Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 17 - The Hearing

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Well here we go another chapter! Thanks Turnlach once again for his BETA work :D


They walked up the staircase until they came to the headmaster's wooden door. Harry reached out and knocked.



To say that the headmaster was surprised when Harry, Hermione and Ron walked into his office, levitating someone's limp body and with a large black dog following them would be an understatement.

Harry took great amusement in seeing the headmaster surprised, "It's not every day you see the great Albus Dumbledore looking surprised." Harry said with a slight chuckle, he was still set on changing the headmaster.

Dumbledore noticed the humour in Harry's voice and, personally he had to agree, so chuckled himself, "So… what have you brought me this year Harry?" Dumbledore asked with a half smile, the twinkle full bloom in his eyes, which caused Harry to intensively reinforce his mental shields.

"When you ask a question headmaster… you should wait for the answer and not go searching your self." Harry said giving Dumbledore a piercing gaze which caused Dumbledore to reinforce his shields… something he had not needed to do in a long time.

Dumbledore was even more shocked by Harry's statement and all he could do was nod in agreement, "So… what have you got here Harry?" he asked.

"Well… on my right, we have evidence proving Sirius Black's innocence…" Harry said simply, which caused Dumbledore's eyes to widen, "…and on my left we have Sirius Black himself." When Harry introduced him, Sirius changed back into his human form. Dumbledore instantly went for his wand, though stopped when he found Harry's wand pointed at him. Harry's eyes were also glowing slightly.

"Harry… this man is a murderer…" Dumbledore said cautiously.

"Didn't you hear me Headmaster… if you recall before I introduced Sirius I said we had the evidence proving his innocence." Harry growled softly. Dumbledore nodded then did something unexpected, he apologized.

"Yes… sorry about that…" Dumbledore said softly, "Care to explain the evidence then?" he asked and Harry just nodded.

"Well this man is Peter Pettigrew, who also happened to be my parents Secret Keeper and the one who betrayed my parents. When Sirius tracked him down… he blew up the street killing the muggles and well as cutting off his finger and changing into his animagus form… a rat… also known as Ron's pet Scabbers." Harry said. Dumbledore's eyes were wide.

Harry knew Dumbledore didn't know about Peter being the Potters Secret Keeper, but he had thought that it was Sirius who killed the muggles and then Peter.

"I-I am sorry Sirius." Dumbledore said softly, "If I were you I would change back into your animagus form. I will call the ministry so that we can get you cleared… that is unless you have another idea?"

"No… that's was what we were hoping." Sirius said with a nod and transformed back. Dumbledore then went over to his floo and threw some powder into the fire, calling out 'Ministry of Magic, Minister's Office'. Dumbledore's head was in there for about a minute before he removed it and about another minute later two Aurors came through.

Dumbledore spoke to them for about a minute explaining the situation, leaving out the fact of course that Sirius Black was currently in the room. The two Aurors seemed to be in shock as they went over to look at Peter.

"You say you know how to contact Black?" the Auror asked and Dumbledore just nodded, "Tell him to come by tomorrow and we will question Peter under Veritaserum." the Auror said before they went back through the floo with Peter. Sirius changed back, now with a large smile on his face.

"I think that it's time that we all finished off the day… I think we will need to have a talk after the meeting tomorrow." Dumbledore said and they all nodded and went to leave.

"Um Sirius… I don't think it would be best to wander around the school… at least not without a glamour or something first." Dumbledore pointed out.

"Oh…yeah." Sirius flicked his wand over his head and his face changed to match Maurice once again. Harry then took them all to the Room of Requirements where they spent the rest of the day.


Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore and Sirius/Maurice Black entered the Ministry of Magic via the floo. They then quickly made their way down to the same courtroom where Harry was put on trail before his sixth year, Courtroom 10.

The group entered right on time, Minister Fudge was waiting just inside for them.

"Ah Albus!" He exclaimed, he then looked at Harry, Hermione and Ron, "Mr Potter, it's nice to finally meet you!" he said shaking Harry's hand. Harry bit back the urge to hit the Ex-Death Eater minister.

"And this young man must be a Weasley, easy to tell with the hair." Fudge said shaking Ron's hand, he then turned to Hermione and held out his hand.

"And of course, Miss Granger! We have heard only good things about you here." Fudge then looked up at Sirius who was still wearing his disguise, "I'm afraid I have no idea who you are…" he said holding out his hand. Sirius shook his hand, a smirk on his face.

"Well… you didn't expect a wanted murderer to waltz into the Ministry without a disguise did you?" Sirius asked, Harry bit back his laughter when Fudge's eyes went wide.

"Mr Black is it then?" he muttered, Sirius quickly flicked his wand removing the glamour.

"In the flesh… now… could we get to making me a free man again?" He asked, a low growl in his voice.

"Of course! Of course! If you would all take a seat." Fudge said quickly showing them to their seats then hurrying up to the councillors table.

"This hearing is now in session!" Madam Bones called out, "Due to certain circumstances, I will be standing in for Chief Warlock Albus Dumbledore." She said in an official voice, "We are here today to look at the case of Sirius Orion Black, as new evidence has come to light… Administer the Veritaserum!"

An official looking Auror quickly poured the potion down Peter's throat and then waited a minute. When Peter's eyes glazed over he started the questioning.

"What is you name?" the Auror asked.

"Peter Samuel Pettigrew." Peter said in an emotionless voice.

"What part did you play in the murder of James and Lily Potter?" was the next question the Auror asked.

