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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy by quizgirl

Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy


Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me.



Harry kept running as fast as he could until he was in the middle of the forest, all the while ignoring Hermione's calls after him. It was a weird thing; the forest was so full of trees everywhere, still in the middle he saw a clearing. At some point he had been afraid than he had ran into Grawp, but luckily he managed to dodge the giant. He decided to stop and catch his breath for a moment. He rested his hands on his knees and sighed.

Now that Harry had stopped running, he noticed how cold it really was. The sun, soon to go down, offered little warmth and sent a ghostly look over the place. He shuddered violently as he failed in not to think too much about what had just happened. It had been so close.

Words from `All About The Unforgivables' kept spinning around in his mind, clear as the day:

`When the caster puts so much emotion in the curse as he or she would have to do for the curse to work properly, it is not without a prize. Not only will the caster risk a life-sentence in Azkaban, the Wizard Prison guarded by Dementors, but the caster's soul will also be affected. The soul will be forever marked, depending on how much the caster enjoyed it...'

Harry felt like hitting something, anything…

`The feeling of power is addict able, and the caster would in most cases feel strongly tempted to use an Unforgivable again in the future. If recently used, it will have an effect on Dark Detectors, -`

Suddenly Harry heard a `crack' behind him, like the sound of a stick being broken, and immediately he had his wand out; pointing at where the sound had came from.


The voice was familiar to him and with a jolt he realized it belonged to Hermione. He quickly lowered his wand. "Hermione?"

"Yeah…" she panted, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, but when you just-"

"It's okay," he quickly reassured her, not really knowing if he was happy or disappointed that she had followed him. "How did you find me?"

"I used a Tracking charm…" she said and stepped closer to him, reaching out for his hand. He suddenly felt nervous and a new chill went down his spine.

"Harry…" she said. "What happened?"

He looked down, wondering what he should say... could she handle the truth? She deserved it, certainly. Besides, if she didn't like it, she could just go and leave him alone. Harry took a deep breath, and said:

"I wanted to curse Malfoy. With the Cruciatus."

"Harry, that's-"

"-An Unforgivable, I know. But I've studied it a bit over the summer - because you know - that Prophecy... I've got to..."

Hermione nodded hesitantly, looking dead serious as though she felt sorry for him.

"And Voldemort," Harry continued, "has - as I'm sure you know - given me visions… and when he does, it feels like I'm him… I do the same things as him… and then…"

He stopped then; because a huge ball had created itself in his throat, making it hard to talk.

"Go on," Hermione prodded, stepping even closer to him.

"Right… so, as I was saying, one night I forgot to put my wand away. I got a new vision - of Voldemort killing the Patils' - and when he used the Killing curse, -I -I used it too. That's why there's a huge hole on the wall in my bedroom. Then, I lost my temper at Mrs. Black, and-"

"Hang on!" said Hermione suddenly, holding up a hand. Harry had never seen her eyes so big as they were now, as she tried understand and get the control over the situation.

"Are you saying that you used The Killing curse ON MRS. BLACK?!"



"I'm sorry Hermione, I didn't mean too, I really didn't… however, since then I've been feeling… tempted, sort of, to use it again. Not because I really want to, but because of the power you feel when you use it. It's, er… certain after-affects, you could say."

Harry stopped and waited for Hermione to say something.

"You hate me now, don't you?" he finally asked when she didn't.

"Of course not..." she said, looking pensive. "Harry, you're my best friend, and I couldn't dream-"

"But you're dating Ron!" said Harry, almost accusingly, and as he said it he instantly regretted it. Not only did his gut hurt at the mere thought of it, now he felt guilty as well. He stepped a little back from her, ashamed. Hermione, however, raised her eyebrows.

"No I don't."

"Yes, you do!" said Harry stubbornly.

"No, I'm not! I've never said that!"

Now it was his turn to not know what to say. "But… you, I saw- you were-!"

Hermione sighed, and lowered her gaze. A small string of hair fell in front of her face, and she impatiently brushed it away. "I never dated Ron, nor do I want to… it's not going to work; it would just ruin our friendship. We don't go along that well, really."

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Harry, even though he was not sorry at all. On the other hand, he felt as though a huge weight had been lifted of his shoulders.

She frowned slightly, as though she sensed this, something she probably did. "Harry," she said, "I want you to know that you can tell me anything."

Harry was surprised. "I know. I haven't told the Prophecy to anybody but you."

She took his other hand and squeezed it gently.

"I don't want to die…" he confessed, "but there's worse things than death. People living in torture and in pain, friendless and alone… that's worse than death. Voldemort doesn't know, he-"

Suddenly Hermione wrapped her arms tightly around him and hugged him desperately. A small sob escaped her. However, Harry was so surprised that he lost his balance and both of them fell to the ground.

