Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Important Things by Twitch E. Littleferret

More Important Things

Twitch E. Littleferret

Making Friends

Fall is here, hear the yell

back to school, ring the bell

brand new shoes, walking blues

climb the fence, books and pens

I can tell that we're going to be friends

(We're Going To Be Friends-The White Stripes)


Hermione walked into the Gryffindor common room to find Ron with his hands full. He was standing between two second year girls who were arguing.

"She took it, I'm telling you!" one said.

"I did not. I already have a pink ribbon and I don't need yours!"

"I saw you eyeing it the other day!"

"I didn't take it! But I know you took my red sweater."

"I'll give you back your sweater when you give me back my ribbon."

Ron looked up at Hermione with a helpless look on his face. She just smirked back enjoying the scene as she rested against one of the pillars in the room.

"Uh, listen…why don't you both look for the ribbon?" he suggested, lamely.

"I'm not going to help her find anything!"

Parvati came down the stairs and Ron rushed the two girls over to her. "You take care of this," he said quickly, giving the fighting second years to the other Gryffindor prefect. Hermione grinned at him as he joined her and together they walked to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"What's the matter Ron?" she teased him. "Scared of a couple of second years."

"Those girls are mental!" he declared. Hermione remembered the fights she had been witness to between Parvati and Lavender and thought that Ron had a small point.

They sat down next to Seamus, Dean and Neville, who was currently fussing over another strange plant of his. This one appeared to have tentacles on it. Ron eyed it warily as he dug in to his breakfast.

"Morning everyone!" Tonks said cheerfully, her spiky hair was an electric blue color this morning. Seamus and Dean, who hadn't had the pleasure of meeting her, gaped at her as she approached them. "As Head of the House, I get the pleasure of delivering your schedules to you."

"You're our Head of House?" Hermione asked.

"Uh-huh!" Tonks replied brightly as she handed Hermione her schedule. Of course, McGonagall couldn't be anymore since she was now Headmistress but still…Hermione would miss her greatly.

"Here you go Ron," Tonks continued. "Oh…and this." She handed him another envelope before moving down to the rest of the Gryffindors.

"Yes! I get Firenze this morning," Ginny said as she plopped down next to Hermione.

"You know, I always thought divination was such a woolly discipline but with Firenze teaching it, it does give me a second thought about it," Hermione said as she gazed at her own schedule.

"It's actually worse than you think," Ginny said. "His looks are so mesmerizing that I can't concentrate on what he's actually saying."

"Hmm, fair point. I can't afford to fail a class. Best to stay away from the subject altogether," Hermione nodded.

"UGH!!" Neville said. "We're with the Slytherins in DADA…today," his voice trailed off at the mention of the class that Harry shined in. A sudden gloom settled over the Gryffindors.

"Hey," Ron said quietly, folding up the letter Tonks had given him. "I made Quidditch Captain." He tucked the envelope in his robes then ran his hands through his hair. He was clearly agitated and finally got up from his seat, storming out of the Great Hall.

Hermione grabbed her bookbag and went after him.

"Ron…wait," she found him in the courtyard and scurried up to him.

He turned around to face her. "It shouldn't have been mine. It was his position. He was Captain!"

"Oh, Ron," she sighed and placed a hand on his arm.

Ron plopped down onto a stone bench nearby, elbows resting on his knees, hands in his hair. "Why is he making me hate him?" Hermione said nothing, she only sat by him to give him comfort. "Merlin, this sounds stupid but…I miss the stupid prat."

"We both do," Hermione said softly. "We all do."


The morning wasn't too bad. The Gryffindors had Transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs. Although Hermione missed McGonagall teaching the class, Professor Tonks was doing a fine job. And since the class was NEWT level, she would be teaching about morphing, disguise and, if the students were really lucky, Animagi.

"I want to be a lion," Ron daydreamed as the students filed out of the classroom and made their way to their next class. Seamus, Dean, Neville and Hermione were with him.

