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A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 4 - Shopping! And Truths

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: AH! The next chapter, hope you like it!

"Wand, I need my new wand first." he finally said, and with that they made their way to Knockturn Alley.

I would like to thank Turnlach for his BETA work :P, all mistakes are still mine though


They entered Knockturn Alley and Harry led Sirius through the streets, knowing exactly where to go.

"Er... Harry… how do you know your way around here?" Sirius whispered.

"Er… during my second year, I accidentally flooed here instead of Diagon Alley, had to walk around a bit before I found my way out." Harry whispered back, hoping the half truth would work. It seemed to as Sirius just nodded his head and continued to follow Harry.

About two minutes later, Harry entered an old worn-down shop; it didn't have a name, though you could easily tell it was a wand making shop by the wands in the window.

"What can I do for you two?" a man asked, he looked to be around sixty years old… not too old for a wizard.

"I need to purchase a new wand… my last one was broken…" Sirius said, though since they were both still under their disguise charms, no one could actually tell who they were… except Dumbledore and maybe Voldemort… and even they couldn't see though Harry's.

"Certainly… now what was your last wand made out of?" the clerk asked.

"10 inches, Yew wood, with Dragon Heartstring core." Sirius said. The clerk seemed to be thinking for a little bit before he headed into the back of the shop.

"This one should do it then." he said, handing the wand over to Sirius. When he took hold, he gave a quick flick and the book on the table levitated up.

"Seems good, how much do I owe you?" Sirius asked.

"Ten galleons." he said.

Sirius quickly paid him with the money Harry had given him beforehand and both Harry and Sirius promptly left the shop.

"Clothes now?" Sirius asked, Harry just nodded, he wanted to get out of Knockturn Alley, he never really liked the place and now that they had what they needed he wanted to leave as quick as possible. When they finally got back to Diagon Alley they quickly headed to Madam Malkin's.

Harry of course had to change how tall he was back to normal, and also changed his weight back as well. After all, he wanted the clothes to fit when he was normal.

Both Harry and Sirius entered Madam Malkin's and a young lady came straight to them.

"Do you need any help?" she said, Harry could easily tell she was eyeing Sirius, and he had a smirk at the fact.

"Um, yes… we need two new wardrobes… for both of us… Muggle and Magical…" Sirius said. Harry just nodded in agreement.

"Right then, if you two would just follow me." she said as she led Harry and Sirius though the store towards the back. "Mr Changlin will help the young man, while I help you." she said to Sirius before they both left.

"Now what will you be needing lad?" Mr Changlin asked.

"Well I need two new wardrobes... one muggle the other magical…" Harry said to the man.

"Certainly!" the man said a large smile on his face, "Well let's get going then!"

About three hours later both Harry and Sirius left the robes shop with a pocketful of shrunken clothes.

"So… how did it go? Get any snogging time in?" Harry asked innocently.

"What are you talking about, 'snogging time'" Sirius asked, the tiniest of blushes coming to his face. Harry just smirked at him.

"Well… even I could see the hungry look she was giving you." Harry pointed out, and Sirius blushed a little more, "…And by the look of your face I see you did indeed get some snogging time in." Harry said grinning widely.

"Oh shut up…" Sirius mumbled, "I need a haircut anyway now." Sirius said, trying to change the topic. Harry thought about giving his godfather a little bit more of a hard time but decided against it.

"Yeah… haircut time… We're going to need to change your hair back though, we're just lucky you were able to have a shower yesterday." Harry pointed out, Sirius just nodded and they slipped in between a couple of shops. When they came out, Sirius' hair was long again, though not as messy as is was last night.

They left Diagon Alley and headed out into Muggle London. Harry was wearing jeans, with a dark green shirt, while Sirius was wearing jeans and a black shirt.

They quickly entered the nearest hairdressers' that they could find and Sirius' hair was getting cut ten minutes later. It took about thirty minutes until it was done, after all thirteen years without a haircut leaves a lot of hair…

After the haircut Harry and Sirius made their way back to the Leaky Cauldron. When they got back in Harry's room, Sirius sat down in front of Harry, looking at him.

"Alright, what's going on?" Sirius asked looking intently at him.

"What do you mean?" Harry said, trying to sound innocent.

"Well, the fact that you knew who I was, then there is the fact that you know your way around Knockturn Alley, then there is the way you seem to know more about goblin culture than most wizards and that's just for starters." Sirius said ticking off the things he found strange.

"I-I explained them." Harry said.

Sirius just looked at Harry, "Well then, you might know who I was though a picture, but the fact is we never had pictures of us in our animagus forms… and then who would tell you my name, the name of the person everyone suspected betrayed your parents. Then there is the whole way you somehow worked out I didn't do it." Sirius pointed out.

Harry let out a sigh, he was always going to tell Sirius anyways, but this was sooner than he had planned, "I guess my story did have a couple of holes in it didn't it." Harry said sighing in defeat.

"Just a couple." Sirius said with a small grin.

"Well you have to give me some credit, I made most of the stuff up on the spot." Harry said defending himself.

"Ok… so are you going to tell me the truth?" he asked, Harry just nodded.

"Ok… don't freak out, but… what would you say if I told you I had come back from the future?" Harry asked softly.

"Are you telling me you're from the future?" Sirius asked, Harry just nodded, "Well… if you had just told me I probably wouldn't have believed you… but after everything you know… well I guess it sorta makes sense… but why come back?" he asked.

