Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 21 - Quidditch Camp

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Well here we go again, thanks to Turnlach as usual for his BETA work!


Harry was awoken by two people whispering to each other. Instead of telling them that he was awake Harry decided to hear what they were speaking about… after all, what could Sirius and Remus be whispering about while on his room?

"What do we do?" Sirius whispered.

"I don't know… leave them alone?" Remus suggested.

"What! They're in the same bed!" Sirius whispered back obviously shocked.

"So? They are both fully clothed, so I doubt anything happened between them." Remus reasoned.

"How do we know that?" Sirius asked urgently.

"Well… why don't you wake them and ask." Remus said sarcastically.

"Too late, you two have already woken me up." Harry said, announcing that he was awake.

"Come out into the hall Harry." Sirius said in a demanding voice. Harry had to bite back a chuckle at the tone of his voice. Harry gently slipped out of the bed, careful not to wake Hermione. He then cast a silencing spell on the hall so that Sirius wouldn't wake her.

"Yes Sirius?" Harry asked innocently.

"What the hell is Hermione doing in your bed?" Sirius roared at him.

"Er…sleeping." Harry said simply, he noticed that Remus was fighting back his laughter.

"Sleeping! SLEEPING! Is that all Harry?" Sirius yelled. Harry was getting sick of being yelled out so decided to yell back himself.

"YES AND WHAT FUCKING BUSINESS IS IT OF YOURS!" Harry said, his eyes sparking with his temper.

"I'M YOUR GODFATHER!" Sirius roared.


"Are you saying you did nothing but sleep?" Sirius said, his voice now normal, but still angry.

"Yes! Only sleep and it wouldn't be any of your business if there was more anyway." Harry said, his voice still containing his anger.

"You… you don't want me in your life." Sirius said softly, his voice easily carrying the sadness he felt.

"Did I say that I didn't want you in my life?" Harry asked softly, "Well if I did I didn't mean it, I love you Sirius… but going off at me like that is annoying." Harry said with a jokingly smile. Sirius just gave him a hug.

"Sorry about overreacting Harry… I just worry about you is all." Sirius said to which Harry just nodded. "Well I guess you better go back in before Hermione notices you're not there." Sirius said with a teasing smile.

Harry walked back into his room and carefully slipped back into the bed, Hermione automatically wrapped her arms around him in her sleep. Harry smiled at this, and then leaned over and softy kissed her on the lips.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." he said softly before kissing her again. The only difference this time was that Hermione kissed him back. The kiss deepened and Hermione moaned softly against his lips as Harry's hand slid up the side of her body to softly cup her breast.

They spent the next half an hour, kissing, touching and exploring each others bodies through their clothes. After that they just laid there holding each other.

"I could get use to this." Hermione said sighing softly while snuggling in closer to Harry, loving the feeling of the heat his body gave off.

"I agree… but as much as I would love to stay and hold you… we have to get up." Harry said softly giving her forehead a soft kiss. Hermione groaned softly, before finally pulling herself from his bed and heading back to her own room.


The next couple of days passed quickly and before they knew it, Harry, Sirius, Remus and the Grangers were in Sirius's living room waiting to take the portkey to the Quidditch camp grounds.

"All right," Sirius said standing up, "it's time, everyone grab hold." He said handing out the end of the rope to the Grangers.

"Now, in about thirty seconds you will feel a pulling sensation behind your navel, then before you know it we will be at the camp area." Sirius said, explaining it to the Grangers who just nodded.

They all felt the familiar tug behind the navel and they were off. When they landed nearly everyone stumbled, well except Harry who also caught Hermione from falling over. The Grangers stumbled a little but still remained upright.

"This way", a man said. "Follow the road down until you come to a booth where you have to pay for you space." Harry recognized him from the first time; Basil was his name if Harry could remember correctly.

The group continued down the road until they came to a muggle sitting in a booth.

"Um hello, you wouldn't happen to be Mr Roberts would you?" Sirius asked. The muggle turned to them.

"Aye that I would. You paying for a campsite this evening?" Mr Roberts asked.

"Yes, under Black, maybe Sirius Black." Sirius said, the muggle nodded and flicked through some of the pages in his book.

"Ah, yes here we are, Sirius Black, two nights, three tents, correct." Mr Roberts asked, Sirius just nodded, "So are you paying now?"

"Ah yes, one second." Sirius said pulling out his muggle wallet, he then handed over Mr Roberts some cash and took his change before they headed down the road, following the map that Mr Roberts had given them.

