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The Most Ancient Magic by Dementor149

The Most Ancient Magic


Disclaimer: Everything concerning Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. I own nothing, nor is this done for any purpose except my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of anyone reading this. There is no attempt to make any profit.

The Most Ancient Magic

Chapter Three: Birthday at the Burrow

After the Grangers had gone, Harry and Lupin made their way back to Idewild. "How much did the Blacks use this place?"

"Not much by the looks of things," replied Lupin.

"Would you like to live here?" Harry asked. Now that the Grangers were gone Harry didn't feel like enduring silence.

"I guess I could get used to it but it just doesn't feel like home."

"What are we going to do when we get back?"

"Wait for your OWLs, we need to buy some clothes for you, get supplies for the kitchen, and perhaps change the furniture in your apartment. You know the usual chores that go with running a house. Of course we could come back here and clean up all that overgrowth on the patio. Turn Idewild into a real retreat. We might let some of the members of the Order come to get away from it all. Moody and Tonks might have used it after that battle at the Ministry."

They returned to Number Twelve in the late afternoon London time. Harry went to his room while Remus prepared for the meeting of the Order of the Phoenix. In his room Harry was surprised at the amount of sand he found clinging to his clothes. He swept all of it together and was about to throw it out when he had a sudden idea. He went down to the kitchen to find Dobby…


The meeting was to begin at six o'clock but people began arriving about an hour early. Almost all of them came up to the library to check on how Harry was doing. Ron came with his parents and he and Harry played chess while the meeting was going on.

"Have you heard from Hermione?" asked Ron.

"I got a note from her at the beginning of July, she said that her family was going on a cruise. They are on their way back now. Her note said she'd be back for my birthday. You heard from her?"

"She managed to send me a post card, but it's kind of slow sending mail across the ocean."

"Sirius sent me a couple of letters, was the card delivered by a tropical bird?"

"Yeah, it was. Been doing anything interesting this summer?"

"The best thing was moving away from my aunt and uncle, I saw Tonks a couple of times, and the memorial for Sirius it was interesting but sad." Somehow Harry didn't feel like telling Ron about his inheriting all the Black fortune or seeing Hermione in the Bahamas. Especially since Ron was sensitive about being poor.

"Do you see much of Fred and George?" Harry asked.

"They come home a couple of times a week, but they live over their store. Hey, if you come to The Burrow, we could get the chores done sooner and we might help them out at their store a couple of days a week. They said they could pay us if we did, I'll ask Mum after the meeting if you want?" Ron asked hopefully.

The prospect of spending time with the Weasleys seemed much more interesting than gardening in the tropical sun. "I'll have to ask Remus, but it sure sounds fun. Are you hungry, Ron?"

"A little. Remus? Why ask Professor Lupin?"

"Because he's my guardian now when I'm not with my aunt and uncle. Dobby!" Harry called.

Dobby appeared with a soft popping noise. "Yes, Harry Potter," he squeaked happily.

"Could you get us a couple of sandwiches and some Pumpkin juice, please?"

"Oh yes, sir. Would sirs like Roast Beef or Ham and Cheese? And Dobby has made cookies for refreshments. Could Dobby bring some?"

"Uh…Ham for me and cookies too please, Dobby," said Ron looking surprised.

"Ham and Cheese sounds fine," Harry said as Dobby vanished.

"You've got a House Elf, Harry? What about spew? Hermione's gonna go berserk, we'll never hear the end of it."

"No, Ron, Dobby just works here, he gets paid just like he did at Hogwarts. He's the one who got rid of those awful portraits and that tapestry, so show a little respect please. Besides he'll be back at Hogwarts at the start of the term." Harry smiled.

"Ok," said Ron with an evil grin, "and by the way, check, with mate in three."

Harry lost once more before gaining a stalemate in their last game. Mostly due to Ron paying more attention to his sandwich than the game. As they finished the game, noises coming from downstairs indicated that the meeting was over. Harry gathered the tray and jug and he and Ron went down. When they reached the bottom of the stairs Snape was standing by the door talking to Dumbledore. "Welcome, Professor Snape, having a pleasant summer?" Harry asked brightly as he carried the tray toward the kitchen. Snape looked startled as he recognized Harry but said nothing as he passed. He looked back and Harry thought he could see the wheels turning as his least favorite teacher realized that he was standing in Harry's house. With a look of extreme distaste Snape swept out the front door. A feeling of grim satisfaction crept over him as he realized that he had been able to cause his enemy some discomfort, especially after all the points Snape had deducted from Gryffindor over the years.

Harry went into the kitchen.

"Mum, can Harry come and spend the rest of the summer at the Burrow? He said he would help me with the chores and we could spend some time helping Fred and George at the shop." Ron was saying when Harry caught up with him.

"Hello, Harry," Molly beamed, "We were going to ask you to come the last week of July. Would you like to spend August too?"

"I'm not sure, Mrs. Weasly, Remus and I were discussing a couple of projects. We should get together and talk about it."

In the end it was decided that Harry would spend the last week of July and the first week of August with the Weasleys. Professor Dumbledore sat in on the discussion and when it was over he handed Harry a letter with a smile. "Here are the results of your OWLs, Harry you did well. You did very well on the practical parts. Your academic work could stand some improvement though. Try to study harder in the coming two years. Professor McGonagall has told me you wish to become an Auror. If you follow her advice I see no reason you should not succeed, all of us will help as best we can. I bid you all a good night. Oh, Mr. Weasley, you did well too, your scores are waiting at your home."

Harry and Lupin bid the Weasleys a good night, with the promise of a celebration at Number Twelve on the following evening. All in all, this summer, Harry thought, was turning out much better than the last one had. He just wished that Sirius had been here to enjoy it too.


