Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Important Things by Twitch E. Littleferret

More Important Things

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: Sorry this took so long to get out. I tried to make the chapter a bit longer so I hope you all still enjoy it. Thanks for the great reviews and for the awesome questions for the podcast interview!

To Start Anew

You took all there was to take,

And left me with an empty plate

And you don't care about it, yeah.

And I am givin' up this game

I'm leaving you with all the blame cause I don't care, yeah, yeah yeah,

Could you look me in the eye?

And tell me that you're happy now, oohh oohhh

Would you tell it to my face or have I been erased,

Are you happy now? Ohhh, ohhhh

Are you happy now?

Are you happy now? yeah, yeah, yeah.

Do you really have everything you want?

You can't ever give somethin' you ain't got

You can't run away from yourself

Could you look me in the eye?

and tell me that you're happy now, yeah, yeah

come on, tell it to my face or have i been replaced,

are you happy now? Ohhh, ohhhh

are you happy now?

(Are You Happy Now?-Michelle Branch)


Remus watched as Harry carefully and slowly peeled off the label from the bottle of butterbeer in front of him. They were the only two people awake in the house or at least upstairs in their rooms, or so he hoped. Christmas had come and gone at Grimmauld Place, Hermione's absence was notable by some of the packages that were left for her as well as the gifts she had left her friends. Harry had joined in the festivities, finally coming out of his room after his…attack on her but he was pensive and quiet. He was finally taking showers again on a regular basis and taking care of himself but some days, like today, his quieter days, there was a shadow that formed on his jaw line that made him seem older than his seventeen years. He supposed going through all Harry was going through had a tendency to age you faster than you should, he would know, being a werewolf was no walk in the park.

"The night Dumbledore died," Harry spoke in a low and quiet voice, "we were attempting to destroy a horcrux."

Lupin stared at him, taking in this startling revelation. The Order had always wondered what it was that Harry and Dumbledore were up to that night, where they had gone that they had missed the beginning of the attack on Hogwarts.

"Do you know what that is?" Harry asked, looking up at the last marauder.

Remus had only general knowledge of what a horcrux was. There was passing mention of them in the Dark Magic books that he, James and Sirius used to joke about. Dark Magic that was beyond their capabilities, Dark Magic that no one, not even the greasiest and vilest Snape, would attempt to do.

"Ripping a piece of your soul and transferring to another object or person," Remus replied.

"Voldemort created six of them," Harry continued. "Four of them have been destroyed. They all have to be destroyed in order to finally finish him off."

Remus exhaled and put his hands on the table, leaning forward as he eyed the weary teen. "That's what you three have been up to?" Harry's eyes moved away from his gaze. "The mirror?" he asked and Harry nodded. "The potion accident in the room…," Harry nodded again. "Hermione's-"

"No," Harry cut him off, a troubled and pained look crossed his face. Remus didn't want to push him on that topic. He was lucky enough to have Harry open up to him with this.

"Thank you for trusting me with this," Remus said.

"Sometimes I feel like you're the only adult I can trust," Harry replied.

Remus frowned. "Harry, destroying the horcruxes is a very, very dangerous task."

"It's the only way," he replied softly.

"Must this war sacrifice our children's childhoods?" Remus sighed wearily.

Harry propped his upper arm on the table, bending his forearm up to cradle his head as he looked at him. "I never had a childhood," he replied simply. "Voldemort made sure of that." He reached out rolled the empty butterbeer bottle back in forth between his fingers. Lupin could tell that he wasn't really watching the bottle, Harry's gaze was far off. "But you're right. Sometimes, I wonder if the sacrifices we make are too much," he said in a near whisper. The pained expression flickered briefly on his face before he masked it with a look of detachment.

"Thank you for trusting me with this," Remus said softly. Harry looked over at him and gave him an odd look.

"I think thanks are a bit premature considering the graveness of what I've just told you. I've put your life in more danger just by letting you into this," Harry sighed. "But I don't want to hide this burden from you anymore."

"I'll not tell a soul," Remus assured him.

"I know you won't," Harry said before he gazed off into nothingness.

"So…two left?" he asked.

Harry nodded slowly. "I don't know what one of them is but the other is a…" he stopped suddenly and cleared his throat in an awkward manner, "…a gold locket."

Lupin stared at Harry then rolled his eyes. "Like one that you could find in jewelry stores or pawn shops?" Harry reddened slightly. "Well, that explains Hermione's little jaunt during the summer." Harry smirked and Lupin frowned as a thought came forward. "Harry," he said, leaning forward, "does Draco Malfoy know about the horcruxes?"

Harry sat back and thought this over. "No, I don't think so," he said.

"I'm only asking because of the video we have of Hermione and Draco in the jewelry store."

"That was something different," Harry shook his head.

"Do you remember asking me about Unbreakable Vows and the Fidelius?" Lupin asked and Harry nodded slowly.

"She's, um, well, the Fidelius is broken," he replied awkwardly.

"Is that why you were in her head?" he asked and Harry looked away. "So, it's broken. You're sure of it?"

"Malfoy…jinxed it so that if she broke it, both of them would most definitely know," Harry shifted awkwardly. He didn't really want to be talking about this, he wasn't at all comfortable with the topic. He looked up at his former professor. "What?" he asked at Remus' frown.

"It's just that," he scratched the back of his head, "Hermione can't stand him but yet she's constantly taking risks for him."

"That was the idea, wasn't it?" Harry said bitterly.

