Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Important Things by Twitch E. Littleferret

More Important Things

Twitch E. Littleferret

Isn't This Day Over Yet?

I'm head of the class

I'm popular

I'm a quarterback

I'm popular

My mom says I'm a catch

I'm popular

I'm never last picked

I got a cheerleader chick

Being attractive is the most important thing there is

If you wanna catch the biggest fish in your pond

You have to be as attractive as possible

Make sure to keep your hair spotless and clean

Wash it at least every two weeks

Once every two weeks

And if you see Jonny football hero in the hall

Tell him he played a great game

Tell him you like his article in the newspaper

I'm the party star

I'm popular

I've got my own car

I'm popular

I'll never get caught

I'm popular

I make football bets

I'm a teacher's pet.

(Popular-Nada Surf)


At long last, Transfiguration was over and Harry rejoiced in the chance to talk to Hermione again but he was held up by Tonks, er Professor Tonks and given a list of what they had learned so far and a date was set up so Harry could show her that he was caught up with the rest of the class.

Harry was extra determined to make nice with Hermione so she could help him out. Both of his friends were not outside of the class waiting for him, not that he expected them to but he was having desperately high hopes.

He caught up with them in Charms where once again he sat next to Ron, who still gave off the impression that he was thoroughly irritated with him. Harry felt like a complete ass. He embarrassed both of his friends and probably destroyed whatever connection Ron had or was trying to establish with Luna Lovegood.

"Is she talking to you yet?" Harry whispered, trying to start conversation.

Ron didn't answer for the longest time and Harry had nearly given up before he finally spoke. "Haven't had a chance."

"Would it help if I talked to her?" Harry offered.

"Harry, you're like a Hungarian Horntail in a crystal shop right now. Please don't do me any favors."

At lunch, Harry realized that he had managed to piss another person off. His girlfriend.

"Look, I'm trying to apologize to Ron and Hermione. I'm trying to make things right," he explained to Ginny.

"That's not the point, Harry," she replied. "It's where you got that idea."

"Are you going to tell me that no one else had thought of it?" he replied.

"If you're referring to the group of boneheads you call your roommates, they think any boy and girl who are even remotely alone together for five minutes are shagging. And besides, who cares if Ron and Hermione have slept with each other?"

"I didn't say I cared," Harry muttered, lying blatantly.

"Right, Harry. That's why you flew off the handle and embarrassed the both of them."


Hermione was sitting quietly at her desk in DADA going over her homework, double checking her work for mistakes, when Harry sat down next to her.

"Harry!" Hermione whispered, searching the classroom. "You can't sit here! It's assigned seating."

"It is?" he asked, then waved her statement off. "No matter, I'll be quick. I know you really hate me right now but I really need your help to get caught up with my classes."

"Hey, Hermione," Neville said smoothly, standing in front of her desk and Hermione fought the urge to roll her eyes.

"Neville," she replied flatly.

"Hey Neville," Harry replied but Neville ignored him.

"I was wondering what you were doing tonight?" Neville asked Hermione.

"Um, well, I'm not sure," Hermione replied slowly.

"Well, we both have a lot of Astronomy homework and I was wondering if you want to get together with me in the Tower."

Harry wondered if his face mirrored the shock he was experiencing. Was Neville blatantly hitting on Hermione…in front of him?

"Oh! Um, well, you see, I was going to help Harry, here," she gestured to him, "catch up in his classes."

Neville shrugged. "Well, it shouldn't take too long. After all, I'm sure Potter has better things to do with his time like….snog Ginny in a broomcloset or something."

"What?" Harry did not like the tone Neville was using with him at all.

"You're sitting in my seat," came the unmistakable sound of Malfoy's voice. Harry turned to see him standing by him.

"I'm sorry?" Harry asked.

"Harry," Hermione whispered. "I told you it was assigned seating. You really are sitting in his seat."