"On the day of my engagement party… Voldemort attacked… he killed everyone… and I ended up killing him, his Death Eaters and myself by releasing all my magic." Harry said softly, a small tear dripping down his cheek.

Sirius was wide eyed… he didn't know what to say to that so he just hugged him, but there was still something that nagged him, "If you died how did you go back in time?" he asked softly.

Harry smiled slightly, "Well, instead of passing straight into the afterlife, I came before the council of the dead… and they gave me the option of either going back, or going into the afterlife with my parents, fiancée and you… After the four of you talked to me, I decided that it would be best to go back… save everyone before anything really bad happened." Harry said.

Sirius just nodded, and then a small smile crossed his face, "So… who is your fiancée?" he asked. Harry just smiled at him.

"Well, I suspect you will be meeting her in a couple of days… after all before I came back she demanded that I ask her out this year." Harry said with a smile.

Sirius just smiled back before it dropped a little, "How did I die… you know… don't want to make the same mistake twice…" he said, his smile coming back.

"Well… it was my fifth year… at the end of the year, Voldemort tricked me into thinking that he had you prisoner… my friends and I of course came to rescue you, only to find it was a trap for me. You, Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix came rushing in towards the end; you were duelling with Bellatrix Lestrange… I think you stopped and taunted her, and she got a stunner in… you ended up falling though the veil of death." Harry said the last bit in a whisper.

"You have to be kidding me! I died from a stunner! A STUNNER!" Sirius yelled. This caused Harry to break out laughing, Sirius' expression was priceless.

After Sirius finally calmed down, Harry had something else he wanted to bring up, "Sirius I think we should move." he said, "After you died, I got all your properties… there is one in London, not far from here… about a ten minute walk actually. The wards on it stop anyone other than the owner from entering; it also has tons of other wards." Sirius just nodded in agreement.

"Yeah… it would be better to stay somewhere other than the Leaky Cauldron… it's not the safest spot for me at the moment." he said.

"Ok… let's go now then." Harry said, he then went into his room and started to pack his trunk. After five minutes he came back into the living room and found Sirius there waiting, he had already used glamours to disguise himself. Harry quickly used his Metamorphmagus abilities to change his appearance.

"Oh and Sirius… it was Tonks that helped train my Metamorphmagus abilities by the way." Harry said with a small grin, Sirius just shook his head before they left the room.

Fifteen minutes later Harry and Sirius arrived at the house. It was immaculately clean, just like it had been in Harry's time. The house elf that worked here wasn't bonkers like Kreacher.

"Binky." Harry called out and with a small pop the house elf arrived.

"Hello Binky, I'm Harry Potter and this is Sirius Black, the Master of this house." Harry said kindly to the house elf.

"Master has finally come home!" the house elf cried out happily, "Binky will get some dinner cooking for Master and Master's friend." she said before with another pop she was gone.

"I'm going to use the phone… I need to call someone. The living room is just though there… you know how to use a Television?" Harry asked, Sirius just nodded and went into the room.

Harry walked over to the phone; it was one of the good things about living in the muggle world, electricity. He dialled Hermione's number and waited for someone to answer.

"Hello Granger residence." Came the voice of Jane Granger, Hermione's mother.

"Oh hello, I was wondering if Hermione was there?" Harry asked.

"Yes she is. Can I ask who is calling?" Jane asked.

"OH! It Harry, Harry Potter, her friend from school." Harry said quickly.

"Well hello Harry this is Jane, Hermione's mother. We have heard so much about you! I will just get Hermione for you." Jane said. A couple seconds later Harry heard an excited squeal, the sound of running footsteps and then the unmistakable voice of Hermione.

"Harry! How are you?" She yelled.

"Fine Hermione, no need to scream… I thought you knew how to use a telephone…" Harry said laughing softly.

"Oh sorry… how did you get my number anyways mister." she asked.

"I… ah looked it up…" Harry said, thinking up quickly… he couldn't really say I have known you parents number for years now could he…

"Oh of course, how stupid of me… so what's up?" Hermione asked.

"Well I was wondering if you would like to come to go into London tomorrow… muggle mall or something? Just want to see you again." Harry said softly.

"Oh I would love to! Where will I meet you?" Hermione asked.

"Well… I could come to your house first… I don't really know of any malls…" Harry said.

"Ok… I'll see if my dad can pick you up." she said.

"No it's ok, I'll take the Knight Bus." Harry said.

"What's the Knight Bus?" Hermione asked in a confused voice.

"Well a bus for wizards…" Harry said, Hermione just said 'oh',

"So I'll come around tenish?" Harry asked.

"Yep sounds great, see you tomorrow!" Hermione said happily.

"See ya." Harry said before he hung up the phone and went into the dinning room. Sirius was there waiting for Harry, a large meal on the table. Harry just chuckled, Binky always made way too much food.

"What does this house elf think we are? Dragons?" Sirius asked Harry, looking at the amount of food.

"Get used to it… she seems to always cook way too much food." Harry said chuckling softly.

"So… you make plans with your friend?" Sirius asked.

"OH… yeah I'm going to go into muggle London with her tomorrow… did you have plans or something?" Harry asked a little embarrassed, he had forgot about Sirius…

"Binky said she is going to show me some of the other properties that I own… and explain the wards… you know, just in case." Sirius said, Harry just nodded. They ate the meal, making small conversation before they both went to their new beds.

AN: Last three chapters have been BETA'd, thanks Turnlach, and have been updated. (This one is yet to be checked)


AN: Yes thank you very much :P