Unofficial Portkey Archive

Time After Time by Amynoelle and Heaven

Time After Time

Amynoelle and Heaven

Thought we'd post this one a bit early tonight to make up for last week. Thanks again to all of you who took the time to review (in some cases, twice)!

Do You Remember? Phil Collins

We never talked about it
But I hear the blame was mine
Id call you up to say Im sorry
But I wouldnt want to waste your time

cos I love you, but I cant take any more
Theres a look I cant describe in your eyes
Yes we could try, like we tried before
When you kept on telling me those lies

Do you remember...?

"What?" Hermione jumped.

"Harry was asking me out!" Michelle hissed. "And you jumped in like that!"

"I'm doing something for the good of this school," Hermione told her.

"You have a perfect husband at home," Michelle said. "Why did you have to ruin my chance to nab one?"

"You aren't going to marry him," Hermione said. "If you'll excuse me--"

"Maybe not," Michelle said. "But, he fancies me. I could tell from the moment I met him."

"Sure," Hermione replied.

"He's so gorgeous!" Michelle gushed, forgetting her anger for the moment.

"Right," Hermione said. "I have to go..."

"And those eyes," Michelle continued, following Hermione down the hall. "Couldn't you just get lost in them?"

She didn't want to tell Michelle that yes, it was easy.

"Mrs. Conaghan?" Michelle asked. "You've gotten to know him pretty well, right?"

"Somewhat," Hermione replied evasively.

"He doesn't have a girlfriend back home, does he?" Michelle asked.

"I don't know," Hermione said shortly. "I have more important things to talk to him about."

"Oh," Michelle said. "Of course..."

"Have a good night," Hermione escaped into her office.

"Night?" Michelle asked, raising an eyebrow. "The day hasn't even started yet really..."

But, Hermione hadn't heard a word she'd said.

Harry finished up in Dr. McGraw's office and hurried down to the quad to check on Bella. He knew that Bella and Billy liked to play on the playground just before school started.

He saw them off to one side on the swing set, talking quietly.

"Hiya," Harry said as he approached them.

Bella glanced up at him and didn't say anything but Billy smiled. "Hi Mr. Potter."

"Alright, Billy?" Harry asked him.

Billy nodded. "I'm fine."

"You should be," Harry grinned at him. "Especially since your team beat mine yesterday."

"That's because you're old!" Billy laughed.

Bella giggled at the look on Harry's face.

"Old?" Harry asked, clutching his chest. "Me? Old? I'm just 28."

Bella giggled. "That's ancient!"

"Ancient?" Harry put his hand to his chest.

"That's almost as old as Dr. McGraw and I think she was alive when the dinosaurs were," Billy said.

"Ouch," Harry told them.

"He's a lot nicer than Dr. McGraw," Bella said touching Harry's arm.

"Thanks," Harry grinned at her and ruffled her hair.

"I was telling Bella I was going to teach her how to play," Billy told Harry.

"Good," Harry nodded.

"I wouldn't be very good at it," Bella said quietly.

"You're good at anything you put your mind to," Harry said. "Don't let anyone ever tell you any different."

Bella looked up at him. "My mummy tells me that all the time."

"Your mother is the smartest woman I know." Harry said.

Bella smiled and took the ball from Billy. "Will you show me how to play?"

"Sure!" Billy said eagerly.

Billy looked at Harry. "Will you be the goalkeeper?"

"For a little bit," he said.

Billy took Bella's hand and led her to the middle of the quad. "Okay, what you want to do is get the ball past him. You can't use your hands at all though."

"Why?" Bella asked.

Billy shrugged. "It's just one of the rules. The goalkeepers' the only ones who can use their hands. So you can use your feet or your head."

"Your head?" Bella asked. "Wouldn't that hurt?"

"Not that much," he told her.

Bella wasn't so sure about that, but she listened intently as Billy explained the basic rules to her.

"I'll show you how it goes first," Billy said.

"Okay," Bella said gratefully.

Billy kicked the ball around and then did a trick where he bounced it off his knee. Bella grinned as she watched him kick it toward Harry. But, Harry expertly blocked the kick and deflected the ball.

"Way to go, Harry!" Bella shouted.

Harry laughed. "Thanks, Bells."

"Okay," Billy said. "It's your turn, Bella."

Bella uncertainly moved behind the ball and gave it a kick.

"You can do better than that, Bells," Billy told her. "Run with it and then kick it as hard as you can."

