Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 5 - Hermione

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Ah another chapter :P, thanks to Turnlach once again for his BETA work! Hope you all enjoy it!

Harry arrived by the Knight Bus in front of Hermione's house in Canton at 9:55 am. He slowly made his way up her driveway and rang the doorbell. Not five seconds later the door was flung open and Hermione had jumped out, catching him off guard and sending both of them to the ground. Hermione was still hugging him, unaware of the position they were in.

An amused coughing from behind them brought Hermione back to reality and she quickly jumped off Harry, blushing as red as a tomato.

"Sorry." she mumbled to Harry, quickly helping him up. Harry just smiled at her then turned to her parents. He fought down the urge to hug them, Harry loved Hermione parents, they treated him like one of their own and this time he was going to make sure he got to know them earlier.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Granger, I'm Harry." Harry said sticking his hand out to them, which they gladly took.

"It's nice to finally meet you Harry. We hear about you all the time, it's about time we met the boy behind our daughter's stories" Jane said with a large grin, "Oh and enough with the Mr and Mrs., it makes us feel old… I'm Jane and my husband is Rodger."

Harry turned to look at Hermione, who seemed to be blushing even more; he took it as a good sign that she might indeed have feelings for him. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Harry said kindly with a large smile on his face.

"So… where are we going?" Harry said turning around to look at Hermione.

"Dad said he will take us to the Mall, it's about a ten minute drive from here… I'll just go get my things, I'll be back in a minute." Hermione said before rushing off to her room. Harry watched her go before turning back to her parents. He didn't know why, but he was feeling nervous about meeting them again for the first time. It was Jane that broke the silence first,

"So Harry, how do you like your school? Hermione tells us so much about it." Jane asked.

"Love it." Harry said happily, "Only place that's felt like home actually… my Aunt and Uncle don't like magic all that much." Harry said with a small frown.

"Yes… Hermione mentioned that you relatives were not the nicest of people… we were actually going to invite you over this summer just to get you away from them." Jane said.

"Oh… it doesn't matter anymore… I went into Gringotts the other day and asked about my parents will… it turned out it wasn't followed, so now I'm an emancipated minor." Harry said happily, "I am now staying with my godfather."

"Really… well that's good news… we would love for you to stay for dinner and maybe the night Harry… I'm sure Hermione would love the company… maybe you can stay at each others places until its time for Hogwarts?" Jane asked.

"That sounds great… it'll be nice to have some company…" Harry said happily… he didn't really know, but he got the impression that Jane was trying it set Hermione and him up… it was then that Hermione came back down the stairs in jeans and a light pink sweater.

"Well what do you think?" she asked Harry.

"Beautiful…" Harry said softly, which caused Hermione to blush and Jane to grin.

"OK kids… I'll meet you at the car." Rodger said, Harry and Hermione went out to the car and Rodger turned to his wife, "You're trying to get them together aren't you?" he said to his wife, who just grinned.

"Oh they would be perfect together don't you think…" Jane said happily, "And I KNOW that Hermione likes the boy… and by what I have seen so far, he seems to like her as well." she said happily.

Rodger just sighed… "Yes, I guess they would make a cute couple…" he said, "Just don't do anything too obvious." he said before heading out to the car.

The drive only took ten minutes and Rodger left saying that he will pick them up at around two o'clock. Harry and Hermione headed into the muggle shopping centre.

Hermione instantly dragged him off to the closest book store. She started looking though all the fantasy books, something that Harry found quite funny, considering she actually lived in a world of witches, wizards and magic. When he asked her about it she just shrugged her shoulders, saying that a lot of the books are nothing like the real magical world at all.

After the book shop Harry and Hermione window shopped through a couple of stores, Hermione stopped at a clothes shop where she saw a top she really like, but was a disappointed when she didn't have enough money to actually buy it.

Harry being who he is, immediately offered to pay for it, Hermione tried to stop him, but her heart wasn't in it and she finally let him buy it for her.

After that Harry and Hermione stopped in a phone store where Harry brought a muggle mobile phone. Hermione tried to reason with Harry that it wouldn't work at Hogwarts and would be a waste of money. But Harry was determined to get it to work at Hogwarts… and even if it didn't, now that he was no longer living at the Dursleys he would need a phone, since he would actually be allowed to leave the house.

Once Harry got the phone working, he immediately added some of Sirius' numbers… the ones he could remember; he also added Hermione's number to the list, along with her mum and dad's mobile numbers.

They then decided to go to the movies, where Hermione convinced Harry to see Jurassic Park, which she said was a dinosaur movie that everyone was raving about.

About two hours later Harry and Hermione came out of the cinema. Harry seemed to be impressed with how realistic the movie looked. Due to growing up with the Dursleys, Harry hadn't been able to see many movies but he really enjoyed this one. Of course, the movie was enjoyable for another reason…He looked over at Hermione; she was looking at him with a large grin on her face.

"What is it?" Harry asked her.

"Nothing… I just haven't had this much fun during the summer in… well I haven't had this much fun during summer ever…" she said happily, Harry grinned at her.

"I'm glad I could be of service Milady." Harry said giving a small bow. Hermione just giggled and hit him on the arm. Both Harry and Hermione then decided to go to a café that they had seen before.

The café was fairly empty, there was only one other couple there. Harry and Hermione walked over and sat down on the couch that they had. They ordered two coffees before that sat silently.

Harry was nervous… he dearly hoped that she felt the same way he did… her self from his time said she did… he just hoped it was true. Pulling together all of his Gryffindor courage Harry asked her.

"Um… Hermione… how- how do you feel about me?" Harry asked softly looking down at his feet.

Hermione was stunned by his question, she was also rather nervous… was he worried that she liked him… would he feel weird about it…, "You're my best friend Harry." Hermione said softly also looking away… she didn't want to risk her friendship over her feelings…

"Only… your best friend…" Harry said disappointed.