He grinned up at her apolitically, but suddenly Hermione's lips covered his, and his eyes fluttered shut.

If he hadn't been breathless before he was now. At first, the kiss was slow, careful and hesitant, but soon both of them became more desperate for each other and the kiss deepened. Somehow Harry managed to free his left hand, and took it on the back of her head, pushing her to him. He wanted to feel her, taste her, memorize her... he didn't know of he would get another chance and wanted to make the most of it.

The kiss seemed to sharpen his senses somehow. He could feel the wind against his skin, he could hear the leaves it brought around in circles, he could smell the grass and the bushes around them... however, most of all he felt stronger; as though Hermione had given some of her energy to him. He couldn't remember feeling anything like it. So utterly complete.

He had no idea for how long the kiss lasted, but when it ended he could do nothing but stare at her; unblinking. Hermione breathed hard, but a smile played in the corner of her lips. He grinned up at her slowly; the last thing he wanted was for something to ruin the moment. Honestly he didn't thought anything could, but the risk wasn't worth taken.

Somehow he knew that if he ended up alone, friendless and in pain, he would remember that moment. He always would, and he also knew that the memory would comfort him.

"Hermione," he said softly and she looked down at him, her eyes full of complete and sincere trust.


"If Voldemort ever gets you… give him the Prophecy. I don't care, I can't lose you, no matter what."

Hermione hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded. "Alright, but then you have to promise me something: if Voldemort ever gets me, and kill me or hurt me in any way… Promise me that you won't blame yourself and do something stupid."

"You know I can't promise that!" said Harry, horrified.

"Then you got no deal, Potter," she said smugly and leaned closer to him again, their noses almost touching. Merlin did she know him.

"I'll do my best," he whispered hoarsely and touched her cheek. "Please?"

Hermione nodded and Harry pressed her to him again, so they laid beside each other, listening to the wind, nature and each other's breathing.


They laid there for a very long time. It had been late afternoon when they got there, and now the night was creeping in on them and stars had began to appear on the sky. Harry looked up and saw that the sky was almost clear for clouds now, making the stars shine brighter than he could remember them doing ever before. He guessed it had something to do with them being in the middle of the forest, without any lights.

There was one particular star that caught his attention, and he remembered something from Astronomy…

"Sirius," said Harry aloud and Hermione followed his look up at the sky.

"Yeah," she said, "maybe he's looking?"

He thought that was unlikely, but instead of disagreeing, he said: "I hope he's happy... -wherever he is."

"Right now I think he would be laughing at us," she said softly and both of them laughed. Harry suddenly realized that this was the first time he had thought about Sirius, without feeling sad or angry.



The next morning Harry woke up yet again visions about Voldemort killing families, but for once he didn't care much. It felt as though he was carrying a bubble of joy and excitement in his stomach and there was nothing Voldemort could do to ruin it... or so he thought.

Harry still didn't have a clue about what was going on between him and Hermione, and he was afraid he would make a wrong decision and do something stupid, whatever that could be. At the same time the thought of Hermione (maybe) wanting a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship was something that scared the hell out of him. He wasn't even sure what he wanted for himself yet; one part of him wanted to keep her as a friend, but the other part of him definitely wouldn't mind kissing her again…

He and Hermione had stayed in the forest for many hours, and when they came back they used the rest of the evening to sit in the armchairs in front of the fire, talking about old days and non-important things. Ron had already went to bed and there had been few other people in the common room.

Harry quickly got dressed and went down for breakfast. In the great hall he immediately spotted Ron and Hermione and sat down between them. He flashed her a mischievous grin and tried to ignore it when her hand softly brushed against his. Not to mention how smooth her skin looked like and how good her hair smelled...

She was studying her timetable and Harry forced himself to do the same. Yesterday they had had three hours with Care Of Magical Creatures, and then three hours with Defense, but today they had two hours Transfiguration, two hours with Charms and two hours with Potions.

Harry glanced over at Ron and saw that he had a huge grin over his face.

"Hey!" Ron said, "I only got two hours with lessons today! Can you believe that? Heh, I knew it was a good idea to take few classes this year!"

Hermione scowled. "Honestly Ron, that's such a waste! What are you going to do with all the extra time?"

Ron only grinned even wider and faked a wondering, serious look. "Let's see... what do you do on a ordinary weekend?"

"Don't you want anything with your life, Ron?" Hermione shook her head, exasperated. "You are going to end up poor and without a job!"

"Hey!" said Ron, taking offence and they started their normal bickering. Harry groaned and put his head between his hands, blocking their voices out.

Their arguing continued while the owls delivered their post. A paper landed in front of Hermione, and when Ginny saw that they weren't about to quit anytime soon, she snatched it for herself.

"You're so annoying!" Harry heard Ron say, but suddenly he noticed that nearly the whole Great Hall were quiet, too quiet.

