Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Important Things by Twitch E. Littleferret

More Important Things

Twitch E. Littleferret


Please allow me to introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

I've been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man's soul and fate

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain

Made damn sure that Pilate

Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name

(Sympathy for the Devil-Rolling Stones)


The first thing Harry registered was pain. His scar only throbbed now but it was still a little painful. And he couldn't breathe. There was a pain in his side that stung every time he tried to take a breath. Not that there was any air to breathe, there was so much dust in the air that he couldn't help but cough and gasp, thereby irritating whatever injury he had in his side.

He could hear moaning in the room, all was dark but he could tell that others were injured. The emergency lights kicked on and the auror Freeman stood up, covered in dust that turned his robes grey.

"Is everyone alright?" he asked.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green jet of light passed right through him and he fell to the floor with a thud. Harry couldn't see where the curse came from, it was still dark and dusty but he could hear movement coming forward. There was a surprised cry from someone in the room and another green jet of light hit him, silencing the room. Everyone grew silent, they couldn't see where the spell came from but they didn't want to get picked off one by one.

But suddenly, the room got very cold as a small swarm of Dementors floated into the room. Harry felt shaky, cold and clammy. Someone screamed as a Dementor swooped down on him, its mouth clamping firmly over his.

"Expecto Patronum," he heard someone say and the smoky image of a tiger attacked a Dementor.

He heard Nathan cast his and a shark came out of his wand. "Expecto Patronum!" Harry offered, sending Prongs to chase down the Dementor that was nearly upon him. The Patronuses rounded up the Dementors and chased them out of the room through a hole in the wall caused by the explosion. Harry could hear shouting from that direction, some running and the sound of wand blasts.

Harry rolled over and slowly began to crawl in the direction he heard Brian, careful not to raise himself to high above the debris where he could easily be seen. He found him lying in the rubble, forehead wet with the clamminess that came with a close encounter with a Dementor.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I've had better days," Brian replied through clenched teeth. He had one hand covering a wound in his side.

"James!" came a wail from the direction where the fighting was. "He's alive! It's James!"

Harry recognized Wormtail's frightened cries and remembered that that was the direction he had sent his Patronus.

"Shit!" he muttered and pointed his wand at the rubble from the gaping hole in the wall. "Reparo," he said and slowly the bricks began to put themselves back together. Brian added his own Reparo, speeding up the process.

"We have to move, get out of here," Harry said as he helped Brian up to his feet. He then went over to Nathan who was kneeling next to Jeff.

"We've got to get him to a medic," he said. Harry looked at Jeff and saw that right leg was bleeding badly with a severe injury. Harry helped him to his feet, swinging on of Jeff's arms around his shoulder while Nathan did the same with the other. Brian opened the door at the other end of the room, checking to see that it was all clear before he opened it wider and stepped through. Harry, Jeff and Nathan followed and Harry turned around.

"Colloportus!" Harry said, sealing the door.

"Where did you learn that?" Nathan asked, stopping to look at Harry's handiwork but Harry urged him forward.

"Little trick I learned," he answered.

"POTTER!" the shout reverberated in the halls and Harry suddenly came to a stop when his scar gave a sharp sting. Block him out. Block him out.

"Harry what is it?" Nathan asked.

"It's him," Harry gasped. "Keep moving."

"Him who?" Jeff asked.

"Voldemort," he answered. Brian came to halt and turned around to look at him. He then looked over at Nathan and shared a grave look.

There was a loud explosion behind them and Harry knew that the wall he and Brian had just repaired was blown to bits.

"Move!" Harry said, stepping his trio forward. "Go! Go!" He reached out and turned a stunned Brian around, shoving him forward. They did their best to run into another room, Harry sealing the door behind them then the next room doing the same as Harry could hear the first door being blasted open and another sting of his scar.

When they opened the door to the next room, they found that it had no other way out, it was a dead end.

"Shit," Nathan cursed.

"We have to back-track," Brian said and Harry could see the faint outline of blood on the hand that was held up against his side. There was another explosion as another door that Harry had sealed was blasted open.

