Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 33 - Fighting and Eggs

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!


The next morning both Harry and Hermione were the first up and they headed straight down to the great hall, their stomachs grumbling. Harry was still wearing a blissful grin on his face while walking hand in hand with Hermione.

Hermione seemed to be sneaking glances at the ring that Harry had gotten her as if making sure that it hadn't disappeared.

"Harry?" Hermione asked softly. Harry looked at her, still with the blissful expression on his face.


"What do you know about the egg?" She asked quietly. Harry looked around before whispering to her.

"I'll show you tonight, meet me in the common room at midnight… bring something to swim in." Harry said to which Hermione nodded. She had a slight confused look on her face but didn't question him anymore as they walked into the great hall and took their seats at the Gryffindor table.

There weren't many students in the hall when Harry and Hermione started to eat their breakfast, the students started coming about half an hour later.

Everything was normal until a loud cry came from down the table. Everyone looked to find Lavender wide eyed, one hand over her mouth while her other was pointing at Hermione's hand. Once the people noticed the ring on Hermione's finger whispering broke out around the hall while all the girls from Gryffindor swarmed around Hermione.

About half an hour later both Hermione and Harry left the hall. Hermione had explained what the ring was about a hundred times before the she was able to escape the throng of giggly girls.

For the rest of the day they wandered around the school grounds. While they were walking around the lake Harry's mobile started vibrating. Quickly flipping it open the caller id showed it was Sirius.

"It's Sirius." Harry said to Hermione, who just nodded. Harry then answered the phone and started speaking to Sirius. It was then that Hermione remembered that she had not called her parents after the Yule ball; she had made a habit to call them once or twice a week to keep them updated.

Pulling out her phone, Hermione flipped it open and called her parents' house. It was her mum that answered the phone.

"Granger residence." Jane's voice came.

"Hi mum." Hermione said happily.

"Hello honey! It's lovely to hear from you again, how are things?" Jane asked happily. It was obvious she liked the fact that she could talk to Hermione regularly now.

"Everything's great." Hermione said.

"So how was the Yule Ball?" Jane asked.

"It was amazing, Harry was the perfect gentleman." Hermione said, sighing at the thought, "There's something I have to tell you though." Hermione added, sounding a little nervous.

Jane noticed the change in tone and was a little worried, "Is everything all right?" she asked quickly.

"What, oh yes, everything is fine… it's just, after the Yule ball Harry… he gave me a promise ring." Hermione said, holding her breath.

"And how do you feel about it?" Jane asked, her voice didn't betray any feelings towards the subject which made Hermione even more nervous.

"I'm extremely happy." Hermione said softly, she hoped her parents were too.

It was then a loud squeal came from Jane's end. Hermione had to hold the phone away from her ear.

"I can't wait to see the ring this summer! Oh I wish I could see you sooner!" Came Jane's very happy and excited voice.

"You might be able to work something out… talk to Sirius about it." Hermione said.

"Yes I will do that." Jane said. There was silence for a moment before Jane spoke again. "Hermione… have you and Harry… umm… have the two of you consummated your relationship?" Jane asked seriously.

Even though no one could see her Hermione blushed at her mother's question, "No, not yet mum." Hermione said softly, she was very embarrassed.

"That's reassuring to hear dear." Jane's said softly, "It does put your father heart at rest." There was another long silence before once again Jane spoke up, "How far have you and Harry… gone?" she asked softly.

"We haven't gone past kissing and cuddling mum… Harry wouldn't force me into anything I didn't want to do." Hermione said firmly.

"I know that dear… but it is a mother's duty to look after her baby girl." Jane said.

"Could we just change the topic now?" Hermione asked softly.

"Alright, so how is that golden egg thing that you were telling me about coming along?"

"Harry and I are going to look at it tonight actually… we haven't really done anything about it yet." Hermione said.

"Oh well I hope you figure it out soon." Jane said happily, "I must be heading off now dear, your father and I have to go to an important meeting."

"Ok, bye mum, speak to you later." Hermione said happily. She was glad that her parents were ok with Harry giving her a promise ring.

"See you soon." was the last thing Jane said before she hung up. Hermione pocketed her phone and turned around to see that Harry was already finished and waiting for her.

"What did Sirius want?" Hermione asked, leaning into Harry when he wrapped his arms around her.

"Nothing much, just catching up on things." Harry said with a smile, planting a small kiss on her temple, "What did Jane want?"

"Same as Sirius… she was quite happy when I told her about the ring." Hermione said smiling. Harry seemed to pale slightly.

"A-and your d-dad?" Harry asked nervously.

"I don't know, he probably wasn't angry as he didn't threaten to castrate you the next time he saw you." Hermione said with a twinkle in her eyes. Harry let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.

"Well that's good to know."


