Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Important Things by Twitch E. Littleferret

More Important Things

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: Okay, updates will be coming a little slower now because finals are coming up and I must study. I must!! But to tide everyone over, here is this chappie filled with H/Hr yumminess. Enjoy!


Isn't this the best part of breakin' up

Finding someone else you can't get enough of

Someone who wants to be with you too

It's an itch we know we are gonna scratch

Gonna take a while for this egg to hatch

But wouldn't it be beautiful

Here we go, we're at the beginning

We haven't fucked yet, but my heads spinning

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you

Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you

It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it

So tell me

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you

(Why Can't I-Liz Phair)


Harry walked down the street with Hermione by his side. Hogsmeade looked like a postcard again with its snow-covered buildings and warm inviting lights. The sky was overcast and snowflakes fell lightly, dancing in the air. Harry looked over at his friend, bundled in a wool pink trench, her Gryffindor scarf wrapped around her neck. He nudged her playfully with his elbow.

"You look nice today," he said sincerely.

Hermione looked up at him in his dark jacket, his hands tucked in his jeans. "Thank you. You aren't half bad yourself." He grinned at her.

"I have to confess that I'm a bit envious of Ernie today," he said, testing the waters. To be honest when he had first heard about it from Ron, his first reaction was to rip Ernie's throat out.

"Did you know that Ernie asked Hermione to lunch in Hogmede?" Ron had said.

Harry looked up at him, suppressing the violent urge to hunt down the Head Boy. "Really," he said.

There must have been something off in his tone because Ron peered at him. "You're okay with that, right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Yeah, right.

Hermione smirked. "Don't be. Nothing's going to come out of this. I like him as a friend and I enjoy his company. I'm sure it's the same on his end, it's nice to have conversation with someone who has the same goals as you."

"Are you sure that's all it is?" Harry asked. Urge to kill Head Boy, fading.

"We've been sharing the suite all this time and not once has he done anything to show interest other than genuine friendship. Even when he asked me to Hogsmeade, the waters were tested but…when we kissed there was just nothing there. Not to mention the fact that he kissed me on the cheek."

"Ouch," Harry winced.

"Yeah. I'm beginning to wonder about the validity of the List."

Harry grinned, remembering what the list said about Ernie. "Well, I'm sure the List is very valid. After all, someone wrote that they had amazing sex with me," he grinned.

Hermione frowned thoughtfully. "Like I said, I wonder about the validity of that List."

"Hey!" Harry protested and reached out for her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and yanking her to him so he could tickle her sides.

Hermione laughed. "Harry stop it!"

"Take it back!" he said, letting her go.

"I don't know. It's been awhile," she said breathlessly with a smile.

"Want me to refresh your memory?" he winked.

"Harry, are you flirting with me?" she asked.

"Is that such a bad thing?" he asked.

Hermione shrugged. "You tell me."

Harry smiled at her and the two of them continued on their way. At one point their hands brushed against each other and Harry reached out to touch his fingers against hers. She responded by allowing him to weave his fingers lightly into hers as they walked on, loosely holding hands.

"Harry, hey Harry!"

Harry looked up to see a familiar person trotting over to him.

"Brian! Hi!" he said, greeting his fellow Auror trainee.

"How have you been?" Brian asked when he reached him.

"It's been…interesting," Harry answered. "Are you done with training?" he asked.

"I'm on my first assignment. Patrolling the streets of Hogsmeade, searching for Dark activities."

"Sounds like fun," Harry replied then turned to Hermione. "This is Hermione Granger," he said, removing his hand from hers and placing it on the small of her back, "and over there…Oy! Ron!" Harry waved him over. Ron left Luna, Ginny and Neville to join Harry. "This is my other best friend Ron Weasley." Harry turned to his best friends. "Guys, this is Brian O'Malley. We were in Auror training together." Hermione and Ron said their hellos.

"Nice to meet you finally," Brian said, shaking their hands. "Harry's told us so much about you." Brian's eyes flitted slightly over to Hermione and Harry suddenly remembered the context in which Brian knew the two of them. Harry had talked about them on that crazy drunken night. Ron Weasley, best friend and betrayer, taking up with Hermione Granger, his other best friend and the girl he had really strong feelings for. He suddenly wanted to get out of this conversation but just as he was about to say his goodbye another voice called out to them.

