Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Important Things by Twitch E. Littleferret

More Important Things

Twitch E. Littleferret

A Hero's Return

Don't the best of them bleed it out

While the rest of them peter out

Truth or consequence, say it aloud

Use that evidence, race it around

There goes my hero

Watch him as he goes

There goes my hero

He's ordinary

(My Hero-Foo Fighters)


Ron's reaction to Hermione's date was not what Ginny expected.

"Would you stop laughing?" she hissed at him as they stood in the Gryffindor common room. "What's so funny about her going with Ernie anyway?"

"What's so funny?" Ron held his abdomen as he began to laugh again. "Ginny those two are probably the most boring people in the world to date each other."

"Ron! This is Hermione you're talking about and it isn't very nice!" she scolded.

"I can imagine their date now," he said. "Hermione would you like to go to the bookstore? Maybe we can find books that will make us even smarter than we already are. Oh Ernie," his voice raised an octave. "That sounds just divine! Maybe we can pick up some more quills and parchment while we're at it." His voice dropped down again. "Great idea, Hermione. While we're at it we can head over to the Three Broomsticks and do our homework together"

Ginny shoved her brother through the portrait door. "Stop it and behave! I told her that we would share a carriage with her so please try and act like a civilized adult."

"Yeah, sure," he said, shrugging.

The students milled about in the front of the castle as the carriages arrived. Ginny looked over to her side and saw Neville about to board his carriage with three other girls. He looked over at her but Ginny rolled her eyes and turned away from him to get into the carriage. Shortly after, Hermione and Ernie joined them. Ginny gave her brother one more pointed look before the carriage jolted slightly to begin its journey.

It was a quiet one.

Hermione and Ernie sat next to each other but were staring out the windows not talking. Ginny could see that Ernie was desperately trying to think of something to say.

"It should be nice weather today, no?" he asked.

"Yes it should be lovely," Hermione replied.

A small silence descended upon them and Ginny looked over at Ron who appeared to be staring intensely at the passing landscape but she could see his jaw tensing as he was probably desperately trying to keep from laughing.

"So…you two," Ginny piped up, trying to fill the silence, "what are you going to do today?"

"Uh, I'm not sure," Ernie began tentatively. "I was thinking we could head over to the bookstore and--." Ron broke into a coughing fit at this point and Ginny slapped him hard on the back.

"I'm sorry, go on," Ginny said with a smile. She was going to kill Ron.

"That sounds fine Ernie," Hermione said brightly. "There was this new book out that I've been wanting to get my hands on."

"Alright then, it's a plan," Ernie grinned.

Ginny smiled at them both but deep down she was hoping, for Hermione's sake at least, that this date would be more than academic. After all, even Head Girls deserved a little romance.


When the carriage stopped, Ron and Ginny hopped out and promptly headed for the WWW to see their brothers. The shop, of course, was packed with those intent on making this year a miserable one for Filch and Mrs. Norris.

"Hello family," George said from behind the counter to his two siblings.

"Wow, busy today?" Ginny said as she examined the new wares behind the counter.

"Yeah, a little," George scoffed. "Didn't think so many students would be returning this year, let alone be going to Hogsmeade."

"I think everyone wants a little normalcy," Ron said.

"Yeah, that and the fact that we have a lot of aurors watching over you lot," George said.

They chatted for a little while longer until Ron scanned the crowd and spotted Luna over by the Not-Exactly-But-Close-Enough Quoting Quills. He made his way over to her.

"We just developed those over the summer," he said softly as he stood behind her.

She turned and found that he was standing very close to her. She didn't move as he reached around her and picked one up, placing it in her hand.

"Try it out," he said.

"You demonstrate first," she smiled.

Ron picked up a quill and a scrap parchment that had been provided. He cleared his throat.

"Quill," he said and the object stood at attention, waiting for Ron to start. "How are you today, Luna?" The quill scribbled away.

Luna, care to find a dark corner and snog?

Ron snatched the parchment from the quill and crumpled it in his fist. "The things are absolutely useless," he said, placing the quill back with the others. "So, uh, where's Michael?" he asked in what he hoped was a casual tone as they moved on to the next item in the store.

