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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy by quizgirl

Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy


Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me.


In the paper today

tales of war and of waste

but you turn right over to the TV page

Hey now, hey now

Don't dream it's over

Hey now, hey now

When the world comes in

They come, they come

To build a wall between us

We know they won't win

(Don't Dream It's Over - Crowded House)

Harry and Annie arrived at Christina's house an hour later. Her house was quite larger than Annie's as she was still living with her parents, who were away for the weekend. As soon as the girls saw each other they squealed and hugged fiercly. Harry shrugged off his jacket, hung it on its proper place and kicked off his shoes. He double-checked to make sure that he still had his wand in his left sleeve.

The girls broke apart and Christina helped Annie carry the shopping bags into the kitchen. Annie threw Harry a beer.

"Here," she said, "enjoy yourself."

Harry grabbed the can with ease, but did not open it. He frowned of the idea of getting drunk; he'd seen how it had affected other Death Eaters. The alcohol always affected them in the same way - they would get childish, loud and clumsy. They would also get a poor judgement and a bad arm when throwing spells. Harry had no desire for that to happen to him. Instead he went out to the living room and saw modern looking furnitures, a black couch and a glass table. It also had a very flat wide-screen and a exclusive music stereo system. Against his will Harry found himself admiring the Muggle technology. Looking around more closely he saw several pictures on the wall; a wedding picture and a few pictures of the other living humans in the house. He also found a few pictures of what had to be Christina and wondered if he had had pictures like that in the house he had grown up in.

"There'll be more people in a moment," Christina reassured with a shy smile as she entered the room and saw Harry looking at the pictures. She must be thinking he was bored.

"That is fine," replied Harry absentmindly. In truth he didn't like the thought of them having company in case there were any wizards among them. Wizards would recognize him in a heartbeat.

Christina looked over him searchingly but finally settled on saying: "Tell me if you need anything. I'll be in the kitchen with Annie."

"Sure," said Harry, not looking at her. His mind was back on the letters he had recieved the day before. He wondered how much time the owl needed to fly to and back with a reply.

Harry's train of thoughts halted when he heard his name being mentioned from the kitchen. His ears perked up and he walked softly closer to the wall. The voices were not loud, but just audible enough for Harry to hear.

"I don't know Annie. Something seems off about him."

A sigh. "You don't know him. He can be really sweet." Harry wrinkled his nose. Sweet? They weren't talking about him were they?

"How much do you know about him anyway?"
"I know enough," came the affronted answer. "Look, I know you are merely looking after me. But I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself. He hasn't done anything to hurt me, and more importantly, he respects me. His looks aren't too bad either-"

A snicker. "You can be so single-minded it's comical."

"Hey!" the voice that clearly belonged to Annie rose a little. "What about you? You have done lots of things yourself! Do I need to remind you of the time when you--"

"Yeah yeah. No need to bring that up again! We all know what happened. Besides, we're talking about you now. What are your plans for the evening?"

A pause. "My plan is to give him a few drinks and see what happens. I've caught him looking at me - I know he's interested."

"Really? You've never told me about that."

"That's because of Luke. I couldn't act upon it while I was with him. Now, however…"

"Hush," interrupted Christina's voice. "Don't want him to hear us would you?" Harry bent a little closer and pressed his ear against the wall so he could hear better. They were talking about him! Christina's voice continued. "Anyway, if you really like him as a friend, it's not fair of you to use him to get over Luke. You know that. It'll be stupid to do anything to risk that."

"But I'm not!"


"If you say so. Come on, before he comes looking for us--"

Harry retreated, his head spinning with thoughts. He wasn't sure what he thought about what he had just heard. Annie wanted to use him to get over Luke? He hadn't thought about that possibility.

Sitting down on the couch, Harry considered the still unopened can of beer he held in his hand. He knew he wouldn't get drunk by one only and if he didn't drink it they would suspect he had heard what they had been talking about. Harry opened it. Perhaps he could simply empty it in a nearby plant -

Someone knocked on the window behind him and he turned abruptly. There was that white owl again. The one he somehow knew was called Hedwig. Harry quickly rose from the couch and let the bird in silently. She was carrying a new letter in her talons and looked very worn and tired, like she had flown for days without stopping. The moment she reached Harry she flew to his shoulder and rubbed her head against his ear. At the same time Harry could hear the girls mumbling something back in the kitchen and knew he had to be quick. They could come out any time and an owl with a letter would be hard to explain.

Harry tore open the letter and skimmed through it quickly. It was from the Hermione girl again, asking to meet him, no sooner than by the Leaky Cauldron the very next day. Harry didn't know what to answer, nor did he have the time to write a reply. Quickly he led the bird over to the window and whispered:

"Now, go on Hedwig. We cannot let the Muggles see you!"

The owl hooted softly in indignance, letting him know how rude he was to not even offer her something to drink or an owl treat. Harry didn't care; he simply threw her out of the window. He closed it just as Annie and Christina came back. Annie looked at him and the window questionly with her eyebrows slightly raised. Harry shrugged and told them he had wanted some air.

Both sent him a charming smile that only resulted in making Harry even more suspicious, though he didn't show it.

Annie sat down beside him, sitting very close in Harry's opinion. Someone knocked on the front door with loud cheers and Christna went to open. Annie winked at Harry and opened a beer of her own. They toasted and Harry found himself forced to take a drink. He didn't really mind the taste - he minded the effect it would have on him if he drank too much. He was comforted, however, with the feel of the wand on his left forearm. The dark mark underneath stung a little, but not badly. It was merely a constant reminder that the Dark Lord was waiting impatiently for him to get back.

In a matter of minutes, a number of people had entered Christina's house. Harry gladly accepted another beer so that he had something to do and would not look out of place. The risk he was taking and what could happen if someone recognized him was constantly gnawing in the back of his mind. Annie shifted and sat down on his lap. Harry looked up at her with surprise.

"What are you thinking?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

Harry suddenly felt he had two arms too many and he didn't know what to do with them. He hesitantly planted them on her thighs. That way he could stop her from getting any closer. She was way too close already and after what he had heard from the kitchen, he had a good idea what she wanted to try. Harry sighed, knowing he had to answer something. "Just a letter I recieved last night."

"From who? And how did they know my adress?"

Harry shrugged, his normal response whenever he didn't know what to say. She wouldn't believe him if he told her an owl had delivered it to him anyway. "Um-"

Harry was supposed to say something more, but was interrupted when Annie suddenly leaned forward and kissed him.

To say that the kiss erupted hidden feelings, created fireworks or anything of that sort would be a lie. In Harry's opinion, the kiss contained no romantic feelings, only shock and confusion. For Annie's part, it was like she was trying to prove something. If it was for him, Christina or herself Harry didn't know. She wasn't a bad kisser - not at all - but Harry had a strong feeling that her heart wasn't in it.

So why was she kissing him?

The best he could say about the kiss was that it was short. Harry sat frozen to the couch. Even though his eyes had closed automatically, he still felt like a total idiot. Like he was completely inexperienced, which he knew he wasn't.

Annie had moved her mouth from his lips and was now resting her chin on his shoulder, hugging herself to him softly. Harry held her; trying to look at the turn of events in a new way. He couldn't remember having to protect someone other than himself, but he liked it. He liked that she needed him and he liked having someone to care for. It made him feel less hollow. Less alone.


They spent two more hours at Christina's. Soon, however, everyone began to move out the front door. Most of them were going to a pub or somewhere underground to drink and party. Harry had began to feel slightly tipsy himself from the alcohol, but it was nothing more than what he could handle. He was probably the most sober guy in the whole group.

Annie and Harry was the last ones to go. Christina trusted Annie enough to let her have her own key to the apartment. Annie had been searching for her jacket in all the mess in the hall. When she finally found it she had let out an annoyed sight. Her black coat had been laying on the floor and had clearly been stepped on because it had a visible, grey foot print on its back. Annie had refused to leave until the mark had been removed and Christina had to catch the bus. Harry and Annie were going elsewhere and had ordered a cab.

When everything was in order, Annie smiled at Harry. She was no doubt pondering about his lack of response when they had kissed. Harry shrugged and refused to meet her eye properly. Annie shrugged too, opened the door and stepped outside. Harry followed, but stumbled into her when she stopped dead.

"Oh no." Annie turned abruptly and forcefully shoved Harry back inside. The sudden movements nearly made him fall.