"Is this the long lost Mr. Potter?" Nathan said, walking over to them.

"Nathan, hi! Ron, Hermione, this is Nathan Fields, another trainee I was with."

Nathan looked at the two of them and a lightbulb went off in his head. "Oh Ron and Hermione, riiiight." Hermione and Ron looked at each other quizzically. "Ow, what?" Nathan hissed when Brian nudged him sharply. Harry suddenly wanted to disappear.

Nathan's eyes wandered over Hermione, checking her out. "Hey Harry, she looks a lot like that stripper you blew fifty galleons on."


Harry closed his eyes and winced violently as Hermione shrieked.

"Are you serious?" Ron asked with a wide grin on his face. Oh, he was never going to let Harry live this one down. "That story was true?"

"Oh yeah," Nathan said, oblivious to the reactions around him. "He was all over her like white on-what?!" Brian yanked Nathan as they walked away.

"We'll catch you later, Potter," Brian said apologetically. "What the hell is wrong with you?" the trio heard him hiss to Nathan as they walked on.

The damage was already done and Harry slowly turned to face Hermione who was standing there with her arms crossed with a look on her face that demanded an explanation.

"Oh Ron, cut it out!" she hissed, looking at their friend who was bent over in silent laughter, holding his sides. "This isn't funny!" she said. "Harry, that article was in all the wizarding papers! The whole school was talking about it!" she lectured. Ron made a loud wheezing sound as he gasped for breath to continue on with his silent laughter, bending over once again.

"Hermione, I had no idea that would end up in the papers!" Harry replied.

"Harry, did you not learn anything from our Fourth year about the press? The whole lot of them are a bunch of Rita Skeeter's just waiting for you to do something scandalous like this! You have to be more careful! Who knows who could be reading!" Another loud wheeze came from Ron and Harry looked over at him.

"Cut it out, Ron," he said, irritated.

Ron clapped a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry mate but that is just priceless. Fifty galleons on a stripper! Man I hope you got more than a lap dance out of it."

"No kidding," Hermione said under her breath. "What?" she said defensively at the scowl on Harry's face.

"Oh wait until Fred and George hear about this!" Ron laughed.



Harry and Hermione said it at the same time. "Ronald Weasley, this…indiscretion…stays between the three of us or I swear to all that is Holy I will tell your mother that I caught you having sex with three girls in a broom closet!" Hermione scolded.

"But I haven't," Ron lowered his voice, "had sex."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "She doesn't know that."

"Clever, Hermione," Harry grinned.

"Don't even get me started on you, Harry," she said, killing his grin. "Now if you two blithering idiots don't mind. I'm going to go to the bookstore. I'll catch up with you at the twin's shop."

She turned around and walked up the stairs to the store's entrance but Harry stopped her. Ron had already run away with his tail between his legs.

"Hey Hermione," Harry said. "I really am sorry about all that."

Hermione looked at him. "To be honest Harry, I don't know whether to be freaked out or flattered about the whole thing. Freaked out because the stripper apparently looked a lot like me or flattered because you blew a whole lot of money on her."

Harry had a puzzled frown on his face. "Both?" he guessed.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'll see you at the joke shop, Harry." She turned around and opened the door to the bookstore, a grin on her face. She was never going to let him live that one down.


The WWW was packed with students but Hermione easily found Harry standing off to the side checking out the nosebleed nougats. Hermione maneuvered her way over to him. "A little crowded huh?" she asked.

"Yeah, the place looks really busy," he answered, his face brightening as she approached him.

"All is well then?" she asked.

"Yeah, their profits are going up and they're thinking of expanding to Diagon Alley," he said.

"That's great!" she said with a smile.

"I've got to pick up their profit list for this month from their office downstairs. I'll be back."

"I'll go with you," she said and the two of them made their way to the back of the store to the door that led downstairs.

There was a small lightbulb lighting the cellar that was filled with crates. There was a large laboratory off to the side where various cauldrons were simmering and bubbling.

As Harry made his way to the office, Hermione stopped by the lab, peeking into the potions and the various ingredients on the table. Who knew what they were up to? It was a shame that this creative drive never transferred to their academic studies and she wondered if the twins would ever go back to Hogwarts to receive their graduation diplomas.

"You ready?" Harry asked, joining her.

"Sure," she replied and Harry once again took her hand as he led her toward the stairs. But suddenly he stopped and turned around.

