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A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 31 - Viktor Krum

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Ah well here is another chapter! Thanks to Turnlach for his BETA work once again!


That night after the first task there was a huge party in the Gryffindor common room, where everyone learned first hand what the inside of the egg sounded like while not submerged in water.

Hermione had been picking at him to tell her what it all was about but Harry would simply wink at her, saying that he would explain it to her later on. After about an hour of not getting anything out of him she finally gave up.

It was now about three in the morning and most of the partiers had gone to bed. Only Harry, Hermione, the twins, Ginny and Ron were still down the common room.

Harry had been watching Ron most of the night, though Ron didn't speak to Harry once; he seemed to be having an on going confrontation in his head.

"Er…Harry, could I speak to you for a moment?" Ron said a little nervously. Harry nodded his head and followed Ron just outside the Fat Lady.

"Look… I… I know you didn't put your name in the goblet… my guts told me you didn't but for once my brain had to come forward… I have been a right prat, I guess all I can say is I'm sorry." Ron said softly.

"It's okay mate, we all have lapses in out sanity every now and again." Harry said with a sincere smile. He then pulled Ron into a quick friendly hug, one that is shared between two best mates when the time calls for it.

"Let's get back inside." Harry said, Ron nodded and they both went back inside. Hermione was smiling at the two of them, already knowing that they had made up.

Harry sat back down next to her, and gave her a warm smile. Hermione gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and out the corner of his eye he noticed the look of jealousy cross over Ron's face before it quickly disappeared. Inwardly Harry sighed…


It was now Monday night and Harry was making his way to Dumbledore's office for the 'meeting' that Dumbledore had asked for, though inside Harry thought that it would be more like a questioning.

When Harry arrived at the stone gargoyle he didn't know the password so once again he touched the Gargoyle to open it, in his own personal way.

"Come in." came Dumbledore voice just as Harry was about to knock. Harry smirked slightly at this. He knew Dumbledore loved being able to do that.

"Ah Harry, tea?" Dumbledore asked kindly when Harry entered the room.

"No thank you headmaster." Harry said politely before taking one of the seats in front of Dumbledore's desk.

"Very well." Dumbledore said before pouring himself some tea. "Harry… I was wondering. How did you manage those spells you used during the first task?"

Harry smiled slyly, he silently congratulated himself on his acting skills, "Well you see sir… when one has Hermione Granger as their girlfriend… you tend to study a lot more." Harry said. Dumbledore chuckled softy at Harry's little pun.

"Yes, yes Harry I figured you had been studying over the summer, but the power required to stun a dragon… I myself would have trouble to do that." Dumbledore said seriously.

Harry reinforced his mental shields when he felt Dumbledore probe, he allowed Dumbledore to see emotions of shock and amassment, "I-I don't know." Harry said softly.

Dumbledore seemed to regard him for a moment, "You have the potential to be a very powerful wizard Harry," Dumbledore said softly. Harry was a little shocked at how sincere Dumbledore was being, "I hope that you don't make the same mistakes I did when you get into a position like my own…" he said in almost a whisper.

"Actually… do you have any idea what you want to do?" Dumbledore asked, obviously happy with Harry's explanation on the first task.

"Well… I thought about it a little… I wouldn't mind being an Auror… or perhaps a… Teacher." Harry said with a small smile. Harry noticed that Dumbledore's eyes seemed to light up at the mention of him wanting to be a teacher.

"Fine choices I must say Harry… and with your grades at the moment, both well within your grasp." Dumbledore said giving Harry a genuine smile.

"Thank you sir." Harry said.

"Its been nice speaking with you Harry, but I must get on with my work… and I'm sure Hermione is dying to see you again." Dumbledore said with a little chuckle.

"Yes… good day headmaster." Harry said before making for the door.

"Harry…" Dumbledore called out when he reached it.

"Yes sir?" Harry asked.

"Call me Albus when in private… I think by now you have proven that you are an adult." Dumbledore said with an almost sad smile, like he was wishing that Harry was still a child, or had a childhood at least.

"Thank you S…Albus." Harry said with a small smile before leaving the room.


A week had passed since the meeting with Dumbledore; Harry was happy that now most of the school had stopped giving him the cold shoulder. The only ones that still did were the few Hufflepuffs that still thought Harry stole their glory, and well the Slytherin's… although that was nothing new.

All of the champions were now in a small room with Dumbledore, Maxime, Karkaroff, Crouch, Bagman and McGonagall.

"It is tradition, to have a Yule ball during the Triwizard tournament." Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling away. "It is also tradition to have the Triwizard champions open the ball."

Harry couldn't resist the urge to glare at Krum… this time HE would be taking Hermione to the ball… in fact he hadn't danced with Hermione since before they came to the past… he was missing the feeling of holding her close, and swaying gently to the music…

Before Harry knew it they were all dismissed. Looking at his watch Harry knew that Hermione would most likely be in the library while Ron would be in the common room, most likely bored.

