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A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 28 - The Champions

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Well here is another chapter! Thanks Turnlach once again!


By now the rest of the students were seated at their house tables, the Beauxbatons students had sat down with the Ravenclaws while the Durmstrang students were still standing, waiting to hear where they will sit.

"Harry, move over! Maybe we can get Krum to sit here!" Ron whispered excitedly.

"Jeez Ron he's only a Quidditch player, you're acting like he's the love of your life." Hermione said, looking at him like he was insane.

"J-just a Quidditch player! He's one of the best in the world Hermione!" Ron hissed at her, he then turned to face the Durmstrang students, "Sit here! HERE!" Ron was hissing it over and over.

Ron groaned loudly when Victor Krum went and sat down with the Slytherins. "Thanks a lot Hermione." Ron said bitterly.

"What! I didn't do anything so don't blame me that your crush is sitting with the Slytherins." Hermione hissed angrily at him. Harry also glared at Ron.

"What?" Ron asked Harry, totally confused about why he was glaring at him.

"Hermione had nothing to do with bloody Krum sitting with the bloody Slytherins so don't blame her." Harry hissed. Ron just looked at him like he was mad. Hermione on the other hand smiled, she liked it when Harry stood up for her.

"Welcome everyone!" Dumbledore called out. "It's a great pleasure to welcome our guests to Hogwarts; I hope you all enjoy your stay!" Dumbledore said happily, his eyes were twinkling like mad as he scanned the students.

"The tournament will be officially started at the end of the feast… Enjoy!" Once the last word left Dumbledore's mouth food appeared on all the tables. This time though there were all different kinds of food. Hermione was actually in the middle of explaining to Ron what some of it was.

About twenty minutes into the feast, Harry had finished eating his main meal and was currently feeding Hermione a little bit of cake.

"Excuse me, are you finished with ze Bouillabaisse?" a girl's voice asked from behind them. Harry straight away knew who it was, Fleur Delacour, also Bill's future wife.

"Yep, it's all yours." Harry said with a sincere smile.

"Yeah, it was great." Ron said in a goofy voice. Fleur gave a small smile before thanking them and heading back to the Ravenclaw table.

"She's a Veela!" Ron hissed to Harry and Hermione.

"I doubt that, I don't see anyone else acting stupid around her." Hermione said.

"She could be half or quarter." Harry suggested. Hermione thought about it for a second before nodding in agreement.

"I'm telling you they don't make them like that at Hogwarts!" Ron said leaning over to keep a look at her.

"Na… they make them better." Harry said softly before giving Hermione a soft kiss on the lips, this along with his words caused her to blush a little before she leaned more into him. Ron just scrunched up his nose before turning back to look at Fleur.

It was then that Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch walked into the hall and sat down at the free seats at the staff table.

"If you pulled your eyes off the girl for a second Ronald you would be able to see who just came in." Hermione said pointing to the front.

"What are they doing here?" Ron asked.

"Well they helped set this up, if it's my guess they will be the other judges." Hermione said in her know-it-all tone which caused Harry to grin.

Dumbledore once again stood up and waited until everyone had stopped talking, "The time has come" Dumbledore said with a big smile, "but before we start I would like to introduce the last two judges, Mr Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, and also Mr Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sport."

All the students cheered loudly when Ludo's name was read out, most likely because he was a very famous ex-beater. When the cheering finally died down Dumbledore continued.

"Mr Bagman and Mr Crouch have worked non-stop over the last couple of months to be able to bring the tournament to us this year and will be joining my self and the other headmasters on the judging bench."

Dumbledore paused as Filch brought what looked like an old miniature coffin up and laid it in front of Dumbledore.

"As some of you know, there are three champions that will enter the contest. One from each school, they will compete in three different challenges and will gain points on their magical prowess, daring, their power of deduction and their ability to cope with danger."

By now the whole hall was silent, carefully listening to every word that Dumbledore was saying.

"Now as there are only three competitors in the tournament, you will need to place your name and hope that you get chosen. To choose the champions we will be using, the Goblet of Fire."

Dumbledore pulled the goblet out and stood it up on the table, everyone could see that the goblet was very old and looked very, very valuable.

