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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy by quizgirl

Harry Potter and the Curse of the Prophecy


Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me.

A/N: Sadly, I have to inform you that I am not going to stay home all summer. Today I'll be going to Oxford to study drama and I'll be gone for three weeks... I doubt I'll get the chance to write there. However, I'll update very soon after that because I only need to correct the next chapter. Hopefully you'll continue reading (and reviewing) this even after reading Half Blood Prince. There's only a few chapters until Halloween now. Until then...

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Harry heard yelling far away from the common room.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you," said the Fat Lady with a huff. "Honestly, you'd believe that I got the nice bunch, but nooo-"

"Please, let me in already!" said Harry irritably, and hesitated only a moment when she opened the portrait before he went in.


What Harry saw was Ron and Hermione, yelling their hearts out at one another. Both were equally red in their faces, and both had looks that could petrify anyone that would get in their way. Both had their wands drawn, only moments from hexing each other into oblivion.

At the mention of his name Harry tried to yell at them to stop it, but to no avail; they couldn't hear him.

Except them, there were only a couple of people left, but they were hiding in the corner, as close to the portrait as they dared. Neville was one of them.

"Harry!" he motioned, waving his hand, "you - should -get -out - of -here, -it's -dangerous! I'll - come - with - you!"

Shrugging his shoulders Harry joined Neville out, their ears ringing. He wouldn't be surprised if Hermione - or Ron for that matter - had used the sonorous charm to make their meanings clearer.

Glaring angrily at him the Fat Lady let them out, but if she said anything Harry couldn't tell, because of all the noise.

"SO IT'S TRUE THEN? YOU AND HARRY ARE HOOKED UP TOGETHER, HUH? WHEN WERE YOU PLANNING ON TELLING ME ABOUT IT?" Ron's voice followed them, and Harry cringed while closing his eyes. He was quite ready for a hole to swallow him.


Harry shook hid head sadly. Their arguing wasn't going anywhere; they were both too stubborn and too convinced that they were right.

"Thanks," said Neville, rubbing his head as though he had a headache, something that wasn't all that unbelievable.

"No problem. Just remind me to never get on Hermione's wrong side," joked Harry, but neither of them laughed.


Neville had to go to the library to finish up some Herbology work. Harry, however, was in no mood for that, and went up to the North Tower. Just to let the wind blow on his face, and to clear his thoughts.

His life seemed to be more complicated than ever these days; and he knew that without Hermione, he would be lost.



Ron wasn't in the common room when Harry went back later that night, nor did he see Ginny. Harry was glad; he doubted he could face them for a while anyway.

Hermione, however, was reading a book in on of the armchairs. She looked a bit tired, however, as soon as she spotted him she jumped up and gave him one of her bone-crushing hugs.

Harry wrapped his arms around her and breathed in her scent. It was comforting, warm and welcomed, like he had been away for a long time. Hermione tilted her head up a bit and gave him a small kiss on the lips. The feeling of being home increased and he felt the warmth all the way down to his toes. How could someone possibly affect him like this? He wondered. He hadn't even been aware of that someone could feel that way.

"Where are the Weasleys?" he asked her quietly, almost afraid to know the answer.

"They left," said Hermione softly, meaning Molly and Arthur, "and Ginny and Ron is up in their dorms. I wouldn't expect them to be down for a while, at least not Ron."

Harry sighed; he wished it hadn't turned out like that with the Weasleys. He cared about all of them, and wished to be a part of their family, but he didn't like the feeling of intruding either... and now he owed them all an apology, no doubt.

"I'm sure they'll understand," said Hermione soothingly, reading his thoughts. Harry smiled weakly, still holding her close to his chest.

"I hope so..."

"They will," said Hermione with more conviction, "but you have to talk to Ron about this. I've tried to, er, talk to him, but... you know how he is. Ginny took it better and she... she understands."

Harry gave Hermione a new kiss to show how grateful he was for her help, but he noticed her hesitation with slight trepidation.

He gave her a final squeeze and then both of them said goodnight and went up to their respective dormitories, Hermione collecting some books first.

Harry sighed heavily as he started to pull off his socks and pants, while looking over to where Ron slept. He couldn't see anything though because Ron had drawn the curtains shut.

