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The Most Ancient Magic by Dementor149

The Most Ancient Magic


Disclaimer: Everything concerning Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. I own nothing, nor is this done for any purpose except my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of anyone reading this. There is no attempt to make any profit.

The Most Ancient Magic

Chapter Nine

Arthur and Ron watched the others walk down to the curtained beds at the far end of the ward. "You didn't want to visit Harry and Hermione this morning?"

"No. I came to visit you and Mum. Where were you?"

"Dumbledore sent us with Professor McGonagall to bring the Grangers to Hogwarts."

"Those are Hermione's folks?" Ron asked incredulously, "but they're Muggles … how?"

"It was quite a struggle for them, but they just kept pressing on," Arthur replied thoughtfully. "Love is a powerful force, Ron, I guess because Hermione means so much to them they were able to beat the enchantments that defend the castle. May I ask you a question?"

"Yes, Dad, what do you want to know?"

"Is there something wrong between you and Hermione? I could see she hurt you when she told Harry she loved him."

"I fancy her, but right now I think I hate her."

"Hate is a pretty strong, Ron. You mean that?" Arthur asked gently.

Ron face was impassive, his lips pressed tightly together. Then he nodded, "I started thinking about her after the Ball. It was so great that summer, just having her around, I didn't mind the cleaning so much, but all she did was worry about Harry, rushing off to look up all that stuff on under age magic. I thought we might get closer when we were prefects together but all she did was worry about OWLs and keeping Harry from being expelled. I tried to buy her some perfume last Christmas, so she would know how much I liked her, but all she did was gush about that book Harry bought her." He shook his head, "even when we won the Quiddich Cup, she was off somewhere with Hagrid and Harry," he was near tears.

Arthur placed a consoling hand on his son's shoulder. "She didn't encourage you or lead you on, did she?"

Ron shook his head.

"Being rejected by someone you love is life's most bitter lesson, Ron," sighed Arthur. "We don't always understand why we are attracted to certain people. When you find someone you love you give your heart to them, then you realize you can't take it back. If you're lucky they love you too, but if they don't, then all you're left with is pain that won't ever go away."

"Never?" Ron stared at his father.

"Not completely. Oh, it lessens in intensity. There will be days, weeks, even months when you don't feel it. Then in a moment it comes back, when you remember something that reminds you of the one you love, like a birthday, or some special anniversary. You all fought that troll on Halloween didn't you?" Ron nodded. "On days like that. After a few years it will be a feeling of sadness and mostly you'll wonder what might have been, because of the hopes and dreams you had."

"What can you do?" asked Ron.

"First, grieve for your dreams," Arthur answered quietly. "Go somewhere by yourself and cry your eyes out. Scream at the trees until you are hoarse. It will make you feel better for a little while to get rid of all the emotion. Second, realize that all that does is get you tired enough to sleep through the night, at that point involve yourself in your studies, try to keep busy. Third, find someone that needs help with something and help him or her out. What helps most is getting involved with other people and not dwelling on yourself."

"How does that help?" Ron was looking sour.

"Because by being involved with others you won't dwell on your own hurt and close yourself off, and you will eventually find someone that loves you back."

Ron snorted.

"Scoff if you will, but it worked for me. I met your mother after a girl I was in love with decided she liked someone else better. The argument that there is more than one fish in the sea is pretty cold comfort and no less bitter because it is true," he said ruefully.

"I could make her love me," Ron said, his anger flaring once more, "I could use a love potion or the Imperious Curse."

Arthur laughed grimly, "You can't really control other people like that, or not for long. The Dark Arts can be fought by the victim. You remember Barty Crouch. The Dark Arts are just as deceitful to the practitioner, because that kind of control is an illusion, it won't give you a relationship, just a puppet, and an increasingly hostile one at that. Think, son, what kind of love would rather have a slave than a willing partner. Relationships are living things, Ron. That's what makes Molly so exciting, after all these years she still surprises me with the things she says or does. The little ways she says 'I love you' make life worth living."

"Is there any chance for Hermione and me?" Ron asked desperately.

Arthur shrugged, "Anything is possible. If something were to happen to Harry, she might turn to you, do you really want that?"

"I don't know, maybe," answered Ron looking slightly ashamed.