"Excuse us for a moment," Harry said to the Slytherin then yanked Hermione out of her chair.

"Harry, calm down," Hermione whispered when he took them only a little ways away.

"Calm down? Calm down, Hermione?" Harry whispered frantically. "He's a Death Eater!"

"I know that! It's not like I had a choice in the matter."

"I cannot allow you to sit next to him."

"Harry, it's only for this class that I have to endure his presence."

"I don't like it. I'm going to speak to the Professor about this."

"You will do no such thing. Harry," her whisper softened, "he's not going to try anything in a room full of students and certainly not in front of the teacher. Besides, what does a Death Eater want with me anyway?" she shrugged.

Harry looked at her, taking in the full meaning of her words. She had no idea how ironic that sounded but he trusted in her. And besides, if Malfoy tried anything, Harry would hex him so badly that any future Malfoy lines would definitely end with him.

Hermione returned to her seat only to find that Neville was still there.

"So, what do you say Hermione?" he asked.

"I'm sorry Neville, I can't tonight," she said.

"What about tomorrow night?"

"Witless, just because you discovered that you actually had something between your legs called testicles doesn't mean you know how to use them," Draco snapped. "Now get lost."

"You can't talk to me that way," Neville said indignantly.

Draco rose from his seat and placed both hands on the table. "Oh yeah?"

"Neville, please," Hermione pleaded. "I'll talk to you later okay?" Neville nodded and with a final glare to Draco he walked away.

"Honestly, Granger," Draco huffed as he sat down, "the riff-raff you bring to this table."

Harry still stood close by Hermione's table, keeping a sharp eye on Malfoy. Ron walked into the classroom and took his seat next to Seamus. He caught Harry's eye who nodded toward her table. Ron shrugged as if to say, Hey man, I don't like it either.

The DADA professor swayed down the aisle, immediately catching Harry's attention and he nearly dropped his bookbag on his feet. Geez, the guys weren't kidding, she was hot and briefly Harry wondered what exactly the rules were on student-teacher relations.

"Mr. Potter," she said in a sweet voice, "how fortunate we are to have you here. As you can see, I have placed everyone into pairs and since one of my groups is made of three, I can finally break that up."

Two Slytherins that were sitting next to Neville jumped up and moved to another table. "Oh and look at that!" she said, "a space has popped up immediately."

Harry took his seat next to Neville. At least he had a good look at the table where Hermione and Malfoy were sitting, diagonal from them.

"Okay, pass your homework forward. Mr. Potter I will have a list of what you need to catch up on," she said. "You should have read and written about the advantages of casting spells without vocalizing them. I need a couple of volunteers to demonstrate." Neville's hand shot into the air. No one else did, not even Hermione. The DADA professor sighed. "Mister Longbottom, of course," and Neville scrambled up to the front of the class.

"Do I have another volunteer?" she asked the class hopefully. Harry heard quiet chanting next to him and he turned to see Ron with his eyes closed muttering something over and over, his DADA book in his lap. Harry remembered his and Hermione's conversation this morning about this professor and he had to stifle a laugh.

"Mister Weasley," she called on him. "Would you like to come up here?"

Ron's eyes widened and Harry's empathy went out to his friend as he got to his feet, his robes buttoned up loosely around him. Harry coughed out loud something that sounded eerily like Snapeinadress and a grin broke out on Ron's face as he walked a little more confidently to the front of the class.

"The ability to cast your spell without vocalizing it gives you the advantage that your opponent will be caught off guard," the professor lectured as Ron and Neville dueled. "Your opponent will not know what you are casting and therefore will not cast a counter-curse. Furthermore, in stealth, silently casting your spell will not give your location away, giving yourself up. Your opponent will be caught off guard."

Ron's wand flew across the room and clattered on the floor as Neville raised a fist in the air. "Yes!"

"Very good, Mister Longbottom," Professor Smith said lazily. "Anyone else wish to challenge Neville?"

