Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Important Things by Twitch E. Littleferret

More Important Things

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: Thanks so much for all the great reviews and recommendations. I'm seeing this fic pop up in some of the H/Hr communities and I just want to say thanks to the readers. I'm currently working on another story, those freakin' plot bunnies just won't leave me alone!! Hope you enjoy this chapter, I put some H/Hr moments in there to give us all a break.

Rules Are Made To Be Broken

Oh can't you see, you belong to me

How my poor heart aches, with every step you take

With every move you make

With every vow you break

Every smile you fake, every claim you stake

I'll be watching you

(Every Breath You Take-The Police)


The light layer of snow crunched softly under their feet as the group of Gryffindors and Luna made their way around the lake. There was a slight buzz of excitement in the air due to the upcoming quidditch match. Hermione tugged at her scarf, unwrapping it to expose her neck to the cool air. It was that awkward in between weather where it wasn't cold enough to wear a heavy jacket but still required some sort of warmth.

"What about drinking from it?" she tossed the idea out to Harry who was walking next to her. She looked over at him and saw him gazing out over the lake in thought. He wore a light jacket, dark blue in color with a knit shirt underneath. She couldn't help but admire her fanciable friend.

"Yeah, I thought about that, too," he replied then looked at her. "BUT, I don't want either you or Ron to do it."

"Somebody has to Harry," she replied. "How else will we know if it works?"

"This is so fucked up," he said softly.

"None of this is going to be easy," she said and placed a hand on his arm in a gesture of comfort. Harry looked down at her and smiled softly. Hermione blushed slightly and brushed a strand of hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear as she randomly glanced at their friends who were walking ahead of them. Her eyes fell on Ginny and she promptly took her hand off of him.

Her reaction to Ginny did not go unnoticed by Harry. He opened his mouth to tell her that he and Ginny had broken up but then stopped. Honestly, what would it accomplish? What would it matter if he told her? He was desperately trying to salvage their friendship not start something…else with her.

"I asked Shacklebolt for a…," he scratched the back of his head, "…a tracking device."

Hermione looked up at him. "Why? It wouldn't work here at Hogwarts." She grinned to herself. "If you bothered to read Hogwarts: A History you would know--."

"It's to use outside of the castle," Harry cut her off.

"Who are you trying to track outside of the castle?" she asked.

Harry stared ahead at everyone. Ron had reached out to Luna and entangled her hand in his. Ginny left Luna's side and trotted up to Neville, Seamus and Dean.

"I…don't think that would be a good idea, Harry," Hermione said slowly.

"I hate that this person is sneaking off and not telling me why," Harry replied.

"Maybe this person has a good reason."

"I have a feeling that this person is in a lot of danger. I'm only trying to protect her…or him."

"And she's trying to protect you," she stopped and looked up at him.

Harry gazed at her. "Hermione," he said softly, "you--."

"Hermione! Hey Hermione!"

Ernie called out to her as he walked across the lawn to them. Harry was thoroughly irritated with the Head Boy at this interruption of their conversation.

"Ernie, what is it?" she asked as he reached her.

"I need your help with a little dispute between a couple of prefects back at the castle," he explained.

Harry narrowed his eyes at him. What, he couldn't solve it on his own that he has to have Hermione come help him?

"Sure," Hermione said and turned to Harry. "I'll catch up with you guys later," she said before she hurried off with Ernie.

The others had stopped when they saw Ernie approaching and Harry turned to rejoin them.

"What's up?" Ron asked, nodding in the direction of the Head Boy and Girl.

"Some little prefects squabble that Ernie couldn't solve on his own," Harry said irritatingly. Ron and Ginny raised their eyebrows at Harry's tone. "She said she'll catch up with us later."

Hermione hustled back toward the castle next to Ernie.

"It took me forever to fucking find you," Ernie said exasperatedly.

Hermione stopped in her tracks and stared at him for a moment before resuming her hasty walk.

"Polyjuice again, Draco?" she hissed at him. "What did you do with Ernie?"

"He's sleeping soundly inside his room," Draco answered. "Hurry, we don't have a lot of time, I already wasted a bunch of it looking for your sorry arse."

"Flattered," Hermione muttered.

They hurried into the castle and to the third floor. There was a group of fifth year Slytherins heading in their direction and Draco grabbed Hermione into the alcove behind the humped witch, pressing her against the wall.

"What are you doing?" she hissed in his ear when she felt him place his hands on her, moving over her body. The group of students snickered as they walked by.