Hermione nearly collided into him. "Harry, what is it?" she asked, taking in the serious expression on his face. He held up a hand in silence and just then the cellar door opened and the sound of footfalls on the stairs could be heard. The two of them darted into one of the rows of shelves that had boxes stacked on them. There was barely enough room for the two of them and they were immediately aware of their close proximity to one another as they faced each other. The two of them looked at each other, then looked away feeling the awkward uncomfortableness of the underlying tension between the two of them.

Ron, Luna, Ginny and Neville clattered down the stairs, closing the door behind them. Ginny walked up to her brother and swatted him on the back of his head.

"Ow! What was that for?" he said.

"I can't believe what you're doing to Harry and Hermione," she hissed.

Harry placed a finger on Hermione's lips in a gesture of silence. She grinned wryly up at him. He moved his hand and rested it on the shelf next to the top of her head.

"What? I'm doing him a favor," Ron explained. "They'll both thank me in the end."

Favor? Harry mouthed and Hermione shrugged. Mmm, she was wearing that perfume that he liked.

Luna huffed. "Ronald, I can't believe you." She had been mad at him ever since she found out it would be Ernie joining them for lunch and not Harry. And since his girlfriend was close friends with his sister, it didn't take long until the news traveled quickly.

"Hey, it worked for me!" Ron defended. "I really didn't notice you until you started dating that Michael git."

Harry and Hermione winced at Ron's words. Guess he wasn't getting snog time in the broom closet tonight. They laughed silently. As Harry looked over her head at what was going on behind her, she admired the strong jaw line of his profile.

Luna just stared at him. "So you think that bringing Ernie along will make Harry jealous?"

Jealous? Hermione mouthed.

Harry stared at her. Crazy jealous, he mouthed back. It was the truth.

Hermione felt her heart begin to pound in her chest as the air suddenly became electric. She was very aware of him, his very closeness. Harry moved even closer to her, his jacket touching the lapels of hers.

"Ron did you not learn anything about messing with people's love lives?" Ginny asked. "I mean look what happened to Neville and me?"

"Yeah! You guys are together!" Ron pointed out.

Harry reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind Hermione's ear, leaving his hand to cradle that side of her face.

"That's not the point Ron!" Luna exclaimed.

"Besides, how do you know this whole thing won't blow up in your face? How do you know if they even like each other that way?"

Harry and Hermione grinned shyly.

"Hermione admitted to me that she was in love with him!" Ron said and Harry raised his eyebrows. Hermione flushed red. "And Harry is so hopelessly in love with her. It is so obvious it pathetic."

He was going to kiss her. He knew he was. It was inevitable. Harry's grin faded as he lowered his head to hers, his lips gently touching hers in a soft and tentative kiss. His heart pounded loudly in his ears as he kissed her wonderful lips. He moved the hand that was resting on the shelf to cradle her head as his tongue reached out and asked permission to deepen it. She complied, opening herself to him as she brought her hands up to his waist, pressing him closer.

She tasted wonderful and Harry didn't realize how much he desperately missed her until this moment, how much he desperately needed her. Ron was right, he was totally, completely, truly, madly and deeply in love with Hermione Granger. Fireworks were exploding over Hermione's body and she wanted to weep with joy at the pure happiness that was pouring out of her, the love for Harry that was going into this wonderful kiss. They broke for air and they listened to their friends argue about them. This stop in the action gave Hermione the moment of clarity that she needed. What the hell was she doing?

"Ron this is the stupidest idea of the stupidest ideas you've ever had," Ginny scolded. Harry's lips were on hers again, kissing her deeply, pushing back the voice of reason that had broken through her hazy lust induced stupor. She became helpless in his arms and he felt it, felt the change and something primitive inside him responded to that. He kissed her a little harder, pressed himself closer to her.

"I'm not going to this lunch without Harry," Luna said stubbornly.

"But he'll be a third wheel. He won't like that!" Ron protested.

"Then uninvite Ernie," Ginny replied.

"I can't do that! He already asked her to go with him!" Ron whined and Ginny tutted.

"Then we take a vote," she said. "Who wants to invite Harry to lunch with us?" she asked as she raised her hand.

"I do!" Luna shot her hand exaggeratedly in the air. Ginny looked pointedly at Neville, who looked like he desperately wanted to stay out of this conversation.

