closer to him so she could touch his arm. "I understand why you couldn't tell me right away…you didn't know me at first and you were only protecting her."

Relief whooshed out of him in one long unsteady breath. "I didn't know if you'd understand or see it that way."

"Of course I understand," she assured him as she strummed her fingers through his hair.

Dallas looked up at her and when she smiled at him his heart violently trembled in his chest. "She's the most important person in my life, Nora."

"Well, I should hope so," she said smiling slightly.

"But you're becoming a close second."

The hand strumming his hair stilled and she felt her heart thud loudly against her ribs. "Dallas," she murmured softly. "I…"

"You don't have to say anything," he rushed on as he touched the side of her face. "I just want you to know that for me…this is more than a summer fling. If it were, I wouldn't have told you about Phoebe. Nora, what I felt for Julie? Pales into comparison with what I feel for you…and I want you to know that."

All sorts of powerful feelings seemed to soar inside her and she didn't know whether to laugh or scream. "Dallas," she said, laughing softly. "I…"

"You really don't have to say anything, I…"

"Hey." She placed a finger on his lips to quiet him. "Let's get one thing straight, cowboy. I'm not Julie. She may have stupidly tossed your feelings aside, but I'm not going to do that. So just shut up and listen."

Dallas' brows lifted up then nodded his head in agreement. "Listening," he mumbled against her finger.

"Good." She slowly removed her finger from his lips. "Dallas, I've never felt this way about anyone before. I know that sounds cliché, but it's the god's honest truth. The moments I've spent with you this last week have been absolutely wonderful and you've made me happier than I've ever been."


"Shush, I'm not done."

Dallas pressed his lips smartly together. "Sorry."

"I feel truly…honored…and blessed that you would trust me enough to tell me about your Phoebe. Knowing about her and what you did and still do for her only makes me fall for you even harder. I don't want this to end, Dallas. I don't want to say goodbye to you when my vacation is over."

Dallas closed his eyes as he touched his forehead to hers. "Thank Merlin, for that…because I don't want to lose you, either."

Then his mouth was on hers and they came together in a desperate need. Her arms circled around him and held on tight as she moved her lips under his just as urgently and passionate as he.

He lowered her onto the blanket and stretched his long hard body over hers as the kiss turned soft and unbearably sweet. "Nora," he murmured as his shaky fingers began to undo the buttons of her blouse. "I want to touch you…taste you…I want to make love to you."

"Yes," she whispered as her whole body trembled under him while she watched him slowly undress her. "Make love to me, Dallas."

He unfastened the last button then bent down to taste her lips as he tenderly pushed her blouse off her shoulders. "Have you ever done this before?" he asked against the soft skin of her neck.

"Yes…once, but…"

He lifted his head to look at her when she hesitated. "But?"

"But I was awful," she blurted. "I mean…he was awful…the whole situation was awful…and awkward."

"The first time for a guy and a girl usually is, Nora," he said, slightly amused that she was flustered.

"No, I know…but we didn't have that chemistry I thought we'd have…I rushed into it when I thought I was ready when I wasn't."

"But you're ready now?"

Nora's eyes softened and reached up to brush back his hair that curtained his temple. "More than ready…I know nothing about us will be awful or awkward."

He chuckled softly. "I sure hope not."

He kissed her again, slow and deep, as they began to slowly undress one another as the warm rays of the sun beat down on them from above. He took his time with her, not wanting to rush, but wanting to savor every moment with her.

He made her feel things she didn't think was possible. His hands and mouth loved her body and she felt completely and utterly cherished. She couldn't stop touching him…kissing him…he made her ache in places she didn't know she could ache. He cupped his hand between her legs and sent her flying up, up, then finally over…only to draw her right back up with his clever mouth.

"Nora," he murmured as he trailed his lips back up her trembling body. He paused to kiss the skin over her racing heart, then nuzzled her neck as he nestled himself between her thighs. "Nora," he said again and touched his lips to hers as he slid deep, deep, inside her.

She let out a soft gasp as she lifted her hips and wrapped her legs around her waist. Their lips were only inches apart as they began to move together in slow, fluid strokes, bringing them closer and closer to the brink. "Dallas," she pleaded softly before lifting her head for a kiss.

He groaned against her mouth as he quickened his pace, plunging deeper and harder inside her until they were both desperate to get to that final peak. When he finally felt Nora fall long and hard over that crest, he buried his face in her hair and tumbled after her.

Once Dallas found the strength, he rolled over on his back and brought her against his side and she willingly followed. "Well," Nora said once she had her breath. "There was nothing awful or awkward about that."

Dallas' chest shook with silent laughter. "I'll say." He kissed the top of her head and breathed in her scent. "I love you, Nora."

Nora fluttered her eyes closed as she let those precious words wash over her. Her heart felt so full of love for him she thought she might pass out from it. It was a wonderful feeling. "I love you, too, Dallas," she murmured as she snuggled closer to him. "This was the best day…I'll never forget it."

Dallas tucked a finger beneath her chin and tucked her head up for a kiss. "Neither will I."
