Unofficial Portkey Archive

Hogwarts Undercover by Amynoelle and Heaven

Hogwarts Undercover

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Thanks for the feedback, guys! This chapter is a little short, but we hope you like it anyway!

In the weeks leading up to the ball, a few students withdrew from school because their parents were concerned about the attacks. Rumours were running rampant that the Ministry was thinking of closing the school down in light of the recent events. Dumbledore had toyed briefly with the idea of cancelling the ball, but after lengthy meetings with the Aurors, decided that the ball might be their last chance to catch the cloaked figure.

It was a sombre mood for the students as they prepared for the ball.

Upstairs in the girls' dormitory, Lavender wiped at her eyes. She wasn't in the mood for a ball. Despite her break up with Ron, she was still upset that he'd been attacked. She never would have wished that fate upon him.

Hermione came out of the loo. "Are you really okay Lav?" she asked.

Lavender nodded. "I think so. I can't believe this has happened, Hermione."

"I know," Hermione dropped down onto the edge of her bed. "I mean, I never got on with Ron but..."

"I know," Lavender said squeezing Hermione's hand. "I feel so guilty because he and I hadn't really spoken since we broke up..."

"But you know it wasn't your fault," Hermione told her.

Lavender nodded. "I do...I just...when he wakes up, I'm going to apologise for how I treated him."

"Me too," Hermione agreed.

Lavender looked around their room. Parvati had gone home a few days ago. Her parents had pulled her out of school not wanting to take a chance with their other daughter.

"We, um, we should finish getting ready," Lavender said hastily.

Hermione nodded. "It feels so empty in here..."

"I'm just glad you're still here," Lavender said.

"I'm glad you are too," Hermione agreed. "You've become a good friend to me Lavender. I just wish it hadn't taken all seven years..."

"Better late than never," Lavender said picking up a brush and running it through her hair. "You just needed to admit that I was more than some ...what was it...flighty, shallow airhead...."

Hermione laughed. "And I was more than a work obsessed bookworm?"

"You forgot bookworm with bad hair," Lavender teased.

Hermione laughed. "I hoped you'd forgotten that part."

"Your hair's not so bad," Lavender said. "In make up for what I said, I'll even style it for you."

"Really?" Hermione asked. "That'd be great, Lavender."

"It'll keep my mind off of everything," Lavender said reaching for her bag of clips, gels and styling potions. "Just sit back and leave the rest to me...."

Half an hour later, Harry made his way downstairs to wait for Hermione. Seamus joined him a few moments later as he was Lavender's date.

"I was supposed to go with Parv," Seamus said tugging at his tie.

"Stag now?" Harry asked.

Seamus shook his head. "Since Lavender didn't have a date, I asked if she'd want to come with."

Harry nodded. "That's cool."

Seamus shrugged. "Well, you know kind of slim pickings around here. You, me, Hermione and Lavender are all that's left of the seventh year Gryffindors."

Harry's face fell a bit. "Yeah," he muttered.

Seamus nudged Harry when a couple of fourth-year girls came downstairs to cat calls from their dates. "Were we ever that young?"

"I wouldn't remember," Harry hoped he sounded like he was joking.

Hermione stood at the top of the stairs with Lavender. "You go first, Lav."

Lavender gave her a look. "Harry's going to fall over when he sees you, Hermione. Come on, we'll go together. You don't have to be nervous."

Hermione nodded. ", let's get this over with then, shall we?"

Lavender pulled her arm. "Yes, come on."

Seamus and Harry were talking; Harry's back was to the staircase. Seamus's eyes glossed over when he saw the two girls. Lavender wore a set burgundy dress robes and her blonde hair was styled in fancy updo with tendrils framing her face. "Whoa..."

Lavender smiled at him. "Hi Seamus," she said softly.

Seamus grinned. "Hello, Lavender. You look stunning."

"Thanks," Lavender said, pulling Hermione forward.

