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The Most Ancient Magic by Dementor149

The Most Ancient Magic


Disclaimer: Everything concerning Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. I own nothing, nor is this done for any purpose except my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of anyone reading this. There is no attempt to make any profit.

The Most Ancient Magic

Chapter One - Letters

The July sun was beating down on Harry Potter as he weeded the flower garden of Number Four Privet Drive. Most times he would have hated the menial labor, but these days he usually fell into bed too exhausted to dream, and the work kept him from the visions of Sirius falling through the veil, or Hermione lying unconscious on the floor of the Department of Mysteries, or the secret prophecy which said he must either kill Voldemort or be killed by him.

In the week since he had returned from Hogwarts, he had mowed the lawn, edged the walks, and painted parts of his Uncle Vernon's house. Now as he was weeding the garden he wondered what else his aunt and uncle would come up with for him to do. The Dursleys had always tried to maintain the appearance of their property and he was almost afraid of what might happen when he ran out of work here. Perhaps Mrs. Figg might have something he could do.

"Harry, come in here! Now!" Harry's Aunt Petunia called, "and don't forget to wipe your feet."

Harry packed the weeds into a plastic bag and made his way into the house. Petunia handed Harry a letter in an official looking envelope. It had arrived by Muggle post, but the return address was Gringotts, the Wizarding Bank. Harry carefully opened the letter,

Dear Mr. Potter,

Your presence is required at the reading of the will of Sirius Black.

Please bring this letter to room 325 at the main office of the bank

at nine thirty A.M., on Monday the twelfth of July.

"Well?" asked aunt Petunia.

"I have to take care of some legal matters, in London, for my godfather's family."

"How are you going to get there? Your uncle won't take time off from his job for something like this." His aunt snapped.

"I'll contact my friends, the Weaslys. They can help me get there." I hope, he thought.

Harry had gotten a letter from Ron saying Fred and George had left. Since he was the oldest at home he was doing most of the chores around the house.

Harry went back outside to finish the garden. As he worked he noticed an old woman walking down the street towards Number Four.

The woman smiled as she drew near him, "Wotcher, Harry?".

" Hi, is that you, Tonks? Just pulling some weeds."

"Yes it's me. I have a letter from Dumbledore for you.". With a wink she handed Harry a cream colored envelope, addressed in green ink.

"Anything interesting going on?" Harry whispered.

"Not concerning the Order, but that letter is of personal interest to you. See you later."

The Auror walked slowly on down the street and turned the corner. Harry stuck the letter into his back pocket until he finished weeding, then went into the house to wash up before dinner.

He sat down on his bed and opened his letter,

Dear Harry,

We will be having a memorial service for your godfather at six o'clock on the evening of the Sunday the eleventh of July. Remus Lupin will be at your uncle's house at two o'clock to get you. You will spend the night here and we will get you to the bank on the twelfth.

This is a formal occasion so your dress robes will be in order. They will also do for the reading of the will.

Albus Dumbledore

Harry went down to help Aunt Petunia with dinner.

"You don't have to worry about London, it's all taken care of. I'll be leaving next Sunday and will be gone overnight." His aunt appeared relieved that the situation appeared to have resolved itself and Uncle Vernon seemed somewhat relieved that he could be gone when whatever "weirdo" showed up to collect Harry. Knowing that a fully trained wizard was coming seemed to have convinced the Dursleys to make plans to be somewhere else.

The weekend passed uneventfully, with the exception of a letter from Hermione. The short, neat note said she and her parents were spending their vacation on a cruise and they would be back in time for Harry's birthday.

When Sunday came Harry had packed what he needed in a paper bag and was waiting by the door when Lupin knocked.

"You don't have a suitcase, Harry?" Lupin asked.

"No sir, Uncle Vernon never took me anywhere, so I never needed one. I got my trunk so I could go to Hogwarts but it's too big for over night trips. How are we going to get to Grim … there?" Harry remembered how much "Mad Eye" Moody stressed security, He would have to monitor his speech more closely.

"We'll have to make a detour before coming back here. You ought to have one," grinned Lupin, "you never know when you might have to hit the road with an angry mob on your tail. It's an occupational hazard of being a werewolf, but seriously, Harry, your aunt and uncle have never taken you anywhere?"