"Do you think Hermione would love you if she finds out you wished Harry harm?"

Ron shook his head.

"You might wait years for a slight chance. It just seems foolish to waste your life on a chance when, if you get involved with others, you might find someone you like better than Hermione. You are pretty young you know. There is a whole world full of people beyond this school. Now Hermione is in the same boat as you. She just gave her heart to Harry. He was unconscious and doesn't know. Any idea how Harry feels?"

Ron sighed and shook his head, " He's trying to figure out if he likes her that way. I just don't understand. What's wrong with me?"

Arthur said definitely, "Nothing, that is what is so hurtful, she just chose someone else. If there was a bowl of apples, all pretty equal in appearance, which would you choose? Even you might not know why you picked any particular one.

"I would point out that Harry and Hermione were reared by Muggles, they share a way of looking at the world that is different from ours, that doesn't mean it's better or worse it's just different. Hermione may have chosen Harry because she had more in common with him than with you. If you decide not to throw away five years of friendship you can always ask her. What do you think?"

Ron shrugged his shoulders, he didn't want to tell his father he already had. They heard someone coming up the stairs behind them. Arthur turned and saw Luna Lovegood.

"Good morning, Ronald, Mr. Weasley," she smiled dreamily. "Have you been to see Harry yet?"

"No," answered Ron, his voice was flat, "I don't think he's awake yet, I came to visit my parents."

They stood for a few minutes talking, Arthur was asking about Luna's schoolwork.

"Who is that?" Luna asked, pointing at the man approaching them.

"Luna," started Arthur, "If I tell you, will you promise not to tell anyone else that they are here."

"Yes, Sir, but why?"

"That is Hermione's father. Her mother is here too. If the Death Eaters find out that they are here You-Know-Who may try to harm them when they go home.

Dr. Granger approached the trio, he was looking rather serious.

"Ron, Hermione told us about how you came to rescue her from the Death Eaters, I want to thank you for helping my daughter and Harry too. If there is anything we can do to help you all you have to do is ask."

Ron looked uncomfortable, "You're welcome, Dr. Granger, but it wasn't just me. Luna here," he looked at Luna, "was there before I was."

"Dr. Granger, this is Luna Lovegood, she is a friend of my daughter, Ginny. She is a year behind Ron, Harry, and Hermione. Luna, this is Dr. Hugh Granger, Hermione's father." Arthur made the introduction.

"I am pleased to meet you, Miss Lovegood. I was going to ask how we could contact you. My wife and I extend our gratitude to you as well. Will you both come? Please? My wife, Janet, would like to thank you."

"How are Harry and Hermione this morning, Dr. Granger?" asked Luna as she walked into the hospital wing with Hugh.

"Harry was still asleep, Healer Galen is with him. Hermione seems to be in good spirits this morning."

The Weasleys followed them toward the curtained beds at the end of the ward.

Molly looked at Arthur as they walked up. Arthur nodded at his wife as she came to hug Ron and wish him good morning. Hugh introduced Luna to Janet and then he called Ron so his wife could thank them both together.

Hugh slipped over to check Harry again. After a few minutes Harry woke up, he frowned, then said, "Dr. Granger? Is it really you?"

"Yes, Harry, how are you?"

"I'm not sure, I feel strange." Harry's face tightened with concentration. "Would you help me sit up?"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Potter," asked Galen. He left and returned with a flask. "Drink this first, then try again."

Harry slowly raised his arm to take the flask. By the time he got it to his lips his hand was trembling with the effort of holding its weight. He managed to drink it, making a face at its harshness. This time he was able to sit up with an effort.

Galen smiled, "Excellent!"

There was a soft pop down by Hugh's side, a squeaky voice inquired in a loud whisper, "Harry Potter, sir, Dobby is hoping to bring lunch. Is Harry Potter hungry?

"Hi, Dobby, yeah, I'd like something since I missed lunch yesterday," smiled Harry.

Hugh was startled by the elf's sudden appearance. He stared in open-mouthed amazement at the green-eyed little creature. Janet was staring too. Hermione beckoned him over, laughing at the expression on her Dad's face. "Dobby is a house elf," she explained to her parents, "they do a lot of the cooking and cleaning around the castle. Although I think Dobby works for Harry now." As she finished her explanation, Dobby disappeared.

