Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Important Things by Twitch E. Littleferret

More Important Things

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: Thanks for all the reviews. Hope this chapter relieves some of the angst…or makes it worse, I don't know. Glad you guys like the one-shot Envy as well. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Read and Review, it's magically delicious.

To Catch A Rat

I pray you learn to trust

Have faith in both of us

And keep room in your hearts for two

Things get damaged

Things get broken

I thought we'd manage

But words left unspoken

Left us so brittle

There was so little left to give

(Precious-Depeche Mode)


Luna Lovegood was diligently scribbling down notes in her runes class when a burning sensation in her pocket caught her attention. Seeing that the Professor wasn't paying her any mind, anybody rarely did, she calmly put down her quill and reached into the pocket of her robes.


The Professor stopped and stared at her along with all of her fellow classmates. She had fallen off of her chair in her excitement.

"I'm okay!" she chirped as she picked herself off of the floor. The Professor continued on with the lecture and the students returned to sitting face forward. But Luna couldn't pay attention now. She had finally received the long awaited message she had been waiting to get for so long.

A D.A. meeting tonight at nine.

Neville ran up to Ginny in the hall, a wide smile on his face. "Did you get it? Did you get it?"

She looked up at him with concern on her face. "Nev, what on earth are you talking about?"

He was grinning like a kid at Christmas when he pulled a gold coin from his pocket. "D.A. meeting."

She stared at him. "What? Are you sure? We should talk to Harry."

"No need to," Ron said, coming up to them. "It's true. Spread the word for others to check their coins."

Justin Finch-Fletchley was having a nice snooze in his history of magic class when something hit him on the side of his head, waking him up. He blinked rapidly to adjust to the light and wiped the drool off of his face before finding the culprit of his sleep disturbance resting on the parchment in front of him. He picked up the tightly folded piece of paper.

Check Your Coin-Terry

He looked back at his friend with a question on his face. "The D.A.," Terry mouthed back to him. Justin's eyes widened in surprise and excitement.

The day was like that for the members of Dumbledore's Army, a secret club of students who were taught Defense Against the Dark Arts by Harry Potter during his fifth year at Hogwarts. The group had disbanded when they were ratted out by one of their very own and caught by the High Inquisitorial Squad. They had been inactive since with only a few using what they had learned when Death Eaters attacked the castle last year. Although they still had the coins, they were lost at the bottom of trunks and were dug out as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

"Is it true Harry?" the Patil twins said when they came up to him in the library. Harry had called the meeting after a long night's debate on whether he really wanted to do this or not. But with Ron and Hermione at his side, he could do this if there was enough interest. With new underclassmen there could be new talent and renewed interest. Especially after what happened last year.

Parvati stepped forward. "Is it true about the…"

"…you know, tonight?" Padma finished.

"See you there," Harry whispered with a grin and walked past them to go into the library.

Hermione was putting her books away, getting ready to leave and check her traps.

"Hey," he said softly as he walked up to her.

"Oh, hello Harry," she replied.

"Did you uh…get my message? I wanted to tell you earlier today but I didn't see you at breakfast or lunch and I barely get to see you in between classes…"

Hermione slowly set a book into her bag. "I've been a little busy Harry. The traps have cut into my study time at night so I do it in between classes."

"Oh." He believed her but he wondered if it was an excuse to avoid him. "Well, I wanted to tell you…"

"…about tonight," she finished for him. "I know. Justin told me."

He moved around the table to stand next to her. "I'd really like you to be there," he said softly. "I know that you're not too happy with our friends and that the two of us are still trying to figure things out but…please come?"

She looked up at him. Harry could see the familiar dusting of light freckles across her nose. A pang of longing washed over him. "I'll try and finish early," she answered then shrugged her book bag on her shoulder. "But for now," she said in a tone that was considerably lighter, "you have a detention to get to."

He sighed. "That I do. That I do."


Hermione sighed as she freed the little white mouse. "You again, huh?"

She was taking her time tonight, wasting it away so she could keep her mind occupied and not thinking about the D.A. meeting that was starting right about now. She didn't think she could handle being in the same room with people that she thought were her friends, people that had so quickly turned their backs on her. She felt so lost. This whole war screwed everything up. She screwed everything up. Draco screwed everything up.

She tilted the cage. "Out you go. See you tomorrow night." The little white mouse skittered away into the bushes.

"You might want to try a different bait." Hermione froze when she heard his voice. "You're not catching an ordinary rat."

