Unofficial Portkey Archive

Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy by quizgirl

Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy


Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me.

Special thanks to Rolephant and Anna Rose.

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Days passed in slow motion as they had before, maybe even slower. Harry lost track of time and days. Somehow the date didn't seem to matter to him as much as it used to. He would get to Hogwarts soon enough, and then people would start to stare and accuse him of things again. Usually he would kill time and read about defense magic but he could do most of the spells already, so he didn't really learn anything new.

Harry sighed. Hedwig had been gone for a very long time; in fact, he hadn't seen her since the day his Aunt had taken him to the mall. He felt a pang of guilt. He had been at the mall, shopping, while people who depended on him died.

Harry knew he should try to empty his mind before he went to sleep -after all, that would have saved Sirius. But Harry felt that he deserved those dreams, since he could not save anyone from the almost daily attacks.

Other than his dreams, the days were quite boring and nothing much happened ... except from one time when Dudley had kicked him down the stairs when Harry was leaning over it to see if the coast was clear.

Harry didn't train that day.

His thoughts where interrupted by somebody ringing the doorbell. Harry grimaced. Dudley had teased him all summer about how many friends he had compared to Harry.

Harry was pretty surprised when he heard Vernon yelling:


Harry, still in shock, jumped from his bed and bolted down the stairs just as Vernon shut the door with a loud bang.

"Who was it?" Harry demanded. Vernon narrowed his eyes.

"Just the mail boy. Now, KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF MY BUSINESS!"

"I think I'll go outside-"

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Vernon roared and Harry soon got out of the way and up to his room, slamming the door behind him before he put the chair in front of it again, in case Vernon decided to put him in his cupboard.

Angry, Harry sat down on his bed, planning what curses he was most likely to use as soon as he turned seventeen. The Unforgivables were the first ones that popped into his head.

Clank. Yeah. It would be good. Clank. But he would never be allowed to- clank- do that…

Some more clanks.

Someone was throwing stones at his window!

Harry quickly got up from his bed to get his wand and then stared out of the window as another clank hit the window once again. He felt his jaw drop. There, outside, he saw three people he recognized as Tonks, Lupin and Hermione.

Harry quickly opened the window.

"Wotcher, Harry!" Tonks yelled up at him as Hermione simply grinned. Lupin said nothing.

"Hi, what- what are you doing here?" Harry asked, but let a smile play on his lips. He had not smiled for… actually, Harry couldn't remember the last time he smiled at all.

"We came to see you, of course!" Hermione yelled back. "Can you come outside? Your Uncle wouldn't let us in!"

Harry grinned and left the window, taking away the chair and going downstairs. The television was on. Good. Harry quickly went outside as fresh, wet air soothed his face. As soon as Harry stepped outside, someone with a lot of brown hair hugged him so hard that he almost couldn't breath.

"Hermione!" He choked out.

"Oh, sorry Harry, I-"

"It's okay, Hermione, really," Harry reassured her.

Hermione let out a sight of relief and let him go and took a step back. She looked …different, Harry realized. Her hair was longer, but not nearly as bushy as it was before, and it framed her face neatly. Her cheek was slightly blushed, and her face had gotten some colour from the sun.

"Wow, Hermione! You look pretty!"

Hermione frowned. "I can look pretty you know."

Harry suddenly realized what he had said.

"I'm sorry!" He stuttered. "I didn't mean it like that. You always look pretty." Harry was pleased with himself for his quick thinking, escaping a fight. Hermione beamed.

"You look good too."

"Thanks." Harry responded, but suddenly he heard Tonks burst out laughing. It took a while before Harry realized Tonks was laughing at them.

"What?" He snapped, but Tonks only laughed more. Harry turned to Lupin, who looked lost in thoughts. Probably about Sirius. Of course, Lupin was mourning too! -And it was his fault.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled, and Tonks stopped, alarmed. "Just don't." Harry added, feeling embarrassed.

For a brief moment Lupin actually looked up at him, but Harry wouldn't meet his eyes. He couldn't stand the guilt. He just couldn't.

"I'm sorry…" Harry whispered and looked over to Hermione. She had tears in her eyes. What was it with girls who where around him? They sobbed all the time! "Erm," Harry continued, "exactly how long are you staying here?"

"Well," Tonks said, a bit careful, "my shift is nearly over, and Lupin's going to the headquarters. I don't really know about Hermione.

"Can I stay? I don't really feel like going to the Burrow right now," Hermione pleaded.

Harry shot her a questioning look.

"I don't really think the Dursleys-" he began.

"The Dursleys will be no problem," Lupin interrupted, talking to Harry for the first time.

"We'll talk to them."

They all went to the front door and rang the doorbell.

