Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 20 - Harry's Birthday

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Well here is another chapter I hope you all enjoy it! Thanks to Turnlach once again for his BETA work!


It was three weeks into the summer and Harry and Hermione had been practically glued to each other. They seemed to take turns at staying at each others house, even though they were just a two minute walk away.

The past week Hermione had been rather persistent that Harry stay at her house, in fact she had kept him away from home for a week. Harry had a fairly good idea what was going on… it had been the week leading up to his birthday that Hermione had been keeping him busy, and now… on his birthday they were heading back… surprise party indeed.

Harry decided to play along with their party; after all they had obviously been working on it all week. Hermione seemed to have an excited look on her face, which gave it all away. Harry quickly stopped himself from chuckling at the fact as Hermione opened to door to the house.

"SURPRISE!!!!" came the voices of a lot of people. Harry didn't need to act surprised… he was. The house was decked out to the max with decorations but that was not the half of it… it looked as if Sirius and Remus had invited half of Gryffindor!

Hermione turned to him, a large smile on her face, "Well Harry? Surprised?" Hermione asked. Harry just nodded as he looked around the crowd.

"I have to admit… I had an inkling that you guys were planning a party but this…" Harry said waving his hands around the room, "I did not expect." Harry said.

"We thought you might figure it out… so we tried to make it as big as possible." Sirius said happily.

"Well… you sure did surprise me" Harry said happily.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Harry!" Came Ron's voice, Harry turned around and grinned at his best friend, "Nice place you guys got here Harry… Sirius tells me it's only a two minute walk away from Hermione's also." Ron said wiggling his eyebrows. "That wouldn't have anything to do with your decision to move here would it now?"

"Hmm… Maybe a touch." Harry said, smiling at Hermione, "After all how could you not want to live near her." Harry said. Hermione smiled and then kissed him.

When Hermione kissed him everyone started to cheer and wolf-whistle, causing Hermione to blush softly but it didn't stop her from finishing the kiss with Harry.

"I love you Harry." Hermione said softly, Harry just smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Love you too." he said just a softly.

It was now time to open presents… there was such a large pile that Harry didn't know where to start. He picked up a small box that was from Colin; opening it he found that Colin had got him a wizard camera. The list went on and on, most people got him small things like sweets and such, the twins had given him a large amount of sweets. He also noticed that there were some Ton-Tongue Toffees and some of their other inventions mixed in there.

Remus had gotten him a series of books on Transfiguration and its uses in combat, while Sirius had gotten him, a very old and very expensive set of books on advanced Defence.

Ron had gotten him something that Harry had been looking for, but had stopped when he remembered that they had not been invented yet. It was broom hold, made for his Firebolt, it held the broom, shrinking it and making it as light as a feather, the holder also had room for your broom servicing kit and other small add-ons.

Hermione had gotten Harry a book on very advanced Charms, on her note she also mentioned that she had another present for him that she wanted to give to him alone.

After all the presents were opened the party started getting into full swing, there was music from the muggle stereo, and a nice silencing charm kept the neighbours from complaining to the police. It was about midnight that Harry, Hermione and Ron slipped off from the group and headed into the kitchen.

"So Ron… done anything with the money Sirius gave you?" Harry asked. Ron's smile fell a little at this.

"Well I managed to by myself a Firebolt, a case, some new Quidditch gear, a set of the Cannons uniforms and a ton of sweets before mum took the key saying I need to save it." Ron said a little sadly, "She got the goblins to start investing it and stuff… so that it makes some profit… she set up another vault where half the profit goes into… I can access that at anytime. Oh and of course we're going to use it…" Ron said mumbling the last bit, Harry didn't question him. He knew how Ron felt about his family's financial problems.

Harry and Hermione nodded, "Yeah… Hermione did the same thing with her money… well similar anyway… she doesn't have her mum holding her key hostage though." Harry said with a small smile. Ron chuckled softly at this.

"Hello you three." Came the voice of Albus Dumbledore from the doorway, "I was wondering if you would allow Harry and myself to have a chat?" He asked. Harry looked at Hermione and nodded.

"Of course headmaster." Hermione said before her and Ron both left.

"Hello Dumbledore." Harry said, Dumbledore seemed to slightly cringe at the total lack of respect in Harry's voice.

"Harry… I-I can not start to say how sorry I am…" Dumbledore said looking down at his feet, "I… put defeating Voldemort above your own happiness… and it was not my decision to make… our talk at the end of the year made me realize what I had actually been doing… and I'm ashamed at what I have done." Dumbledore said softly.

As Dumbledore was talking Harry was also quickly using Legilimency, easily pushing past Dumbledore's shields without him being the wiser. Everything that Dumbledore was saying was truthful, Harry was glad that he would have Dumbledore as an ally again.