She quickly gathered her things and stood to walk away. He reached out and grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Let go of me, Draco," she hissed, trying to shrug her arm out of his grasp. He tightened the hold slightly.

"Not until we talk," he countered, moving them to a darker shadow where they couldn't easily be seen. Hermione made a sound of protest but Draco put a finger to his lips. "Would you settle down? I don't need to get into trouble just for trying to talk to you and I don't need Potty breathing down my back about it either."

"I said all I've wanted to say to you," she hissed at him.

"Fine. Then just listen!"

"You must be crazy if you think-"

"How many times do I have to apologize to you?"

She shook her head. "I don't know why you feel like apologizing to me in the first place. You never cared about me before and you don't care for me now."

"That's not true."

"I can't listen to this," she shook her head and tried to walk away.

"I care about you," he persisted.

"No you don't or else you wouldn't have done what you did! Draco you drugged me!"

"I lowered your inhibitions. Made you act on feelings that were already there, they didn't just come out of nowhere."

She whirled around to face him. "Feelings that were obviously a mistake. It doesn't condone what you did to me!"

"I did what I did because I thought it was the only way I could get you to act on those feelings."

"We've already had this same conversation," Hermione turned and walked away but Draco jumped in front of her.

"I'm not noble like Potty is. I'm not popular like that Wellington git. I'm not famous like Krum. But I am rich and good looking (Hermione scoffed) and a bit spoiled. I'm not used to not getting what I want and-"

Hermione interrupted him. "Draco, you're a Death Eater and a first class wanker so piss off!"

"Hermione, wait!"

She spun around and slapped him hard across the cheek then she drew her wand. Taking a page out of Ron's book, she shouted, "Eat slugs!" She left him there and hurried back to the castle, sounds of him heaving filled the night air. The encounter had put her in a foul mood and she didn't bother setting the last of the traps, she just went straight to bed.


Harry stared at the door of the Room of Requirement. Everyone was chatting amicably and excitedly with each other as they sat in squashy armchairs and beanbags. It was already a quarter past nine.

She wasn't coming.

Something sank in his stomach and just sat there weighing him down. But he had to get this meeting started.

He moved to the front of the room where Ron was sitting on a table. "Right then. This meeting will be a short one just to get things started again. Welcome back to the D.A." There were some cheers and whoops of excitement at this announcement. "We're going to try and figure out a schedule that meets everyone's needs and…yes, Ernie?" He nodded to the Head Boy whose hand shot in the air.

"What about recruiting new members?" he asked. "I think there are a few underclassmen who would like to join." The other members nodded in agreement.

"We'll talk about that as well," Harry replied. "But first, Quidditch practice schedules?"

"Gryffindor has the pitch Thursday," Ron spoke first.

"Ravenclaw has tomorrow."

"Hufflepuff has it on Tuesday."

"What about Friday night?" Luna piped up.

Ernie shook his head. "Hufflepuff is playing Slytherin Saturday."

"Should we try for Saturday night, then?" Harry suggested. "Pending of course that the game doesn't last that long?"

Everyone nodded and murmured in consent.

"As for new members…" Harry paused. "We have to be careful who we invite. We don't want what happened last time to happen again. This is far more dangerous than Umbridge finding out. Things have changed."

"Can't Hermione make up a new list like last time?" Terry asked.

"I'll, uh, ask her but in the meantime, how about each of us is allowed to bring one and only one recruit? This will give you some time to really think about who you want to bring in this circle, what this new person could contribute."

Ginny nodded in agreement. "I think that's a good idea."

"I should have some sort of sign up sheet by then," Harry said. At least he hoped he would. "Okay, that's it. Meeting adjourned."

He brought out the Map and checked that the coast was clear before letting everyone out. While he was at it, he checked on Hermione who was currently in her room. Harry sighed let out a heavy sigh.

"Maybe she got caught up with something or isn't feeling well," Ron said quietly from behind him.

"I don't think so Ron," he replied, folding the piece of parchment up. The two of them were the last to leave and Harry nodded to Ron who was going to walk Luna back to her common room.

There were some students still left in the Gryffindor common room when Harry got there. Most of them were studying, especially the fifth and seventh year students. Seamus and Dean sat with Parvati and Lavender at a table. Harry walked up to them.

"Hey, could one of you go upstairs and get Hermione?" he asked the girls.

"The stairs are a bitch for the boys, huh?" Lavender winked. "I'll get her for you."

"Thanks," Harry muttered.

He only waited a few short minutes until Lavender reappeared…alone. "She's asleep Harry."

