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The Most Ancient Magic by Dementor149

The Most Ancient Magic


Disclaimer: Everything concerning Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. I own nothing, nor is this done for any purpose except my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of anyone reading this. There is no attempt to make any profit.

The Most Ancient Magic

Chapter Twenty: Of Magic and Marriage

Arthur and Molly were smiling as Harry came down the stairs being helped by Hermione. When they reached the landing Arthur said, "Come in here." He led them into their bedroom. When they entered Molly put an Imperturbable Charm on the door.

Harry raised his eyebrows. "We are trying to give you two some privacy," Molly informed him. She pointed them to a couple of chairs in the corner.

"Before we start, Hermione, I'm rather surprised at you," Arthur interrupted. "You said some pretty cruel things to your parents. I know you were surprised and angry, still-,"

"It was the truth," Hermione interrupted defensively.

"As you get on, Hermione, you will learn that there is nothing more hurtful than the truth presented hatefully," said Arthur softly.

"Now, Arthur," Molly intervened, "That's not what we wanted to talk to them about. You know how Arthur is, Hermione. He's very sensitive about the way we treat Muggles. He forgets how families are sometimes."

Hermione nodded.

"Anyway, we actually wanted to talk to you about marriage," Molly smiled. "We know you are familiar with marriage between Muggles, but things are a little different when witches and wizards marry. Professor Dumbledore asked us to fill you in."

"Why would he want that?" Harry asked.

"Because of the letter Hermione wrote," Arthur answered with a wry grin.

"Aagh! How many people saw my letter?" Hermione sputtered indignantly.

"Well, after you wrote it, it arrived at your house next morning about thirty minutes before we did. Your parents were frantic when Professor McGonagall, Molly and I arrived, so we all saw it. The only other one is Professor Dumbledore, I believe."

"I saw it too," added Harry. He placed his arm around Hermione's shoulders trying to soothe her. She was looking humiliated and muttering to herself how unfair it was that her private life had been turned into a public spectacle.

Molly hugged them, "It was a terrible day, Hermione, but you and Harry are past it. Concentrate on what is to come. Marriage is a serious subject, but a happy one too."

"What do you know about our weddings?" inquired Arthur.

"I found a few things in my reading. The ceremony seems a lot simpler, small wedding parties, no receptions. I didn't read anything about wedding presents or find any references to customs," answered Hermione as she took Harry's hand.

"That's because we don't really have any. We don't usually risk large gatherings. The ceremony is simple and geared to what is happening between the celebrants. We try to discourage younger people from marrying, for reasons I will explain, so there is no need to help set up a new household. That means there is no need for a lot of gifts," explained Arthur.

Molly chimed in, "Muggle weddings seem to be geared to helping the couple get started in their life together. To my mind they spend too much time thinking about the external things and not enough time preparing to unite their spirits. I hear many of their unions fail, is it really true? We're so involved with our own affairs that I lose track of the Muggle world."

"Yes, Mrs. Weasley, it's true," answered Hermione sadly. "My parents know of many who have been hurt by divorce."

"Unfortunately, if you marry Harry, Hermione, you won't have that option," added Arthur.

Harry, startled by the finality in Arthur's voice asked, "How come?"

"When Muggles come together in marriage, Harry, they unite their lives, joining their possessions, bodies, and spirits. When witches and wizards marry they also join their powers. The only thing that can break the blessing that unites them, is death. If they find they can't stand being together, as some unfortunately find out, all they can do is live apart. The drawback to that is living apart attenuates your power, you won't ever lose your gifts but you will be noticeably weaker," explained Molly.

"Professor Dumbledore says what this means for the two of you," continued Arthur, "is that those gifts which are strongest in you will benefit your partner. In pureblood families marriage is sometimes put off until a partner with suitable powers is found in order to give the widest range of gifts possible.

"Hermione, your ability to fly and skill at defense against the Dark Arts will get better. It is remotely possible you will gain some ability with Parsletongue." Hermione shuddered slightly as she really did not like snakes. "Harry, your abilities with Transfiguration and Charms will improve and given Hermione's love of Arithmancy, you may develop some ability in it. Herbology, caring for magical creatures, Divination, and potions seem to be neutral subjects for you. It is not likely you will see much improvement in those areas, except what hard study and practice will give you."

Hermione protested, "My potions aren't bad!"

"Professor Dumbledore thought that might rankle," laughed Molly. "You are a very competent potion maker, Hermione, you can follow the recipe and get the desired result. Not all potion ingredients have exact measurements. A gifted potion maker, like Professor Snape or apparently Draco Malfoy, intuitively adjusts those ingredients so that the person taking it will get the maximum effect."

Arthur leaned close and whispered, "Molly is just smug because she's gifted at making potions too, she's almost as good as Professor Snape." He winked at them

Molly snorted in disgust and shot a disapproving look at her husband, while Harry and Hermione laughed. Harry squeezed Hermione's hand and said, "Pancakes."

Hermione was surprised. She looked deeply into Harry's eyes and saw herself reflected there. Her smile grew, as did her understanding and she hugged him, her previous mood of embarrassment was gone.

"Tell me about the ceremony, Mrs. Weasley, please." She requested.

"It's very simple, the ceremony is done outside. The celebrants wear dress robes and are barefoot so they are in contact with the earth, they exchange vows and rings, the testor performs the blessing and it's done."

"Once again, once done it can't be undone," repeated Arthur. "That's why most testors won't perform the blessing unless you are eighteen, and most will try to discourage you until you are even older. Not only will your hormones have quieted, but also you will have a life and be able to help support a spouse. Any other questions?"

Harry and Hermione both shook their heads no.

"We hope that when the time comes, if you do marry, you will be as happy together as we've been. Come on down to the kitchen and we will have some tea," added Molly as she removed the charm from the door. As they approached the stairs Hermione slipped her arm around his waist. Harry looked into her eyes it was almost as if he could see into her mind. She was imagining them at their wedding, surrounded by their friends. All he knew was that he wanted her beside him forever.

In the kitchen Molly began to make tea. The noise drew Ginny, Fred and George to the kitchen too. "Where are Ron and Luna," Harry asked.

"They're up in Ron's room, memorizing bones," quipped Ginny.

Arthur entered the kitchen carrying two gift-wrapped boxes, on seeing everyone in the kitchen he announced, "I don't want you pestering Harry and Hermione with questions about our conversation. They will tell you what they want you to know. Nobody is in trouble or has done anything wrong. If they do tell you anything you will find that you've known all along what we told them today. Harry, Hermione, here are your Christmas presents."

Harry found a new sweater, again in green, with some mince pies and a box of fudge. Hermione's contained a matching sweater, a box of cookies, and a small book.

As they said their thanks, Ron and Luna entered the room. Ron was carrying a couple of packages. "Here are your gifts." He handed them each a package. Hermione's was rather larger than Harry's.

"Did you get-," began Harry.

"The chocolate? Yes, Harry, thanks."

"Sorry it wasn't more, mate, I wasn't able to shop."

"I know, Harry, it's ok. You can make it up to me next year," he said with a small grin.

"Thank you Ron, this was thoughtful of you." He had given her the book on ancient runes she had been looking at the previous November. As she looked through the book a sheet of parchment fell out.

Meanwhile Harry opened his present. He found three small beanbags and a book on juggling. He gave Ron a quizzical look. "Luna helped me pick it out. We thought it might help with your coordination." After a minute he added quietly, "We hope it will help you play Quidditch next year."

Harry smiled back and nodded, "Thanks, I'll give it a try."

The sound of parchment being folded attracted their attention. Hermione bowed her head and smiled at Ron. "Thank you," was all he said.

"It's becoming too quiet around here, Exploding Snap anyone?" interjected Fred.

After several rowdy games of Exploding Snap they broke for supper, after which it was time for Hermione and Harry to go home. They gathered their gifts, told all of the Weasleys and Luna good bye. Hermione made arrangements to sit with Ron, Ginny and Luna on the train back to Hogwarts.

"I have to go to St. Mungo's before I go back to school," he explained. "I guess I'll see you all when I get there," he added sadly.

"Ready?" asked Arthur as he escorted them to the fireplace. The twins, Luna, and Ginny went upstairs. Ron waved as they disappeared one by one into the green flames. He remained staring at the fireplace for a while.

"Well, Ronald, I guess I'll be going too," said Luna coming up behind Ron.

As she passed by him he caught her arm, he was standing under a sprig of Mistletoe. She stopped and looked at him. Her eyes widened slightly as she looked up at it. "Did you know Mistletoe can be infested with nargles?" she said weakly.

"Luna, I thought you were a witch," Ron countered.

"I am," she blurted, slightly surprised.

"Then how come you don't know nargles are good luck?" he whispered, drawing her closer. Any answer Luna might have had was muffled as his lips covered hers. Luna's hands waved for a few moments before they settled on Ron's shoulders and neck, returning his hug.

Ron stepped back looking at her face. When Luna opened her eyes they were sparkling with happy tears. She threw her arms around him again, "I knew I'd like kissing you." Then she whispered against his chest, "Thank you…Ron."

"Thank you for helping me with my shopping. You had some good ideas."

"You're welcome," she answered as she moved backwards toward the fireplace. Ron thought she was almost dancing.

"No more studying behind closed doors for you two, especially anatomy," thought Molly as she watched her son from the foot of the stairs. But she smiled just the same.


Harry stepped into the Granger's sitting room to find Hugh waiting for him. "Hello, Harry, there's a surprise waiting for you in the kitchen. There's hot cocoa if you want some."

