Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 23 - Troubles at Camp

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Ah, here we are once again :P, special thanks to Turnlach for his BETA work… well now on to the chapter! ENJOY!!


Walking back to their camp site they watched with grins on their faces as the Irish partied on, singing songs and having drinking contests.

When they got back, Sirius started the camp fire with a flick of his wand and they all sat down around it.

"So… what did you think Jane? Rodger?" Sirius asked them a large smile on his face.

"That… That was bloody AMAZING!" Rodger said. He then turned to Harry, "You play that at school" he asked.

"Yep, I'm the seeker on the Gryffindor team." Harry said proudly, a large grin on his face. "Our games are not as exciting as theirs is though." Harry added.

"I don't know Harry… the way you were playing last year… I think it was better if not at the same level than the two seekers were playing at today." Hermione said. Sirius and Remus nodded in agreement.

Harry blushed a little, yes, in the future he did have a number of offers to join the English National Side, but there was too much going on with the war for him to agree.

"This whole… thing is just amazing… I wish we could see what Hogwarts is like." Jane said, looking around, watching as the Irish played magical drinking games.

"We could ask Dumbledore if you could visit this year." Harry suggested. The Grangers looked at him wide eyed.

"You think we could?" Jane asked, excitement dancing in her eyes.

"I don't see why he wouldn't allow it." Harry said. He knew they would be allowed to come and watch the tournament events.

"That's would be great!" Rodger agreed.

They spent the next couple of hours talking about the game before they all decided to head to bed. Hermione cuddled up with Harry before they both drifted off to sleep.

"HARRY! HERMIONE! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Came the urgent voice of Sirius. Harry bolted awake; he knew why they had to get up…Death Eaters.

"Come on, we have to go!" Harry said quickly as he and Hermione got dressed. They didn't bother changing in different rooms; they just stripped down in front of each other. When they realized what they had done they both blushed before getting out of the tent.

There were people running everywhere, smoke was drifting between the tents, it was impossible to hear anything over the peoples screams. It was then he saw them…a group of ten Death Eaters, tightly packed together. They had their wands facing upwards as they juggled four muggles. It was then that one spotted Jane and Rodger. Harry guess it was Lucius since he was the only one Harry knew that had met them.

One of the Death Eaters waved their wand and a yellow beam shot out from their wand at the Grangers. Harry moved quicker than the eye could see, and a white shield snapped into existence, the yellow curse hit the shield and seemed to be absorbed into it.

When the shield dropped, Harry Potter was standing in front of the Grangers, his eyes were pulsing green.

"Get out of the way boy, before you get hurt." Harry heard one of the Death Eaters sneer. Everything seemed to have gone quiet, the people that were running had stopped a safe distance away and watched as a boy stood up to the ten Death Eaters.

Harry smirked, held out his hand and the Gryffindor sword appeared in his hand, "Now… which one of you would like to die first?" Harry asked in a calm voice. Even though he said it quietly everyone had heard him.

The group laughed at his, "You little muggle loving bastard." another Death Eater sneered, "Avad…" was all the Death Eater got out as Harry moved quickly again and an orange bolt snapped out from his wand and flew at the Death Eater. The man didn't even have time to duck as the spell hit his wand, causing the wand and his hand to literally blow up. The man shrieked in agony before with a large 'pop' he disappeared.

"Now… which one of you would like to die first?" Harry asked again, his voice completely calm. The people around them were watching in awe, as this boy stared down ten Death Eaters. The ministry Aurors still hadn't arrived.

Harry watched the Death Eaters closely, he could see them making small hand gestures that would have gone unnoticed unless someone was paying attention.

Then, all of sudden all of the Death Eaters whipped out their wands, "Stupefy!" the nine Death Eaters cried at the same time. Harry watched the spells come towards him, he let his magic go and time seemed to slow down.

"Protego!" Harry whispered and a blue shield snapped into existence and each of the stunners ricocheted off into the night sky. After the Death Eaters first attack fail, it became an all out brawl.

"Eviscero!" Harry heard. He quickly jumped to his right sending a banishing charm at the Death Eater. Unlike his aim, Harry's was dead on and the Death Eater was thrown back ten feet before he hit the ground hard and unconscious.

Harry then dodged the green blast of a killing curse before firing off another couple of stunners. "Stella Clavis!" Harry dived out of the way as a beam of lighting shot out from a Death Eater's wand, "Diffido Sparsi!" Harry yelled and the shotgun like blast hit the Death Eater in the side; Harry could see blood start to seep though his clothes.

It was now that everyone seemed to be shocked out of their daze as people begun to scream again. Harry looked around and then he saw it, the Dark Mark handing in the air. When the Death Eaters also saw it they Apparated away, well all of them except the one that was unconscious on the ground.

Harry quickly sent a binding charm at the Death Eater just as the Aurors finally showed up.