"Don't flatter yourself Granger," he whispered in her ear. "Potter put a tracking device on you and I'm looking for it."

"You were eavesdropping on him?" Hermione whispered furiously, shoving Malfoy away from her.

"I'm not risking Potter sniffing around and finding out what we're up to. He could ruin the whole thing," Draco said before he opened the passage. Hermione followed him inside. "And you would do well to keep his nose out of this. It would be most fortunate for the Light side if their boy hero was crushed by the Dark Lord."


Harry looked both ways to see if the coast was clear. The students were making their way out of the castle and to the pitch for the start of the game. "Fiddle dee-dee, Twinkletoes," he muttered quickly to the lady in the portrait. She giggled as she looked down at him.

"I never get tired of hearing you young men say that," she said as she opened the portrait.

"That's the password?!" Ron exclaimed as they walked into the Head Boy and Girl suites.

Harry ignored him. "Hermione!" he called out in the empty sitting room. He walked over to her bedroom door and knocked on it. "Hermione, are you in there?"

There was no answer from the other side and he opened the door.

"Harry!" Ron protested. "What are you doing? You can't just walk into her room. She could be…indecent." Harry just looked at Ron. He'd seen Hermione in less.

A lot less.

But his present concern was the fact that she wasn't in her room.

"Harry…" Ron questioned as his friend stormed over to Ernie's door, knocking on it.

"Ernie? Are you in there? Open the door," Harry's stomach twisted violently at the thought that there was a possibility that Hermione was in there with him doing who knew what. Harry pounded on the door. "Open Up!"

Ron walked over and turned the knob. It was unlocked. Harry cautiously pushed the door open and a foreboding feeling washed over him when he saw Ernie lying very still on his bed. Ron moved to step into the room but Harry held him back, slowly drawing out his wand from his jacket. Mimicking Harry, Ron did the same as the two of them stepped into the room.

"What happened to him?" Ron asked as Harry leaned over the Head Boy.

"Stunned," he replied and pointed his wand to him. "Ennervate."

Ernie blinked then stared at Harry and Ron's faces hovering above them. He quickly sat up. "What happened?" he asked.

"I was just about to ask you the same," Harry said coolly.

Ernie looked around him. "How did I get here?"

"You were stunned," Ron said.

"Stunned?! How did that happen?"

"I was hoping you could tell us," Harry said, crossing his arms. "Can you tell me what the last thing you remember is?"

"Yeah, I was in the sitting room studying when the portrait announced that there was a student waiting outside to see me. I opened the door…and then…you woke me up."

"You don't remember seeing anyone?" Ron asked and Ernie shook his head.

"You might not but your portrait will," Harry said and the three of them stepped out into the hall.

"Edwina," Ernie spoke to the lovely lady in the portrait. Ron and Harry shared a look between themselves. Edwina? Ron mouthed and Harry shrugged. "Do you remember the last student that came to you?"

"Yes, those two standing behind you," she answered sweetly.

"Other than them, the one who came to see me before them."

"Quite a few came by but you didn't answer me when I called you," she said.

"Er…I was sleeping but the one I did answer, who was that?"

"Hmm," the portrait said thoughtfully then slowly shook her head. "I honestly don't remember. Let's see there was a girl with something sticky and green in her hair. A spotty young man with brown hair. A set of twin Indian girls…"

"What about the Prefects who came to you?" Harry asked.

Ernie looked at him. "What prefects?" he asked.

"You came up to me and Hermione at the lake and asked her to help you out…with…" Harry trailed off when he saw the blank look on Ernie's face. "You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?"

"Harry, I've been in the suite studying since breakfast."

Oh, how could he be so stupid. Harry took off at a run toward the Gryffindor common room.

"Are you guys headed out?" Ginny asked as they ran into her and Neville just outside the door.

"Later, Ginny," Ron said as he and Harry brushed past her and ran to their dorm. "I saw him come up to her Harry. I swear I did."

"We both did," Harry said irritably as he took out the Marauder's Map. She wasn't on it and he swore violently, kicking at his trunk.

"What'sss your problem?" Isis hissed irritably.

"Dammit Hermione! We have to go to McGonagall," Harry said.

"Maybe she's at the pitch, waiting for us?" Ron suggested weakly, clinging on to fragile hope.

"No, we alert the Order that she's missing. I don't understand it!" Harry said irritably.

"No one can get into the castle without the aurors knowing," Ron retorted.

Harry looked down at the map. "That's not…entirely true," he said, thinking of the secret passageways in and out of the castle. But only a handful of people knew about them, one of them being Hermione. Suddenly, it was as if a light switch had suddenly turned on in his head.

"Ron, where did Ernie say he found Hermione the day of your game?" he asked.

"The third floor," Ron said, then looked at him in comprehension.


Narcissa placed the last of her precious jewelry into the black briefcase that Draco had swiped from a hotel guest in the lobby. Draco locked it and looked up at his mother. "We'll be back as soon as we can."

"Be safe," she said to her son, giving him a hug.

Hermione and Draco took the lift down to the lobby, walking past the muggle police officers in the lobby talking to a stately looking man in an expensive looking suit who was reporting the theft of his briefcase.

Draco had never been on muggle public transportation before so the Underground was a bit of an experience for him. Feeling a little lost in the sea of people that crowded on the platform, he was startled by a loud rumbling sound followed by an odd looking train that came to a stop. The crowd began to move forward, pushing him along, separating him from Hermione but she reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him along with her as they crowded into the car.

The two of them stood in the alley of a stately marble-faced building.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" he asked as Hermione transfigured her clothing. Draco had opted to copy the suit of the man he had stolen the briefcase from.

"Just remember what I told you. Do you have the letter your mother wrote?" she asked and he nodded.

"Good," she swallowed nervously, forcing her heart to stop racing. She reached out to Draco and adjusted his tie. "Ready?"

The door chimed as they walked into the mahogany wood paneled room. There was a polished round table in matching wood in the middle of the room with a large display of fresh flowers in a porcelain vase resting on it. There was soft music playing and everyone was speaking in hushed voices. There were rows of glass cases displaying glittery and shiny jewelry, several couples were gazing into the display.

Hermione checked in with one of the associates who nodded and went to one of the offices in the back.

"What?" Draco whispered irritably when he saw Hermione stifling a laugh.

"I just find it ironic that you clean up real well in a muggle business suit," she whispered.

"Very funny Granger," Draco said wishing this whole thing would end quickly.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kensington," a polished gentleman with graying hair walked up to them, extending a hand. The two of them polite shook it back and he led them to his office.

"Thank you for seeing us on such a short notice," Hermione said to the gentleman as he held open the door for her. Draco placed a hand on the small of her back as she walked past.

"Well I understand the urgency of the situation," the man said.

"We only came to London to pick up the last of my grandmother's belongings, we must return to Scotland immediately," Draco said.

"Of course, of course. Do you have the documentation?" he asked.

Hermione handed the man some papers as Draco opened the briefcase and showed them to the gentleman whose eyes widened in greed at what was inside.

"Merlin, I can't believe that worked," Draco said when they were well away from the jeweler.

"We're not done yet," Hermione said as she hailed a cab. "We need to get to a bank and change that into Traveler's Checks."

Draco reached into his jacket and pulled out a small stack that was wrapped and handed Hermione a few of the bills. "For the hotel," he said. "I hate feeling indebted to a mudblood," he said as they climbed into the taxi.

They returned to the hotel via the Underground again. The car was a little packed and he and Hermione ended up in very close proximity to one another. The car jerked to a start and Draco caught his balance by reaching up and holding on to the handle above him. Hermione was shorter and couldn't reach that high comfortably and instead opted for the silver pole next to Draco. It was awkward enough as it was, so Draco said nothing when her arm brushed his side. He looked out into the darkened windows at the lights whizzing by as the two of them swayed to the motion of the train. She smelled nice, he thought as he looked down at her. She had been looking up at him but quickly looked away. He never realized how soft her hair looked, he remembered it being a bushy tangled mess on her head but now it had suddenly grown out nicely. Hermione once again turned her head to look up at him but he hadn't moved and they found that their faces were so close together that they could feel each others breaths on their skin. His grey eyes met her brown ones before they both looked away.


Ron began snoring softly and his head fell on Harry's shoulder. He shrugged him off in annoyance waking his friend up.

"Sorry," Ron apologized.

"Shh!" Harry said sharply when he heard the soft scraping sound of stone. He and Ron scrambled to their feet and quickly threw the invisibility cloak around them, hunching horribly because it no longer fit two people. Their eyes widened when they saw Hermione step out from behind the witch. Ron made a move to confront her but froze when he saw, of all people, Draco Malfoy follow. He followed her to the portrait door of her suite with Ron and Harry following close behind.
"Fiddle dee-dee, Twinkletoes," Hermione said softly and the door opened. She looked back at Draco then moved forward.