"What are you doing?" Jeff asked as Harry ducked out from under his arm.

"Stay here. All of you. Don't leave the room until you hear them pass," Harry said.

"Harry, where are you going?" Brian asked. But Harry didn't answer, he just darted out of the room, closing the door behind him. There was another door to his left and Harry opened it just as the door to this room burst open. A jet of red light flew at Harry and he darted into the other door, crying out as the spell grazed his arm, leaving a cut. He brought his hand to it and saw that his arm was bleeding.

"Colloportus," he said. This door led to a long corridor and Harry sprinted down it as he heard the door shaking and groaning behind him. He darted into the first door on his right.

"DON'T YOU DARE RUN FROM ME POTTER!" he heard Voldemort shout from behind him.

Harry slammed the door shut only to have it swing open again magically. He had just enough time to cast a shielding charm just as a red blast shot out of Voldemort's wand. The impact of the spell hitting him sent Harry flying backwards, landing hard against the stone wall behind him. Stars momentarily filled his vision as he slumped to the ground.

Get up! Get up! Get up! He kept yelling to himself as he slowly got to his feet. Voldemrot stepped into the room and Harry sent a desk flying at him, catching the dark wizard off ground and sending him tumbling to the floor.

Without the horcruxes destroyed Harry knew he had no chance of defeating him right now. His only hope was to survive long enough to get out of this situation. He darted past Voldemort and ran back out into the corridor, running into the next room with his nemesis hot on his heels.

The door opened behind Harry and he turned around and cast a powerful Reducto on the door frame sending stone debris flying into Voldemort's face as he cried out in surprise. But he wasn't distracted for long. And with a spell Harry had no idea existed, a Dementor flew out of Voldemort's wand, then another and then another all of them coming after Harry.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry said, sending Prongs out to charge them down. But the instant he appeared the Dementors suddenly evaporated, leaving Harry vulnerable to a well placed, "Crucio!"

Pain. Pain seared through his body as he fell to the floor, writing. He couldn't breathe, the pain was so great. Voldemort released him from the curse only to say "Accio wand!"

Harry's seeker instincts were able to snatch his wand back before it flew completely out of his hands. Voldemort tried again but with the same results as Harry staggered to his feet.


"Avada Kedavra!"

Their wands joined together once again but they both immediately broke the connection.



Once again they cast their incantations at the same time and they quickly broke the connection once more.

Frustrated, tired and extremely scared out of his wits, a crazy thought suddenly surfaced to Harry's mind and before his logical side of his brain could ration out what he was doing it was too late. Voldemort's eyes widened with shock and surprise, allowing Harry just enough time to tackle Voldemort to the ground as he charged at him, knocking both of them flat on the floor.

Voldemort's wand clattered loudly on the ground and Harry got in one good punch in his nemesis' face before Voldemort shoved him off of him.

"Reducto!" Harry said as he landed on his back and Voldemort went flying in the air.

Harry didn't even stay to see if he landed as he scrambled to his feet and down the corridor.

Voldemort summoned his wand and aimed it at the teen. Harry turned to shield himself but his aim was too high and the spell hit him in the shins followed by a loud Crack! And a blinding pain.

"Ah!" Harry fell to the ground, clutching his broken leg. Voldemort was upon him immediately, kicking his wand away from him.

"Does it hurt, Potter?" he sneered as he kicked at Harry's broken leg. Harry let out a wail of pain. He wanted to vomit, he was going to pass out but he forced himself to stay conscious.

Voldemort knelt down next to Harry. "Avada Kedavra is too good for you. I want to watch you die. I want to see the light leave your eyes." Harry looked up and saw that Voldemort had transformed his wand into a long and sharp dagger.

Harry brought his hands up to stop Voldemort's downward motion, the blade so close to his chest. He grunted with exertion as he slowly, slowly pushed Voldemort's dagger away.