"Ahem," She cleared her throat and Neville slowly raised his hand in the air. "There, three to one Harry goes. Now let's go and find him so we can invite him." The group scrambled up the stairs.

Hermione waited until she heard the door close before she broke his kiss. "Harry, what are we (he kissed her again but she pulled away) doing?"

"Stop thinking, Hermione," he said, moving his lips to her neck. His hands moved to the hem of her shirt and he dipped them under to feel the hot skin of her waist underneath it. She was losing herself again in his kisses. They shouldn't be doing this.

"Harry," she murmured against his lips, pushing herself away from him.

"No, Hermione, don't do this," he pleaded.

"I can't," she said, breaking free of him and darting out of their secluded spot and running up the stairs.


The memory of Harry's lips on hers, on her neck replayed over and over as she sought solace in the alleyway of Honeydukes. She had half a mind to sneak into the cellar and head back to the castle but some part of her wanted to see Harry again. To kiss him again like he had so eagerly kissed her, she wanted to pick up where they left off. But part of her wanted answers, why was he doing this to her, why now? Was he lonely? Was this just a rebound thing? She only had an hour to compose herself before she stepped out of the alley and made her way across the street to the Italian restaurant. The others were already there and waiting for her and Ernie stood smiling at her.

"Hello Hermione!" he greeted, holding out a chair for her.

"Oh thanks," she said. He had pulled out the chair between him and Harry and she could feel Harry's intense emerald gaze on her. She flicked her eyes over at him once and could see them filled with concern. Oh, God he looked sexy when he did that. Harry didn't miss the quick look of desire and it sent his heart racing.

"I went over to your brother's joke shop," Ernie said to Ron.

"Oh yeah? What did you think?" Ron asked with genuine curiosity.

"It was very busy," he replied. "I think they're doing very well for themselves."

Ron beamed at the compliment. At the mention of the joke shop, Hermione began to flush slightly, thinking again of Harry and his kisses. For his part, Harry seemed equally awkward.

The group ordered their food and then settled down into a nice conversation. Well sort of, Harry and Hermione were unusually quiet with each other even though they talked easily with everyone else. Hermione was terrified that if she said anything to Harry it would be something like "Shag me right now on this table" and Harry…well…Harry was having a hard time stringing two words together at the moment. Hermione's drink was condensing and she was wiping the water off with her finger, making up and down strokes on the glass. The suggestion of those motions was enough to keep his mouth shut. He stretched his legs out underneath the table and accidentally brushed against Hermione's foot. She started violently at the contact.

"Are you okay?" Ernie asked her.

"Erm, yes I'm fine," she stood from her chair. "I'm just going to go to the loo. Does anyone know where it is?"

Harry stood up. "I'll show you. I've got to go as well."

Harry didn't care if the move was blatantly obvious but his heart was pounding in his chest as Hermione followed him to the back of the restaurant. Hermione for her part wiped her palms against her jeans.

"Erm, well, here you are," he said awkwardly.

"Thank you," Hermione squeaked. She stood there staring at the door, staring at the word WITCHES in front of her. Funny, if you stare at a word long enough it looks like it's spelled wrong. Harry was still standing by her side, awkward as well. He reached up and scratched the back of his head.

`Oh this is stupid,' Hermione thought and she turned around and reached for Harry the same time he reached out for her, crashing his lips down on hers as they stumbled backward into the restroom. He turned them around so she was pressed up against the door, nearly slamming it shut as he reached behind her and fumbled with the lock.

His kisses were fierce and demanding and they were turning her mind to mush and her legs to jelly. Her senses were overwhelmed by him, his touch, his familiar smell that she never thought she'd experience again. Her hormones already on overdrive, she let out a hiss when she felt his hands slide under her shirt and come to rest on her waist.

Merlin, he loved the way she tasted and he couldn't get enough of her. She was so soft and warm. The feel of the contrast between the rough skin of his hands and the smooth skin of her waist nearly drove him mad with lust. His grip tightened on her and he lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her over to the sink and set her down. The height at which she was perched gave him perfect access to her neck and he didn't hesitate to place soft kisses there as he breathed in her wonderful perfume. Hermione tightened her grip on his shoulders, squeezed her thighs tighter around his waist.