"Well, wake her up. It's important."

"She's taken a sleeping draught. I can't wake her up."

"What?" Harry said, surprised.

"Yeah, she had been having nightmares so Pomfrey have her some to help her sleep. You'll have to catch her tomorrow Harry. Sorry." She shrugged and went back to her study group.

Harry sighed and rubbed his face. The stupid, slimy, Slytherin Git. There was nothing more he could do tonight. He would have to try and corner her tomorrow.


The sun hadn't even peeked over the horizon when Harry dragged himself out of bed and got ready for the day. He went downstairs and parked himself in front of the fireplace, waiting for Hermione to come down. Surprisingly, he didn't have to wait long.

"Harry!" she exclaimed, coming to a stop on the stairs. He stood up and walked over to her.

"Look, I'm not going to ask you why you didn't come last night," he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Hermione shifted awkwardly. "But I need your help anyway. I was wondering if you could make a sign up sheet for the D.A. again, like you did in fifth year."

"Oh, okay. I can do that," she answered. They stood there together in awkward silence before Hermione broke it. "Since we're being honest and we don't want anymore crap between us…Malfoy came up to me last night when I was releasing the mice."

A darkened look passed over Harry's face and he stepped closer to Hermione. "What did he want?"

"He wanted to apologize…again. Told me that I was using the wrong kind of bait. I didn't listen to him though," she added quickly. "I left him there vomiting up slugs."

Harry relaxed a little and let out a soft laugh.

"I just thought you should know," Hermione said, looking up at him.

"Hmm," Harry said thoughtfully.

"What?" she asked.

"As much as this kills me to admit it, the ferret may be right about the traps."

Hermione opened her mouth to reply but stopped when she saw the sight that walked in when the portrait door opened. "Crookshanks!" she gasped.

The half-kneazle walked into the common room with a black snake dangling from its jaws. Harry stared at it, stunned as it ran up to him and placed Isis at his feet.

"Harry," she hissed weakly. She was bleeding badly.

"Oh Crookshanks, what did you do?" Hermione moaned as Harry knelt down to his pet.

"Crookshanks didn't do this Hermione," he said.

"Brown rat," Isis hissed. "Sssilver…paw."

"Pettigrew," Harry muttered angrily.

Hermione took off her jumper and wrapped it carefully around the snake. "We've got to take her to Hagrid," she said, gently lifting the snake.

Together they ran through the halls and out of the castle to cross the lawn to Hagrid's hut. Harry pounded loudly on the door. "Hagrid, it's me, Harry!" he shouted.

He could hear fang barking inside along with the heavy footsteps of the gentle half-giant.

"Harry, Hermione? What're yeh two doing here so early?" he asked when he opened the door.

"Hagrid, Isis is hurt," Harry explained as Hermione held out her bundle.

"Come in, come in," he said, letting them pass. Hermione placed Isis gently on the table and Hagrid carefully unwrapped the sweater.

"She was hunting for Pettigrew in the castle," Harry explained. "He attacked her."

"Harry," Isis hissed. "Harry, there'sss-"

"Shh," Harry hissed back. "Relax and let Hagrid take care of you. He's a friend."

"Tha's a bad wound there, Harry. But it's nothing I can't take of," Hagrid said as he assessed the snake.

"Hermy?" came another scratchy and rough voice and Hermione gasped and backed up into the wall behind her.

It suddenly occurred to Harry that there had been some changes inside of Hagrid's hut since it had been repaired after it was destroyed last year. It was magically expanded inside to fit a half-giant…and his brother.

Grawp came into the room and had immediately spotted Hermione. Harry carefully placed himself in front of her as a shield. "Er…Grawp is here now?" he asked.

"Oh yeah," Hagrid said as he walked to a cabinet that held various jars and vials. He picked one out that looked like an old perfume aspirator and sprayed it on Isis. "That'll get her to sleep," Hagrid said. "He's been staying with me since the summer. McGonagall let me keep him here since it's not safe for him in the forest anymore."

"Hermy pretty," Grawp smiled at her. Hermione shrank further behind Harry.

Hagrid chuckled. "Still has a bit of a crush on you Hermione." He turned back to his brother. "Yes, Hermy pretty." Grawp nodded in agreement then looked at Harry.

Harry wasn't sure what to do. Grawp was looking expectantly at him. "Er, I think he wants yeh to agree, Harry," Hagrid whispered.

"Oh! Um, yes. Hermy pretty. Hermy very pretty," Harry said to Grawp.