"What is the matter?" he asked, looking at her concerned face.

"That car belongs to Luke," she said, her mouth and hands trembling. "I don't know what he's doing here, but I don't like it ... I don't like it at all! Oh Harry, please don't let him see me..."

"Hush," said Harry, wrapping an arm around her. He had a feeling there was something he ought to tell her, but he couldn't for the life of him figure out what. "It is all right," he mumbled as soothingly as he could. The words felt weird on his tongue. "He will not see you. I will make sure of it. Come on now."

"I - I can't..."

"Sure you can. You are safe with me," insisted Harry, still with the nagging feeling in the back of his mind. "Come on-"

"He'll see us! He's dangerous Harry - you have no idea what he is capable of!"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Oh please. He cannot be worse than what I have dealt with. Tell you what," he said, reaching for his wand and showing it to her. "Nothing can beat this. Do you believe in magic?"

Annie blinked at him. "Huh?"

"Magic," repeated Harry as though it was the most natural thing in the world. "This is a wand and it can protect us. I am a wizard."

Annie stared at him for a moment. Then she bursted out laughing. "Yeah right! And I'm Santa!" She swayed for a moment and Harry held her a little tighter to keep her from falling.

They were alone in the house now. Everyone had gone outside. Harry knew they should get going right away so Annie wouldn't have a chance to finish the plan she had talked about earlier to "seduce" him. At his state Harry wasn't sure he minded, but he knew he would regret it later. He had no feelings for the girl and he knew he couldn't stay with her forever either. Still, he wanted to get her out of the house and he felt he could prove to her that what he was telling was true. He wasn't sure about the rules concerning muggles and magic, but who would know about it anyway?

"I am serious. Here, let me show you."

Annie laughed harder. Harry sighed and tapped her head with his wand, promptly using a Disillusionment charm on her. She shivered when the cold sensation went down her back, but she didn't notice she had turned nearly invisible herself.

"Do not freak out, all right?" said Harry and did the same to himself. Annie abruptly stopped laughing and her eyes flickered around the small room uncertainly. He could feel her hold on him tighten as though she wondered how she could feel him but not see him.

"I am right here," he said softly. He could only see her if he concentrated. "We have merely turned invisible for the unsuspecting eye."

Annie was shaking. "What have you done to me? Why can't I see myself? I'm gone!"

"I used a Disillusionment charm on us so Luke would not see."

"This ... this is ... oh Harry, I can't even pretend to understand! Are you really a wizard? Is this really magic? Am I merely dreaming?"

"You are not dreaming," reassured Harry, starting to get impatient. "Now let's get going!"

Annie nodded numbly beside him. Gently he guided her out the door and down the street. Passing Luke Joans without him noticing was easy, but still filled Harry with excitement and an urge to curse the guy.

"You know," said Annie when they were safely out of reach. They had ended the Disillusionment charm and found a cab. "This magic thing is wicked!"

Unknown to them, Aurors from the Ministry appeared in Christina's house minutes later. One of them them was Nymphadora Tonks, another was an undercover Death Eater named Brian Stick. Both were eager to get back to their leaders and tell them that Harry Potter's magic had been tracked and that he was in the neighbourhood. Things were about to happen, and it would affect a lot of people.


Annie and Harry had taken a cab as soon as they were safely out of Luke's reach. They stopped the cab when they were just a couple of blocks away because they would have had to take another long route to get around, and they didn't have enough money for that. Annie thanked the driver, faced Harry and took his hand. They started walking down down the dark street that smelled fresh with rain. He still felt warm and fuzzy from the alcohol. That, combined with the quiet street and the fresh smell, gave Harry a sense of calm he hadn't felt in a long time.

A sign nearby lit the street in front of them with neon light. It was a restourant named `Partner at Hand' that felt vagually familiar to Harry. He had to stop for a moment when he reached a certain fence in the front.

"What is it, Harry?" asked Annie. "The nightclub is just around the corner."

It took a while before Harry answered. He was trying to remember where he had seen that fence before. "Nothing," he said at last. "Let's go."

When Annie had said the nightclub was just around the corner, she hadn't exaggerated. It was, in fact, the same building, only on the other side. Harry could hear the music now; just audible, and he could feel the rythm in the air if he paid attention to it. Annie kept a firm grip on his arm as they faced the guard on the front.