"Harry," Remus said in a very serious tone, "Hermione wouldn't normally agree to even put herself in this situation unless Draco was holding something over her." He sighed. "And considering how long this has been going on, it had to have been big."


It happened at the most inconvenient time. He had been walking up the steps of Hogwarts with the two incompetent aurors when he felt the sting on his arm. He couldn't attend to it at the moment and it only grew more awkward when Headmistress McGonagall greeted him. The aurors had left him in her care and he had to endure an hour long lecture about leaving the safety of the school. He tuned out of it. The stinging on his arm becoming a bit uncomfortable. When he was finally allowed to leave her presence, he was escorted back to his common room. In the privacy of his room, then and only then did he finally roll up his sleeve and touched his wand to his skin. Dark ink swirled away from the point of contact, snaking around forming and joining lines until the Dark Mark was revealed and he felt its familiar tug.

Dolohov and McNair opened the doors in front of him as he stepped forward. The tall and dark wood was engraved with the Dark Mark as well. He walked into a round chamber where the Dark Lord sat on the far end, flanked by Bellatrix and Snape. Nagini hissed at him, coiled at the Dark Lord's feet.

"You insolent little fool," Bellatrix sniped, "you do not keep the Dark Lord waiting when you are summoned, you-"

"I was in Headmistress McGonagall's office when the summons came," Draco snarled back. "I can't exactly disappear in front of her." He knelt down in front of Voldemort.

"There are certain exceptions in his position," Snape said to Bellatrix. "The important thing is that he arrived as soon as he could." Draco got back up to his feet.

"Unlike most of you," Voldemort spoke up, "the Malfoy's have some sort of use in this society. Well, one of them at least, Lucius has become a sort of loose cannon lately." Voldemort noticed Draco's uneasy movement at the mention of his father. "Lucius does not take well the fact that I hold you in higher favor. That is his own fault, he has failed me so many times but still…he is a Malfoy. I assume he's trying to make you look incompetent in my eyes."

"That's an understatement," Draco muttered.

Bellatrix spoke up again. "You do not speak-" She was cut off when Voldemort held up a hand.

"The young Malfoy was only speaking the truth," he said. A faint smirk grew on his face. "After all, I do know a thing or two about father-son dysfunction."

Draco could feel the Dark Lord's penetrating gaze on him.

"I believe I may have underestimated you, Draco," he said. "I had a most interesting discovery the other day. I was…wandering about when I discovered that Potter was most desperately trying to discover the connection you had with his mudblood friend. I applaud your little curse you attached to it. The mudblood nearly died, how clever of you." Draco's insides turned to ice but he showed nothing on the outside. "Her blood was literally on his hands and from what I had seen, I doubt she's going to let him near her again. Even if she did, Potter is probably so wracked with guilt that he won't touch her. I was hoping he'd throw himself off a tall building but…"

"Potter's weakness has always been his friends," Snape added.

"And this is where you come in again, Draco," Voldemort looked at the young man.

Draco stared at him. "You want me to get chummy with his friends?" he asked, incredulously. "You must be joking!"


Draco fell to the floor in pain, screaming. His nerves felt as if they were on fire.

"You're going to do what I say," Voldemort said, releasing Draco.

"Okay, okay," he said, gasping for breath and staggering to his feet.

"Crucio!" Voldemort hit him again with the curse, making him fall back to the ground. "I want to know what those little brats are up to, what plans they are making, who they are making them with." He released Draco from the curse.

"Yes Master," he gasped only to be hit again with the Cruciatus.

"If you fail me," Voldemort said in a deadly voice, "I will concentrate all my efforts into finding your mother. Her death will not be a slow one and you'll be the one to do it. Now get out of my sight!"

The doors to the chamber flew open and Draco felt himself slide across the ground until he smacked into the wall on the other side of the doors. They slammed shut and Draco once again attempted to get to his feet. He felt sick.

"So the little Malfoy thinks he can take his father's place in the Dark Lord's circle?" McNair asked as he stepped over to him. He kicked out is foot and made contact with Draco's abdomen. He curled up in pain, coughing and gasping. Dolohov leaned over him and grabbed a fistful of hair, yanking his head up and taking a deep breath.

"Hmm, I can smell the little mudblood on you," he sneered at Draco then slammed his head back down on the ground. Draco felt a blinding pain and saw stars. "Steal me some of the mudblood's knickers and I'll keep your father at bay."

"Get off me you sick fuck!" Draco replied, getting angry. Dolohov only laughed before releasing him.


Harry walked into the lobby of the Ministry at the peak of the start of the workday. It was a bit crowded with everyone bustling to get to their offices. "Hold the elevator," he said, jogging to squeeze himself into the already crammed car.

The sound of paper rustling above everyone's heads from the airplane memos and the low chatter of fellow co-workers filled in the silence. Harry didn't know anyone in the car but his mind was on what Kingsley may want to talk to him about. He was the one who had sent the message that he needed to speak with him.

The ride was a long one, considering they stopped at every floor to let someone off. The doors opened letting the rest of the car's passengers off and Harry stepped back to lean against the far wall and close his eyes. He thought about Hermione and he wondered how she was doing, what she was doing, was she enjoying the rest of her holiday? What would happen when he saw her again at Hogwarts? His heart ached for that moment and dreaded it at the same time. Most of all, he missed her.