Surprisingly, or maybe not, another hand shot in the air.

"Mister Malfoy!" Professor Smith brightened at the prospect of actually finding a willing volunteer.

Draco slid out of his chair and walked to the front of the classroom. Neville was looking smug and nearly bored. She didn't even say "begin" before Draco took a cheap shot and slashed his wand toward the caught-off-guard Gryffindor. In a flash, Neville's clothes disappeared. Neville dropped his wand to cover himself, turning bright red. Hermione gasped as the Slytherin's burst out laughing.

"Mister Malfoy!" Professor Smith scolded.

"What?" Draco shrugged. "He should've blocked it."

"Be that as it may, please do not do that again in my classroom. I'll only take three points away from you for this little…stunt." She sighed and summoned Neville's clothes. "Go into my office and dress please."

Neville, who was now the nice shade of lobster, hastily made his exit from the classroom.

"Now, who wishes to go against Mister Malfoy?"

Harry stood up from his seat. "Harry, no!" Ron whispered.

"Very well, Mister Potter," she said.

Harry didn't even make it to the front of the class when Malfoy struck out at him. But Harry was too quick and he protected himself and sent a stinging hex to Malfoy that landed directly on his chest. Draco gasped out loud and sent another curse to Harry who volleyed it back to the Slytherin who ducked. The hex sliced through the edge of the shoulder of his robes. Harry stepped forward, repeatedly casting hexes as Malfoy stumbled backwards and as a last resort he sent an empty chair flying at Harry so he could distract him long enough to get a good hex in. But Harry sent the chair flying away from him while at the same sending a stunning spell to Malfoy who fell backward on the floor with a thud.

"Enough! Expelliarmus!" Professor Smith said to Harry. Harry felt his wand want to leave his hand but he instinctively held on to it, not allowing the teacher to disarm him. She narrowed her eyes and him and he hastily put his wand away and sat down at his desk.

Hermione finally breathed and pried her fingers out of the desk in front of her. Professor Smith ennerverated Malfoy who sulked to his desk glaring at Harry who didn't back down in return.

Professor Smith continued on with her lecture for the day and when the class was dismissed she called out for Harry. He walked up to her desk and she waited until the last student left before speaking.

"Mister Potter, I'm going to be frank with you. I know what Shacklebolt has been having you do in your time away from here so I know that you needn't even be in this class." Harry opened his mouth to protest but she cut him off. "Have you ever heard of the muggle game called poker?"

"Um, I think so," Harry replied unsurely.

"Basically, it's a game of bluffing," she said. "You want to get your opponent to show his hand before you can show yours. Do you get my meaning Mister Potter?" Harry nodded. "Good. Until next class then," she said, dismissing him.

When he walked out of the classroom, Ron and Hermione were waiting for him.

"What did she say?" Ron asked.

"Basically, she wanted me to tone down my DADA skills," Harry sighed.

"I agree with her," Hermione said.

"What?" Ron protested. "Harry can't help it if he's good in that class. He always has been."

Hermione tutted. "Ron, Harry's not just good, he's exceptional otherwise he wouldn't have been able to train with the Aurors." Harry couldn't help but preen at Hermione's words. "She's telling him to tone it down because who exactly is in that classroom with us."

"Exactly," Harry agreed.

"Oh, I never thought about it that way," Ron scratched his head. "But, Harry, just don't let a Slytherin kick your ass."

"Hell, no!" Harry grinned.

Hermione playfully nudged her shoulder with his. "The idea is absolutely preposterous," she said, grinning slyly at him. Oh Merlin, Harry thought, she's going to drive me crazy. "I'll see you guys later," she said as she took off for her Arithmancy class and Harry allowed himself a small glimpse of her backside as she bounced up the stairs.


