Unofficial Portkey Archive

Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy by quizgirl

Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy


Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me...



When Harry went to bed that night, his head was swirling madly with thoughts of everything that had happened to him in his life. Everything he had lost and the things he had experienced. He felt guilty though, because he hadn't thought so much about Sirius lately.

Harry wished he could turn back the time to the end of third year. If he just could've captured Wormtail, none of that would've happen. Nobody would be dead, and Voldemort would still be hiding somewhere, waiting. Still alive, but gone all the same.

Harry now knew that the decision he had made in the Shrieking Shack was the most important decision he had made so far in his life, and he had messed it up badly. He would never do that mistake again.

Harry turned around and somehow drifted off to sleep. He had forgotten all about Occlumency.

* * *

They were standing in a dark room. Around them there were high, grey walls, without any windows. Only a small lamp in the roof lightened the room up. Harry could see a cage against one of the walls, behind Wormtail, who was on his knees?

"Is it all set, my Lord?" asked Pettigrew, with a thin, squeaky voice.

"Soon Pettigrew. We still need more time."

"How long, Master?"

"Not long, patience, Pettigrew. Now, do you know exactly what to do?"

"Yes, my Lord."

Harry laughed. "That old, Muggle-loving fool won't know what hit him! The plan is perfect!"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Now, go someplace until I need you," said Harry and dismissed Pettigrew with a wave of his hand. Wormtail left the room so fast that it looked like he had apparated.

Harry turned around - his heavy coat swirling around him - and faced a mirror, which stood beside a large chair. Harry's reflection showed him a pair of red, evil eyes in an almost white skull, with two slits as nostrils. Some inner part of Harry twisted.

"Yes, Potter." He sneered, "That's right. Soon."

* * *

Harry opened his eyes with a start. Quickly he turned around in the bed and vomited on the floor.

"That's disgusting." Ron said from the bed beside him. Harry was about to answer when his scar suddenly gave a jolt of pain trough him.

"Argh! Stop it!" moaned Harry, clutching both of his hands over the scar on his forehead.

"Stop what?"

"Not you!" Harry gasped. "Him!"

"Oh," said Ron and fell silent.

Harry grabbed his wand and vanished the vomit with an `Evanesco,' then he rolled back to his bed and stared up in the ceiling.

"I hate this!" Harry blurted out after a while, but then he heard snoring beside him. Ron had felled asleep again.



When Harry got up from bed that morning, he felt like he hadn't slept at all. His head was heavy, and he felt oddly disorientated. Harry cursed himself for not practicing Occlumency.

Hermione, who was waiting for Harry and Ron to come down, frowned when she saw him

"What have you-" she began, but Harry interrupted her:

"Don't ask," he said, but saw Ron gave Hermione an `I'll tell you later' look out of the corner of his eye. He could have cared less though. He was much more interested in figuring out what his vision meant. Something told him it was important.

"What classes are you taking this year?" Ron asked Hermione.

"I'm taking, Runes, Arithmancy, Defense, Charms, Transfiguration and Potions."

"What, you don't take `Care Of Magical Creatures' this year?" asked Harry, perplexed. Hermione hung her head.

"No. I would need a Time Turner again if I did, and I don't think I'm up to that again."

"Oh," said Harry. "What about you, Ron?"

"I'm taking Defense, Charms and Care Of Magical Creatures," Ron answered, without looking at him.

"Why don't you take Potion? Or Transfiguration?" asked Hermione, stealing Harry's words out of his mouth. "I thought you wanted to be an Auror!"

Ron shrugged. "Nah, after what happened in the… er… Ministry of Magic last year, I figured that I wanted something more than chasing bad guys and be a slave for the Ministry."

Harry struggled hard to keep a normal face; it felt like someone had slapped him. He remembered all to well what had happened last year, but not that it had affected Ron so much. Again Harry was the one to blame.

"I'm sorry," said Harry and hung his head. Suddenly he didn't want to be around them anymore, he wanted to be alone.

He slowed down and hoped that Hermione or Ron wouldn't notice and just continue along. However, Hermione did notice, and wouldn't let Harry do such a thing.

"Come on, Harry!" she said and dragged his arm. "What's going on? Tell us!"

"He saw something from You-Know-Who again," explained Ron. A moment Harry was afraid that Ron would mention the vomiting, but luckily he didn't. Harry gave him a look.

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "What kind of sight? Was it a vision?"

"Yeah, kind off," said Harry. "He's up to something."