"Knowing your luck, you'll turn into a spider," Seamus said and Ron paled at the thought.

"Still it would be handy if you could change something about your appearance," Neville said.

"Why would you change anything about you?" Hermione said sweetly. "You're wonderful as you are." Neville blushed as the guys cat-called and teased him.

"I would change your meager little mind into something more useful. A quaffle, perhaps," someone said from behind.

The Gryffindors turned to face a group of Slytherins, Draco Malfoy in their lead. Surprisingly, he wasn't the one who had made the comment, Blaise Zabini did.

"Why don't you just keep your little trap shut?" Neville shot back, surprising the Gryffindors.

"Ooh, what are you going to do about it?" Blaise said. "Cry to mummy?"

"His mum's in St. Mungo's," Draco said in a quiet voice, looking disinterested as he examined the stained glass window to his left. Neville's face turned red with rage and Hermione wrapped a hand around his arm, to hold him back. Draco looked at everyone around him. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought everyone knew she was crazy."

Neville lunged forward but Ron and Seamus held him back. "Just what the hell is your problem, Malfoy?" Dean said angrily.

"Such brave little Gryffindors even though your leader turned coward and ran away from school," he said.

"You're one to talk," Hermione shot back. Draco stared at her, narrowing his eyes.

"I'd be careful, filthy little mudblood," he said in a low voice.

"Is that a threat?" Ron stepped in front of Hermione.

"Ron, don't," she said. "He isn't worth it. Ten points from Slytherin for use of such foul language." Draco smirked and continued on his way, his group of Slytherins following close behind.

"Don't listen to him, Neville," Hermione said, turning to her friend. "He's just a cowardly little ferret hiding behind his family name."

Ron watched as the Slytherins turned the corner then he looked back at Hermione. A feeling of unease settled in his stomach. They continued on their way down the corridor, heading to their DADA class where they knew they would be sharing their class with their rivaled house.

"I wonder who they got to teach this year," Parvati said as they joined her and Lavender.

"Dunno," Seamus shrugged.

Hermione noticed that Ron was hiding slightly behind her, still trying to avoid his ex. She sighed softly and rolled her eyes at him.

"What?" he whispered defensively.

They filed into the familiar classroom, the only stable thing about this class since their first year. Naturally, the Gryffindors sat on one side, the Slytherins on the other. Hermione and Ron didn't sit in the front like they usually did with Harry, it was just too damn awkward, a gesture that seemed to delight the Slytherins as they passed knowing and superior looks amongst one another. It was absolutely humiliating for the Gryffindors.

At precisely the gong of the clock, the classroom door slammed open and a tall slim woman walked briskly down the center aisle of the classroom. She had dark hair that was severely pulled back into a bun. Narrow rectangular glasses were rimmed in black bringing attention to her very blue eyes. She had a delicate face with an olive complexion and her cupid lips were stained red. She wore a black leather blazer with a white blouse underneath with a black leather skirt that came to just above her knees. The clothing hugged her body, showing off her curves. Her long shapely legs ended in black stilettos that seemed impossible to walk in without spraining or breaking an ankle.

"Bloody hell," Ron whispered and Hermione nudged him sharply. But as Hermione looked around, Ron wasn't the only one responding to their teacher. The males in the class were blatantly ogling her.

She approached the desk were there was a long pointer stick resting upon it. She picked it up and slammed it against the top with a loud WHACK that made everyone jump.

"I am Professor Smith," she said in an authoritative yet sultry voice. She strutted down the aisle, holding the pointer in one hand and tapping it against her other palm. "I will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I was an auror before I was called to other duties, now Professor McGonagall has called upon me to teach this class and I have accepted it."