Voldemort had his lower lip between his teeth, an ugly sneer on his face as he brought his other hand over to help press down. The dagger began to wobble with the opposing forces. Harry's arms began to burn with the effort and there was still the terrible pain in his leg.

He let out a gasp when the blade reversed it's direction, heading back down toward his chest. Sweat plasted his bangs to his forehead as he struggled against Voldemort's strength and gravity, his arms trembling violently. Sweat from Voldemort's face from the exertion began to drip down on him. His tongue licked his lips in anticipation, his mouth forming a grin as the blade touched Harry's chest.

"Aaaahhhh!!" Harry screamed as the blade broke skin, giving little resistant at the breastbone before Voldemort used the rest of his strength to plunge the dagger through.


The sound of Bellatrix's voice made both men look up as she stood with a group of Death Eaters, all of them wands drawn. Wand blasts flew above his and Voldemort's head and Harry could hear shouts from the opposite end of the hall. With a scream from Harry, Voldemort violently withdrew his dagger from his chest, transforming it back into a wand. Harry could see that it was dripping with blood, his blood and he suddenly found he couldn't breathe.

Voldemort jumped up from the ground and Harry began to fade. Blackness struggled to overcome his vision. The shouting around him became muffled and the last thing he saw before he closed his eyes was Remus Lupin above him, shouting his name.


Hermione, Ron and Ginny made their way to the Great Hall after taking an afternoon walk around the lake. A light gust of wind sent the fallen leaves on the ground jump up and swirl around them. Hermione tucked a strand of hair that brushed across her face behind her ear, the rest of her hair up in a ponytail. There was only a slight crispness in the air that necessitated the two girls wearing long sleeved t-shirts to go with their jeans. Ron cast a glance at Luna and Micheal, sitting at the edge of the forest with Hagrid, feeding the bowtruckles.

"I'm telling you," he said shaking his head. "The girls here are absolutely insane."

"Ron that isn't nice to say," Ginny scolded. "And it isn't true at all."

"Oh yeah? Watch this," he said, eyeing a sixth year Hufflepuff who was about to cross their path. He stopped her. "Hey, have you seen Neville?"

The pretty blond sixth year looked up at him. "Longbottom? Neville Longbottom?" she asked and Ron nodded. The girl's demeanor suddenly changed and she suddenly seemed a little shy. "No but if you see him. Tell him Melanie Lancaster said hello," she said, tilting her head and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before going on her way.

"You see?" Ron said, motioning after the girl.

Ginny and Hermione rolled their eyes. "Are you jealous of all the attention Neville is suddenly receiving?" Hermione asked.

"No, it's just bizarre. Suddenly all the birds around here are waiting in line to snog him, he's earning points in class, he's the top student in DADA and Herbology."

"Neville's always been talented," Ginny defended him. "He just needed a boost of confidence to show that he really can do this stuff. I think it's wonderful to see him shine like this."

"Whatever," Ron muttered. He turned back to Micheal and Luna. She, sensing his gaze turned back and looked at Ron, a faint blush coming over her face. Micheal looked at Luna then back at Ron, scowling before he stepped in front of his girlfriend, blocking Ron's view of her. Ron smirked and faced forward again, hands stuffed in the front pockets of his trousers.

"Hogsmeade weekend is coming up," Hermione said. "We should get a group together to go."

"Good idea. I'll ask Luna," Ginny said.

The three of them approached three of their fellow Gryffindors at the steps of the castle. Neville was standing with Seamus and Dean.

"Hey guys," Seamus greeted them.

"What's up?" Ron answered in reply with a nod of his head.

"Hey Nev," Ginny said, "Hogsmeade weekend is coming up and I was wondering if you wanted to get together tonight and-"

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" he cut her off.

"What?" Ginny asked, a little bewildered.

"Harry Potter, remember him?" Neville said and Seamus and Dean nodded in agreement with their friend, egging him on. Hermione frowned. A group of seventh year Ravenclaw girls stopped to listen with interest.

Ginny scoffed. "Of course I do but I was just asking--."