"No," Harry shot back.

Lupin shook his head sadly, He never really realized how deprived Harry's childhood had been. It was little wonder he had been so angry last year.

"How have you been?"

"Ok, I guess," Harry said, wondering if Lupin knew he wasn't exactly telling the truth.

"What have you been doing? Tonks said she has seen you weeding and painting."

"Just trying to keep busy," Harry replied.

"Has your uncle been making you do all this?"

"No, I volunteered, being tired helps me sleep. Uncle Vernon did complain about me waking everybody."

"You were having nightmares, Harry?" Lupin asked, his voice showing concern. "Have you told anybody?"

"Like who?" For an instant some of the old resentment began to kindle in Harry's heart, but he just didn't have the energy to get really angry.

Lupin decided to change the subject, but resolved to talk to Dumbledore that evening. Maybe the memorial might bring Harry some closure.

"Portkey, to answer your original question. It's set for two fifteen."

They arrived in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place to find a plate of sandwiches and a jug of Pumpkin juice waiting for them. After eating Harry took his bag to the room where he had stayed the previous summer and Lupin disappeared. After unpacking he lay down on the bed.

Time dragged on toward six o'clock.

At four thirty Tonks knocked on Harry's door. She brought in a large box and handed it to him. "Remus seemed to think that this was important." Harry opened the box to find a suitcase.

"Hey, thanks," Harry said. He pulled the new suitcase from the box and began to examine it.

"Harry Potter, Harry Potter, it is Dobby, sir!" Harry looked up to see the House Elf standing in the door way, with a broad grin on his homely face. "I is wanting Harry Potter's dress robes to be pressing them, sir. Dumbledore's orders, sir."

Harry took his Bottle Green robes from the wardrobe and gave them to Dobby. "How have you been, Dobby?"

"Dobby has been fine, Harry Potter, Dobby has been worried about you, sir.

Dobby thinks Harry Potter is very sad that Sirius Black has died. Dobby wishes that he could help Harry Potter be happy again. Can Dobby help?"

"I wish you could, Dobby, but I don't know how," sighed Harry.

At six Harry went downstairs to find that many of the Order of the Phoenix he knew had gathered in the large sitting room. A large candle burning in the center of the room provided the only source of illumination. Albus Dumbledore, wearing robes of deep blue with silver embroidery, nodded as Harry entered. Although he looked as serious as Harry had ever seen him, Harry was sure his headmaster spared him a reassuring wink as he took his place in the group standing around the room. Remus passed a box of tapers around to the people in the room.

"Sirius Black has passed from this life and we are here to honor his memory," Dumbledore said quietly as he stepped to the candle at the center of the ceremony.

"From Sirius Black I have learned the value of perseverance and steadfastness in the face of adversity. Few could have endured what he did, and only by holding on to truth, unpleasant though it might be, are we able to continue to fight no matter the odds." He lit his candle and returned to his place in the group.

Remus stepped forward, "From Sirius Black I learned friendship and how to look beyond the surface of people's circumstances before forming judgment. He taught me joy when my life had but little and showed me acceptance when few others would. He showed me life is always worth the living." Lupin's hand shook as he lit his taper and in the light of his candle the tears showed in his eyes as he returned to his place.

So it went, around the circle, some shared lessons, some shared memories, all shed their tears. At last Harry moved to the candle, "Sirus Black showed me almost what it was like to have a family. I'm glad I knew him and I miss him so much, but now I feel I know him a little better." Dumbledore appeared blurred by the tears in Harry's eyes but he saw him nod all the same. Arthur, Molly, and Lupin gathered around Harry as he returned to his place.

Dumbledore spoke again, "Sirius Black imparted his wisdom and knowledge to us as the candle has given its light. His light has gone out now," with a gesture Dumbledore extinguished the candle at the center of the room, "but the gift of his light we take with us as we go from this place. Go in peace."

With the light of all the tapers the room was now brightly lit. The celebrants filed from the room.

In the hallway Harry tried to dry his eyes, but somehow he felt better for the tears and memories. As the pain of loss was shared it grew less to bear. Molly came to him and gave him a hug. "How have you been, Harry? We haven't heard from you."

