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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy by quizgirl

Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy


This was such a fun chapter to write you have no idea. At least, I had no idea that writing Snape's POV was so entertaining. Thank you for all the reviews! Guess what? I turned eighteen last week, and since then it's been snowing like never before. Wohoo!

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me.

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The morning after Halloween there were no reports of Harry Potter missing. It did, however, have a detailed description of his fight with Bellatrix LeStrange. Of course, that hardly mattered anymore.

Snape had been summoned the evening before and stood calmly in one of the larger chambers in the Dark Lord's hide out, waiting for what undoubtedly had to be an admission that the Threat had failed. He had seen Bellatrix returning to the stone castle bruised and beaten, looking stone sour and in a horrible temper.

Therefore, he was quite surprised to see Peter Pettigrew dragging Harry Potter in, who looked to be struggling against the silver hand with all his might. Only years of practice stopped Snape for gasping out loud in horror.

The boy eventually stopped struggling, realizing that he was trapped and probably needed to save his strength. That was what Snape guessed anyway, he had no clear idea what went through the young wizard's mind at the moment.

Their eyes met and Potter's eyes widened. Snape shook his head ever so slightly and luckily the boy took the hint for once and kept his mouth shut. Snape suddenly spotted the Dark Lord; walking towards the middle of the room. Snape froze. Had he seen?

Luckily it did not seem so. The Dark Lord only had eyes for the young, dark haired wizard in front of him. Snape saw the man's red eyes widen with glee and hunger and he had to suppress a shiver. Whatever the Dark Lord had planned for the teenager could not be good.

The Dark Lord held his speech; taking his time and explained a few details. Snape was shocked when he saw how easily the Dark Lord could control Harry through the scar and was equally surprised when he heard the rumored prophecy escape the boy's mouth. The one the Dark Lord had been after for years. Snape did not believe much in prophesies, but he had no problem guessing what it meant. However, the Dark Lord interpreted it slightly different - to the point where he said that as long as he and the Potter boy was alive then no one could kill them - something that could be true, of course, but contradicted Snape's own beliefs.

"Think about it, Harry... the possibilities that have opened for us! As long as no one of us kills the other then nobody can destroy us. Immortality - what I have sought for so long!"

Usually Snape would find joy in seeing the horrified expression on the Potter boy's face when the Dark Lord wondered out loud whether or not he should make Harry like the Longbottom boy's parents, but when the Dark Lord asked if Harry was interested in following him Snape forgot all thoughts about that.

"However, I will be merciful and give you a choice: I will spare you if you join me and take the Dark Mark."

"Never!" said the boy instantly and Snape cursed inwardly.

Stupid boy... he is practically begging to be tortured. At least he could be a spy if he took the Dark Mark. He could still help the light side, even perhaps more effectively so.

His suspicions were soon confirmed when they began to break the boy's fingers and then put him under the Cruciatus curse. When the boy stopped moving the Dark Lord ordered his Death Eaters to stay in the building and contact no one.


The boy needed someone to watch over him and tell the Dark Lord when he woke and Snape volunteered. With some luck he would find a way to rescue the boy.

It took two days before the boy started to show signs of awakening. Snape did not know what to expect. The boy had been tortured for so long by several people that Snape would not be surprised if the boy had lost all his memories already.

The boy stirred a little and his head rose from the floor. Then he coughed and grunted tiredly. With quick, quiet steps Snape kneeled beside the cage.

"Professor. Professor..." the boy was barely audible.

Snape resisted in making a scathing remark and settled on saying: "Yes, Potter, it is me and we are alone... for now. I apologize, but I can not get you out of here."

"Why? Please..." Snape saw that the Potter boy held his hand in an odd angle. He took pity in the boy for once: It had to hurt terribly.

Snape explained as patiently as he could that he did not know anything that could help him. He knew that because he had already tried to portkey away to Hogwarts and apparition did not work either. He gave the boy a pepper up and a pain killer potion that he always carried around in case the Dark Lord got a little rough.

Then Snape told the boy about what had happened after he had gotten his fingers broken and how four Death Eaters had Cruciated him. The boy seemed a little disturbed and rested his chin on his knees. He had a defeated look on his face and began babbling nonsense that made Snape feel uncomfortable. The boy was preparing to die.

"Anything else?" he asked, forcing his voice to appear calm. The boy smiled a smile that looked more like a grimace.

"Yes, I need you to tell her to take care of Hedwig and Akin," said Potter, meaning Hermione.

"Akin?" asked Snape suspiciously.

"Yeah, it's my snake."

Snape was shocked, but hoped he did not show it too much. "You have a snake?"

The boy nodded and got a distant look on his face.

"I will take care of it, Potter," said Snape finally. "However, I need to tell them you are awake now; we can not avoid it any further."

"Do you have to?" asked Potter instantly, looking scared.