"Hermione," Draco called out, stopping the door from closing on him. Hermione turned around and stared at him with wide eyes. Harry and Ron's jaws dropped.

Draco realizing his faux pas at calling her by her first name found himself floundering for something to say to save this situation. Hermione wasn't going to wait however.

"I'll see you around, Draco," she said softly and slammed the door closed.

"Fuck!" Draco swore softly, running both hands through his hair as he walked in circles for a moment. There was some chatter coming down the hall and he quickly straightened his posture and strode down the hall.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Ron said as he uncovered himself and strode down the corridor in the opposite direction.

"Ron wait!" Harry trotted after him. "We need to talk to Hermione and find out what…"

"She's been up to?" Ron finished for him. "I think it's pretty obvious what's going on here."

Harry made a sound of annoyance. Ron did have a tendency to fly off the handle.

"How could she do that?" Ron muttered. "The Ferret of all people!"

"Ron, you don't know-"

"Were you not there, Harry?" Ron whirled on him. "Did you not see that? He called her by her fucking first name!" Ron shoved the invisibility cloak into Harry's chest before storming away.

Yes. Harry could admit that he was a bit annoyed at what Ferret Face had called Hermione. And that whole…exchange…between them was a bit disturbing as well.

Okay, it annoyed the hell out of him. But he wasn't going to get all hot-headed like his friend.

"Fiddle dee-dee, Twinkletoes," he told the portrait.

"Harry," Hermione said when he walked into the room. "I am soooo sorry I forgot about the match. I was so busy, I didn't realize how much time had passed…"

Harry held up a hand. "Stop," he said quietly.

"Was it a good game?" Hermione continued, speaking over him.

"Just stop."

"Did Ravenclaw win?"

"STOP IT, HERMIONE!" A porcelain figurine trembled and exploded. Harry rubbed his temples in agitation as she finally fell silent. "I saw you," he said. "Walking out of the passageway with…Malfoy."

Hermione stared at him. "Harry, listen to me. I need you to drop this."

"Drop it?" he asked incredulously. "Drop it?!!" he moved threateningly toward her. "You're sneaking out of this castle with…Ferret Face of all people!"

"It isn't what you think," Hermione said frantically.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't march to McGonagall and tell her what you are doing!"

"Because I'm only trying to help him!"

Harry's eyes narrowed. "Help him? Hermione have you lost your mind? HE'S. A. DEATHEATER."

"I don't think so, Harry. Draco-"

"Draco?!" he screeched. For some reason, hearing his name on her lips like that was just making him angrier. "You're on a first name basis with each other?"

"Harry, listen to me."

"Are you two involved?" he blurted out, letting jealousy get the best of him.

"WHAT?! No!!"

Harry sighed heavily and Hermione walked over to him.

"Harry, listen very carefully to me," she said in a calm voice. "I…can't…tell you what I'm doing with him. But I need you to trust me in this. Believe in me that I know what I'm doing and can take care of myself."

"You're asking me to gamble on your safety," he said quietly.

"I'm asking you to trust in me, trust in us," she said, taking his hand. "Trust in our friendship."

"Is that what we have?" he asked, softly. "A friendship?"

Hermione smiled. "Above any and everything."

Harry should've been happy to hear that. It's what he wanted wasn't it? But for some reason, it suddenly wasn't enough. He still felt a little empty inside. Hermione smiled up at him, seeing that his small smile didn't reach his eyes. He put a hand inside the pocket of his jacket and drew out a small grey box, handing it to Hermione.

"What's this?" she asked.

"It's the tracking device I asked Shacklebolt for," he said softly.


Arthur Weasley sipped his coffee as he stepped out of the lift, paper airplane memos zoomed over his head as he walked down the hallway to his office. Mrs. Wells, the secretary, was walking toward him with a pile of new assignments in her arms.

"Here you go Arthur," she said handing him a pile before moving on to her next victim.

Arthur walked into his office and set his coffee down and thumbed through the files: A phone booth that trapped a poor muggle man; an odd set of fireworks (he wondered if his sons were involved in that one); a diamond choker that nearly strangled a muggle jeweler; and a dog bowl that keeps evading the chihuahua that eats from it.

"Don't forget the meeting in five minutes!" Mrs. Wells poked her head into his office.