Harry finally turned around and his breath caught in his throat when he saw Hermione. The emerald green dress robes she wore hugged every curve and brought out the gold flecks in her hair and in her brown eyes.

She'd left her hair down and it was falling over her shoulders in long curls. "What?" she asked.

"You look beautiful," Harry said softly.

Something in her expressions softened. "Thanks," she said quietly. "You look nice too."

Harry offered her his arm. He wished that things were different. He wished that he was someone else and didn't have to worry about danger around every corner. But, he couldn't be selfish. No matter how much he wanted her, he wouldn't sacrifice her life for his own needs.

Hermione reluctantly took it as they silently followed Seamus and Lavender down the corridor to the Great Hall.

"Kingsley, Lupin and Tonks are going to be around the entire evening," Harry whispered to her. "I met with them this morning."

"Fine," Hermione answered.

"We need to keep an eye on Luna and on Malfoy," Harry reminded her.

"I know!" Hermione said tightly.

Harry sighed. "I was just reminding you of our two areas of focus, Hermione."

"And I already know about them," Hermione gave him a dirty look. "I am not stupid."

"I never said you were," Harry said tersely. "But you do seem to have a problem separating your personal life from your professional one."

"So are you the pot or the kettle?" Hermione retorted.

They made it to the Great Hall which was decked out in silver and white, looking very much like a winter wonderland. Harry bit back his response until he saw Steven Fawcett making a beeline for Hermione. "Look, it's Mr. Muscles. Try not to drool all over my shoes, Granger."

Hermione jabbed him hard in the side. "Hi Steven," she said in an amiable tone.

"Hello, Hermione," Steven said smiling at her. "You look..."

She smiled at him. "It looks nice in here."

"Not as nice as you," Steven flirted.

Harry snorted as Hermione stepped back on his foot. "OW!"

"Was that your foot?" Hermione asked innocently. "I'm so sorry..."

"Yes," Harry said angrily.

"Oopsie," Hermione said taking Steven's hand. "How about we dance?"

Steven grinned. "Sure!"

"I'll see you later," Hermione shot Harry a look as she walked away.

Harry glared after them.

"Wotcher, Harry!" a familiar voice said from behind him. He turned to see Tonks wearing a hot pink set of dress robes that matched her hot pink hair perfectly.

"You sure know how to blend in," Harry said sarcastically.

"I'm just being myself," Tonks said doing a little twirl. "Remus hasn't said anything about it though." She covered her mouth with her hand. "Not that he would, of course. Because he shouldn't---we're just working on this case together. Nothing else. Nothing else at all..."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Right."

Tonks blushed and looked across the hall at the man in question. "He sure is....handsome tonight, and I mean that in the most professional sense..."

Harry's stance relaxed a bit. "If you care about him, why not tell him?"

"He's stuck on those horrible rules," Tonks grumbled. "Why can't two people who care about each other be together? Why let something stupid like rules get in the way?"

Harry shook his head. "Maybe he's just concerned for your safety."

"There's that, but he's hung up on those rules and the fact that I'm younger than he is," Tonks said. "I mean, if you love someone, you don't let those things get in your way."

Harry watched Hermione dance with Steven, his eyes narrowed.

Tonks followed his gaze. "You going to let the rules hold you back from what you want, Harry?"

"It's not the rules I'm worried about, Tonks," Harry replied. "Bellatrix went after her because she knows how I feel."

"You love her," Tonks said simply.

"What of it?" Harry asked irritably.

"I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but if you don't want to be with her," Tonks said looking over at Hermione and Steven. "Someone else will. Do you think you'll be okay with that?"

Harry didn't answer, but he didn't have to.

Tonks patted his arm. "Don't be a fool, Harry." And with that, she walked away from him.

"Whatever," Harry muttered. "I'd be a fool if I let her be killed."

It still pained him to see Steven holding her tightly and see her smiling up at him. That was how she'd looked at him.