After about ten minutes they came across their area. Their tents were already set up, "Well… that ones for Remus and myself," Sirius said pointing to the one on the left, "The one on the right is yours, Rodger, Jane and I guess the middle one is for Harry and Hermione."

Everyone nodded in agreement and then went to their tents to unpack their stuff. Once they entered, Harry heard the Grangers gasp; the tents seemed rather small on the outside, though on the inside they were quite large. Harry and Hermione's tent looked like a three man tent but on the inside it had two separated bedrooms, each with a queen sized bed and also a bathroom, living room and kitchen.

When they had finished looking though their tents everyone was back outside. Sirius and Rodger and Remus had already started a fire and were currently sitting around it drinking some beers.

"What say we go look around? We might run into the Weasleys." Harry suggested, Hermione nodded then told her parents that her and Harry were going to explore.

Harry immediately led Hermione to where he remembered the Weasleys were camped; it took him about twenty minutes until he finally spotted three red heads walking their way.

"Hey! Ron, Fred, George!" Harry called out; all three of them spun around and grinned when they noticed Harry there with Hermione. The three of them quickly made their way over to them.

"Harry old friend!"

"So nice to see you again!" the twins said.

"You too guys, so where are you camped?" Harry asked.

"Just up that way" Ron said, "Want to come up? I'm sure mum and dad would love to see the two of you." Harry and Hermione both nodded, and followed the three red heads back to their camp.

"Mother dearest!" Fred called out.

"You will never guess who we ran into." George piped in,

"Harry and Hermione" they both said together, grinning like the idiots they were. Molly just rolled her eyes at them before turning and engulfing both Harry and Hermione in a hug.

"Harry, Hermione is good to see you two again!" Molly exclaimed, "So have you two been behaving yourselves?" both Harry and Hermione blushed a little at this; after that night of Harry's party they had spent the next two nights in the same bed… they felt a need for contact while they were sleeping.

"Arthur! Look who is here! It's Harry and Hermione." Molly called out, Harry looked past her to see Arthur talking to Barty Crouch. They both made their way other to where they were.

"Ah, nice to see you again, Harry! Good summer I hope?" Arthur said happily, Harry just nodded, "Well good, good, oh I would like to introduce you to Mr Bartemius Crouch." Arthur said pointing out Barty.

"It's nice to meet you sir." Harry said sticking out his hand, Crouch took it and shook it.

"The pleasure's all mine Harry… I don't mean to be rude, but I really must be heading off." he said. Harry just nodded in understanding before he left.

Harry and Hermione then walked off with Ron and the twins, "So what have you guys been up to this summer?" Harry asked. Fred and George beamed.

"We're glad you asked that Harry,"

"You see…"

"We have made a decision,"

"Us… Like the marauders…"

"And hopefully with the help of a couple,"

"Have decided to start selling our own pranks!"

The twins said, George then handing Harry over one of their order forms, "We will start it as an owl order service,"

"But after be graduate we hope to open a shop,"

"That is if we can raise the funds of course." Fred said, George nodded.

"Mum hasn't been much of a help,"

"Yes she's not too keen on our idea."

"I think it's a brilliant idea." Harry said happily, smiling at the twins, "And I'm sure that Sirius and Remus would love to help. In fact, I'm sure they have notes and other ideas stuff around somewhere."

Harry then turned to Ron, "So Ron? What have you been up to this summer?" Harry asked.

"Umm… nothing much… been practicing Quidditch… I'm thinking about trying out for the keeper position." Ron said softly.

"That's a great idea!" Harry said happily. He knew there wasn't any Quidditch this year but if he just out and told them that he would blow his cover and that was something he didn't want.

"So you been doing anything else?" Harry asked. Ron just shook his head.

"Naw… nothing much except be a test subject for those two and their new pranks." Ron said. Harry just nodded his head.

"What about you two? Been up to much?" Ron asked.

Hermione shook her head, "Not really… went to the movies a couple of times but other than that mainly stayed at home." Hermione said with Harry nodding in agreement.

"What's a movie?" Ron asked.

"A movie is a story acted out by people; it's recorded and then enlarged onto a big screen to re-watch." Hermione explained. Ron mouthed an 'oh', still not completely understanding.

Hermione then looked up to Harry, she noticed that the sun was setting quickly and that her parents would probably be getting worried.

"Umm… Harry I think we should probably be getting back now." she said.

"Yeah… we will see you guys tomorrow." Harry said. The twins and Ron bid them farewell and Harry and Hermione started to walk back to their own camp site hand in hand.


Well that's it… Small yes I know, next chapter the WORLD CUP!!! :P hope you all liked it!