Grawp frowned then roared. Hermione let out a startled cry and Harry eyed the exit.

"Oh!" Hagrid exclaimed. "Oh, I think he meant for you to say the opposite Harry."

"What?" Harry exclaimed over the pouting giant who was near to throwing a tantrum.

"I think he thinks you're competition. Say the opposite. Say Hermione is ugly."

"Are you crazy?" Harry shouted. "I'm not going to say that!"

"Harry, for goodness sake, just say it!" Hermione nudged him sharply in the back.

"Fine! Hermy ugly, Grawp! Hermy ugly!"

The tantrum abruptly stopped and Grawp grinned widely, showing is cracked and crooked teeth.

"Unbelievable," Harry muttered under his breath.

Hagrid began to rub a foul smelling paste over Isis' wounds. "There, that should help some," he declared as he let the snake rest."

"Will she be okay?" Hermione asked from behind Harry.

"Just give her a few days and she'll be just fine," Hagrid smiled. "Why don't you two stay for tea? It's been so long since yeh visited, Harry."

Guilt washed over Harry. It had been awhile since he saw his friend. He looked back at Hermione who looked equally torn.

"Er, I'm sure a few moments wouldn't hurt," he said nervously, praying Hermione wouldn't skin him alive later.

"Good. I wanna show yeh two what I've been working on with Grawp, here." Hagrid smiled proudly. "Grawp, our guests would like some tea."

Grawp stomped over to the table and delicately pulled out a chair. "Hermy."

Harry looked at Hagrid nervously but the he didn't seem to be too nervous about his half-brother. But Harry moved his hand near his wand just in case as Hermione bravely stepped forward and climbed into the chair, her feet dangling as the giant slid the chair to the table with surprising gentleness. Even Hermione seemed surprised and she relaxed a little bit. Harry and Hagrid then took their seats as Grawp set down a tray of saucers and a kettle. The cup that Grawp set before Hermione was the size of a large soup pan while Hagrid's and Grawps were the size of buckets. Hagrid cleared his throat to catch Grawp's attention as he nodded toward Harry. Grawp frowned and hastily set down a cup and saucer in front of him.

Next, Grawp took out a lace napkin and handed it to Hermione who politely said "Thank You" and the giant beamed. Harry resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Very carefully, Grawp poured tea into Hermione's cup, not even spilling a drop. He did the same to Hagrid's cup and to his own but when it came to filling Harry's cup, it was roughly poured and some of it splashed onto his robes. Next, Grawp held out a tray to Hermione that had a selection of either some delicious looking scones or things that looked like rocks. Hermione picked out the scone while Hagrid picked out a rock. "I baked `em myself," he said proudly. Grawp took a scone and when Harry reached for the same Grawp handed Harry a rock. Harry tapped the delicacy lightly on the table and it thumped loudly. Maybe if he soaked it in his tea it would soften up a bit?

"Oh, Hagrid, these are absolutely delicious," Hermione said after she bit into the scone. "Wherever did you get these?"

Hagrid beamed and looked at Grawp. "Grawp made them. Seems to have a hidden talent in the kitchen."

Hermione turned to the giant. "Grawp you made these?"

Grawp looked at her with hopeful eyes. "Hermy like?"

"Hermy like very much," she replied taking a big bite out of the pastry.

It seemed like forever to Harry until they finished their tea. Grawp monopolized Hermione's time by showing her his new talent of spelling out three letter words: D-O-G; C-A-T. Harry did his best to be supportive considering that the only look he got from Grawp was a scowl. But soon they had to join the other students in the start of their classes, so with one final check on Isis, Harry and Hermione left the hut.

"I do hope Isis will be okay," Hermione worried.

"Me too," Harry replied as he cleaned his robes with a flick of his wand. "I think I broke a tooth." Hermione giggled and the sound filled Harry with lightness in his step. "I'm serious, check my teeth, are they alright?" He said as he stopped her and grinned widely.

"Hmm," Hermione said with mock-seriousness as she stepped toward him, her eyes narrowing in speculative thought. Harry's hand automatically reached out and touched her waist, resting on her hip. She shook her head, slowly. "No. Still ugly as usual," she laughed and moved away from him, losing the contact.

"I'm surprised," he said. "Those rock cakes are brutal."

"You should've tried the scone," Hermione joked.

"Very funny. Your boyfriend would've smashed me into the ground if I took one."

"Oh stop it, Harry," she grinned.

"I dunno Hermione, I think this one is a real keeper."

