Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Important Things by Twitch E. Littleferret

More Important Things

Twitch E. Littleferret

A Return To Hogwarts

A long time ago

We used to be friends

But I haven't thought of you lately at all

If ever again

A greeting I send to you

Short and sweet to the soul I intend

We used to be friends

A long time ago

We used to be friends

A long time ago

We used to be friends

A long time ago

We used to be friends

(We Used To Be Friends-The Dandy Warhols)


The whistle of the Hogwart's Express shrieked loudly as students, parents and Aurors milled about on the platform. Hermione lugged her trunk behind her as she made her way toward the train. It just wasn't the same without Harry. She looked over at Ron and the look on his face mirrored her thoughts.

"This just feels wrong," she said quietly, stamping down the tears that threatened to spill over.

Ron wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gave her a comforting squeeze. "I know," he said softly.

The atmosphere was unusually tense, she noticed. Not at all like the exciting buzz that usually accompanied the start of a new term. As the two of them made their way onto the train, there were a few raised eyebrows from their fellow classmates that only increased in frequency as they boarded the train and began to look for a compartment. Harry's absence was conspicuous.

Hermione led the way, glancing side to side through the glass for an empty seat when a sight in front of her made her stop altogether. She felt as if all the air around her had suddenly vanished and her body had somehow forgotten how to breathe. But it didn't forget its beating heart, for it pounded loudly in her ears. Her stomach dropped and adrenaline pumped through her. Her flight-or-fight response kicked in, in response to her fear.

Draco Malfoy was on the other end of the train, also looking for an empty compartment.

Hermione had stopped so suddenly that Ron crashed into her from behind.

"Hermione, what…" His voice trailed off when he looked over her shoulder and ahead. "Come on," he said in an irritated voice, shoving Hermione forward and entering the nearest compartment. As luck would have it, it was empty.

Hermione sat down for fear her shaky legs would give out on her as Ron slammed the door.

"What the hell is he doing here?" he ranted.

"I don't know," she said softly, shaking her head. She looked up at him, eyes wide. "We have to tell Harry." Ron nodded and reached for his truck but she stopped him. "Not now, tell him tonight."

Ron shrunk both of their trunks and put them above them then sat down across from Hermione. It was very quiet in the compartment, each of them digesting what they had seen when the door opened and Ginny entered.

"Mum said to give you this," she said, tossing Ron a sandwich. She put away her trunk and plopped down next to Hermione.

"Where's Harry?" she asked. Ron looked up at her then at Hermione.

"He's not coming," Hermione said softly.

"What?! Why?"

Ron was concentrating hard on his sandwich while Hermione fingered a seam in the wallpaper. Both of them stayed silent and Ginny looked between the two of them. The compartment door opened and a dreamy-eyed blond walked in wearing mini rubber chickens for earrings.

"Hello Luna," Ginny said.

"Hello Ginny, Hermione," Luna nodded to each of them. Hermione gave her a small smile. Luna put her trunk away and sat down next to Ron who lost interest in his sandwich and tossed it aside. "Hello Ronald," she said breathily.

Hermione fought down a wry smile that threatened to show on her face. Ron inched slightly away from her and Hermione crossed her legs, kicking Ron in the shins on purpose.

"Hello, Luna," Ron muttered. "Have a good summer?"

"It was a bit of a disappointment," she sighed dramatically. "The hunt for Snorkacks was unsuccessful but father and I will try again next summer." Ron glared at Hermione for getting Luna started but her face remained impassive. "Where's Harry?"

"He's not coming," Ginny said with a hint of bitterness in her face as she glared between her brother and Hermione.

"Not coming?" Luna repeated and reached in her robes to pull out a copy of the Quibbler. "But I didn't see that in the runes for today."

Hermione eyed the paper with disdain. The compartment door opened again and this time a winded, tall boy with dark hair entered, arms loaded with potted plants, a toad in the pocket of his robe and lugging a trunk behind him.

"Whew! I thought I wasn't going to make it!" Neville said. "I lost Trevor on the platform."

The train gave a lurch as it began to move causing one of the plants to tumble into Hermione's lap. Hermione stroked the leaves of Mimbletonia, soothing it so it wouldn't squirt its stinky sap on her. It quivered with delight.

"Need a hand?" Ginny asked, taking the other plant from him as he settled into the compartment. Once seated, Hermione handed the Mimbletonia back to him.

"Let's go, Ron," she said as she stood. "Prefect's meeting."

