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A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 10 - Defence Against the Dark Arts

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Thanks to Turnlach for his BETA work!


The next day they had potions first up… with Snape and the Slytherins. It was everyone's least favourite class… well if you weren't in Slytherin that was.

Malfoy walked into the classroom five minutes late and sat down without an excuse. Harry just shook his head at the fact that Snape could openly favour his house so much.

Snape started to explain the de-aging potion that they would be making this class, Harry zoned out, ignoring Snape's lecture. That was until he felt something like a worm entering the back of his head. Harry's eyes slowly went to Snape, who was glaring at him. Quickly looking away, Harry thought he would have some fun.

Harry brought up his Occlumency shields and started projecting thoughts of Snape; things that he would like to say to him, the things that he thought of him. Harry was trying to control his laughter when he noticed the hatred and anger that was growing in Snape's eyes. He then felt Snape try to pull out quickly and hard, something that would give Harry a splitting headache. Instead of letting Snape do this, Harry grabbed hold of the worm and stretched it before letting it fling out of his head and back into Snape's.

Harry watched at Snape's hands went to his head; the headache he would have at the moment must be huge!

"Start making your potions!" he hissed before going into the backroom of his office, most likely to brew a headache cure potion.

"Harry, did you hear?" Seamus whispered to him, "They spotted Sirius Black, not far from here!"

Harry just shook his head; he also noticed that Draco seemed to be listening intently to their conversation.

"Yeah… well he was spotted by a muggle… so by the time the ministry got there he was gone." Seamus said, Harry was cursing… what was Sirius thinking! He would have to call him tonight on his mobile.

Ron seemed to mutter something like, "Not far from here", when Draco spoke up.

"So Potter, going to catch him then huh?" he sneered.

"And why would I do something stupid like that Malfoy you idiot." Harry said. Though Malfoy continued on like he had not heard him,

"If it was me, I would have already done something; I know I would be wanting revenge." Malfoy said.

"You know Malfoy… that's very Gryffindor of you?" Harry said which caused Draco to narrow his eyes.

"Don't you want revenge Potter?" Harry ignored him, "You don't know do you." Malfoy said laughing, Harry turned to him.

"Oh, I know he was sent to prison for betraying my parents… but I don't see that as a reason to go and get myself killed." Harry said. "You would have to be an idiot to do that… Maybe that's why you were suggesting it… after all you are an idiot Malfoy." Harry said, Ron started to laugh.

Malfoy was about to retort when Snape walked back into the classroom. Ron was still laughing and Snape narrowed his eyes at him. "20 points form Gryffindor, Weasley!" this instantly shut Ron up. The rest of the class seemed to go as it normally did; Neville lost another ten points since his potion wasn't right. Snape didn't try to invade Harry's mind again that class, but he seemed to be shooting glances at him.

The next class was the first one with Lupin. Harry didn't know what he was going to do with Remus. He wanted Remus to know he knew who he was… but he needed a way to tell him.

The class settled down, and everyone started to take out their books, except Harry. When Hermione asked him, Harry just winked at her. She stopped taking her stuff out as well, after all Harry already knew what this class was about.

Remus entered the classroom, "Put your stuff away, this will be a practical lesson… and we will be going to a different room for this lesson." Remus said. The class started to pack up their stuff, Harry and Hermione who already had all their stuff packed stood up and went to the door, standing next to Lupin.

Harry watched as Lupin shot Harry a quick glance, while Harry gave him a look. A look as if he knew him from somewhere, but couldn't remember.

"If you will follow me please." Lupin said, once the class was ready. They walked down the hall and entered the staff room. The room was empty except for Professor Snape who seemed to be just leaving.

"A word of warning Lupin." Snape sneered, "You have Longbottom in your class… a walking disaster." he then started to towards the door, but Harry quickly used a type of Legilimency/mind-control technique which gave the person urges to do certain things.

Snape spun around just as he reached the door, "Oh and Lupin… I love you!" he said the last bit in a light voice, before he left the room like nothing had happened.

The whole class was silent; Lupin was wide eyed, his mouth slightly hanging open. In a matter of seconds the whole class broke out in uncontrolled laughter. Hermione could see the happy/smug grin on Harry's face and sent him a questioning look, which Harry only answered with a wink. Hermione giggled at this.

Professor Lupin decided it was time to get on with the class, and called the students to silence, "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, settle down…" he called and the laughter soon died down. "Well as I was saying, before Professor Snape… lost his mind…" the class chuckled at this, "We are here because there is a boggart in the closet over here and I thought it would be perfect for our first lesson." Remus explained. As if on cue, the closet shook.