Part of him stopped caring about her safety in that moment and he only wanted to go over and apologise for everything, then take her upstairs and shag her senseless.

"She looks horrible," he heard someone say and he turned to see some sixth year girls chattering about someone. He followed their gaze and saw Luna.

One of the other girls nodded. "Are you surprised though? The only thing I can't believe is that she showed her face here."

"You really think she had something to do with it?" her friend asked. "I heard it was Draco Malfoy."

"Draco's so hot," the first girl said. "Too bad he's got the hots for Ginny Weasley. She's such a tramp, playing him AND Neville Longbottom."

"Do you think she's going to show up with him?" her friend asked. "That really would be terrible of her..."

"It's not as if she's known for subtlety," the other said. "I mean, remember how great she thought she was when she was going out with Harry Potter? All two weeks and then he just up and dumped her. How fabulous was THAT?"

Her friend giggled. "Oh how the mighty have fallen..."

Harry turned away, not wanting to hear more. Instead, he focused on Luna, who looked quite forlorn and not at all happy to be there.

From the shadows, Bellatrix Lestrange looked anxiously across the room at the sullen girl who held they key to everything they'd worked so hard for. She motioned toward Viktor who was mooning over that Mudblood yet again. They were both in polyjuice form---she as Professor Sprout and he as a seventh year Hufflepuff student.

"Do not forget our plan," she hissed. "Get that disgusting Mudblood out of your head this instant!"

"I don't care," Viktor muttered. "Hermy-own-ninny will be mine tonight."

"She will be dead if you don't follow through," Bellatrix dug her fingers into his arm.

"Yes, Bella," Viktor hissed.

Harry got himself some punch and sat down at the Gryffindor table. He kept one eye on Luna and the other on Hermione.

So far, Hermione had danced to five songs with Steven and Harry's patience was wearing thin.

Having had enough, he stood up and stalked over to them. "I'm cutting in," he said unceremoniously.

"Wait just a second---" Steven protested, but Harry shoved him out of the way.

"I can't believe you just did that," Hermione said angrily.

"You're my date," Harry said putting his arms on her waist. "Not his."

"I'm only your date because we're partners," Hermione said. "Not because we want to be here together."

"Everyone else is supposed to think we are," Harry said, holding her close.

Hermione felt the familiar waves of desire as Harry's hands slid around her. She shook her head. "You don't want to be together, so let's not waste time dancing."


"No," Hermione said. "I'm not doing this again. Don't start."

Harry nodded, knowing she was right. "Let's split up. You remember the plan...."

"Yes." Hermione said testily. "I do."

"Meet back here in 15," Harry said quietly.

Without a word, Hermione turned and stalked away.

She nearly knocked Malfoy down in her haste to get away.

"Watch it, Granger!" he hissed.

"Sod off," Hermione returned. "Where were you?"

"None of your damn business," Draco said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small flask.

"You can't drink here," Hermione stated.

Draco uncapped the flask and took a swig.

Hermione snatched it out of his hand. "WHAT IS THIS?" she demanded loudly.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Firewhisky, Granger. Now, give it back like a good Mudblood."

Hermione poured it out. "I don't think so."

"Granger!" Draco roared. "I'm going to---!"

"Do what?" Hermione sneered.

Draco clenched his fists at his side. "You're going to pay for that."

"Twenty points from Slytherin," Hermione said coolly.

"You can shove your points up your ---" Draco started to retort, but he lost his train of thought when he spotted the beautiful redhead who had just walked into the Great Hall.

Hermione stepped back. "Have fun Malfoy," she said coolly, handing him back the empty flask.

Ginny scanned the room thinking that this was a big mistake. She should just go back upstairs and sit with Ron and Neville.

She was about to turn away and leave when Draco came up behind her. "Red..."

"Hi," Ginny whispered.

"You look amazing," Draco said truthfully.