A faint and familiar scent suddenly filled his nostrils and his mind tossed around where he had smelt it before. He opened his eyes, and in his peripheral, he realized that he wasn't alone in the lift. It was if time had somehow slowed down to a crawl and he could feel the blood rushing in his ears, his heart was pounding in his chest. He was momentarily stunned. His hand felt a ghost of the pain she had inflicted on him.

She stood in the corner of the lift wearing a hideous hot pink cardigan, the ridiculous bow still perched on her head, her toad-like face was watching him. "Hello Harry Potter," she said. Harry instinctively flexed his right hand, the one that still bore the faint scars on the back from very undeserved and painful detentions. He blinked at her then stared straight ahead.

"I saw the article about you the other day," she said, disregarding Harry's blatant message that he had no desire at all to acknowledge her presence. "People still cater to the attention that you so desperately seek?" Harry kept his eyes forward. "I personally do not care for the rubbish that they print in the Quibbler. The article that everyone was talking about was pure fiction, I told them so." The muscles in his jaw tensed and he shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he stared at the doors ahead of him.

"I tend to stick to more reputable papers like the Daily Prophet," she continued on. "In fact, I'm in the latest article about you. I was the only former teacher of yours brave enough to come forward and expose this sham of a hero story they have printing at that other publication." Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard and he could feel his temper rising as she baited him like she always did in fifth year. Except this time, there was no Hermione to tell him to back off. He began to think of the manual for his Broomstick Servicing Kit that Hermione had bought him.

"I mean, honestly, who would believe that you of all people could take on three alleged Death Eaters? I had to set the record straight as your former Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, I, above all, know exactly what you're capable of. Readers can be so blind. Nobody thought it odd that the `young woman you saved' was none other than Hermione Granger. The same insolent little girl who nearly sent me, her teacher and Headmistress, to my death. People can be such silly and stupid romantics but from what read of that girl, she's no stranger to being linked to other famous young men-"

Harry jabbed at the Elevator Stop button and turned to Dolores Umbridge. The lights in the car became very dim and there was a low rumble. She pressed herself back against the wall, her eyes widening as he approached her. He placed both hands by her to pin her to where she was. "Say what you want about me, I don't care," he said in a low and surprisingly calm voice, "but don't even dare think about going after my friends. I will make what those centaurs did to you look like a cheering charm placed on a caffeinated fairy." He leaned even closer to her. "You have no idea what I'm capable of."

He stepped away from her and released the stop button as the lights brightened back up. A moment later the doors opened to his floor and he stepped out of the lift, not even glancing at the trembling and pale Umbridge in the car.

There was only a moderate amount of activity in the office. The auror trainees bustled about with stacks of papers and files in their hands to deliver to the aurors that they were working with, several of them balancing cups of coffee in their hands.

He nodded to a few of those whom he recognized and gave a formal wave to the aurors whose desks he passed on the way to see Kingsley. He knocked politely on his office door.

"Morning Harry," he said, lifting his head briefly from the file on his desk. "Come on in and close the door behind you before you take a seat." Harry did as he was asked, sitting down in silence for only a moment as Kingsley signed off on a report and put it away.

"Harry, I'm just going to come right down to it," he said, turning back to the teen. "You're off the Granger case."

"What?!" Harry said, stunned.

"To be honest with you, I should've thought this through more clearly before assigning it to you."

"But I-"

"Harry you were assigned to protect her and you, instead, nearly killed her," Kingsley said patiently and Harry slumped back angrily in his chair. "You were way too emotionally involved in this case and I should've taken that into consideration."

"She's my best friend," he said quietly, not looking at Kingsley.

"Harry, she was more than that," he replied firmly. "The smartest thing you did was send her away with her parents. I'm assigning someone more neutral to this case."

"Fine," Harry replied in a whisper. Not that he had a choice in this anyway.

"And as such," Kingsley continued. "You are no longer forced to continue on at Hogwarts." Harry looked up at this.

"I don't have to go back?" he asked.

"That's up to you. Like I said, you're off the case and therefore no longer forced to attend. If you wish to go back, that's your prerogative. However," he stressed, "I should remind you that in order to complete your training and be a full-fledged Auror, you need to finish your education at Hogwarts. The choice is yours."


"Wait, wait, wait!"

Harry was so lost in his thoughts that he nearly missed flinging his arm out to stop the doors from closing. A young witch clambered into the lift with him, spilling some of the stacks of files and papers in her arms.

"Shit," she muttered as she knelt down to pick them up.

Harry couldn't help but notice the nice outfit she was wearing, the fitted white blouse and the short grey skirt that showed off her smooth long legs that ended in pretty little sandals and painted toenails. Her dark hair was wrapped up in a bun with some hairs falling out of place and falling into her face.

"Here, let me help," he said, kneeling down and picking up some of the files.


He looked up at her sharply. "Cho?"

"Wow! Uh, hi!" she said as she got to her feet. "What are you doing here?"

"I was in the Auror department. You?" He stood and straightened the files in his arms.

"Ministry Assistant," she replied, struggling with the files she had in her arms and reaching for the pile that Harry had.

"That's okay, I've got this," he said, offering to help her. A smile of relief formed over her face and she braced herself against the wall of the elevator.

"Could you press the lower button?" she asked. Harry looked at her curiously, she was heading down to the Magical Research Department. She bent one knee, bringing her foot back to take her sandal off, repeating the motion with her other foot.