"Hi, Harry, are you feeling better today?" she asked earnestly.

"Much better than last night." Harry nodded.

Dobby reappeared carrying a tray with two large bowls of soup. "Here, Miss, Madam Pomfrey says you should eat," he bowed low as he presented her the soup. Dobby then brought the other bowl to Harry.

Hermione put on her dressing gown, took her bowl, and went to sit in the chair at Harry's bedside.

"What?" said Hermione, noticing a strange expression on Harry's face.

"I wanted to have lunch with you, but this isn't exactly what I had in mind," he said sadly.

Professor McGonagall announced, "We will have lunch for everyone else in the room just outside the hospital wing." To the Grangers she said. "Headmaster Dumbledore would like to meet with you after lunch."

Everyone sat in silence as Harry and Hermione ate their soup. When they had finished, Dobby collected the bowls and vanished to the kitchen.

"Miss Granger, you need to drink this," said Madam Pomfrey, "it's a light sleeping potion. You will be able to visit with your parents after supper."

Hermione drank her potion and went back to sleep.

"Professor Lupin, Dr. Granger, I need to do some tests on Harry, would you please assist me? I would like to do this privately while the others are at lunch, if you don't mind," inquired Galen.

Remus and Hugh nodded acceptance and remained behind as the others left the ward.

"Mr. Potter, would you please sit on the edge of your bed."

Harry managed to slowly turn and put his legs over the side of the mattress. He frowned. "It seems to take a lot of concentration for me to move," he said.

Galen nodded. "Will you try to stand up, please." Hugh and Remus moved to Harry's sides. Harry seemed to hesitate for a few moments then he slipped off the edge of the bed. His knees gave way so Remus and Hugh steadied him. Harry managed to stand up. They released their hold and let him try to stand on his own.

"Are you ok?" asked Galen.

Harry nodded. He was able to stand without assistance.

"Will you walk to me, please?" Harry tried to walk, but his legs wouldn't move. He willed himself to walk. Slowly his muscles began to respond. He managed to take a couple of halting steps before overbalancing. Hugh caught him before he fell.

"Here, Mr. Potter, use this," Galen handed Harry a stout oaken staff. Harry took the staff, his face became a mask of concentration as he struggled to walk to the Healer. After a few steps Galen told him to stop. "Well done, Mr. Potter, walk back to your bed."

Harry slowly turned and made his way back to the bed, his walking was becoming slightly more coordinated.

Remus had seen few struggles more terrible then those few steps of Harry's as he tried to make it to his bed. Harry turned again and collapsed backwards onto the bed, white faced and trembling with the effort.

There was a soft pop. "Let Dobby help!" the elf squeaked. He snapped his fingers and Harry floated back into the bed buoyed by Dobby's hover charm. He gazed at Harry with a worried expression on his homely face. "Dobby knew Master needed help," he answering the question on Galen's face. "Dobby knows that Master must exercise to be better, but first Master must build his strength." Harry gave the elf a grateful look.

Galen nodded. "Go back to sleep, Harry. We'll do some more of this later today."

As the three of them headed to lunch, Galen observed, "He will get better but I don't know if he will recover the ease of movement he had before he was injured."

"What happened to him?" asked Hugh.

"The spell that injured him tore the spirit from his body, the problem is reintegrating them. It is a monstrous thing. The one that cast it was killed by a portion of the energy involved, yet Harry survived it again."

Hugh shuddered, "You mean this has happened to him before?"

"Yes," answered Lupin, "the first time it happened he was about a year old. That's how he got that scar on his forehead. The wizard who inflicted it murdered Harry's parents."

"I remember you said he had been orphaned, I didn't connect it with the story One told us." He shook his head, "Then he may recover completely, the first time his reintegration may have been masked by his normal childhood development," Hugh said hopefully.

"I hope so, Dr. Granger. Only time will tell," he said as they went into lunch.


After lunch the Grangers followed Professor McGonagall to Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore welcomed them graciously to Hogwarts. "I would have wished the circumstances to have been better. You have questions I expect."