"I'm not your replacement boyfriend, Ginny," Neville said with a smirk. Hermione stared at Neville in disbelief. More students began to stop and listen.

"Replacement what?!" Ginny shrieked. "I wasn't asking you out."

"That's what it sounded like to me," Neville crossed his arms.

"I heard it loud and clear," Seamus added.

"You're an unbelievable git," Ginny hissed at Neville before spinning on her heel to storm up the steps of the castle.

"Hey Hermione," Neville smiled at her. "How are you?" he asked in a tone very different from the one he used on Ginny. Hermione just looked at him in disgust before following Ginny.

She had just caught up with her in the foyer when a drawling voice spoke out. "Never thought I'd see the day when Potter's little shag thing was rejected by the Mindless Git of Gryffindor," Draco said lazily as he leaned against a pillar and surrounded by his usual group of Slytherins.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Ginny spat.

"Just ignore him Ginny. The little ferret never has anything useful to say," Hermione added as the girls continued on their way.

"What did you call me?" Draco asked, moving from his pillar toward the two girls.

Hermione turned around. "I'm sorry, do you prefer to be addressed as the Cowardly Little Ferret?" she asked. "Or as Useless Wanker of a Human Being?"

Draco opened his mouth to reply when the doors of the Great Hall suddenly swung open and Colin Creevey came stumbling out.

"Breakout at Azkaban!" he said to the two girls.

There was a sudden commotion behind them and Hermione and Ginny turned to see the aurors that patrolled the school grounds suddenly run and convene toward the gates at Hogwarts.

"It's all over the Prophet! Just received it!" Colin was shouting, waving the paper above his head.

Hermione ran forward and snatched the paper from Colin's hands, heading toward a table in the Great Hall. She spread the paper on the table as the rest of the Gryffindors crowded around her.

"Breakout this afternoon at Azkaban," Hermione read breathlessly. "It is unsure how many casualties there were but there are reports that several aurors and Death Eaters were killed. The Dark Mark hovered above the prison when this reporter arrived. There will be more news to report, please stay alert readers."

Professor McGonagall and Tonks ran down the aisles of the Hall and out into the foyer. There was a sharp tug on Hermione's arm and she turned to face a wide eyed and fearful Luna Lovegood. She was breathing heavy as if she'd been running.

"I…saw him…," she panted. "He's here…Harry…they brought him in with some aurors."

Ron stepped forward and grabbed Luna's shoulders. "Harry?" he demanded. "Are you sure?" he shook her slightly.

"Yes! They took him up to the hospital wing with the others. He didn't look so good," she rushed out in one short breath.

"Oh, Merlin!" Ginny's hands went to her mouth.

Ron took off toward the hospital wing followed by a small group of Harry's closest friends. Hermione found that her feet wouldn't move right away and she got a late start, hustling after her friends. Terror seized her heart.

Harry was hurt. He must have been with the other Aurors. Please let him be okay. Please let him be okay.

She was suddenly yanked from the running crowd on the third floor and thrown down a dark passageway. Draco closed the secret passageway.

"What are you doing?" she shrieked and made her way back to the entrance.

Draco held her back. "You're coming with me," he said.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" she spat back. "I need to see him. I need to see if he's okay!" She struggled against Draco.

"He's got enough people there for him!"

"You don't understand! I have to see him and you can't stop me!!" she screamed as she pulled out her wand.

Draco shoved her against the wall and slammed her wrist up against it. "You swore you'd help me. If you don't, I'll have Death Eaters crawling over this school so quickly, Potter won't even have a chance to make it to the hospital wing."


They had just closed the doors to the hospital wing when Ron made it up the stairs followed by a small group of students. He was surprised to see his father standing there along with Lupin. Tonks was by his side and Ron could see there was a lot of blood on his robes. He must have gone very pale because his father rushed over to him.

"Ron, are you alright?" he asked.

"Harry?" Ron asked, afraid of the answer, looking over his shoulder at Lupin who was pacing back and forth. Tonks was whispering words of comfort to him.