"Anyone wishing to have a chance to compete must write their name and school on a piece of parchment and place it in the goblet. As you have all been told, there is an age limit of 17. Anyone that is old enough has twenty four hours to place their name in the goblet."

Dumbledore paused as some people began muttering between themselves, though it quickly stopped.

"Now to stop anyone under the required age, I will personally be placing down an age line, which will not allow anyone under seventeen to pass though it."

"An age line!" Fred said excitedly, "Well that should be fooled by an aging potion!"

"Yep and by the sound of it once you get your name in, the goblet can't tell the difference." George said happily.

"I doubt anyone under seventeen will stand a chance." Hermione said. "I bet that the reason Dumbledore is putting it there in the first…"

"Speak for yourself." George said quickly. Hermione just sighed and leaned against Harry.

"Don't worry love, they won't get past the line." Harry whispered in her ear, his eyes were twinkling just like Dumbledore's did.

It was then that everyone started to leave the hall and go to bed. Harry, Hermione and Ron all stood up, though Ron was jumping up and down looking for someone.

"Where is he? Did they say where they are sleeping?" Ron asked still looking around.

"Ron they came here on a ship, I bet there are beds on it." Harry said. Ron stopped jumping around and now had a disappointed look on his face.

"I guess you're right." Ron said before turning around and walking straight into Igor Karkaroff, "OH SORRY." Ron said quickly.

"It's no prob…" Karkaroff started though stopped half way when his eyes landed on Harry's forehead.

The rest of the Durmstrang students also came to a halt behind their headmaster and they too soon noticed 'The Harry Potter' standing there and started whispering to each other.

By now Harry was rather annoyed and let go of his magic slightly, everyone close to Harry felt the power wash over them, "Can I help you?" Harry asked politely, though his eyes seemed to have lighting bolts contained in them.

Karkaroff flinched slightly, "No, no problem, come along students." Karkaroff called before leaving the great hall, his students sending quick looks at Harry as they passed.

"Come on let's go." Harry said, they all then left and headed to Gryffindor tower.


Since the next day was a Saturday, most people would usually sleep in. Harry, Hermione and Ron on the other hand woke up nice and early and quickly walked down to see the goblet. They were not surprised to see other students up this early also, having a good look at it.

"Anyone entered yet?" Ron asked no one in particular.

"All of Durmstrang have, but I haven't seen anyone from Hogwarts yet." said a sixth year Ravenclaw that none of them knew.

Harry turned around just as the twins entered the hall; they seemed to have a very proud look on their faces.

"We just took it." Fred said.

"Yep, one drop each, only need to age a couple of months." George added proudly.

Hermione was about to say something when Harry quickly stopped her, she looked at him and could see the amusement in his eyes, so decided to just watch.

Fred and George slowly walked up to the line and both jumped over it at the same time, they seemed to think it worked as everyone cheered, though then a soft hissing sound came. When Fred and George took one more step they were all of a sudden thrown backwards, both of them now had large white beards.

"Well I did warn you" came the amused voice of Albus Dumbledore; most people gasped expecting them to be in a lot of trouble.

"I suggest you head down to the hospital wing, Poppy is also treating Mr Johnston and Miss Smith, they both also tried to age themselves… but I must say neither of their beards look as good as yours." Dumbledore finished in amused voice.

Fred and George couldn't help it, they started laughing hard… they couldn't believe that Dumbledore cracked a joke when they had just tried what he had told everyone not to do.

Fred and George then left the hall and headed to the hospital wing, while Dumbledore went to the teachers table to have breakfast.

"Well I did it." Someone said from behind them, everyone turned to see Angelina standing there.

"You entered! I hope you get it!" Hermione said happily.

"Thanks Hermione." Angelina said with a smile.

"Good luck." Harry said, Harry then looked at Ron but saw that he was distracted. Beauxbatons had entered the hall and Ron was staring at Fleur again. Harry nudged Hermione and pointed this out which caused her to chuckle.

The Beauxbatons students lined up and each put their names into the goblet one by one before taking a seat at the Ravenclaw table for breakfast.


