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A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 2 - Doing It Differently

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

I would like to thank Turnlach for his BETA work :P, all mistakes are still mine though


Harry was stunned for a second, here he was standing in the Dursleys kitchen washing the dishes again… and if he remembered rightly… he blew up his aunt today…

"What are you doing boy staring off into space?!" Marge said, "Bring me my tea already."

Harry brought the tea over to her, snarling at her before moving back to the kitchen.

"I saw that boy, don't you dare look at me that way! You should be grateful that my kind brother brought you in! If it were up to me you would have been right back out on the street." Marge said, Harry just ignored her; he was already planning how to get out of here… he was brought from his planning by something Aunt Marge was saying,

"…if there is something wrong with the bitch, then there is something wrong with the pup…" she was saying but was cut off by an icy voice.

"Shut up, you fat pig! You say another word, you will be surprised about the amount of pain I can cause you." he whispered, though everyone in the room heard, his eyes were glowing green, and there seemed to be a phantom wind in the room, blowing everything around.

Harry quickly turned around and headed up to his room, he walked quickly over to the loose floorboard and grabbed out his wand. Using a little wandless magic, Harry removed the ministry tracking charms with a spell Hermione had found during their sixth year.

Then with a couple of flicks of his wand, all his belongings were packed into his trunk. Quickly casting a lightening charm, Harry easily picked up his trunk and headed downstairs. As he suspected, Vernon was already waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs,

"Move you whale." Harry said, as if he was speaking to an object rather than another person.

"YOU BOY, ARE GOING TO PAY! WHAT DO YOU THINK…" Vernon stopped as he now found Harry's wand pointing at him, "You will be expelled from that freak school!" he said a small smirk growing on his face.

"No I won't." was all Harry said, and then with another small flick he sent Vernon flying backwards into the plaster wall, leaving a large hole in it. Harry then left the house and made his way to the bus stop were he saw Sirius for the first time.

When he arrived he looked over at the bushes where he seen him last time, and there as expected was the large black grim. Harry got down onto his knees and patted the ground, "Come here boy, come on!" Harry said.

Sirius came padding over and just as he reached him Harry had his wand out, "Hello Sirius Black…" Harry said.

The dog's eyes went wide at this, it actually looked quite funny.

"Don't worry… I know you didn't do it." Harry said and the dog started to relax a little, "And don't worry… I know were Peter is."

The dog's head shot towards Harry when he said this, "Yes, we will get you cleared… but now would you change back so I can greet my long lost godfather properly."

The dog changed back and there stood Sirius Black, looking the same as he did from the news report. Harry instantly drew him into a hug, which Sirius happily returned.

"How did you know it was me?" Sirius finally asked.

Harry's eye went wide for a second before he masked his fear, he didn't think about this… "I umm… found some books and photos in my vault… when I saw the picture of you on the muggle news, I knew who you were… in the vault there were also pictures of you getting named as my godfather and in your animagus form…" Harry said hoping it would work.

Sirius smiled and gave him another hug, "Always knew you would be a smart one!" he said happily, Harry breathed a silent sigh of relief…

"Um Sirius… do you have a wand?" Harry asked, he had never asked his godfather this before…

"No… they snapped it when they put me in Azkaban." he spat, "And I haven't really had time to buy a new one after I escaped."

"Hmm… we will have to get you a new one then… and I have the perfect idea!" Harry said smiling broadly, "Quickly change back, we're going to the Leaky Cauldron".

Sirius quickly changed back into his animagus form and Harry added a couple of glamour charms to change his appearance. Harry briefly wonder why Sirius hadn't asked how he could do magic… but then again he was a Marauder, and probably found the same spell when he was at school. Once he was done, Harry stuck out his wand and with a pop the Knight Bus arrived.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board and we can take you anywhere you want to go. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this eve…" Stan said but Harry cut him off.

"Leaky Cauldron and my dog is riding also." Harry said as he handed the man two galleons, well above the price to ride, "Keep the change." Harry said, as he and Sirius got onto the bus. Harry didn't lie down on the bed, he sat on the edge while Sirius was laying down next to him.