Arthur set the files down on his desk and picked up his coffee before he left to go to the conference room.


If there was one thing constant in this crazy world, it was that Draco Malfoy loved to raise Harry and Ron's hackles. Consider it a hobby of his. What could he do to possibly piss off Potty and Weasel today?

The seventh year DADA class was in the library today doing research on the dark wizard attacks of 1943. Hermione and Draco sat down at the table together since they needed to work in groups when who should sit across from them but Harry and Neville. The latter looked a little hesitant to be in this position. Ron and Seamus sat next to Harry.

The atmosphere at the table was tense but quiet as the sound of scratching quills filled the silence. While Hermione and Draco were making excellent progress on their assignment, Harry and Neville were miserably behind. Mostly because Harry kept a close eye on the Slytherin.

He wasn't the only one. Ron looked as if he were literally biting his tongue.

Draco looked up and saw Potty and Weasel quickly look down at their papers. A wicked grin grew on his face and he leaned forward.

"Psst, Witless," he whispered and Neville looked up at him.

"What?" he whispered back.

"Saw you and Weaslette getting cozy yesterday," Draco hissed. "Aren't you the little backstabber."

Hermione heard him and kicked Draco under the table. Harry shifted slightly, exhaling in annoyance.

Neville looked a little panicked. "I'm not a backstabber! Ginny said she and Harry broke up a few days ago."

Harry jerked his head up. "Shut up Malfoy and just do the assignment," he hissed. He chanced a glance at Hermione who now had her lips pursed together. Crap. He tried to get her attention by gently nudging her foot with his but she kicked him sharply in reply and he went into a coughing fit to hide his yelp of pain. Draco was as relentless as a pit bull.

"You don't feel weird getting Potty's leftovers?" he asked Neville.

"Malfoy, stop it," Hermione whispered fiercely.

"What does that mean?" Neville hissed, ignoring her.

"Don't be so naïve," Draco smirked. "We all saw the list the girls had passing around. It's no secret what Weaslette and Potty have been up to."

"That's enough!" Hermione hissed at him.

Draco turned at looked at her. "Don't get in such a tizzy Granger. I'm sure half the male population in this school has whacked off to the thought of you."

Ron moved to get up from his chair but Harry stopped him.

"I sincerely hope you weren't one of them," she replied, rolling her eyes.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Draco said coyly and Harry cleared his throat loudly, catching the Slytherin's attention.

"How noble of Potty to defend the Weasel. Especially since you were the one fucking his sister."



"Listen here you…"


The table quieted down as Professor Smith passed their table to check on their progress. Satisfied with their work she moved on.

"End of discussion, Malfoy," Hermione whispered.

"No need to get defensive, Granger. If you weren't a mudblood, I would've had you on your back with your legs in air so fast it would make your head spin."

Harry slammed the heavy tome he was reading shut as he desperately fought down the urge to strangle Malfoy.

"I highly doubt I would be interested," Hermione said sweetly as she scribbled away.

Malfoy leaned in close to her. "Oh, I think you would be very willing to give up that virginity to me."

Hermione smiled and looked at him as she got up from her chair. "Who said I was a virgin?" she whispered in his ear as she left the table. Harry smirked.

Draco leaned back in his chair as he watched Hermione sway to the teacher and hand in her paper. Harry couldn't resist the cheap shot and kicked the chair leg under the table, sending Malfoy flailing backward, landing with a clatter.


Harry walked with Hermione as she patrolled the halls for students still out after curfew. It had been a long day for the both of them and they agreed that the weekend couldn't come soon enough. Hermione opened a broom closet and discovered a pair of Hufflepuffs discovering the joys of the human body. She kicked them out with a nod of her head, taking five points from them for breaking curfew before she and Harry continued on their way.

"I still can't believe he said that," Harry grumbled and Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Believe me, Harry," she said, "It surprised me even more. Draco Malfoy of all people wants to relieve me of my virginal burden."

"If you weren't a muggle-born," Harry added quickly with a smile.

"Thank goodness for small blessings," she laughed, feeling lighthearted that she got an honest grin growing on her best friend's face. Another opened door of an abandoned classroom revealed two Slytherins and Hermione repeated her action from the last time.

She and Harry continued on their way and knowing she could ruffle Harry's feathers a little more added. "But on the other hand, good girls do love those bad boys," she sighed.