Ginny touched the royal blue set of dress robes and felt a stab of guilt. Neville had bought these for her. "Thanks."

"Come on," Draco said, touching her lower back. "Let's go sit down."

Ginny shook her head. "I don't think it's such a good idea, Draco."

"You're already here," Draco said. "You're allowed to have some fun, you know."

"My brother is upstairs in the hospital wing," Ginny said quietly. "And my boyfriend, too."

"Longbottom isn't your boyfriend," Draco said bluntly.

"He is," Ginny said. "And I love him, Draco."

Draco stared at her. "You love him but you couldn't stop meeting me?"

"You took me completely by surprise," Ginny told him. "I had no idea you felt this way about me...."

"Well now you do," Draco interrupted. "And I think you feel the same way, Red."

"I don't know how I feel about anything anymore," Ginny said truthfully.

"Then why did you come here?" he asked.

"I wanted to see you," Ginny admitted.

He smiled at her.

And even though Ginny knew it was wrong and everyone would talk, but she reached for his hand. "I suppose one dance couldn't hurt."

"That's my girl," he said, pulling her close.

Ginny smiled up at him and caught the smell of alcohol on his breath. "You've been drinking..."

"Just a bit," he answered.

"Because of me?" Ginny asked.

"Because of everything," Draco said. "I hate everything about this place except for you."

Ginny blushed. "I never dreamed that you would talk to me like this."

"It doesn't have to be a dream," he said quietly. "You know how I feel."

Ginny smiled up at him. "Draco, I think I am falling for you."

He actually grinned back at her.

Ginny rested her head on his chest and blocked out everything and everyone around them.

Hermione had just met up with Harry. "I caught Malfoy coming in late," she said. "He was drinking."

Harry smirked. "If you looked like him, you'd be drinking too."

Hermione almost smiled. "Did you talk to Luna?"

Harry shook his head. "I tried, but she said something about going back upstairs and not being in the mood for a party. I followed her and made sure she went into the Ravenclaw Tower."

Hermione nodded. "That's good... she'll be safe up there."

Harry looked out on the dance floor and then back at Hermione. "Things seem pretty secure so far..."

Hermione nodded. "Tonight's been rather tame."

"Tame," Harry agreed. "So...would you ...."

Hermione raised her eyebrow. "What?"

Harry cursed himself for feeling like a shy school boy who couldn't string two words together around the girl he fancied. But, it was true. And Tonks' words from earlier that evening were echoing in his head. He looked at Hermione earnestly. "Dance with me."

"Why?" Hermione crossed her arms.

Harry smiled at her. She never did make things easy for him. "Why? Well, that's easy. It's a ball. You're my date. And from the moment you walked down those stairs tonight, I've been remembering what it was like to hold you, to kiss you, to wake up next to you."

"Don't do this to me," Hermione stepped away from him. "Damn it Harry..."

"I'm an idiot, Hermione," he called after her. "I don't want to lose you."

She shook her head. "You can't play with me like this."

He stepped toward her. "I'm not playing with you. I was ...scared of something happening to you. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you..."

Much to her chagrin, she found herself nodding. "Fine... one dance. But don't expect anything to come of it."

"One dance," Harry agreed, taking her hand and leading her onto the dance floor.

She looked at the floor, at everyone else, the ceiling; anywhere but at Harry. She was afraid if she looked in his eyes she'd forget herself all over again.

"You spending Christmas with your folks?" Harry asked noticing that she was keeping a safe distance from him during their dance.

"I don't know," Hermione answered.

Harry nodded and tried in vain to pull her close. Tonks was right. If you truly loved someone why would you let anything stand in your way. Being with Hermione felt like coming home and he didn't want to go without that feeling. It might be selfish, but it was the way things were.

It took every ounce of her willpower to keep Harry at arms length when all she wanted to do was curl up against him.

"Do you remember my first day here?" Harry asked her.

"What of it?" Hermione asked.