That evening, as the Gryffindor's sat for dinner, Harry was determined to help Ron out. He couldn't help but notice that Ron kept glancing at the Ravenclaw table at Luna. At some point during the dinner, Harry noticed, to his great surprise, that Michael who was sitting next to Luna, looked back at Ron, smirked then put his arms around the girl. Ron sullenly turned back to his pudding.

Ah, so Luna had a boyfriend, Harry thought, pinpointing the cause of his friend's angst. Michael Corner of all people. Didn't Ginny go out with Michael?

"Didn't you go out with Michael Corner?" he asked his girlfriend that night in the library. Hermione looked up at Harry and Ginny.

"Is this really the best time for you to bring up past boyfriends?" Ginny said sharply. She was still a little pissed at him.

"Harry, Ginny's right," Hermione said, trying to keep the peace. "Finish your Charms homework."

"Well, I was just curious as to what made you want to go out with him, of all people," Harry asked, ignoring Hermione.

"Merlin, Harry," Ginny huffed. "Are you jealous? I haven't spoken to Michael in ages."

"I'm not jealous. I just want to know." He really did. He wanted to know why Luna was more attracted to Michael than to Ron.

Ginny took it wrong, however, as a sly grin grew on her face. She put down her quill and scooted next to Harry, practically climbing into his lap.

"Aren't you cute when you're jealous," she cooed at him.

Hermione didn't want to be witness to this so she gathered up her homework. "I'll catch you guys later," she said, hastily leaving the table.

Normally, Harry wouldn't have minded if Ginny climbed into his lap but he didn't want Hermione to leave.

"Would you two please tone it down a bit?" Neville said sharply from the next table. "This is a library after all."

"Oh, that is sooo ironic coming from you!" Ginny shot back.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Neville asked.

"You use the library as your own personal snogging ground!"

Ginny seemed to be a little distracted by Neville so Harry quickly gathered his quill and parchment and stuffed them in his bag before he went after Hermione.

"Hey, you didn't have to leave," he said.

"Harry, I wasn't going to sit and watch you snog Ginny in front of me," she said.

"I wasn't going to…snog Ginny in front of you. That would be just waaay too awkward."

"She's your girlfriend, Harry. I'm sure it's socially acceptable to do that."

Harry reached out and put his hand on her arm, stopping her. "That's not what I meant and you know it."

Hermione sighed. This conversation was inevitable. "Have you told her?" she asked.

Harry shook his head. "No."

"Are you going to?"

Harry paused. "I don't think so."

"Ron knows."

Harry swallowed and looked down. "Yeah, I know," he said softly.

"Harry, look at me," she said softly. He looked up at her. "I'm okay with you and Ginny. Really I am."

"Hermione," Harry said but a commotion from down the hall caught their attention.

"How dare you blame this all on me!" Ginny was shouting. Harry and Hermione made their way over to her and saw that she was shouting at Neville in front of the library and that a small crowd had formed around them.

"Yeah, I do blame you!" Neville shouted. "You are so freakin' blindly in love with Harry freakin' Potter that you couldn't see anyone else! How is a guy supposed to compete with that!"

"Honestly!!" Ginny squeaked. "That is the biggest load of crap I've ever heard!"

"Oh yeah? Here you are shouting at me because you are jealous!"

"Jealous? Jealous of a swaggering prat like you?"

"Nobody paid attention to me all these years, not even you. And only when someone gorgeous comes along and starts to pay attention to me you start acting like a complete bitch!"

Ginny's jaw dropped open.

"Neville!" Hermione scolded. Ginny eyed her brown haired friend.

"Oh, yeah Neville? Well I have a little newsflash for you! The only reason Lavender gave you the time of day was because of Hermione!"

Everyone's eyes turned to her and Hermione hid partially behind Harry.

"Ginny what's going on?" Harry demanded, pushing Hermione further behind him.

"Tell him!" Ginny shrieked. "Tell him, Hermione, how you set Lavender and Parvati up." Ginny turned to the two girls who were in the crowd. "She knew, she totally played you two. She knew that she could coerce you guys into thinking Neville was cute if she pretended to show interest in him."