"He's at Zonko's," Luna said in a hushed tone.

"So why are you here?" Ron asked.

Luna leaned in close to him and in a conspiratorial whisper said, "I think the products here are way more clever."

"See, now, you seem like a woman of taste and yet you are dating the biggest git in the school," Ron smirked. "How is that possible?"

"Oh, he's not that bad. He has his…finer points but mostly because he noticed me, he asked me out." She wandered to the next aisle and Ron followed her.

"But maybe you were too hasty in agreeing to go out with him. I'm sure there are other guys who are interested in you but are a little intimidated by the fact that you already have a boyfriend."

"See, now that's one of the reasons I like Michael. He's not afraid to go after what he wants."

"Yeah, he's a real golden boy that one. Too bad he's the biggest crybaby ever," Ron muttered.

"You're not much better," Luna shot back.

"I don't cry!" Ron protested and a little too loudly at that because it suddenly got very quiet inside the shop. Luna looked around and saw that everyone was staring at them so she grabbed the quill and went to the counter.

"I'll take this please," she said. Fred raised his eyebrows at his youngest brother who had accompanied the pretty blond to the register. "No you don't cry," she whispered, "but you do whine."

"I do not whine!" Ron protested.

"Uh, yeah you do," Fred said as he handed Luna back her change.

"Thanks," Ron said plainly to his brother. "Thanks a lot." He turned and went after Luna who had left the shop.

"Look, I just don't know why you're going out with him," Ron said as he reached Luna in the street.

"Why does it even matter to you?" she asked, exasperatedly.

"It matters!" Ron replied even though deep down he knew it was a great question that he didn't exactly have the answer to.

"Why?" Luna demanded. "Why now?" He saw that her blue eyes began to fill with tears. Oh for crying out loud, what did he do that always resulted in girls crying in front of him. "Do you even know how long I've liked you Ron?" This declaration had taken him aback. Luna had liked him? When did this happen? "I've liked you for so long, since fourth year! But you never paid any attention to me, never thought of me as more than your little sister's friend. Loony Lovegood, that's what you called me."

"Luna, I didn't mean that," Ron said gently. "I swear I didn't, I just said it…" He floundered on this one.

"Because of habit, right?" Luna finished for him. "Don't worry, I'm used to everyone calling me that, it just hurt hearing you call me that." Ron felt like the biggest idiot in the world. "Don't worry about it Ron," she said. "I'm over it now and I'm finally over you. I've moved on and Michael's made me realize that there are other people out there who are interested in me. Who won't make fun of me behind their backs."


As if on cue, Michael called out to her from across the street at Zonko's.

"I'll see you around, Ronald," Luna said, quickly wiping her eyes then turned and ran to Michael. Ron watched as he put his arm around her and kissed her gently on the lips before they turned and headed in the direction of Madame Puddifoot's. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked in the opposite direction toward the Three Broomsticks.

Hermione noticed that Ron was unusually quiet as he sat at the table she shared with Ginny and Ernie. She and Ernie had had a pleasant day, going to the bookstore where they spent forever browsing through the titles. Ernie ended buying a couple on Ministry policy and regulations, he had interned in the Ministry during the summer in the Magical Regulations and Restrictions department. Hermione was disappointed not to find anything on the topic of Horcruxes but she did find an interesting read in Odd Magical Objects That You Thought Never Existed.

After a few butterbeers, the group headed out to Honeydukes, a place Hermione privately thought she had seen enough of but went anyway. She bought a few Cheery Cherry Chews that she gave to Ron in the carriage ride back and his mood considerably improved. Hermione decided that she could make it better by reminding Ron that tonight was the Halloween Feast. His eyes glazed over with the thought of food at that and seemed content the rest of the ride.

She knew that Ginny was holding her tongue and that at any moment she was going to explode with curiosity. She knew she desperately wanted details about her little date with Ernie but that she would have to wait until they were alone and could talk. As they walked back inside the castle among the excited chatter, Ginny gave Hermione a meaningful look before she took off in the direction of the Gryffindor common room.