It occurred to Ron that it was unusually quiet in the hall and as Arthur, Tonks and Lupin looked up, they saw that the teens were staring at Lupin's blood covered robes. Tonks quickly muttered a cleaning charm, cleaning her lover's robes and hands.

The gravity of the situation took hold of Harry's friends when Professor McGonagall stepped out from the room asking for blood donations to test for compatibility with Harry's.

"Take mine," Luna stepped forward. "My blood is universally compatible. I donate all the time at St. Mungo's."

McGonagall let her into the hospital wing, Luna looked back at Ron who stepped forward, wanting to say something to the brave young woman. She smiled softly and walked into the room.

"Where's Hermione?" his father asked and Ron looked around him noticing that he best friend was missing.

"I saw her back at the Great Hall," Ginny said.

Ron was torn between leaving Harry and searching for Hermione. His loyalty to Harry won out. Hermione would show up, she was probably in the library searching for some way to save Harry.


Hermione was heartsick. She longed to see how Harry was doing and her imagination was playing all sorts of scenarios in front of her. He can't die. He won't die. She closed her eyes momentarily.

Harry. Harry please be strong. Please pull through this.

Draco slid the trapdoor open and pulled himself into the cellar of Honeydukes. Hermione followed him. They quietly made their way to the door leading to the alley.

"What is she doing here?" Narcissa hissed at their extra companion.

"She's going to help us," Draco said.

"You trust that little mudblood," his mother stared at him.

"She has no choice but to help," Draco replied. "He's out, isn't he?"

"The Dark Lord helped him escape this afternoon. I took only what I needed and what was of value." She nodded to her luggage and Hermione eyed the expensive looking carriers. "I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go. The Ministry froze our vault weeks ago, I only have what I was able to withdraw." Narcissa began to cry and Draco hugged his mom. Hermione was stunned to see such gentle affection from him.

"We'll be okay. We'll figure this out."

"Take her to the Leaky Cauldron," Hermione said softly. The two of them turned to stare at her.

"Take my mother to some filthy, second rate establishment?" Draco said incredulously.

"I'd never set foot inside of there," Narcissa turned up her nose.

"Exactly. You'd never stay there so they wouldn't look for you there."

Draco and Narcissa mulled the idea over.

"It would only be temporary until you think of something else," Hermione added quickly.

"Come on," Draco said roughly, grabbing her upper arm and she felt herself being apparated away.

They arrived a few blocks from the Leaky Cauldron and Draco cautiously appeared around the corner. All was clear so he motioned for his mother to lead. Draco and Hermione followed, Draco still held on tight to her arm.

"You're hurting me," she whispered. Draco eased up his grip, only slightly.

They waited for a few minutes while Narcissa went in first. Draco let go of her arm and opened the door, letting Hermione go through first.

Narcissa was being led upstairs by the innkeeper to her room. Draco and Hermione took a seat at a nearby table.

"We wait here," he whispered.

He ordered a butterbeer from a waiter and didn't bother asking Hermione if she wanted one. Not that she cared, she would hope that the bartender spit in his bottle.

"How long?" she asked.

"Long enough to know that my mother will be okay here."

"I'm leaving," Hermione said, getting up from the table but Draco yanked her back down.

"You're going nowhere," he said.

"People will notice that the two of us are gone," she whispered fiercely.

"I've got myself taken care of," Draco said. "No one would notice if you were gone."


It seemed as if forever had passed. Ron sat with his father who was holding Ginny. Tonks and Remus sat in a far corner huddling and whispering. Seamus, Dean and Neville sat in another area while Lavender and Parvati sat in another corner with their Tarot cards and shaking their heads.

Finally the doors opened and McGonagall stepped through. Her face showed relief.

"He's resting. He will be okay. Madame Pomfrey is going to give him a Sleeping Draught but I will allow only one visitor." Her eyes naturally found Ron's but they searched to find Hermione, who was still missing.

"I want to see him," Ron said.

"Of course," she said and let him in the room.

Harry was pale, Ron thought. Deathly pale.