"Well, he does make a great scone," she said as she playfully bumped his shoulder. They both trotted up the steps to the castle and Harry opened the door for Hermione.

"Just invite me to the wedding," he said as she passed.

"I'll think about it," she said, walking backwards. "See you later, Harry." Then she turned and made her way back to the common room while Harry made his way to the Great Hall.

"Hey," Ron greeted him when he sat down with the other Gryffindors. "Where were you this morning?"

"Isis got injured by a certain rat so I had to take her down to Hagrid's. I sat with him for awhile."

"She must be okay then?"

"Yeah, he said she'll be fine with a few days rest," Harry said as he filled his plate with bacon and eggs.

"No wonder you're grinning like a madman," Ron said before he stuffed his mouth with eggs.

"Am I?" Harry asked. "Yeah, I suppose this day is turning out to be alright after all."


"So we need to change the bait," Harry said aloud.

The silence in the Room of Requirement was very…very uncomfortable.

Hermione sat on one side of the table, Ron and Neville sat on the opposite side. Neville looked like he wanted to get out of the room while Ron hung his head like he was a child in trouble. Hermione sat back with her arms and legs crossed looking like she would rather be anywhere else than here. Harry was stuck playing referee.

"So says the Ferret," Ron grumbled.

And there went the peace.

"You got the idea from Malfoy?" Neville asked Harry in disbelief.

"I can't believe you told them that, Harry," Hermione scolded.

"I can't believe you're still talking to that git!" Ron shouted back.

"Hey, Ron, that's not what happened," Harry said, holding up a hand to keep his friend at bay.

"I'm out of here, Harry," Hermione declared and stood up abruptly to march out of the room.

"Wait, wait, wait, Hermione, don't go," Harry said as he went after her.

"Harry let her go," Ron spoke up. "If she's still chummy with the ferret we don't want her to be part of this."

"Well, I do!" Harry shot back. "And what I say goes." The door Hermione was marching to disappeared and she turned around to face Harry. "And that means that Hermione stays," he said firmly to the group. "Now, Pettigrew snuck in here for a reason, either to spy on us, which we have no way of finding out; or to retrieve the horcrux, which Voldemort knows we have."

"Maybe both, Harry," Hermione said softly.

Ron exhaled sharply. "So what do you suggest we do?"

"I say we give him the horcrux."

There was a collective silence then a unanimous "WHAT??!!"

"Have you lost your mind?"

"That is the most stupid idea in the history of stupid ideas."

"What on Earth are you thinking?"

Harry held up a hand to silence his friends. "We give him the cup. Transfigure one to look like the horcrux but when he touches it…WHAM! He's trapped. Better bait, guys."

"But how do we give him the cup. We can't just put it back where it came from," Hermione said. "Voldemort knows we already took it."

"But he doesn't know we destroyed it."

There was another silence. "So what do we do?" Ron asked, finally.

"We'll hide it somewhere in the castle. Hermione will set the trap and-"

"How will we get Peter to the bait?" Hermione interrupted him.

"We tell him," Harry chirped.

"We…tell him," Neville repeated, crossing his arms.

"Yeah," Harry shrugged. "The four of us, whispering amongst ourselves, talking about it."

"But, Harry," Ron cut in. "Wouldn't someone else overhear us?"

"They'll hear us talking about a stupid cup," he replied.

"And if Malfoy overhears?" Hermione cut in.

Harry looked at her. "Then we have to be careful where we speak. We'll talk amongst ourselves, whispering in dark corners where no one else could hear. That kind of thing. It'll get to Pettigrew eventually."

"And then?" Ron asked.

"And then we catch him," Harry answered. "We'll work in pairs watching over the trap using my invisibility cloak. Hermione, you're the best at transfiguration. Can you work on the cup?"

She looked at him for a long time, weighing his plan. "Of course," she finally replied in a sort and reluctant voice.

"Good," he nodded. "I'll work on the trap. We'll let you guys know as soon as everything is set and ready."


It didn't take Hermione too long to figure out how to transfigure an ordinary cup into one that resembled Hufflepuff's cup. She came up to Harry the next evening in the library.

"Hey," she said quietly when she approached him.

Harry looked up from the book he was reading on collecting magical creatures. "Hey Hermione," he replied, clearing a place for her at the table next to him. She didn't sit down though.

"I just wanted to let you know that I figured out the homework question you asked me about yesterday."

"Oh, okay." He was impressed. "Thanks. Um, would you like to sit down?" He offered, eyeing her usually heavy book bag.