She slammed the pointer on Crabbe and Zabini's desk causing everyone to jump again in their seats. "This class will be a practical one, why bother with piddly little books about spells that talk about defense?" At this Ron looked at Hermione from the corner of his eye to see her reaction but Hermione sat patiently. Professor Smith walked up to her desk and opened a drawer, pulling out a drawstring bag. She held it open to Susan Bones in the front who reached in and pulled out a small square of parchment. "A dark wizard intent on harming you will not give you time to look up a spell in a book before throwing a hex at you." Ron picked out a piece then handed it Hermione, he drew a seven she drew a four. Professor Smith picked up the bag when everyone drew a number. "Table one, table two…" she began to name off the desks in the classroom. "You will sit at the table number you have drawn. Hermione and Ron looked at each other then reluctantly left their desks. Ron moved to table number seven and with great relief saw that Seamus had drawn the same table.

Hermione was not so lucky.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"No way, no way in hell!"

Professor Smith looked over at Hermione and Draco then hopped off her desk to stride over to them. "Is there a problem here?"

"I can't sit with him!" Hermione said, stepping away from the Slytherin.

"There are no house prejudices in this class," Professor Smith said sternly. "Nor are there blood prejudices." She looked directly at Draco.

The two of them stared back at her indignantly. "I will not sit with him," Hermione said defiantly.

"I refuse to sit by…her," Draco said nastily.

Professor Smith looked between the two of them. "You will do as I say or I will fail you for this course."

Hermione's eyes flashed and her chin quivered. She abruptly sat down, willing the tears not to fall from her eyes. Draco sat down slowly, glaring at the teacher.

"Twenty-five points each from Gryffindor and Slytherin and a nights detention for the both of you," she walked away from the table. Hermione's face was hot with humiliation and Draco's jaw clenched in anger.


Ginny sat down next to Hermione and reached forward for a dinner roll. "So, what do you think of the new DADA teacher?" she asked cheekily.

"Ginny…don't ask," Ron said as Hermione muttered under her breath. Ginny looked at Hermione.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Malfoy is Granger's partner in class," Dean explained and Ginny made a silent Oh! in understanding.

"We lost twenty five points in the class but Hermione made up some of it in charms," Ron said.

"That woman is unbelievable," Hermione said in an outraged voice.

"You're telling me," Ron muttered, quickly stuffing his mouth with mashed potatoes.

"The guys in our class couldn't stop ogling her," Ginny said, "you'd think they've never seen a woman before."

Seamus opened his mouth to reply but thought better of it at the sharp looks from Ginny, Hermione, Parvati and Lavender.

"She's a bitch," Lavender proclaimed and Parvati nodded in consent.

After dinner, Hermione and Ron made their way to the library, finding a table in the far corner of the room. Ron took out his quill and parchment to begin his Transfiguration essay. Hermione went straight to the Restricted Section after showing Madame Pince her permission slip. The tomes were large and dusty, arranged by subject. Feeling silly for looking around her to see if anyone was looking, she made her way to the Dark Arts section. Dark Arts for Dummies. How To Be A Villain. So, You Want To Be An Evil Overlord. Dark Magical Objects and Their Uses.

Hermione picked that one to start with as she brought the book back to the table with her. Ron had made a good start on his essay putting his name on it and a title.

"What did you find?" he asked and she showed him the book. "If it could be so easy," he sighed.

They sat quietly, Hermione reading, Ron writing a word down once in awhile before staring off into space, mind lost to the upcoming Quidditch try-outs. Hermione was frustrated, horcruxes were mentioned only once in this large book and it was a short sentence about how incredibly complex and dark those objects were. She closed the book, sending a puffy cloud of dust Ron's way as he coughed and waved to clear it.

"No luck?" he asked.

"Well, this is just beginning," she replied wearily. She looked up at the clock and saw that it was nearly time for her detention. "I'll see you later, I've got to get to detention."

Ron watched her put away her book and walk out of the room. He took out the Marauder's Map and activated it. He followed Hermione's progress to the DADA classroom where Malfoy was already there with Professor Smith. Satisfied that she made it safely to the class he deactivated the map and put it away until she would be done.


