Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 32 - The Yule Ball

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Thanks again to Turnlach for his BETA work!


The next morning Harry and Hermione headed down to the great hall hand in hand. Hermione didn't know why but she noticed that she seemed to be receiving a lot more glares than usual.

When they sat down Hermione finally found out the reason why when she picked up the morning's Prophet.


Hermione Granger is one of Hogwarts finest witches and has been rumoured to be dating Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived for the last year.

But is everything as it seems? No, this reporter has gathered through her own eyes and heard from a number of students that what appears on the inside may not be what is really happing.

Yesterday afternoon this reported overheard one Harry Potter and also the Famous Seeker from Bulgaria, Victor Krum arguing over the affections of Miss Granger. Is this witch using love potions to get the two most eligible bachelors? Well this reporter went to the students to ask their opinion.

"Granger is always meddling in Potions, and last year Potter all of a sudden fell in love with her. She isn't even pretty and would have no chance at getting Potter without doing something." Said Pansy Parkinson.

Also young Mr Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, best friends with young Mr Potter since first year also stated that there seemed to be something wrong with the relationship and was also quoted saying that he wouldn't put it past Granger to use love potions…

Harry muttered under his breath before turning the page where he found another article by Rita Skeeter.


Recently discovered by this reporter is the number of dangerous teachers that have been hired by Albus Dumbledore. This summer Dumbledore hired one Alastor 'Mad-eye' Moody to come in to teach Defence against the Dark Arts.

This once great Auror has since turned into a 'Jinx happy' old man who after retirement is rumoured to have gone insane. Though Mad-Eye Moody appears to be a gentle old man compared to Hogwarts' Care of Magical Creatures teacher, one Rubeus Hagrid.

This unusually large man is said to use his new position to terrify the students. According to members of the class numbers of students have been seriously injured. Though what does Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of the school do? Nothing but turn a blind eye.

"I was nearly killed by a Hippogriff last year and my friend Crabbe nearly lost his finger when a Flobberworm bit him." Said Draco Malfoy a fourth year student, "None of the students like him, but we're too scared to actually say anything about it."

Harry cut the articles out of the paper after Hermione had read them; she looked at him weirdly to which he just said he would tell her later. They both then quickly got up and left the hall, most of the students' eyes following their path.

When they were out of the hall they happened to run into Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. All three of them had rather smug looks on their faces. Malfoy was about to say something when he was caught by surprise when Harry's first slammed right into his nose.

Malfoy fell to the ground like a puppet having its strings cut. Instantly Crabbe and Goyle started to advance on Harry but stopped when they found themselves facing both Harry and Hermione's wands. With an unintelligible grunt they both picked Malfoy up and hurried to the hospital wing.

"Was that really necessary Harry?" Hermione asked a little angrily.

"Very." Harry said before heading to Hagrid's hut. Hermione followed after him with a little huff but didn't say anything else, inside she was actually quite pleased with what Harry had done.

The two of them quickly hurried down to Hagrid's cabin. Hermione knocked softly on the door and was a little surprised when no one answered.

"Hagrid! It's us!" Harry called out, but still didn't get an answer. This time Harry knocked even harder and yelled.


It was then the door opened but instead of Hagrid, Dumbledore was standing there.

"I fully agree with you Harry." Dumbledore said before he turned back to Hagrid who was sitting in the corner, "Don't you see Hagrid, the ones that care for you are not bothered by this."

Harry and Hermione quickly entered the room and gave Hagrid a hug which he happily returned.

"You see Hagrid, they still want you to be a part of their lives." Dumbledore said in a caring voice.

"Hagrid! If you think for one moment that we would leave you because of some article that Skeeter cow wrote you are sorely mistaken!" Hermione said crossing her arms and looking at Hagrid with that 'you're not getting away with it' look.

They spent the next hour down in Hagrid's cabin and he finally agreed that he would continue teaching, but asked Dumbledore if he could take a week off which Dumbledore happily allowed.


Harry, Hermione, Ron and his date to the Yule Ball, Lavender, were all heading into Hogsmeade so that the girls could buy their new dress robes. It was when they reached the Hogsmeade's entrance that they were surprised.