"Why do I always end up here?" Harry croaked when he saw his friend. Ron let out a soft laugh.

"I don't know. I'm beginning to think you have a thing for Madame Pomfrey," he replied.

Harry gave a small smile. Ron sat down on a chair next to the bed.

"You gave us all quite a scare," he said.

Harry frowned. "It was him. Voldemort who did this."

Ron winced slightly at the name and Harry continued. "I knew I couldn't defeat him without the horcruxes. So I just fought like hell to get out of there alive."

"They escaped," Ron said softly. "The Death Eaters that we put away in fifth year."

Harry sighed. "Yeah, I suppose we all knew that would happen one day."

Ron changed the topic. "You know you have quite the crowd out there waiting for you. Ginny was going spare, I think she would've trampled over me to be by your side instead."

Harry snorted softly. "I guess you could tell her I said hello," he said with the faintest trace of a grin that soon faded. "Hermione?" he asked. Ron shook his head.

"I guess I deserve that after the prat I've been to you both," Harry said heavily. "It's no wonder that she doesn't come in here and hex me herself. Finish me off." He looked up and was disconcerted to see the look on Ron's face. He wasn't looking at him, he was just staring off into space, a troubled look on his face.

"What?" Harry asked with concern.

Ron looked down at him. "Just between friends?" he asked.

Harry went on full alert, Ron was rarely this serious. "Yeah, of course." Ron opened his mouth to say something but then closed it as if unsure if he should proceed. This gesture hurt Harry slightly and he remembered a time when Ron wouldn't hold anything back.

"It's about Hermione," Ron said, fingering the blanket on Harry's bed. He wasn't sure how to say this without freaking Harry out or causing him any more stress. Crap, he shouldn't have opened his big mouth in the first place.

"What about Hermione?" Harry asked slowly and calmly although inside he wanted to shake it out of his friend.

"I'm worried about her," Ron said at last. "She…hasn't been herself lately. She was on her way up here to see you then she just…didn't arrive."

"What do you mean she just didn't arrive," Harry sat up a little straighter in his bed.

Ron scratched the side of his head. "Well, she's just acting…weird. Like she did in third year. Remember how secretive she was about the time turner?"

"You think she has a time turner?" Harry asked, confused.

"No no. She just…She missed the first Quidditch match of the season. And when Ernie found her, she was--."

"Okay Mr. Potter," Madame Pomfrey said as she walked over to him carrying the sleeping draught.

"Can it wait?" Harry asked, holding up a hand.

"We have to put you to sleep so we can safely move you and the others," she explained.

"Yes, fine but can I have just a few more minutes?" Harry asked.

"No I'm afraid not," she said giving Harry the potion and practically shoving it down his throat.

Harry fought against its quick acting ingredients. "Watch her," Harry said about Hermione. At least, he think he said so but in his weakened state, the potion acted quickly and he fell into a dreamless sleep.


Narcissa gave Draco her room number and with a hug and kiss left her son. Draco made Hermione stay longer with him just to be sure that they weren't followed and that no one else would come into the inn and ask about his mother.

Under the cover of darkness they left the inn and apparated into the alley of Honeydukes. She ran through the passageway and out onto the third floor landing, sprinting to the Hospital wing. But when she opened the door the ward was filled with empty beds.

"May I help you Miss Granger?' Madame Pomfrey asked.

"Harry. Where's Harry?" she asked.

"He was taken away to St. Mungo's," she said.

"Is he alive? Is he okay?"

"He'll be fine. He left about two hours ago," Madame Pomfrey said gently.

Closing the doors behind her as she walked out of the ward, she sank to the floor and let the tears spill from her eyes. Tears of relief and sadness spilled down her cheeks. Harry had been here. He had been so close to her and she missed the chance to see him.

Someone walked up to her and stood in front of her.

"I'm sorry."

Hermione looked up to see Draco standing in front of her. She scrambled to her feet and stared at him. It was his fault that she didn't get to see Harry.


