Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Important Things by Twitch E. Littleferret

More Important Things

Twitch E. Littleferret

Trust Issues

Want honey

I want cream

I want sugar

I want a dream

Said baby, supernatural

Honey, you're supernatural

Oh yeah, that's what I said

You're supernatural, (oh yeah) superdupernatural

I want kisses

I want steam

I want you missus

I want to scream

Oh oh yeah baby


Oh yeah


(Supernatural-By Divine Right)


Harry pushed himself further against Hermione, pressing her into the comfy sofa cushions. Merlin, he loved their "studying". They did get some scholastic work done, he respected Hermione and her quest for knowledge so he studied by her side for as long as the two of them could hold out. Then they studied human sexuality. He was currently studying one of his favorite topics at the moment, her mouth and the reactions he could get from her from the different types of kisses he could deliver. She was running her hands through his hair, making it more unruly than ever before but he didn't care. Not that anyone would notice. He had just settled his hips comfortably between her lovely thighs when a clock sounded somewhere in the background.

"Mmm, Harry," she murmured against his lips. "We've got…to go. We're…going to be…late."

"I'm sure they'll understand," he replied, kissing her deeply before moving to her neck. He felt her shiver underneath him.

"But I promised I would help them study for transfiguration," she said softly, letting out a little gasp when he kissed the hollow of her throat.

Harry felt her instinctively press herself against him and he grinned to himself. He discovered that that was her weakness, he could get her to bend her resolve when he pressed his lips to that particular spot on her throat then pressed himself slightly against her when she lifted her hips to him.

In all fairness, he had to have something over her, any little thing she did sent him into a hormonal frenzy. He could swear that her skirts were just a little bit shorter than usual. And then, when she would talk to him and Ron in class, she would hop up onto the table between the two of them, scoot that perfect little bottom of hers back and let her legs dangle, once in awhile cross her legs. Man, he had to keep his eyes forward on not on her creamy thighs next to him or else he would be tempted to reach out, slide his hand underneath that skirt and find out if she was wearing a thong or a bikini today. She did this on purpose and he knew it. It was his own little game, he would guess what she was wearing then confirm it later on that night.

The last time they had sex was two nights ago when they had chocolate cake for dessert and Hermione spent the better part of the meal licking the blasted frosting off of her fingertips. They didn't even bother getting completely undressed when they crashed into her room and he had the lust induced hazy memory of shoving his pants to his knees, pressing Hermione up against a wall and shoving the strap of her thong to the side as he thrust himself into her. He might have been a tad rough with her that night but she didn't complain either time.

He was brought out of this lovely reverie by her hand brushing his away from its journey up her thigh.

"Harry," she giggled and Harry groaned, moving himself off of her. Hermione sat up and straightened her skirt but not before he got a glimpse of the plain white cotton underwear she was wearing.

God, those were hot too.

Hermione opened her book bag and stuffed some books and parchment inside of them. As they stood, Harry was eternally grateful that the Hogwarts robes were loose-fitting. He took Hermione's bag and slung it on his shoulder as they left the Head Girl and Boy suite.

"I hope we aren't too late," she said.

"I'm sure they already know what we were up to," he replied with a grin. "And by the frustration evident on my face, they'll see how far it didn't go," he sighed.

"Oh poor baby," Hermione cooed. "I guess we'll just have to pick up where we left off when we're done in the library."

Harry stepped in front of her, stopping her. "Promise?" he asked, pushing her into an alcove in the hallway.

"Well, that's if I'm not too tired," Hermione smirked as Harry moved in close for a kiss, pressing her against the wall behind her. He shrugged the book bag off of his shoulder and let his hand rest on her hip, squeezing it slightly as he kissed her. He broke the kiss and moved to her neck again, feeling Hermione squeeze his shoulders.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

The familiar drawl of Malfoy's voice killed any happy wonderful feelings that Harry had building and he sighed as Hermione moved herself away from him.

"No, of course not."

"Yeah as a matter of fact you are."

He and Hermione spoke at the same time. Harry could've sworn that Malfoy had the slightest smirk on his face.

"I need the notes for the DADA homework due tomorrow. I seem to have misplaced mine," Malfoy said and Harry scoffed softly.