For most people that couldn't wait to find out the champions the day seemed to take forever. But for Harry, who was dreading tonight the day seemed to fly by.

Harry remembered last time this happened the Halloween feast also seemed to last a lot longer than usual, though this time to Harry it felt like the shortest dinner he had ever had.

The whole hall fell into silence as Dumbledore stood up, "I think that it is now time to pick the champions for each school." Dumbledore then walked from the teachers table and to the goblet that was right in the middle of the hall.

When Dumbledore reached it the goblet all of a sudden ignited in a blue flame.

"If your name is called you will stand and enter the door next to the teachers table." Dumbledore said pointing to the door.

The flame all of a sudden changed from blue to green, a piece of parchment was sent out and was hovering above the flames. When Dumbledore took it, the flames turned back to their blue colour.

"The champion for Durmstrang will be… VICTOR KRUM!" Dumbledore called out.

The whole hall broke out in applause as Victor stood and walked over to Karkaroff, shook his hand before heading through the door. When the applause finally died down, the flame once again changed green and another piece of parchment flew out.

"The champion for Beauxbatons will be… FLEUR DELACOUR!" Dumbledore call out.

Once again the hall busted into applause, Fleur walked over to Maxime and gave her a hug before entering the room. Harry could see some of the girls that had not been chosen were now crying. Once again when the applause died down the goblet turned green again. Dumbledore grabbed the parchment.

"And the Champion for Hogwarts will be… CEDRIC DIGGORY!"

"NO!" Ron yelled out, though no one heard as the Hufflepuffs started applauding the loudest. Cedric shook Dumbledore's hand before also continuing though the door. When the applause died down Dumbledore spoke up

"Now that the champions have chosen…" though Dumbledore stopped when the goblet once again changed green and another piece of parchment shot into the air.

With reflexes not many knew he had Dumbledore grabbed the parchment, before reading it he looked up and his eyes shot to Harry for a second. Dumbledore cleared his throat.


Harry knew it was going to happen, so he sat there making himself look like he was in complete and utter shock. He then turned to Hermione and Ron.

"I didn't put my name in… you know I didn't." Hermione nodded, while Ron just sat there blankly.

Dumbledore cleared his throat once more, "Harry Potter" Dumbledore called, "Come on Harry."

Harry slowly got to his feat and walked over to Dumbledore; he could feel everyone's eyes on him and couldn't blame them either.

"Though the door Harry." Dumbledore said softly. Harry nodded and entered. Inside the other three looked at him strangely as he sat down.

Fleur was the first to speak, "Do zey want us back in the hall?" she asked. Harry just shook his head.

It was then that Bagman came in, "Extraordinary! Ladies and gentlemen I introduce the fourth champion!"

"What? Is this a joke, he somehow cheated to get in and now he gets to compete!" Krum said angrily.

"Shut it Krum before I make it so you can't walk let alone catch the damn snitch. I didn't enter my name at all." Harry said angrily.

Harry noticed that both Fleur and Cedric were frowning; it was when that the headmasters and McGonagall entered the room.

"Madame Maxime!" Fleur said when her headmistress entered, "Zey are saying zat zis little boy is to complete also!"

Harry could feel the angry boiling under his skin.

"What is ze meaning of zis Dumbledore?" Maxime asked. Igor nodded in agreement with her question.

"Yes Dumbledore, we were under the impression that your age line wouldn't allow people fewer than seventeen enter or else we would have brought more people"

"Don't blame Albus, this is Potter's fault." came Snape's sneering voice.

This did it for Harry he stood up and looked Snape right in the eye, "And what reason would I have for entering this fucking tournament you snivelling piece of shit." Harry spat. He was barely keeping control of his magic and everyone in the room could feel the power washing off him.

Dumbledore knew it would be bad if Harry was to lose control, "Harry calm down and Severus leave, now!" Snape sneered at Harry before leaving, slamming the door shut.

"REASON! REASON!" Karkaroff bellowed, "How about a thousand reasons!"

Harry stared at Karkaroff in distaste, "A thousand galleons… a thousand galleons… that's petty change." Harry said, his loathing for the man clearly evident.