"ID please," said one of them until he recognized Annie. "Oh, it's you. Come on in." Annie smiled and moved past. She turned and waited for Harry.

"ID please," said the guard again.

"Er-" Harry began, but Annie interrupted.

"He's with me and he's almost nineteen. Now please let him through."

The guard raised his chin speculateively and looked down at them. Harry didn't feel threathened, after all, he was the one with a wand. The guard looked ready to argue, but Harry quietly slipped his wand out of his sleeve and casted Imperio.

Let me through, ordered Harry through the invisible link they temporarely shared. And find me if anyone comes to search for me or ask you unusual questions.

The guard nodded stupidly and stepped aside. Harry smirked and followed the slightly shocked Annie.

"What did you just do?" she whispered, just outside the door in. Harry looked at her innocently.

"Do? Me? Nothing."

Annie rolled her eyes. "If you think that look can fool me you are sorely mistaken."

Harry didn't bother to comment and simply opened the door, feeling the sound of the music hit his face with a force he never knew existed.


The next hour flew past as though it had never existed. They didn't do much else than move to the music and dance. Once they went up to the disk to buy some more beer and once they went to the bathroom.

It was on the second time they parted to do their business that they ran into trouble. When Harry got out from the men's room, he saw two muscular men blocking Annie's way out.

She was a little unsteady on her feet and kept looking at them uncertainly. A stranger would think she was calm, but Harry recognized her stiff attitude and darting eyes as a sign of nervousness.

"Excuse me," she tried, and began to squeeze her way through them.

"Not so fast, you," said one of them and grabbed her by her shoulder. "Why don't you come with us for a while?"

"No ... my boyfriend is waiting," she mumbled, trying to get ouf of his grip.

"But your boyfriend is not here, is he?" one of them said. "He won't even notice."

"Wait Earnie," the other one said. "This is Luke Joan's girlfriend."

Annie froze but they didn't seem to notice. The one who held Annie in a death grip paused and looked down at her. There was quite a height difference. He said: "Luke still owes me money. Tell me where he is."

"I don't know," mumbled Annie. "Now let me through.We're not together anymore."

The man seemed surprised, but didn't let go of her. "You're not?" He took up his cellphone and seemed to write something.

"I said let me through!" Annie slapped him. Despite of the loud music playing in the room beside them everything seemed oddly quiet. Harry chose that moment to make an appearance.

"Let her be!" he ordered. He grabbed Annie's arm and yanked her out of the bigger man's grasp. "Come on now."

"Not so fast-" Harry heard behind him before he recieved a dizzying blow from behind. He was hit between the shoulders and he promtply flew forwards, crashing in the wall in front of him.

Before he had managed to shake off the dizzyiness, he recieved a kick on his legs. It hurt, and white-blazing anger welted up in Harry, as well as a huge bitterness. He had been so good - he had managed to avoid cursing humans ever since he had stumbled over Annie's house. And for what? Being bullied? He wanted to be feared, he wanted to show that he was stronger than them.

There was no one elsed in the hall. Wiping his mouth, Harry jumped to his feet, pulled out the wand he had hidden in his sleeve, and pointed it at the one who was closest.

"Silence! Crucio!"

It felt wonderful to do the Dark Arts on something else other than a bird. The man before him screamed and covered on the ground, hugging his knees and managed to wet himself. The man's friend only stared in shock. "What is that?" he gasped. Harry ended the curse and stared at him.

"It is magic you moron. Dark magic. And you have never seen it. Obliviate!"

Harry turned to the sobbing and whimpering man on the floor and used the same memory charm on him.

"Come on Annie, let's go." Annie was frozen in shock and clutched his arm tightly. Harry knew she was terrified, but she was too shocked to protest. The two men looked at each other in confusion and moved away from the two teenagers. "Do not bother us again," Harry hissed, before leading Annie out from the hall and to where the music was. They had to get away and they had to get away now. Harry had no idea what could alert the Ministry, but Dark Arts on muggles had to be taken seriously by them. He had no desire to get caught. As soon as they had found a spot where no one noticed them, Harry wrapped his arms against a still shell-shocked Annie and Apparated.