Neville stared at her in disbelief. "Hermione?" he asked her.

"Neville," Hermione said softly and apologetically, "I…"

He didn't wait for her answer, he just brushed past her and ran to the Gryffindor common room.

"Oh, Harry!" Ginny sobbed and ran into his arms. Hermione stepped away from them as Parvati and Lavender approached her.

"I can't believe you would manipulate us like that!" Lavender said.

"Yes, we were best friends!" Parvati added and the two of them sauntered off.

"Okay guys," Harry said. "Get out of here, show's over." The students began to disperse.

"I'm sorry, Hermione," Ginny sniffled.

"That's okay," Hermione said tiredly. "Harry, why don't you take her back to the common room."

Harry wanted to stay with Hermione and his body language showed that but Hermione looked at him pleadingly and he silently relented. She just wanted to be alone and when the hallway was clear, she sank to the floor.

At least, she thought she was alone.

Draco squatted down in front of her, his wand held loosely in his hand.

"Go ahead, whatever you say I can take it," she sighed.

"Get up," he said, grabbing her arm and helping her to her feet. "A mudblood feeling sorry for herself is just sickening. Let's go."

He led her to the third floor passageway and sat down in the dirt tunnel, Hermione did the same.

"Well, Granger, I have to say that I didn't think you had it in you," he said.

"What?" Hermione asked warily.

"Scheming, plotting, manipulating. If you weren't so bloody noble, you'd make an excellent candidate for Slytherin."

"Yeah, thanks," she said, dryly.

"I also know that you don't feel as bad as you should about this whole thing."

"Is that so?"

"Come on, you had no idea he would turn out to be the prat he is. I think it's great that Weaslette knocked him down a few pegs."

Hermione didn't answer him.

"You know I'm right."

"Okay fine. I agree with you what do you want? A medal?"

Draco laughed softly. "How about a celebratory drink?" He reached in his robes and pulled out two miniature bottles of Firewhiskey.

"If you think I'm drinking anything you're offering me, you're as stupid as you look."

"Fair point," Draco said and opened one of the bottles, taking a drink from it.

"You know, I could take points from your house," she said.

Draco shrugged. "Go ahead, we'd still be way ahead of you guys." Hermione sighed and began to pick the lint off her skirt.

"Must be difficult," Draco said.

"What?" she asked.

"Being a perfect goody two-shoes," he replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hermione narrowed her eyes.

"I've got you figured out. Let me guess, model daughter to muggle parents, always in the top of your class, never been grounded or punished, irritatingly responsible, little to no friends…."

"Are you finished?" she cut him off.

"I'm willing to bet you color coordinate your knickers in their drawer."

"Please don't talk about my knickers. It really creeps me out to hear it from you."

Draco laughed softly. "Believe me, it freaks me out more than it does you." Hermione rolled her eyes, fighting a laugh.

"So how does it feel?" he asked her.

"How does what feel?"

"Taking a walk on the wild and immoral side?"

"I'm not as innocent as you think," she said.

"Of course not," Draco said unconvincingly. "News flash for you Granger, it is okay to unleash your inner bad girl once in awhile."

Hermione didn't say anything. She thought this train of conversation was too ironic coming from him.

"Well, I've had enough of your disgusting mudblood presence," Draco announced as he got to his feet. Hermione tutted. "Catch you around Granger."


Harry saw his opportunity to talk to Ron after Ginny finally calmed down and went upstairs to bed. Ron was hunched over his playbook, strategizing the next practice.

"Hey mate," Harry said, taking a seat next to him. "How's the team this year?"

"Don't even ask," Ron muttered in reply. "Hey, you interested in the Seeker position?"

"I'll think about it," Harry replied. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something," he said in a low and serious voice. "Remember when I was in the hospital wing earlier and you had said you were worried about Hermione because she missed your match?"

