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The Most Ancient Magic by Dementor149

The Most Ancient Magic


Disclaimer: Everything concerning Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. I own nothing, nor is this done for any purpose except my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of anyone reading this. There is no attempt to make any profit.

The Most Ancient Magic

Chapter Two - An Unanticipated Encounter

In the days that followed Harry's departure from the Dursleys in the middle of July he, Lupin, Dobby, and Winky spent their time setting up their new household. Harry took over the master bedroom suite turning it into a small apartment on the third floor. They constructed a spiral staircase down to the library on the second floor and set up a study area for Harry's school work. At Dumbledore's request the books in the Black family library concerning the Dark Arts were moved to the Restricted Section at Hogwarts and some rare old books were moved there as well, Madam Pince created a new collection named for the Black family in honor of the acquisition.

Evenings usually saw members of the Order coming by for meetings and/or dinner. Harry was excluded from the meetings but he did come to know Mundungus, Tonks, and Shacklebolt better as they would come by and talk to him either before or after the meetings. Molly and Arthur came a couple of times. Harry got to see Ron and Ginny when they came for the weekend.

In order to try to keep Harry busy, Remus suggested that they explore the two other properties that Harry had inherited. The three holdings were all connected by their own private floo network. Wealth had some privileges.

Falnost was a forbidding stone structure with a tower that looked like it had been built in the Middle Ages, it had been unused for a long time, and was largely empty. There were no modern conveniences and would take a great amount of time and money to make into anything other than a camp or hideout. It turned out to be the ideal place to hide Buckbeak.

Stepping out of the fireplace at Idewild was like stepping into another world. The kitchen (where the fireplace was located) was bright, sunny, and showed signs of use in the not-too-recent past. The design of the house was based on the houses of the Romans with all the rooms opening on a central patio. Dust cloths covered the furniture. The bed linens had been placed in storage and protected by magic so the beds were ready to use. The plants in the patio were overgrown and would need some serious work. The yard around the outside of the house was more overgrown than the patio. The brightly colored birds in the trees gave noisy evidence that Sirius had spent some time here after he and Buckbeak escaped from Hogwarts. "He might still be alive if only he would have stayed here," thought Harry.

"Where are we, Remus?" asked Harry.

"I dunno, Harry, we'll have to get to where we can see better."

They forced their way through the bushes and found themselves on a street. The houses appeared to be well taken care of unlike the houses on Grimmauld Place. Ahead of them, across a road, an ocean of clear water washed a beach of shining white sand. The water was dotted with boats and there were people sunning themselves on the beach. A short walk took them to what appeared to be a large town.

A couple of hours later Harry and Lupin had discovered that they were in Nassau in the Bahaman Islands. The city's chief industry was tourists so it was filled with shops, cafes, casinos, as well as some interesting historical sites. There was a large harbor with some large ships visible in the distance. Their impression was that the city was clean, well ordered, and full of people.

Lupin showed Harry how to find the places where the wizards gathered, how he could get money or buy the things he needed for magic. They visited a couple of the wizarding shops. The first was a shop selling potion ingredients. There were many that could not be found in Diagon Alley or Hogsmead. The second shop was a bookstore. Harry had found it a relief that he could walk among wizards and not be immediately recognized or stared at.

"Harry, would you mind if we visited Rawson Square before we left?"

"Sure, but I'd like to see the forts too, could we spend the night and check them out tomorrow?" Harry replied.

"We can, but we'll have to leave in the early afternoon. London is about three hours ahead of Nassau, and the Order has a meeting tomorrow night. I think Severus is giving another report."

Harry frowned, "Wonder how he feels about coming to my house to give it, guess it's no wonder he never stays."

It happened as they approached the square. Harry had the impression of large and brown in his peripheral vision.

WHAM - he collided with something. Harry struggled to keep his balance, but he stepped on a rock and sprawled on the sidewalk, his glasses went flying. As he sat up he had the blurry vision of a large hat, sunglasses, a yellow dress, and a large square of paper.