The two of them walked out into the train's corridor where there was only a spattering of students, mostly first years, who were still trying to find a place to sit.

"We were never that small," Ron said as he watched them.

"Come on, let's go help a few," she said, pulling Ron along.

They were rounding up the last few and helping them find seats when someone called Hermione's name. She turned to see a tall brown-haired boy approach her and she recognized him as Ernie MacMillan.

Geez, did all the guys just sprout up?

"Hey Hermione, Ron," he greeted them. Ron eyed him warily. "Are you ready to start the meeting? I have only a few notes prepared, what have you got?"

Hermione stared at him for a moment, unsure of what he was speaking about until Ron spoke up.

"Head Boy, huh?" he said, pointing to the shiny badge Hermione somehow missed.

"Yeah, isn't it great?" Ernie said excitedly.

"Congratulations," Hermione said earnestly. After all, he was a model prefect for Hufflepuff and a member of the DA.

"I only just found out about a few days ago. That's why I feel so unprepared," he chattered excitedly.

"A few days ago?" Hermione asked puzzled. "Didn't you get your notice with your letter?"

Ernie shook his head. "No it came separately for some reason."


Hermione turned and began to walk to the large compartment where they would be having their meeting. Ernie stepped between her and Ron to follow her. Ron narrowed his eyes. Ernie kept rambling on and on about his ideas for the year but Hermione suddenly found herself disinterested, trying hard not to think of the title she could've shared with Harry.


The Sorting and Welcome Feast were bittersweet and so strange to have McGonagall address the students, rather than Dumbledore. It was a bitter pill to swallow for a lot of the student body. To make matters worse, Harry's absence seemed more marked and Hermione and Ron could hear the low buzz of whispers, hearing his name murmured among one another. Overall, it was the most depressing start of the year for the Gryffindors. Ron made the mistake of glancing over at the Slytherin table whose occupants were sitting triumphant and superior. Draco glanced over, and seeing only the two of them, raised an eyebrow to compliment his smug smile. Ron wanted to pound his face into the table.

"Don't," Hermione whispered to him, "things are bad enough as it is."

Soon the food on table began to disappear and Headmistress McGonagall announced it was time for everyone to retire to their dormitories.

"I can't wait for this day to end," Ron muttered as he got up from the table to lead the first years to the common room.

Hermione nodded in agreement but just when they thought the tough part was over, Professor McGonagall made her way to them.

"I would like to see both of you in my office right away," she said hastily, giving them the password.

"Great," Ron grumbled, slumping back down on the bench. Hermione had remained seated and reached up to place a hand on his shoulder.

A few moments later, the two of them stood in the Headmistress' office, an angry witch in front of them.

"You two are his friends, his best friends and yet you couldn't convince him to return to school?" she ranted. Hermione and Ron stood together, taking it all in. "I don't know what you three are up to but after that little incident over the summer, Mr. Weasley, I would've thought that some common sense would've been knocked into you three. Does he have any idea how unsafe it is for him to alone?"

"He's not alone," Ron spoke up. "He's with…" he eyed the portraits, "…others."

"Others aside," McGonagall said pointedly. "He's much safer here than--."

"Why is Draco Malfoy here?" Hermione cut her off.

McGonagall stared at her, her lips grew thin. After a moment she spoke, "He was originally denied admission for this year but his mother petitioned the governors and they had voted to let him return. My hands were tied on that issue."

"How could they let him?" Ron spoke up. "After what he did last year."

"Like I said, that was out of my hands," McGonagall repeated. "However, he was stripped of his Prefects badge and all its privileges, all Hogsmeade visits are denied him and he cannot join in any school extracurricular activities or teams."

"That's it?" Ron said.

"Yes," McGonagall answered. "And now I believe its time for you to begin your rounds. I've already had to take thirty points from your house because of your blatant disregard for manners by interrupting me several times and I don't want to take any more away."

Hermione sighed and turned, taking Ron with her out of the room. "Good night, Professor," she said wearily as they left the room.


It was late by the time Ron returned to his dorm from his rounds. His roommates were up and when he walked into the room, the buzz that he could hear before he entered suddenly stopped and became eerily silent. They had obviously been talking about Harry. He knew they wanted an explanation for his absence but he just couldn't give them one.

He readied himself for bed and tucked in, drawing the curtains around his bed. One by one, the lights by the beds went out and Ron cast a silencing charm around him then reached for his robes and the mirror inside.

The tip of his wand cast a soft glow on it and he spoke softly. "Harry?"