"Yes, of course," Hermione said, reaching for her book bag and rummaging through it. "Oh they're not in here," she said after a moment. "I think they might be on my desk. I'll be back in a second." She darted to the portrait. Harry and Draco stood there in tense silence. Harry could see Malfoy's jaw tensing as if he wished to say something so badly but was holding back. Harry was sure his face had no trace of friendship on it.

The Ferret had been uncharacteristically quiet since the bombing in Hogsmeade. The Aurors tried to get more information out of him but he had offered up nothing useful and it frustrated Harry that the interrogation was not documented since they were trying to protect Draco's identity. Personally, Harry would sell the Ferret's secret to Voldemort for a Chocolate Frog if it would get him out of the castle. Harry had been tempted to ask him what he and Hermione had been up to but thought better of it. Showing his hand too early may blow the whole thing out of the water. It surprised Harry that Malfoy hadn't touted his heroic act to every available ear, it was his silence that made him very nervous. That and the way he looked at his girlfriend.

Harry remembered to the look on Malfoy's face one day when Hermione had kissed him quickly on the lips before heading off to her Runes class. Malfoy looked as if he would spit fire. The look was only there for a split second and no one else saw except for Harry and he only saw because he was expecting it. There was some part of Harry that wanted to flaunt it in his face, hold Hermione proudly in his arms because he was in love, they were in love everyone else be damned. But there was something unsettling about the whole thing, about the possibility that Malfoy, of all people, could be jealous of him because of Hermione.

They stood there, alone and awkward before she returned to them, holding pages of parchment in her hand.

"Here you go," she chirped.

"Thanks…Hermione," Draco said, glancing briefly at Harry who flared at his girlfriend's name on his lips.

"No problem," Hermione replied. Draco gave her a soft smile then tapped the parchment in his hands as he walked away. Harry's eyes were still on him. Why Hermione was still civil to him was beyond him. Although, Harry grudgingly noticed that she had grown a tad softer to the Slytherin since he yanked her out of the restaurant. Whatever. Harry had his suspicions that he had set the whole thing up.

"Come on," Hermione nudged him forward.

Reluctantly, Harry turned away, putting an arm around Hermione hoping it would tamp down the unease that had welled up inside of him. But when they turned the corner to the library, Neville, Ron, Luna and Ginny were all huddled together talking softly until Ginny looked up at them.

Harry dropped his arm from Hermione at the look on Ginny's tear-filled eyes. "What happened?" he asked, his stomach dropping.

"Neville's grandmother passed away," she said softly and Hermione gasped. His face must have betrayed his emotions because Ginny quickly shook her head. "No Harry. Not Death Eaters. She actually passed away of natural causes. It was just her time, I guess."
Hermione left his side to join the group. "Oh Neville, I'm so sorry," he heard her say.

Harry looked down at Ginny. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.

"I'm feeling a little helpless right now," she confessed.

"I'm sure that just being there for him is the best thing he needs right now," Harry said.

Ginny sighed. "He's all alone now, Harry. He doesn't have anybody."

Harry shook his head. "That's not true. He has us."

The group sat in front of the fire in the Gryffindor common room, sitting around Neville in his time of need.

"It's just so hard to believe that her death was normal," Neville said softly. "I mean with all the death and destruction around us, it's surreal to think that life goes on as it normally should." Ginny frowned and wrapped her hand in his. "I think I'm in shock," Neville continued, "I think I would take this normally if there was a Dark Mark floating above her house."

"Don't say that," Harry said in a low voice with just a hint of scorn in it.

"Sorry," Neville said.

"Are you going to be alright, mate?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, I will be," Neville replied. "They're letting me go home for the funeral." He looked down at Ginny. "McGonagall said I could bring a couple of people with me if I wanted and I was wondering…"

"Of course," Ginny answered him. Neville looked up at Harry.

"Harry, I was wondering if…well, if you would go as well."

Harry straightened up on the sofa where he was sitting. Neville's request had taken him by surprise. He and Neville were never really that close. His best friends were Ron and Hermione. But Neville was loyal to a fault, he stuck by his side in fifth year in the Department of Mysteries, in the DA even after it became defunct. But Harry was suddenly startled to remember just how entangled his and Neville's fates were. Voldemort could've easily chosen Neville to mark as his equal. Where would that have left Harry? Would his parents still be alive or would they suffer the same fate as Neville's?