"Okay," Bella said, backing up.

She closed her eyes and kicked the ball in Harry's direction.

"Whoa!" she heard Billy say.

Bella opened her eyes. "What?"

"Good job," Harry told her. The ball had sailed right past him.

"Did I really do that?" Bella asked him.

"Sure did," Harry said.

Bella grinned and ran toward Harry.

He scooped her up and gave her a big hug.

"I really did it!" Bella exclaimed throwing her arms around his neck.

"Sure did," he said. "I'm proud of you."

Bella giggled happily as he swung her around.

Billy had to smile as he saw her laugh. It had been a few days since his best friend had looked this happy.

"You've tried football," Harry said. "But have you tried flying?"

Bella shook her head. "People can't fly."

"You can," Harry said winking at her. "If you know the right people..."

Bella stared at him, open mouthed.

Harry swung her around until she was on his shoulders. "Ready, Miss Conaghan?"

"YES!" she said excitedly.

Harry grinned. "!"

Bella squealed in delight as Harry ran around the quad. She spread her arms over her head.

"Go, Bells!" Billy called out, running after them.

Hermione watched the scene from the window of her office. That was always how she hoped Damian would be with Bella.

But, he had never been that way with their daughter at least not in private. He was always too busy and he resented the fact that she wasn't the son he said he wanted.

She sighed and turned back to her paperwork. Daydreaming wasn't going to make the day go by any faster.


She looked up to see Neville Longbottom, standing in her doorway. "Neville!"

"Hermione," a smile spread across his face.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked, coming out from around her desk and hugging him.

"Just making my rounds," he said.

"I ought to box your ears," Hermione said, but she'd never been able to stay mad at Neville for very long.

"Try," he teased her. "It's good to actually see you, Hermione."

"It's good to see you," Hermione said. "How's everything? Hannah and the baby are okay, right?"

"Everyone's great," he nodded. "You?"

Hermione sighed. "Everything's great," she lied.

"How's Harry fitting in here?"

"Everyone loves him," Hermione said, which was true.

"I knew sending him here would help" Neville nodded.

"The school or me?" Hermione asked him.

"Do you need help?" he asked.

More than you could imagine, Hermione thought, but did not say.

"I'm fine," Hermione recited instead. "Everything's perfect. Damian's in the states right now working at Johns Hopkins."

"John Hopkins," Neville said thoughtfully. "I think Cho Chang is in residence there."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Cho Chang is a doctor?"

"A damn good one, from what I hear," Neville told her.

Hermione knew that Cho had been in Ravenclaw when they were at Hogwarts, but the girl was known more for her looks than her intellect.

"I wonder if they've met up yet then," Neville looked at her.

"It's a big hospital," Hermione said.

"True," Neville nodded.

"Mummy!" Bella squealed running into the room. "I played football and I flew!"

"You flew?" Hermione asked.

"With my help," Harry said coming in behind her. "Nev!"

"Hey mate," Neville clapped him on the back.

"Who's that?" Bella whispered, looking at Neville.

"Bella Conaghan, meet Neville Longbottom," Hermione said to her daughter. "He's one of your mummy's oldest friends."

Bella smiled shyly at him.

"It's nice to meet you, Bella," Neville said. "I have a son about your age."

"Really?" Bella asked.

Neville nodded and reached into his wallet. "This is my son, Frank. My wife's going to have another baby any day now and we found out it's going to be a little girl. I hope she's as pretty as you."

"What's her name going to be?" Bella asked interestedly.

"That's something my wife and I can't decide on," Neville told her. "I like the name Jenna and Hannah likes the name Leah."

"I like Jenna too," Bella nodded. "Sounds like my name!"

"So that's two votes in my favour," Neville grinned.

"You're going to get him in trouble with Hannah," Harry teased Bella.

Bella giggled.

"You should get to class, sweetheart," Hermione said. "And so should I, for that matter."

"Yes Mummy," Bella replied.

"Give me a hug," Hermione said kneeling down. Bella hugged her mother tightly around the neck.

"You're not mad, are you?" Bella whispered.

"About what, baby?" she asked.

"Because I was playing with Billy and Harry," Bella whispered back.

"I don't mind," Hermione kissed her cheek. "Come on, I'll walk you to Mrs. Morando's room."

Bella beamed at her. "Okay."

"It was good seeing you," Hermione told Neville. "I've got to get to my classroom."