"Hello, Goodbye." Harry said to them and tried to walk past them to Sirius. But one of the Aurors reached out and tried to grab Harry's arm. This turned out to be a nearly fatal mistake as the Auror now found the Gryffindor sword resting against his throat.

"Don't ever, try and grab me again." Harry whispered dangerously before removing the sword and heading over to Sirius. Hermione came running from the group and launched herself into Harry's arms.

"DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN HARRY POTTER!" She said sternly before giving him a rather deep and passionate kiss, "You scared me half to death." she whispered once she finally broke the kiss. Harry looked past her to see that Rodger and Jane were grinning at the two of them, while Sirius and Remus, who knew a lot more about the danger Harry was just in had a half smile half frowning face… it looked a little weird.

"Come on, we have to go see who set the mark off." Harry said, motioning of the others to follow them.

It only took about a minute before they reached the area where Ron, Ginny and the twins were standing, five Aurors surrounding them. Harry pushed pass them to get to Ron.

"Oi what do you think you're doing boy?!" one of the Aurors yelled but Harry didn't pay attention to him.

"You ok Ron? What happened?" Harry asked looking around at the Aurors.

"Er, yeah we're fine… but they seem to think that one of us set off that." Ron said pointing at the dark mark and shivering a little. Harry then looked at the Aurors, disgust clearly evident on his face.

"You people are pathetic… you think that they could have set it off?" Harry said shaking his head sadly, "Merlin help us if we rely on Aurors like you lot to keep us safe."

"You don't know what you're talking about kid" one of the Aurors snapped, clearly not happy with the insult Harry had just issued.

"I suggest you lower your wand moron before I force you to bloody lower it." Harry snarled getting rather annoyed with the idiots. It was then that Arthur, Fudge, Crouch and Diggory came to the scene.

"Put your wands down! They're my children you're pointing them at!" Arthur yelled outraged.

"They are suspected of setting off the dark mark." one of the Aurors said.

Arthur looked at the man as if he was crazy, "Do you seriously think that these children could have set that spell off."

"Lower your wands! There is no way these children would have been capable of that." Fudge snapped.

It was then that more Aurors arrived at the scene; these were the ones that had been at the fight Harry was in earlier. One of the Aurors recognized Harry immediately.

"Mr Potter, what was the spell you used to knock out that Death Eater?" the man asked. Everyone that didn't already know what had happened gasped in surprise.

"It was just a banishing charm… he got knocked out when he hit the ground. Why?" Harry said.

"Nothing really, he just seems to have lost some of his memory." the Auror said.

"Sir! I think I found who set the dark mark off!" and man said from behind them, Harry turned around to see an Auror holding up a house elf that happened to have a wand in her hands.

"HEY THAT'S MY WAND!" Ron said immediately, grabbing his wand from the house elf's grip.

"Could we see your wand for a second lad?" Asked Amos Diggory. Ron seemed to think for a moment before nodding and handing him his wand.

"Prior Incantato!" Diggory said, a miniature dark mark hovered from his wand, "Deletrius!" the small dark mark then vanished.

One of the Aurors then revived Winky, "Elf, did you conjure the dark mark?" Diggory asked harshly.

"I-I dids not sir." Winky squeaked out

"Do you really think that Mr Crouch's elf would be the one to conjure the dark mark?" Harry asked a little annoyed.

"Yes Amos, do you really think that I teach my elves dark magic?" Crouch asked.

Diggory seemed to stutter a little, "B-b-ut t-the wand." the said.

"It wasn't Winky." came Ron's voice, causing everyone to turn to him, "Er… it was a much deeper voice, not squeakily like Winky's."

"You see Amos." Crouch asked, Harry knew it wasn't Winky, but he also knew that Winky knew who did it. The only problem was that if Harry were to say something, or go find Crouch Jr, then Voldemort's rebirth would be ruined, he had already taken Peter out of the picture, but that was unavoidable… he only hoped that someone would be able to take Peters place… After all the rebirth was one thing that he wanted to go as if had before.

"I'll deal with my house elf, Diggory." Crouch said, he then looked down at Winky, "There will be clothes for this." he said bitterly. Winky started to wail.

"NOOO PLEASE MASTER! WINKY GOOD HOUSE ELF!" Winky said crying her eyes out, but Crouch didn't pay her any attention.

"Harry?" called Sirius, Harry turned to look at him, "We should get going." he said holding out a portkey. Harry just nodded and grabbed hold. With the familiar pull behind the navel they were gone.


AN: Well… there is another chapter :P, I hope that you all like it. About Harry's display of magic, I know I know he isn't keeping the secret very well, but everyone sees him as the Boy-Who-Lived so I guess they think he is powerful… Dumbledore knows that Harry is powerful also and would probley put it down to a "Heat of the Moment" thing.

Next chapter, they head back to School!