Harry did the same thing, and with a second thought he performed a silencing charm around his bed too so he couldn't hear Ron's snores and, more importantly, to not wake anybody up if he had a bad dream or vision again. Harry sincerely hoped that his lessons with McClaggan would be so exhausting that he would sleep too deep to have any nightmares.

Harry rolled over in his bed as he felt sleep come to him, with a poor attempt in blocking his mind.


After a couple of hours he woke up yet again from a vision of Voldemort's latest adventure, with a thundering headache.



Harry stayed in bed until morning. His eyelids were almost too heavy to hold open, and his body was sore all over. He was lucky that nobody from Gringotts bank were there with him, because if they were he would be tempted to give away all his money for a couple of hours more sleep in a heartbeat, or better yet the whole day.

However, he had potions first thing in that morning and no matter how tired he was he knew that it would not be a good idea to give Snape another reason to give him detention and 100 points from Gryffindor.

Groaning, he got up from bed and found his way to the bathroom to take a long, cold shower. He couldn't avoid looking at his reflection, however, and what he saw made him groan even louder; he looked horrible. Frowning, he splashed some more cold water on his face, in a feeble attempt to look at least a little healthy.

When the attempt was unsuccessful, he realized there was only one thing that could help him.

A morning run.


Making it just on time, Harry sat down in front of his potion desk beside Hermione.

"Where've you been?" she asked, looking over him worriedly. The morning run had helped greatly with the headache and he had gotten some color in his face. However, his body felt - if possibly - more heavy for each minute he sat still.

"Running," was all Harry could say, because Snape chose that moment to start the lesson.

"Today," he said silkily, "we'll be working on the Dreamless Sleep potion. The ingredients are listed up on the black board and you can find further instruction on page 554. Get to work... now."

Harry sighed, but deep down he was really interested in this potion and wanted to learn it perfectly. He was tired of nightmares... he just hoped that he could keep his eyes open long enough.


Two hours later Harry had - for what had to be the first time in his life - managed to brew a perfect potion. He had gotten some help now and then from Hermione, (luckily, since he was quite sleepy) but he was still proud of himself.

His mood wasn't even disturbed when Snape came over and looked down in his cauldron, taking fifteen points from Gryffindor for `Hermione helping him.' Harry actually took that as a compliment, because that meant his potion truly was perfect.

Only Hermione didn't look too happy about this and kept muttering angrily to herself.

However, when she saw him looking at her, her expression softened and she gave him an encouraging smile instead; flush creeping up her chin.

Harry turned his attention to the potion again, wondering how he could keep some of it without Snape noticing.

"What's the matter?" whispered Hermione, frowning.

"I need it," whispered Harry back, "it will help me sleep."

With a nod Hermione went down in her rucksack and took out a water bottle.

"Here," she said and helping him in collecting some of the potion when Snape wasn't looking. When the class was over she used `Evanesco' to get rid of the rest, her water bottle safely hidden in Harry's bag.


Charms went okay and Harry was happy to know that McGonagall kept her word in Transfiguration.

He couldn't help but feeling nervous, however; he really wanted to become an Animagus and he would be terribly disappointed if he couldn't be one. Because, as McGonagall had used half an hour to explain in their last lesson; not every wizard had that ability. First of all, it took a lot of bravery just to try. A transformation could go so horribly wrong if not done correctly and cause serious damages to the body. Also, lack of bravery was the most normal reason to why so few wizards were one; half-hearted attempts would not lead them anywhere and could make matters worse. `If the wizard was not one hundred percent sure that he or she wanted to change, it was usually then the alteration would go wrong. Not to mention that it demanded a whole lot of energy and magical abilities to even have the chance.

That's what Harry was most doubtful about: Energy. He had felt very tired lately, and he suspected that Voldemort was the one to blame... again. Neither can live while the other survives... as Voldemort grew stronger Harry would grow weaker.

Harry didn't like it one bit.

As McGonagall continued the lesson, he saw many of the other students' eyes flick with fear and he suddenly realized that very few of them, possibly no one, had the courage.

Even McGonagall didn't look too hopeful.