"Well, thank goodness today was uneventful," Ernie sighed as he and Hermione walked into the Head Boy and Girl suite. "Everyone has been on edge since the breakout at Azkaban."

"Yeah, I know," Hermione said softly as she put down her book.

"Hey," he said softly taking her hand in his. "I had a great time today."

"Yeah me too," Hermione replied.

Then he moved close to her, leaned down and placed a small peck on her cheek. "I'll see you at the feast," he said and left the rooms.

"Bugger," Hermione sighed. She was hoping to feel something all day, even when he leaned over her shoulder to read what she was reading and vice versa. And even with the kiss, polite and proper as it was, she was desperately hoping to feel a twinge of excitement.

A quiet growling of her stomach reminded her to go downstairs and the fact that she was human and could still feel something. She stepped out of the portrait and began to make her way downstairs. She had just passed some overly-excited first years on the second floor when something outside caught her eye. She moved toward the balcony and watched as a single carriage rolled its way up to the castle. Oh my God, did we forget a student?

The door opened and Dobby ran out to grab the trunk and cage. Was there a new student coming? Then her heart stopped when she saw the familiar head of messy raven hair step out of the carriage, fully dressed in Hogwarts attire.


"It's Harry!"

She heard people shouting and a flock of seventh year Gryffindors flew down the stairs and swarmed the awkward teen. So many emotions flooded Hermione as she watched him. Was he really here? Was she dreaming? What was he doing here? Why was he here? She suddenly felt overwhelmed as she watched him greet their peers, the smile on his face that seemed more than a little forced.

"Harry!" she heard Ron yell and saw him make his way to his friend, clapping him on the shoulder. A genuine but small smile spread across Harry's face. Hermione was glued to where she was standing, finding herself unable to move because her mind was on overdrive.

"Let me through!" came another voice and Hermione watched as Ginny forced her way through the crowd before wrapping her arms around Harry. The Gryffindors beamed as their golden couple was reunited and Hermione found she couldn't take her eyes off of them.

She suddenly started when she realized that she wasn't alone. Draco Malfoy was standing next to her, one hand resting on a pillar. He, too, had been watching Harry's return and he turned to Hermione. His face was masked and completely free of any opinion and she wondered if her face was as blank as his. She turned and walked away.


As Harry sat in the carriage, he looked up at the imposing towers of the only place he had ever considered home. He really didn't want to be here and he cursed Shacklebolt and the Order for going behind his back on this. The wounds suffered in this place were still so very raw and coming back here was just ripping them open. How different would this place be without Dumbledore? Death Eater's children and a Death Eater himself were among the student body, aurors were patrolling the grounds and teaching some of the students, now an unofficial auror was disguising himself among them.

"You're making me nervousss," Isis hissed.

"I can't help it," Harry answered.

"At leassst your friendsss will be here."

"Don't even get me started on that," Harry replied. He wondered what sort of reception he would receive. He imagined it would be as warm and welcome as it was in the beginning of his fifth year. And this time without Ron and Hermione at his side. He doubted they would even give him the time of day, considering how wonderful their friendship status was right now.

The carriage came to a stop and Harry recognized the little house elf that came out to collect his things.

"Harry Potter!" the elf squeaked with adoration. Isis stared at him in fascination.

"Hello Dobby," Harry said quietly. He really was here at Hogwarts wasn't he? A nightmare come true.

"Good luck," Isis hissed as Dobby took her crate. "You're going to need it."

"Thanks," he muttered back.


It wasn't long before he was suddenly surrounded by his classmates that seemed actually happy that he was back. It was all so painful to see their faces and remember better times at this school. But their support did make it a bit easier. And as Ron made his way over to him and enthusiastically greeted him, he did feel his spirits lift some. Maybe his friends didn't hate him after all, maybe there were those out there that did still care.

And Ginny.

She came flying at him and he was overcome with her familiar comfort, it was like a lighthouse in this stormy sea. Questions came flying at him from his classmates, excited chatter, gossip and grumblings as they led him into the castle. Other classmates greeted him, whispers started buzzing as people stared at him.

And then there she was.

