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A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 1 - Uninvited Guests and an Option

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: This is a story that I have been writing but haven't got around to posting… hope you like it!

I would like to thank Turnlach for his BETA work :P, all mistakes are still mine though


Harry Potter was a year out of Hogwarts and Voldemort was still lurking around in the shadows, attacking at will. But tonight Harry forgot all of that. Tonight was one of the happiest days of his life, his girlfriend of the last three years, Hermione Granger, had just agreed to marry him. So now all their friends were throwing a party for the newly engaged couple.

A lot had happened after the night Dumbledore had told him the prophecy, a lot. The things that Dumbledore had been keeping from him increased. It was not only the prophecy that Dumbledore had neglected to tell him about, there was also the fact that he was the last remaining heir of Gryffindor, that his parents vaults (that Dumbledore could get access to) contained a large amounts of his parents personal belongings. And last but far from least was the fact that the so called 'blood wards' at the Dursleys, the only reason he returned to their abusive household every summer, were nothing but ordinary wards.

Yes it was true, his mother did sacrifice herself to save him and by doing so gave him protection against Voldemort, but the protection had nothing to do with the wards set up around the Dursleys. Dumbledore had put them there and explained their 'importance' to Harry so that he would be kept in the dark. All his mail would pass though Dumbledore first, therefore allowing Dumbledore to control the amount of information Harry received.

Harry didn't really know the reasons behind Dumbledore's moves, but he could guess it was power over a 'weapon', something Harry now refused to be. Yes he still fought, but now he worked for himself. He had broken contact with Dumbledore about half way though his Sixth year and never looked back. A lot of the Order and all of the DA members had followed him after they found out what Dumbledore had done.

None of that mattered at the moment, Voldemort didn't exist at the moment, for the next ten hours, the wizarding world in Harry and Hermione's eyes, was at peace.

Harry leaned over and kissed Hermione softly on the temple, loving the smell of her hair; she smiled at him before giving him a passionate kiss, which caused his friends to cheer.

At that moment a large BOOM went though the hall. Everyone spun around only to find themselves facing a huge amount of Death Eaters with Voldemort standing in the middle of them, laughing like a maniac.

There situation was bad… really, really bad. They were outnumbered four to one, and none of them had any armour at all. Harry and Hermione quickly pulled out their wands, others had already done so. Voldemort just stood there, a large evil smile planted on his face.

It was so quick it caught most of them by surprise; all of a sudden the Death Eaters had shouted the killing curse as one, hundreds of green bolts shot from the sea of black robes into Harry's group, most of them hitting their mark.

It was hopeless after that, well over half of their friends had fallen to the first attack and now the rest of them were getting overrun. Harry, Hermione and Ron were fighting, shoulders to each other, covering each others backs. They were surrounded; Harry was too busy fighting off ten Death Eaters that he didn't even noticed Voldemort had snuck around behind him, "Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort's voice rang out behind him. Harry spun around just in time to see the green bolt hit his fiancée in the chest; she had a surprised look on her face before she fell to the ground, dead.

When this happened, both Ron and Harry weren't concentrating on the fight, just looking at Hermione. It was then that another killing curse struck Ron in the back. Voldemort let out an insane cackle. Harry just looked around… there was no one left, all of his friends had been killed, as well as his best friend, and his soon to be wife.

He fell to his knees in front of Hermione, he no longer cared, had no more reason to live. He could feel the magic burning inside of him, but he didn't try and control it like he usually had to. He let it go, letting go all control. He just laid his head on Hermione's stomach and gave up.

What happened next no one would know… for there would be no one left to say what happened. Harry's eyes started to glow green, his whole body soon followed, green flames surrounded him. Most of the Death Eaters were too stunned to do anything, but it was already too late. The next second the green flames surrounding him pulsed and shot out faster than anyone could blink and the room was bathed in blinding light.

When the room faded back to normal, all the Death Eaters and Voldemort dropped to the ground, all wearing the same amazed and confused look. Not a second after the last Death Eater went into the next life, Harry also collapsed, following Hermione and his best friend into the after life.

The next day the paper headlines read…


That day people mourned the deaths of the people that had been leading the fight against Voldemort, while they celebrated the death of Voldemort and the peace that came with it.