About two minutes later Stan called out, "Leaky Cauldron!" Harry and Sirius got off the bus with a muttered 'thanks' before they went into the pub. Harry walked up to Tom,

"I was wondering if I could get a room for the rest of the summer." Harry asked.

Tom looked up and noticed it was Harry, "Of course, Mr Potter" he said, saying Harry's name in a whisper so as to not drawn attention. He then handed him a key, "Room 12, you can pay when you leave." was all he said before heading back to work.

Harry and Sirius walked into the room and Harry quickly dumped all his stuff onto one of the beds before casting some locking charms and silencing charms on the room. Sirius then changed back into his human form.

"It's good to see you Harry…" he said softly looking at him, "Last time I remember seeing you was… that night… I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone after him! When Hagrid wouldn't let me take you I should have went with him and got you from Dumbledore! I shouldn't have gone after Peter…"

Harry just looked at him and smiled softly, "It's ok, really. What matters now is that you are here and we will catch Peter and make him pay." Harry said, Sirius just nodded before sitting down.

"So you said you have an idea?" he asked, looking at Harry for an explanation.

"Well yes… I was thinking, with a couple of simple glamour spells we could go into Knockturn Alley and get you a wand, then we could also get you some robes and maybe a haircut." Harry said smiling softly.

"I also need to head into Gringotts and get the goblins to show me my parents will… from what I know of the Dursleys, I doubt very much that Mum and Dad would have allowed me to live with them… maybe I can be emancipated…" Harry said. Sirius seemed to growl at what Harry was saying,

"You're damn right! Your parents requested that you either go with me or Remus… after that there were the Longbottoms, the Tonks', Weasleys, or the Bones'. They actually said that you were not to go to the Dursleys at all!" Sirius said, rather angrily.

"Just another reason not to trust Dumbledore then..." Harry said to himself.

"You have more? Let's hear them." Sirius said.

"Dumbledore placed me at the Dursleys because he said there were 'blood wards' there, created by mum's sacrifice… that's a lie, there just normal wards… that Dumbledore placed." Harry said, his eyes were glowing softly, "Then there is the Prophecy that he has yet to tell me about… the one that says I am destined to either kill or be killed in the final battle against Voldemort…" Sirius' eyes went wide at this…

"That's why they went under the Fidelius charm wasn't it?" Sirius said softly looking down at the ground, a tear dropping from his eye.

"Yes… the only reason he was sending me to the Dursleys was so that any mail I got went though him… I was completely cut off from the wizarding world, he controlled all the information I got, he decided when I leave the Dursleys… he controlled his 'weapon'."

"I'm so sorry Harry… if I hadn't gone after Peter you could have lived with me…" Sirius said softly.

"It wouldn't have made a difference… he would have found some way to remove you from the picture… he didn't think that you were guilty but did nothing to help prove it… after all, you were removed from the picture, all the better for him." Harry said. He could see the anger spark in Sirius' eyes as he growled under his breath.

"Oh… he is going to pay. I'm going to make sure of that…" Sirius said to himself.

"Don't do anything stupid Sirius." Harry said, "Even though he is a bastard and a manipulative fool, the wizarding world still sees him as their beacon of light… could you imagine what would happen to you if you did something?" Harry asked him, "And anyways… he will pay for what he has been doing." Sirius just nodded his head; he knew there would be hell to pay if he did something to Dumbledore. Dumbledore was not only magically powerful but he was also very powerful politically…

"So… if we are going into Diagon Alley tomorrow… I guess you will be needing new clothes since you won't be going back to the Dursleys…" Sirius said. Harry looked a little weird at this.

"Yeah… I guess… didn't think about that…" he said. It had been ages since he had actually lived with the Dursleys so he'd forgotten he no longer had all his robes and muggle clothes from his time.

"Well I guess you might want a shower or something… doesn't look like you have had one for a while." Harry said jokingly, Sirius smiled at him.

"No you're right... a nice warm shower will do nicely about now." he said.

"Ok… well I'm heading to bed, I'll see you in the morning." Harry said before heading into one of the rooms.

"Goodnight Harry." Sirius said softly to himself, before heading into the shower.

AN: There you go! the second chapter! hope you all like it. Well that's it for now : )