"I SAID-" Vernon roared as soon as he opened the door, but he fell silent when he saw that Harry was with them. "What are you doing there boy?"

"Harry here," Tonks said, who now had pink hair and orange eyes, "and Hermione," she continued, pointing at Hermione, "are to stay here for a day or two."

Vernon's eyes almost swelled out of his face with anger. Hermione gulped nervously.

"I will not, TOLERATE any GIRLFRIEND of that - that freak!"

"She's not my girlfriend!" Harry said through gritted teeth. "She's- she's someone I met a couple of days ago. She wanted to know where I live, and I told her. Don't worry, she knows I'm going to St. Brutus'." Harry felt pretty clever for thinking that up too. Merlin, maybe he wasn't so stupid after all?

Hermione again shot him a questioning look but didn't say anything.

"Then what's she doing with those?" Vernon asked, pointing at Lupin and Tonks. Harry swore silently. So much for making that up.

"We don't know her." Lupin said, obviously catching up quickly (after all, he was a Marauder) "We were just here to check on Harry. But it seems that he is doing fine. We'll be off then." He said, waving goodbye as he and Tonks turned around and left. When they turned the corner Harry heard a soft pop, which meant they had Apparated.

Hermione shot a nervous glance at Harry, uncertain of what to do. To be honest, Harry didn't know either. Suddenly he heard something, or someone, coming down the stairs and soon Dudley was down in front of them, panting like he had just run a mile. Dudley's eyes widened when he saw Hermione.

"Who are you?" he asked, rudely.

"Hermione Granger. Pleased to meet you," Hermione frowned. Dudley relaxed a bit.

"Are you as weird as him?" Dudley asked, nodding at Harry. Harry answered for her.

"No, she's not." Dudley smiled a very ugly smile and asked something that caught everyone off guard.

"Wanna see my room?"

Hermione gaped at him, but when Harry gave her a look she followed Dudley upstairs. However, when Harry tried to follow, Vernon caught his wrist and pushed him roughly against the wall.

"You will not stand in the way, boy!"

"What?" Harry asked, surprised.

"You heard me," Vernon told him off. "You stay here!"

"But she's my visitor!" Harry cried, trying to get out of Vernon's grasp. Harry's struggle was in vain, however, because Vernon was strong and held him in place… hard. Harry's arm felt numb, but he continued to struggle.

Suddenly Harry heard somebody let out a shriek from upstairs. Hermione! Harry struggled against Vernon with every bit of strength he had, and suddenly Vernon let go out him like he had burnt himself. Harry used Vernon's moment of distraction as an opportunity and flew upstairs. He found Dudley leaning over Hermione, who was clearly trying to get away.

Harry quickly grabbed his wand and pointed it like a sword at Dudley.


Frightened, Dudley did as Harry told him. Hermione hurried over to Harry. Dudley frowned at her.

"You will pay for this! And it will be worse than what I did to you a couple of days ago!" Dudley roared before disappearing downstairs.

"What did he do to you?" Harry asked before Hermione got the chance to say or do anything.

"He-… It was nothing, Harry, really-"

"No, Hermione, what did he do?" Harry asked, a little bit more forcefully.

"He wanted to know if I was single, and when I said no, he got a bit angry. But he didn't do anything Harry, I swear!"

Harry thought for a moment, and than it hit him,

"You're not single? You are seeing somebody?" Harry said, rounding on her.

Hermione frowned.

"Harry, sometimes, your are almost as bad as Ron. Almost! Come, let's talk in your room." Hermione said, and Harry showed her the way, but couldn't get his eyes off her. Who was she seeing?

"You don't need to look so surprised!" Hermione said indignantly, looking over her shoulder at Harry before they entered his room.

Harry locked it and put the chair in front of it, under the handle. Hermione raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"So…" Harry said and sat down on his bed. Hermione did the same. "How has your summer been? How's Ron?"

Hermione looked down, biting her lip.

"Oh, Harry, I don't know! It's been awful!" For a moment Harry was positive she was joking.

"Awful?" Harry couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sure that's an over-"

"It was!" Hermione interrupted. "Ron's been acting so weird! He's tailing me everywhere! I don't know what to do!"

Harry stared.

"And then he asked me to go out with him!" She cried, throwing up her hand in frustration. Harry's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe it! Why hadn't he noticed? When Harry thought about it, he saw that he should have seen it coming; Ron was often blushing and overreacting when Hermione was around. But still, they always argued so much, how could they like each other? So Ron was the one Hermione was dating. But why was she so frustrated then?

"So he's the one you are dating…" Harry mumbled, stating the obvious. He felt really stupid, and somewhere in the pit of his stomach, he felt sick. He would be like a third wheel... His friends would get married, have kids, and forget about him. But, on the other hand, it wasn't very likely that Harry would live to see that day. That thought only made the sickness stronger. His head was spinning so fast, he almost didn't register Hermione talking.