"Ohh…Sorry … I'm so sorry…here let me help-HARRY POTTER? Harry is it really you? It's me, Hermione! Mum, Dad, it's Harry from school!" Hermione was practically squealing with delight. Hermione, Lupin, and Dr. Hugh Granger all reached to help Harry up from the sidewalk. Hermione's mother bent to retrieve Harry's glasses. Harry had seen many expressions on Hermione's face but this was the first time had seen her open mouthed in surprise and wonder as she looked back and forth between them.

"Mum, Dad, this is Harry Potter, he's a friend from school and this is Professor Lupin, he was one of my teachers there. Harry, Professor Lupin, these are my parents the Doctors Hugh and Janet Granger." Hermione made introductions all around.

Dr. Hugh Granger was a balding man of medium height with a powerful grip and a kind face. Dr. Janet Granger was slightly taller than her husband. Her hair was brown and curly but not as bushy as Hermione's.

"Harry, how did you get here?" Hermione asked.

Harry grinned rather sheepishly, "Floo," hoping Hermione would misinterpret what he was saying. He didn't feel comfortable admitting that he had several houses and a lot of money.

"Are you going to be here long?" Hermione asked hopefully.

"I'm not sure, Remus and I were talking about spending the night, we have to be back in London tomorrow evening."

"Remus?" Hermione raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Oh, well, we read Sirius' will, he's my guardian now. He's asked me to call him that." Talking about Sirius made Harry's face fall. Hermione could tell that he was still deeply grieved by his godfather's passing.

Reading Hermione's expression of concern, Harry said "We had a memorial for him, I feel a little better. Were you going to visit Rawson Square?" Harry asked trying to change the subject.

"Yes, then we were going to have dinner, maybe you could join us? That is, if it's all right with Mum and Dad. Let me ask them."

As Harry and Hermione were talking, Hugh and Janet were chatting with Remus, but Janet was also observing her daughter as she spoke to Harry. She recognized him as the boy on the train platform from last June and that Hermione's mood had changed since she had literally run into him. Before she had been happy but emotionally uninvolved, now she was excited and her eyes were shining with joy.

"Mum, may Harry and Professor Lupin come to dinner with us?"

"Professor, would you care to join us for dinner after we visit Rawson Square?" she interrupted.

The fact that Harry had grinned when speaking to Hermione, however briefly, had not gone unnoticed by Lupin either. "We would be honored," He replied.

After admiring the buildings in Rawson Square, the group found a nearby restaurant that faced the beach. Hermione spent their dinnertime recounting their voyage around the Caribbean. Harry was reticent about his activities since school ended, and Hermione sensed he might rather speak privately. "Dad, would it be all right if Harry and I took a walk on the beach. We won't go far."

Hugh choked slightly on his tea, and looked at his wife. Janet nodded assent. "Ok, but remember, we need to be leaving soon, we have to get back to the ship."

They left the restaurant and crossed the street. When they reached the beach Harry took off his sneakers and socks and Hermione slipped off her sandals and they walked barefoot to the waters edge. Since the sun was setting she placed her sunglasses in her bag.

"You said there was a memorial for Sirius, tell me about it?" Hermione asked quietly.

Harry described the ceremony and talked about who was there. "When it was all over I told Professor Dumbledore that I felt better. At least the nightmares have stopped. Especially after I moved into Grimmauld Place."

"Huh? You live at the Headquarters!" Hermione asked incredulously.

Harry realized he had said more than he intended. "Well…ummm…yeah. Remember I told you that we read Sirius' will? He kind of gave it to me. They still didn't let me join the Order though. You'll have to come see my library, it's great, but the best stuff went to Hogwarts. Dobby and Winky live there now too. Winky seems happier now too, I guess you'll be mad at me though, since we took back her clothes."

Hermione frowned, "So your back to treating her like a slave, are you?"

"No," he protested, "not exactly, we set up an account for her wages, we're just not telling her she's being paid, and we are trying to eventually get her to start wearing a uniform. You know…try to bring her along gradually." Harry ran a hand through his hair nervously. He let Hermione lecture him on Elf rights while inwardly being glad he had side tracked her from the subject of his money.

As she prattled on Harry began to notice how much he enjoyed watching her animated face, her earnest expression, and especially the light in her eyes.

Meanwhile Lupin was talking to the Doctors Granger.