It had been hard enough coming back here and now seeing her standing there looking wonderful was enough to send him running away. Her hair fell in soft curls around her shoulders and past, she had on soft light blue sweater that fitted her nicely as did the jeans she wore. The can of raw emotions that he put away when he swore that he belonged to Ginny was ripped open. He was afraid to talk to her for some reason, afraid to touch her for fear that he might lose himself. And he was barely holding it together to even walk into the damn place.

Ginny still had an arm wrapped around him and he squeezed her to him, trying to find some sort of strength to say something to her.

"And so the prodigal son returns," came a familiar voice. Harry turned to see Draco Malfoy approach the doors of the Great Hall where they were standing. He was accompanied by his usual group of worshippers. "We all knew you would come back some day. This place holds so many…memories for you."

"I'm surprised to see you here," Harry said evenly.

"Really? You shouldn't be," Draco said lazily. "Although I'm sure your house is eternally grateful to have you back. They've been having a hell of a time taking a beating without their little Messiah."

"That's enough," Hermione spoke up.

Pansy stepped forward. "How dare you talk to Draco that way, filthy mu--."

"I dare you to finish that sentence," Ron stepped forward.

"Do you all need another ass kicking?" Blaise spoke up.

Dean stepped forward. "Is that what you call what we do to you all the time?"

Draco swung an arm out to stop Blaise. A Cheshire grin, so like his father's grew on his face. "Now, now. This is Saint Potter's Big Day, let's not have us go and ruin it with bloodshed."

Harry was very disconcerted to see that he was not even looking at him and the other Gryffindors, his eyes were on Hermione who stared back at him defiantly. A feeling of unease settled upon him. Don't bait him. Don't bait him, Hermione.

"Ten points from Slytherin for Pansy's use of colorful language," Hermione said and Harry winced. He removed his arm from Ginny and moved to step forward to defend her but she spoke up again.

"Now, if we're all done here with pleasantries. I'm hungry and I'm going inside," she then turned on her heel and opened the doors to the Great Hall.

As the Gryffindor's settled into their usual spots, Harry had to undergo more whispers and stares but surprisingly enough the greeting was generally warm. Ernie had even come up to him and said it was good to see him. Hermione and Ron sat opposite Harry and Ginny and Harry rediscovered one of his favorite things about Hogwarts as he dug into the food.

"Ugh, here comes Neville," Lavender nudged Hermione who was sitting next to her.

"And his flavor of the week," Parvati added.

Harry turned to see Neville walk in the room with Hannah Abbott, leaning down to kiss her before they parted ways. Harry raised an eyebrow at the brazenness of his usually shy friend.

"Oh, hey, Harry, you're back!" Neville said to Harry who couldn't help but notice the hint of falseness behind it.

"You were too busy sucking Hannah's face to notice," Ginny said dryly.

"Whatever," Neville shrugged then proceeded to plop down in front of Seamus and Dean who leaned forward.

"So, Hannah, huh?" Dean asked.

"Whew," Neville shook his head. "That girl is something."

"Ow! What?" Ron hissed as he rounded on Hermione, rubbing his arm as he did so.

"Are you going to listen to him?" Hermione demanded in a whisper.

"What? I never snogged Hannah, I'm just curious," Ron defended.

Harry was floored. He couldn't believe that his friend could be such a prat to his girlfriend. "Ron!" he scolded, wishing he could kick him under the table without accidentally kicking Hermione.

"What?" Ron shrugged. "My conquesting lives vicariously through Neville." He leaned back in.

Ginny tutted angrily at her brother's behavior, he was only encouraging Neville and his disgusting behavior. Hermione was so sickened at what the formerly sweet Neville had turned into because of her very own scheming that she couldn't even finish her meal.

"I'm done here," Hermione threw down her napkin and scooted out of her seat.

"Hermione," Ginny said compassionately, understanding why she was so upset.

"Harry, I'm so glad your back," Hermione said then hastily left the Hall.

Now Harry kicked out at Ron.

"Ow! Now what?" he asked.

"Nice going Ron," Harry said angrily as he got out of his seat to chase after Hermione but Ginny tugged him back down.

"Trust me on this, Harry," she said. "You don't want to go near her right now."