"Yeah, I'll go," he answered softly and Neville grinned gratefully.


Harry stayed the night in Hermione's room and the love they made was slow and tender, reminding him of the last time he had spent the night intimately with her at Grimmauld Place. With a soft whimper and sigh, he felt her tighten around him and he held her close to him as he released himself inside of her, burying his face in the crook of her neck. After a moments rest, he removed himself from her soft warmth and lay on his side, bringing her close to him. He was so preoccupied with his thoughts of fate, Hermione and Neville that he didn't realize he had drifted off to sleep…without closing his mind.

He was flying through the air, the stars twinkled above him in the dark night as the landscape passed below him at a frightening speed. He looked up and saw a castle, dark except for a single light in the tallest tower. Where was this castle? He did not recognize it but as he flew through the narrow window he saw his nemesis pacing the room that had a handful of cloaked figures. One was kneeling on the floor, quivering with fear.

"I do not know what happened master! I swear no one but us knew about this!" the kneeling figure said.

"And yet, the plot in Hogsmeade still failed. You were in charge of carrying the operation out!" Voldemort hissed.

"I-I-," the man quivered.

"I-I-I-I'm sick of excuses!" Voldemort drew his wand and cast a Cruciatus curse. The man on the floor wailed and writhed in pain.

Another Death Eater slipped into the room. "My Lord," he said and Voldemort nodded.

"Have you discovered anything?" he asked the newcomers.

"Crabbe and Goyle told their children," came a familiar voice and he started when he saw Snape. Voldemort's eyes narrowed. "It's possible that they may have bragged about it to their friends and it may have fallen on enemy ears."

Another Death Eater stepped forward.

"There is more, My Lord," he said. "Potter was in the restaurant at the time. He escaped unharmed as well." Harry recognized the man as Antonin Dolohov and his anger flared even more.

"A chance to wipe out Potter and the opportunity was missed," Voldemort drawled. "What a pity. Wouldn't you agree Harry?" Voldemort looked right at him.

With a gasp, Harry sat up in bed. He was sweating and he wasn't aware that he was trembling until he brushed up against Hermione's cool and steady arm. His scar twitched painfully and he rubbed it, somehow knowing that Voldemort had killed the Death Eater that was on the floor before him.

He ran his hands through his hair and sighed softly. Hermione stirred slightly next to him. He looked over at her, taking in her figure underneath her covers, the bare shoulder that peeked out from underneath. He didn't wake her as he slowly got out of bed and pulled on his boxers. He hadn't meant to fall asleep like that without closing his mind but it did give him interesting insight. Voldemort's plan had truly been to injure students in that blast. Draco knew about it but for whatever reason had decided to intervene. Why?

The nagging question would keep him up for awhile, he knew that and he silently got dressed, slipped on his invisibility cloak and left to return to his dormitory. But his curious and questioning mind prompted him to call attention to the envelope Kingsley had left him on the investigation on the Leaky Cauldron. So in the seclusion and privacy of his bed, he opened the envelope and read its contents by wand light.


Draco leaned against the wall, arms crossed, his fingers twirling his ring around and around as he watched the scene below him. He crossed his feet as he saw the carriage stop at the castle doors, the thestrals looked skeletal and ghostly. Word had come to him that Witless' grandmother had finally kicked the bucket and since his parents were drooling idiots in St. Mungo's, he was now an orphan in this world. The usual group of Gryffindors and Lunatic were gathered at the front of the steps as Witless climbed into the carriage. Weaslette, Potter's left-over scrap, climbed in after him naturally. Draco's eyes landed on a cinnamon brown head and they narrowed slightly when he saw Potty lean down and kiss her. It was amazing what Potty could get away with in front of the school. But to his surprise, Potty left Granger's side and got into the carriage as well.


Draco turned away from the scene below him to Blaise and Pansy who were waiting for him.

"Yeah," he said, glancing back one more time to see the carriage on it's way to the gates.

"Poor Nev," Hermione sighed as they sat down at their table in the Great Hall.

"Neville was right. He knew this day would come," Ron said. "At least she died of old age instead at the hands of some Death Eater. At least Neville was allowed that."

"Hmm," she sighed, her thoughts falling on Neville's company today. She leaned forward to whisper to Ron. "I think Harry is having nightmares again."

Ron looked around to see if anyone had heard. "What do you mean?" he asked as he leaned forward as well.

"The other night, I heard him mumbling in his sleep. He mentioned something about Snape, then Dolohov and then he said his own name."

Ron wrinkled his brow in thought. "I thought Harry was doing alright shutting his mind against…You-Know-Who."

Hermione chewed on her lip. "I guess he didn't do it that night."

"Merlin, Hermione. If you're going to shag him useless like that, at least have the decency to save the world and remind him to clear his mind." Hermione gave him a pointed look before concentrating on the berries in her muffin. "I think I should say something to Lupin about it."

Ron had his fork halfway to his mouth before he stopped and slowly set it down. "You're going behind Harry's back on this?"

"Not really. You know how stubborn Harry is when it comes to his connection with Voldemort. He wasn't keen on the idea of legilimency and he hates the fact that he has to practice occlumency. Harry confided in Dumbledore about these dreams."

"And us," Ron cut in.

"But he didn't this time. He just got up and left in the middle of the night."

"Can you blame him with the company you keep?" Ron muttered.

Hermione stared at him. "What did you say?" she asked.

Ron looked up at her, hesitating as if he wanted to choose his words carefully. "Well…your newfound chumminess with the ferret may give reason for Harry to hesitate when sharing certain…sensitive…topics with you." Hermione looked at him like he had slapped her, well it was a verbal slap anyway. She got up to leave but Ron grabbed her hand. "Don't go behind Harry's back on this Hermione. Talk to him first before you do anything, let him decide for himself."

Her unease and anxiousness followed her all day and she found herself unable to concentrate on her homework. Harry would be coming back tomorrow morning but that just meant he had another night to sleep through with Voldemort knocking at the door to his mind. Frustrated, she put her homework away and took out a potions book she had retrieved earlier from the restricted section. If she couldn't get her homework done, she could at least find a way to help Harry and his horcrux.

"That's some pretty heavy reading."

Startled, Hermione slammed the book shut and looked up at Draco who was standing at the other side of the table.

"Are you doing some extra credit for Potions?" he asked.

Hermione shook her head. "No, I was just…reading." She moved to shuffle the book into her bag but Draco snatched it out of her hands.

"Potent Potions: Not For the Faint of Heart or the Courage-Challenged." He opened it and thumbed through it. "My, my, my, just what is the Head Girl up to?"

"I was just reading it, Draco," she countered.

"Where's your boyfriend? The hero of the wizarding world?" he asked, non-chalantly.

"He left with Neville to go to his grandmother's funeral. Can I have the book back now?" she held out her hand.

"Of course," Draco said softly and held out the book for her. Hermione took it but Draco didn't let it go. "I'm just curious as to why you're reading about potions they certainly won't teach us here at Hogwarts."

"I told you, I was just reading so drop it."

Draco shrugged. "Maybe I want to help."

"I don't need your help, Draco," Hermione replied.

"Is there a problem here?"

The two of them turned to see Ron enter the library, looking very displeased at Malfoy's presence.

"Oh, look, it's Potter's little watchdog," Draco smirked.

Hermione picked up her book bag and let go of the potions book. "No, there's no problem here," she said as she left with Ron in the library.

Draco tapped his foot as he watched the two of them leave then he opened up the book himself.


Harry looked down at the report he was reading. So, the unaccounted guest was described as a woman with blond hair and a lot of luggage. Two other people had accompanied her and had visited her at least twice. Both of them young, one of them was a young man with the same blond hair, the other a young woman with curly brown hair.

"Couldn't sleep?"

Harry jerked up at Ginny's voice. "Um, yeah," he replied, stuffing the parchment back into the envelope. "I was just doing some homework."

Ginny sighed and moved to the couch and plopped down on it. "I didn't even bring mine." She stared into the flames of the fireplace in Neville's small and cozy living room. "Long day," she said softly.

"Yeah," he agreed. He was done putting the stuff away when he heard a soft sniffling sound. He looked up to see Ginny quickly wipe at her cheek. Harry got up and approached her, kneeling down in front of her.

"Ginny?" he asked with concern.