"What's going on?" Harry asked Hermione.

"I'll tell what's going on!" said Hermione, looking hurt, "Ron, he-"

"No," Harry interrupted. "I mean -why is everyone so quiet?"

The whole hall was indeed quiet now, and all eyes were on them.

Desperately he looked over at Ginny, who looked back at him as though he had just announced that he was going to join Voldemort.

"What?" he snapped, and she silently gave him Hermione's paper with trembling hands. Harry, now fully on guard and more than a little uncomfortable, took it and scanned the front page. Hermione did too and gasped. He, however, could do nothing but stare at the huge, black headline, saying: YOU-KNOW-WHO THREATENS THE BOY WHO LIVED!' and beneath there was a picture of a wall with the words; `I'LL GET YOU AT HALLOWEEN, POTTER' written with something that, disgustedly, looked like blood.

Harry felt his insides disappear, but other than that he kept his frame. Slowly he passed the newspaper on to Neville and stared at his plate.

So his life was in danger again.

Nothing happened in several minutes. Harry was determent to not let it show how much the news had affected him, and kept staring at his plate. He was too aware of the fact that everybody were looking at him, waiting for a reaction…

Deciding it was best to let the others know that he still lived, he forcing a weak laugh and got up from the table. Hermione, however, anxiously grabbed his hand and refused to let it go. Ron was oddly quiet.

"I've dreamed this…" Harry suddenly realized, "I just didn't remember it... They used the blood of one of the children they killed. Muggle girl, I think she was blonde…"

Hermione suddenly cried out, let go of his hand and ran out from the great hall before Harry could say another word. He felt sick.

"I better go after her," he said with a sigh to Ron, who nodded.

"I'll just sit here, if you don't mind."

Harry nodded and followed Hermione the way she had left with quick steps. Everybody were still - though not surprisingly - staring at him and some of the Slytherins made whistles and cat-calls after him.

Immediately when he got past the doors and out of sight, he broke off into a run, hoping he would catch Hermione before she went too far and out of reach.

Luckily, she had returned to the common room and he found her there, sitting in the coach, crying. Harry sat down beside her and stroked her hair, unsure what he could do to calm her.

"Please don't cry, please don't cry," he begged, he couldn't stand it when she did. Hermione sniffed and forced herself to calm down a little.

"It's so unfair, you know?" she said after a while, when she had calmed down enough to speak. "Why you? You've been through so much already and it's not like you wouldn't get enough trouble in the future… and it's not just that! I don't want to lose you! I'm terrified of it! And, if there's anyone who have the right to hide and cry like an idiot, it's you... not me!"

"You won't lose me," Harry reassured her, even though he knew that it was a promise he was most likely to break in the future. "-And you're not an idiot, you're the smartest girl I know... Hey, it's not like he hasn't threatened me before, you know? He's always been after me!"

Hermione nodded her head slowly. "But this is different somehow… it looks like he really means it and thought this through, or he wouldn't have made it public… oh Harry!" she suddenly exclaimed and clasped her hand in front of her mouth. "Do you think this could've something to do with your dream? Maybe Ron's right after all?"

"Could be," said Harry slowly, it made sense to him. "And Malfoy's warning… I should talk to him."

"Yeah, just be careful," she said, and looked at her watch. "We better go to class… Or we'll be late again."

"Yeah," he said reluctantly, glad that Hermione was more normal again. They both got up and he found the courage to take her hand. Together they went down to McGonagall's lesson.

They met up with Parvati, who had a weird look over her face when she saw them. "So it is true…" he heard her mutter to herself and Harry smiled. It looked like she, too, was getting more back to her old self.

Hermione, however, went stiff at her words and Harry suddenly realized what Parvati might had meant.

McGonagall chose that moment to open the door, and the students went in.

Harry ended up on the front seats again - thanks to Hermione - between her and Parvati.

McGonagall stepped up in the front of the class, but couldn't help but send Harry a few uneasy looks. She actually looked upset, and the very thought of seeing an upset McGonagall made Harry even more nervous for some reason.

"This year," the teacher started, "is going to be tougher than it has been so far. This year, it's crucial that you pay close attention, because many of the spells we are going to learn are very difficult and even dangerous. This is one of the most advanced NEWT's classes Hogwarts has to offer, except perhaps Arithmancy,-" (Hermione straightened her back a little) "-so if any of you don't think you can manage this class; get out now and you may still have a chance to take another."

McGonagall waited a few seconds before she continued, as if daring the students to get up from their seats and out of the room. Nobody did, however.

"The first couple of weeks we are going repeat what we have learned so far, and later we'll work on Animagi and human transfiguration spells."

Now it was Harry's turn to straighten his back. Would they be told what Animagus form they would have? That brought him to another question: What would he be? A stag like his father? Harry sincerely hoped it wouldn't be a Demiguise, because then he would be teased to no end.