"I'll see you later," Neville said smiling at her. "Bye, Miss Bella."

"Bye!" Bella waved.

Hermione ignored Harry as she took Bella's hand and let her out of the office.

"You weren't kidding," Neville said. "She's the spitting image of Hermione."

"Just like her," Harry shook his head.

"And from the way she ignored you, I take it things haven't improved with Hermione?" Neville asked.

"I don't know," Harry told him about trying to ask out Michelle and Hermione stepping in.

Neville could only shake his head. "Harry..."

"I'm stepping back," Harry said.

"You are?" Neville asked.

"She doesn't want me," Harry said. "Much as I'd like to change that."

"You're giving up then?" Neville asked.

Harry shrugged.

"Harry," Neville argued. "You can't give up. She needs you."

"She doesn't need me," Harry told him. "She's fine."

"So, you want me to drop the investigation into Conaghan's past?" Neville asked.

"What good is it going to do?" Harry asked as they left Hermione's office.

"Maybe it would help get that bastard out of their lives for good?" Neville asked. He couldn't believe Harry was talking like this.

"How do you know what he's like?" Harry asked.

"It's the reason why I came here," Neville said. He reached into his pocket and showed Harry an old tattered photograph. It was a much younger Damian Conaghan standing with his arm around a pretty blonde.

"That was his girlfriend from boarding school," Neville told him.

"What about her?" Harry asked.

"That is Naomi Lewis," Neville said. "She and Damian dated for two years. I got this photo from her old roommate. Apparently, Damian had a bit of a temper back then. Naomi spent two weeks in the infirmary after falling down the stairs."

"Where is she now?" Harry asked curiously.

"She lives in Surrey," Neville told him. "I rang her house the other night and when I told her what I was calling about, she hung up on me."

"Probably doesn't want to get tangled up in another mess," Harry said. "Can't blame her."

"Do you want me to drop this?" Neville asked.

"I don't know," Harry muttered.

"Maybe I shouldn't have gotten you involved to begin with," Neville said quietly.

"I should get to work," Harry said. "I just... I'll let you know."

Neville clapped him on the back. "Okay, mate."

"Are you sticking around today?" Harry asked.

"I'd like to," Neville replied. "If that's okay."

"Great," Harry nodded. "You should go observe in some of the rooms."

"Maybe I'll start with Hermione's," Neville said with a grin.

Harry laughed. "Good luck."

"She's always liked me," Neville said. "I don't think I have anything to worry about."

"True," Harry said. "Talk to you later."

Neville did not know which classroom was Hermione's, but he figured he'd just explore. Besides, he needed time to process all that he'd found out these last few days.

He was worried about his friend. After finding out about Naomi, he was certain that Damian was doing the same thing to Hermione.

He had never met Damian Conaghan, nor did he want to. Hermione deserved so much better, which Neville supposed was one of the main reasons he had directed Harry to this school.

He decided he'd better talk to the woman who ran the orphanage and school before popping into classrooms.

He met briefly with Dr. McGraw who graciously thanked him for all the work he had done to help the school. She sang Harry's praises and was all too happy to allow him access to sit in on any of the classes.

"Just have this pass with you," she said. "That lets the teachers know you're a registered guest."

"Of course," Neville replied shaking her hand. "Thank you."

He managed to find his way to Hermione's classroom and slipped into the back.

He watched with pride as his friend read a story to the class. The students were hanging on her every word and it was obvious they all loved her.

"I'd like you all to take out your maths now," Hermione said.

Neville laughed when her students groaned.

"Who are you?" one of them turned around.

"Class," Hermione said. "This is Neville Longbottom. He's a friend of Harry Potter's."

"Longbottom," one of the boys snickered.

"Jeffrey," Hermione said sternly.

"Sorry, Mrs. Conaghan," Jeffrey said.

"I expect you'll treat any adult that comes in here with respect, regardless of their name," Hermione told him.

Jeffrey nodded and turned around to look at Neville. "I'm sorry, sir."

"Quite all right," Neville said. He looked at Hermione and for the first time noticed that it was slightly purple around her eye. If he hadn't suspected, he'd never have seen it.

"Mr. Longbottom is visiting for the day to see how great you all are," Hermione told them.

"And you're all definitely great," Neville told the class.

"They are the best," Hermione said. "When they behave..."

"We always behave," Jess said with a grin.