Harry moved his hands from her waist to the buttons of her shirt, undoing them the best he could considering that the amount of hormones that were rushing through him at this point would send a bull into a steaming rampage through the streets of Spain in a frenzy.

She was wearing a red lacy bra this time.

His hands moved up the bare skin of her back, coming to rest between her shoulder blades as he pressed her closer to him. A primitive groan came from the depths of his throat as he claimed the tops of her breasts with his mouth. The sound sent a flash of desire to Hermione's center, the apex of her thighs became moist with anticipation.

"Oh, Harry," she moaned softly.

He moved a hand to a breast, tugging at the lacy fabric, exposing a rosy nipple that beckoned to be nipped and suckled. He answered the call and Hermione dropped her head back in ecstasy. Her sex ached and she instinctively moved her hips forward, brining herself flush with his hardness. Harry groaned, instinctively grinding himself against her. His hand left her breast to wander down her torso, cupping her between her legs. He could feel her heat through the fabric and the promise of moisture.

Fucking Hermione in the restroom was a scenario he had fantasized about when he was by himself, the erection in his hand begging to relieved somehow. And now that fantasy had a very real chance of coming to fruition. If he did what he so desperately wanted to do, which was unbutton those jeans and slip his hand inside, he knew that the moment he felt her wetness, felt her heat, slipped his fingers inside her, there would be no way he would be able to stop. He wanted her so badly that if he got that far, he would yank those jeans down and fuck her right there on the sink. If she had tried to stop him, her protests would have gone unheard he wanted her that bad. He wished she would stop this somehow, slow this runaway train.

"Harry," Hermione murmured, "we have to get back."

"Okay," he muttered back, his mouth all over her chest.

"Harry!" she insisted and he pressed himself against her. "Oh that feels so good."

"Don't say that," Harry said, breathless, "I'm trying to pull away from you."

Hermione laughed shakily and gently pushed Harry away from her. He was grateful for that although now he had a massive case of blue balls. Hermione looked just as worse for the wear. He had to get out there quickly because the enticing way she looked right now would just drive him mad if he didn't…um, properly take care of himself.

Harry left the restroom in a hurry and Hermione sighed, missing him instantly. With shaky hands she buttoned up her shirt and turned to look in the mirror. Her reflection showed her flushed cheeks, her puffy red lips. She bent over the sink and splashed some cold water on her face. She began to recite Runes to calm herself down.

No one mentioned anything about her long absence from the restroom, or what she thought was a long absence, maybe it all happened quickly without suspicion. And by the time, Harry came back, the food was being served to them. Ron eyed his plate of pasta greedily and even eyed everyone else's plates to see what they had ordered.

Harry opened his mouth to say something when something caught his eye. He could've sworn that for just a split second. He saw the familiar blond head of Draco Malfoy across the street.

"Harry what is it?" Hermione asked him, her voice suddenly worried at the expression on Harry's face as he drew out his wand.

Suddenly the doors of the restaurant burst open and Aurors ran into the restaurant. "GET OUT! EVERYONE GET OUT! QUICKLY!"

There was only a slight pause before people jumped to their feet and scrambled to get out of the restaurant. There were sounds of chairs overturning and glass breaking as the crowd tried to weave their way through the tables of the restaurant.

"Harry?" Hermione asked as the group shot to their feet.

"I don't know," he said, with a worried expression on his face. He grabbed Hermione's hand. "Come on."

Hermione was pushed around violently and nearly trampled on twice as the stampede cleared out the restaurant. She tried to stick close to Harry as he fought his way to make a path for him and his friends. As they reached the doors of the building, someone shoved into Hermione and she let go of Harry.

"Hermione!" he cried out at the loss of contact. His hand blindly reached for hers and he tried to turn around but was carried off by the sea of people.


Familiar hands wrapped and around him and yanked him out of the crowd. Harry looked up to see Tonks' heart-shaped face next to Lupin's concerned gaze.

"Hermione!" Harry cried out and turned to go back into the building but the two of them held him back.

"Harry, no you can't!"


There was a bright flash of light and an explosion that sent everyone to the ground. Dust, dirt, bricks and stone rained down upon everyone and Harry felt himself being shielded by Lupin. In the brief silence that followed that was punctuated with coughing, crying and mouning arose a startled cry as the Dark Mark hovered high above them.

Aurors darted about, scanning the area for Death Eaters as mediwitches and wizards apparated into town.