Harry lifted the lid of the aquarium and dropped a brown mouse into it. The snake eagerly went after it and Harry turned away and continued packing his trunk. He was going to live in the auror compound with the rest of the trainees. He was allowed to take a few possessions from home and since Harry hadn't really had one all his life, his earthly possessions could all be packed away in his well-used trunk from Hogwarts.

"It's been a few days, do you have a name?" he asked after awhile.

"It iss really unssettling that you can undersstand me and I can undersstand you," the snake answered.

"Believe me, its more unsettling to me than to you," Harry replied softly.

"You turned away from me when you fed me. Does it disgusst you?" it asked.


"Doess death frighten you?"

"I've seen enough death to last a lifetime and then some," he answered quietly.

There was a brief moment of silence then, "Ississ," the snake hissed. "My name is Ississ."

"Isis," Harry repeated. "Well then, Isis, my name is Harry Potter." He took out his wand to lock his trunk when Isis recoiled violently, fangs drawn and skin flared around her head in typical cobra threatening posture. Hedwig, who was perched on top of the wardrobe, shrieked and unfurled her wings, talons sharp and threatening.

"Put it away!" Isis hissed and Harry quickly tucked the wand back in his robes. Hedwig was still shrieking and Harry called up to her.

"Hedwig, it's okay. It's okay," he held up both hands to both animals. Isis withdrew her fangs and settled back down, Hedwig doing the same.

"Isis, I'm sorry you don't like wands but I'm a wizard, I'm going to have to use it," Harry said gently.

"They hurt. They causse harm and pain," Isis replied.

Harry approached her. "I'm sorry for whatever pain you had to endure in your past but I promise you, Isis that I will not use my wand on you to cause pain."

"Why sshould I believe you?" she asked.

"Trust. That's what friends do. You can trust me that I will not hurt you just as I can trust you not to hurt me when I open this lid and reach in to hold you."

Isis said nothing, her tongue flickering in and out of her mouth as she watched him open the lid. With smooth and gentle movement, Harry reached in and touched Isis, stroking her smooth scaly skin. She lifted herself and moved up Harry's arm, wrapping herself around it as he withdrew it from her confines.

"We ssnakess get a bad rap. We can be very loyal," Isis hissed.

"Yeah, I know," Harry replied, thinking of Nagini.

That night, Isis let him cast a warming charm on her home because it was a cool night. Harry even went to sleep without locking the lid and as Hedwig left to hunt, Isis watched over her new master, making sure nothing disturbed his sleep.

Meanwhile, Lupin sat with Moody, Arthur, Kingsley, Aberforth, McGonagall and Nymphadora, the two of them having apparated from Hogwarts. They sat around the kitchen table, talking in hushed voices.

"Dumbledore did warn us that he was a Parselmouth," Kingsley whispered.

"I'm sure there is no harm in him keeping the snake," McGonagall said.

"A powerful wizard with a snake as a pet. Ring any bells?" Lupin said.

"Not to mention that he is advancing nicely in Occlumency and Legilmency," Aberforth added. "And you want to train him with the aurors," he nodded to Kingsley.

"Harry needs to learn how to defend himself properly," Kingsley defended. "Not that everyday rubbish they teach at Hogwarts."

"Mr. Shacklebolt!" McGonagall whispered fiercely.

"Kingsley has a point," Lupin defended. "Harry is too far advanced for what they teach in school."

"And yet, training him like an auror could be like setting a flame to a powder keg," Moody warned.

"How so?" Nymphadora asked.

"Look, no one knows the extent of what happened the night Voldemort tried to kill Harry when he was a baby. Dumbledore could only assume that when he cast the killing curse on him, he inadvertently transferred some of his powers to the boy," Moody explained.

"Hence the Parseltongue," McGonagall said.

"Right," Moody nodded. "Who knows what other powers were transferred and what will be unlocked with all that we are teaching him."

"You can't possible suggest that Harry would harm anyone," Arthur said.

"I'm not suggesting anything," Moody defended. "I'm just saying we need to be cautious. Constant vigilance!"

"Harry is the key to defeating Voldemort," Luin declared. "Dumbledore believed it, we should believe it. We need to give Harry every chance possible to achieve that goal, to take a chance on him."

"We're doing a fine job of it. We couldn't even get him to return to Hogwarts," McGonagall said dryly.

"We failed on that. Yes. But we still have a chance, we can't fail him this," Lupin said.


Harry's room inside the training complex was a simple one containing a single bed, a desk and a dresser with a lamp on it. He was awaken from his slumber this morning at some unholy hour by Shacklebolt and was taken to this complex. He had barely set up Isis' home and his trunk when a loud whistle blew and he heard people scrambling to get out of bed.


People began rushing out of the building and Harry quickly followed them to a field where they lined up. He immediately realized that he should've looked in his dresser when he found that he was the only one dressed in a jacket, jeans and trainers. Everyone else was wearing dark blue sweats with the ministry emblem on them. A large man stepped forward, a whistle between his lips and wearing the same sweats but with large block letters in white that spelled out C-A-P-T-A-I-N.

He immediately marched toward Harry. "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?"

"I didn't--," Harry began but he was cut off.


"Uh…forty what?" he was afraid to ask.

"FORTY WHAT? FORTY WHAT?!" He shoved Harry to the ground, Harry tasting the tasty grass beneath him. "FORTY PUSH-UPS YOU IDIOT! MAKE IT SIXTY FOR YOUR STUPIDITY! WE DON'T BEGIN TODAY'S TRAINING UNTIL HE IS DONE."

Harry's brief experiences doing push-ups in Physical Education had been humiliating at best and this was no different. His arms began to burn at thirty and at forty-five they began to shake. Collapsing at sixty, he was forced to get up and stand. The smell of breakfast wafted through the air, enticing a hungry growl from his stomach.

"Ah looks like this company will be eating the crumbs today," the Captain announced. There were several sideways glances at Harry for this. "WHAT ARE YOU USELESS PIECES OF FLESH DOING STANDING HERE?!" the Captain suddenly barked out. "GO! GO! GO!" And the group broke out into a jog with Harry following behind.

Breakfast wasn't great either. Harry was so sick after his run that his stomach threatened to vomit whatever he put down. He was so exhausted that his fork trembled violently in his hand. To make matters worse, he could hear the low hum of whispers in the hall.

"Harry Potter."

"What's he doing here?"

"Cheeky show-off."

"He's got to earn his stripes like we did."

The whispers followed him all day, hanging over him like dark cloud to all of his training classes. Mercifully, the day ended and everyone was dismissed for the day. Harry dragged his weary body to his dormitory but was stopped by his Captain.

"Potter, you are to report to classroom 7B immediately."

Groaning, internally of course, he opened the door to the classroom to reveal Aberforth on the other side.

"Are you ready for your lessons?" he asked.

He was so exhausted by the end of the day that he just collapsed fully dressed onto his bed and immediately fell into a deep sleep.


Hermione watched Ron, his brow furrowed as he looked at his book then scribbled down a few notes on parchment. She had her Transfiguration book open and was doing homework.

"You know, if you applied the same enthusiasm to your studies as you do on that playbook, you would be a top student," she said to him.

He looked up at her. "Hermione, this is important," he said.

"Only Quidditch would inspire you to crack open a book on a Sunday," she said dryly.

The common room door burst open and Colin Creevey came sprinting through. "Ron, Hermione!" he gasped. "Downstairs!" The two of them jumped to their feet and tore out of the common room. Shouting could be heard coming from just outside the front doors of the castle and when they opened the large doors there was a large crowd of students in front of them, crowding around something.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" they were shouting.

"Move it! Get out of the way!" Ernie came from behind the two of them and began to make his way through the crowd. Ron and Hermione followed and found Seamus on the ground with a sixth year Slytherin, wrestling to get his wand out of his hand.

"Expelliarmus," Ron said and the Slytherin's wand flew to his hand.

"Break it up!" Ernie ordered, pulling the Slytherin away from Seamus. Dean and Neville came forward to retrieve him. "Break it up! Break it up! What's this about?"

Seamus' cheek was red and swollen, the Slytherin had a black eye and a bloody nose and lip. He spat on the ground.

"Stupid Gryffindors," he said. "Your bravery is all a show, hiding behind a showy lion. You're all cowards underneath."

"What is this about?" Hermione demanded.

"Here you go, Granger," Pansy Parkinson tossed a paper at her. "Face the truth."

Hermione took the paper and straightened it out.

The Boy Who Fled

Harry Potter, who overblown legend has built him up to be some sort of hero, has disappeared from the wizarding world. Several students have written to their parents to report that the teen wizard did not show up to attend Hogwarts this year.

"I guess the death of Dumbledore was too much for him," an unnamed Slytherin seventh year said. "He was always hiding behind our Headmaster, sorry, former Headmaster."

There are rumors of his whereabouts and some unconfirmed sightings of him in the Auror department. But the head of the department, Kingsley Shacklebolt, has dismissed these claims. It is most likely that he has fled the country, running in fear at the rising power of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. It is a shame that we have misplaced such legendary reverence to a mere teenager who would turn and flee at the merest hint of danger.

Hermione crumpled up the newspaper and tossed it aside as she turned and stormed back into the castle. Ron followed her. Draco watched them both leave.

"Hermione," Ron said, following her to the Head Boy and Girl Quarters.

"Wonky Feint," Hermione said, opening the door.

"Hermione will you stop?" Ron said, following her inside.

"I hate this, Ron!" she said. "I hate that we haven't been able to get a hold of him for days. I hate that he won't talk to us. I hate that we're stuck here having to listen to everyone say such horrible things about him." She began to sob, collapsing into Ron's awkward arms. He was never good with sobbing girls and Hermione was no exception. Harry was better at calming her down and comforting her but he wasn't here was he?

No, Harry wasn't here.

He really couldn't explain why he did it. Why he stepped away from her only to be separated slightly. Why he leaned into her and kissed her on the lips. Why he forcibly pushed all thoughts out of his head as he lowered her on the floor.

But when he stepped out of the door a few hours later, the portrait swinging shut behind him, he knew things would never be the same between him and Hermione. He cared for her, hell, he loved her but not like he thought love would be. She would always hover between sisterly-love and the love that he had yet to experience with someone. But he would never date her again, never be with her that way again, never feel more for her in a romantic way. The ideal relationship he had fantasized with Hermione was just that, a fantasy. They would never get married, have children, grow old together playing with their grandchildren.

And to his own surprise, he was okay with that. More than okay. He cared for her as a great friend, a best friend.

Lost in his thoughts, he turned a corner and ran smack into someone, her books tumbling to the ground.

"Loony!" he said in surprise when he saw who he had collided with.

She had knelt down to pick up her books and looked up at him with pure hurt in her eyes. "It's Luna," she said.

Ron mentally smacked himself. "Luna, right, I'm sorry." He knelt down to help her with her things.

"Don't bother Ronald," she said in a tone she had never used with him before. She snatched a book out of his hands and stood up quickly.

"Well, are you alright?' he asked.

"I'm fine," she snapped back at him.

Ron really did feel terrible and found himself grasping for conversation to keep her from hating him. "Er, what are you doing out here so late?" he asked.

"I just left the library," she said and continued on her way. Ron trotted up to her.

"Well, at least let me walk you back to your common room."

"Don't bother, Weasley."

"Well, I'm going to anyway."

"Whatever, Weasley," she replied, continuing on her way.


Looking at the hourglass the next day, it was clear that the Gryffindors were not in the running for the house cup this year. It hadn't been this bad since Dolores Umbridge came to school.

"This year totally sucks," Dean said. "And it had to be a NEWT year." The seventh year Gryffindors waited outside of the DADA classroom, the door was locked.