Standing there waiting for them were Sirius, Remus, Dan and Jane. Hermione straight away ran up and hugged her parents; Harry quickly walked up and also hugged Sirius and Remus. He then turned to the Grangers and shook Dan's hand but when he went to shake Jane's she brushed it away and grabbed him also into a hug.

"Now… I believe us girls have some shopping to do?" Jane said indicating to herself, Hermione and Lavender.

"That's right, and us men…" Sirius said, waving his hands in the air, "Will be waiting for you in the Three Broomsticks." He said with a smile.

The three girls nodded and Hermione and Lavender quickly led Jane to the nearest robe store.

Harry and Ron followed the men, more than a little disappointed that they wouldn't get to watch their dates try on a number of beautiful dresses. Dan seemed to notice this and decided it was probably best to point something out.

"Don't worry boys… if you had gone with them you would have been stuck waiting while they tried on gowns in private so they could surprise you." Dan said giving Harry a pat on the back.

Harry nodded, knowing full well it was true… there had been numerous times when Harry had gone shopping with Hermione only to be told to sit and wait as she tried on all different outfits in a private room.

"Come on guys, we will have a couple butterbeers on me while we wait!" Sirius said happily. Harry noticed that Ron seemed to cheer up slightly at the mention of butterbeer.

They were waiting for a good four hours before the girls finally showed up at the Three Broomsticks, carrying a number of different bags. Harry kept trying to look into the bags only to have his hand slapped away by Hermione.

Sirius finally stepped up and shrank the bags for the girls so that they could put them in their pockets and enlarge them once they got back to Hogwarts and were allowed to perform magic again.

They sat in the Three Broomsticks talking about the school year so far and talking about the up coming task for about half an hour before Harry stood up and announced that he and Hermione needed to do something and should be back in about an hour.

Hermione looked at him questionably before following him outside and taking his hand.

"What are you talking about Harry?" Hermione asked softly so that no one would over hear her.

"I need to get something from Gringotts, something for both of us." Harry whispered to her. Hermione for her part just nodded and let Harry lead the way.

Harry and Hermione quickly ducked behind a shop where no one could see them and grabbing hold of Hermione they both disappeared with a barely audible 'pop'.

When they arrived they seemed to be in a small alleyway between a couple of shops. Giving Hermione a soft kiss on the cheek Harry quickly led her out into the main street of Diagon Alley. Walking quickly they arrived at Gringotts and made their way through the giant white stone doors.

Instead of making his way to the booths where someone would usually go to access their accounts Harry turned down a long hallway. They walked about halfway down until they came across a door that was labelled, Potter/Gryffindor.

Harry and Hermione entered the room and found Griphook sitting behind a large desk looking though some papers. The goblin quickly looked at and smiled when he noticed Harry standing there.

"Ah, Lord Potter it's a pleasure to see you again and… Miss Granger I presume?" Griphook asked.

Hermione gave a small smile and nodded. Harry on the other hand sighed.

"Griphook, please just call me Harry." Harry said with a smile. Griphook nodded and also smiled slightly.

"Certainly Harry. Now what can I do for you today?" he asked in what seemed to be a cheerful manner.

"I need to pick up a couple items from my vault." Harry said, "Oh and I would also like to add someone to my vault's access list."

Griphook nodded, "Certainly, I assume that the person you wish to add is one Miss Granger?" Griphook asked. Harry nodded and Hermione's head snapped to him. Harry for his part looked away and avoided her eyes. She was mad enough last time he had done this and they were engaged at the time.

Griphook quickly scribbled something down on a form before placing it into a tray where the paper disappeared.

"Now, we will finish that later. If you will follow me we will go to your vault.

Harry and Hermione followed Griphook into a back room where there was another door, but this one also had a stone on a pedestal next to it; the stone was glowing a light blue colour.

"Now Harry, you will need to place your hand on the stone, state your full name and title and state that you allow access to Miss Granger, so that she to can come through the portal to your vault.