Harry himself had no doubt about wanting to become one so that wouldn't be his problem. Uncertainly he glanced over at Hermione and wondered if she had the ability. He wished she had, almost more than he wished it for himself. Still, he couldn't help wondering... sure, she was a brilliant witch - and a Gryffindor - but did she really have the energy and the magical abilities to be one? She was too afraid to fly on a broomstick... was that the same thing?

Harry shook his head. Of course she could do it! She was Hermione! HIS Hermione! She could do anything! He was just being silly.

McGonagall tapped the desk with her wand to get everybody's attention.

"Now, clean away your desks and I will bring in some animals we can practice on," she said, and everybody did as she told them.

McGonagall brought back three boxes with grey, fluffy rabbits and explained how to change the rabbit into a guinea pig and then the guinea pig into a larger animal like a dog.

Even though they had done similar practices like that before Harry still found it hard to change one animal into another without leaving the animal with an extra leg or... something worse.

This time, however, it was surprisingly hard to get them to change. It felt like the animal struggled against his magic; making it twice as hard as it should be. Even Hermione seemed to have troubles with it; but she kept going without getting impatient. Slowly her rabbit started to change and Harry could see the pride shine through her eyes. He turned his attention to his own animal again and after five more minutes his too started to change.

Hermione was the first to change her animal completely and even made some special colors on her guinea pig before starting to change it to a dog. Harry tried very hard not to scowl at her, as his own guinea pig still had long ears.

However, he was starting to get the hang of it and he was still one of the first to manage the exercise. McGonagall seemed to be happy with them and awarded them 10 house points each, telling them that they could continue with changing their animal in any way they wanted the last ten minutes since most of the class still was stuck on the rabbit or the guinea pig.

Hermione grinned widely and continued with changing her animal into a bird. Harry just stared at her for a while. She was so beautiful.

Some part of Harry snorted and wanted to laugh at him; he had known Hermione for five years and it was just recently that he had begun to notice her true beauty.

Not wanting to be caught staring, he looked back at his animal and decided to go for a cat. However, he didn't get very far and soon the time was up and everybody began to rise.

Sighing, but still quite pleased with himself Harry got up with Hermione. McGonagall gave him a small smile on his way out and said: "You got lot of your father in you, Potter."

Harry's grin faltered. He knew it was meant as a compliment, some kind of comfort, but ever since he saw Snape's memory in the Pensive he didn't want to be like his father anymore. He didn't even want to think about it. Hermione noticed this and frowned.

"What's the matter?" she asked uncertainly, as though she was not sure how to react.

Harry turned to her, trying to decide if he should tell her or not. She studied him closely, with her big, brown eyes, while she curled some hair between her fingers like she always did when she was wondering about something. Just to see her like that made him smile; she looked so adorable... so soft, so kissable.

"Nothing," mumbled Harry while studied her, "everything's fine. Professor McGonagall only meant it as a compliment anyway."

Hermione looked even more confused by this, and stopped twirling her hair behind her fingers, (meaning she gave up trying to understand).

Hermione took Harry's hand in hers as they continued their way to the next class. Harry was very well aware of all the people looking and snickering at them, but Harry was beyond the point of caring. Having Hermione there with him was worth it, and it made him feel light as a feather in the wind.

However, almost as soon as they were outside the classroom, Harry spotted a familiar and not-so-welcomed face: Draco Malfoy. Draco had spotted them too and a smirk appeared on his pointy ferret face. Stubbornly, Harry held his head high and held on to Hermione as well. He wasn't scared of Malfoy and he wanted to show it. Malfoy's smirk disappeared from his face when he saw that it didn't bother Harry that he was seen with Hermione, but it didn't stop him from approaching them. "Made a decision yet, Potter?"

"Yes, I have actually," said Harry calmly, but his insides where squirming like mad and twisting with agony with what he was about to say, "and you can join and will be considered equal to the other members. As long as you follow the same rules as everyone else, that is."

"And what rules might that be?" said Draco, his tone all business like Harry's. Harry was instantly more suspicious of the other boy.

Beside him, Harry heard Hermione suck in her breath and he knew she felt the same way he did. Besides - to make the matters worse - they didn't really have any rules in the DA. It was more like an unspoken agreement, between friends who trusted each other. So, how to explain that to Malfoy? No, he couldn't explain - there was no way - Malfoy would find a loophole easy and make matters worse. Harry had to lie and the instant he knew that he smiled to hide his insecurities.