"Number seven, what did you get for number seven?" Lavender asked Seamus.

"I wonder why Professor Smith locked the door," Neville said. Hermione shrugged.

A group of sixth year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws filed past them on the way to the dungeons for Potions. Hermione gave a friendly nod to Ginny and Luna. Neville dropped his notebook and Ginny stopped to retrieve it for him.

"There you go," Ginny smiled softly at him.

"Thank you," Neville muttered, turning pink as she walked away.

Ron watched as Luna walked away with his sister, not once acknowledging his presence like she usually did.

"Watch it Nev," Seamus whispered. "That's Potter's girl."

"Hello class," the sultry voice of Professor Smith rang out as she walked down the corridor to approach them. The girls rolled their eyes as the boys in the class moved their notebooks to the front of their robes as if on cue.

"Hello Professor Smith," came the chorus of male voices.

She opened the door to reveal an empty classroom, their desks and chairs had disappeared.

"Drop off your books and bags in the corner," she instructed. "You'll need only your wands. Line up on opposite sides of the classroom, one partner on each side.

Ron looked up sharply at this, looking between Hermione and Malfoy. He purposely stood next to Hermione to keep an eye on the little ferret.

"You will duel with your partner. I wish to see how far you have come in this class, one group at a time."

It became very clear who was a member of the DA and who wasn't. The Gryffindors that had Slytherins as partners quickly disarmed their counterparts. Ron disarmed Seamus after a few minutes and after he was done. Hermione and Malfoy stepped forward.

Draco struck first. "Reducto!"

"Protego!" Hermione countered. "Tarantallegra!"

"Protego! Stupefy!"

"Protego! Stupefy!" Hermione cast the same spells back but Draco dodged them.

"Serpensortia!" A snake flew out of his wand and at Hermione.

"Reducto!" she said, blowing the snake up giving Draco time to deliver a stinging hex. She cried out in pain as the hex hit her side.

"Petrificus totalis!" she hit his knees and he slammed to the ground.

"Finite!" he recovered. Hermione sent her canaries after him. "Immobulus!" he countered, freezing the canaries in the air. "Reducto! Reducto! Reducto!" he aimed at Hermione, each time she put up a shielding charm, stepping backwards as he advanced on her backing her up to a wall.

"Expecto patronum!" Her otter came out of her wand, swimming through the air to Malfoy who stumbled backward in surprise, losing his footing as he went down. The sound of his wand clattering to the floor filled the air and Hermione quickly advanced, taking advantage of the situation.

Malfoy, realizing he was unarmed, pointed with his left index and middle fingers. "Mobilis!" he called out and a heavy pile of book bags went flying at Hermione, knocking her to the floor. "Accio wand!" he called as he scrambled to his feet. It flew into his hand with ease and he quickly ran to Hermione, kicking the wand from her hand and pointing his in her face.

"Excellent! Well done Miss Granger, Mr. Malfoy!" Professor Smith clapped. "It is clear that I won't be working with a bunch of idiots, well, some of you," she looked over at the Slytherins. "But no mind, I have faith in this class."

Draco stared down at Hermione and she glared back up at him. He tucked his wand back in his robes and walked away from her as the bell clang, signaling the end of class. Ron picked up Hermione's wand and helped her to her feet.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine Ron," she said. He cradled her head in his hands, looking at a large cut on her cheekbone. He looked over her shoulder at the Slytherins leaving the room.

"Ron, no!" Hermione reached out for him as he stormed after Malfoy.

"Ron, stop it!" Neville blocked his path, aided by Seamus and Dean as they successfully stopped their friend.

"He's not going to get away with this!" Ron said angrily.

"He won't," Dean said. "He'll get what's coming to him."

"Come on, Hermione," Lavender said. "Parvati and I will take you to the hospital wing."

Hermione touched a hand to her cheek and felt wetness there. She pulled it away to find blood on her fingertips.