"Actually, I promised Ernie and Susan that I would study with them," she said, gesturing over her shoulder at a table off to the side where the Head Boy and Girl were settling into their seats. "I just wanted to let you know about…you know."

"Yeah," he acknowledged. "Thanks again."

She gave him a small and quick smile before turning around to join the two others at their table. He watched as she settled in and took out her books and parchment, ready to delve into academic splendor.

He realized that he was staring and he shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He continued on with his book, flipping through the pages, looking for something that would help him catch Pettigrew, a trap that would remain invisible and undetected until the moment said creature in question would touch the bait. And when he began to force himself to pay attention to what he was reading, he packed up his things and left the library to crawl into bed.


He checked in on Isis the next morning. She was still asleep but Hagrid said she was healing wonderfully. He made a quick exit though when Grawp appeared. Classes were uneventful and once again, after dinner, Harry went to the library to do some more research. He wanted to ask Hagrid about it but his home was so full of odd creatures that it would've been easy for Pettigrew to hide there undetected.

He was sitting on his bed, testing one out when Ron came in and sat on the bed. "What?" he asked at the look on his friend's face.

"How are you doing on the trap?" he asked.

"I think this one will work. If it does we can set it right away and start our lookout tomorrow night," Harry answered.

Ron tugged at a stray string on Harry's comforter. "Do you think I could pair up with Hermione for the first night?"

The question stunned Harry. Then it stunned him that he was even stunned in the first place. He had planned on pairing himself with Hermione and Ron with Neville. It didn't even occur to him that Ron wanted to be with Hermione, or that maybe Hermione didn't want to be with him.

"Did, um, Hermione ask you?" he asked, fishing for information.

"Just an idea," Ron shrugged. "Maybe we can talk you know."

Considering Ron's personal trust issues with Hermione and that feelings were very raw between them he had his doubts. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" he asked.

Ron looked at him. "Are sure it's a good idea that you want to be paired up with Hermione?" Harry stopped what he was doing and looked up at Ron who matched his gaze. "I'm just looking out for you mate. I know you're still in love with her Harry."

Harry returned his attentions to the trap. "If I get this ready by tomorrow, you and Hermione have first watch."


To say that she was pissed was an understatement. He could see the fury in her eyes when he set the schedule for watching the trap. To her credit she didn't say anything but he wondered if she was swallowing blood from probably biting her tongue off in an effort to keep quiet. Maybe Ron was right, maybe he should back away from Hermione for a bit. Now that the trap was set, all they had to do was fulfill the second half of their plan, whispering the location of the cup to each other in dark corners and Harry immediately caught up with Hermione in the library, cornering her in the end of an aisle.

"Hello Hermione," he whispered to her. She was putting a book away and jumped when he spoke.

"Harry!" she whispered back. "You startled me." He didn't realize how close he had been standing to her. Old habits did die hard he guessed.

"Sorry. I just wanted to let you know that I checked the cup," he said.

"The one in the passageway?" she asked.



This should've been the end of the conversation but he didn't feel any pressure to turn away from her and she wasn't walking away either.

"How's Isis?" she asked him.

"She's fine. Hagrid says she's healing nicely."

"That's good."

Both of them were torn between wanting to stay in each other's company and the awkwardness, the hurt and pain of their history.

"I'll see you later, Harry," Hermione finally spoke and she walked away, her familiar and comforting vanilla and cinnamon scent lingered. Harry let himself bask in it for a moment, letting it fill him with angst as he leaned forward to rest his forehead against the bookshelf.

Hermione left the library to for the common room to drop off her books. When she came back downstairs, Ron was waiting for her. "Ready?" he asked and she nodded curtly.


They settled themselves across from the humped witch, sitting down on the floor as Ron covered them both with the invisibility cloak.

"Silencio," he said so they would not be heard outside of the fabric. Hermione opened up the Map and activated it. The two of them took a minute to peruse the parchment.

"Nothing," Ron declared after checking twice.

"We'll check again in a half hour," Hermione said as she folded the map and put it away. It was getting hot under the cloak so she cast a quick cooling charm. Conversation was tense and strained.

"I hope this works." Ron exhaled.

"Me too," she said softly.

More minutes ticked by and Hermione wished she brought along a book or something. She took out the map again and watched it to pass the time away. Harry wasn't on the Map, probably in the Room of Requirement since that's where she saw him last heading.

"Is Harry still doing his auror training?" she asked.

"Yeah. I can't believe they did that to him," Ron shook his head.

