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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy by quizgirl

Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy


Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me.

A/N: Thanks to Annick and Aurabolt for checking the chapter for grammar. Also thanks to Izzieq for being reviewer number 200. =)

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Did you say everything you could?

Did the things that you thought you would?

Did it ever occur to you that this could be your final day?

(Did You by Hoobastank)

Harry's scream was cut short when he felt himself land on fast ground. The next moment a flash of red light was shot at him and he felt himself slipping into unconsciousness against his will.

When he woke up again he found himself in a cage. He didn't have his wand. A quick look confirmed that he didn't have his clock or pendant on either. His hands and feet were tied up. He realized someone had put a stunner on him and searched him afterwards.

Trying to control his fear and bitterness Harry looked up and what he saw startled him. The room was dark without any windows, only lit by a small lamp in the middle of the roof. Outside the cage he saw grey, high walls and before the wall right in front of him he saw a large chair and a mirror. Harry instantly knew he had seen the place before in a dream. When he thought closer about it he remembered the dream had been about Voldemort and Wormtail discussing a plan... he hadn't known what they had meant back then, but when he had talked about it to Ron and Hermione afterwards they thought it had something to do with Dumbledore.

That old, muggle - loving fool won't know what hit him! The plan is perfect...

A door opened and in came a lump wizard with silver hand that Harry recognized all too well. He gave the man a sharp glare, but didn't receive any in return. Wormtail seemed to avoid his eyes and walked almost sideways to him.

"You owe me your life!" Harry hissed with contempt, trying to suppress the desperate tears he felt behind his eyes. Peter looked up briefly before looking away again, shuddering. "Rat," said Harry and kicked one of the jars. "Let me out!"

"Can't do that," the rat person said. "You've no idea what he can do... the means he has... the way he can-"

"I think I do! We share a connection remember? I've seen a lot of what he can do! So don't give me that shit! You're going to be really sorry about this and even if I die I'll make sure to come back and haunt you the rest of your pitiful life!"

Wormtail paled, believing that Harry would do just that. Harry, however, had no plans to do such thing; if he died then he wanted to go on. No more the Boy Who Lived. Thanks, but no thanks.

Wormtail didn't say much else as he opened the cage and banished the ropes around Harry's feet and hands. Then he dragged Harry up and out of the cage and walked firmly towards the only other door in the room. The silver hand that held Harry was far from human and much stronger, so strong that Harry knew he could not get away from it. For every step he felt a growing sense of dread. Whatever that door led to it could not be good...

His suspicions were soon confirmed. Inside the next room Wormtail dragged him into he saw a bunch of dark clothed Death Eaters, but no one of them had their masks on. Voldemort had to be really sure that he couldn't escape, Harry thought, while trying to look brave by keeping his eyes above the ground and stare the murderers in the eye. He would have feel much better if he had his wand though, he felt naked without it.

When they reached the middle of the room they halted. Wormtail took great care to keep his hold on him.

Then they waited.

Harry searched among the faces of Death Eaters; hoping to see a way out of the situation, but they had created a complete circle around him. He saw Bella give him a reproachful look and he returned it the best he could. If he hadn't been so darn scared he would've felt comfort in seeing that her face was all bruised up.

His eyes traveled further and he gave a start when he saw Severus Snape among them. Harry almost called out to him, but the Potion professor shook his head very slightly - unnoticed by everyone else - and Harry understood...

Suddenly he the whole group tensed and he did so himself automatically. Tearing his gaze from Snape quickly he looked straight forward again only to see the man who had haunted his dreams since he learned about the magical world.


This is not happening, this is not happening! He thought wildly, desperately hoping it was all a bad dream, but to no avail. The red-eyed monster in front of him was very real and very dangerous.

"Ah, Potter. We meet again."