"I've been trying to keep busy, it's kind of been easier, trying not to think too much. Tonight made me feel better though. Where are Ron and Ginny ?"

"They are at home, Dumbledore didn't invite them. He felt they did not know Sirius that well and you might be more comfortable without them here, and I agreed," answered Arthur.

"Harry, we'd like to host your birthday party, would you like that?" asked Molly.

"Yeah, that'd be really great, when would you come to get me?" Harry asked with a small smile. His first in what seemed a long while.

"We will work out the details and let you know." Said Molly.

Dumbledore came over to the group, "Dobby is serving refreshments in the kitchen if you are hungry, and Harry, you did well tonight at the memorial, I wish to congratulate you."

"Thanks, Professor, I think it helped. I feel a little better," answered Harry.

"Time and patience will heal your grief, though the path is usually long and difficult, I hope this will have been a good start, and Harry, I'd not stay up too late tonight, you may have much to do tomorrow. Good night." Dumbledore bowed and made his way out of the front door.

"We will say good night as well, Harry. You know we will help in any way we can, just ask. You know we love you." Molly whispered. Tears were making her eyes shine.

Harry's throat seemed to tighten, "I know, and thanks again." Harry returned Molly's hug as Arthur placed his arms around them both. "Be careful," he told them.

The Weasleys followed Dumbledore into the night.


Harry was awakened the next morning by a gentle rapping on his door.

"You need to get up, Harry!" Lupin called. "It will be time to go soon."

With a loud pop Dobby appeared carrying a large tray. "Good morning Harry Potter, Dobby has your breakfast." He served Harry a large bowl of porridge, sausage, toast, and marmalade, with grape juice. After eating Harry washed up and was able to make his hair lay reasonably flat. He brought the tray down to the kitchen.

"Thanks, Dobby, breakfast was great." The House Elf beamed with pleasure. "I noticed the portraits are gone, how'd you get them down?" Harry asked Lupin.

"Dobby did," answered Lupin, "he used his own kind of magic to get them down. Professor Dumbledore asked some of the House Elves to help clean up around here. About twenty of them came and really set this place to rights."

"What happened to Kreacher?" asked Harry.

"He died about six days after Sirius. We found his body in his sleeping area under the boiler. The Elves took care of him. We need to go, we're going to catch the Knight Bus."

Harry and Lupin arrived at Diagon alley with no more than the usual number of bruises and made their way to Gringotts Bank. Harry gave the goblin at the entrance the letter and they were shown to Room 325 where he was suprised to find Arthur and Molly Weasley waiting for them,

A goblin entered the room. "I am Grathez. Everyone is here for the reading of the will of Sirius Black?" he said opening a scroll. "Good, we shall begin." He unrolled the scroll, sat down, and began to read…

Being of sound mind and body I give this as my last will and testament.

Harry, the Order has received word that Voldemort has tricked you into believing that I am being held at the Ministry of Magic. We are going to try to help, if I do not survive this battle I want you to know that I am doing this of my own free will. Don't beat yourself up too badly, Voldemort has tricked older and wiser wizards than you. I am leaving all that is left of the Black fortune and property to you with the following exceptions. To Remus Lupin, I give the sum of one million Galleons and bequeath the guardianship of Harry James Potter to him for the remainder of Harry's minority.

In the event of or on occasion of Remus Lupin's inability to perform this duty, and upon his acceptance of this responsibility I appoint Arthur Weasley to act in Lupin's behalf. To aid him in this I give the sum of one thousand Galleons a month for the remainder of Harry's minority. When Harry is of age, all money not spent on Harry's behalf will revert to the Weasleys. Done in my hand.

Sirius Black

Witnessed by Alastor Moody and Remus Lupin

"Do you, Arthur Weasley, accept the charge laid on you by this bequest?" the goblin asked in a solemn tone.

"I do, " he answered.

"Then it is done, ownership of the Black family money and property is transferred to Harry James Potter." Grathez concluded.

"Er…How much gold are we talking about, Grathez?" asked Harry.

