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The Most Ancient Magic by Dementor149

The Most Ancient Magic


Disclaimer: Everything concerning Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. I own nothing, nor is this done for any purpose except my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of anyone reading this. There is no attempt to make any profit.

The Most Ancient Magic

Chapter Eight: The Grangers come to Hogwarts

Albus Dumbledore noticed it first. Dobby was peering out at him from under the bed. His ears had perked up and he was smiling faintly. "Harry Potter is coming." He whispered.

Dumbledore gripped Lupin's shoulder. Remus noticed Harry's fingers curling slowly around Hermione's hand. The change in pressure was so gradual that she hadn't noticed. Professor McGonagall started slightly when she saw Harry open his eyes, she beckoned and everyone except Snape gathered around Harry's bedside.

With a great effort Harry turned his head toward Hermione. She had momentarily lost her battle with the sleeping potion.

"Hermione," he tried to say, but nothing came out. Gathering all of his concentration Harry took a deep breath, wet his lips, and managed to say in a loud, harsh whisper, "One, …what's wrong? Why…crying?"

Hermione jolted awake, She gasped, "Harry!?" She looked at him, then her eyes widened with surprise as she realized what he had said. "Harry, w-what did you call me? …How…how did you know that?" she asked in an awed voice.

The corners of Harry's mouth twitched as he tried to smile.

"How are you feeling, Harry?" asked Hermione tentatively.

"I feel…terrible," he confessed.

"Mr. Potter, drink this. It will help," said Galen. He poured a few drops into Harry's mouth. After Harry swallowed, he poured a little more, small mouthfuls at a time, until Harry had taken the entire flask. Harry began to feel a sensation of warmth spread through his body. It didn't seem to take as much effort to move.

Harry tried to stroke Hermione's cheek as he looked at her. Her eyes and nose were red from her crying, there were tears on her face, her nose was beginning to run, and the Sleekeasy's Hair Potion was beginning to wear off. As the medication began to take effect he really smiled at her, "You look awful," he teased. She gave him a wavery smile in return. Madam Pomfrey gave Hermione a cloth for her face.

While she cleaned up, Harry looked around the circle of faces surrounding him, "Mum, is it that bad?" he asked Mrs. Weasley.

"Yes, Harry, it was," she whispered. "We all thought you were going to die."

The depth of their concern touched Harry and his own eyes began to burn, he began, "I'm sorry-."

"It's not your fault, son," interrupted Arthur, "there is nothing to apologize for. We were very worried about you is all. We came to help if we could."

"Ron, Luna, Hermione," he looked at them each in turn, " you saved my life. Thank you." Harry said gratefully.

Ron said gruffly, "No problem." Luna beamed at him, Hermione blushed with pleasure as she whispered, "You're welcome."

"Mr. Potter, you need to get some sleep," said Dumbledore.

Harry nodded and very quickly dropped off to sleep.

"Miss Granger, you too. We'll move you so you will be able to see Harry. Poppy, will you please see to it."

"Yes, Headmaster," she answered.

"Oh, Miss Granger," Dumbledore smiled gently.

"Yes, Sir?"

"We're not going to make a habit of it, but this once you may kiss your love goodnight."

Hermione bent down, hesitated, then she leaned over and kissed Harry softly on the lips. "I love you, Harry," she whispered. She then lay her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "Professor Dumbledore, his heart, it sounds different…alive again," she told him. Then she allowed herself to be led away to her hospital bed, which had been placed next to Harry's. Madam Pomfrey rearranged the curtains so she could see his face. Hermione quickly surrendered to sleep as well.

"Dobby, will you make up the guest quarters?" asked Dumbledore, referring to a small room just outside the hospital wing. "Arthur? Molly?, will you please stay the night? I have something for you to do tomorrow, if you will. Remus and Hagrid will look after them tonight," he glanced at the curtained beds.

"Of course, Professor Dumbledore," answered Arthur.