Harry trembled at the cold voice, but said nothing. For a long time they just stared at each other, the silence heavy as a cold blanket in the room. His upper arm was beginning to feel numb from where Pettigrew held him and that numbness spread to his whole body. All the while he couldn't help but think that this is it... he'd die, he'd never see Hermione or anybody else again... he'd die in the companies of Death Eaters...

"Welcome, Death Eaters, my followers. I have the pleasure to inform you that this day will change everything so far in our history.

"Just like I said I would, young Harry was brought here tonight and this time there is absolutely no way for him to escape. I have him exactly where I want him. You may ask; why Halloween and how did I do it? The whole thing was quite simple: we counted on the boy's Gryffindor side - the part that wants to help people at all cost. However, I knew better than to count on that alone so I had a backup plan. That is where my faithful servant Pettigrew comes in,-" (Pettigrew straightened up proudly) "-it does good to have a rat Animagus does it not? Already before the plan was made public I had him inside Hogwarts, using the passage under Honeydukes. If a dog can then a rat can too, certainly. As a rat Pettigrew went to the Slytherin common room where miss Parkinson took care of him until a week before today. Then he went to the Gryffindor common room. Tell us how you managed to stay hidden, Peter."

Wormtail gulped and nodded. "Yes, Master, of course Master. I waited outside the entrance of the common room until a group of fourth years came by and revealed the password. I came back late at night under a Disillusionment charm and the Fat Lady was only too happy to let me in even though she couldn't see me clearly. I went up to the boys' dormitory and stole the Marauders Map - that's a map that shows every living being inside the castle. I should know; I've made it after all - and went back to the dungeons and burned it. The remaining days I kept myself close to Harry and when Bellatrix failed in capturing him I knew that it was my turn. I waited until he was asleep and then I brought him here with the portkey you provided me, Master."

"Very good Peter. You will be rewarded."

"Thank you, Master... you are very kind, Master," said Pettigrew and bowed. Harry scowled in disgust. Some part of him hadn't realized the seriousness in the situation yet and he was still shocked that the rat had burned the Marauders Map. His map... however, when Voldemort turned his attention to him he quickly forgot all about the piece of parchment.

"When it comes to why I simply wanted to humor myself, since it was Halloween I killed James and Lily Potter and little Harry here thwarted my plans for the first time. What do you think of the plan now, Harry? Do you like it? I certainly do... I must say that I am thrilled to have you here with us today. You won't answer me? That is very rude, looks like I have to teach you some manners." Harry's eyes widened. The thought of being put under the Cruciatus curse wasn't something he liked the thought of. Voldemort chuckled. "No, I won't curse you... yet. What I want from you is so much more than to hear you scream. I want to hear the Prophecy, Harry."

"I don't know it," said Harry instantly.

"Yes, you do. I can tell," Voldemort stepped a little closer and Harry swore inwardly. He had put up his Occlumency shell too late. "Now, be a good boy and tell me."

Harry shook his head. "No."

"You know what will happen if you refuse?" questioned Voldemort softly, pointing his wand at Harry's chest. Harry tried to take a step back but Wormtail held him in place, not allowing him to go anywhere. Stubbornly he looked the wicked wizard in the eyes and spat. The spit didn't hit him, but was enough to enrage Voldemort.


The pain was just as bad as the last time Harry had felt it on his body. The reality seemed to disappear as the only thing existing was the pain, a pain so intense that he wished he was dead so everything could end... however, the curse lifted off him a second later and Harry found himself hanging from Wormtail's outstretched, claw-like hand; gasping for air. He could hear Bellatrix laugh somewhere in the distance.

"You did not like that, did you?" asked Voldemort, peering at him closely with crimson eyes.

"It doesn't matter what you do to me," said Harry harshly, acting braver than he felt. "I won't say anything."

"Stupid Gryffindor," said Voldemort. "It is no use hiding things from me. I will find out eventually."