"They have been friends since their first year? " Janet was asking.

"I believe so, Professor McGonagall told me there was some incident involving a troll. She did not provide me a lot of details."

"Hermione neglected to provide us with any, either" she interjected.

"Does she have a lot of friends at school?" Hugh asked hopefully. "She never had many friends when she was growing up. We were worried because Hermione seemed to be excluded from a lot of the activities of the girls in her primary school. That's why she's such a bookworm."

"Well, Hermione is still a bookworm. She appears to have friends among the girls in her year, but they are not close. Her closest friends are Harry and the Weasleys, Ron and Ginny. You have met them and their parents, I believe?"

"Yes, we have met them, they are nice people," answered Hugh, "Although their attitude toward us, Muggles, I think the word is, is not universal, that blond-haired fellow in the bookstore just before Hermione's second year seemed rather unpleasant."

"If you are talking about Lucius Malfoy, you're right," snorted Lupin. "And calling him unpleasant, is a vast understatement."

"Tell me about Harry, Professor Lupin. He was very quiet at dinner." Asked Janet, "I'd say he was almost melancholy, is there something wrong."

"Yes, there is," Lupin looked down at the table, "Harry was orphaned when he was about a year old. His aunt and uncle, in a situation that was almost abusive, raised him. Because of that he has always been reticent. He had a godparent who had been out of the country. This godfather, Sirius Black, returned a couple of years ago. He and Harry hit it off pretty well and Harry was hoping to get to stay with him, but Sirius died suddenly at the end of June and he is grieving that loss. I expect that is why Hermione wanted to speak to him privately. I'm grateful that you allowed her to. Your daughter has a big heart Dr. Granger, Harry is lucky to have her as a friend."

"Thank you, Professor," smiled Janet.

"About time we were leaving. I'll call them," smiled Hugh. After paying the check they went outside. Hugh crossed the street, placed his fingers to his lips and gave a loud whistle. Far down the beach Hermione turned around and waved. Lupin saw that Harry and Hermione started back immediately. As Hugh re-crossed the street he noticed the surprised look on Lupin's face. Smiling he shrugged, "It's a Muggle thing."

By the time Harry and Hermione got back to the restaurant the Grangers had hailed a taxi. They quickly made arrangements to meet at the nearer of the two forts the next morning.

"Tell me Harry, what do you think of Hermione?" asked Remus as they walked back to Idewild.

"She's one of the best friends I have. I couldn't have made it without her," Harry replied. As they walked Harry shared some of the things she had done for him and Ron over their years at Hogwarts. He told him about the Polyjuice Potion, how she stood by him during the Triwizard Tournament when it seemed the whole school had been against him. How she helped him learn the summoning charm that had saved his life, and how she had saved him when Umbridge wanted to use the Cruciatus Curse on him.

"Something must be done about that witch," Remus bristled at the mention of Dolores Umbridge. "But on a more pleasant note, Hermione seemed very pleased to see you."

"Yeah, she hugged me so hard I could hardly breathe when she saw me at Number Twelve last summer. Ron said she was going spare over me."

"Do you think she might want to be more than just 'friends', Harry?" teased Lupin.

"I never thought about her that way," answered Harry. He frowned, "After hearing the prophecy, I guess I have been kind of avoiding everybody. I don't want to put my friends in danger."

"You may not want to but, Harry, your friends care about you. They may follow whether you want them to or not. They followed you to the Ministry didn't they?"

"Yeah," Harry whispered, his eyes beginning to burn with tears, "and they all got hurt because they did."

"I'm sorry Harry, but that's what happens in war. Not everyone will come out of this alive, because the Death Eaters are serious and they are really evil. That's why you aren't in the Order yet. We are trying to keep you and all of your friends as safe as we can. The war is very real and you need to keep in mind that some of its victims will be innocent, like what happened to Cedric. In the meantime you should enjoy as much of life as you can. It's what Sirius did and what he'd want for you."

They walked the rest of the way in silence under the deepening night. Sleep did not come quickly to Harry James Potter as he thought about what Remus had said.


When Harry and Remus arrived at the fort the Grangers were waiting for them. They spent a pleasant morning exploring. As they made their way around Hermione managed to get to talk to Remus out of Harry's hearing.