"Yes, or the Dark Lord will know and have me killed. I will try to figure a way out for you. Be strong." Snape sighed inwardly and rose to his feet, walking away from the cage and to the small door on the other side of the room. Lucius Malfoy greeted him shortly on the other side.

"He's awake," confirmed Snape and the Malfoy went in, clearly already being ordered what to do. Snape startled when the Dark Lord himself came around the corner. He quickly bowed.

"Morning, my Lord."

The Dark Lord's eyes thinned. "Is he awake, Severus?"

Snape bowed. "Yes, my Lord. He does not look too good."

"Good. Follow me."

Surprised by the orders Snape did as he was told and saw that Malfoy had already dragged Harry out of his cage and to the center of the room.

Voldemort looked very pleased when he saw that Harry was indeed in a bad shape. "Changed your mind yet, boy?"

"No. I stand by my decision," said the Potter boy and Snape closed his eyes angrily. He should have warned the boy against saying anything like that. The boy was clearly not smart enough to figure it out on his own.

"Well, then. Lucius, grab his healthy hand."

The boy's eyes widened. "Please no..."

The Dark Lord merely grunted and muttered Incarcero, binding the boy so tightly that he fell to the ground, seemingly unmoving. The Dark Lord snapped his fingers in Snape's direction.

"Hold him down, Severus."

Snape nodded curtly and approached the boy who watched him wearily. Snape pinned the boy to the ground and sat on him, sending him a warning look at the same time. The boy was no doubt in for a tough ride.

Lucius summoned a stone and began to crush Potter's bones. When the boy passed out the Dark Lord said: "You can go now, Severus," only to call him in again twenty minutes later.

"Take him away."

Snape nodded and turned to the boy, only to be greeted by a pair of pale, lifeless green eyes.

Oh no, he thought as he carried the boy carefully back to his cell. It is too late... they have broken his mind.


It had almost gone a week before Snape got a second chance to see Harry. The Potter boy was still in his cage, but his injuries was so bad that the Potion master had to look twice before he recognized him. Honestly he could not believe the boy was still alive.

"Potter?" he whispered, but got no response. "Potter?" he said a little louder. The boy did not seem to know that anyone was speaking to him though and only stared at a spot in front of him.

Oh Merlin, Snape thought. He had somehow convinced himself that the boy would get better after a little rest. It was Potter after all, the boy always got away with things. Not this time, however.

When Snape returned to bed that night he knew he had to do something. No matter the cost.


Snape kept his promise. He did not need a lot of sleep, so in the early hours the next day he quickly dressed in his normal clothing. With a stroke of luck he had somehow gotten the watch over the boy. It could not be more convenient.

Years of practice with walking quietly to scare the students at Hogwarts had done him good. He made no sound as he walked down to halls leading to Potter and he reached the cell room in no time. He entered quietly and walked over to where Harry lay. The boy had barely moved.
"I am going to get you out of here," said Snape quietly and quickly silenced the room and put a strong locking charm on the door. "There."

The door to the cage and the lock were made of metal. Of course, Snape did not have the key so he had to improvise. His plan was to melt the lock and then pull the door apart. What he had not counted on, however, was how much time it took; it seemed to take forever before he began to reach the cold core and the metal began to bend. At this point it finally looked like he had the boy's attention, but when Snape looked over he saw that the green eyes he remembered from Lily were dead and empty. He looked very miserable and no doubt wishing for everything to end. Snape tried to shrug off the pity he felt for the young wizard, but he could not quite manage it.

Suddenly he felt the resistance from his wand end and the door opened. The air smelled burned. Snape quickly opened the door and entered carefully.

When Potter saw that someone was inside his cell he inched back and covered against the wall; his arms raised in a pitiful attempt to shield his face. Snape sat down beside him.

"Potter," he said, and figured it would be best if he gave the boy some potion right away. Quickly he pulled up the vials from his cloak and emptied the content down the boy's throat, who did not even try to resist. When Snape was certain that the boy had swallowed he forced the boy's chin up with a finger and stared into the his dead eyes until he finally gained some contact.

"I am going to get you out of here, but you have to trust me. Come on, now..." With little effort he helped the boy up to his feet. However, it was obvious that the boy could not stand on his own with all the broken bones he had. Snape healed him as quickly and the best he could, but he was not perfect. Healing had never been his good subject and he had only taken one course with Madam Pomfrey so he could heel himself after a rough Death Eater meeting if necessary. It was enough at the moment, however, and he did a new attempt to get to boy to his feet.

"But..." the Potter boy protested weakly, looking around anxiously. Snape turned his head to the boy quickly. The boy spoke! "The Dark Lord ... he'll notice, he always does ... we have to obey him, or, or ... they'll-"

"Shush. He is not invincible. It will be alright if we just hurry."

"But, he is. Nothing can hurt him, nothing. And you, you ... you are one of them aren't you? You're one of his followers. Why would you want to get me out of here? Why? I don't know you and you don't know me. We've never even met. I don't understand."