Harry entered the kitchen followed closely by Hermione. Hermione went to the cupboard, got a couple of mugs, and poured hot cocoa for Harry and her. He was surprised to see Remus Lupin sitting at the kitchen table, he walked over and sat next to his guardian, "Hi, when did you get here?"

"Apparently about an hour after you left. Did you have a good day at the Burrow?"

"Yeah," Harry smiled, "it was really nice. Have you had a good visit?" Hermione sat down across the table from Harry and pushed his mug across to him, "Thanks, Hermione."

"Yes, Harry, it has been very pleasant, much nicer than last November."

Hugh and Arthur entered the room. Hugh, looking very serious, sat down at he head of the table, while Arthur stood in the doorway. With a heavy sigh Hugh looked down at the table and started, "Harry, I've put you through a pretty cruel test, I don't ask for your forgiveness. I only hope that when you are a parent you will understand. Even though I've heard nothing but good about you and had a chance to watch you when you were on vacation and in hospital, I tested you because of what I am about to do. I wanted to be sure of your character."

He took Hermione's hand. "My daughter is the most precious thing in my life," he said as he turned to look at her. "What she has said so passionately the past couple of days is quite true. We will have no ability to be involved in her life once she leaves here."

"Dad, I'm sorry…some of the…things I said," a tear started down her cheek, "I didn't mean…I was ang-."

"Shh, I know," said Hugh as placed his finger across her lips, he smiled at her, wiping her tear away with his thumb. He turned to Harry; he bit his lip for a moment before continuing.

"I heard about what you said, Harry, you are willing to obey our wishes even though we have no way to supervise you two and that speaks well of you. We have been truthful with you, we ask that you wait until you graduate before you consider marriage. However, you are involved in a war and I know from personal experience all our lives may change in an instant. We will be unable to intervene or even know what is happening to you.

"Hermione has shown she loves you with her words and deeds and I don't believe you will find a truer heart or more giving person anywhere in this world, she takes after her mother that way. I've seen the way you look at her sometimes. I think I recognize that look. One day your brain will catch up to your heart," he smiled. Hugh took Hermione's hand and placed it in Harry's. "I can't predict the future. The day may come that you may find it is to your advantage to get married. If it does you have our permission and blessing to do so. Hopefully it won't come until after you graduate, but I believe now that you can be trusted to decide for yourselves."

Hugh got up and left the kitchen. Harry stared across the table at Hermione. She looked back at him with a confused expression on her face. The lack of surprise on the faces of the adults let them know what was happening had been discussed between them. Hugh returned with a sheet of parchment and Harry's eagle feather quill, "You mind if I borrow this?" Harry shook his head no. Hugh sat down and began to write.

To whom it may concern,

I, Hugh Bradford Granger, and my wife, Janet Kathleen Granger give our permission and blessing for our daughter,Hermione Jane Granger, to marry Harry James Potter at such time as they deem fit, regardless of their age.

Signed Hugh B. Granger

He pushed the parchment to Lupin, "If you and Arthur would please witness this I would appreciate it."

After he signed the parchment Arthur straightened up, "Molly will be wondering where I am. I hope to see you all again soon." With a soft crack he Disapperated.

Lupin also bade them farewell and made his exit. "We'll talk later, Harry."

After the document was witnessed he rolled it up and placed it in Hermione's hand. He then gave Harry's quill and bottle of ink back to him.

Silence reigned in the Granger kitchen. After a couple of minutes Hugh stood up, "I think I need some time." He walked out.

"Daddy, I'm-," she sounded upset.

"Not now, Hermione Jane, … tomorrow … we'll talk tomorrow," Hugh interrupted. He went upstairs. Janet gave Hermione a hug and kiss then she followed her husband.

Harry moved around the table and sat next to her, he began rubbing her back.

Hermione looked at the scroll her father had given her, "You ever have the feeling you won the battle, but you lost the war?"

"Not really," he answered.

"Did you see the look on his face? I-I really hurt him, Harry, I hurt them both."

"But, Hermione, they still love you, they said so. You're hurting too, how can I help?" He gathered her into his arms and hugged her tightly, enjoying in spite of himself the feeling of her hair against his cheek.

Hermione found comfort in his embrace and after a couple of minutes she kissed him. "Thanks, Harry, I think I'll go to bed too. I've got a lot to think about."

"It's not nine thirty, may I help you carry your presents to your room?"

"Ok, Harry," she gave him a small smile.

Harry helped carry her gifts upstairs. After they entered her room Hermione lit a candle. She took the sheet of parchment folded it, sealed it with the wax, and tied it in a ribbon. "What is on that parchment?"

"I can't tell you, Harry, it's private. If you think about it you'll know what it says. Our friend Ron has grown up is all. This proves it. What is the juggling stuff for?"