"Do you now?" Hermione asked grinning back at her.

"Of course Mrs. Conaghan," Jess said innocently.

Neville enjoyed watching the rest of the class. After Hermione dismissed the class for recess, Neville approached his old friend. "I always knew you'd be a teacher, you know," Neville said. "You were always so patient and understanding with me. The first year, you were the only one, actually."

"I suppose it was my calling," Hermione replied.

"You're amazing," Neville said grinning at her.

"I try," Hermione said. She went to put some papers in a drawer and banged her arm on the edge of the desk, hitting one of her bruises. "Ouch..." she grimaced.

"Hermione?" Neville asked, concern etched across his face.

"I'm fine," she said. "Just... hurt myself again. I'm so clumsy."

"You're the least clumsy person, I know," Neville said. "Remember? I'm the clumsy one."

"Things can change in ten years," Hermione replied.

Neville nodded. "I suppose that's true. But, some things stay the same."

"I suppose," Hermione said. "I actually have to work on a few lesson plans for this afternoon while the kids are at recess."

"I won't keep you," Neville said. "But, I want you to know something, Hermione."

She looked up at him but didn't say anything.

"Harry cares about you," Neville told her. "He always has. He spent the past 10 years looking for you. That was one of the reasons why he travelled around so much. He never gave up."

"I don't want to hear about Harry," Hermione said flatly.

Neville sighed. "Well, there's something that hasn't changed. You're still as stubborn as a mule."

"I've been through too much due to Harry," Hermione told him. "Okay? He can't just come back into my life and play the white knight and have everything be forgiven."

"Cut him some slack," Neville told her. "He had no idea you were going to be here, Hermione! He genuinely wants to help."

"I know he does," Hermione said. "He wants to help the children. And once he does, he'll be on his way again."

"And you're okay with that?" Neville challenged.

"I'm fine with that," Hermione said, giving him an even stare.

Neville looked as if he wanted to say something else, but he decided against it. "Well, it was good seeing you, Hermione."

"I'm sure I'll see you again before you go," Hermione sat down at her desk.

"Yeah," Neville nodded. "We'll see."

"Enjoy your tour here," Hermione replied.

Neville smiled at her before walking out of the room.

Hermione sighed and rubbed at her forehead.

Part of her wished that Harry had never come here. Things might have been different.

At the same time, this was the happiest she'd felt in ten years. Damian was gone, she had her daughter to herself, and despite the way she was treating him, she had the real love of her life within grasp.

Neville's words echoed in her head. Harry had never given up on her.

"Stop," she said out loud. Dwelling on this would do her no good.

That stupid pre-marital contract that Damian had made her sign. She should have read it, but she'd been too blinded by her love for him that she hadn't given it a second thought.

She bit down hard on her lower lip and dug her nails into her palm, cursing her stupidity.

She could still remember the day he'd thrown that damn document in her face. Bella was two years old. They were still in Paris and Damian had been unbelievably brutal to her. The neighbours had called the police and Damian had been arrested. Hermione had vowed to get as far away from his as possible.


She was packing their things when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Hermione answered.

"You'd better get down here," her husband drawled. "And bail me out."

Hermione could not believe he was serious. "You expect me to come down there after what you did to me? I'm leaving, Damian. Bella and I will be gone by the time they let your sorry arse out."

"You think you can leave me, you bitch?" he sneered.

"I'm hanging up now," Hermione said.

"You do and you'll never see Bella again," he threatened.

Hermione sighed. "You'd fight me for custody? What kind of leg would you have to stand on? You're an abusive bastard..."

"You don't get it do you, Hermione?" he interrupted. "I already HAVE custody of her."

"We both do," Hermione said. "But, I'm going to file for divorce and I intend to file for sole custody."

Damian chuckled and the sound made her shiver. "I don't think so, love."

"Why would you even want custody?" Hermione asked. "You don't even love her, Damian. You complain about her crying, you complain about everything she does..."

"You might remember a piece of paper I had you sign before we got married," Damian interrupted her again. "In it you agree that I get the house, money, cars, everything. Including children... in the event you try and leave me."

"I never signed any such document!" Hermione exclaimed. "I would never sign something like that!"

"You already did, Hermione." Damian snapped.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"You already signed," Damian was clearly losing patience. "Now get down here and bail me out, or you'll rue the day."

"I'll rue the day?" Hermione asked, shaking her head. "Look, call your bloody parents or one of your colleagues. I'm not going anywhere near you."