"Harry!" Ron called out as he rushed to his friend's side, Luna in tow. She had dust covering her and there was a scratch on her cheek. Ron had a bump on his forehead but other than being a little dirty, Harry was relieved that he was okay.

"Hermione," said as Lupin helped him to his feet. "Where's Hermione?"

"I thought she was with you!" Ron said, getting panicked.

Hermione panicked when she lost Harry and she was getting lost and crushed in the crowd of people trying to push through the door. When she finally made it out of the building, she felt a sharp tug on her arm.

"Hermione!" She turned to see Draco standing before her.

"Draco, what are you-"

"MOVE IT!" he said, yanking her forward. "We have to get away!"


Draco tossed her to the ground and the two of them covered their heads as stone and dirt fell all around them. She had the wind knocked out of her and she tried to catch her breath and when she did, she got a lungful of dust. She coughed and spluttered as she sat up.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked. Hermione nodded, eyes watering as she finally got a decent breath.

"What happened?" she asked. Draco took off his cloak and wrapped it around Hermione as she looked up in the sky. She gasped when she saw the Dark Mark in the sky.

"Did you know about this?" she hissed and Draco shook his head.

"I only found out about it today. You have a small cut on your cheek," he said, instinctively reaching out to tilt her head so he could see how deep it was.


Suddenly, something collided with him and he went sprawling on the ground with Potter hovering over him, fist ready to punch him.

"Harry no!" Professor Tonks pulled him back with the help of the werewolf that Draco recognized as their DADA teacher from third year. He backed away fearfully from him.

"Harry!" Hermione was so happy to see him and he seemed equally grateful as he reached out for her and brought her to him.

"Let me take this filthy thing off of you," he said, taking off Draco's cloak and flinging it on the ground at Malfoy's feet and putting his own jacket on her. Hermione felt a small comfort in his familiar scent that enveloped her.

Draco watched as Potter hugged Hermione to him. She closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest, forehead touching him as he saw a few tears fall from her eyes. Potter kissed the top of her head and tangled his hands in her hair, resting his chin on her.

He hated Potter.

"Come Mr. Malfoy, we are to take you back to the castle and to Professor McGonagall undetected," Lupin said, but Malfoy recoiled from him.

"Don't touch me, werewolf!" he said.

Professor Tonks yanked him forward, her grip was painful on his arm as the two of the marched him back to the castle. He looked back once to check on Hermione one last time. She lifted her head to look at him but Potter moved the two of them, blocking her from his view. Potter glared at him.

Ron and Luna had joined them and Hermione was just about to ask about the others when Ginny and Neville walked up to them.

"Ernie?" she asked.

"He's checking on the students," Ginny replied.

"Were there any serious injuries?" she asked.

"Just cuts and bruises from what we've seen," Neville said. He looked at Hermione. "You should have that looked at," he said, pointing to her cheek.

Harry tilted her head to the side and gently brushed his fingers over the cut. "It's shallow," he said, "it just needs to be cleaned."

Hermione wrapped her arms around Harry, relishing the comfort his arms offered her as the two of them looked to the sky to stare at the Dark Mark.


"Why did he do it?" Harry asked Shacklebolt as they walked through the castle halls.

"Probably to show everyone that he could still touch Hogwarts if he wanted, to scare the parents," he replied.

"He probably succeeded," Harry muttered.

"Maybe, maybe not. We were able to get everyone out of the building in time so that scores a point for us."

"Malfoy's tip," Harry mused, his mind drifting to the Slytherin git. "Have you thought that maybe that tip wasn't so unplanned? That you were supposed to go and get everyone out?"

"Maybe but his story seems plausible."

"This is the same guy who set up the murder of Dumbledore," Harry said darkly.

"Set up but didn't follow through."

"There's a difference?" Harry shrugged.

"I think Mr. Malfoy has bitten off more than he could chew. He talked the talk but now that he has to walk it, life on the Dark Side is not as rosy as he thought it would be."

"It doesn't mean a thing to me. I don't trust the guy."

"And you shouldn't as far as you could throw him. But the fact remains that he did save the lives of a bunch of students today and even risked his own life to be at the restaurant."

"Yeah, convenient," Harry muttered darkly, replaying the scene of finding Hermione in his clutches.