"Minerva, please escort Mr. Weasley to his dormitory. Then get some rest, I need you tomorrow, please see me at breakfast. Mr.Weasley, today you have behaved in accord with the highest traditions of Gryffindor House, one hundred points to Gryffindor."

Ron mumbled his thanks and set off after Professor McGonagall.

"Professor Flitwick, will you kindly escort Miss Lovegood to her dormitory. Miss Lovegood, that spell you used this morning, one of your mother's?"

Luna nodded.

"I remember her quite well. A real joy to teach. You did well today, one hundred points to Ravenclaw." He drew closer and told her privately, "Give Mr.Weasley some time, I think he will come around in the end."

Luna smiled and left with Flitwick. Snape stalked out as well.

Dumbledore watched as Galen worked on Harry. He was casting spells on the nerve centers of Harry's body. "The Avada Kedavra curse is a terrible thing, Albus. It rips the spirit from the body. I don't know how well his spirit will bond with his body again, he may be permanently crippled. We won't know until he tries to move. There are some treatments we can try, but we will have to wait to see how effective they will be." Galen began to change Harry's dressing. "Look," he said in a surprised voice, "The scar has closed again. I wonder how You Know Who will feel if it was that scar that saved Harry."

"I wonder what did save him," Dumbledore mused.

"The scar just guided me, that and Hermione holding my hand," Harry mumbled sleepily, "it was Sirius who sent me back."

"Sorry, Mr. Potter, I didn't mean to wake you," apologized Galen.

"'S ok," said Harry as he drifted off again.

"Well, I'll say goodnight, I must contact the ministry," Dumbledore nodded to Galen, Madam Pomfrey, Lupin, and Hagrid. We will just have to see what tomorrow will bring." He turned and walked from the hospital wing.


Janet Granger woke to sunshine pouring through the bedroom window. She went down to find Hugh making breakfast. They slept through the night unaware of the fear that had swept the wizarding world the night before. After breakfast they were trying to decide how to spend the day. Hugh went out to get the paper. He noticed several owls flying overhead. Since his daughter had gone to Hogwarts he had become sensitive to such happenings. "Wonder what's going on," he told his wife, "there are a lot of owls flying today."

Suddenly there came a tapping on their kitchen window.

"Hugh, One must have sent a letter too, maybe we'll find out what's going on. Oh look, it's that pretty white one, the one that brought the news that One was a prefect. I hope it's good news."

"Isn't this Harry's owl?" Hugh got some Owl Treats and water. They had been keeping them on hand since Hermione sent them letters occasionally.

"Yes, I believe it is," replied Janet.

Hugh opened the window so Hedwig could hop in. She dropped the letter on the kitchen table. Hugh gave Hedwig her food and water while Janet read the letter.

Hugh Granger's heart stopped when his wife cried out, "Oh No!" He turned to find she had gone pale and was trembling .

"Ok … Oh Nooo … Oh My!" her hand was poised at her throat.

"What is it! What's wrong?"

She handed him the letter. Instead of his daughter's usual neat hand writing, the letter was barely legible, tear stained, but still recognizable as Hermione's.

Mum and Dad,

Harry and I were visiting the village. They attacked us, the Death Eaters. We fought them and I am ok, but Harry is dying. I love him. I hope it is not too late. Please help me marry him. It may save him, I know I'm not of age but please let me. I saw him laying there and there was blood and I know I don't want to live without him. Please, please, please help me.

"What are we going to do, Hugh?" Janet was becoming frantic. "One needs us."

"I don't know. Do you think the owl would carry a letter for us? Or maybe Tom at the Leaky Cauldron could help us contact the ministry; let's get dressed."

They hurried to get dressed, as they came down the stairs there was a knock on their front door. Hugh was prepared to send whoever it was on their way but when he opened the door he froze in surprise.

"Arthur, Molly! Come in please. Janet, come quick! It's the Weasleys."

The Weasleys and Professor McGonagall entered the Granger's home. Janet came running down the stairs. She stopped when she saw the Weasleys were not alone.

"Oh! Are you Professor McGonagall? Hermione has told me so much about you. She really admires you." Janet stared in amazement that someone so important would visit. "Wait, you're head of Gryffindor! Has something happened to Hermione? She said she and Harry were attacked but she was ok."

Professor McGonagall looked surprised, "You know about the attack? But you're Muggles, sorry but…how did you know?"

Hugh brought Hermione's letter, "We received this about thirty minutes ago."

McGonagall read the letter, her expression was almost horrified. Arthur reached for the letter and she gave it to him, pushing it from her in a gesture of denial. She blushed, it was as though she had seen Hermione's naked soul. With tears starting in her eyes she began, "Your daughter is physically well, but the attack caused her a severe emotional shock. She was distraught when she wrote that."

Hugh interrupted, "Is Harry…is he still-,"

"Yes. He has survived the night, but he is badly injured."

"Is there any way we can see her," begged Janet, "she needs us."

Arthur began to say something but McGonagall waved him into silence. "I'm sorry. The letter has thrown me off track. We did not expect you to know of the attack. We thought that we would need to explain, but that's what we came for, to invite you to Hogwarts. We know your daughter needs you."

Hugh and Janet looked at each other. "You go pack a few things. I'll call the office and activate the referral plan and cancel our appointments for next week. What should we pack?" asked Hugh.

"We will provide you with robes, boots and cloaks, the fewer who know who you are, the safer you will be. Pack changes of undergarments, socks, and your personal hygiene items." Molly pulled the robes from her bag and the Grangers went upstairs to change and pack. While the Grangers got ready, Arthur and Molly attended to Hedwig and sent her on her way. Professor McGonagall prepared a portkey.

When all was ready McGonagall explained," I need to warn you, first. The castle is heavily defended by magic. It is not lethal, but you will need to fight it. Do not believe what your eyes tell you, if you think of somewhere you feel you need to go, remember how much you daughter needs you. Most who try, no matter the circumstances, are unable to get past the enchantments, if you do, you will be the first Muggles to visit Hogwarts in two hundred years." She set a small cauldron on the table, "touch this, a finger will do. On the count of three, One…Two…Three…"


The kitchen vanished in a whirl of color and wind. They appeared in a meadow beside a road. Looking around Hugh and Janet saw that they were alone. Ahead of them appeared an enormous ruin surrounded by treacherous deadfalls and steep ravines. The area sloped down to a marsh before a swampy lake, in the distance a dark overgrown forest loomed. The area around the ruin had been fenced off and there were large warning signs posted.

They began to walk toward the ruin. Almost immediately Hugh remembered an emergency he had to take care of, as he turned, Janet caught his arm, "One," was all Janet said. They turned and trudged toward the ruin.

Somehow it was easier to look down at their feet as they walked on. Several times one or the other would stop and turn back as feelings of needing to be elsewhere forced them back before the other stopped him or her. There seemed to be a force pushing them away, making it harder and harder to lift a foot and place it in front of the other, like struggling against a high wind. They staggered onward. Janet stopped, trembling from the exertion, "Rest a minute, please." They looked around. The ruins appeared no nearer but there was no sign of the warning fence, everywhere around them the ground appeared rocky and dangerous. They were afraid, Hugh took Janet's hand. Fixing the memory of their daughter's face in their minds they plunged on.

It seemed they had been struggling for hours. Finally Hugh sank to his knees unable to continue. He was almost in tears from the effort. Janet sank beside him. He reached into the pocket of his robe and took out Hermione's letter to better remind him of why he was trying to get to a worthless old pile of rocks. The memory of his precious daughter's desperate need enabled him to stand up. He looked up, and up, before him was an enormous castle with several towers. There were greenhouses and a beautiful lake. The grounds were well kept. The forest was still there though, looking dark and mysterious. A few birds were singing. The enchantment was broken.

He lifted Janet to her feet. "One needs us," he said handing her the letter. "Come on."

A moment later he heard his wife gasp and knew that the enchantment had been broken for her as well.

"Well done! Oh, very well done." Professor McGonagall was praising them with delight and admiration. The Weasleys too were smiling. Somehow the Grangers knew that they had been behind them all along.

They began walking toward the castle steps, "How long has it been, it has seemed like hours."

"About thirty minutes," answered Arthur.

They entered the front doors and started up the marble staircase. The Grangers stared in wonder at the magnificent entry hall and the moving portraits. "Is it always this quiet?" asked Janet.

"Not at all. Especially when class is in session. Most of the students are awaiting news about Harry." answered McGonagall.

When they were about half way up the stairway some voices called out, "Professor McGonagall, wait!" Several students were coming up after them.

"Yes, Miss Bones."

"We made Harry a get well card. Everyone in Hufflepuff signed it," she said anxiously. "Could you give it to him?"

"Of course," McGonagall answered kindly.

"How is he?" they asked in unison.

"About the same as last night except now we are pretty sure he will live. Hopefully we will know how badly he has been injured sometime today. We are planning an announcement at supper this evening."

After giving McGonagall the get well card they started down the stairs, but a few of the youngest remained behind. "Professor?" they asked nervously.


"We first years made Miss Granger one too. She's the kindest prefect of all. Please give it to her." They gave the card to her and followed their fellows back down.

McGonagall handed the card to the Grangers, "You can give your daughter this." They proceeded onward to the hospital wing.

When they arrived a tall, red-haired young man was standing at the door. Janet recognized Ron Weasley. Arthur stayed at the door with his son as the rest of them went onto the ward.

The Grangers went quickly to the curtained area at the end of the ward. Hermione gave no sign that she had heard them. Her sleepy, brown eyes were fixed on Harry's face.

"Miss Granger, you have visitors," began Professor McGonagall.

"One, we came as soon as we could," began Janet.

Hermione frowned, puzzled by the people in robes who somehow knew her nickname. She sat up. Her eyes grew wide as she recognized her parents in their unfamiliar garb. "Mummy," was all she could say. Her mother sat on her bedside, drawing Hermione into her comforting embrace as they shed tears of relief. Hermione flung an arm around her father when he sat beside them. Hugh and Janet reassured themselves that their daughter was indeed ok.

"Dad, would you check and see how Harry is?" asked Hermione.

"I didn't bring my kit, One, but I'll see what I can find out."

Hugh made a quick assessment of Harry's condition.

"Who are you and what are you doing?" interrupted Galen, who was coming to check Harry.

"I'm Dr. Hugh Granger, Hermione's father. She asked me to check Harry."

"You are a Muggle are you not? What kind of training have you had?" Galen sounded mildly interested.

"I am a dentist, but while I was in the Navy, I received emergency medical training."

"What is your assessment?"

"All I can say, since I don't have my kit, is that his heartbeat and breathing are slightly irregular, his blood pressure is below normal, and he is sleeping very deeply. I would say he is sedated and has some damage to his nervous system."

Galen nodded somewhat impressed, "You're correct," he said as he drew his wand. He began his own examination while he explained the particulars of Harry's condition.

Lupin, who had been dozing on the couch, woke up at the sound of their conversation. He looked around Hagrid had apparently left. He arose and greeted Hugh. Together they rejoined Janet, Molly, and McGonagall and Hugh told Hermione what he could, leaving out the more serious details.


"One, will you tell us what happened?" asked Janet.

Hermione told them the story of how she and Harry had gone to the village. How Harry had held her hand. What a happy morning they had had shopping in the village. She described how the Death Eaters had attacked when they were on their way to lunch. How Luna and Ron had come to their rescue. That she had fallen to pieces when she thought Harry had been killed and how surprised she had been when Dumbledore told her that he was still alive. She admitted how scared she had become when she had heard Galen tell Dumbledore that Harry was dying. How relieved she was when Harry woke up. Now she finally realized that she was in love with him. How glad she was that they were there.

Hugh stood up and headed down to the door.