Unofficial Portkey Archive

More Important Things by Twitch E. Littleferret

More Important Things

Twitch E. Littleferret

Harry Takes Charge

Why do you build me up (Build me up)

Buttercup baby just to

let me down (Let me down)

And mess me around

And then worst of all (Worst of all)

You never call baby

When you say you will (Say you will)

But I love you still

I need you (I need you)

More than anyone darlin'

You know that I have from the start

So build me up (Build me up)


Don't break my heart

(Build Me Up Buttercup-The Foundations)


I know what you are doing and I want you to stop it.

Hermione crumpled up the parchment that was scrawled with Harry's handwriting and tossed it over her shoulder. Hedwig gave an insulted hoot at her action.

"What?" she asked the owl innocently and Hedwig looked away.

Pig flew into her window just then, fluttering wildly above her head and dropping another parchment into her hands.

I mean it! Stop it NOW!

Harry could really be a nag when he wanted to.

She grabbed a light jacket, her pencil, map and car keys and headed downstairs. She had a new quadrant to explore today. The sun had broken through the clouds, holding a promise of a pleasant day. She fiddled with the dial of the radio, tuning in to a favorite station and began to hum along.

She parked the car and double checked the address in front of her with the address that she had written down. Taking the pencil from between her teeth she made a neat line through it. She had the routine down pat now, the inquisitive young lady looking for a locket for her mother.

"Didn't take you for the pawn shop type," a voice called out to her and she jumped.

Tonks walked up to her, blond hair in a ponytail and a pert little nose. Hermione eyed her cautiously.

"Tonks," she greeted her politely.

"How are you doing Hermione?" Tonks asked.

"I'm fine. How are you? Long time no see," Hermione replied.

"Things are okay." Tonks put her hands in the front pockets of her jeans. "A little far from home, aren't you?"

"I'm looking for a gift for my mother."

"At a pawn shop?"

Hermione didn't answer.

"Hermione," Tonks took a step forward. "What are-"

"What are you doing here, Tonks? Are you following me?"

Tonks looked at her. "Hermione, I'm going to level with you. We know that the break-ins and your little shopping expeditions are not a coincidence. You are looking for what the Death Eaters are looking for. We know you're the sensible one of the group. Tell us what it is that you are looking for, what they are looking for. We can help." Tonks looked at her hopefully.

"Did Harry send you?" she asked.


"Did. Harry. Send you?" Hermione repeated.

"No, he didn't but he's going spare with worry for you," Tonks replied honestly. "He asked Remus to bring you back to him. It's your prerogative but we are concerned with your safety at what you are doing."

Hermione held her head up high. "I can take care of myself."

"And if you run into the group of Death Eaters that are doing the break-ins?" Tonks asked.

"I can just apparate away," Hermione replied eyeing the deserted alley next to the shop.

Tonks tilted her head, trying to read Hermione. Suddenly, Hermione darted forward and past her into the alley and with a loud POP! She disapparated.

Hermione didn't go far. She only apparated to the opposite side of the street to the other alley and hid behind a group of rubbish bins. She heard Tonks swear quietly as she inspected the area Hermione had been. A few moments later, Tonks gave up and left.


"I'm sorry, Harry," Tonks shrugged. "But I can't keep up with her. She parks her car near King's Cross then apparates away. I don't know where she goes." She was in Mrs. Figg's living room with Remus and Harry.

"What? So now the Order can't watch over her?" Harry asked.

"Harry, I don't think she wants to be followed," Remus explained. "And I want to strongly remind you that you shouldn't leave the protection of-"

"My aunt's house," Harry finished for him. "I know, I know. I just feel so helpless. You can't expect me to just sit here while she's out there putting herself in danger."

"We're doing all we can," Remus put a comforting hand on his shoulder but Harry shrugged him off.

"No you're not!" he accused. "Bring her back to me-to us," he corrected himself quickly and turned away.

"Harry, I can't drag her here against her will and neither can you," Remus said firmly.

Harry turned and looked at him with determination. "Oh yeah?"

Harry brooded silently over dinner that night. Ron had been gone for two days after he had sent him to get Hermione. He came back hexed so badly that he had to go to Fred and George for help. He would be back tomorrow though.

Harry waited patiently for his aunt and uncle to leave the table so Dudley could start in on his evening taunts.