They had reached the second hall out of the room. Snape knew that the other Death Eaters had to be right around the corner. However, what the boy said made him stop short and he grabbed the boy and shook him. "Never met?" he hissed, shaking a little harder. "Can you honestly say that you don't remember me? Look at me!"

The boy had his eyes squeezed shut, but when Snape stopped shaking the boy and let him down to the ground again he slowly opened his eyes with a whimper. As soon as he did he peered at the boy closely and used all his Legilimens skills.

What he saw surprised him beyond words. There was almost nothing to see in the boy's mind. Nothing. No Hogwarts. No Dursleys. No professors. Nothing. Just the Dark Lord and Death Eaters, torture, desperation and the small cage he had been living in. Snape dived further in. It had to be something, something that kept the boy sane -

And there it was. A faint, almost unrecognizable memory of a girl. It could not be called a memory, exactly. All Snape could see was the bushy hair and the bossy tone he had heard all too often in his class. Her face seemed to be in some kind of shadow. He also felt some affection that belonged to Potter when they viewed the memory and he smiled a little. The Potter boy still remembered Granger. There was still a little hope if he got the boy out without any mistakes. Thank Merlin.

He disillusioned the boy and himself before he went any further and guided them in the shadows. "Do not say a word," he ordered the boy quietly and sternly. "You will not get a second chance."

The boy nodded, clearly confused and practically leaned all his weight on Snape. Snape did not even bother to be annoyed. The situation was way too dangerous and the boy was extremely weak. They were both risking their lives.

They opened a door and went through quietly. They entered a small corridor with a green carpet on the floor that went all the way and dark walls with pale torches. Snape stopped short.

They were not alone - further down the corridor was Dolohov. Additionally Dolohov was walking towards them.

Damn, Snape thought and quickly guided Potter backwards and to the corner. The corridor was too small for the three of them to pass each other without noticing. Damn!

Snape held his breath and hoped that Potter did the same. If the little brat got them caught he would kill the boy himself. However, right before Dolohov reached them Snape mouthed a quick stunner under his breath and the other Death Eater fell to the ground. Snape quickly stepped over the unmoving figure and dragged the boy with him. He did not have to cancel the Disillusionment charm to know that the boy had very wide eyes; he could feel the wizard's body tense up and hesitate.

They must have beaten out the last few brain cells the boy had, Snape mused. Unless he was more stupid than I originally thought. "Hurry, boy."

He wished they could hurry more. They were only halfway out of the castle and Dolohov could be found any moment. If that happened they would have little chance to get out. They passed two more Death Eaters on their way, but since those two were Crabbe and Goyle Senior they did not have much problems getting past them. However, the further they went the more hesitant Potter became. At first Snape thought it was because the boy was exhausted and he was probably right about that too, but he began to realize that the boy perhaps did not really want to get out or he had simply given up. Snape wondered if the boy would ever be the same. Even though he had loathed the old Potter it was rather annoying to have him the way he was now. The boy had never given up before.

They went right, right, left and then right again. The exit got closer and closer - Snape could practically feel the air begin to get fresher - when an alarm went off. Snape knew what that meant: Close all doors and windows immediately. Snape also knew that there were always a couple of Death Eaters on guard outside the front doors.

Then they were there; they could see the front door in front of them. However, someone came out from behind them and they could heard their running footsteps catching up with them. Snape did not have time to turn around before he felt blasting spell hit him. The air got knocked out of him and he flew through the air and landed hard on the entrance itself. Stars were dancing in front of his eyes, but he fought it - they were so close, they could not fail now -

The Disillusionment had been taken away and he saw someone grab Harry on each arm. The boy struggled only for a second before his body went limp and he fainted in exhaustion.

No! Snape quickly reached for his wand, but it was not there. Faintly he realized that he had held it in his hand all the way and that he had lost it. Sure enough, he spotted his wand at the place he had been hit by the spell. Only forty feet away. Snape started for it, but the Death Eater holding Harry stepped on his wand, took it up and snapped it.

"So, we have a traitor among us, have we?" the young boy who could be no more than twenty questioned and smirked. "Man, you are in trouble. I bet the Dark Lord would like to have a little chat with you himself."

Snape's breath stopped in his throat. No, he would be killed, he would never stand a chance... He could not let that happen.

The Death Eater raised his wand and Snape ran for it. The Death Eater shot a curse after him, but missed. Luckily the kid did not have a good aim. Snape continued down the river, dodging curses all the way.

Only a little more...

He could hear a killing curse being shouted. He apparated away only a second before the curse would have hit him.

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A/N: Thanks so much everyone! I know that a few of you got impatient for the next update, even though it's been like ... 11 days? Lol, weirdly enough I feel flattered. =D I have a request for you though: do anyone know where I can find "Sunset Over Britain?" It's an awesome H/Hr story building on HBP and had everything I want in a good story, but it's not on anymore. I think they had a yahoo group page somewhere, but I don't know the adress. Please help?