Weighting up the odds he decided to go and ask Ron if he wanted to go for a fly. It had been a while since Harry had been on his broomstick and he missed the free feeling he got from flying.


Hermione was sitting in the library studying hard… she was often a little jealous of Harry, having been from the future and having all this knowledge. But she pushed it from her mind, knowing the pain he had been though, that he was trying to prevent this time round.

It was then she noticed someone approaching her, she knew it wasn't Harry, she could 'feel' when he got close. Looking up she saw someone that she had not expected at all, Viktor Krum.

"Hello my name is Viktor." he said holding out his hand. She was a little hesitant, she knew that Harry loathed Krum, and it was most likely for a good reason.

"Oh… hi my name is Hermione." she said shaking his hand, though instead of shaking it, he kissed her knuckles.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Herm-own-ninny." he said having a little trouble with her name.

"Um… is there, err something I can help you with?" Hermione asked.

"Vell you see, at Christmas, the school vill be holding a ball… I vas hoping you vould come with me?" He asked softly.

"I… umm I'm sorry, but if there is a ball then I will most likely be going with my boyfriend…" Hermione said quickly.

"Vell why hasn't he asked you already?" Viktor persisted.

"He doesn't need to ask me, though I'm sure he will. I haven't heard anything about the ball so how do I know he has?" Hermione said; she was starting to get a tad nervous.

"I am sure that your boyfriend vould'nt minds… so you will come yes?" he asked again.

"No, I'm sorry." Hermione said once again.

"But…" Viktor started, but now Hermione had had enough.

"Look, I said no. now go ask someone from you little fan club to go with you, I need to study." Hermione said before picking up her book again.

Viktor didn't move for a bit, but then quickly left the library. Hermione watched him leave then noticed the few girls that followed him around glare at her, though some of them were nodding.


Hermione didn't tell Harry about what had happened in the library, she figured that Harry already hated Krum enough and she really didn't want him trying to fight the guy. Personally she didn't know why Krum wanted to go with her so much, she guess that it was mainly to get at Harry.

Everyone was now eating their deserts when Dumbledore stood up; causing practically the whole to hall fell into silence.

"I'm hoping everyone is enjoying their meal" Dumbledore said happily, "Now as some of you may know, it is tradition to have a Yule ball during the Triwizard tournament. So this Christmas starting at eight, Hogwarts will host a Yule ball. Dress robes are required and Hogsmeade will be open this weekend." Dumbledore paused when all the girls started to whisper between themselves; he noticed a couple of them giving Harry hungry looks.

"Hermione." Harry whispered in her ear.

"Yes?" She whispered back.

"Well after seeing the look some of the other girls were giving me I though I better get this done now… will you come to the ball with me?" Harry asked, a small smile gracing his lips.

"Of course I will silly." she said, she then kissed him softly on the cheek.

"Now there is one more thing I must mention, the ball with be for fourth years and above I'm afraid." Dumbledore said, this received a number of moans from the girls below, and a few sighs of relief from the boys below the age limit. "That also means that Hogsmeade this weekend will be for fourth years and up only." This comment received moans from all the third years.


Two days had passed since Dumbledore's announcement of the Yule ball; Harry had been asked by a total of seven girls so far and Hermione was receiving a lot more glares. Krum had also tried to ask Hermione on both days.

Hermione was once again in the library when Krum once again came up to her.

"Herm-own-ninny, vould you please come to the ball vith me?" Viktor asked for the god knows how many time.

"Merlin! I have told you no how many times! Take a hint, I'm going with my boyfriend! And my name is Hermione!" Hermione said. She was getting very, very pissed off. She had told Harry about it, and she had to stop him from going off and cursing Viktor. She also knew that Harry would be here any minute.

"Why vould you vant to go vith Potter anyways?" Viktor asked, his distaste for Harry evident as he practically spat his name out. It was then that Hermione felt the familiar presence of Harry coming up behind Krum.

"Leave me alone!" Hermione said once again.

"But why vould you choose Potter…" Viktor started by was cut of by Harry's voice coming from behind him.

"I believe she told you to get lost Krum… I suggest you do just that and leave her alone." Harry said, he voice deadly calm.

"And what vould you do about it Potter?" Viktor snarled.

"You may be taught in a dark arts school Krum, but trust me when I say I know A LOT more curses that you do." Harry said, his eyes glinting dangerously.

Krum sneered at Harry before turning and leaving the library. Once Krum was gone Harry turned back to Hermione.

"You ok love?" he asked concern coming though his words.

"I'm fine love, he was just annoying is all." Hermione said before patting the seat next to her. Harry sat down and wrapped one arm around her waist allowing Hermione to lean into him.

None of them noticed the beetle that was sitting on top of the bookshelf.

AN: well? What did you think? R/R! don't forget to check out my website here is the link for ya's!: