Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 30 - The First Task

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Well here is another chapter, as always thanks to Turnlach for his BETA work!


The first task was growing nearer and Harry didn't know what it was but he felt like he was forgetting something… he had gone down to watch the dragons and could feel Mad-Eye watching… at least now he wouldn't have to go with Hagrid and listen to him try and talk romance with Maxime.

But there was something… something bugging him, it was something that he had done last time, but he couldn't remember…

Harry was broken from his thoughts though when Hermione jumped onto his lap. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ron scowl for a second and his fears were confirmed, Ron was jealous about him dating Hermione…

"Come on Harry, we've got to go to Hagrid's class." Hermione said happily, giving him a soft kiss on the nose. She then jumped off his lap and pulled him to his feet. "You coming Ron?" Hermione asked, Ron just grunted. Even though Ron wasn't talking to Harry, Hermione still tried to keep them together. Harry on the other hand was letting Ron sulk for a bit and then he would talk to him when he was ready.

When they arrived at Hagrid's hut Harry was rather annoyed to see Skeeter walking away with a rather smug look on her face, her expression brightened further when she noticed Harry there.

"Oh Harry, how nice to see you!" Rika called out. She then started to quickly make her way over to him but was surprised when she walked head first into an invisible shield; Harry paid no attention to her and kept on walking to class.


By lunch time Harry still couldn't shake the feeling that he was forgetting something... he started thinking about all that had happened last time, Hagrid showing him the dragons with Maxime... then it was like a light bulb going off... all the champions would know about the dragons… except Cedric!

Quickly scanning the hall Harry noticed that Cedric was nowhere. He quickly got up and left, Hermione followed him outside into an unused classroom, giving him a questioning look.

"Aperio Marauder's Map!" Harry said firmly, a blank piece of parchment faded into his hand.

"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good." Harry said tapping the parchment with his wand. Quickly scanning the map Harry noticed that Cedric was walking towards the great hall form the Hufflepuff common room, fortunately no one else was with him.

"Hermione don't worry I just have to tell Cedric something... it would probably be best alone." Harry said giving her a small smile. Hermione nodded and gave him a little kiss on the cheek before going back to eat lunch. Meanwhile Harry left to speak to Cedric before he got to the hall.

Harry waited for Cedric at the last staircase that he would come down; when he did come Harry quickly waved him over.

"Hey Harry... um I'm sorry about the shit people have been giving you... I tried to tell me house but..." Cedric said apologetically.

"Don't worry about it." Harry said with a half smile, "But I should tell you... the first task... we have to get something off a dragon." Harry said seriously. Cedric's eyes widened at this.

"A dragon... how do you know? And why are you telling me?" he asked quickly.

"Well I know because I have seen them, and the reason I'm telling you... well there are two actually, first you believe I didn't place my name in the goblet and second I'm sure the other contestants know by now also." Harry said.

Cedric nodding slightly, he seemed to be in deep thought, most likely thinking about the dragons. "Thanks Harry." he said sincerely. Harry nodded and then left back to the hall.


The week before the first task went very quickly for Harry and before he knew it he was walking down to the task area. He quickly entered the tent and sat down next to Cedric who gave Harry a small smile. Harry looked around the room. Fleur looked nervous, she obviously knew what was coming and Krum had his hands over his face so Harry couldn't actually tell what he was thinking.

It was then that Bagman walked, in a large grin on his face as usual. "Good-o you're all here, now to explain the task!" he said happily. When everyone was paying attention to him he continued.

"Right, in a moment you will each pick an object out of this bag, they contain a model of the creature you will be facing! Your task is to collect the golden egg the creature will be protecting. Now if you all will pick a model... Fleur you first."

Fleur quickly put her slightly shaking hand in the bag and picked out the model of a Welsh Green Dragon, she had no sign of surprise on her face telling Harry that she had definitely been told.

Krum was next and picked out the model of a Chinese Fireball; he too showed no surprise and simply looked at the ground again covering his face.

Cedric slipped his hand into the bag and pulled out the model of the Swedish Short-Snout Dragon model, he sighed softly before looking at the ground.

Harry, showing no signs of nervousness, slipped his hand in and picked out the model of the Hungarian Horntail, the number four under the model. He leaned back against the support pole in the tent, his face not giving off any emotion. Normally he could have easily got past the dragon, just place a shield around himself and walk right up. But that would be showing power that Dumbledore could barely do and that was something he didn't want to do.

Ludo then asked for a word with Harry and just like last time he tried to offer any advice he could. Harry once again said he was fine, knowing full well that Bagman had placed a large bet on him winning. When he came back in Cedric was called out first. All of them sat there in silence while the commentary could be heard.

About fifteen minutes later the crowd started cheering signalling that Cedric had got the egg. Fleur was the next to go, leaving Harry and Krum alone. Harry stared at Krum a small grin on his face.

"So Victor...any ideas what you're going to do?" Harry asked innocently, Krum didn't speak.

"Oh come now, I might be the last person you speak to before the dragon out there rips you in two." Harry said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Krum still didn't say anything but he did look up and glare at Harry. Harry's grin only grew.

Harry was about to say something else when Bagman entered the tent again, "Victor you're up now!" he said happily. Krum stood up, throwing another glare at Harry before leaving.