His cheek turned red where she had slapped him but she didn't give him a chance to strike back at her as she stormed off to her room.

Ernie knocked at her door some time in the evening, as did Ron and Ginny. Luna stopped by as well but Hermione didn't answer the door. She slept. The emotionally exhausting events of the day catching up with her. Her homework lay forgotten on her desk.

She didn't show up for breakfast the next morning but Ernie had left a plate of food for her by her door. She grabbed a muffin and made her way to the first class of the day.

"Are you alright?" he asked her when she walked into the classroom.

"Of course I am. I was just a little tired," she said. "Thanks for the food."

"Yeah, no problem."

She sat down next to Ron and the lecture promptly began. Ron scribbled on a piece of paper and passed it to her.

What happened to you yesterday?

I'm fine Ron. I needed to get away from there. I'm glad Harry's okay.

You-Know-Who attacked him.

So the Death Eaters are free?

Yeah, big surprise huh?

Wonder why he did it now and not earlier.

Ron shrugged and brought his attention back to the front of the class.

Word of Harry's little visit to the hospital ward spread like wildfire through the school, each time Hermione heard it, it became more and more out of control. The last she heard, Harry's head had been severed along with his arms and legs and that he really died and it was all one big conspiracy that they were saying he survived.

Hermione threw off questions about her conspicuous absence from the hospital wing from her fellow Gryffindors. She felt horrible enough about missing Harry. She sat down to write to him again but didn't send the letter.

One night as Hermione and Ginny sat at a table in the library, giggling disturbed their studies and they both looked up to see Neville and Parvati exiting the room holding hands.

"He's really turned into a complete git," Ginny muttered.

Hermione sighed. "Ginny, I have to confess something to you."

Ginny looked up at her.

"It's my fault that Neville is acting the way he is," she said.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"You were right about what you said earlier about Neville just needing a bit of self-confidence so I…I pretended to show interest in him. I knew that if I could convince Lavender and Parvati to do the same…maybe it would boost his self-confidence a little."

"Hermione!" Ginny whispered scandalously.

"Well I didn't think it would take off like it did. I didn't think he would turn into some…some…"

"Thick-headed prat?" Ginny asked.

"Exactly," she said.

Ginny grinned wryly. "Clever Hermione. Who knew you were so tricky."

"Are you ready?" Colin Creevey walked over to Ginny and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Oh crap! I nearly forgot about our Astronomy exam!" she leaped up from the table and followed the rest of the sixth years up to the tower.

Hermione closed the book she was taking notes from and got up from the table to put it back. She slid the book into its proper place on the dusty bookshelf.

"Very crafty indeed!"

She jumped and whirled to face Draco. He was leaning against a bookshelf and carelessly took out a book.

"What do you want?" she hissed at him.

"I was just listening to your little conversation with the Weaslette about Neville's new popularity and I have a new theory behind your motives."

"Oh this should be entertaining," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I think you're trying to get the Weaslette out of the way," he said smugly.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Hermione asked.

"Everyone can see that the big oaf was just wild about that red head. Problem is, she's sort of starry eyed for old Scar Head. How convenient of you to try and draw the Weaslette's attention away toward the Witless Wonder. Especially since Scar Head isn't here to defend what's his. Never thought you'd betray your friend like this."

"You really are an idiot aren't you?" Hermione tilted her head and smiled. "Does it hurt your brain to think of things like this?"

Draco closed the book with a snap. "What puzzles me is why you want to help Witless and Weaslette out?"

"Malfoy, stop thinking before you hurt yourself. You just can't grasp the concept of someone doing something good for another person without wanting anything in return. After the way you humiliated Neville in DADA I wasn't going to stand there and do nothing."

"First things first, Witless humiliated himself. And second, I don't think your little `favor' to Witless did anyone here any favors with the way his ego has inflated, even Weaslette can't stand him. Though I commend you on your effort."

"I would never betray Harry like that. Harry and Ginny belong together."

"Hurts you to say that doesn't it?" Draco smirked.