"I said I have to think about it."

"Huh?" Harry said without thinking, his head snapping up so fast he felt his neck crack in protest.

Hermione sighed.

"I told him I have to think about it. I was lying to your cousin."

"Oh," Harry said, unsure how he felt about that too. "What do you want? Do you-- you know- like him?"

"I don't know, Harry! Sometimes I feel like there is something there, but then I think about all the fighting, and…" She paused for a moment. "I'm not sure it would work between us." Suddenly Hermione flickered her ayes to Harry. "How do you feel about it?"

Harry gaped. He hadn't expected her to ask that. What was he supposed to say? Then he remembered the Prophecy. Maybe it was meant to be…

"Erm," he stuttered. "I- I think that might be a good idea." His voice cracked a little at the end. He couldn't stand to meet her eyes, his own eyes were threatening to swell up with tears, something they rarely did. Why did they have to come now? But the thought of not living to see the things he was supposed to see was almost unbearable. He didn't want to die… not in the hands of Voldemort, knowing that it was his fault that the world would live in fear.

"Harry, is there something wrong?" Harry quickly looked up. A huge mistake. Hermione's eyes widened in shock. Damn those tears, she must have seen…

"What's wrong, Harry? You can tell me."

"It's nothing Hermione, nothing. It's just the whole situation, you know? With Voldemort and everything…" Harry exhaled softly. At least some of it was true.

Hermione didn't buy it.

"There's something more Harry. I see it on your eyes."

"Yes, there is. But I'm not ready to talk about it," Harry moaned. "But hey, really, if you wanna be with Ron then I will not stand in the way." He looked up at her and managed to give her a weak smile. She smiled back, but still in a concerned way.

Hermione really looked different Harry noticed again, for the second time that day. Her hair looked smooth, and reflected the light from the window. Her eyes were soft, deep and brown, her lips hinted of carefulness and wisdom. She looked so different to how she did a month ago. She looked so much older… and he had almost lost her because of his blindness...

He looked away, afraid to be caught staring. He looked at his arm instead; it was throbbing painfully. He would get bruises... He stroked over it distantly, his mind swirling like it had done so much those past weeks. Hermione also seemed to be lost in thought.

They didn't say anything for a long time, just enjoying each other's company. She took his hand and placed it on her lap. It felt good to be held but strange all the same, like it was something he shouldn't be doing.

"So…" Harry said, feeling he needed to break the silence. "When are you going back to the Burrow?"

Hermione looked up at him. After a while she said, "I don't know… I wanna stay here with you for a while, if that's okay with you that is?"

"Sure. I'd like that. But I'm warning you, the Dursleys are not really friendly," Harry said.

"I've realised that," Hermione said.


At six o'clock they ate diner in the living room. Sometimes, when the Dursleys didn't think Hermione noticed, they looked suspiciously at her, making Hermione sit deeper and deeper in her chair as if she wished to just disappear. Harry couldn't blame her.

Once in a while, Dudley would shoot an evil look at Harry, a promise of mischief, pretty similar to the look Fred and George had sometimes. Just add some evil and Dudley would look exactly like them.

Vernon made a huge point in telling Hermione how kind they were to take Harry into their house when his parents had died so tragically in a car crash. Hermione raised an eyebrow.

Vernon would then tell her how rude, useless and violent Harry was.

"Right," Hermione said through gritted teeth, a dangerous look behind her eyes. Harry thought the whole situation was a bit funny and couldn't help but snicker under his breath.

"What's so funny boy?" Vernon demanded.

"Oh, nothing. Just thought about something," Harry answered innocently.

Vernon made a sound that told him he didn't believe him.

"He is a danger you know," he continued to Hermione. "I have heard him yelling in his sleep."

This caught both Hermione's and Harry's attention.

"He used to mutter certain words like `Kill Him,' `Avada Kedavra' and something like `curio.' And then he laughs… wakes me up, he does!"

Harry froze. He knew Hermione knew Vernon had meant `Avada Kedavra' and `Crucio', two of the Unforgivable Curses, which resulted in death and great pain. Harry knew Vernon didn't lie. He had been the one to cast them in his dreams when he was and saw through the eyes of Lord Voldemort.

Hermione glanced sideways over to where Harry was sitting. Harry looked down at his plate, not daring to look up.

"But Dudley here," Vernon continued, "never does anything wrong, isn't that true, Duddie?"

"Yeah!" Dudley eagerly voted in, making Harry frown.

"I'm done, thanks," Harry interrupted, and rose from the table. Hermione did the same thing and then both she and Harry went outside to get some fresh air.