"I knew I shouldn't have broken in these shoes today," she grumbled. Harry really had no idea what she was talking about. "The git has me running all over the place every damn day." She straightened and looked at him. "I know Percy Weasley is your best friend's brother and all but he really is a first class wanker." Harry responded to her comment with a wry smile.

"Still, assistant to Percy Weasley in the Minister's office isn't a bad start," he offered helpfully. It really was a good opportunity for someone fresh out of Hogwarts…if the Ministry didn't suck.

"If he doesn't kill me first," she mumbled. "The guy has me running around non-stop. `Fetch me this…find me that…on your way in could you stop by the muggle Starbucks and get me a scone and a latte…'" She huffed and blew a strand of hair out of her face.

Harry held in a burst of laughter that threatened to seep out.

"Hey I read the article in the Quibbler the other day," she said with a soft smile as Harry shifted uncomfortably. "Very brave Harry Potter," she commended him softly. "Really it was a wonderful thing. You've given hope to so many people. Everyone in the office was reading it, well," she added quickly, "all of us assistants. Scrimgour, Umbridge and Weasley banned it from the office. In fact, they banned the Quibbler altogether and are petitioning to make the Daily Prophet the only acceptable piece of reading material outside of Ministry documents.

"Umbridge, go figure," he muttered.

Cho rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it. It's a little too familiar an action. Anyway, we still read it, it's just hidden in our purses and desks."

"Rebelling are we?" he asked with a mischievous grin.

Cho blushed furiously. "We all do our little parts."

Being as he was still technically an Unofficial Auror-in-Training, Harry didn't have access to the research labs, but he helped Cho just the same. He eyed her badge with interest as she waved it front of the magical sensor to Lab Level One. Cho noticed his gaze.

"I get unlimited access in the building," she explained, half-bragging her importance of her position. "This job has gotta have some perks."

"Unlimited access?" he asked, eyeing the plaque by the doorway listing all five levels of the Research Department. Level Five was very restricted, only a select few ministry workers were allowed access here. Kingsley had it but he still had to go through a lot of paperwork for it.

"Unlimited access," she grinned. Harry watched her clip the badge back on the hem of her shirt so it rested against her hip.

She worked efficiently, quickly handing off the paperwork and files, picking up more as Harry followed behind, taking in all of the work going on around him. There were some whispers and stares as he made his way through the lab. On the second floor, he noticed that many of the females had clustered together and some had shyly smiled and waved at him. He politely smiled back at them. By the third floor, he noticed that most of the females had suddenly become a little more made up, their hair done, make-up applied. He was beginning to feel a bit more uncomfortable with some of the dreamy far-off looks the women were giving him. He wondered if maybe the Ministry was working them all a little bit too hard that they might need to get out of the lab for awhile and see the outside world.

"Sorry Harry," Cho said, turning to him and taking the stack of papers and files from his arms. "But I can't let you past Level Three." They were standing in the Department's foyer by their private elevators. "You'll have to take the lift back down to Level One to get out of here."

"Yeah, it's no problem," Harry smiled. "It was nice to catch up."

Cho bit her lower lip and smiled. She tore a piece of parchment off one of the papers she was holding and reached back to remove what Harry thought was a clip holding her hair in a bun. It was a quill and as she removed it, her hair fell into a lovely cascade of dark silky hair. A couple of years ago, the action would've brought him to his knees but instead, he felt a sharp pang of longing for Hermione. She sometimes used a quill to knot up her hair and he loved it when she removed it and her hair would come tumbling down, the scent of her shampoo would fill his nostrils and stir strong desires within him. He wondered if he would ever get over her or if he even wanted to.

"Here's my owl address, the address to my flat, my floo access code and my communication charm code so you can get a hold of me whenever," she said, handing him the parchment.

Harry took it as his eyes fell on her badge again. "Yeah, I'll give you a call sometime," he replied.

"Good day Miss Chang!"

"Miles!" Cho replied with a smile.

The lift doors had opened and a strange and eccentric looking wizard was standing before them. He was short and portly man with white hair that stuck up in every direction, he even had some sprouting out of his ears. He wore faded brown leather shoes, plaid pants that were a little short for him since they showed off his argyle patterned socks. He had bright red suspenders that clashed with his baby blue and wrinkled button-down shirt. He wore a white cloak over the clothes that resembled a muggle lab coat and Harry could see his wand sticking out of one of the pockets. He was holding a large wire cage with mice inside divided by a wire mesh wall. There was a faint blue glow around the outside of the cage. The wizard looked up at Harry with large blue eyes that were magnified further by the very thick glasses he wore, his eyes widened.

"You're…you…but…Harry Potter!" he gaped at him.

Harry stood there being uncomfortably stared at. But Cho stepped forward.

"Um, Miles, this is…my old friend, Harry Potter. Harry, this is Dr. Miles Erlenmyer, top reseacher on Level Five."

"Please to meet you," Harry said with a smile. There was a small poof sound and Harry saw one mouse disappear then reappear on the other side of the wire wall.

The wizard struggled a little to shift the cage in his arms and extended one hand to eagerly shake Harry's.

"No, it's a pleasure to meet you! (poof!) Such an honor! Such an honor!!" He handed the cage off to Cho, who struggled to juggle her paperwork and this new added weight, just so he could shake Harry's hand with both of his. "(Poof!) If there's anything I can do for you Mr. Potter, just ask it. You should come up and see me sometime. We have some things we're working on that you may find of interest."

Harry took his eyes away from the mice. "Really?" he asked with genuine curiosity.