Later that night, Harry settled into his dormitory. Ron sat on his bed thumbing through his Quidditch magazine. "So you're under orders, huh?"

"Yeah," Harry muttered as he began to unpack his trunk.

"So you're just supposed to spy on us? Make sure we aren't plotting anything sinister?"

"Just about." Harry still wasn't too happy with the way Ron had treated Hermione earlier and he had half a mind to go off on Ron about it if he knew he wouldn't just turn it around and give it right back to him.

"That's easy, just hang around the Slytherins, I'm sure they're up to their ears in plots to rule the world," Ron grumbled. The door opened and Seamus and Dean walked in.

Isis raised her head in curiosity at the two new people. She had already voiced her approval of Ron.

"So when did Neville turn into the Casanova he is now?" Harry chided.

"Crazy isn't it?" Seamus grinned.

"Not only that but he's the top student in DADA," Ron added.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Really? Well, good for him, I guess. I bet Hermione blew a gasket on that one."

"Hermione has her own issues to deal with in that class," Dean muttered. "But, man, Harry, wait until you see our teacher."

There was a collective moment of silence at this declaration and goofy looks were plastered on the guy's faces.

"Oh geez are you guys on about the DADA teacher?" Hermione walked into the room. "Hello Harry, I came to see how you were doing." She tried her best not to stare at him, how wonderful he looked with his crisp white shirt untucked and slightly unbuttoned with the tie hanging loosely around his neck.

"I'm doing okay," he managed to stumble out, averting his gaze from her.

"Hey Hermione," Dean said casually, a little too casually Harry thought, like he was really comfortable having her in this room, like she'd been here many times before. He began to put away his clothes with more force.

"Oh, ssso that'sss Hermione," Isis hissed, raising herself to get a good look at the young woman who walked into the room. Harry gave her a sharp look. "What?" Isis hissed innocently. "I jussst want to put a face to the name I hear you sssay in your sssleep sssometimesss."

"Leave her alone," Harry replied sharply then looked up when he realized his own literal slip of the tongue.

Everyone was staring at him except for Ron who had a smug look on his face. He walked over to Hermione and slung an arm around her. "Hermione, allow me to introduce you to Harry's snake Isis," Ron said, looking like a cat who ate the canary. With the look that she was giving him, Harry was going to throttle Ron.

"You have a snake, Harry?" she asked.

"Blimey, you gave us all a good scare there, I forgot that you could speak snake," Dean said, then continued getting ready for bed. Seamus was very quiet but eyed Harry warily.

"Do you think that's such a good idea?" Hermione asked.

"Ooh, I like her," Isis hissed.

Harry ignored her. "Her name is Isis. She's okay. Trust me." He picked up the snake and held her out to Hermione.

Hermione did not like the idea of Harry having a snake at all. The coincidence was more than a little creepy and furthermore, he was probably speaking more Parseltongue than should be properly allowed by him. Magic was like a muscle, it needed exercise to get stronger and she wondered if this particular talent should be honed at all in a person like Harry.

But she did reach out and touch Isis, surprised at the smooth warmness of the reptile as she glided over her fingers and curled around her arm then retreated back to Harry.

"I think she likes you," Harry said softly to her. This was the closest he'd been to Hermione in so long and he could smell her familiar warm vanilla and cinnamon smell that he had become so acquainted with. It reverberated through him, threatening to unleash something if he didn't get control of it.

"Harry's snake likes Hermione, imagine that," Ron said dryly, watching the two of them. He was thoroughly basking in the awkwardness of it all. Harry flushed red with embarrassment but Hermione just smirked at him and stepped away.

"I suppose Ginny would frown upon me fondling your snake, Harry," she sighed and Harry nearly lost his footing and stumbled backward.

"Nice one, Granger," Seamus said.

"I do my best," she sighed and opened the door. "Goodnight boys," she chirped.

"Hey, I'll walk you out," Ron said, following her.

Once again, jealousy flared to the surface and Harry filled his head with horrible thoughts of hexing Ron and Hermione. Fueled by the masochistic desire to punish himself some more, he followed them out the door and watched as they walked across the common room and out the door. Ron let Hermione step through first and Harry zoomed in on Ron's hand that rested briefly on her lower back as she stepped through the door.