"If you don't come get me out," Damian's voice lowered. "I will leave you. And I still get everything. You'll never see Bella again. EVER!"

Hermione slammed the phone down.

She was shaking as she hurried down to his office where he kept copies of every file their lawyer had.

There was no way she would have signed a document like that.

Hermione dug through the drawers until she came across a folder with her name on it.

There was a copy of their marriage certificate and some papers for their Paris flat.

The last page was what made her blood run cold.

"No..." Hermione whispered as she read over the document.

How could she have been so stupid? she wondered.

"Mummy?" Bella asked from the doorway. She had just woken up from her kip and was carrying her blanket. Hermione set the folder down and looked at her daughter. "Hey, sweetheart."

Bella toddled over to her mother. "Sweepy..."

Hermione picked up her daughter and hugged her tightly.

"Love Mummy," Bella said resting her head on her mother's shoulder.

"I love you too baby," Hermione said. "More than anything in this world."

Bella was the most important person to her and Hermione would never give her up. She would die first. She would take that document to an attorney and see for herself if it was valid and if there was any loophole.


In the present, Hermione recalled feeling that way and the despair that had threatened to overwhelm her when the lawyer informed her indeed that the pre nup was ironclad.

There was no way out of this and so she was stuck living with Damian for the next twelve years.

"Bella's worth it," she whispered. "She's worth anything he tries to throw at me."

Maybe by the time Damian returned, Harry would be gone and she could get back to normal. She would do whatever she could to keep her daughter safe.

"Mrs. Conaghan!" Jess came running into the room. "Jeffrey pulled my hair!"

Hermione broke out of her reverie and looked at the little girl. "What?"

"Jeffrey pulled my hair," Jess sniffled.

Hermione handed her a tissue. "Is he still on the playground?"

Jess nodded.

Hermione stood up. "Okay, come on. I'll take care of it."

Jess slipped her hand into Hermione's.

"It's going to be okay, Jess," Hermione reassured her. "I'm sure Jeffrey is sorry."

"He will be," Jess replied.

Hermione walked out onto the playground with Jess and sighed when she saw Neville and Harry were playing football with some of the older students.

"There you go!" Harry nodded. "Just kick it like that!"

Hermione ignored them and walked with Jess over to the swings.

"Jeffrey," Hermione said. "I'd like to have a word with you. Right now."

Jeffrey hopped off of his swing and glared at Jess. "Did you tell?"

"It hurt!" Jess exclaimed.

"Jeffrey, did you pull Jess' hair?" Hermione asked him.

"Just a little," he muttered.

"I want you to apologise to Jess right now," Hermione told him.

"Sorry," Jeffrey kicked at some sand.

"You will stay after class today and help me clean up," Hermione told him.

"What?" Jeffrey asked.

"You heard," Hermione said. "You're not to pull on Jess' hair or to hurt her. Did you think you could just get away with it, Jeffrey? Well, you can't!"

"I'm sorry," Jeffrey backed away from her.

Hermione realised too late what she had said. Jeffrey wasn't Damian. He was just a boy. "I'm---I'm sorry, Jeffrey."

Jeffrey still looked a bit terrified.

"Mrs. Conaghan?" Jess asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Hermione said.

"Um... we'll have a talk later, Jeffrey. But you don't have to stay after class."

"Yes, ma'am," Jeffrey said. "Can I go back and play now?"

Hermione nodded. "Jess, are you all right now?"

Jess looked uncertainly up at her teacher. "Yes, ma'am."

Hermione smoothed the little girl's hair back and sent her on her way.

Hermione caught Harry's eye as she walked back.

To her dismay, he said something to Neville and began to jog over to her.

"Alright, Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Fine," she said.

He saw her eyes were welling up with tears. "Hermione," he said softly.

"I'm fine!" she snapped at him. "Why are you always trying to act otherwise?"

"You're not acting like you're fine," Harry retorted. "You look like you're ready to fall to pieces."

"I told you already not to worry about me," she told him.

"I remember telling you the same thing when we were at Hogwarts," Harry said quietly.

"Then take your own advice," she said coolly.

"Fine," Harry retorted. "You want me to leave you alone? Fine, it's done. And as for tonight, I think I'm going to cancel."

"Then cancel," she challenged. "Go out with that airhead."

"I will," Harry shot back. "And she's not an airhead. Unlike some people, she actually appreciates my company!"