"Harry" Dumbledore said, Harry turned to look him in the eye, "Did you put your name in the Goblet?" he asked. Harry could feel the probe and let it past his shields, after all he was telling the truth.


"Did you have another student place it in there?" Dumbledore asked, again Harry let the probe through.


Harry then felt the probe retract and Dumbledore nodded, "This is an outrage! Hogwarts cannot have two champions!" Karkaroff yelled.

"I'm afraid you have no choice." came the voice of Professor Moody. Harry resisted the urge to snort, after all it had been Moody that entered him. "Rather good plan actually…"

"I will be lodging complaints! To the Minster and the department…"

"The only one who should complain is Potter, but he doesn't seem to be doing much." Moody growled.

"And why should 'e! 'E has been chosen to complete! Ze honour of ze school if not the money! Most people would die to be where 'e is!" Fleur said.

"Yes… maybe someone is hoping he will do just that." Moody responded.

"Do what?" Maxime asked.

"Die for it, of course. It's an impressive plan, he can't back out." Moody said gruffly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And what proof do you have of that!" Karkaroff asked, looking at Moody as if he was mad.

"It would take an extremely powerful Confundus Charm to confuse that cup into thinking it has to draw four champions. It's my guess that whoever did it put Potter under a fourth school or something, so that he would definitely be called." Moody said.

"You seem to have a great deal of knowledge on this Moody." Karkaroff said eyeing him suspiciously.

"I'm an Auror, it's my job to think and work out these things." Moody growled.

"That's enough, it does not matter anymore, we have no choice but to accept the fact that Harry will also have to complete." Dumbledore said softly.

"But Dumbly-dorr-…"

"Madame my dear, if you have an alternative I would be glad to hear it and I suspect so would Harry here." Dumbledore said softly.

When no one said anything Dumbledore motioned for Crouch to begin.

"Right, now for the first task we will be testing your daring." Crouch said looking at all four of them. "Therefore we will not be telling you what you will be facing."

It was then Bagman stepped in, "The first task will be on November the twenty-fourth, you will have nothing but your wands." Bagman explained.

"That's all… oh and also because of the demanding and time-consuming nature of the tournament you will not have to sit end of year tests."

Crouch then looked back at Dumbledore, "I think that's all Albus."

"I think so." Maxime then led Fleur out quickly, Karkaroff also led Krum out, who glared at Harry before leaving.

"Harry, Cedric, I suggest you both also head back. I dare say both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor are wanting to throw parties." Dumbledore said softly, they both nodded and left together.

"So… did you enter your name?" Cedric asked softly.

"No… I have no reason to… I have enough money and I'm already bloody famous enough." Harry said sighing softly.

"For what it's worth, I believe you… though I doubt many others will." Cedric said softy. Harry just nodded and they parted ways, heading for their respected dorms.

When Harry entered the common room he was once again blasted by people cheering for him. It took him half an hour to finally get away and head to bed. He had tried once again to tell them he hadn't entered but just like last time it didn't work.

When he got into his dorm, Ron was laying there in his bed, Harry sighed softly, knowing what was coming.

"Well congratulations." Ron said sarcastically.

"For what… I didn't enter." Harry said softly.

"Ah-huh… but really how did you do it… it couldn't have been the cloak, because I could have entered then as well." Ron said.

"Look Ron, I didn't put my name in the damn goblet, someone else bloody did." Harry said angrily.

"And why would anyone want to do that, why would anyone want to give you the chance at the fame and glory and not themselves?" Ron asked raising an eyebrow. "You know you can tell me the truth, its not like I'm going to tell on you…"

"I didn't fucking put my name in!" Harry yelled at him.

"What ever Harry, you better get to bed. I bet they'll be wanting the famous boy-who-lived and the Hogwarts champion for a photo shoot or something tomorrow." Ron sneered before pulling his hangings shut. Harry just sighed and collapsed into his bed. It was going to be just like last time… only this time Ron seemed to be even angrier at him for getting in.


AN: Well there you go I think that answers all your questions on whether on not Ron would be Jealous… I don't know why but I really, really don't like Ron at all… there is something about his character that I don't like so hes not always in the best light in my stories… as you probley know.

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