Harry stared defiantly at him, but then the Dark Lord began to close the last distance between them and Harry reached a whole new level of nervousness. He stood there; shaking, defenseless, cold and absolutely terrified as the wizard walked towards him with quick, intimidating steps. However, no matter how much Harry wanted to scream and run away, he couldn't move from the spot. Hell, he couldn't even breathe!

When Voldemort was an arm length away, he stopped and studied Harry closely. Harry quickly pulled up his mental defenses again, feeling that the Dark Lord was trying to enter his mind...

"Why are you struggling against me so?" said Voldemort, and laughed softly at Harry's expression. "You know we are one... we share dreams, power, even blood...would that make us blood brothers, hm?" Harry shuddered, he didn't want to think about it, he didn't...

"We are linked," continued Voldemort, "through this scar."

Harry opened his eyes abruptly and saw to his horror that Voldemort's bony, white finger was pointing at his forehead...

He could hear the silence around them. No one, not even Voldemort seemed to be breathing, and they were standing really close now...

His stomach had long since dropped to the ground and he could do nothing as Voldemort closed the last distance between his finger and the scar...

As soon as the finger touched Harry drew a sharp breath. He felt his heart race upwards - as though trying to jump over him - and the most funny feeling shot through his veins... he could feel everything Voldemort could and he was sure Voldemort could feel everything he could as well... he didn't like what he felt inside the dark wizard, but on the other side he couldn't dislike it either... it was such a feeling of power and confidence that it took his breath away.

"See Harry?" said Voldemort, "we are connected... and always would be... you are me and I am you..."

The feeling of power didn't leave and Harry didn't feel like he had control over himself anymore. Without meaning to he nodded, as though confirming what the Dark Lord had just said about them being one.

"All because of the curse of the Prophecy... that is what it is; a curse and it cursed us both. You have heard the Prophecy, have you not?" continued Voldemort, and again Harry nodded.


"Would you like to tell it to me?"

"Yeah -er..." Somewhere, in the back of Harry's mind, he was suddenly aware of what was going on again and with a jolt he realized that Voldemort was no longer holding the connection. He blinked. "No..."

"It's very rude to say `no' to me, Harry," warned Voldemort and grabbed Harry's upper arms. Again Harry felt a funny feeling shot through him, but it didn't overwhelm him as it had when Voldemort had touched his scar.

The Dark Lord didn't give up. "You are going to tell me. Now..."

Harry shook his head violently. "No, no..."

"Yes you are!" hissed Voldemort and before Harry could do anything (not that he could if he had tried) the Dark Lord touched his scar again. "Now..."

For a moment Harry welcomed the powerful feeling; it felt so nice not being so weak and scared... but as soon as he opened his mouth he regretted it for what came out of it was: "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches..."

"Skip that," ordered Voldemort, and Harry could feel both of their hearts racing up in excitement.

"the Dark Lord will mark him as a equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must - must..."

With a terrible struggle, Harry somehow managed to bend his knees, which led to the connection being broken again. He fell to the floor, hitting it hard, and for a moment the world span and he was afraid that he might faint...

With a flick of his wand Voldemort irritably raised Harry up from the floor and grabbed him once again. This time, however, when Harry felt the bony finger on his skull he knew that there was nothing he could do to prevent the dark wizard from knowing. He had already opened his mouth to continue before being told.

"...and either must die at the hand of the other, because neither can live while the other survives. The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

The whole room was silent. Voldemort removed his finger slowly, still holding Harry's arm with his other hand while Harry was sobbing quietly, not able to stop. The fact that he had most probably ruined the world did not escape him.

"I figured it had to be something like that," muttered Voldemort quietly, surprising everyone. "I suspected though that it could contain something else and I was not wrong... do you not understand, my dear friends? Harry and I have to defeat each other, but no one else can kill us before we do so. If I am not mistaking both of us are immortal until that time... Either must die at the hand of the other. Curiously, the Prophecy also states that neither can live while the other survives, I did not count on that. Does that make Harry weaker when I get stronger, I wonder?"