"You said I didn't notice you until I saw you in that dress at the pub," Harry said. When Hermione looked up at him and rolled her eyes, he held up his hand. "And you're right. I didn't. I'm a bloke, Hermione. We're not very deep."

"I could have told you that," Hermione replied dryly.

Harry grinned. "But you made me stand up and take notice and that night when we kissed for the first time..."

Hermione looked at him. "It was nice..."

"Just nice?" Harry asked.

Hermione shrugged noncommittally.

"I can do better," Harry whispered leaning in.

She didn't get a chance this time to pull away before he kissed her.

Harry's arms snaked around her waist finally able to pull her closer to him.

Of their own volition, her arms wound around his neck and she kissed him back passionately.

Harry wasn't sure how long they kissed, but he was a little light-headed when they finally pulled apart.

Hermione was breathless and she almost stumbled a little.

Harry moved to kiss her again when Sirius appeared at their side. "We just found Professor Sprout tied up in the greenhouse. She was knocked out.."

"What?" Harry asked. "But she was just over there. I saw her!"

"We need to search the grounds," Sirius said gravely. "We're not saying anything to the students. Dumbledore has put a ward on the Great Hall. But, we need to canvas every inch of this castle and the grounds. I'm taking the ground floor. Harry, you and Lupin will take the grounds. Hermione, I need you to take the first and second floors. Do not try anything stupid. The moment, you're in trouble, you know how to alert one of us..."

Hermione nodded tensely. "We'll be all right."

"I don't like you going around here alone," Harry said when they left the Great Hall. "I'm going to tell Lupin I'll help you."

"I'll be fine," Hermione assured him. "Sirius has faith in me, Harry. Can't you do the same?"

"Don't you remember the last time you almost got attacked?" Harry reminded her.

"Of course I do," Hermione replied.

"You froze," Harry said. "Even though I know you can defend yourself, you clammed up and couldn't do anything to stop this person."

Hermione looked down, not liking to remember that horrible moment when she doubted herself. "We're wasting time. If we're going to go together, we should start now."

"Harry," Lupin said briskly. "You're with me. Now."

"I'll be okay," Hermione told Harry.

"Lupin she can't go by herself," Harry said. "She can't--"

"She's not," Tonks said joining them. "I'll be with her."

Whatever sparks had reignited between Harry and Hermione during their kiss were gone. "It's nice to know you have all this faith in me," Hermione shook her head as she turned to follow Tonks.

"Hermione---- "

"Come on, Harry," Lupin said.

With a sigh, Harry followed Lupin outside.

Harry put aside what was going on with Hermione to concentrate of finding out who was on the grounds and why they'd knocked out Professor Sprout. If it had been the cloaked figure, surely they would have treated her like the other victims.

"Think Lestrange is behind this?" Harry asked Lupin as they hurried outside.

"You saw her here," Lupin said. "She's obviously into this somehow."

Harry nodded. "What is her deal anyway? Voldemort is dead and gone."

"My recent research showed that there's a way to harvest souls," Lupin said. "In order to bring about a dark lord."

Harry stopped walking and gaped at Lupin. "Hang on...she's behind all of this because she wants to bring Voldemort back?"

"Seems that way," Lupin answered.

"And how does Krum figure into all this?" Harry wondered aloud.

"Her accomplice, perhaps." the older man shrugged.

"What's his motive?" Harry asked.

"I'm not sure," Lupin replied. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Tonks walking toward them from the greenhouses. But, they'd just left her in the castle.

"Nymphadora," Lupin called out to her. "What are you doing here?"

"I was securing the greenhouses like Kingsley told me to," Tonks replied. "And please do not call me by that name, Remus. I hate it."

"You were just going to help Hermione in the castle," Harry ignored her question. "What the hell are you doing out here?"

Tonks looked quizzically at him. "Harry, I haven't seen Hermione since earlier when you and I were watching her dance with that other bloke..."