"Now… what can you tell me about Boggarts?" He asked the class. Instantly Hermione's hand shot up, "Yes. Miss Granger?"

"A boggart is a shape-shifter." She said, "It changes into the form of your greatest fear."

"Correct, Five points to Gryffindor… can anyone else add on that?" Harry slowly raised his hand.

"Yes, Ha-Mr Potter."

"A boggart uses a form of Legilimency to find out what you fear." Harry said, most of the class seemed confused with this.

"Yes… Correct, ten points to Gryffindor… that's an advanced answer, and something that we will not be looking at though." Professor Lupin said, looking at Harry in amazement.

"Well, a boggart likes to live in dark, enclosed spaces." Lupin said, "They can change into anything, and use a type of Legilimency as Mr Potter said to find out what you fear and change into that very thing. The way to fight a boggart is with a rather simply spell, it will change the boggart from something that you fear into something funny." Remus explained.

"We will practice this charm, without wands first. After me… Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus" the class said together follow Professor Lupin's example.

"Very good, now to try the real thing… Mr Longbottom, would you come here please?" Lupin said, Neville came nervously forward. "Now Mr Longbottom, what is it that you fear the most?" he asked.

"Muph ruphf." Neville muttered.

"What was that?" Lupin asked,

"Professor Snape." Neville muttered, causing Lupin to laugh.

"Yes… I do too, especially after his last comment." This caused Neville to crack a smile. "Now when you cast the spell, picture your grandmother's clothes and Snape wearing them." Neville just nodded.

Lupin then stood to the side, "Ok… NOW!" he said and released the door, the picture perfect image of Professor Snape stepped out.

"R-R-Riddikulus!" Neville yelled. A popping sound went though the room and now the class were viewing the image of professor Snape wearing old lady's clothes, a large fur scarf around his neck and a stuffed vulture hat on his head.

"Very Good! Now form a line and take turns!" Lupin called out and everyone jumped into line.

Parvati was the next forward and the boggart changed into a mummy. She said the spell and with a crack it fell to the floor, the bandages making a ball which rolled around the ground.

Seamus was next and the ball changed into a banshee, which let out a wailing shriek. Seamus yelled the spell and the Banshee grabbed its throat as a hoarse croak came out, its voice now making frog sounds.

Next was Dean, and with a 'crack' the Banshee changed into a severed hand, which began dragging itself to wards Dean. With another 'crack' it changed into a hand caught in a mouse trap.

"KEEP IT UP! RON YOU'RE NEXT!" Lupin yelled,

Ron came forward and the hand changed into a very large spider. Ron whimpered slightly before doing the charm, with another crack each of the spider's legs now had roller skates on them, and it was trying, and failing to stand up.

Harry was next, Harry was interested in what he feared now… he knew if wouldn't be a dementor, since we was no longer afraid of them. So he lowered his shields. Lupin seemed to flinch like he wanted to stop what was happing, with a crack, the boggart changed, this time though it was more than one thing.

Voldemort was standing over Hermione's body she seemed to be still alive but then in a flash Voldemort, uttered the two lethal words and the green bolt hit the fake Hermione's body and she went limp.

In a flash Harry's wand was out and a purple blast hit the boggart, making it exploded in a shower of rainbow colours. The whole class was quiet and they all noticed that Harry's eyes were glowing green, hell they could feel the power radiating off him. Harry quickly calmed his emotions and pushed his magic down. Lupin quickly announced that the class was dismissed. Though Harry didn't move, he waved Hermione on, telling her he will catch up.

Harry turned to Professor Lupin; "Remus Lupin," Harry said simply, "Tell me how I know you."

Remus was surprised by this, he hadn't expected Harry to know him, "You remember me?" Remus asked softly.

"I know your name from somewhere… I can't place it though… so you know me?" Harry asked.

Remus just nodded, "Yes… I was friends with your parents… good friends… I knew you when you were a baby." Remus said softly.

"Moony." Harry said. Remus' eyes shot to his, "Ah so it is your nickname… I also remembered that… somehow with your name…" Harry said with a small smile which Remus returned.

"Would you like me to tell you about your parents? I have photos and stuff I could show you… if you wanted." Remus offered. Harry smiled at him.

"I'd like that a lot… but now… I have to get to my next class." Harry said with a small smile, and Remus just nodded.


AN: Ah another chapter uploaded :P hope you all enjoyed it! R/R!