Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 13 - Training and Maps

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Another chapter! Thanks Turnlach for your BETA work!


"Alright… well I guess the first spell I should teach you is the stunner." Harry said as he was pacing back and forth in front of Ron and Hermione. "It is used to… well stun your opponent. The incantation is Stupefy and to reverse it you have to use the Enervate spell." Harry said. He then showed them how to use the spell as a red beam shot from his wand and hit the target across the room dead centre.

"Now you guys have a go." Harry said. Hermione was the first to try, the spell worked, though her aim was way off. Harry also noticed that she was holding her wand wrong, well wrong for duelling. She was also standing in the wrong position. He quickly told her this, and showed her the right way. The next stunner she sent was a lot more accurate.

Ron's stunner wasn't accurate and it was also a lot weaker than Hermione's. He told Ron about his stance and the way he was holding his wand like he had done with Hermione but the power of the spell was another problem.

"Ok… Ron… I want you to do the disarming spell." Harry said, Ron did this and it was fine, the power in the spell was above average. "Ok… with the stunner… like the disarming spell, you really have to 'want' to subdue your enemy. Your will and your desire to perform the spell has a lot to do with how powerful the spell will be." Harry explained.

Ron nodded and tried again, this time Ron's stunner was bright red like Hermione's was, not the pinkish colour it was before. Ron was beaming, thinking of all the possibilities… Malfoy won't know what hit him!

"Ok… that's good. We will practice that more in a second, but first I also want to show you the basic shield charm. The incantation is Protego and if it is performed correctly, then a silver shield should appear in front of you. This charm can deflect most minor spells, like the stunner but the stronger ones will require a stronger shield… which I will show you another time. Of course depending on how powerful your shield is will determine how many times it can take certain spells… though if it is too weak, it may not even block one." Harry said. He then showed them the spell, doing it again so they could see the wand movements it required.

Both Ron and Hermione got it on their first try; they seemed really pleased at how they were progressing.

"These spells should have been taught to us this year by Lupin… but since we have had such crappy teachers… we are a bit behind…" Harry said with a half smile, "After I have told you most of the spells that we should have leant I will move on to the more advanced stuff."

Ron and Hermione nodded and they went back to practicing. Harry would suggest something whenever he noticed that they were doing something slightly off.

After about two hours Ron and Hermione had practically mastered the Shield charm and Stunner and though they were nowhere near as powerful as Harry's, they were good, and would only get better the more they practiced.

"Um… Ron… Harry and I will catch up with you." Hermione said to Ron when they were leaving, "I want to ask him something… in private."

Ron looked at her for a second before nodding his head, "Ok… I'll save you guys a seat." he said before heading down to dinner.

Hermione looked around to see no one was around before she dragged him back inside the Room of Requirement. "What is it Hermione?" Harry asked, looking in to her chocolate brown eyes.

"You were really good Harry… almost like you have taught a class before." Hermione said, "You didn't happen to be a teacher did you?"

Harry just smiled at her, "Nope… though we did run a defence club… in our fifth year when we get a really bad Defence teacher… that's all I'm saying." he said before he leaned down and gave her a soft kiss.

Hermione seemed to huff at the lack of information, though she then looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Harry… could you tell me… do I become a prefect next year?" she asked.

Harry just looked at her, amusement clearly in his eyes. "Do you really need to ask that Hermione? Of course you do!" he said. Hermione now had a large grin on her face, "Oh… and you become Head Girl."

This caused Hermione to jump at him knocking him to the floor were she proceeded to snog him senseless. After about five minutes Hermione was just laying on top of him, hugging the life out of him.

"I think we should get to dinner now, don't you think?" Harry asked. Hermione just nodded and gave him one last lingering kiss before she got up. Harry also got up and they walked hand in hand to the great hall.


The next day, they had defence for their last lesson. Remus was back and Ron was thanking the gods… he didn't know if he could handle another lesson with Snape teaching it.

"Alright… Now who can tell me what you covered with Professor Snape?" Lupin asked the class. He was greeted by several people yelling.

"STOP! One at a time, now who can tell me? Mr Weasley?" Lupin asked.

"He didn't even listen to what we told him we were up to, he didn't even bother asking us! He just told us to open up to the part on werewolves and then assigned us two foot of parchment on them for homework! We haven't done anything on them before!" Ron's rant was cut off by the Professor, though by the looks of it Ron could have gone on for hours.

"Very well… since I am back now, don't worry about completing that assignment." Lupin said. The class cheered at this. Hermione sent a thankful look at Harry. She would have already finished it if it wasn't for Harry telling her it would be cancelled.