"You're unbelievable, you know that?" she said, crossing her arms and walking past him, hitting him roughly on the shoulder as she did so.

She sat down at the table and began to pack up her things.

"Um, Hermione?" Ernie asked as he approached her table.

"What?" she asked irritably and immediately closed her eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"Bad night?" he asked.

"Yes, no. How about we start over, okay?" she asked.

"Sure," he replied. "Hermione?"

"Yes?" she smiled.

"Er…you know that Hogsmeade weekend is coming up in a couple of days and I was…well I was wondering…," he began to sweat slightly and his face was becoming flush.

"Ernie, are you okay?" Hermione asked with concern.

"What? Oh, yes…I er, I think so. But I was wondering if you were going with me?"

"Of course, we're Head Boy and Girl. We have to go," Hermione said patiently.

"No, no. What I meant was…well, I was wondering…if you wouldn't mind…"

"Ernie just say it," Hermione smiled.


Hermione stared at him in confusion. What the hell did he just say? Then it suddenly came to her.

"Oh!" she said in understanding. "Oh, okay. Yeah, I would like that."

Ernie grinned at her. "Great. We'll share a carriage?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you out front and we'll head out after the head count."

"Brilliant," Ernie said before walking away from her table.

"That was, by far, the most painful thing I have ever seen," Draco said from behind her.

Hermione turned around and looked at him. "I thought I told you to stop thinking."


Harry had just arrived back to the training compound when he was summoned to Shacklebolt's office.

"You wanted to see me?" he asked, poking his head in the office and seeing Lupin sitting there as well.

"Yes, come in Harry."

He did as he was told and closed the door behind him, taking a seat in front of the desk.

"Harry, we found something in one of the cells of Azkaban, records show it was Antonin Dolohov's."

Shacklebolt handed Harry a thick envelope which Harry dumped the contents in his hand. It was mostly wizard photographs of the destroyed cell with newspaper clippings hanging on the wall and writing. Harry flipped through them carelessly.

"What is all this?" he asked the two men.

"Harry, look closely at the photos," Lupin said patiently.

Harry looked again at the photos. Newspaper clippings flapped in an unseen breeze on the cell wall but Harry could faintly make out a photograph of Hermione in one of them. They were photos of an article in the Daily Prophet from his fourth year when Rita Skeeter was smearing his best friend's name.

Harry flipped to another photo that had the writing on the wall and saw that it was Hermione's name written over and over again.

"Where did he get the article, that's an old paper," Harry said.

"Security, as you know, has not been it's greatest at Azkaban," Shacklebolt said. "Prisoners can get all sorts of things if they know the right people."

"There's more," Remus said. "A few days ago, the muggle police reported a burglary at the residence of Edward and Jane Granger."

"What?" Harry asked.

"Nothing of value was taken but according to their police report, several photos were taken."


"Yes, and along with that. Some items from her room." Harry felt sick. He was going to be sick.

"We cannot afford to send aurors to the Granger's to guard them day and night but we have the ability to send an auror to be among the student body at Hogwarts," Shacklebolt said.

Harry looked between the two men, getting the implication of his words.

"No," Harry shook his head. "I'm not going back."

"I have spoken with our Department of Magical Defense and Remus has consulted with the Order. Considering that there are unconfirmed reports of Death Eaters among the study body that contributed to the death of Albus Dumbledore-"

"If you're talking about Draco Malfoy, I can assure you that those reports are very confirmed," Harry interrupted him but Shacklebolt continued on.

"We have all decided that it is best if we have someone on the inside to gauge what is going on at Hogwarts."

"I thought you already had aurors there, some of them actually teaching the students."

"Harry, what students do you know of will willingly talk to an auror about their activities and lives?" Remus asked.

"You can't make me do this," Harry said. "You can't make me go back."

"You have no choice," Shacklebolt said. "Although, unofficially an Auror, I am still your superior. We've already sent your papers in and Headmistress McGonagall has accepted them. You start immediately. And that's an order," he said, cutting off Harry's objection.