The wizard noticed Harry watching the mice. "My apparating mice," he explained.

"Apparating?" Harry asked, surely he misheard.

"Yes," the wizard sighed wearily. "The little buggers got loose one day. Took me nearly a month to find all twelve. Hopefully they didn't breed." His brow wrinkled in thought.

"Doctor?" Cho said with a pleading voice, struggling to hold the cage.

"Oh sorry," he said absently as he took it back from her. "Have to keep anti-apparition wards on the cage at all times."

"I imagine so," Harry said as he watched the mice disappear then reappear.

"The offer is there Mr. Potter," the wizard said sincerely, "anything you need. Anything at all."

Cho stepped into the lift with the eccentric wizard. "Bye Harry," she smiled shyly at him and he waved a small goodbye back.


Harry kept the news about his decision about whether to return to Hogwarts or not to himself for the rest of the holidays, although he had already made up his mind. He would go back. Dumbledore would've wanted it, so would his parents and Sirius and of course, he wanted to be an Auror, badly. Something inside him told him it was important that he stay at the school, that he was most useful there. But most of all, he wanted to be near her. He knew that being in close proximity to her again, seeing her everyday would be like pouring salt on a raw wound but he was a glutton for punishment. Especially when it came to her. It was almost frightening, the power over him that she possessed. She could make him feel like the most luckiest bloke in the universe or crush him like he was the tiniest ant with a single look, a single gesture.

The news of their breakup had traveled marvelously quickly in the house. One night he was sitting alone in Neville's room, her present undelivered in his hands, as he recovered from the emotional kick in the balls she had dealt him (not that he didn't deserve it). By Christmas dinner, no one spoke her name to him and whenever conversation about her came up, it was quickly hushed as soon as he walked into the room. He wished they didn't do that, it wasn't as if he was going to break down and bawl like a baby or throw a magically induced tantrum at her name. At least, he hoped not.

But it became very clear that even his friend's were deeply divided on this and that there were even sides.

"How can you stand there, Ginny, and justify her actions!" he heard Neville hiss to her one morning when they were in the kitchen. Harry was hidden behind the door. He knew that Ginny would defend Hermione, she was her friend. It was the same with Luna. The two girls were a bit frosty to him. Ron had decided to stay out of it. He didn't blame him, he was stuck in the middle of this whole thing. He already felt bad that Neville felt compelled to defend him since his and Ginny's fledgling relationship was floundering in the torrent sea that teenage romance was. Harry guessed that the Hate potion had brought to surface some issues that they had yet to resolve. It made for even more awkward moments with Ginny. Harry knew that Ginny would always hold a special place in his heart, he would always have some part of him that still cared for her wellbeing more than a friend would. Naturally, she felt the same way about him but she genuinely liked Neville and he was…miserably and hopelessly in love with Hermione. He and Ginny had both moved on and managed to stay good friends but he had some idea of the resentment Neville harbored for him, no matter how small it was. There was still a part of Harry that was a little jealous of Ron and Hermione's relationship.

Everyone had gathered in the kitchen for one last breakfast before they had to leave for the school year. The table was a bit crowded since they had the extra guests of Fred, George, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and Moody. Their trunks were all lined up in the hallway, animals all packed away securely, ready to pick up and go after breakfast. Harry sat and listened to Ron talk to his twin brothers about their latest adventure as he pushed around his eggs. He was too nervous, he would be seeing Hermione in less than an hour. His stomach jumped violently at the thought. Luna looked up at him with a knowing smirk.

"…supposed to get us a whole load of muggle rubber chickens but he was detained a couple of days ago," Fred was saying.

"Aurors caught him with some fraudulent chocolate frog cards that he was planning to put out on the street," George cut in.

"They were actually very decent replicas. You couldn't really tell the difference. The only reason he was caught is because the manufacturer keeps close tabs on how many cards are made," Fred explained.

"The bloke Dung was carrying for apparently is very good and very stealthy. Ministry hasn't caught him yet. He's been making a load of money off the muggles though, making fake IDs and stuff. Muggle police haven't caught up with him either," George added.

"So he can replicate anything?" Harry cut in.

Fred shrugged. "I don't know about anything. He specializes in trading cards, muggle and wizard kinds, IDs…"

"Badges?" Harry asked.

Fred, George and Ron's gazes all turned to him. "Why do you ask?" George asked with an eyebrow raised.

Harry carefully kept his expression guarded as he pushed around his eggs on his plate. "Just curious," he replied. He was saved a better explanation when Lupin looked at his watch and announced that it was time for everyone to get up and leave if they were going to make the train on time.


The platform was just as busy as it was at the beginning of the year. There were aurors on patrol and Ministry officials keeping watch. Families were gathered about their children wishing them all goodbye. The students wore some new robes and clothing that they had received over the holidays, joining their friends and fawning over each other. Ginny and Luna left the group to join another circle of girls to catch up on the gossip over the break as Seamus and Dean joined Ron, Harry and Neville.

"Hey mate," Dean said as he approached them and looked at Harry. "Sorry to hear about you and Hermione."

"Huh?" Harry looked at him.

"We heard about the break up," Seamus explained.

"What?! Who told you?" he hissed in a whisper. He looked up and scanned the crowd. He swore he could literally see the news being passed along like a giant wave over the students as some of them looked over at him then turned to quickly whisper something to the person next to them. He groaned and wished he could disappear.

"Hey, what's up hero?" Terry Boot said, good-naturedly, as he clapped Harry on the back as he walked by.

"Bloody brilliant Harry!" Seamus said, shaking his head. "Play your Wounded-Hero card right and you could have any bird in the school dropping her knickers for you."

Harry blushed slightly. "Don't be ridiculous," he said irritably.

"Hello Harry," came a chorus of female voices. The guys looked over to see two drop-dead gorgeous Ravenclaws pass by, both of them giving Harry extremely flirty looks.

"Bloody hell!" Neville whispered as Ron finally decided to pick up his jaw from the floor.

"See what I mean?" Seamus grinned. "Hey if we stick around you, maybe some of that will rub off on us?" he teased, elbowing Dean who grinned back.

Harry was getting thoroughly irritated about this. "I don't want-"

"Hey Harry," Anthony Wellington stepped up to him. He was a chaser for Ravenclaw and was, according to all the girls in Gryffindor, absolutely dreamy with his dark hair and blue eyes. "I was wondering since you and Hermione crashed and burned if you wouldn't mind if I had a chance with her?"

Something violent wanted to leap out of Harry and wrap his fingers around Anthony's throat. Crash and burn??!! He and Hermione did NOT crash and burn!! He wasn't sure how he looked but he must have given something off because Neville and Ron jumped in front of him.

"Er, now's not a good time Anthony," Neville said, placatingly. Anthony shrugged and walked away taking his stupid dark hair and ugly blue eyes with him.

"Oh, well isn't this admirable. The Wounded Hero's friends rally around him in his time of need."

Harry closed his eyes and cringed.

"Oh bloody hell, not now, not now," he heard Ron mutter.

"Harry, Harry, Harry," Rita Skeeter smiled up at him. Her green quill stood at attention by her side, her hair in ringlets on her head, her stupid gaudy glasses sparkled in the light, her manicured nails represented talons that were blood tipped. "How is our little hero today, knowing he will have to come face to face with the muggleborn who shattered his heart into a million tiny pieces?" she asked.

Harry felt his anger threatening to explode. "She didn't-"

"But our young hero is so naïve and innocent in the ways of love," Rita said as her quill scratched away. "He should've known better, especially the way she trampled over the Bulgarian Bon-Bon Viktor Krum."

"Hermione and Viktor-"

"But you're not at all that innocent, are you Harry?" she winked at him. "Isn't it true that you stole her from your very own best friend here, Ronald Weasley." Her gaze fell on Ron who squirmed uncomfortably. "Tell me, Ronnie, may I call you Ronnie? How did it feel to have your own best friend, the person who was almost a brother to you, steal away the woman you loved?" Ron opened his mouth to protest but she cut him off.

"We've known each other for quite a while," Rita winked at Harry. "You can be honest with me. That whole stunt at the muggle hotel was just one big set up. How ironic was it that you `rescued' of all people, Hermione Granger?"

Harry stepped forward. "Listen here you-" He didn't finish because his friends surrounded him and pushed him forward to board the train.

"No comment. He has no comment!" Dean said angrily to the reporter. "Go find some other person's blood to suck, you leech."

Harry threw his trunk in the overhead bin in the empty compartment and slumped down into his seat. The guys filed in after him and Seamus drew the shades down, giving him some privacy. A tense silence filled the air as Harry peered out broodingly at the platform below him. His eyes briefly scanned the crowd but he had not seen Hermione, yet.

"So, uh, how `bout West Ham, huh?" Dean said, breaking the silence.

"Oh shut it about your stupid football," Seamus replied. "Quidditch is the best game ever!"

Harry's tension eased as he listened to Dean defend himself against Seamus and Ron about wizard and muggle sports. It brought home a sense of normalcy that he desperately needed right now. At some point after the train gave a lurch, signaling its voyage from the platform, Ginny and Luna wandered into the compartment.

"What are you guys doing here?" Harry muttered, irritably.

"Wow, Harry. Do you think you could be more of a jerk?" Ginny gave a sarcastic smile.

"Were you guys the ones that told everyone?" Ron asked.

"I'm flattered Ronald that you would think people would believe anything I have to say," Luna replied testily.

"For your information, people were already talking about it when we got here. But we thank you for your votes of confidence." Ginny said as she and Luna sat down.

"Sorry," Harry and Ron said softly. Both of them felt really bad about accusing their friends.

"Sod off!"

"Piss off!"


Ginny and Luna blatantly ignored Harry and Ron while they had polite conversation with the other guys in the compartment. Ron seemed a little too eager to leave for his Prefect's meeting, Harry thought when he stumbled over Seamus and Neville in his haste to leave. Coward, Harry thought. But Dean sat across from him and provided good conversation about football.

An hour later, Ron returned with an odd look on his face. "Ron?" Ginny asked.

"Um…Hermione's not on the train," he announced.

"What?!" came the reply. Harry's hand instinctively went to his wand.

"What happened?" he asked.

"No, no, no!" Ron held up his hands. "It's nothing like that. She, uh, she's already at Hogwarts."

"Did she miss the train?" Neville asked.

"Ooh, maybe her new tanned American boyfriend that she picked up on the cruise kept her delayed," Ginny grinned a Cheshire cat grin.

Harry glared at her. "Why don't you just kick me while I'm down?"

Luna looked at him. "Oh Harry, kicking you would be if we said the new boyfriend looked like Draco Malfoy."