Harry opened his eyes, he didn't know what to expect, and he knew that he was dead, but was very surprised when he found himself standing in front of what looked like a judging panel. 'Much like court room 10.' Harry thought to himself as he looked around.

"Mr Potter, you were brought before the council of Death because we have a proposal for you." one of the people said. Harry for his part just nodded his head, still very confused as to what was going on.

"Because of the many Deaths you avenged, and the fact that once again you have saved the wizarding world, we would like to give you another chance." the person continued. "We have agreed that if you want to, we will send you back to a time where you could do the most good."

"Send me back in time?" Harry asked a little awed.

"Yes that is what we offer you, a second chance." the person said again.

"What difference would it make?" Harry said softly.

"You could make a lot of differences, you of course would be sent back with your current knowledge still in place." the person said again.

"But what will happen to the me in that time? Won't it be weird to have two copies of me running around?" Harry asked, still a little confused.

"No, you would take over your body at that time, your mind at the time would disappear." the person said. "There is one thing I have to tell you though. Voldemort will regain his body… that much is inevitable… and I suggest you allow it to be the same way as before… because if you don't, he will find another way, and the course of time will change drastically." Harry didn't say anything for a while before he asked one question.

"Can I see my parents, Sirius and Hermione?" Harry said softly. The person in the middle just nodded,

"They are right though there." the person said pointing to a room to the side. Harry got up quickly and walked in, straight away he was grabbed by Hermione, who hugged him half to death, before giving him a long kiss.

"Ahem." a voice sound from in front of them; Hermione immediately broke the kiss, blushing a little. Harry looked past Hermione only to see his parents and Sirius. He slowly walked towards his parents, tears in his eyes.

"Mum… Dad…" he said softly. These words seemed to break the ice as Lily ran forward and pulled Harry into a hug that rivalled the one from Hermione. When she finally let go, James and Sirius also pulled him into a hug.

"We're proud of you son." James said. Harry looked down at his feet.

"I don't know what to do… I could save heaps of people's lives but… I don't want to not be with you." Harry said softly.

"Harry… you have to understand… we were always there with you." Lily said hugging him again. Harry just nodded then turned to Hermione.

"But I don't want to go without you either." Harry said softly.

Hermione smiled at him, "But Harry… I will still be there." she said.

"But that could be years… I couldn't bear waiting that long for you." he said.

"You would be getting sent back to the summer before your third year," James said, "So you would know Hermione already."

"But… we didn't get together until sixth year… that's three years! I couldn't take it!" Harry said. Hermione just looked at him,

"Maybe you could ask me out when I really wanted you to then Harry… I told you when I first realized I was in love with you… maybe this way Ron and I wont ruin our friendship either." she said.

Harry though about it, 'Yes… she said she had loved me since the end of second year… and she went out with Ron at the start of sixth year because she thought I didn't feel the same way… and they did ruin there friendship…' Harry sighed,

"I'll do it." he said softly.

"I knew you would Harry…" Sirius said, "Er… do you think you could catch Peter early? So I don't have to be on the run?" he asked.

Harry smiled at him, "Definitely… and I won't be one of Dumbledore's bloody chess pieces this time either." Harry said, he then looked back over to Hermione, "I'm going to miss you…" he said softly.

"Oh no you won't! I expect you to ask me out no later than two weeks into school mister!" she said in a mock serious tone.

"Oh don't you worry… you won't have to wait long for me to come around." he said before giving her one last kiss, "I guess I should tell them my answer then." he said softly, before giving each of them one last hug.

"I'll do it!" Harry told the council when he was back in the courtroom.

"Very well… I must warn you though, to tell others what has happened would be dangerous… if you are going to let anyone know, make sure that you trust them completely." the middle person said, again speaking for the panel. Harry just nodded; he already knew he was going to tell Hermione… he would tell Ron, but with Ron's reputation, which he had gotten during their last couple of years at school… he would probably slip up.

All of a sudden Harry was engulfed in darkness, and when he opened his eyes again he found himself in the kitchen of Number Four Privet Drive cleaning plates, while the Dursleys and Aunt Marge were having dinner.

AN: Well? Tell me what you think!