Ron had still been reading the book but Harry could see that he suddenly became very still. "Yeah?" he asked, slowly.

"Well, you never finished telling me what was wrong."

Ron turned a page in the book. "I'm sure it was nothing," he said casually.

Harry reached out and slowly closed the book in his friend's hand, looking straight at him. "Nothing is usually important," he said.

Ron sighed. "Okay…so she missed the match. I was a little pissed about it but when I came looking for her, Ernie found her first."

"Found her?" Harry repeated. "Where?"

"He said that he was looking for her as well. She told him she would be there but she never showed, so he went looking for her and found her on the third floor."

"Go on," Harry urged.

"Well, he said all her clothes were dirty and she looked pretty beaten up. He had to take her to the hospital wing to get her ankle fixed."

"Did she talk to you or him about what happened?"

"Yeah, she said she was on her way to the match when she tripped on the steps in front of the castle, tumbled down and hurt her ankle. Ernie asked her why she was on the third floor and she said that she was walking to the hospital wing."

"And that's all?"

"Yeah, that's all. I mean, what else was I supposed to think, Harry? It sounded plausible and it's not as if Hermione would lie about something like that."

Harry was forcibly reminded of their third year and how she had kept the secret of the time turner for the entire year.

"But?" Harry pressed.

"Well, I believe her, I do. But…," Ron looked around and lowered his voice, "ever since then she's been acting very jumpy and secretive. Nothing big but it's subtle. I mean, she didn't even bother to stop by and see you that day you were here. I couldn't find her anywhere in the castle."

"Did you use the Map?" Harry asked.

"Here's the thing. She had it on her. We've been using it back and forth for when we do rounds."

"Does she have the Map now?" he asked.

"No, I have it. She doesn't have rounds tonight. It's upstairs in my trunk."

"Thanks," Harry said, getting up from the table. "I'll be back."


Hermione walked down the corridor back to the Head Boy and Girl suites. As she turned a corner she saw a group of giggling fourth year Hufflepuffs huddled around something.

"It is nearly five minutes until curfew," she said softly and friendly to the girls.

The jumped and one of them hastily hid something behind her back.

"What do you have behind your back, Miss Spencer?" she asked.

"N-nothing, Hermione…er, Miss Granger," the girl replied.

Hermione looked directly at her and held out her hand. Blushing scarlet, the girl handed over a piece of parchment. She took it and stuffed it in her pocket.

"Now hurry along before I'm forced to take points from your house," Hermione said as the girls turned and made their way down the corridor.

Hermione held a hand to her mouth, stifling a yawn. It had been a long day and she just wanted to crawl into bed and sleeeeeep. Tomorrow, word of Neville's source of popularity will be spreading through the castle, if it hadn't already and she had to ready herself for the fallout. As much as she wasn't looking forward to it, she had to make nice with Lavender and Parvati.

"Hello, Hermione."

She looked up to see her fanciable, raven-haired friend leaning against the wall next to the portrait door to the Head Boy and Girl suite.

"Or should I call you the Masterminding Meddler?" he grinned.

"Ha, ha," she said. "Aren't you cute?"

"So they tell me," he shrugged. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Fiddle-dee-dee Twinkle-toes," she said.

"Right you are, dearie!" said the lovely lady in the portrait. She had her blond hair pulled up and wore a pretty white empire dress, typical of the Edwardian period. She winked at Harry as he walked by and he winked back.

"Quit flirting with the portrait," Hermione scolded lightly.

"Can't help it," he said as he stepped into the room. "Nice password by the way."

Hermione kicked off her shoes. "It pretty much ensures that most males in this school will not be willing to try and bother me while I'm studying." She yawned. "Or sleeping." She plopped down on one of the sofas in the cozy common room.

"Fiddle-dee-dee Twinkle-toes," Harry said softly with a smile as he walked over and stood in front of her.

Hermione smiled as she looked up at him. "Now, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" she asked.