The guys recoiled violently. "That's enough you two," Ron ordered. Ginny opened her mouth to reply but no sound came out. Her eyes widened and she looked at Luna who also had no sound coming out of her mouth. They also found that they were, literally, stuck to their seats. The two of them glared at Harry who looked back at them with mock-innocence.

"So what happened?" he asked Ron.

"She, er, she's cleaning out her room," Ron said slowly, meeting Harry's gaze. "She resigned as Head Girl."


Followed by a collective, "WHAT???" At least from the guys, Ginny and Luna said it in silence.

"Ernie is up there now with her and Susan Bones, who is taking her place. Helping her clean out her stuff, move her out and Susan in. Just us Prefects in charge on this train."

Harry slumped back down in his seat and stared out of the window, stunned. How could Hermione do this? Why? Please, oh please, don't let it be because of him. Don't let her throw away her future just because he was a brainless prat.


"Finite incantatem," Harry said as he rushed out of the compartment as soon as the train came to a stop, freeing Ginny and Luna from their enchantments. He scrambled into the nearest carriage, his foot tapping impatiently as he waited. Oh sod it, it was going to take forever for everyone to get on these blasted carriages. He leaped out and sprinted to the gates of Hogwarts. But he was held up there trying to convince the auror on duty that he really was Harry Potter before he continued on his way.

"Hermione?" he called out her name in the Gryffindor common room. The house elves looked up at him in curiosity, wondering what a student was doing here so early. He sprinted up the stairs to the girl's rooms but was thwarted when they turned into a slide. "Hermione?" he called out again.

She wasn't there. Harry ran out of the common room to the Head Boy and Girl suites. Ernie answered the knock.

"Harry what are you-"

"Have you seen Hermione?" Harry panted.

Ernie frowned. "She's somewhere around the castle with Susan, showing her the ropes."

Crap. He didn't have his Map on him.

"I take it you've heard," he said, eyeing Harry who nodded.

"I really hope you had nothing to do with this. I would hate to think that someone as brilliant as her with a promising future would throw that all away for you."

"Hope you had a good holiday too, Ernie," Harry replied before walking away.

"In a bit of a hurry?" Ron asked him when he met up with everyone else as they walked into the Great Hall. "Did you find her?"

Harry shook his head and took a seat across from Seamus and Dean. Neville sat down next to him as did Ron.

"Hey there boys," came a very familiar voice that sent Harry's insides to goo.

Harry looked up and was momentarily stunned to see a very tan Hermione walk by and sit with Ginny, diagonally across the table. She had a light dusting of freckles on her cute little nose and her hair had blond highlights from being out in the sun. Neville, Dean and Seamus all had stupid smiles on their faces as the latter raised his hand to give a little wave. "Harry, Ron," she smiled politely at the two of them, although Harry noted that his greeting wasn't as warm as Ron's.

He was the first to shake himself out of this stupor. "Hermione, could we talk for a moment?" he managed to ask.

Hermione poured herself a cup of pumpkin juice. "I don't think so, Harry."

He was momentarily stunned followed immediately with a swoop of impatience. "What's this I hear about you giving up your Head Girl position?" he hissed at her.

Hermione stared at him and he suddenly became very aware that the table had become very quiet.

Lavender looked at Hermione. "You gave up the position?"

Parvati looked equally stunned. "What on Earth made you do such a thing?"

Evidently, the news about Hermione resigning her post did not spread as quickly as their break up did. Hermione's eyes moved from Harry to Ron who suddenly shrank away in his seat. Her gaze moved back up to Harry's.

"Well, Harry, you just get right down to it, don't you?"

Okay, so maybe just blurting that right out loud wasn't the best way to go about this, he'd concede that. But the news had stunned him so much that she had to expect that he'd be a little shocked by it, more than a little shocked.

"May I have your attention please?" McGonagall's voice sounded out loud. "Settle down, settle down. I am pleased to welcome you all back from your holiday break. I trust that you all received some much needed rest and relaxation and are now fresh and prepared to learn." There was a flutter of snickers at that but it quickly died down with a severe look from the Headmistress. "Just a quick announcement before we begin our feast." Harry heard Ron's stomach gurgle loudly next to him. Hermione and Ginny rolled their eyes.

"What?" Ron whispered defensively.

Harry turned his attention back up front. "It is with a heavy heart and personal reasons that Miss Hermione Granger has decided to step down from her duties as Head Girl." There was an instant rumble of murmurs and whispers.

Draco was snapped out of his bored stupor with this announcement and his gaze wandered over to the Gryffindor table. He didn't see her right away but he did notice the tanned girl next to the pale and sickly looking Weaslette.

"Personal reasons my ass," Pansy muttered next to him. "McGonagall probably caught her and Potter violating some broom closet."

"Not since they broke up," Millicent chimed.

"What?" Pansy leaned forward eagerly.

Hermione could feel someone's gaze burning into the back of her head and she turned around to see Draco staring at her. She turned back around face forward to join in the students who were clapping and the Hufflepuff's who were cheering when Susan Bones was announced as the new Head Girl.

Harry was quiet for the rest of the meal, Hermione didn't know whether she was grateful or distraught over it. To be honest, she was so nervous about seeing him again. Would she burst into tears the moment she saw him or punch his lights out? Maybe both? From the way he was stabbing his potatoes, she could tell that he was desperately wanting to say something to her but at the last minute decided to stuff his mouth with food instead. Maybe it was for the best. She had a pretty good idea of what he wanted to say to her.

At long last, the food and dishes disappeared and everyone was leaving their seats to return with sleepy eyes to their common rooms.