"I forgive you headmaster… but think about every end the next time you're in the position to make a decision like that again." Harry said softly. Dumbledore nodded in agreement, then held out his hand, which Harry happily took and shook.

"Now… I think I should give you my presents." Dumbledore said, handing over two boxes. Harry opened the long one first. He was surprised to see that it was the sword of Gryffindor. He looked up to the headmaster; he noticed that Dumbledore had a guilty look in his eyes.

"Harry… another thing I have been keeping from you I am afraid… your heritage, you are in fact the…" Dumbledore was saying but Harry cut him off.

"If you're going to say I'm the heir of Gryffindor… I already know… the goblins told me when I was emancipated." Harry said softy and Dumbledore nodded.

"There is one other thing I will have to tell you Harry… but I don't think now is the right time… it is important… but I am afraid I cannot tell you yet." Dumbledore said, Harry knew he was talking about the prophecy, so he just nodded in acceptance.

Harry then opened the last box; inside was a pensieve. Harry looked up at the headmaster with a confused face, "Do you know what that is Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

"Is it a pensieve sir?" Harry asked, Dumbledore smiled and nodded.

"Yes it is… I also have one. I find it easier to go over certain events to find out more details using the pensieve." Dumbledore said, "And when you have as many different things running around your mind as I do they can also be helpful."

"Thank you sir." Harry said softly.

"It's my pleasure Harry." Dumbledore said. "I think we should be getting back before we are missed." Dumbledore suggested. Harry just nodded and followed Dumbledore back to the party.

When Harry and Dumbledore re-entered the party, the fact didn't go unnoticed by Sirius at all. Once Dumbledore was away from Harry he came right up and asked him what had happened.

Harry had calmed Sirius down, saying that Dumbledore had realized his mistakes. Sirius let out a deep breath and nodded his head in understanding; he also knew that Dumbledore would be a great ally.

The party went on for another four hours before everyone started to head home. Now only the Grangers were left.

"Well we better be off." Jane said, "It was a lovely party."

"That it was… Happy Birthday again Harry." Rodger said, with a smile.

"Thanks, Rodger, Jane… it had to be the best party I have had." Harry said with a smile.

"No problems Harry." Jane said, she then turned to Hermione, "Are you staying the night here dear? Or coming home?" Jane asked.

"I'm staying here mum." Hermione said, Jane nodded.

"Ok… well I guess we will be seeing you tomorrow Harry… and you Sirius and Remus in a couple of days for the Quidditch match." Rodger said.

"Yes, see you then." Remus said with a smile, Jane and Rodger then left the house for the short walk back to their home.

"Well, you guys should be getting to bed." Sirius said, Harry and Hermione just nodded and went up stairs to their rooms. Hermione gave Harry another birthday kiss before she headed into 'her' room.

Harry couldn't sleep, it was like he had forgotten something but couldn't remember what it was. It was then he noticed his door being quietly opened. He looked up and saw Hermione trying to sneak into his room.

She was wearing her pyjamas, a thin cotton gown. Harry thought she looked absolutely beautiful in it.

"Well hello." Harry said in a soft voice, Hermione's eyes snapped to his.

"… I didn't know that you were awake… you scared me." Hermione said softly, blushing a little.

"So… what are you doing in here anyway?" Harry asked.

"Well… I forgot to give you the birthday present that I said I was going to." Hermione said softly.

"Oh that's it! I knew I was forgetting something." Harry said, finally figuring out what was plaguing his mind.

"Well… I was just going to leave it on your stand… but since you're awake… here." She said giving him a small wrapped box. Harry sat up in his bed and Hermione sat down next to him. Harry looked at the box for a second before slowly opening it. When he got the wrapping off, he found himself holding what looked like a jewellery box.

He slowly opened the box and what he seen inside made him gasp… it was an open silver locket, on one side was a picture of him with Hermione in his arms… on the other it looked like a picture of his parents, his mother in his fathers arms. In both of the pictures the people were smiling up at him.

A tear slipped down his cheek as he turned to Hermione, "Thank you." he said softly before pulling her into a soft hug. "I love you… so… so much." he whispered.

"I love you to Harry." Hermione said, before leaning up and giving him a kiss. Harry felt her tongue run across his bottom lip and he opened his mouth, allowing her access which she happily accepted. Her tongue waged war against his for about five minutes before their mouths parted.

"Stay." Harry said softly, Hermione just nodded and slipped under the covers with Harry. She laid her head softly on his shoulder and one arm across his chest before they both fell asleep.


AN: Awwww…. Lol well I hope you all enjoyed it :P, leave me a review and tell me what you think.

I have to apologise about the delay in this chapter but I have a good excuse :D, while on holidays my laptop blew up, leaving me unable to post or write anymore of my story's :'(, luckily now im back home :D