Hermione snorted. "You're not THAT great company."

Harry glared at her before stalking away in the other direction.

Hermione huffed and went back into the building.

"Insufferable git!" Hermione muttered angrily.

He actually thought he could make her jealous by going out with that twit of a receptionist.

Michelle made Ginny look like a genius.

Hermione sat back down at her desk and fished in the drawer for a bottle of aspirin she kept in there.

Michelle. Hermione rolled her eyes. If he wanted to waste his time, then he could just go ahead. She could care less what twit he went out with.

Part of her wanted to admit she did indeed care, but what was the purpose? Life was somewhat tolerable before he came and there was no reason she couldn't have that again.

She took the aspirin and swallowed the pills with a swig of water. This was supposed to be a happy time. No stress. Damian was gone and wouldn't be back anytime soon.

She managed to get her lesson plans finished in the remainder of the recess and decided to let the children have silent reading time when they came back.

She was embarrassed for how she had reacted to Jeffrey. He was just a little boy.

"Get a grip, Hermione." she told herself.

Downstairs, Harry was trying to keep his own temper in check. He had never been this angry with Hermione before.

"Get a grip, Harry," he told himself.

He went through the main lobby and saw Michelle sitting down behind her desk.

She wasn't the woman he wanted to be with, but maybe it would be good for him to start anew. Hermione obviously didn't want him and he couldn't spend the rest of his life pining away for her.

"Hi there," he sent her an engaging grin.

Michelle blushed. "Oh...hi. I saw your friend leave. It's a shame he can't stay longer..."

"He's got a wife at home," Harry said. "Didn't want to be away from her for too long."

"And now you're all alone," Michelle flirted.

Harry grinned at her. "Maybe you can change that."

"I'm always happy to help," Michelle said.

"Maybe you can help tonight, after all?" Harry asked. "Plans fell through."

Michelle nodded eagerly. "I'd love to go out with you, Harry."

"How about I pick you up at your place around seven?" Harry asked. "If you could write down your address..."

Michelle scribbled her address down on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

"Great," Harry smiled at her again. "I'll see you at seven."

"I can't wait," Michelle said winking at him.

Harry headed to his office to get ready for his afternoon meeting with Dr. McGraw about expanding a few classrooms.

"Hermione," Harry muttered.

"What was that?" Dr. McGraw had come up behind him.

"Nothing," Harry said hastily.

She opened the door to her office. "I hope you're finding it easy to work with the other teachers here."

Harry nodded. "Everyone's been really accommodating."

"Wonderful," she nodded.

"In fact, I'd like to work more closely with some of the other teachers," Harry said. "Mrs. Conaghan has done all that she can with me."

"Oh really?" Dr. McGraw asked. "I suppose I can have you working more with Mrs. Morando or Mr. Davis..."

Harry nodded. "It's not that Mrs. Conaghan hasn't been extremely helpful..."

"She's wanted to change things but we've never been able to afford to, until now." Dr. McGraw told him.

"You could thank Damian Conaghan for that," Harry muttered.

"Beg your pardon?" she asked.

"Damian Conaghan might have had a lot to do with that," Harry said.

"What makes you say that?" Dr. McGraw asked.

Harry shrugged. "I met him a few days ago. He didn't seem to care about anything but himself."

"He's donated some money and things to the school," Dr. McGraw said.

Harry wanted to ask when the last time that wanker had made a donation.

"He also comes in twice a month to check over all the children, free of charge," Dr. McGraw continued.

"I stand corrected," Harry said quietly.

Dr. McGraw smiled. "Sometimes first impressions can become misleading."

"I suppose so," Harry nodded. He remembered all too well how he had thought Hermione a pushy know-it-all when she'd stormed into that train compartment all those years ago.

The rest of their meeting went by smoothly and Harry headed back to his hotel room after school was out to get himself ready.

He had been on dates before, but had not had a serious relationship in years.

Harry also hoped Michelle wouldn't take this too seriously. He didn't think he'd be staying after his work here was done.

Harry set his briefcase down on the bed and ran a hand through his hair. He saw the photograph that he had put beside his bed of he and Hermione. It was the last photograph that had been taken of the two of them together. He could still remember that day he'd arrived at Grimmauld Place that summer before seventh year. He'd just set his own bags down on the bed.


"Harry!" he heard Hermione exclaim from behind him. He turned just in time to catch her as she launched herself at him for a fierce hug.