"I'm sorry," she sniffled. "I was just thinking what it would be like if I lost someone I care about. I can't even imagine the pain of…" She swallowed hard and looked into the flames.

Harry reached out and put his hand on top of hers. "I hope you never ever have to feel that," he said sincerely. The Weasley's meant too much to him as well.

"Thank you," Ginny said softly, looking at him. "Well, I'm going to try and get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night, Ginny," Harry said, getting to his feet.

"Night, Harry."

He turned back to the desk he was reading at and began to put things away. The hairs on the back of his neck began to tingle and he realized that he wasn't in the room alone. He turned around to see Neville standing there.

"Neville," he said. "Are you alright?"

Neville walked over to the back of the sofa and picked at some unseen dust on it. "We're friends, right Harry?" he asked.

"Of course," he answered.

"I'm going to ask you to answer this truthfully then. Do you still like Ginny?" he asked. Harry was stunned at the question.

"Neville, I…"

"I saw the two of you, just now by the fireplace."

"Neville nothing happened, I swear."

"I know nothing happened. I saw but you didn't answer my question."

Harry sighed. "Truthfully, I will always care about Ginny in some way but…I'm with Hermione now and…I think I love her, Neville."

"I feel like such a jerk for asking," Neville said, hanging his head.

"Don't be," Harry grinned. "I would think the same thing. Honestly Neville, I'm glad you and Ginny are together."

"No hard feelings then?" he asked.

"None." Harry had hoped this was the end of this uncomfortable conversation but it wasn't. "Neville?" he asked.

"You know, I'm your friend, right?" he asked Harry. Alarm bells went off in his head. "And that I would never, ever betray you. That I would keep your deepest and darkest secrets."

"Neville, where's this going?"

Neville looked around the room before approaching Harry, standing close enough for him to whisper, "I know about the cup Harry."

Harry stared at him. "W-what are you talking about Neville?"

"I didn't mean to. I was coming back to get a book when I heard the three of you talking about it in the common room. I saw it in Ron's hands and you were calling it a horcrux so I went to the library the next day and looked up what that was. Whose soul is in there?"

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose. This was not happening. "Neville, I'm going to ask you to please stay out of this-"

"You can't ask me to do that."

"I can obliviate you!" Harry shot back in anger.

Neville looked at him with hurt. "You would, wouldn't you? Voldemort didn't destroy only your life, he didn't take away only your parents," he said before turning away. "We're all in this war whether we like it or not." Neville left Harry alone in the room.


Hermione opened the portrait door to see Draco on the other side. "Draco it's late," she sighed.

"I've got a Hall Pass," he said, holding up the book Hermione was reading earlier. "And to sweeten the deal…" He held up another book that she didn't recognize.

She pursed her lips together and moved out of the way to let him through. He handed her the books then made himself comfortable on a sofa. Hermione looked at the worn and well-used book. It was about the size of a writing journal with a black leather cover, the gold embossed letters on it were faded beyond ability to be read.

"What is this?" she asked.

"If you want to find a Dark potion, you need to go to the source. What are you looking for, anyway?"

Hermione looked up from the pages she was thumbing through. "You think I'd tell you?"

Draco smirked. "Smart girl."

"They don't call me the Head Girl for nothing." Draco raised an eyebrow. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Malfoy."

"You think I'd earn some of your trust after Hogsmeade," he said.

"Draco, our trust issues run as deep as the Grand Canyon," she replied.


She shook her head. "Never mind. The point is our trust issues will never be resolved."

"Unlike you and Pothead."

Hermione looked at him. "Potter. Why do you say that?"

"Well, I'm assuming since you two are a couple that you've worked out the whole `Why are you sneaking around with Malfoy' issue."

Hermione shook her head. "Why are you doing this?"

Draco leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. "Hermione are you in some sort of trouble?"

"Other than the trouble with you? No, I'm not."

Draco stared at her. "I only want to help you."

Hermione sat down on the sofa across from him. "I want you to tell me the truth. For once, just do that for me." She paused to give him room to object but when he didn't she continued. "Did you know about Hogsmeade?"

"No I didn't," he replied. "I found out about it from Crabbe and Goyle. Believe me, I wrestled with the decision whether to say something or not but eventually I told an auror."

"Why?" she asked.