"Shocker!" said Ron sarcastically, pretending to be surprised, but when Hermione gave him a look he cleared his throat and asked: "What did you see?"

"Er… We were standing in some kind off dark room, without windows… Wormtail was there, standing in front of some cage. He and I - er, Voldemort - were talking. I don't remember exactly what they said, but they said something about a plan they've been working on, and that it was ready soon… Oh!" Harry added, "It's got something to do with Dumbledore!"

Hermione's eyes widened. "Odd," she said, "It always uses to be you."

"Yeah!" Ron voted in. "Maybe they're gonna use Harry to get to Dumbledore or something?"

"Could be," said Harry, trying hard to sound casual, "I wouldn't be surprised. It's always about me, isn't it?"

He couldn't keep the sarcasm out of his voice, but Ron and Hermione seemed to understand.

"I don't think they would be able to get to you, Harry. You are very well protected, better than you think."

They reached the Great Hall for breakfast, and Ginny waved them over.

"Hey you three!" she said, "The classes begin soon! Why are you so late?"

Ron explained, and Ginny's reaction was quite similar to Hermione's.

"You're sure that one was real?" she asked, twinning her hair between her fingers. "It wasn't fake, like last time?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "It seemed to be real enough. But Voldemort knew I was there, he talked to me."

Ron choked his drink, and Hermione and Ginny gasped.

"You didn't tell us that!" exclaimed Hermione. Harry smiled apolitically.

"I didn't think it was important," he said.

"What did he say?" asked Ginny, before Ron could. She had gone very pale, Harry noticed, and her freckles stood out more clearly than usual.

"Er… he said…" Harry had to think for a moment before he remembered. "He said: That's right, Potter. Soon."

Nobody said anything for a long time, but suddenly Ginny yelled out: "The time! We're late!"

That was true... The classes started five minutes ago, and they were the only students left in the Great Hall.

Hermione cried out and jolted up from the seat. "Oh my God! You're right! We got to hurry! Oh no! The first day and everything! I can't believe it!"

Luckily, Ron and Harry's first lesson was `Care of Magical Creatures,' and Hagrid wasn't exactly very severe. Hermione, however, had Arithmancy; her favorite subject. Harry honestly didn't think she would get in trouble if she was late one or another day, she was the best student in the class after all.

Harry and Ron ran outside to where Hagrid kept his lesson as fast as they could, and made it only ten minutes late. However, the class hadn't even settled down yet, and most of the students were chatting loudly with each other. They both sighed with relief, Ron a little out of breath.

Harry spotted Parvati, and went over to her, Ron following closely behind him.

"Come on!" urged Harry, and they sat down exactly when Hagrid clapped his hands together, signalising that the class had begun.

"Ello, everyone!" he said and beamed. "How are you doin' eh?"

Nobody answered. Harry suspected that at least half of them only took that class because it was considered to be easy to get good grades in.

"Had a good summer?" Hagrid tried again.

This time there was some `yes' and some `no,' but most of the class were silent, like Harry, Ron and Parvati were.

"Right then!" said Hagrid, "Today we're studyin' a very special creature. They're called Demiguises. Can somebody tell us sometin' abou' `em?"

Nobody answered this time either. Harry suspected that without Hermione the classes would be like that, and suddenly wished she sat beside him as usual.

"Er… right," said Hagrid, and looked a bit uncomfortable before he collected himself again. Harry shifted boringly on the ground.

"Demiguises are some very interestin' creatures indeed, they `ave the ability to turn invisible. They enjoy spyin' on people and stealin' their sweets. They can remin' you of a white monkey when you see `em. A demiguise is usually white, and their fur is often used in invisibility cloaks.

"So, any questions?" asked Hagrid, and beamed when nobody seemed to have any. Then he clasped his hands enthusiastically together, and said: "Come on then, follow me!"

All the pupils got up, stretching their legs, but stopped when they saw that Hagrid was heading towards the Forbidden forest. Ron gave Harry a worried look, but Harry ignored him. He didn't care much, but he didn't like the thought of meeting Aragog, the Centaurs, or Grawp for that matter, too soon.

However, when they reached the front of the first trees, Hagrid turned left and guided them towards a small paddock instead. The class sighed with relief.

Harry peeked curiously over the fence, but didn't see anything. Confused, he turned with raised eyebrows at Hagrid, waiting for an explanation.

"Where is it, Hagrid?" asked Harry, when Hagrid gave no further signs of given them an explanation.