"Ron and Luna thought it might help me get my reflexes back so I could play Quidditch," he said sadly, as he knew he would not be able to. Hermione nodded her understanding. "Want to learn to juggle? It might be fun."

"Sure, Harry"

"Would you try on your new sweater? That's your first Weasley sweater isn't it?"

She pulled on the emerald green sweater. Harry smiled, "It's perfect. You look wonderful." Hermione grinned at him.

They stepped together in a hug. "Kiss me good night?" she asked. Harry kissed her, his lips lingering on hers. "I love you too, Harry."

As he left her room he shut the door behind him. He went down the stairs and noticed the lights were still on in the kitchen. Harry turned them off, as he made his way through the sitting room a voice spoke out of the darkness, "Did you and Hermione have a good time at the Weasleys?"

"Yes, Dr. Granger, we did." Harry sat down on the sofa and told him about what they had done and about what Arthur and Molly had told them.

"Headmaster Dumbledore told us that marriage was a serious commitment in wizarding circles, but he failed to mention what you just told me."

Harry could hear and odd note in Hugh's voice, "What is wrong, Dr. Granger?"

"It's not exactly that there is something wrong, it is just I'm having trouble adjusting to losing my daughter sooner than I thought I would. We've always been close because One hasn't had many outside friends.

"I remember how happy we were when One came along, even though that is when the weird things started happening. I never connected the two, just dense I guess. I'm sure you can relate to how it was, she would have a temper tantrum and a light bulb would break. As she grew older it might be two bulbs and a couple of times a window broke. When she was five she blew up our television set. Her mother and I received some minor cuts from all the glass, by then we had made the connection and we didn't replace the set. We told her we didn't have the money, but actually we thought it might be too dangerous."

Harry chuckled, "Yeah, she told me about that."

"When she was young we'd take her to the park, at first it was ok but after a while the other children wouldn't play with her any more, we never figured out why. After she turned six those breaking incidents all but stopped and we didn't think about them much any more. One was starting school and we were excited for her. Even though she was only five for the first three weeks, she was smart and acted as if she were older than she really was. Now there were new children around her and it was like a new start. I remember how happy we were that she seemed to be making friends. Some were coming to visit and Hermione was starting to blossom.

"She was invited to a slumber party. I still remember how excited she was when we went to buy her a sleeping bag. One was never crazy about pink, but this one was pink and lavender and she was so proud." Hugh's voice took on a overtone of pain as he continued, "You know how One is, Harry. She made a checklist of the things she thought she'd need, she packed two nights early and rechecked it the night before. When she left that afternoon she glowed with the kind of expression on her face that makes parents want to cheer. Janet told me some of the games she used to play at slumber parties. We just knew she was having a great time. I expected her to come home and crash since I didn't think there would be much slumbering going on.

"You can imagine our surprise when the hostess showed up at eleven thirty with One in tow. The hostess was so apologetic, she said it wasn't Hermione's fault. Some girl had played a mean trick on her. One was standing there so stiff and angry…and humiliated too. No one would…or possibly could…tell us what happened. All we knew at the time was people started drifting away again. Fewer and fewer girls would come over and there were no more invitations for her to come and play, no more birthday parties.

"There were a few chances later, new people would move in and they would be friendly for a while and then they would get some kind of word and One's new friendships would grow cold." Hugh sounded as though he was almost in tears. "All she could do was hide in the public library and pretend it didn't hurt. I left her sleeping bag in her closet for a while. The thing that hurt me the most was when I finally took it she didn't even ask where it had gone."

Hugh fell silent for a few minutes. "At last someone came from the Ministry of Magic. They explained that One was a witch and her powers were out of control. We were glad when they explained there was a school that would help her and she would be with others like her. I can only guess that One did some kind of magic at the party and one of your Magical Reversal squads cleaned it all up. Modified everyone's memories I expect. I suppose they didn't do it right and for some reason nobody wanted to be her friend, or maybe they thought if no one liked her she wouldn't use magic anymore.

"We were so glad to meet some of you as One attended Hogwarts. At last we had hoped she had found friends and a place where she would belong. Now it seems it isn't as perfect a place as we imagined. This 'Mudblood' stuff is disturbing. She's growing up and away from us. It's hard but Janet and I expected to let her go, all parents must. I just hoped we would have a little more time before she left for whatever her life will bring. Now it seems I am losing even that. Guess I sound pretty pitiful, huh?"

"I can't imagine how this must be for you or Hermione," answered Harry. "My aunt and uncle don't care if I live or die. I haven't really known anyone in the wizarding world long enough for them to seem like family, except Ron and Hermione. I don't know what life holds for me, but if it includes Hermione, I promise you won't be left out of our lives. I will do everything in my power to see you and your daughter remain as connected as possible," Harry stood up to go to bed. "Good night, Dr. Granger."

"Thank you, Harry, sleep well."