"I wanted to ask you a question."


"The day you missed Ron's Quidditch match."

"Oh geez. Is he still on about that? I told him I was sorry. Did he ask you to come down here?"

"No, I was just curious. He told me that you had hurt yourself."

Hermione's heart began to pound and she covered her face. "Ugh! The whole thing is so stupid and embarrassing," she said.

"He said you fell down the castle steps."

"I know, I know and I hurt my ankle in the process."

"So, if you hurt yourself down there, why did Ernie find you on the third floor?"

"Are you interrogating me, Mr. Potter?" The faintest trace of a smirk grew on her face and Harry suddenly began to feel a little uncomfortable…in a good way.

"Just curious," he replied.

"I was on my way to the hospital wing," she replied.

"By yourself?"

"Everyone was at the match."

"Ron said that Ernie said that you looked a little beaten up."

"Do you want to take a fall down those steps and see what you'd look like?"

Harry wanted to believe her. He had no reason to except that the story was way too simple. Way too convenient. He wanted to use Legilimens on her but thought better of it, it was way too intrusive.

She stood up. "No offense, Harry, but it's been a really long day and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow either. I just want to go to bed."

The little devil popped up on his shoulder. Woo-hoo! In bed with Hermione!

His angel counterpart popped up. Hello???? Ginny Weasley????

"Good night then. I'll see you tomorrow, Hermione."

She walked him to the door but he suddenly stopped and turned around. She wasn't expecting that so she nearly ran into him. They stood there for a moment, so close and she was suddenly overwhelmed with the need to touch him.

"Why didn't you see me in the hospital wing?" he asked softly. She could hear the faintest trace of hurt in his voice. How could she tell him that she so desperately wanted to see him but Draco had forced her to keep her promise?

"I…I needed time to think things through," she lied. "They told me you had been hurt badly and I…" She was at a loss for words. "I did come by. But it was too late. You had already left."

He looked down at her, lost in the sensation of being near her. "I'm so sorry that I treated you and Ron so badly. I'm sorry-"

"Shh," she whispered. "It's done and it's past. I want to move on and put that behind us. We have more important things we need to concentrate on."

"He was there," Harry said, lowering his voice. "Voldemort. I knew I couldn't kill him so I just wanted to get out of there alive."

"And you did."

"Barely. He nearly got me, Hermione. He st…he stabbed me right in the chest."

"Oh, Harry." Unthinking she reached out for him and placed her hand on his chest. His warmth radiated through his shirt and to her fingertips and she felt that he felt a little different. She suddenly took in the appearance of her friend, that he seemed to fill out his uniform just a bit more. It shouldn't have surprised her since he had been training and that, of course, it probably did wonders to his physique.

She looked up into his green eyes and a sudden unbidden image came to her. A tangle of limbs, her sighing as he lifted her thigh over his naked hip as he rolled her onto her back, pinned to the bed by the delicious weight and warmth of his body.

She suddenly stepped away from him, her cheeks flushed and warm. "Good night, Harry," she said softly.

"Yeah, good night," Harry said hastily and left the room in a hurry.

Just outside in the hall, he grabbed his hair gently with both fists and exhaled sharply. What the hell had he done? Why of all images did he have to project that one to her? He couldn't help it, she looked at him, their eyes connected, her mind so open and willing to accept the thought that ran through his mind the moment she placed her hand on his chest. Oh, what the hell was he doing? He cursed to himself softly as he walked toward a window, placing his hands on the sill and hanging his head down.

"Are you alright?"

Harry looked up to see Luna Lovegood approaching him.

"Oh, hullo, Luna," Harry said softly.

"Some first day, huh?"

Harry let out a small laugh. "I guess you could say that." He thought about Ron. "Listen, Luna about what you heard me say to Ron and Hermione…I was wrong. It was stupid of me to say and I was just being…"


"A thick-headed prat," he corrected her, or so he hoped.