Hermione seemed to notice the disappointment in his voice and decided to take a chance, "You're more than my best friend…" She said softly… "I care for you a lot Harry… more than you know…" she paused, "More than a best friend…" she said in barely a whispered, and Harry only just heard her.

His heart leaped at her words, "Hermione?" Harry asked and she looked up, she had tears in her eyes, "Hermione… wouldyoubemygirlfriend?" he asked really quickly. Hermione now had a large grin on her face.

"What was that Harry?" she said happily.

Harry took a deep breath; "Would you be my girlfriend?" he asked softly looking at her. She didn't answer, just threw him into a hug, and then kissed him softly on the lips.

"I would love that." she whispered in his ear. Harry just grinned and hugged her tightly.

After Hermione let him go she looked at his face and noticed the relief and happiness in his eyes.

"Were you afraid I would say no?" she asked looking at him. Harry just nodded his head.

"Yes… and I was afraid of ruining our friendship as well." he admitted.

"Harry… let's make an agreement… no matter what happens we will always be best friends… no matter what happens between us, ok?" she said softly.

"I will always need at least your friendship Hermione." Harry said softly giving her another hug, "You mean more than the world to me." he whispered.

Hermione smiled, "Same to you." she said simply. She then looked at her watch, "OH dad said he would be meeting us in two minutes!" she exclaimed, before quickly jumping to her feet and grabbing Harry's hand to drag him along.

They made it outside in record time, they still had thirty seconds until the time, though Rodger was already there waiting. He seemed to smile more when he noticed that Harry and Hermione were holding hands.

"Right on time." he said, not mentioning the fact that they were still holding hands. "Jane's in the car so you two will be riding in the back." he said and they walked off to the car.

Jane was waiting in the car and suppressed a grin when she noticed they were holding hands, during the car ride not much was said. Harry and Hermione whispered to each other, mainly about things they could do for the rest of the summer. About ten minutes later they were pulling into Hermione's house.

During dinner, Jane finally asked how their day was, Harry and Hermione smiled at each briefly before Hermione answered,

"It was great! We looked though heaps of shops, Harry bought me a top and he also bought himself a mobile, which was a complete waste really…" Hermione was cut off by Harry,

"Hey! I plan on getting it to work at Hogwarts!" Harry said with mock anger, though it didn't fool anyone since he had a silly grin on his face… he found it funny that Hermione was the one saying that it was impossible, since it was her that had gotten mobile phones to work in Hogwarts, so that the DA and Order would have quick ways to contact each other.

Hermione seemed to be thinking before her eyes lit up, "I want to help you Harry! I think I have an idea!" she said quickly, Harry smiled and nodded.

"So… what else did you guys do?" Jane asked

"Well we then went to see Jurassic Park… it was really good." Hermione said, "Then we went to a café and had some coffee before dad arrived."

"Sounds like a nice day." Jane said before turning to Harry, "Are you staying the night Harry?"

"Yes… I called my Godfather already." Harry said happily.

Hermione turned to Harry in confusion, "Who's your godfather? I though you had to live with those retched Dursleys." Hermione asked.

"Oh, well you will meet my godfather tomorrow I guess… and well, this summer I left the Dursleys and went to Gringotts… my parents will wasn't exactly followed, so now I'm classified as an emancipated minor… meaning I can do magic and such." Harry said, he deliberately emphasized the words 'exactly followed' knowing that Hermione knew that it was Dumbledore who had left him with the Dursleys, and that she would figure it out. Hermione's eyes widened as she realised the fact, Harry just mumbled to her, telling her he would tell her later.

Once everyone was finished, Harry started to collect the plates but was forced into the living room and away from the kitchen by Jane, Hermione had then been dragged in to the kitchen by her mother. Harry smiled slightly at this… Jane had done the same thing when she noticed a difference in his and Hermione's relationship last time.

"So… what happened today that you two didn't say at the table?" Jane asked Hermione, raising one eye brow.

"Mhe mufph maskd ph out." Hermione mutter, blushing a little.

"What was that dear?" Jane asked grinning at her.

"He asked me out." Hermione whispered, looking away as she blushed, a large smile on her face. The next thing Hermione knew, her mother was hugging her like mad, "Mu-um?" Hermione said a little confused.

"I'm so happy for you dear… he is perfect, I can tell." Jane said happily, before crushing her in a hug again. "So… you kissed yet?" she asked.

"Mum!" Hermione whispered, rather embarrassed.

"Well?" she prompted.

"Once…a little one." Hermione said looking away from her mum, as her face became as red as a tomato.

"Well what was it like?" she asked, just making Hermione more embarrassed.

"Like heaven." Hermione whispered softly, Jane just hugged her again before pushing her out of the kitchen, telling her to go to her boyfriend.

Hermione walked into the living room and sat down next to Harry, burying her head into his shoulder to try and hide her embarrassment. Harry just chuckled.

"So… your mum question you about our relationship?" Harry asked with a small smile on his face. Hermione looked at him strangely.

"How did you know that?" she asked looking at him closely, Harry just smiled at her,

"Well… first your mum threw me out of the kitchen and then dragged you in, now you have come out, the cleaning isn't finished and you are blushing like crazy." Harry said ticking off the reasons for his guess.

"Ok… you're right." Hermione said smiling softly, "She seems to think we're perfect for each other." Hermione said, her grin growing.

"I'm glad… I think along the same lines…" Harry said giving Hermione a small kiss on her temple. "I think it's about time we went to bed." Harry said softly, Hermione eyes went wide, "Separate beds… I mean." Harry said and Hermione just grinned sheepishly.

AN: Another chapter finished! Stay tuned for the next chapter! Hermione will….