"Righ' there..." said the half-giant, and clasped an oversized hand on Harry's shoulder. However, this time Harry didn't find it that hard to stay on his feet as he had before. " the paddock," Hagrid finished. Harry looked again, but still saw nothing. Getting more impatient, he turned, once again about to say something, but Hagrid beat him to it.

"The Demiguises, like I said, `ave the power to turn invisible. That's why you don't see `em, Arry."

"Oh," said Harry and blushed, realizing that the whole class had been watching him with highly amused looks.

"Does anybody know what we can do to see `em?" said Hagrid, continuing the lesson.

Harry thought hard, but couldn't find any solution to the problem. Once again, he found himself wondering what Hermione would've said. Ron appeared to be thinking the same thing; he kept looking around him, as if he had to make sure that Hermione wouldn't suddenly appear and answer the question.

Everybody, like Harry, just shook their heads again, and were watching Hagrid expectantly, some a little frightened.

"You ask `em of course'!" exclaimed Hagrid, as if this should be obvious. Some of the students snickered under their breaths. "Ah, Ron!" Why don't you try?"

"Huh?" said Ron, his head snapping up. "Oh, right…" He cleared his throat soundly, and asked: "Er… Can you show yourself?"

For a moment nothing happened, and Harry was sure that it hadn't worked. But then, out of thin air, a white, weird, but elegant looking monkey appeared. However, it wasn't a monkey, but a Demiguise. Everyone gasped, even Parvati, who, as usual, had been quiet the whole time.

"Wicked!" said Ron, grinning, and the Demiguise turned its head and looking at him, then at Harry. Suddenly Harry felt a weird jump of recognition. Had he seen that creature before?

He stared intently at it for a long time, and was mystified by how the creature's eyes were twinkling, as if to tease him. Hey! Harry thought. He had seen that twinkling before!

He shook his head, disbelievingly. It couldn't be Dumbledore… or could it?

Harry looked again, and the Demiguise stared back at him, as if willing him to see. Suddenly Harry remembered something Dumbledore had said, years ago… I don't need an invisibility cloak to turn myself invisible.

Demiguises could turn themselves invisible… they enjoyed sweets...

"Can Demiguises see through invisibility cloaks?" asked Harry excitedly.

"O' course!" said Hagrid his smile widening. Harry grinned back, and turned to the creature again.

Dumbledore? He mouthed silently, and the creature nodded slightly in return. Harry couldn't help it, and fell into a hysteric laugher, holding his stomach as he gasped for breath. Everyone in the class stared at him stupidly, but Harry didn't care. So Dumbledore was an Animagus! And a monkey no less!

Harry couldn't help but think that it suited Dumbledore perfectly, and the thought made him laugh even harder.



Next class was Defence Against the Dark Arts Ron, Parvati and Harry met Hermione outside the classroom before the class began, and she looked vaguely at them. She, too, was worried about who the next Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was going to be that year. Lupin seemed to be the only teacher that actually had wanted them to learn something, without putting them in a life or death situation in the process.

Ron told Hermione about their lesson with Hagrid.

"It was really interesting!" explained Ron, waving his arms. "You should've been there!"

"I'm sure it was, Ron," said Hermione. Harry suddenly realized she looked very tired, and her hair was all bushy again. He wondered what was wrong.

"We had about Demiguises!" continued Ron. "And Hagrid actually seemed to know what he was talking about!"

Hermione frowned. "I've read about those…"

"Do you know Dumbledore's one?" Harry added in. That comment captured their attention right away, even from Parvati.

Ron whirled around at him. "How do you know? Why haven't you told us before?"

Harry shrugged. "I didn't know until that lesson. I'm telling you, Dumbledore was that creature!"

Hermione, however, didn't seem to like that thought at all. "But I checked! In third grade, remember? I should've seen…"

Harry opened his mouth to answer, but suddenly the door to the classroom opened, and people started to go in. Harry noticed that there were many students that had chosen Defence Against the Dark Arts that year.

When they walked in, and saw a small, but powerful looking man in the front.

"Hello, please take your seats," the man said. "I am Professor McClaggan."

Everybody seemed to be studying him for a moment; as if they wanted to make sure of that he could be trusted. McClaggan was a strange looking man, Harry decided. He was small, but gracious. He looked like he had been through a lot, but instead of looking tired; he had a very powerful and confident look behind his spectacles.