Harry glanced sideways at her, raising his eyebrows. "Well I guess we should be thankful for small blessings because, as of late, you Miss Hermione Granger have been a very…bad…girl."

Hermione feigned indignation. "I don't believe it."

Harry began to count off on his fingers. "Let's see there's faking interest in Neville, brainwashing two helpless young women into liking him as well, not confiscating a most abominable List, adding comments to said List and nearly getting her best friend into serious trouble with his girlfriend, sneaking out of the castle with a known Death Eater to do who knows what…"

"Okay, alright, I get it," Hermione conceded.

"Oh and did I mention that little stunt you pulled in the Prefect's bath?" he grinned.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I said I got your point. Besides," she tutted, "you weren't exactly an angel in that `incident'."

Harry shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a seventeen-year-old male who wouldn't pass up the chance to see you in a bedroom with nothing but a towel," he grinned.

Hermione let her jaw drop in mock shock. "Harry, that's not a very angelic thing for a guy with a girlfriend to do," she lightly scolded him.

Harry smirked and stepped closer to her, tapping a finger on her nose lightly. "I never said I was angelic."

"Careful, Harry, one would thing you're flirting with me," she said, not moving from their close proximity.

"I'm not," he said with a grin. "You would know it if I was," he said with a wink as he reached around her and opened the door to another broom closet.

A Gryffindor and Ravenclaw jumped apart. "For crying out loud Harry, Hermione, you guys scared the crap out of me," Ron said, quickly removing his hand from underneath Luna's shirt.


"Sorry, Ron."

They shut the door and continued on their way to the Astronomy Tower.

"Well," Hermione sighed as she grabbed the handle on the door, "shall we continue our quest to defend the virtues of the students of Hogwarts?" she asked Harry.

"Ironic isn't it?" he said with a raised eyebrow. "Considering that virtues and I don't mix well."

Hermione opened the door. "Are you flirting with me, again?"

Harry smiled. "No," he said as he brushed past her.


After cleaning out the tower, the two of them headed back to the Gryffindor common room and waited until midnight before slipping out again, this time with Harry under his invisibility cloak. The two of them walked through the corridors and down stairs until they reached the doors of the library. Hermione looked around to see if it was clear before she pushed open the doors and slipped inside. Harry uncovered himself once inside the safety of the library. Right away the two of them headed toward the restricted section.

"What is it exactly we're looking for," Harry whispered.

"A book on some sort of potion that is a mild poison or a paralyzer," she replied. Harry stared at her. "What?" she said defensively. "Look, maybe we can fill the cup with some sort of poison then drink it, maybe it will expel Voldemort's soul on its own."

"Any volunteers for that?" Harry said wryly.

Hermione smiled. "We could ask Dra-Malfoy," she quickly corrected.

"Yeah, that's a brilliant idea," Harry muttered as he removed a book from the shelf. "That'll be like sticking Dudley in Honeydukes."

As time ticked by, Harry began to fight to keep his eyes open but even then the words on the page of the book began to get blurry and he really couldn't comprehend what he was reading. He could hear Hermione next to him flipping through the pages and he admired her will to make her way through the pages.

There was a slight click of the lock and the creaking of the door that sent Harry on full alert. Hermione stilled and she looked over at Harry to confirm what she thought she had heard. The door creaked open some more and Harry swiftly got out of his chair and threw his invisibility cloak over the two of them just as footsteps could be heard walking into the library.

"Filch," Hermione whispered quietly in Harry's ear and he nodded in consent.

"We've got to get out of here," he whispered back, pressing her closer to him.

Together they moved down the aisle and peered around the corner where Filch was walking in their direction, holding up a latern to check each aisle for trouble-causing students. But their biggest problem that they could see was getting past the restricted section barrier without drawing attention to themselves.

Harry turned to look at Hermione, seeing that she too saw the problem they had. He only realized just how close they were when he saw her chew her bottom lip in contemplation. Her eyes left the restricted section gate and turned to Harry and she saw with a start that he was looking at her. Her heart began to race when she realized that they were so close together, one of Harry's hands was splayed on her lower back, pressing her closer to him so they would both fit under the cloak.

Reluctantly, Harry turned away from her deciding that this was NOT the time to be thinking of taking any action with Hermione. Besides, they were just reestablishing their friendship, there was no need to blow it to pieces by giving in to what he really, really wanted to do with her right now.