No one spoke. Harry had gotten his sobbing under control as he was more busy trying to figure out what Voldemort would do now as he knew the Prophecy. The said wizard suddenly broke out into an evil grin after a moment in silence.

"Think about it, Harry... the possibilities that have opened for us! As long as no one of us kill the other then nobody can destroy us. Immortality - what I have sought for so long! Now, the question is, what to do with you to ensure that you would no longer be a threat to me without killing you?"

Harry opened his mouth and closed it again. He had been certain that the Dark Lord intended to kill him as soon as he was done speaking.

"I could, of course, torture you into insanity," said Voldemort and Harry paled further. Being like Neville's parents was worse than death. "However, I will be merciful and give you a choice: I will spare you if you join me and take the Dark Mark."


"I would think about it closely if I were you before answering that, Harry. Think about what we can accomplish together... two of the strongest wizards in the world? Nobody would stand a chance and we would rule everything! With you we would get many others to our side... what about your Mudblood girlfriend? Normally I would not even consider one of her blood as worthy, but she seems to be a quite clever young girl and she can be quite an asset... tell me, Harry... is she still a virgin?"

Harry narrowed his eyes, anger burning in his veins. "That's none of your business."

Voldemort laughed like Harry had said something entertaining. "You do not need to worry about that. Even though she could be a great asset to us she is still a Mudblood after all... she is not worthy... however, Harry, consider this: Have I ever lied to you?"

Harry didn't know what to say to that, but he knew the Dark Wizard had a point. As long as he had lived everybody had been lying to him: The Dursleys lied about his heritage to hurt him and his friends at Hogwarts had lied to protect him. The Headmaster didn't lie, but he didn't tell the whole truth either and Harry had difficulties with trusting him. However, no matter how many times people had lied to him there was still no reason to join the Death Eaters and murder innocent people. That was not what his mother, father and Sirius had sacrificed themselves for.

"I won't join you," he finally said, knowing very well that this could be the last thing he ever said. However, if Voldemort was right then other wizards like Dumbledore could kill the evil one if Harry died, and therefore it wouldn't be such a great loss to the world. He was already doomed after all: it was a lose-lose situation.

Voldemort looked surprised. "Pity. You would have been a great heir. Pettigrew - break one of his fingers."

Harry had to bit his lip hard to not scream when Wormtail grabbed his little finger with his free hand and bended it roughly backwards. A sickening crack muffled the sound of Harry's gasp.

"Want me to stop, Harry? All you have to say is `I will...'"

Harry didn't answer. He couldn't give in, he couldn't...

"Wormtail, again," ordered Voldemort and Pettigrew grabbed the ring finger and did the same thing as he had done to the last. This time it hurt more and Harry couldn't stop a moan from escaping his throat. He knew that if it hadn't been for the fact that Wormtail had held his wrist for so long that it had gotten numb it would have felt much worse than it did. He didn't give in though - even when they had broken every finger on his right hand and his head was ringing loudly from all the pain. He had screamed loudly when they had broken the three last ones and the thumb had been the worst.

"Boy, you are one stubborn kid," said Voldemort, "looks like we have to do something more... Petrificus totalis..."

If Harry had hoped that he would feel less pain while being in a full body bind he was sorely disappointed. On the contrary it felt worse because Wormtail had let go of his wrist and his right arm was now on the same level as the ground. He could feel the blood flowing to the damaged area and the pain increased even more. However, Voldemort bended down and traced his dark red wand down Harry's arm, muttering something that made it come so much more blood to his hand that Harry felt his eyes water before the pain grew so intense that he fainted.

He was roughly woken up again, but only managed to stay awake for four or five more minutes before he fainted again from something he couldn't remember.

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A/N: The dream Harry refers to is written back in chapter 12 (McClaggan) if you want to check it out. Now, how many of you enjoyed the torture scene?