Draco rubbed his hands against each other slowly back and forth. "I don't know if I can honestly answer that Hermione," he replied. "I'm not sure if I know the answer myself."

Hermione didn't know what to say to that so she let the silence between them hang in the air. She looked down at the books in her hand.

"It's late," she said softly. Draco hesitated a moment before standing up. Hermione was still standing by the portrait door and Draco stood in front of her.

"Thanks for the books," Hermione said looking up at him.

"I meant what I said earlier. If you're in some sort of trouble I want to help you," he said softly.

"I don't need your help Draco," she replied.

He looked down at her. "I guess there's room for only one hero in Hermione Granger's life." She looked up at him, into his grey eyes then looked away. She heard the portrait door swing open then close. She let out a weary sigh then walked to her bedroom.

From the alcove above the portrait door inside the room, Isis slithered down the wall and through a small crack where the wall met the floor.


He had only been away from her for a day but it seemed like forever to him. She was standing with Ron and Luna and when she wrapped her arms around him, he buried his face in her brown hair, breathing in her comforting scent.

"Would I sound like a complete fool if I told you I missed you so much?" he asked her.

Hermione smiled. "Then I'm a fool as well." He kissed her then and, Merlin, she tasted wonderful.

It was a free day so none of them had any classes and the group decided to spend their time in the common room. Luna was doing the puzzles in the Quibbler, while Ron and Ginny were playing a game of chess while Harry and Neville looked on giving a running commentary. Hermione was thumbing through the potions book Draco had let her borrow. He was right, there were spells in here that seemed too frightening to try: A rapid aging potion that would end in the death of the person who drank it, a potion that would eat the insides of a person, a potion similar to veritaserum except that the person would automatically spill their deepest and darkest secrets to you without you even asking and then the person would have no memory of what had happened or what they had said.

"What are you reading?"

Hermione jumped and slammed the book shut.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," Harry said, taking a seat next to Hermione.

"No you didn't, I was just lost in my thoughts," she replied.

Harry reached over and took the book from her hands. "What's it about?" he asked.

Hermione took it back from him and stuffed it into her bag. "Potions," she answered.

"Extra credit?"

"Not exactly," she said slowly, giving him a pointed look.

"Oh," Harry said, getting her meaning. The horcrux suddenly became a dark rain cloud hovering above him. "Any luck?" he asked.

"I don't know. This is the first time I actually got a look at the book," she replied. Harry placed an arm around her shoulders and Hermione tucked herself next to him as they watched Ron check Ginny's queen.

"Here you guys," Lavender said, handing Harry a piece of parchment.

"What's this?" he asked as he removed his arm from Hermione. She sat up to glance at the paper.

"It's the holiday list to see who is staying in the castle over the break," she replied. "Pass it around when you're done."

"Are you staying?" Hermione asked him when Lavender left.

"No, I think I'll go to Grimmauld," he answered. "Actually, do you think you and Ron would join me?"

"Yeah, I'll go," Ron piped up, hearing their conversation.

"I can't at first," Hermione replied. "I promised my parents I would go home and spend some time with them but maybe later I can join you." Harry stared at her.

"You're going home?" he asked. Dolohov.

"Yes but I promise that I'll join you guys later," she said.

"Do you think that's safe?" Harry asked. "Maybe I'll go with you." Dolohov.

"Harry don't worry about it," she smiled. "You have more important things to deal with. I'll be fine."

"I think maybe an auror should stay with you and your family." Dolohov.

Hermione looked at him. "Harry, what's going on?" she asked.

Harry looked away. "Nothing. I just, want you and your family to be safe."

"There are wards on the house. The Order placed them there themselves," she replied.

"Yeah well those wards can be broken easily Hermione. Trust me," he shot back.

Hermione looked at him. "Is there something you aren't telling me, Harry?" she demanded.

"That's ironic coming from you," he muttered.

Hermione sat back on the couch and crossed her arms and legs. Neville, feeling awkward reached out for the parchment.

"Can I have that, Harry?" he asked. "I've got to put my name down."

Harry looked over at him. "Why don't you stay with me Nev? It's a big house with plenty of room."

"I don't want to be bother," Neville said shyly.

"Don't be ridiculous. I would gladly have you there," he said and handed the parchment off to a nearby third-year.