She peered at him critically with her large grey eyes in a way that made Harry feel as if he was caught in a lie with his Aunt Petunia.

"So," he floundered for conversation, "what brings you up here?"

"I need to talk to Hermione. You haven't happened to find my cork necklace anywhere around here, have you?" she asked.

"No," Harry replied. "Did someone take your things again?"

"I guess they're off to a late start this year," she shrugged. Empathy for her poured out of him. He considered Luna a friend of his and those that messed with his friends messed with him.

"I'll help you find it," he offered.

"Thanks Harry. I was going to see Hermione about posting up signs in the common rooms asking for its return."

"She's going to bed but I'm sure she'd do it. Here, give me one and I'll post in the common room."

She smiled and handed him a sheet of parchment. "I guess I'll catch her tomorrow," she said. "See you around, Harry. I'm glad you're back here at Hogwarts."

That makes one of us, Harry thought dryly.

"Hey Luna?" Harry called out and she stopped and turned. "Take it easy on Ron will you? I think the guy might have a bit of a crush on you." She didn't reply to this and only turned and continued on her way. Harry, figuring he'd done enough damage for one day, made his way back to his dormitory for some much desired sleep.

Back in the Head Boy and Girl suite, Hermione had just watched Harry leave the room and she fought down the urge to stop him. She let out the breath she had been holding when the door closed. Where had that come from? She shivered slightly and rubbed her arms as she made her way to her room. She was taking off her cloak when she realized there was something in the pocket. Remembering that she had taken it from the girls earlier, she took it out.

It was a folded up square that was slightly wrinkled from being passed around so many times. Inside were a list of names and her eyes widened when she realized what it was she was reading.

Ernie MacMillan: Way too uptight. Kisses like a girl. Is he gay?

Hermione looked up and thought, Was he? She shrugged and continued down the list.

Justin Finch-Fletchley: Great kisser. Actually is pretty decent in bed.

Dean Thomas: Wonderful to snog with. Crafty hands if you catch my drift.

Seamus Finnegan: Okay to snog with. I guess.

Harry Potter:

Ron Weasley: Great kisser!

Hermione felt oddly relieved to see nothing had been put down for Harry.

Neville Longbottom: Wonderful kisser! Who knew?

Colin Creevey:

Micheal Corner: Is this guy an octopus? His hands are everywhere. Jerk.

Ew, poor Luna.

Draco Malfoy: Amazing sex. Too bad he kicks you out right away and doesn't speak to you until he needs you again. Asshole!

Figures. Like that was a big surprise.

Blaise Zabini: Sex with him is over in thirty seconds. So not worth it.

Vincent Crabbe:

Gregory Goyle:

The list went on and on.

She giggled slightly with this entertaining new discovery. There were only two other people who would appreciate this list that she actually wouldn't mind sharing with: Ginny and Luna. And since there was a good comment next to Ron's name, it wouldn't hurt his plight, would it?

She folded up the parchment and put it back in her pocket. Suddenly, an image of Harry popped into her mind. The subtle grin he had on his face when he was waiting for her outside of her door, the way he looked at her when he arrived at Hogwarts, the concern on his face when he discovered Malfoy was sitting next to her in DADA.

The way he hugged Ginny.

Oh sod it! She was going to admit it to herself. She was jealous. She was crazy jealous of her friend Ginny. And she was pissed. Pissed because after all they had been through the past summer, Harry had chosen to stay by Ginny's side. That hurt. That really, really hurt.

"So how does it feel?" Draco had asked her.

"How does what feel?"

"Taking a walk on the wild and immoral side?"

"I'm not as innocent as you think," she had said.

"Of course not," Draco had said unconvincingly. "News flash for you Granger, it is okay to unleash your inner bad girl once in awhile."

Hermione took out the list and unfolded it. Then she picked up her quill.

Harry Potter: Great kisser. Amazing sex.