Professor McClaggan slowly turned his head and stared at Harry for a moment; his piercing gaze chilling Harry for some reason. Harry, however, didn't let this affect his appearance, and stared, somewhat expectantly, back.

Harry could easily tell that McClaggan had recognised him the second he had opened the door.

"Sit down," commanded McClaggan, and everybody sat down obediently. Hermione sat down quickly in one of the front desks, and gave Harry and Ron a look that meant they better follow her.

McClaggan cleared his throat and everybody was silent in a heartbeat.

"I see," McClaggan began, "that you are all awfully behind the curriculum. However, somehow many of you managed to get at least Exceed Expectations in your OWLs. Whatever you did last year," (Harry could've sworn that he saw McClaggan's eyes flicker towards where he was sitting for a second) "it should be continued. Anyway, this year we are not wasting any time. We have a war in front of us, and I dare say that you will need everything you can learn... It could be a matter of life or death. So, pair up in groups with four. Quickly!"

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Parvati ended, naturally, up in the same group, and Harry was surprised to see how aware Parvati looked, like she really wanted to do good.

Draco winked at Harry from the other end of the classroom, and Harry frowned. He had to remember to watch his back for Malfoy this year.

"Today," McClaggan continued when he saw that everybody had paired up, "we are working on a curse called `Impedimenta'. Can anybody tell the class what the curse is good for?"

Harry's shoulders sank in disappointment. He had hoped they would be learning something new. Nearly two thirds of the class raised their hands, and Harry was pleased to tell that nearly all of them had belonged to the DA last year. He couldn't help but smile, and looked over at Hermione. She met his gaze and grinned back at him, she had noticed it too. Her smile left a herd of butterflies in his stomach, and he quickly turned his eyes away, a bit scared of himself.

"Yes?" said McClaggan, looking at Ron, who paled.

"Er… you slow down an attacker?"

"Quite right," said McClaggan, and started to tell them more of what the Impediment course could do and in what situations you should use them. "Who have used it before?"

Just half the students that had raised their hands on the last question raised their hands on this one. Harry, however, raised his hand up, almost lazily.

"Ah, Mister Potter…" said McClaggan slyly, drawing Harry's attention. "Why don't you come up here and show us?"

"Yes, sir," said Harry, fully on guard now. He didn't trust McClaggan, and he had a strong feeling that him showing the Impediment curse wasn't all McClaggan wanted from him.

Harry nervously went up in front of the class, and pointed his wand at McClaggan.

The professor smirked. "Let's see how good young Mister Potter here can do, he hasn't survived Voldemort a number of times if he isn't good for something, right?"

Harry shot McClaggan an angry look, heat flushing up in his face. He instantly felt a new jerk in his arm, but there was no time to think about that now…

"Impedimenta!" Harry shouted, and a jet of red light shot from his wand. However, McClaggan immediately put up a shield, and the curse went straight back at Harry. Harry had barely time to jump to the side to dodge it.

Harry hesitated. Was he supposed to duel?

McClaggan seemed to notice Harry's hesitation, and quickly disarmed him with `Expelliarmus.'

"First rule in duelling," lectured McClaggan, "is to not lose attention!"

It was a good thing Harry didn't have his wand that very moment; he was so angry that he could curse McClaggan into the next year. It didn't matter if it had to be an Unforgivable, he just wanted…

Suddenly his scar and arm jerked violently at the same time, and Harry yelped. No, no, no… he thought, as it went up for him, like somebody had just hit his head with something. He had only felt the jerk in his arm when he was angry… When he was (almost) capable of using one of the three…he remembered something he had read in `All About the Unforgivables': The effects of this can be compared to as Muggle drugs, which can also make you addicted, only here it is to the feeling of killing…

Harry felt like he could throw up again, and he was the first one out of the classroom when the class was dismissed.

"Hey, Potter!" said Draco Malfoy, catching up with him, Ron and Hermione right behind. "What's up with you? Are you angry because everyone saw how miserable you did in duelling and how pathetic you really are? Are you-"

Harry turned around so fast that Draco almost tripped over in surprise.

"CRU-" Harry started furiously, but stopped himself just in time. He stared back and forth from Draco, Hermione and Ron's alarmed eyes for a moment, before he turned around again and ran as fast as he could into the Forbidden forest.

Tears stung behind his eyes as he ran, and for the first time he wondered what he was turning into.


This chapter is up early because many more (close to 10 per cent) of you actually took pity in me and reviewed the last chapter. It's greatly appreciated, don't forget that.