He nodded to the gate, indicating they might as well just try it and get it over with. Hermione reached out and slowly and silently lifted the latch of the gate. Careful not to snag the cloak on anything, Harry and Hermione wrapped the cloak tighter around them, watched Filch and Mrs. Norris then quickly slipped past the gate. Harry reached out just in time to keep the gate from crashing back into the latch. He felt Hermione tug on him frantically and he saw Mrs. Norris prancing her way over to them to investigate.

The two of them shuffled away from her as Filch called out to her. "What is it, Mrs. Norris? Have you found someone?"

Filch held up a lantern to the gate inspecting it as Mrs. Norris' attentions were brought to the slight shuffling sound to her right. She turned to investigate, tail swishing back and forth. Harry and Hermione shuffled backward, careful not to knock into anything that would really draw more attention to themselves. Filch looked over at the cat and saw that she was slowly stalking down an aisle and he turned to follow her. Harry and Hermione picked up the pace and Harry nudged Hermione into another aisle of books. Mrs. Norris followed and she was followed by Filch. Harry turned them into another aisle, zig-zagging through the library until they reached the doors. Filch was still lost in the bookshelves so the two of them took a chance and sprinted out of the library doors.

Hermione laughed softly as she and Harry skidded to a halt a little ways down the corridor, still under the cloak. Harry let go of the fabric, letting it drape around him as he put one hand on the small of her back and the other on her hip, pulling her close as they celebrated their close call.

"Oh shit," he said when he looked over her shoulder.

Hermione turned to see Mrs. Norris peering at them curiously. "Unbelievable," Hermione said as she and Harry hustled down the corridor, Mrs. Norris trotting behind them as the library doors opened announcing the arrival of Filch in the pursuit. The two of them hustled up the stairs, down a corridor and up another set of stairs until Hermione skidded to a halt around a corner and spotted Crookshanks investigating a hole in the base of the wall, waiting for an unsuspecting mouse. Hermione slipped out of the cloak.

"Hermione!" Harry whispered frantically, his fingers brushing over her arm, just missing her as Filch and Mrs. Norris rounded the corner.

"Miss Granger," Filch said greedily. "How unfortunate of you to be caught out and about at this hour." Harry didn't dare breathe.

"I was out searching…for my cat," she said, gesturing toward the half-Kneazle who peered up at her and Harry in curiousity.

"I was after someone who was sneaking around in the library after-hours," Filch said, scrutinizing the teen.

"What would Crookshanks be doing in a library?" she asked. "He can't read."

Harry stifled his laughter. Crookshanks sauntered over to Hermione and circled around her legs. Mrs. Norris was still peering up at Harry, making him nervous.

"Are you sure you aren't hiding anyone?" Filch narrowed his eyes at her.

Mrs. Norris padded forward in Harry's direction and he, seeing this, shuffled backward, hitting the wall behind him. Crookshanks darted in front of the cat and lay belly up at Harry's feet and swiped at the nosy cat. Mrs. Norris hissed and Crookshanks yeowled, catching the attentions of their owners.


"Mrs. Norris!"

Hermione scooped up her cat and whirled on Filch who cradled Mrs. Norris in his arms. "Your cat attacked mine!"

"Nonsense, Mrs. Norris wouldn't harm another creature!" Filch retorted.

"We both just saw them there!" Hermione shrieked. "You just wait until I report this to the Headmistress. You should control that…that…monster!"

Filch grumbled at Hermione and turned to hustle in the other direction. Hermione stroked and cooed at Crookshanks, whispering words of comfort to the half-Kneazle as she walked to Edwina's portrait. She gave the password, waking the lady who lazily swung the door open to let her inside. Hermione set Crookshanks down on a squashy cushion, turned around and startled violently when she saw Harry standing in the doorway.

"Harry! I thought you had continued on your way!"

Harry stepped forward to Crookshanks and scratched him behind his ears bending over to look him in the eyes. "You are one clever little half-Kneazle, do you know that?" He straightened up to face Hermione. "Mrs. Norris didn't hurt Crookshanks, he set the whole thing up trying to protect me."

"Oh, Crookshanks," Hermione cooed and picked up the cat who purred.

"So that's what it takes to get your affection," Harry said wryly and Hermione rolled her eyes. "Well, I think I've had enough adventure for one night. I'll see you tomorrow, Hermione."

"Good night, Harry."

There was an awkward pause where both Harry and Hermione both stood there, both of them suppressing the urge to step forward toward each other before Harry finally turned.

"Good night."

"Yeah, good night."