The sky was heavy with dark clouds, but at least it wasn't raining, for now. Harry wondered whether or not he should hold Hermione's hand or something, but he decided not to. No point in making things weird. They were just friends anyway, and Harry liked to keep it that way. Why was he even thinking about it?

Suddenly Hermione grabbed his wrist, just where Vernon had grabbed it. Pain shot through Harry and he flinched out of her grasp. Hermione eyes widened.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Harry really didn't like that people were always asking him that.

"Nothing, I just hit my arm against something hard earlier today," Harry said and involuntarily shuddered.

"Oh," Hermione said. "When? How?"

"It doesn't matter," Harry said, with a clear `end of discussion' tone. "Come on, let's go."

And they went. After a while Hermione took Harry's hand again, a bit more carefully this time. Harry closed his eyes in annoyance. Couldn't she take a hint? Obviously not... She held his hand a little tighter. She was clearly nervous about something.

Harry stopped. "What is it Hermione?"

"I'm worried about you," Hermione sighed, and looked up in his eyes as if she was searching for some answers there. "Was what your Uncle said about you true?"

"Not everything," Harry muttered, feeling the irritation flowing through his veins. "Only the last part. -And no, I have not been practicing Occlumency."

"But Harry-!"

"Just leave it, `Mione. I don't wanna talk about it."

"Maybe you should!" Hermione insisted.

"NOT now, okay?" Harry let go of her hand.

Hermione looked hurt. Harry knew he should apologize. Damn.

"When I'm ready, you will be the first one to know," Harry said. Hermione seemed to settle with that.



Harry had never had anyone stay overnight with him before. At first, Petunia and Vernon had insisted that Hermione should sleep in Dudley's room. Both Harry and Hermione had been so frightened of the idea that they had refused. Harry even had said that he could sleep in the living room.

For one or another reason the Dursleys didn't like that idea, so Hermione was to stay with Harry.

Vernon made it clear to Harry that if Hermione got herself pregnant, Harry would be moving straight out. Harry and Hermione got the almost impossible dark shade of red on their faces: Harry with anger, Hermione probably with humiliation.

As soon as they could, they escaped upstairs.

"Argh!" Hermione said suddenly. "How do you live with them? They're horrible!"

"Well, actually," Harry said. "It's better now than it was before. Until I started first year at Hogwarts I used to live in the cupboard under the stairs."


"Yeah…" Harry chuckled to himself. "Dudley used to have this room for all of his extra toys."

"I'm sorry Harry, I never knew..."

"What? No! Don't be! It's no problem really," Harry smiled reassuringly to her, but all he wanted to do right now was to go to bed.

He went to get something Hermione could sleep on and when he came back he saw her standing over his OWL letter, but she hadn't opened it. She gave Harry the letter and watched as he opened it carefully.


- Defense Against the Dark Arts: O

Theory: 0

Practical: 0

- Charms: O

Theory: 0

Practical: E

- Potions: E

Theory: E

Practical: E

- Transfiguration: E

Theory: A

Practical: E

- Herbology: A

Theory: E

Practical: A

- History Of Magic: P

Theory: P

Practical: -

- Astronomy: A

Theory: A

Practical: A

- Care Of Magical Creatures: E

Theory: A

Practical: O

- Divination: P

Theory: P

Practical: P


Harry let the letter down and gave it to Hermione, who eagerly accepted it. Harry looked down in the envelope. There was another note there too.


Mr. H. J Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you are accepted in following NEWT classes:

- Defense Against the Dark Arts

- Charms

- Potions

- Transfiguration

- Herbology

- Astronomy

- Care of Magical Creatures

If you are still considering a career in being an Auror, I would recommend you to take these classes:

- Defense Against the Dark Arts

- Charms

- Potions

- Transfiguration

Sign up which classes you want to attend and send replay before the 15th of August.

Signed: Prof. McGonagall


Hermione beamed at him. "You made it! You made it!" She gave him a chest-breaking hug. "That's great Harry!"

"Yeah, if I will live to see it!" Harry answered sarcastically before he thought about what he was saying.

"What would you say something like that for? You're not thinking that you are going to die, are you? If you only stay out of-"

"I can't and I won't stay out of trouble, Hermione!" Harry snapped. "And I don't wanna talk about it!" Harry turned his back to her, staring angrily at the door.

"Harry, is there something that you are hiding from me?" asked Hermione from behind. Harry didn't need to turn to know that her eyes were filled with tears. Damn those tears…

He felt her hand on his shoulder and tensed. He forced his shoulder to relax and turned around.

"Look, Hermione, it's been a very long day, can't we just go to sleep?" It was very hard to look into Hermione's sad eyes without looking somewhere else.

"Will you tell me tomorrow?" she asked. Harry felt as if he was pushed up into a corner.

"Maybe, Hermione. Maybe."