A moment later, the face of his best friend peered up at him. "Hey Ron. So how was it?"

"Everyone wants to know where you are."

"What did you tell them?"

"Nothing of course. But, listen, Malfoy's here."

There was stunned silence on Harry's part and Ron continued. "Hermione and I asked McGonagall about it and she said his mother had petitioned the governors about having him readmitted."

"Unbelievable," Harry muttered angrily. "So he just gets to waltz around the school now?"

"She said he's no longer Prefect and he can't go to Hogsmeade anymore. Oh, and he can't play Quidditch."

"Not that he was any good anyway," Harry grumbled.

"Hey, Harry?" Ron asked.


"Did…did you get the Head Boy badge?" Harry's silence gave him the answer. "Ernie MacMillan has it now."

"He's a good guy," Harry replied non-commitally.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Look in your Chudley Cannons book," Harry said, suddenly eager.

"Hang on a minute," Ron replied and climbed out of bed to take the book out of his trunk. He climbed back into his sanctuary and opened it to reveal the thick folded parchment of the Marauder's Map.

"Harry, I…" Ron was at a loss for words when he spoke into the mirror again.

"With Malfoy back, you're going to need it more than I will," Harry replied.

"Thanks, mate. Really."

Harry smiled then his face suddenly grew a little sad. "I guess I should let you go now."

"Yeah, it's getting late."

"Tell…" Harry began but suddenly stopped, a pained look flashing across his face for a moment.

"They're both fine," Ron said. "I'll tell them you said hello."


By now, Harry was getting used to terrible sleep patterns. He tossed and turned all night, missing his friends, missing Hogwarts until morning light peeked through the curtains in the windows. Ready to face the day alone, he entered the kitchen to see Mad-Eye-Moody sitting with Remus Lupin.

"Morning," Harry greeted them as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Harry."


The two men continued on with their conversation.

"I'll have to go to Knockturn Alley today, I'm running low on some ingredients," Lupin said.

"Should clear that place out," Mood said gruffly. "Full of dark wizards I say."

"Yes, well it's also the only place where I can find many of the ingredients needed for this wolfsbane potion," Lupin sighed wearily.

"Mind if I go with you?" Harry asked.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind the company," he replied. "I'm going to swing by the Ministry after if you don't mind, as well."

"You're going to bring the boy with you to Knocturn Alley?" Moody's eyebrow rose. "Might as well paint a giant target on him," he mumbled.

"I can just go out in disguise, there's got to be a spell to change my hair color or something," Harry said. Such a spell had to exist right? Hermione would've known. Damn it! He should've asked her before she left.

Moody and Lupin eyed each other then looked at Harry. "Of course there are spells that do that," Moody said. "They teach them during Auror training."

"Okay," Harry shrugged. No problem.

"And you'd have to graduate from a wizarding school to be even considered for the program," Moody added.

Jerk, Harry thought, a scowl on his face. No need to rub it in.

Lupin cleared his throat and got up from the table. He walked to Harry and drew out his wand, pointing it to Harry's head.

"Integumentum," he said, tapping him softly on the head.

"Might as well change his eye color, no one can mistake those eyes," Moody said and Lupin did the same to his eyes.

"We'll leave in fifteen minutes," he said.

Harry left the kitchen to grab a cloak and to get a peek at himself. A brown haired brown-eyed young man stared back at him in the mirror. The scar was still there and he brushed his bangs down to cover it like he usually did.


The weather was still overcast and it smelled like rain when the two of them set out, apparating in the alley behind the Leaky Cauldron. Diagon Alley was mostly filled with witches going about their daily errands, accompanied by their small children, too young to go to Hogwarts. Harry eyed a young witch with long dark hair, carrying her baby in her arms and he briefly thought of his own mother.

"Stay close, Harry," Lupin said, bringing him out of his reverie as they turned the corner into Knockturn Alley. Harry remembered the brief and unpleasant period of time he had spent in the particular part of the wizarding world. But with older and more experienced eyes, the place slightly piqued his curiosity.

Hags, witches, odd wizards and mysterious cloaked figures passed him as the two of them walked by. Not a friendly face turned to them, not a greeting, just a few choice words said rudely if he accidentally knocked into one of them. Harry tried to focus his attention on where he was going instead of all the odd and peculiar shops.

There was a magical creature shop that sold menacing looking beasts, spiders, roaches and things with fangs. A large black snake was coiled in the window, its head sliding against the glass in front of it.

"Today isss white moussse day. I hate the white onessss. The brown onesss are much more tassssty. They never feed me the brown onessss," it hissed.