Harry nodded and placed his hand on the stone; the stone stopped glowing blue and was now glowing white.

"I, Lord Harry James Potter allow Miss Hermione Jane Granger access to the Potter and Gryffindor Ancestral vaults." Harry stated. The stone then briefly glowed red before going back to its normal blue.

"Very good, now if you will follow me." Griphook said and went through the door. Harry and Hermione followed him and found themselves now at the entrance of his vault.

"Harry if you would enter and turn your key." Griphook said and Harry did so. Griphook then ran his finger down a line that was engraved in the vault door. After several clicking sounds the vault door slowly opened and Hermione gasped.

The vault was about the size of the great hall and there were mountain loads of different colour coins along the back wall. She could see the gold Galleons, the silver Sickles and the bronze Knuts but there were also these other coins that seemed to be black.

"Umm… Harry what are the black coins?" Hermione asked softly, finally getting over her shock.

"They're called Mercs, there is a hundred Galleons in one Merc. Most people haven't even seen one." Harry said as if it wasn't very important.

Hermione's eyes were even wider now… there were… a lot of those coins there.

"Umm… Harry… how much money do you have here?" Hermione asked softly.

"Er, Griphook could you get a balance sheet?" Harry asked. Griphook nodded and quickly went to grab a piece of parchment that was attached to the wall and handed it to Harry.

Inventory Status, Potter/Gryffindor Vault

602,854 Mercs

8,758,581,568 Galleons

7,854,852 Sickles

1,456,783 Knuts

3,457,895 Pounds

800,697 Books (Ask for complete list)

Prototype Snitch…

Harry stopped reading, knowing that he had answered Hermione's question. Her eyes were now wide and her mouth slightly open, he couldn't help but laugh at her expression. Her mouth had fallen open when he mentioned the amount off books he owned.

"Griphook, would we be able to get a list of the books when we head back up?" Harry asked. Griphook nodded.

Harry then softly kissed Hermione on the lips; it seemed to snap her out of her daze.

"H-Harry… you have to be one of the richest people in the world!" Hermione stammered.

"Yeah I know…" Harry said softly, "Can you understand why I never like to talk about money with Ron around now?" He asked softly.

"Yeah… I can see how he would be jealous of this." Hermione said looking around. "I can't believe you have so many books." she mumbled and Harry chuckled.

Harry then started to walk to the back of the room where there were a number of chests; Hermione was currently looking over some of the books that were stacked into a couple of shelves.

Quickly looking through the chests he found two, one had 'James Potter' labelled on it, the other had 'Lily Evans' on it. He had looked through these a number of times in the future, and would do so again. But now wasn't the time and there was something that he needed from inside them.

Quickly opening both chests he found two rectangle boxes which he quickly grabbed and closed the chests again.

"Coming Hermione, we better be getting back." Harry called out. Hermione quickly came over to him, he noticed she had a book clutched in her hands; it looked like a very old book.

"Umm… Harry I was wondering… could I… I will understand if you wouldn't let me…" Hermione said rambling.

"You can borrow the book Hermione." Harry said cutting her rambling off.

Hermione beamed up at him, "Thank you Harry." she said softly, giving him a little kiss.

"Now, what book did you find anyway?" Harry asked, trying to get a look at the cover.

"It's an old book about the history of the elves… I was hopping I could find something on house elves in here." Hermione said. Harry nodded and they left the vault and re-entered the door they had came through, finding themselves once again in Griphook's office.

Griphook took his seat behind his desk once again while Harry and Hermione took the seats in front of his desk.

"Now, Miss Granger you need to sign these couple of paper to finish the process of adding you to Harry's vaults." Griphook said handing a couple of parchments over.

Hermione looked at Harry and was about to say something but Harry cut her off, "Look Hermione, you and I both know that you would be added soon or later." Harry reasoned.

Hermione sighed and finally nodded being signing the papers and then handed them to Griphook, "Good, now that that it done… this is for your Mr Potter." Griphook said handing over a black book, "It's a list of all the book's that you own, it there is one that you need send us an owl and we will happily send it to you. That know includes you Miss Granger." Griphook said, Harry nodded and chuckled softly when Hermione snatched the black book and started looking over the titles.