"So…your friends have gone off to snog each other leaving you behind," Dudley sneered.

Harry sighed dramatically. "Actually, I'm worried about her," Harry replied. "She leaves her car, a silver four door sedan, at King's Cross, at around ten in the morning, then goes off shopping in the dodgiest of neighborhoods. Ron tried to go with her but he didn't last one day in those rough areas." Harry leaned forward and Dudley leaned toward him eagerly. "Got himself worked over real bad," Harry whispered and leaned back. "And I'm too scrawny and weak to watch over her. A shame. She could really use a knight in shining armor to help her in case she was ever in trouble." Dudley sat back thoughtfully as Harry grinned over his cup of water.


Hermione got out of the car and grabbed her bag.

"Hey Hermione!" a voice called out to her. She froze and slowly turned around to see Harry's horrid cousin walking over to her.

"D-Dudley? What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Was just in the area and I spotted you," he answered and Hermione gazed around the parking lot.

"Right," she said slowly and began to walk away. "Well, it was nice to see you. I must be off now."

Dudley ran after her. "What are you up to today?" he asked.

"Oh, well, shopping," she answered.

"Great! I'll go with you!" he said eagerly.

"Well, that's not really necessary," she replied but he was already off and buying them tickets for the underground.

"So Stanley goes and rats on me, so I beat him up to. Have I told you that I'm a boxing champion? I am. And I'm the most popular boy at school."

Hermione's ears were bleeding with the endless droning of Dudley.

"You shop here?" Dudley wrinkled his nose at the pawn shop in front of them.

"I'm looking for something specific," she replied shortly.

Dudley shrugged and followed Hermione into the store.

"Can I help you miss?" the clerk asked.

"Yes, I was looking for a gift for my mother. A locket to be exact," Hermione said sweetly.

"The locket? You still going on about that?" Dudley piped up.

Hermione turned sharply to him. "What are you talking about?"

"I overheard my cousin and your boyfriend," Dudley shrugged. Hermione gave him a long look before turning back to the clerk.

"I have a silver one," he offered, leading Hermione to the jewelry case.

Hermione looked at the trinkets in front of her but there was no gold locket. She looked up at the clerk and shook her head.

"Sorry but I was hoping to find a gold one," she said.

"No problem," the clerk shrugged as the door opened. "Can I help you, miss?"

"Perhaps," the woman answered and Hermione's heart stopped beating. There was a mirror on top of the jewelry display that they used to model their wares and she chanced a quick glance in it. A tall pale woman with long dark hair walked in.

Bellatrix Lestrange.

Hermione moved down the case, keeping her back to her so she couldn't see her face.

"Let's go," Hermione whispered to Dudley and grabbed his hand, leading him out the store.

"What?" Dudley asked aloud. He wasn't sure he heard her properly.

"I am looking for a gold locket," Bellatrix said to the clerk.

The clerk raised an eyebrow. Hermione scuttled toward the door.

"Popular item," the clerk said looking over Bellatrix's shoulder and Hermione and Dudley. Bellatrix turned to follow his line of sight.

Hermione yanked the bewildered Dudley toward the door. "Herm-" he began to protest and she did the only thing she could think of grabbing the front of Dudley's shirt and pulled him toward her, crashing her lips against his, shutting him up, as she fumbled for the door behind her.

The clerk shrugged at their behavior. "Kids," he shrugged as the two teens tumbled out of the store. Bellatrix's eyes narrowed and followed them out of the door.

Hermione and Dudley ran behind the building. There was a pile of cement blocks stacked against the fence and Hermione scrambled onto them and over the fence. Dudley clumsily followed her over, landing with a thud on the other side.

"Come on!" she whispered as she tugged at him while he staggered to his feet. Together they ran down this alley, turned and ran down yet another alley before they stopped and leaned against he back of a building, gasping for breath.

Hermione drew her wand out of her pocket and listened. Dudley eyed the wand uneasily. They stayed quiet for what seemed like forever until Hermione felt that they hadn't been followed.

"I want to go home," Dudley said softly. Hermione looked over at him and saw that he was pale and trembling slightly.

"Okay, Dudley," she said kindly. "I'll take you home." She reached out to him and held his hand in a gesture of comfort.

He didn't let go of her through the train ride back to King's Cross and only let go when they reached her car. She opened the door for him to let him in, then crossed to the other side. She started the car and backed out when Dudley suddenly spoke up.