Harry frowned thoughtfully at it then shook his head. Sometimes he hated the fact that he was a parselmouth. He trotted after Lupin ahead of him who was walking into a potions shop. It smelled funny and Harry wrinkled his nose in response to the smell. There were jars lining the shelves filled with odd little ingredients, a jar of eyeballs here, some fangs there, something that eerily resembled severed human fingers there. Harry averted his eyes at that one.

The man behind the counter looked dismissively at Harry as Lupin set his ingredients in front of him. The man was elderly with a crooked back and hair sprouting out of his ears to match the bushy set of his eyebrows. A stark contrast to the lack of it on the top of his head. With shaky hands, the elderly man began to weigh out the ingredients and tallying them up on his register.

"That will be fifteen galleons seven sickles," he said after awhile. Harry's eyes widened at the price and he hoped that the ingredients lasted for awhile. He would hate to think of the sum he spent if he had to buy these every month.

"I'll also be needing some of that," Lupin pointed to a jar on the shelves behind the counter.

The man looked back. "Some wolf fang?" he asked raising an eyebrow. Harry didn't like the look he gave Lupin.

"Very well." He took down the jar and emptied a single fang out of it. He put it into a paper envelope and went to the register. "Thirty galleons," the man said with a smile.

Harry did some quick math in his head. "Thirty galleons!" he exclaimed. "But the price says the fangs are five galleons each!"

The man gave him a wide toothless smile. "There is a…creature tax," he explained, shifting his eyes to Lupin.

Rage filled Harry but Lupin politely stepped on his toes. "Thirty galleons it is," he said quietly, handing over the money. Harry stared disbelieving at this action.

When they had left, Harry turned angrily to him. "I can't believe you just let him do that!"

"I'm used to it," Lupin replied.

Harry shook his head. "Used to it? How can you get used to being treated like that?"

Lupin looked at Harry pointedly then his gaze roamed to his scar on his forehead. Harry shifted uncomfortably and instinctively brushed his hair further forward to cover it.

"I needed that ingredient and unfortunately, that was the only place that carries it."

Harry nodded silently and Lupin put a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, lets get out of here," he said softly.

This time when they walked past the creature shop there were a group of children huddled around the window.

"Eat it!"

"Eat the mouse you stupid snake!"

They taunted and teased the snake, banging on its window. Harry was forcibly reminded of his cousin Dudley and his friend Pierce at the zoo.

"Oh, I hate it when the little bratssss bang on my window. Get out of my way you sssstupid mouse!"

"Hang on a moment," Harry said, stopping Lupin and darting into the shop.

It was dark and dusty and a hag watched him interestedly as he approached her from behind the counter.

"Er, excuse me," Harry began. "But I would like to buy that snake in the window."

"That one?" the hag asked.

"Uh…yes?" Harry said, now a little unsure of himself.

The hag cackled with laughter which turned into a violent fit of coughing. "Suit yourself," she said and bent down to pick up a small crate. She hobbled over to the snake's tank and lifted the lid. There was a loud hiss and the hag swore violently as she slammed the lid shut, there was a loud thump as the snake hit the top of the cage. Harry's eyes widened. Perhaps this wasn't such a good idea after all.

"Stupefy!" the hag said as she used her wand to stun the poor snake. Again, she lifted the lid, reached in and brought out the limp long black snake and set it inside the crate.

"Anything else?" she grumbled.

"Some mice," Harry replied. "Brown ones, please."

With his packages under his arm, Harry walked out of the store seven galleons poorer than he went in. Lupin looked at the small wooden crate with interest, wondering what was inside. He could hear faint squeakings coming from the other box but he didn't ask questions.

They checked in at the front desk of the ministry, even under disguise, Harry could still be recognized with his wand as he registered it.

"Harry Potter?" the desk clerk said.

"Yes," Harry answered tersely and snatched back his wand and his visitor's badge. They entered the elevator and a few paper airplanes zoomed in to hitch a ride. Harry strategically placed the badge on his cloak so that it remained hidden. He looked up and saw that Lupin was looking at him with a hint of a smile on his face.

The elevator slowed to a stop and the doors opened letting Harry and Lupin off. Harry saw that they were on the auror floor.


Harry followed Lupin as they walked past desks with papers piled on them, Wanted posters hung on the walls as well as a giant map of London. He recognized some of the aurors as members of the Order, they greeted Lupin and just brushed over Harry. He didn't mind, he was just interested in the people who put their lives on the line to chase dark wizards. He remembered in fifth year when he told McGonagall that he would like to be an auror someday and she said she would put up great sacrifice to see that he made it through school to end up one no matter what it cost.