"Hey Harry," Ginny's voice broke through his thoughts as she came up the stairs. "You alright?"

"Yeah!" his voice cracked. "Ahem, yes, yes I'm fine."

"What's that?" she asked pointing to Isis who was currently wrapped around Harry's arm.

"Oh, this is Isis. My pet snake," Harry explained, then in Parseltongue. "Isis, this is Ginny."

"Ah yesss. Your girlfriend," Isis hissed, allowing Ginny to touch her.

"Cool," Ginny said, although she started when she heard Harry hissing at the snake. "Don't let them fool you, Harry. They've missed you like crazy," she said. "We all have." Harry didn't have anything to say to that. "Well, good night," she smiled. "And, uh, welcome back." She turned to walk away but Harry stopped her. Maybe it was time he showed her that he was serious about them, he needed to start being a good boyfriend he thought as he leaned down to kiss her.


Hermione watched Ron as he closed the portrait behind him. "Oh my God, he has a snake!" she whispered as they both walked down the hall.

"I know," Ron replied. "Believe me, I'm just as wierded out by this whole thing as you are."

"Where did he find her?"
"He says he got her in Knockturn Alley."

"What?!" she shrieked.

"Ssh!" Ron whispered. "Look, if Harry trusts in this snake then we have to trust in it. Of all people, Harry would be most wary of the creatures and he seems okay with it."
"I don't know Ron. It just worries me that Harry is speaking Parseltongue."

"He can't help it Hermione. It's because You-Know-Who gave him that talent."

"Exactly, Ron. Which is why it worries me." They walked some more in silence until she reached the portrait to the Head Boy and Girl suites.

"How are you holding up?" he asked her.

"Fine," she said unsure of what he was talking about.

"I'm talking about having Harry back with Ginny after all the two of you-"

She held up a hand, stopping him. "Ron, we talked about this. Harry made his decision. He wants to be with Ginny and I'm okay with that. Really." Ron wasn't completely convinced but he nodded at her anyway.

It was late when he made his way back to the dormitory, everyone was in their beds and the curtains were drawn. As Ron settled in, he found himself feeling a little content that the bed next to his was finally occupied by his best friend just as it had been since their first year here. He yawned and turned out his lamp.

Harry was wide awake in the next bed convincing himself that he wasn't upset that Ron had been gone this long and that he half-expected him not to return that night. After all, he wouldn't if he were in Ron's shoes.

"Mossst of the people you have introduced me to are very loyal and trussstworthy to you," Isis said as she curled up on his pillow.

"Mm, most you say?" he whispered softly even though he had a silencing charm around his bed. "Yeah, I suppose Seamus is a little frightened of you."

"I never sssaid it was Ssseamusss."

Harry frowned at this.

"Your companionsss in thisss room are not threat to you, Harry." There were only two people outside of this room that Harry had introduced Isis to. "Hermione," Isis hissed.

"What? No way," Harry said. "I thought you liked her?"

"I do like her. Very much. Sssh has a kind heart and a wonderful ssspirit."


"Ssshe'sss hiding sssomething. A sssecret, a very dangerousss sssecret."

Harry frowned and a thought suddenly came forward. Ron had tried to tell him something the day he came to Hogwarts when there was a breakout in Azkaban. He had been worried about Hermione because of…something. He would have to ask him about it tomorrow.


Harry was a little late getting ready for breakfast the next morning but as he ran downstairs he ran into Ron and Hermione who promptly sprang apart and had very guilty looks on their faces. He was really getting sick of this, if they were a couple here they shouldn't hide it from him. He could handle it, really he could. If only they could be honest with him and just admit that they're freaking shagging each other he could move on and stop thinking about grabbing Hermione and dragging her into the nearest broom closet so he could fuck her until she was no longer coherent.

"Ready for breakfast?" Hermione said cheerfully to him. He shrugged his bookbag on his shoulder.

"Yeah, sure," he said, following them out of the door.

He could already tell that it was going to be a very long day. Did they make the Hogwart's uniform skirts a little shorter and the sweaters a little tigher? The hem of her skirt seemed to only fall mid-thigh, showing off more leg than he remembered. And the sweater was hugging her curves in all the right places. Oh heaven help him.