He and Shacklebolt walked a little more before his mentor gave him an envelope containing the latest investigation from the Leaky Cauldron and said his good-byes. Harry didn't feel like reading it right now. Too much had happened today and he just wanted to lie down and rest. Hermione was still up with Ernie running around and checking on the students who were injured in the blast and directing owls bearing letters from concerned parents to their proper destinations since many of them were in the hospital wing.

Hermione walked through the portrait door of the Gryffindor common room to find Harry sitting in front of the fire. They were the only ones there.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"As well as I can be," he replied. "How about you?"

"The same." She walked over to him and slipped her hand into his.

"What did the Order say?" she asked, kneeling in front of him.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore," he said quietly, brushing his other hand against the scratch that marred the perfect skin of her cheek. His lips gently brushed over hers as his hand moved from her cheek to the back of her head. He deepened the kiss, letting his tongue explore the familiarity of her wonderful mouth. Hermione brought her hands up to caress his cheeks, cradling his head in her hands. Harry moved his own hands to her blouse, slowly unbuttoning it then rewarded them with the feel of her skin. Hermione climbed into his lap straddling him as he massaged his hands over her waist and back.

She could feel him hardening beneath her so she moved herself against him, coaxing a soft moan from him. His hands moved down her back, across her waist and down the front of her stomach to rest on the button of her jeans. She ground against him again, urging him on as he unbuttoned her, unzipped and slipped his hand inside.

His other hand tightened its grip on her thigh when he felt her wet curls and his fingers sought out the nub that he gently stroked, eliciting a whimper from her. He slipped a finger inside her and nearly went insane at the feel of her warmth and wetness surrounding him. He slipped another finger inside her and began a slow and steady rhythm that had Hermione breaking their kiss and moaning softly.

"Oh, God, Harry!" she whispered in his ear. Her breath tickling his ear and stirring his desire even more. Her breathing became ragged and her grip on his shoulders began to tighten. It was so hot. But she stilled his hand and moved it away from her. "Not here," she whispered.

No, not here.

He stood and kissed her deeply, his hands wrapped around her as he led her blindly to the stairs. He didn't want to break this kiss but he had to reluctantly as he opened up the door to his dorm.

Hermione giggled silently at the chorus of snores as she and Harry tiptoed across the room to his bed. She climbed on it as he closed the curtains around them. With a quick silencing charm, he dropped his wand and collided with Hermione. Shoes came off, jeans came off, underwear came off. Harry yanked his t-shirt over his head, losing his glasses once again but he didn't care. He needed and wanted Hermione so badly. She had just taken off those lovely lacey knickers when his hands were on her, his fingers dipping inside her again as she balanced herself on her knees.

"Harry," she breathed, shakily as she shrugged her shirt off. She was having a little trouble concentrating. Harry muttered something and Hermione felt the familiar warm caress of the contraception charm within her. Harry removed his fingers and helped her with her shirt, tossing it to the side as he moved his hands to her thighs.

He was inside her before she even hit the pillow, crying out in pleasurable surprise. He made a strangled moan as he entered her hot and wet heat. Oh how he needed her, how he wanted her. He felt wonderful and familiar as he filled her, stretched her. He began to thrust himself in and out of her, losing himself in the smell and sounds of their love. Her hands tangled in his hair as his head lowered to suckle a breast, then the other. His lovemaking was different this time, more frenzied, more rough. He pinned her wrists above her head, kissing her deeply, finding a rhythm that began to draw Hermione into him. Hermione felt herself hurtling over the edge of the abyss, helplessly pinned underneath him as he pushed her over with his powerful thrusts. And as she cried out and clutched him, he buried himself deep within her, thrusting hard before he exploded within her, gasping out her name.

They lay there together, him resting on her. She could feel his heart pounding against her chest and she felt it slow. Her sex ached pleasurably and he still rested inside of her. She stared up at the covered canopy above her, relishing the feel of Harry still resting between her thighs. She wasn't sure how much time had passed in this drowsy state of post-coital bliss but she was brought out of it when he began slow lazy kisses against her neck.

She loved the taste of him, the way his hair felt when she ran it through her fingers. She loved the gentle caress of his hands as they brushed and fondled her breasts. He looked down at her and she saw the feral look of desire in his eyes as he slowly began to thrust in and out of her again. She smiled deliciously as she brought her thighs up to hook her ankles at the small of his back, losing herself once again in the rawness of Harry Potter.