"Miss Granger, this is also for you." he said handing over a money pouch that looked just like Harry's. He then explained what it was and how to use it.

"Thank you Griphook, but we must be going now" Harry said with a smile.

"No problem, have a good day." Griphook said.

"You too." Hermione called out before they left the room. They both quickly left Gringotts and headed behinds some shops. A moment later they both disappeared.


Harry laughed as Ron paced back and forth in the common room. Hearing his laughter Ron turned to glare at Harry.

"What's taking them so long…? I mean how long does it take to throw a dress on?" Ron asked.

"Well for a girl… ages, and by the looks of it we have about another thirty minutes until they will be ready, so come play some chess." Harry said gesturing at the board

"Fine… at least you're a challenge now… before I could easily beat you in ten minutes." Ron grumbled before he sat down opposite Harry and commanded his first piece.

About forty minutes later Ron once again took his king, ending the game. It was then that Lavender came around the corner of the girls' dorms. Harry nudged Ron and nodded to Lavender.

Ron's jaw dropped slightly at the sight of Lavender. She smiled at him and took his hand before looking over at Harry.

"She will be down in a second." Lavender said. Harry nodded just as Hermione came around the corner.

She looked absolutely stunning, her hair was once again done up and no longer bushy, she had just enough makeup one to highlight her face, but not too much. The only difference was that this year she was wearing a strapless dress, the same colour of Harry's eyes.

Taken her hand for the last two steps, he pulled her into his arms and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

"You look more beautiful than you usually do." he whispered. Hermione beamed at him.

"You look very handsome yourself Mr Potter." she said playfully. Harry was now wearing a goofy grin before he kissed her once more. Looking out the corner of his eye he noticed a look of jealously cross Ron's face. Sighing silently Harry took Hermione's hand and led her out of the common room and done to the great hall where the ball was being held.

Entering the hall, Harry noticed as many heads seemed to turn and look at himself and Hermione. Harry gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before leading her towards where the champions had to wait.

The other three champions were already their and like last time Cedric was with Cho and Fleur was with Roger Davis. Krum was with one of the girls that seemed to follow him around everywhere. He didn't know what her name was but he did know that she was a seventh year Hufflepuff; she also seemed to be jumping with excitement.

As if feeling Harry's eyes on him Krum turned to look at Harry and Hermione. He glared at Harry, hatred pouring from his eyes. The hatred intensified when Harry smirked at him though.

It was then the music started playing and the champions walked out onto the dance floor, the partners arms looped with theirs. Harry was a little shocked by the hall; he expected it to be the same as it was last time but it wasn't… it was completely different in fact.

Instead of the usual great hall they seemed to be in an ice cave, there was a soft mist that floated about a foot off the floor and fairies were flying around giving the room a more magical look.

The tables seemed to be ice sculptures coming out of the floor, though the floor still seemed to be stone by the feel of it but you couldn't see it though the mist.

Unlike last time, Harry knew how to dance. He'd had to learn with the number of social and ministry events he had to attend. Hermione, as he found out, had taken dancing lessons before she had gone to Hogwarts and was a rather good dancer herself.

It definitely showed that Harry and Hermione were the best dancers on the floor as they twirled around the floor effortlessly, while the other champions were stiffer and didn't flow with the music.

When the song finally finished Harry leaned forward and gave Hermione a long sweet kiss. She was smiling broadly as a slow song started being played and wrapped her arms around him and leaned into him, her head resting on his shoulder.

Harry kissed the side of Hermione's head before they began to softly sway to the music. It was then that he noticed Ron glaring at the two of them from a table while Lavender sat there with a disappointed look on her face.

Harry softly told Hermione what he saw, and when she was facing in the direction of Ron and Lavender she sighed.

"You should ask her for a dance Harry." Hermione said softly. Harry nodded in agreement.

They danced for another two songs and Lavender was still sitting at the table with a disappointed look on her face while Ron was still glaring. When the song ended they both made there way over to the table where Ron and Lavender were sitting. Hermione sat down while Harry walked over to Lavender.