Memories of the last week of July he spent at the Burrow were among the best in Harry's memory. He and Ron worked in the gardens, and did some repair work on the house. Ginny joined them when they played Quiddich in the afternoons after finishing their work. Fred and George joined them on the days that they came home. The best surprise Harry received was the addition of a new hand on the Weasley's clock. One with his name on it! He couldn't find words to express how the way that was he was included made him feel. Arthur and Molly hugged him and smiled as he tried to find words to thank them for making him part of their family.

As the days ran down to his birthday Harry became more excited, he had never had a real party before. The only thing wrong was that his birthday fell on the night of the full moon and Lupin would not be able to attend, he would be staying with Hagrid.

The guests began to arrive in the early afternoon. All of the Weasleys except Percy, who was still ignoring his father at the ministry, and Charley who was still in Romania, were there, Bill brought Fleur Delacour, who was delighted to see Harry again. As the afternoon wore on Harry was amused to watch Ron try to avoid being around Fleur, apparently he was still embarrassed about asking her to the Yule ball. Tonks arrived with Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. Shortly thereafter Hermione arrived escorted by Arthur, he had evidently had the Granger's fireplace connected to the floo network. Harry beamed at her, noticing that she was wearing the same robes that she worn to the Yule Ball. She smiled back and handed him a small envelope, "Happy Birthday, Harry, here are the pictures you asked for."

"Tell your father I said thanks." They were interrupted by the arrival of Neville and Luna. Neville stopped to chat with Harry and Hermione, but Luna drifted away, she had evidently not gotten over her crush on Ron and had apparently set off to look for him.

The party proceeded with a dinner outside. The primary topic of discussion among the fifth years was, of course, the number of OWLs that each had received. Hermione had the most, but all had surprised themselves at how well that they had done. After dinner Molly insisted on dancing. Stories about the poor showing at the Yule Ball had convinced her that this area of their education had been sadly neglected. At the end of each dance she made them switch partners so they could gain experience. They danced until dark when Fred and George brought out one of their "Deflagration Deluxe" boxes (their gift to Harry) and entertained the party with a fireworks display.

After the fireworks were over, including one that spelled "Happy Birthday Harry" in the Gryffindor colors of red and gold, they cut the cake and Harry opened his presents. He received a wand care kit from Neville. Hermione replenished his broom care supplies. A supply of sweets from Honeydukes came from Ron and Ginny. Dumbledore gave him a set of books entitled "Practical Theory of Advanced Potion Making". A cloak to go with his dress robes came from Lupin and the Weasleys. Harry took his presents up to his room (he had taken over Fred and George's old room) when he returned, Ron and Hermione, Neville and Luna, and Dumbledore and McGonagall were dancing to a waltz. Bill, Fleur, Ginny, and Tonks were talking together. Arthur was beginning to clean up the dinner things and Molly was taking a few pictures.

All at once the thought hit Harry that the picture that Moody showed him had been taken at an event like this. All those people were smiling in the photo, most of them would be dead within a matter of months. It was as if some icy hand had taken hold of his heart. Fighting tears he ran around to the front of the house hoping no one had seen him. Harry buried his face in his hands silently crying, trapped in a storm of emotion, he felt sorrow about Sirius, mixed with anger at Voldemort, worrying how many of the people gathered here would still be alive on his next birthday.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, "Harry? What's the matter?" Hermione asked softly.

"I'm being stupid." Harry managed to choke, the tightness in his chest seemed to have expanded to his throat. He swallowed and told her about the picture he had seen.

"You are not being stupid, Harry, it's normal to feel grief, it's ok. It's normal to feel worry. We can't control the future. You know that from divination. We can't control Voldemort either. That's what we have the Order for. It's not like you have to do it all yourself."

"Yeah, Harry, we're all in this together," Ron chimed in.

Hermione mouthed to Ron "Go get your Mum." Ron slipped away heading to the back yard.

"No, Hermione, you're wrong. I do have to do it myself." Harry whispered. "It's the prophecy. The one in the ministry. I heard it. Professor Dumbledore had a copy of it. He quoted the terrible words that had burned themselves into his memory.

"Oh, Harry, I'm sorry…it must be horrible for you." Hermione whispered, giving Harry a hug. "But, Harry, just because you have to do it yourself doesn't mean you have to do it alone. We can all help…we want too."

To her surprise Harry hugged her back, he held her tightly, burying his face against her shoulder. Hermione patted him on his back, trying to comfort him as best she could. "Harry, it will be ok."

Two arms encircled them as Mrs. Weasly hugged them both. "Harry? What's wrong?"

"He's just missing Sirius and his parents, Mrs.Weasly." Hermione said. "It just caught him by surprise." She suspected that Harry hadn't told the Weasleys about the prophecy and tried to cover for him.

"It just happens, Harry, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's part of the grieving process, like Albus said. Come inside I'll get you a cup of tea." Ron, Molly, and Hermione led Harry back into the kitchen, where Molly made him a cup of tea.

Harry calmed down as he drank his tea. The other guests, warned by Molly, gave him time to compose himself, then came to offer their congratulations and say good night. Hermione was the last to leave. "Write soon, Harry" she said.

"I will, and thanks for everything, " Harry sighed. "By the way, you look pretty tonight." Harry gave her a small smile. Then he leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

Blushing furiously Hermione stumbled toward the fireplace.

With a flash of green flame Hermione and Arthur appeared in the Granger's fireplace. Hermione told her parents good night and, touching her cheek with her hand, she made her way up the stairs.

"It seems Hermione had a good time," remarked Janet.

"Yeah, usually when she comes home she walks on the floor. What happened?" asked Hugh.

Arthur grinned, "Harry kissed her, he had a bad moment and she helped him through it. Molly and I thought it was really sweet. Thanks for letting her come." With a pop Arthur Disapperated.