"Was she…one of you?" he asked.

Hermione looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Was she…a witch?"

"Yes," Hermione answered.

"But one of the bad ones?"

"Yes, Dudley," she said softly. Silence again during the car ride. Hermione pulled up to the front of her home and Dudley spoke up again.

"He's going to die, isn't he?"

Hermione blinked back tears. "He won't die."

"He's just a kid, Hermione. Like me."

Hermione looked pityingly at Dudley. "We all have to grow up sometime," she whispered. "Listen," she said a little louder, "I'm going inside to get a few things and leave a note for my parents. You wait here."

Tears fell down her face as she darted about her room, gathering her belongings. Dudley's words cut deep into her fears and insecurities. What she was about to embark on with her friends was very dangerous indeed and she needed to face the reality that they might not come out of it unscathed. But she would allow the tears to fall just this time and would emerge from the home clear-eyed and fresh faced.


"Dudley!" Petunia exclaimed in surprise when her son walked through the door, accompanied by Harry's friend.

"Hullo, mum," Dudley replied and hugged his mother tightly. Petunia was too flabbergasted for words.

"Hello, Mrs. Dursley," Hermione said politely.

"You came together?" Petunia asked.

"Dudley-" Hermione spoke up to explain but he cut her off.

"I saw her walking down the street and decided to escort her back here," he finished for her.

"Oh! Well…that's my Dudders," Dudley turned bright red at his mother's nickname. "Always the gentleman."

Hermione left the room as Petunia fussed and coddled her only son. She tip-toed past Harry's room to her guest room but the door opened and Ron's head popped out.

"Hermione! You're back!" he said and went to her to scoop her in a hug. "You didn't have to hex me you know, all you…" Ron's voice faded in the background as her eyes settled on her raven haired friend. She shrugged out of Ron's embrace and stormed toward him. Harry had an equally angry look on his face.

Go ahead, Hermione, he thought to himself, bring it on.

"How dare you!" Hermione stormed toward him. She swung at Harry with her purse but Harry knocked it away and grabbed her upper arm, dragging her into the room.

"I could say the same of you," he hissed at her as he slammed the door in Ron's face. His grip on her arm moved to her wrist.

"Hey!" Ron protested from the other side of the door.

"You sent your cousin after me? That was low, Harry!" she accused.

"Let me in guys!" Ron opened the door but Harry slammed it shut again.

"I told you to stop what you were doing!" Harry scolded.

"Who do you think you are to tell me what to do?" she asked as Harry once again slammed the door shut. "Oh, move over," she huffed, shoving Harry slightly to the side and drawing her wand to cast a locking charm on the door.

"Guys? Hey open the door!" Ron muffled voice was ignored.

"Someone who cares very much for your safety, Hermione! That was stupid and dangerous!" Harry pointed a finger in her face.

"Someone had to do something!" Hermione defended, knocking his finger away. "Maybe you were right, Harry. Maybe we are wasting time just sitting here, twiddling our thumbs."

"Since when have you agreed to anything stupid that I've said?"

"I was only trying to help!" she said angrily, stepping toward him.

"You aren't helping if you're found dead on the streets!" Harry moved closer to her.

"I can take care of myself," she challenged.

Harry's gaze fell to her lips, slightly moistened and glittery with whatever lip balm she was wearing. His gaze slowly traveled up to her eyes, deep pools of brown, her lashes were dark. A sudden image popped into his mind from what seemed like nowhere. An image of him accosting Hermione in a way best friends shouldn't accost each other. He backed away still furious with her and she was still livid with him.

She huffed and moved past Harry to the door but he stopped her. "I mean it, Hermione. We do nothing until we can get out of here," he said firmly. She moved out of his grasp and opened the door, Ron nearly tumbled into the room.

"What the hell was that all about?" he asked angrily.

"We've said all we've had to say," Harry said bitterly and turned away from the two of them.

"Did you know we're taking orders from our fearless leader?" Hermione sneered and stormed back to the room she was staying in.

"Oh, get over it, Hermione!" Harry snapped back.

Hermione turned back around. "Don't you tell me…"

"Okay, Hermione," Ron intercepted her and steered her back toward her room. "Take it easy, you two!" He nearly had to pick Hermione up off of her feet. Harry glowered at her, she had worked him up so bad, gotten under his skin and he had no release.