"I was made James and Lily's secret keeper. I then told my master the location of the Potters so that he could murder them." Peter answered. A soft gasp went out among the council.

"What really happened when Sirius Black confronted you in a crowed muggle street?" the Auror asked.

"Sirius was in a state of despair, I used this to my advantage when we duelled. We duelled for about ten minutes. I then yelled out so that the people near could hear what I said. I said that he had betrayed the Potters and that he was working for the Dark Lord. I then sent a Reducto Maximus which killed the twelve muggles. Before the dust settled I cut off my finger and changed into my animagus form." Peter answered.

"What is your animagus form?"

"A rat."

Harry could hear some of the council members muttering to each other. They seemed to find it slightly funny since some were muttering 'fitting' when referring to Peter's animagus form.

"Where have you been for the last thirteen years?" the Auror asked, many of the members listened for his answer, also wondering the same thing.

"I was found by someone called Percy Weasley, who brought me home with him. He was my owner for nine years before I was handed down to his youngest brother Ronald Weasley." Peter answered. Harry noticed that Ron hanged his head in shame. Harry grasped his shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze which Ron returned with a half smile.

"Did the Weasley family know of who you really were?"

"No they did not, they always assumed I was a magical rat because of my long age." was Peter's answered.

The Auror looked towards the council table, Fudge gave him a small nod, and the Auror administered the antidote.

"The council will take a brief recess before we decided on the appropriate action." Madam Bones said before the council left into the back room.

Harry turned to see that Sirius was scowling at Peter, who seemed to be cowering… a lot, "If he does not get the kiss, I will make sure there is an accident in Azkaban." Sirius muttered to Harry.

"Oh… don't worry. If he is sent to Azkaban I can assure you there will be an accident." Harry said. There was a gleam in his eyes that told Sirius Harry was being nothing but truthful.

About ten minutes later the Council re-entered the courtroom and took their seats. Once everyone was seated, Madam Bones stood up.

"The Council has come to the following decisions…" She said and then turned to face Peter.

"Peter Pettigrew, firstly you will have your Order of Merlin stripped from you." Bones said, "Second, on the charge of helping in the murder of the Potters, we sentence you to life in Azkaban." Peter cringed at this, but also seemed a little relieved.

"On the charge of the murder of twelve muggles, you are sentenced to life in Azkaban." Bones continued.

"On the charge of following a Dark Lord, and using the Dark Arts you are sentenced to twenty years in Azkaban." Bones said, she then looked around before continuing.

"The council has decided, because of the amount and the magnitude of the charges against you… you will receive the Dementor's kiss." Bones finished.

Peter started to cry out, trying to change their minds, though it was hopeless. He then tried to beg Sirius, Harry and Dumbledore to give him a second chance. None of them paid attention to him.

Madam Bones then turned to Sirius, "Sirius Black, we find you innocent of all charges that were laid against you. One million galleons has been deposited into your Gringotts account because of your lost time. The ministry is deeply sorry that it took so long for the truth to come out."

Sirius for his part nodded to Madam Bones and then turned to Harry, a large smile on his face. He then pulled Harry, Hermione and Ron into a tight hug, "It's all because of you three… all because of you three… thank you." Sirius said softly.

They all left the courtroom and found Arthur waiting just outside, "DAD! What are you doing here?" Ron asked, giving his father a hug.

"I knew you were coming here today, so I thought I might drop down and say hi. So how is everybody?" Arthur asked, his eyes then landed on Sirius. "I am sorry Sirius… I'm shamed to admit that I had thought you guilty after it happened."

Sirius just grabbed his hand and shook it, "No worries mate! No hard feelings. I'm just glad I'm free of it… just want to put it behind me." Sirius said with a large grin on his face.

Ron was looking back and forth between his father and Sirius, "You know each other?" Ron asked confused.

"Of course, we were both in the Or… started working at the ministry about the same time." Arthur said. Ron seemed to take Arthur's quick cover up and nodded.

"Mr Black?" Came the voice of Fudge from behind them, "Mr Black?" Sirius turned around to face him, "I'm sorry about the past minister's actions… and I hope to try and make it up to you. I know nothing can replace the time lost but I would like you to have these… six tickets to the Quidditch Cup this summer… in the Minister's box." Fudge said handing over the tickets.

"Thank you Minister, I'm sure Harry would love to go." Sirius said. Fudge just nodded his head and continued up the stairs, "Can you think of anyone else who would like to go Harry?" Sirius asked.

Harry turned to Ron, "Want to go Ron?" Ron quickly nodded his head. Harry was about to ask Hermione when Arthur cut in.

"That won't be necessary… I wanted it to be a surprise… but I have tickets for my family… also in the Minister's box. I guess we will see you there." Arthur said with a large smile. "I expect you to keep it a secret Ron; I would like to surprise the rest of the family." Ron just nodded, his eyes bright with excitement.

Harry seemed thoughtful for a moment before his eyes shot open to Hermione, "Do you think your parents would like to come?" Harry asked. Hermione beamed.

"OH they would love it! They have always wanted to see magic!" Hermione said happily.

"That leave's one ticket then Harry, who else?" Sirius asked. Harry just gave Sirius a smile.

"Well I was thinking about us speaking to Remus… if you wanted to of course." Harry said. A large smile formed on Sirius's face at the mention of Remus and he just nodded.

"I think that's a great idea."


Well that's it for now… tell me what you thought in a review! Cheers