A twinge of guilt filled him and he brushed those thoughts aside.

"Ah, Remus, how are you today?" Kingsley strode forward and shook his hand.

"Kingsley," Lupin said jovially then in a lowered voice said, "I hope you don't mind but I brought Harry along today?"

Kingsley looked at the brown haired boy. "Harry?" he asked with confusion.

"Yes sir," Harry replied.

"Why aren't you at Hogwarts?"

"Uh, what do you say we get on with the meeting?" Lupin interrupted, saving Harry from giving an answer. "Harry you don't mind…"

"No, no I'll just…hang around here," Harry said, thankful to be getting an out.

"We should only be a few moments," Lupin assured him.

Harry nodded and backed down the hall. He found and empty desk in a corner and set the crates down upon it. There was no one else in the office, they all seemed to be holed up in that meeting. He took out his wand and ennerverated the snake.

"Oh," it groaned. "Where am I?"

Harry looked around to be absolutely sure that no one was around.

"I bought you today," he hissed back.

There was a loud thump and the crate shifted slightly away from Harry. He assumed that the snake recoiled. Regret at having bought the thing settled in and he sighed heavily. The snake wasn't talking and he really didn't feel like talking back. He sat back in his chair and looked around him. There was a picture of Bellatrix LeStrange on a wanted poster and he glared at it. Fat chance of the Ministry catching her.


The hairs on the back of his neck rose when he heard the faint whisper of a voice.


He looked around sharply. He'd recognize her voice anywhere but why was she here?

"Hermione?" Harry asked.

A door opened at the end of a corridor to his right. It was dark inside. Harry stood and walked toward it.


He paused in the doorway, it was dark inside. He took out his wand and cast a light. He couldn't see anything. "Hello?" he called out. No one replied. He looked back behind him at the empty office. There was no one around. Should he get someone? There came a giggle from inside the darkness and Harry turned just in time to see a flash of brown curly hair run past.

"Hermione!" he called out to her and stepped inside the room.

The door behind him immediately slammed shut and molded into a brick wall that Harry didn't even see before. He placed his hands over it, frantically looking for a way back to the office. There was a dull blue light cast down all around him and an alley suddenly appeared before his eyes, more brick buildings and more alleys. Harry turned around slowly to take in his new surroundings. There was a half moon shining above him and a sky full of stars. Where was he? Was he still inside the ministry?

"Harry," Hermione called him, giggling as she darted out of sight further down the alley.

Wand at the ready, Harry slowly followed her, stepping silently and crouching down below windows so he wouldn't be seen by the occupants inside, if there were any.

Suddenly, from the shadows a cloaked figure jumped out and sent a curse his way. By reflex, Harry put up a shielding spell, blocking the curse from hitting him. He immediately fired back with a stupefy and the cloaked figure fell to the ground in a slump. Harry walked toward him but the figure suddenly disappeared into the ground.

What the hell?

Harry continued further down the alley, senses on high alert, searching for Hermione for, who knows for what reason, she was doing here. Around the next corner, a black cat darted across his path. Harry stopped and eyed it and before his very eyes it suddenly grew into a panther. It hissed at him, baring it's sharp fangs and claws. Harry stumbled backwards and in his haste to get away from the cat, knocked over some garbage cans where some large centipede-like insects crawled out of them, pincers sharp and fangs dripping with venom.

"Reducto!" Harry shouted as he blasted each of the insects away before they could sink their poison into him. He scrambled to his feet as the cat yeowled and sprang forward for him.

"Wingardium leviosa!"

The levitated garbage cans hit the cat mid-flight, knocking it off course as it slammed into a building. Harry didn't even give it a chance to recover before he sprinted down another alley to get away from it. The cat shook its head as it got to its feet before sprinting after him.

Harry ran to a door and grabbed the handle only to find that it was locked. "Alohomora!" But it didn't give. He ran to another door and got the same result. There was a low growl and Harry saw the cat at the end of the alley. He cursed under his breath and stuck his wand between his two teeth, freeing his hands to climb the building. He climbed onto the narrow window ledge and reached up for the other one, lifting his leg up to find leverage on the narrow frame. The cat sprinted forward and swiped at Harry, catching the edge of his cloak and ripping the material. Harry reached up to grasp the metal pole where a sign would have hung down from but he was millimeters short. Taking a leap of faith, he jumped slightly and wrapped his hand around it just as the cat jumped up and caught his leg. Harry cried out in pain and his hand slipped but he brought his other hand over quickly to save him just as his hand let go.