Harry's thoughts went back to what had been in 'The Daily Prophet' that morning. What if Voldemort succeeded this time? Harry would have no chance against him…

Some part of him stirred and he felt sick. So far he haven't given it much though, because, as he had said to Hermione, Voldemort had threatened him before. But what if it was a real, waterproof plan this time? Could he really take the risk?

Hermione nudged him.

"Huh?" asked Harry and realized that everyone was staring at him. "What?"

"It would be wise to pay attention Potter," said McGonagall, but she didn't sound very stern. Harry guessed it was thanks to The Prophet.

"A word after class Potter, if you please."

"Yes ma'am," said Harry politely. He used the rest of the class to keep his head between his hands, but at least he was paying attention.


The class seemed to drag on and on, but finally the bell rang, and everybody got up from their seats. Harry noticed that many were shooting him weird looks, some with pity and some with excitement, as though they expected him to crack under the pressure or something. He had an uneasy feeling if they continued like that, as well as the teachers, he would.

McGonagall waited patiently until everybody had gone out of the classroom - including Hermione - and closed the door.

"Harry," she said, and Harry widened his eyes at the sound of his front name. "Have you read The Daily Prophet this morning?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"How are you feeling?" asked McGonagall softly and Harry couldn't help but to think that this was very out of character from her.

"Fine, I guess. It's real, I suppose? They're not just saying that to - you know - make a trap?"

McGonagall seemed to be considering this for a moment, but shook her head.

"We have every reasons to believe this is real and besides, we can not take the chance of losing you. You are very important to the Wizarding society and if you disappeared it will cause great panic."

Harry looked down, realizing he was nothing but a pawn. "So it is."

"Do you want to speak with Albus?"

"Albus?" wondered Harry for a slight moment, but realized she had to be talking about Dumbledore. "Rather not if you don't mind... can I go now? We got Charms and I don't want to be late."

"One more thing," said McGonagall and moved behind her desk. "I would be honored if you want to be Quidditch captain this year, your silly ban is lifted of course."

Harry's first reaction was to shout `yes!', but then the good feeling disappeared like water between his hands. He didn't have the time. This year, at least until Halloween, he would be forced to work harder than he had ever done before. He also realized that the team would be better off without him if he got caught.

"I don't think I can play at all this year, professor," mumbled Harry, looking down. It was a very difficult thing to say and he didn't like it.

"Nonsense," said McGonagall with a wave of her hand, "You are not going to do that to yourself, I do not allow it."

"But, professor, if Vol-"

"If -" McGonagall interrupted before Harry had the chance to finish the name - "he gets you, we will deal with it then. You can not put your life aside just because of a stupid threat."

Harry hesitated. He didn't want to quit Quidditch if he didn't have to, but there was absolutely no way he had the time to be a captain, no matter how much he wanted it. He voiced his opinion to the professor, and added that Ron could at least twice as much as he did about Quidditch and would be the best for the role.

McGonagall studied him for a moment and nodded. "I will consider it, I dare say that you have enough on your plate already."

Harry nodded back, but felt a bit sad nevertheless. It would have been fun to be a captain…

Absentmindedly, he took one hand in his pocket, gripping around the egg that he still carried around wherever he went. It seemed to give him some kind of comfort he couldn't quite explain. "I need to go," he said to McGonagall. "but thanks for the offer. I'm glad you asked me."

She gave him one of her rear smiles. "Be careful," she said, and Harry turned and quickly walked to charms.


Hermione had been waiting for him outside the classroom, and wanted to know what the meeting had been about at once.

"She was wondering how I was doing… and asked if I wanted to be Quidditch captain."

Hermione squealed, and gave him a chest-breaking hug. "Congratulations! I knew you would make it!" She let go off him and blushed. "You're going to be a wonderful captain."

"Maybe I would," said Harry. "But I turned the offer down."


He sighed. "Do you really think I would have the time? With Voldemort and everything? I have to work harder than I've ever done before!"

Hermione gave him an odd look. "Yeah, I suppose…"

"Hi!" Ron greeted them. "Ready for charms? I feel so relaxed and refreshed you can't even imagine!"

"You could've used your extra time to study you know!" said Hermione with a huff.

"Nah, why bother? I'll pass anyway with the easy subjects I'm taking," said Ron smugly and Harry rolled his eyes. Hermione scowled.

"Ronald Weasley-!"

Harry quickly toned them out as they yet again went on with their old bickering. Suddenly he spotted Draco down the hall.

"I better go and talk to the Ferret boy."

Hermione gave up her bickering with Ron and turned to give Harry a new hug and a peek on his cheek.

"Be careful and don't let him get to you."

"Don't worry, he won't," Harry promised and went after the Slytherin, wishing he could stay in Hermione's arms forever.