"The Black family fortune has been in decline for the past two hundred years, It now amounts to only two hundred seventy eight million Galleons. This is the amount coming to you, the other bequests have been transferred to the proper vaults. The deeds of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, Idewild, and Falnost are also placed in your name, here is the key to your vault. Good day to you all, " he said as he rose to his feet. He handed Harry an intricate golden key and left the room.

As Harry, Remus, Arthur, and Molly left the bank, they met Albus Dumbledore on the steps.

"We have some matters to discuss, may I join you for lunch? I have a private room reserved at the Leaky Cauldron."

A short time later they were all seated around a table in a back room of the pub.

"Harry," began Dumbledore, "Number Twelve belongs to you now…"

"That's ok, Professor, the Order is welcome to use the house as before."

"Thank you, but my main concern is for you, do you wish to live there or stay with the Dursleys. You need to stay with your aunt for at least a fortnight to renew the protection of your mother's blood plus Voldemort cannot harm you while you are there. Since the ten days have passed you may move to Number Twelve for the rest of the summer if you wish, although you would be safer on Privet Drive.

"I think I'd rather live at Grimmauld Place until I go back to school. Would you stay with me there, Professor Lupin?"

"If you wish, Harry," answered Lupin. "Thanks for the invitation."

Dumbledore nodded his acceptance of Harry's decision. "What do you wish to do with the money your godfather left you?"

"Nothing now, Professor. I have plenty in my own vault for school, the money my Mum and Dad left me. Perhaps the bank could help me invest it."

"Very wise, my dear boy," smiled Dumbledore. "I hoped that you would make some good decisions, but again, you have exceeded my expectations. Would you allow me to ask for a couple of small favors…"


Later Harry was talking to Dobby, "What do you think, Dobby, would you and Winky like to work here, for me?"

"Oh yes, Harry Potter," Dobby squealed delightedly. "Dobby would be honored to keep Harry Potter's secrets and our silence for him and I think Winky will too, sir."

"Tell Winky that if she agrees we will take her clothes and she will work here, but you will go back and forth to Hogwarts with me. Would you please meet me at Privet Drive in an hour."

Tonks and Harry appeared in the back yard of Number Four. Tonks pocketed the portkey, unlocked the back door, and Harry crept up the stairs and into his room. The voices coming from the front room told him that the Dursleys had company. One hour later Harry helped Dobby pack up his Hogwarts things, the House Elf then Disapperated with them. Harry went downstairs to find the Dursleys at dinner with Aunt Marge.

"Where have you been!" shouted a startled Uncle Vernon.

"Taking care of some business," answered Harry quietly, looking down at his feet.

"Don't they expect you to be punctual at the school of yours." Growled Aunt Marge. "You're late for dinner."

"Yes, they do," answered Harry, looking sharply at her. Aunt Marge went slightly pale for some reason and fell silent. "You were wrong about my Mum and Dad, you know, they weren't lazy scroungers. They didn't work because they were rather wealthy. Uncle Vernon, it is a pity you didn't get to know them better. You've said that I'm ungrateful and I guess it's true. I want to apologize for never telling you thank you for the food and clothes that you have given me. Thank you for making me live in a cupboard, thank you for not over indulging me, so I'd learn to appreciate what I have and make do with what is available, thanks for not making me like Dudley. Here is a token of my gratitude." Harry handed his Uncle an envelope, "There is a card included, a solicitor who can help with the taxes."

"Where do you think you're going, Harry?" asked Aunt Petunia her voice rising in anger.

"Home," said Harry defiantly, "My head tells me I'll be here for a few weeks after next year, my heart tells me I'll never see you again."

Harry headed for the front door as Vernon opened the envelope.

Harry walked into the night.

"Vernon what is it?" Petunia cried. Vernon Dursley was turning the same shade of color as a plum as he read the letter he held in his shaking hands.

"A l-l-letter of credit f-f-for t-t-twenty thousand Pounds," Vernon stammered. He stood up and made for the door.

As Harry reached the corner he met Tonks under the street light, looking back he saw his Aunt and Uncle looking out of their front door as the Knight Bus arrived with a bang.

All the Dursleys saw were two figures standing under the street light, there was a shimmer and they were gone.