"I don't know who's worse, Fudge or Scrimgeour. They're probably cut from the same cloth. But Harry will be an auror when he graduates. I know he will."

Ron frowned when he saw Neville and Ginny were in the Astronomy tower. The corner of Hermione's mouth twitched in an effort to keep a laugh from bursting out. It was quickly doused though when she inadvertently found Draco's dot in the library with his usual group. She quickly lost interest in the map.

"I asked Harry to put us together so we could talk," Ron confessed.

"We're supposed to be on lookout," Hermione said coolly.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" he said with exasperation.

"I really don't want to talk about his," she shook her head.

"Hermione, I'm sorry about leaving you alone in London. I was just so mad at you and-"

"Dolohov attacked me Ron," she said bitterly.

"I'm so sorry. I'll never forgive myself for that. I didn't think anything would happen to you and I was so angry." Hermione didn't answer him. She just scoffed and looked away. "Harry was so angry with me and I was so angry with him for being mad and me and not at you. I don't think he'll ever forgive me either but Hermione…you kissed Malfoy! Course now we know that he had been giving you a potion…"

"An Inhibitus potion," she said softly, still not looking at him.

"Yeah, I know. Harry told me what it does."

Silence fell over them again. An hour had passed with no sign of the rat. Students passed them on the way back to their common rooms. Prefects began their rounds. Harry had passed them, pausing briefly by them before continuing on his way not saying a word to give them away.

Another hour passed. There was a tense moment when Mrs. Norris passed, stopping in front of them and sniffing the air before continuing on her way with Filch following close behind. The floor was pressing into her and she put a cushioning charm underneath her and drew her legs up closer to her as she rested her head on the wall and yawned.

Dawn came and Hermione nudged Ron awake who was snoring loudly and drooling. She had placed a silencing charm on him to quiet his snores and removed it when he realized he was silent when he spoke. They checked the map and saw that all was clear so they uncovered themselves and checked the cup. It was still there.

"Hermione," Ron stopped her just before they walked into the common room. "I really am sorry." Hermione didn't say anything, she just moved forward.

Harry was waiting for them when they walked in. Her breath was momentarily taken away by the sight of him standing in front of the fireplace. He seemed taller, broader, more handsome. His face seemed to have matured, growing into a young man with handsome features, the strong jaw line, the lips that she had been so familiar with. He had an aura of mystery, of brooding darkness. She cursed herself for still allowing Harry to have this effect on her.

"Anything?" he asked the two of them. Hermione had momentarily lost her ability to speak but Ron spoke up instead.

"Nothing tonight."

He sighed. "Right. Well, Nev and I have the next watch, maybe we'll have better luck. Keep talking though."

The two of them nodded and Hermione made her way up to the rooms. Ron stood there in front of Harry, toeing a snag in the rug with the tip of his shoe. He could sense Harry's gaze on him and before he could allow Harry to ask about Hermione he spoke up.

"I told her I was sorry."


Nothing happened the next night with Harry and Neville's watch. And a sense of anticipation and dread filled Harry when he realized that the next watch was his and Hermione's. He couldn't really concentrate on anything and as soon as the evening meal ended he went to the dungeons to meet Professor Smith.

The room was cleared except for a pile of boxes on one side of the room. "Tonight you will move those boxes to the other side of the room. No magic, the muggle way please."

Harry and Draco grumbled as they walked over to the boxes and each picked on up. Or at least attempted to pick them up. They were very heavy. They pushed at them, tugged, tried to lift. The two of them looked at each other.

"Oh, I should mention that you're not allowed to leave until all the boxes are done. And that maybe you should work together to make it easier."

"Fuck that!" Draco protested.

"You get to stay later for that comment Mr. Malfoy," the Professor smiled at him. "Have it your way you two."

The two of them looked at each other grudgingly. "Let's just get this over with," Harry muttered as the two of them lifted a box.


Arms sore, legs sore, body sore, Harry made his way to the Room of Requirement to take a long soak in the tub. He sighed in relief when his body sank into the warm tub, the water easing out all his aches and pains. He washed himself then just sat there floating in the water, letting his mind carefully wander as he thought about tonight's watch.

"Hermione, Hermione, Hermione," he sighed.

"You called?"

Harry's eyes shot open to find Hermione sitting on the other side of the tub. He groaned. "Oh no, not you again." He silently cursed the Room.

"You asked for me," Pseudo-Hermione said as she moved closer to him. Harry moved away from her but this Hermione that he conjured was a lot more aggressive. Her hands tangled in his hair as she lowered her lips to his in a kiss. Merlin, she even tasted like Hermione.