For the next two hours he told the Grangers Harry's story. Answering questions about some of the adventures that involved Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Starting with the Philosopher's Stone ending with the aftermath of the Triwizard Tournament and Voldemort's return to power.

"Yesterday Voldemort tried to kill Harry again, he very nearly succeeded," he concluded with a sigh.

"I see that Hermione hasn't been exactly forthcoming with details of her 'extracurricular' activities," said Janet with a rueful smile, "but why would she think that the solution to the situation would be for her to marry him?"

Dumbledore asked, "May I please see the letter." After reading it he passed it back to the Grangers. "She knows about the prophecy?" it wasn't exactly a question, but a request for confirmation.

"She mentioned it the night of Harry's birthday party," answered Hugh, "but all she said was that Harry was the only one who could defeat Voldemort once and for all."

"Ah, he was upset that night." Dumbledore told them the contents of the prophecy. "I think that she believes that being married conferred some kind of advantage in resisting Voldemort's power."

"Did it?"

"We don't know. The two couples involved defied Voldemort more than any except Harry himself. Whether that was a factor is unknown."

"Could they run away and get married?" asked Janet.

"No. They are underage, no testor would perform the ceremony without your written consent and they would need to be at least eighteen for that. Harry would need written consent as well. Marriage is considered a very serious commitment in the wizarding world."

"Hermione can be very stubborn once she gets an idea in her head. Would they be able to go to school here if they somehow were to find way to get married?" asked Hugh.

Dumbledore looked slightly uncomfortable. "Hogwarts has been in existence for a thousand years. If it can happen to human beings on a regular basis, it has happened here more than once. There are quarters that could be used for married students. However, in the past, married students have had very stringent restrictions placed on their interactions with non-married students. Sometimes students that were entering highly specialized, closed trades within the wizarding community, like wand makers, might marry. Their future jobs were assured. Those pursuing a more general education, and needing to concentrate on their studies would be discouraged from marrying, as it poses a significant distraction from education. It would depend on the decision of the Board of Governors whether they would be allowed to continue to attend.

Janet continued, "Headmaster, what are your personal feelings on the matter."

"Marriage now would not be my first choice for them. Miss Granger is highly gifted, and a delight to teach, for her to not complete her education would be a tragic waste of her talent. On the other hand, she is also highly disciplined, if any student could balance the demands of marriage and education it would be her. Mr. Potter is also highly gifted, though less disciplined. If they find that they truly love each other, they will make a most formidable pair. My hope is that they would find that love after their graduation and the beginning of a normal life.

"Harry, unfortunately, is one of those people who seem to be marked for some special destiny. The normal life I hoped for him has long since been denied him. Voldemort and his minions have influenced his life even under the best protections I have been able to devise. I cannot say definitely whether marriage would be in his best interest or not. The best we can do is love them and give the best guidance we can. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?" shrugged Dumbledore. "I'm sorry that my advice isn't of much help. Complicated situations necessitate complicated answers. Shall we go see how they are getting on?"

They arose and returned to the hospital wing.


A/N I began writing this story before I found on JKR's website that Hermione is actually almost a year older than Harry, which posed some significant problems for my plot. As a reader I wonder why, as internal evidence in Prisoner of Azkaban indicates that at the end of the school year Harry and Hermione are the same age. For JKR this may be a real life age requirement of the boarding schools she is familiar with. It will be interesting to see if it has any bearing on the final two books, I have found happy accidents in this little story.

In the real world in the state of Louisiana, USA, minors are usually emancipated gradually by age. At fourteen, with parental consent a teen may marry (it was far more common seventy five to a hundred years ago when the society was rural and agrarian). At fifteen, one can get a driver's license. At eighteen one can vote, enter legally binding contracts and be prosecuted as an adult. At twenty-one, one can legally engage in destructive behaviors like buying alcohol, tobacco, and gambling.

I have placed the story in an alternate universe based on Dumbledore's quote in Prisoner of Azkaban "…the word of two thirteen year old wizards…"(US Ed. Page 392). Further, based on my own experience, while adults and free of the Decree on the Restriction on Underage Sorcery at age seventeen, I have postulated that wizards are not allowed to marry until age eighteen, and are actively discouraged from doing so until even older for reasons you will discover.