The rest of the class continued on as normal, today Professor Lupin was teaching them more about Hinkypunks and had brought one in, in a glass container. When the bell rang through the tower everyone gathered up their stuff and headed for the door.

"Er… Mr Potter, could I have a word." Lupin called out. Harry waved his friends on and turned back to Lupin. They didn't say a word until everyone was gone.

"Harry… when did you learn that spell that you used on the Quidditch pitch?" Lupin asked looking carefully at Harry. Harry just shrugged his shoulders.

"Over the summer… I found it in one of the books that I bought." Harry said, as if it wasn't a very big deal.

"That's a very difficult spell Harry… most adult wizards cannot perform it. In fact I don't think I know of anyone that could have driven off that many dementors… other than Dumbledore." Lupin said, "You are a powerful wizard Harry."

Lupin then sighed… "Though that is not the reason that I called you back I am afraid… there is something that I need to tell you."

"What is it?" Harry asked, already knowing that Remus was going to tell him about Sirius Black.

"It's concerning Sirius Black and your parents. During school, your father, Sirius and a boy called Peter were my best friends… we did everything together. When we finally left school… your parents went under a spell called the Fidelius Charm… Voldemort was after them. What the charm does is…"

"It hides a house, only the secret keeper can tell someone where it is." Harry said. Lupin was shocked for a second before he nodded his head.

"Yes… Sirius Black was your parent's secret keeper… he was the one that betrayed your parents to You-Know-Who. I know if must be hard to comprehend but Sirius Black escaped Azkaban to try and get you." Lupin said softly.

"I knew that Sirius Black was after me… but about my parents… so he was the rat that betrayed my parents." Harry said, emphasizing the word rat, hoping to get Remus thinking. It seemed like it worked as Remus seemed to have a thoughtful look in his eye, before it went away.

"I guess I should be going…" Harry said. Lupin just nodded.

"Be on your guard when you go into Hogsmeade tomorrow, Harry." Lupin said. Harry also nodded before he left the room, leaving Lupin to think about what had happened all those years ago.


Harry, Hermione and Ron were making their way to the entrance of the castle, talking about the things that they wanted to do in Hogsmeade today. It was then that the twins came around the corner. Their eyes seemed to light up when they spotted Harry.

"Ah Harry my boy!"

"We've been looking for you we have…"

"All over the castle…"

"Mind if we have a quick word in private?" the twins said, Harry just nodded.

"I'll catch up with you guys." he told Hermione and Ron who just nodded and continued through the castle.

Fred and George took Harry into the nearest classroom and locked the door. They then turned to look at him.

"You see Harry…"

"We have been thinking…"

"After you gave us the Firebolts we have been trying to think of something we could give you…"

"And then I had the perfect idea, I did…"

"So… we have decided to give you…"

"The secret to our success!" the twins said together. George then handed over a blank piece of parchment which Harry recognized instantly as the Marauder's Map.

Fred then pulled out his wand and tapped the parchment, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

Harry watched as the ink appeared on the map…

Welcome, oh son of Prongs!

Was the first line that appeared. Harry knew that the twins would have never seen that before,

Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.

Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers are proud to present


Harry smiled at the map, the twins looked confused. "What's with the first part?" George asked Fred who just shrugged. Harry looked at them with amusement in his eyes.

"I could tell you that… well you see…Prongs is actually my dad's nickname." Harry said and nearly laughed when the twins' eyes went wide.

"Y-you're the son of one our hero's!?" George gasped. Harry just smiled and tapped the map again.

"Mischief Managed!" Harry said and the map disappeared.

"How did you know what to do?" Fred asked looking at Harry in awe.

"Well… I have their notes on how they made this in my vault… I could get you a copy if you wanted?" Harry asked, "It also has notes on hundreds of different pranks as well."

The twins' eyes were alight, they slowly nodded before they dropped to their knees, "Oh we thank you noble son of Prongs!" Harry just laughed at them.

"You do know that there is a Marauder working here don't you?" Harry asked. The twins were wide eyed again.

"Moony works here… also known as…Remus Lupin." Harry said slowly. Large grins grew on their faces.

"We thank you oh son of Prongs for this information, and we must take leave now." Fred and George said in unison before leaving the classroom, most likely to find Remus. Harry just chuckled, tucked the map into his pocket before heading down to Hogsmeade.


AN: Im sorry to say I will no longer be posting 2 chapters a day :(, I was doing that to catch up to where I was on FFN, now they will have to slow down… after all you wouldn't want me to run out of Pre-written chapters now