He hung with one hand and took his wand from between his teeth with the other. "Stupefy!" The cat was stunned below him. He let go and fell to the ground but not before casting a cushioning charm below him. By the time, he hit the floor, the cat was gone. But three more cloaked figures took its place and Harry barely had enough time to protect himself from their onslaught of curses.

"Lumos maximus!" Harry cried out as a blinding light came from his wand, temporarily blinding his attackers as he got away. He turned a corner and found himself at another alley. He was completely lost and he had no idea how to get out of here, wherever here was.

There were footfalls behind him and Harry turned to face his attackers. "Reducto!" he cried out and the spell hit the brick wall of the building next to him, it was powerful enough to send a shower of bricks down onto two of his assailants, taking them out. The third person still came running for him. "Wingardium leviosa!" Harry said and a garbage can went flying with a flick of his wand toward the figure, hitting him on the head and knocking him out. All three of them disappeared.

Again, Harry turned the corner to find another alley…and Hermione at the end of it.

"Hermione!" he called out to her but she didn't respond to him. She was just staring blankly ahead.

The air became cold suddenly and Harry shivered. He stopped in front of her but she continued to stare blankly past him. Suddenly a smile grew on her face and Harry turned to find Ron behind him. Hermione darted past him and jumped into Ron's arms as he twirled her around. Harry began to feel a little sick and a cold sweat began to break out on him. It was so cold.

Ron set Hermione down and to Harry's complete surprise, and surprisingly horror, he leaned down and kissed Hermione, bringing her flush against him as he gathered her in his arms. Harry's heart beat loudly in his ears and he felt so weak. The two of them broke their kiss and smiled at each other.

In the back of his mind, Harry suddenly realized what was happening to him and he raised his wand. "Riddikulus!" he said and the two boggarts disappeared with pops as Harry spun around quickly. Four dementors swooped down upon him.

"Expecto patronum!" His stag burst forth and ran them down.

"Enough!" he heard Lupin say and the room was suddenly flooded with light. The dark alleys dissolved before his eyes into a large room with plain white walls. Lupin and Kingsley stood in the doorway, a crowd of aurors were gathered behind them, murmuring amongst each other.

"Well done, Harry!" Kingsley said with a broad smile as he entered the room, extending a hand to help the young wizard to his feet. "Most of my first years can't get past the centipedes!" Harry gave a faint smile.

"Is that what this room is? A training ground?" he asked, sweat plastered to his forehead as he got to his feet.

"What you went through was for my second years, their general obstacle course," he said as they walked out of the room. Harry could feel the other auror's eyes on him. "You really surprise me young man. I didn't believe you would make it as far as you did." He led him and Lupin to his office and closed the door.

"It shouldn't have gone on as far as it did," Lupin said, his demeanor and voice exuded with anger. He opened the jar on Kingsley's desk and pulled out a miniature chocolate bar, handing it to Harry.

Harry unwrapped it and popped it into his mouth under Kingsley scrutinizing stare. "I want to train him," he finally spoke up and Harry looked up sharply.

"No, absolutely not," Lupin objected.

"Why not? He's not going back to Hogwarts and we're in the beginnings of a war, a war that he's a central figure in. He needs to know how to defend himself. More than what they would teach him at school anyway. He's too far advanced for that."

"But…training with aurors?" Lupin asked.

Kingsley shrugged. "What better way to teach him how to defend himself against the darkest of wizards?" He turned to Harry. "But it won't be a walk in the park. It will be a demanding course, physically and mentally."

Harry swallowed the chocolate in his mouth. "I'll do it."


The snake hissed in its crate, protesting loudly about being jostled about as Harry picked it up as they left. He and Lupin were very quiet in the lift as it moved. They were alone again, no memos this time.

"Harry, I'm only trying to look out for you," Lupin said quietly.

"I know," he replied.

"I just want to make sure you really want to do this."

"It's a dangerous world out there," Harry sighed. "And I don't intend to get myself blown up."

"Well then, I guess we'll stop by the confectioner's before we go home. You're going to need lots of chocolate." Lupin said with a smile and Harry grinned.

"I persssssonlly think you're an idiot for going into that room," the snake hissed from its crate.

"No one asked you," Harry hissed back.

Lupin stared at Harry, the smile gone from his face.