"Wanna dance Lav?" Harry asked with a smile. Lavender looked quickly over at Hermione who nodded. Lavender beamed, quickly jumping to her feet and pulling Harry over to the dance floor where a song had just started.

Hermione watched as Harry twirled Lavender around; both of them had smiles on their faces and laughed every now and again. It was then she noticed Ron was staring at her.

"Yes Ron?" Hermione asked politely.

"Dance?" Ron asked. It sound a little more like a demand than a question.

"Er… no thanks Ron… I'm a little tired at the moment" Hermione said thinking quickly, she didn't want to dance with him, defiantly after he had just spent the last half an hour glaring at her and Harry.

About a minute later Harry came back to the table, only Lavender wasn't with him.

"Where's Lavender Harry?" Hermione asked, arching an eyebrow.

"She's dancing with Dean, he asked if he could cut in." Harry said with a smile before sitting down next to Hermione, who decided Harry's lap was a much nicer seat than her current one.

"Come on Hermione, one last dance before the meal." Harry whispered in her ear.

Hermione nodded quickly before dragging Harry back out onto the dance floor. Harry noticed Ron scowling at Hermione as they left.

Hermione instantly wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and started to sway to the music when Harry whispered in her ear.

"Is there a reason that Ron seemed rather angry with you?" He said, his breath causing her skin to tingle.

"He asked me to dance… I didn't really want to dance with him so I made up an excuse saying I was tired… I guess it proved to be a lie since I readily agreed to dance with you." Hermione whispered back. Harry just nodded and they continued to dance.

When the song finally ended Harry gave Hermione a soft kiss before leading her to the 'champions table' where the champions, their dates and judges were seated.

Harry noticed like last time Percy was there, filling in for Crouch. Hermione took her seat next to Percy while Harry took his next to Dumbledore.

Both Harry and Hermione ordered the pork chops and made light conversation. He found it quite funny the way Krum was glaring at Harry, while totally ignoring his date. Harry in turn would just smirk at him which only seemed to make Krum even more angry.

After about half an hour Dumbledore stood up and announced that they would be once again opening the dance floor. The Weird Sister started playing a slow, lovely song.

Harry lead Hermione back onto the dance floor. Hermione draped her arms around his neck as Harry's arms came around her waist and they started to sway to the soft music that drifted though the hall.

After about half an hour Harry asked Hermione if she wanted to go for a walk which she happily agreed on. They walked through the grounds until they came to the Quidditch pitch. They hadn't started growing the maze yet so it was still completely flat.

Harry sat down on the grass, leaning against one of the goal posts, while Hermione sat down between his legs and leaned back into him.

"Hermione." Harry said softly.

"Yes." she asked softly, turning slightly to grin at him.

Harry seemed to fiddle around in his pocket before he pulled out a small velvet box, "Hermione…" Harry started. Hermione gasped when she noticed the ring box, "Hermione… this is a promise ring… I was hoping that you would allow me to give it to you." Harry said softly, looking directly into her eyes.

Harry then flicked the box open to reveal a simply looking ring with a emerald gem stone in the middle flanked by two small diamonds on each side.

"Oh my god… it's beautiful." Hermione whispered in awe.

"My dad… gave it to mum as a promise ring in their seventh year." Harry said softly, "I think she would like it if I gave it to you."

Hermione then held out her hand and allowed Harry to slip the ring onto her ring finger. Once it was on she flung herself at him knocking him backwards. She was then lying on top of him and proceeded to give him a very deep and passionate kiss. Once they broke apart both of them were panting softly and looking each other in the eyes, love radiating from both of them.

"I love you Hermione." Harry whispered softly before giving her another soft kiss.

"I love you too Harry." Hermione said. She then captured his lips in another deep and passionate kiss as the soft music from the ball washed over them.


An: Don't kill me I know its late but I have had a very hectic week… well that's it for now I hope you all liked it :P please leave a review I love reading them.

Don't forget to check out my webby either!

http : // www. Freewebs . com /hhr_fanfics/index. htm