Harry listened to the commentary and the crowd cheering as Krum battled the dragon. About five or so minutes later the crowd let out a massive cheer telling Harry he had got it. Bagman then walked into the tent.

"Come on Harry, you're up now!" he yelled. Harry nodded and followed him out.

When Harry walked into the arena he was greeted with a familiar scene, hundreds of eyes on him, and at the far end a massive dragon standing protectively over her eggs, the golden egg sitting with them. Harry wasn't nervous; he knew that if anything went wrong he could get out of it. The sound of a horn then sounded and the timer started.

Harry started to make his way quickly towards the dragon…the crowd was dead silent. When he was about fifty meters away Harry flicked his wand over his head, the familiar feeling of having an egg cracked on his head washed over him as he became invisible.

The crowd gasped at this and he could hear Bagman going off, "POTTER HAS USED AN INVISIBILTY SPELL! NO ONE THOUGHT OF THAT!" Harry then walked out of his hiding area, trying to be as quiet as possible, he was doing rather well until a rock that he stood on gave way.

Harry watched as the dragons head snapped to where he was and let off a massive fire ball; he was in between two rocks and couldn't jump out of the way.

"MAXIMUS PROTEGO DRACONOS!" Harry yelled and a bright green shield snapped out of nowhere in front of him. The fire ball from the dragon parted around the shield missing Harry.

"Statua Effingo!" Harry whispered. After the spell was complete there were several soft popping sounds and now standing around the dragon were seven copies of Harry.

All at once the copies raised their wands, "Stupefy!" they all yelled at the same time. Seven red bolts shot out and hit the dragon knocking it backwards where it fell unconscious. The crowd was completely silent as Harry ran up and grabbed the egg.

Harry was a little nervous, the clones' spells held next to no power but hopefully the people in the crowd or the judges wouldn't know that. Once Harry had the egg and everyone realized what had actually happened, they went wild. No one had ever seen what he had done before.

"HARRY POTTER STUNS THE DRAGON!" He heard Ludo over the crowd. Harry started to walk back to the entrance when he saw a bush of brown hair bolting at him. Before he knew it Hermione had launched herself into his arms.

"Don't you do anything like that again!" she said firmly, before giving him a nice deep kiss, which in return caused most of the crowd to cheer, and the Slytherin's to 'boo'.

Harry was beaming when Hermione finally broke the kiss, he could see McGonagall, Hagrid and Moody waiting for him at the Medical tent. Harry looked around hoping to see Ron, but to his dismay Ron was nowhere to be found… Harry only hoped that Ron was waiting for a private moment.

"Well done Harry." McGonagall said, her voice full of pride. Hagrid was crying and Harry couldn't understand what he was saying, but he guessed it was some kind of congratulations when he hugged Harry, nearly crushing him.

"Come on Harry, we have to see your scores!" Hermione said, grabbing his arm and leading him outside where he could see the judges.

"You were easily the best. Cedric transfigure a rock into a dog to try and distract the dragon… it worked mostly since he got the egg but the dragon went after him forgetting about the dog and he got a little burnt." Hermione said in her teacher's voice.

"Fleur used a trance charm, it worked a little, the dragon got a little sleepy and she got the egg, but the dragon snorted and she got a little burnt also. The next best after you was Victor, he hit the dragon with a Conjunctivitis Curse but the dragon stomped a lot of its eggs so he lost points…" Hermione said. She stopped when she noticed the judges were ready to give out the scores. Maxime was first, she held out her wand and a golden nine shimmered into view above her. Barty Crouch did the same except a golden ten appeared; Dumbledore also gave Harry a ten along with Ludo Bagman. It was now Karkaroff's turn, last time he had given Harry a four, though he easily deserved more… a golden five shimmered into view above him. "A FIVE!" Hermione yelled, though she collected herself when she felt Harry gasp her hand, "OH HARRY! You're in the lead!" Hermione said excitedly grabbing him for another hug. When the scores were announced the crowd went wild, well except the Slytherins and Durmstrang students.

Harry and Hermione walked back into the medic tent, Harry quickly congratulated Cedric and Fleur, though didn't even mention Krum. Hermione shot him a questioning glance but didn't say anything when Harry gave her a look that clearly said he would explain later. It wasn't long until all the judges walked into the medical tent. Ludo had the biggest smile on his face Harry had ever seen… most likely because of the fact Harry had taken first place. "OH good everyone's here!" Ludo said happily, "Well I may as well explain the second task now then." he said and waited until everyone was paying attention to him. "Now, the key to the second task is that egg you are all holding, you will see on the side it has a hinge and the other a latch. Well, you must solve what is inside the egg to figure out the second task!" Ludo exclaimed. "The second task will be held at half past nine, on February the twenty-fourth." Crouch added in a bored tone. All of the competitors nodded. Now the only people left were the competitors and their headmasters. Dumbledore congratulated Cedric on his transfiguration work before turning to Harry. "Well done Harry." he said seriously, "Would you mind coming to see me on Monday night? There are a couple of things I would like to talk about." Harry just nodded and let out a sigh after he had left. He knew Dumbledore wouldn't be fooled by his little trick. *------* AN: …Hmmmm… I wonder what Harry is going is going to come up with to get out of this one? Or will he tell Dumbledore the truth? Well I guess were going to have to wait to find out. Don't forget to check out my webby, the link can be found in my profile :P Luke