"To not intentionally hurt others in the group, but protect them... follow me as a leader, and... not spread what we are doing around," he made up and held his breath for Malfoy's answer.

Draco's eyebrows rose, but other than that he didn't show any expression.

"You as a... leader?"

"Yes," said Harry firmly, "but you are welcome to make suggestions, though."

Malfoy frowned and for a second Harry thought that he would pull back and call off the deal. At some point Harry even suspected that Draco might suddenly hex him.

However, the blonde boy did none of those things. He only shrugged and said:

"What does to `DA' stands for anyway? Dummies for Aberration?"

Harry glared at him, but decided to overlook it and not press his luck further. "Defense Association," he said; he doubted that Dumbledore's Army would fall well as a name in Draco's liking. Furthermore, it wasn't exactly untrue.

Harry was just about to ask Draco to tell them what he knew about the threat when he felt something shift in his pocket. At first Harry ignored it, but then it shifted again and with a jolt he realized it had to be the egg that he still carried around everywhere he went.

"Um, okay, we'll give you a note where to meet us, then you can tell us about the stupid threat and we'll show you what we do. Now, we have to go to class. We're late! See you later!" said Harry hastily and dragged Hermione along.

"Harry, what-? Hey! Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures is that way! Where are you going?"

Harry stopped, he had been moving towards the Gryffindor common room. What was more, he suddenly realized, was that Hermione didn't know about the egg.

"Er, right," said Harry and scratched his head and continued walking without Hermione, "I guess I'll see you later then."

He could practically feel Hermione scowl at him.

"Harry, get back here this instant!"

Harry turned around and sure enough, she was scowling.

"Sorry," said Harry uneasily and went back to give her a peek on her cheek to ease her up a little, "there's something I need to take care of."

Hermione looked hurt. "What's that? You've been acting weird all morning!"

"Just something..." he started, but thought better of it and showed her the egg. "This."

The egg was moving slightly, it's golden shell reflecting the light and Hermione's big eyes.

"It's hatching," said Harry, excited, "I'm sure it is!"

Hermione looked torn and kept looking between Harry and the egg and where she was supposed to go to class. She chewed her bottom lip nervously.

"Where did you get it from?" she asked uncertainly and looked at her watch again, not able to decide if she should go with Harry or go to class.

"A snake, a golden one..." said Harry cautiously, "in Grimmauld Place, this summer. The snake asked me to take care of it, and... I did. Now it's hatching! Can you believe that?"

"Eggs use to do that," replied Hermione dryly. "But Harry, you don't even know what will come out of the egg!"

Harry frowned and recalled the Snake's words, "she said it was her baby."

Hermione sighed, "It could be anything! It doesn't even have to be a snake! Like a basilisk comes from a chicken egg... but it can't be a Basilisk, `cause they need to be hatched beneath a toad... but it could be something similar though... oh, darn! Now I am late for class and everything!"

"You don't need to come with me!" said Harry dumbfounded, and the egg twitched a little more violent, "I can take care of myself, you know."

Hermione seemed to doubt that and Harry saw her eyes flare with frustration.

"Fine!" she huffed, "I'll come! Merlin knows what you could have gotten yourself into..."

Harry suppressed a grin; he was glad Hermione would come with him even though she had to give up a lesson.

"Sure you don't want to go to class, `Mione?" asked Harry with a glint in his eyes.

"Y-yes," stuttered Hermione and raised her chin stubbornly, but she didn't fool Harry.

"You could go if you want to," he said firmly, he couldn't stand her being miserable for him and classes were important to her... more important than him? He wondered, no, that wasn't right - she was coming with him after all.

"Don't be stupid," said Hermione, disturbing Harry's chain of thoughts, "I said I would come, and I'm late anyway. Just don't push it!"

Harry gave her hand a squeeze and didn't press the subject any further as they quickly walked to the common room.


The egg used its time; it twitched this way and that, rolling and shivering... but it didn't seem to want to hatch. Harry was getting impatient and Hermione frustrated. She mentioned more than once that she should and could've sit through the Arithmancy class after all. After several more minutes with nagging, Harry almost wished she had.