They all sat together for breakfast, Hermione eating a bagel and Harry trying his best not to stare enviously at her mouth.

"So are you ready for today?" Ron asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Harry sighed heavily. He was hoping to corner Ron and ask him about Hermione but the two of them so far had been inseperable, granted they had only walked from the common room to the breakfast table but did he have to sit by her?

"Good luck," Ginny said as everyone began to leave for their classes. She leaned down to give him a quick peck on the cheek before bouncing off with the other sixth years.

"Come on, mate," Ron said. "Time to face the day."

Harry trailed behind his two friends listening to them bicker. It was really getting on his nerves.

"I'm telling you, I can't stand that woman!" Hermione was saying.

"You're just jealous," Ron chided, nudging her playfully in the ribs.

"I'm not jealous! I have nothing to be jealous about that cold-hearted wench!"

"But a hot good-looking cold-hearted wench."

"Ron, you're impossible and you can't even have a difference of opinion because you can't contain your erection when you're around her."

"Like that's a bad thing?"

"She's a teacher!"

Harry had had enough. "Would you two just stop? You're giving me a headache! Ron, just shag her and get it over with, I already know you're sleeping with her."

Ron and Hermione just stared at him. The looks on their faces suddenly gave Harry the thought that he had been wrong all along. Ron took his eyes off of him and looked just behind him, his face suddenly went pale.

"Oh shit," Ron muttered and ran past Harry. "Luna, wait!"

Harry turned to see Ginny standing behind him and Ron chasing Luna down the hallway.

"Nice Harry," Hermione said. "Real clever." She turned and continued on the way she was going.

Harry wanted to sink through the ground or just disappear. Ginny walked up to him.

"What was that all about?" she asked.

"Nothing," Harry turned and shrugged his bookbag on his shoulder as he started walking.

"Nothing?" Ginny ran and caught up to him. "Harry you just accused Hermione and Ron of sleeping with each other."

"I really don't want to get into this right now," Harry said and quickly walked away from her.

He caught up with Hermione on the fourth floor. "Hermione, wait!"

"Harry, I'm so not in the mood to talk to you right now," she said, not even stopping for him. "You really aren't my favorite person at the moment."

"I know and I want to apologize--."

"For what?" she stopped and turned to face him. "For embarrassing me and Ron? Or for being a complete prat to the both of us since we left Grimmauld?"

Harry sighed. "For both."

Hermione stepped forward and peered at him. "How long have you thought about this?" Harry turned away from her. "That's why you've been horrible to us? Why you never answered the mirror or our letters? You thought I was…," she looked around her and lowered her voice, "…sleeping with Ron? Oh my God, Harry!" She threw her hands in the air and continued on her way. Harry went after her.

"Well are you?" he asked.

Hermione shook her head. "I'm not even going to answer that question."

"I think I have a right to know," he said. Hermione whirled on him.

"No, you don't!" she said. "You gave up that right when you finally decided to be with Ginny."

Okay, he deserved that but he desperately wanted to know. She turned the corner and walked into the Transfiguration classroom. Harry wanted to sit by her but she took a seat next to Ernie and faced forward, quill and parchment out and ready for her to take notes. Ron came hurtling through the door next, face red with exertion from running to reach the start of class in time. He plopped down next to Harry.

"Ron," Harry whispered softly. "About Luna, I'm so sorry I--."

Ron held up a hand to stop him.

"But if there's anything I can do to take back what I said…"

"You did enough Harry,"

Silence overcame the two of them but Ron could tell that Harry was about ready to burst. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"For the record," he whispered. "We aren't."

Harry turned to look at him. "You aren't what?" he asked.

"I'm not sleeping with Hermione. Never have."

"Oh," Harry whispered.

"Fucking Hermione is your department," Ron quickly added. "Although, I'd highly advise you not to pursue that avenue while you're dating my sister."

Harry stared at Ron. Okay, maybe he deserved that, too. Today was shaping up to be real winner. And he hadn't even had DADA with the Slytherins yet.