"Hermione," he laughed as he staggered backwards.

"I'm just so glad you're finally here," Hermione said resting her head on his shoulder.

"The obligatory days with the Dursleys," he rolled his eyes. "Those are over now, thankfully."

Hermione studied his face. "You look...older."

"If I said that to a woman she'd deck me," Harry said with a grin.

Hermione grinned back at him. "You know what I mean..."

"I do," Harry said. "But I just wanted to laugh. Been awhile since I did that."

Hermione squeezed his hand. She hadn't seen him since Dumbledore's funeral. "The Weasleys are downstairs. They're only staying tonight and then it will be just you, me and Ron."

"Good," Harry replied, looking relieved.

Hermione smiled at him. "That's not the only good news. Guess who was named Head Girl?"

"Hannah Abbot?" Harry pretended to think. "I always thought she'd do a good job--"

Hermione hit him in the arm. "Harry!"

"Congratulations," Harry told her. "I knew you'd get it."

"I just got the letter today," Hermione said. "I wanted to tell you first. I haven't even told Ron yet."

"Why not?" Harry asked.

Hermione shrugged. "I don't know. I just wanted to tell you first. He always gives me a hard time about it, but know how important it is to me."

Harry nodded, squeezing her hand again.

"I didn't think it would seem real until I told you," Hermione admitted.

"Do you know who Head Boy is yet?" Harry asked. He wished it was him- that way he could spend more time with her.

"Ernie Macmillan," Hermione replied, rolling her eyes.

Harry looked surprised. "I hadn't realised he was in the running."

"Neither did I," Hermione said thoughtfully.

"Hermione?" Ginny called out.

Harry vehemently shook his head. He wasn't up for seeing Ginny.

"He's... he's not here yet!" Hermione called out.

"What are you doing in his room?" Ginny asked poking her head into the room. Harry had managed to duck out of sight just in the nick of time.

"Just getting it ready for his arrival," Hermione said, moving in front of his suitcase.

"I really can't wait to see him again," Ginny said. "I just wish Mum would let me stay here with you. It's not fair..."

"He needs peace and quiet right now, Ginny." Hermione told her.

"Tender loving care," Ginny said looking around the room.

"He just needs rest," Hermione repeated firmly.

Ginny acted as if she hadn't heard a word Hermione said. "I'll be downstairs. If you hear him arrive, let me know..."

Hermione rolled her eyes but didn't say a word.

Ginny breezed out of the room.

"Honestly," Hermione shook her head as Harry stood back up.

"Thank you," Harry said gratefully.

"Not a problem," Hermione said. "I guess she forgot that you two broke up?"

"Suppose so," Harry sighed. "Some Gryffindor I am, eh? I can't face her."

"You will before they leave," Hermione predicted. "She'll sniff you out."

"Like a bloodhound," Harry said shaking his head.

Hermione laughed. "I'll help you unpack."

"Only if you promise not to give me a hard time about how I packed," Harry said grinning at her.

"You just threw it all in there again, didn't you?" Hermione asked.

Harry opened his suitcase. "It's not THAT bad..."

"You're right," she said. "It's worse."

"Hermione, I was kind of in a hurry," Harry said defensively.

"I guess I can't blame you," she said.

"I'll get better one of these days," Harry said reaching into his suitcase at the same time that Hermione did. Their hands brushed.

Hermione gulped and laughed nervously. "Sorry..."

"No need to apologise," Harry said.

"This might be easier," she said, waving her wand. His clothing flew into the appropriate drawers and neatly hung themselves in the closet.

Harry looked at her. "What would I do without you?"

"I don't know," she deadpanned.

"I don't ever want to find out," Harry said.

"You won't," she promised.

He knew she probably thought he was joking, but he had never been more serious in his life. He didn't want to think about what his life would be like without her in it.

"Well," Harry said after a moment. "Guess we should go downstairs."

"I guess so," Hermione said linking her arm with his.

Harry liked her closeness and how comfortable they were together. He never had to pretend to be someone he wasn't.

"Hermione?" Harry asked her.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"I'm never going to let anything happen to you," he said suddenly serious.

Hermione smiled at him. "That goes double for me, Potter."


In the present, Harry sighed as he looked at the photograph. He would have done anything for her to look at him like that again.

He couldn't deny that he missed her, missed her the way she used to be, study habits and all.

She was a shadow of the person she used to be.