"Professor, how has Harry been? I know he's been sad but it seems something is really bothering him."

"I can't tell you, Hermione, it's Harry's place but I think he'll let you know when the time is right. I know it's hard but the best thing you can do is keep being there for him. Although I can tell you he is trying to deal with a new set of circumstances and that has him on edge too. Sirius left every thing to him. He's trying to learn to be rich without becoming as big a prat as Draco Malfoy." Lupin winked at her. "That's our little secret, ok?"

"Ok, Do you think it'll really change him?" Hermione smiled back.

"No, Harry would trade it all in a heartbeat to be part of a regular family. We'd better catch up."

Meanwhile Harry, Hugh, and Janet Granger had been walking on the ramparts of the fort. Hugh began pointing out the boats in the harbor, describing the types of rigging, and describing the skills needed to sail a boat. Further out to sea he pointed out a visiting naval vessel.

"Were you a sailor, Dr. Granger?"

"Before I married Janet, I did a tour in Her Majesty's Navy, the service needs dentists too, you know."

"Harry, have you not seen the ocean before?" asked Janet, "This all seems new to you."

"Once, I spent a night on an island, my Uncle Vernon was trying to get away from my school, but Hagrid came to get me anyway."

"Hagrid?" Hugh looked puzzled.

"Remember, One told us about him, he is a gamekeeper and teacher at the school," answered Janet.

"One?" asked Harry.

Janet smiled, "It's our nickname for Hermione. When she was learning to read she came to us and asked how come we called her 'Her-my-oh-nee' when her name was spelled 'Her-me-one'. We thought it was cute and we've called her One ever since."

Harry laughed at the story, "I'll have to remember that one, it might come in handy if I ever need to blackmail her."

"Blackmail who, Harry?" asked Hermione as she and Lupin caught up to the group.

"You," Harry replied with a wicked grin. "Your parents have been telling me stories about your childhood."

"Mum!" cried Hermione, blushing furiously, "what have been telling him?"

"Oh, just the usual stories parents keep around to embarrass their daughters in front of their boyfriends," laughed Janet.

"Harry isn't my boyfriend, Mum. We're just good friends," Hermione stated briskly.

"I see, " Janet replied soothingly. "It's getting late shall we go? Perhaps we could have lunch before we have to get back to the ship?"

"I'd like to get a few pictures before we go, do you mind?" asked Hugh.

"Sure, Dr. Granger. Could I get some copies? I've had a great time with your family. I'd like to have something to remember," answered Harry.

After taking a few pictures, they had lunch in an outdoor café. The restaurant had a band performing for their customers. Harry was amazed that the drums were made from steel barrels. "What do you think Mr. Weasly would think of this?" He and Hermione had fun imagining what each of the Weasly's would say.

All too soon it was time for them to part. Hermione waved through the back window of the taxi until Harry and Lupin were out of sight. She settled back with a small sigh.

"Well, did Professor Lupin tell you what you wanted to know about Harry?" asked Janet.

"Was I that obvious? No, Ma'am, he said it wasn't his place, but something is definitely bothering him. I just wish he would let me help."

"Obvious? Only to your mother, Harry didn't notice."

The Granger's cruise ship left the harbor bound for England. They spent time together on the deck observing some aircraft flying overhead.

"Still looking for Harry?" teased Hugh.

"Not really, I thought Harry came on a plane, but after what Professor Lupin said I guess they got to Nassau by magic."

Hugh and Janet watched their daughter sitting on a deck chair. Hermione watched as the island faded into the distance.

"She really likes Harry doesn't she?" asked Hugh.

"Yes. Possibly it's already beyond 'like'. Does he like her?" responded his wife.

"I think so, but I believe he has a lot on his mind and he's not really looking for romance right now. He just seems so sad. Do you think One is responding to the fact he is hurting emotionally or is it deeper than that?"

"Deeper, from what she and Professor Lupin have said, this has been growing slowly and steadily from their first year. Although his pain may have accelerated what she feels for him. Do you like Harry?"

"Yes, I really think I do," answered her husband.

"I do too," smiled Janet.