"Mr. Potter," Professor Sinistra stopped Harry as he got up from his seat. "Headmistress McGonagall wishes to speak with you."

"Um, okay," he said, hesitantly, looking over at Hermione. She looked back at him and gave him a shrug. He gave her a pointed look that said that this conversation was still going to happen.

She filed out of the Great Hall, following her fellow students instead of leading them. She didn't mind at all. As she listened to Lavender and Parvati banter back and forth, she actually enjoyed the company of her fellow housemates. She didn't have to worry about rounds tonight, she could head up to bed whenever she wanted, hell, maybe even read a book.

As they filed up the staircase and headed down the corridor, she felt a tug on her arm and was pulled quickly into an empty classroom.

"Who the hell-" she started to yell but was cut off with a "Shh!"

The classroom was dark but there suddenly came a soft glow from the tip of a wand.

"I should've known it was you," she said dryly, not bothering to hide her disappointment.

"You gave up your Head Girl position?" he asked.

"Oh don't give me any of your fake concern," Hermione replied as she brushed past him to open the door.

He moved past her and shut it. "Why?" he asked.

Hermione looked at him. "None of your damn business!" she answered.


"Just stay the hell away from me, Malfoy," she replied and yanked open the door.

Harry wasn't in the best of moods to begin with. The minutes in the Headmistresses office ticked away like hours. He desperately wanted to get out of here and just talk to Hermione. She was informing him that even though he had returned as a student, he still had open campus privileges that came with being an auror-in-training. But at long last, when he was dismissed, he hesitated at McGonagall's door.

"Did she say why she gave up the Head Girl position?" Harry asked her.

McGonagall looked up at him from her desk. "Mr. Potter, even if she told me, I could not divulge that information to you. That would be a violation of student-Headmistress privacy." Harry nodded in defeat. "But I must say if I am very confused in my own judgments. Both of my first choices for the Head Girl and Boy offices have opted out. I have to wonder exactly what toll this is war is taking on my students that they neglect to forget that they are, in fact, still young men and women and in school."

Harry thought a moment about her words. "Goodnight Professor," he said quietly before closing the door.

Hermione was sitting on a sofa when Harry returned to the common room. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and she was wearing the same pink plaid flannel pajamas that she wore the first night she had stayed with him at the Dursleys. He couldn't honestly know why he remembered that little fact. Maybe that was the moment that he realized that perhaps he had more than friendly feelings toward her.

She was reading a book but looked up at him when he walked into the room. He walked toward the sofa and she bent her knees, clearing up the space next to her.

"Is everything okay?" she asked him as he sat down next to her. There were very few people left in the common room and the lights had been dimmed.

"Yeah, it wasn't anything major or important. Just some auror formalities," he said dismissively.

Hermione closed her book to give him her full attention. "You look tired."

Harry gave her a soft laugh. It seemed so absurd that she would say that to him considering he hadn't gotten more than a few hours sleep each night since she left. Since the look on her face when he told her that he didn't love her was burned into his eyelids that it replayed over and over again as he lay down.

"So why did you give it up?" he asked.

Hermione took a deep breath. "I did some thinking and I realized that there are more important things in this world than being Head Girl and all the wonderful perks that come with the position."

Harry scoffed. "Such as?"

"Such as making more time to help a friend defeat the most terrible wizard of our time."


She held up a hand to stop him. "And taking my nose out of my studies to take in all the beautiful life around me. Harry, one night, after I returned to that ship, I was working all evening on the Prefect Rounds Schedule when my parents came into the room and asked what I thought of…it. I had asked them what they were talking about and they said that they had just witnessed the most beautiful sunset, with the water turning the ocean gold as fireworks shot into the sky from the coast. The way they spoke about it, the way my parents were holding each other as they danced together in my doorway, how happy my parents looked…" she frowned. "Harry, I missed it. I missed the beautiful sunset, I missed the fireworks. I was stuck in my room doing…schoolwork. And then I realized, we were in the middle of a war. We have no idea how long we are going to be here in this world. Did I really want to spend my time taking house points away from the Slytherins, or having fun, making the most out of life while at the same time helping a friend of mine make it through this battle a winner so he could have a life?"

Harry looked at her. He could've kissed her right then and there. He wanted to.

"Hermione, I didn't want you or Ron to ruin your lives for me or-"

"But we haven't," Hermione cut in with a gentle voice. "I should be thanking you, Harry. Remember what I said to you in our first year? About books and cleverness and friendship and bravery?" Harry hung his head and sighed. Of course he remembered.

"It's late," she said after a moment of silence. "I, for once, do not have to worry about rounds tonight so I am going to take advantage of a long night's sleep," she said as she stretched and got up off the couch. Harry got up as well and followed her.

He reached out and stopped her at the stairs. "Hermione?" He shifted awkwardly under her gaze. "What happens now?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Us," he gestured between the two of them. "What happens with us?"

She looked at him for what seemed the longest time. "We're friends, Harry. Above all else, we're friends and we'll always be friends. It's what you wanted, right?" She turned and continued on her way.

Harry watched her until he could no longer see her as she turned the corner. He made himself turn around and head up to his own dorm. Everyone was asleep and softly snoring when he got there. He quickly and silently got himself ready for bed.

"Good night, Isis," he said as he took off his glasses and placed them on his nightstand.

"Good night, Harry," she hissed back and he closed his eyes for another night of restless sleep.