"Because that's how you remember her," Pseudo-Hermione whispered when she broke this kiss.

"Um, Hermione," it felt so weird to call her that. "What are you…"

"Just relax, Harry and give in." She moved over him, straddling him. Harry's hands were fisted and deliberately floating at a safe distance at his side to keep the temptation of touching her at bay.

"But…" She kissed him again, silencing him. His body betrayed him and began to respond to her. He felt his hardness brush against the curls at the apex of her thighs. Oh, I'm so pathetic, he thought, I'm going to have sex with some sort of manifestation of my ex-girlfriend. His fists loosened and he let his hands rest on her waist.

"Hello?" A voice called out. "Harry?"


Pseudo-Hermione vanished as the steam lifted in the room. Harry turned around and grabbed his glasses as Hermione stepped forward.

"Oh!" she exclaimed when she found him in the tub. The water glistened and beaded on his chest. She watched as some of them dripped down, down to….She shook her head. Harry looked just as startled as she did. She knew she was blushing and she hastily turned around, the image of a wet Harry burned in her mind.

"Erm, I was…looking for you because…we were supposed to…"

"I'm running a little late and I…um…" He was just as awkward as she was.

"I'll just," she gestured to the door.

"Yeah," he nodded, "I'll be…I'm done."

Clean, dressed and thoroughly embarrassed, Harry emerged from the Room a few minutes later. Hermione was deep in though, leaning against the wall as he approached her.

"Do you-"

"Yeah, I have everything," she answered.

"Okay," he nodded. She took out the invisibility cloak and threw it over the two of them. They had to scoot in close to each other, they weren't eleven year olds anymore.

"Um," Harry said Hermione brushed up against him. He was hyper aware of her every touch as was Hermione. She was blushing furiously. He smelled so wonderful and clean and the image of him in the tub just wouldn't stay buried.

They hurried together, awkward at first because every movement gave them contact with each other. They soon had to resign to that fact as they continued on their way. As they moved down to the third floor, a large group of Ravenclaw third year girls came their way, taking up nearly the entire corridor. Harry steered them to a corner out of their way, pressing Hermione against the wall. Hermione kept her hands at her side as Harry placed his against the wall on either side of her. Touching was inevitable, he could feel her familiar curves pressed against him. Hermione didn't dare move her head, she just stared straight ahead at his Adam's apple. The hair on the top of her head tickled his chin and he willed himself not to look down at her.

The girls took forever to pass it seemed. Harry moved away from her and the two of them continued on their way in silence. They sat down in the lookout spot, squatting on the floor. Their hands brushed as they made themselves as comfortable as thy could be and they instantly jerked away their hands as if they had been burned. Harry and Hermione squeezed themselves into opposite corners.

It was going to be a very, very long night.


Hermione stirred and snuggled further into his warm embrace. She felt so safe and warm. His arms were wrapped around her and he stirred as well when she had moved. She felt so good in his arms and he breathed in her familiar scent. She nuzzled him in the crook of his neck.

"Mmm, Harry," she murmured. He smiled.

Their eyes shot open.

Hermione and Harry sprang apart, flinging the Inivisibility cloak off of them and darting out of their hiding spot. At some point during the night, they had ended up in each other's arms. Hermione was bright red and he could feel the heat coming off of his own face. They couldn't speak, the ability somehow had escaped them until he shook his head, clearing his startled thoughts.

There was a sound of surprise next to them. Harry and Hermione whirled around to see Peter Pettigrew staring back at them.

"Stupefy!" he cried out, aiming his wand at them.

Harry grabbed Hermione and yanked her to the floor, covering her with his own body as he drew his wand at Pettigrew. "Stupefy!!" Peter had no time to transform himself back into the rat and he fell to the floor with a brutal thud.

Hermione released the breath she had been holding as she stared at Peter's fallen form. She looked up at Harry who was looking at Peter then down at her.

"Are you alright?" he asked her. She nodded. He moved himself so he sat back on his heels, allowing Hermione to sit up. She had been straddling him, her thighs brushed against his as she bent her knees and scooted herself backward, away from him. A look flickered across his eyes, a familiar one that sent Hermione's heart racing.

But it had to be put aside.

Harry offered his hand to help her up. "We'll tie him up and take him to the Room of Requirement. Stay with him, I'll get the Order."


Coming Up:

Peter spills

Lucius kills

The Order rushes to save lives as

Draco takes sides

Isis will hiss

Harry and Hermione…