It was now ten to twelve and Harry was waiting for Hermione down in the common room. He had promised to show her what the egg meant tonight and was hoping that she hadn't forgotten about their plan to meet.

His worries were washed away when she came down the girls' dorms stairs. When she noticed Harry she smiled happily, giving him a light kiss on the lips.

"Well where are you taking me?" She asked. Harry just smiled and pulled his invisibility cloak from out of his pocket, wrapped his arm around Hermione and draped it over the two of them.

"Come on we have to head to the prefects bathroom." Harry said. Hermione was about to question him but Harry cut her off, planting a soft kiss on her lips, "Don't worry love, you will understand soon." was all he said before they both silently made their way out of the common room.

When they arrived at the statue of Boris the Bewildered Harry muttered the password that was being used the last time he had came here, "Pine Fresh", once the words had left his mouth the statue moved aside to reveal a huge bathroom that seemed to be completely made of white marble.

Harry removed the invisibility cloak and walked over to the hundreds of taps that were next to the small swimming pool bathtub thing. Personally, Harry couldn't see how anyone could call something this big a bathtub. Once Harry had the pool filling up with water he looked back and found Hermione staring around the room, her mouth hanging open.

"Hogwarts a History just doesn't do it justice does it?" Harry said with a smile. Hermione seemed to snap out of her gaze and nodded her head.

"You're definitely right about that… it… it's amazing." was all Hermione could say. Harry chuckled softly and looked over at the pool to find that it was full and that the taps had magically turned themselves off. Harry took of his shirt, grabbed the egg and jumped into the pool. Once he surfaced he motioned Hermione to come in also.

Hermione seemed to hesitate a bit before she took off the clothes she was wearing to reveal a yellow bikini. Harry gulped softly, it didn't matter that he had seen her hundreds of times naked; she would always have his effect on him.

"You look… beautiful Hermione." Harry said softly. That seemed to be the thing that Hermione was wanting to hear as her nervousness seemed to pass and she dived into the pool. She surfaced right in front of Harry with a small smile gracing her lips.

"Now, I guess you want to know about the egg?" Harry said asking the most obvious question in the world; Hermione just nodded her head while rolling her eyes slightly. "Well you have to listen to it under water so take a big breath."

With that both Harry and Hermione took a breath and dived under the water. When they were both under Harry opened the egg and the voices started to sing:

Come seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you are searching, ponder this:

Wove taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour long you'll have to look,

And to recover what we took,

But past an hour- the prospect's black,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

(Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire - JK Rowling)

Once the song had finished both Harry and Hermione surfaced. Hermione seemed to be thinking quickly as she was biting down on her bottom lip, a little thing that Harry thought made her look so cute. She seemed to finally figure out what she was thinking when she turned to Harry.

"So, they cannot sing above the ground, I'm guessing that means the merpeople in the lake." Harry just nodded, telling her that she was right so far, "They have taken something that you will miss and you have an hour to find it or else it will be lost forever." Hermione concluded.

Harry was beaming with pride, "You definitely are the smartest witch of your age Hermione." Harry said with a grin; Hermione for her part blushed slightly under the praise.

"Thank you Harry, I take it that I'm right then?" Hermione asked.

"Yep one hundred percent correct." Harry said nodding his head. He slowly moved over to where Hermione was standing in the water and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He then pulled back smiling.

"God I love you." he said softly, the words held that much emotion that Hermione's eyes watered.

Hermione captured his lips with her own, Harry opened his mouth slightly and Hermione deepened the kiss, hungrily sliding her tongue into his mouth and causing Harry to let out a small moan as his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Touch me." Hermione whispered before once again plunging her tongue down Harry's throat. Gently and slowly one of Harry's hands travelled up the side of her body, sending a tingling feeling through her before it came to rest on her right breast.

Hermione let out a moan when he started to gently massage her breasts. Hermione dropped one of her hands from around Harry's neck and squeezed his bum before she slowly slipped her hand into his pants and wrapped around his throbbing erection. Hermione's move caused Harry to gasp, before it turned into a moan and she started to slowly move her hand up and down.

Harry broke the kiss and started to trail small kisses down her jaw, neck and down her chest where he stopped at her bikini top. Harry looked up at her only to find her staring down at him; her brown eyes seemed to be glowing a soft emerald green.

With his free hand Harry untied the bikini top and allowed it to float off in the water. He was now staring down at Hermione's breasts before he slowly took her right nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. It seemed like the right thing to do as Hermione gasped in pleasure and arched her back, pushing her beast harder into his mouth.

Harry groaned as Hermione sped up, sliding her hand up and down his shaft faster. He felt his balls tighten before pure pleasure washed over him. He didn't stop with Hermione though, sucking on her right breast while his hand massaged the other, it didn't take much longer as Hermione arched her back even more before she bucked a couple of times, panting his name.

They were too caught up in each other to notice the intense wave of magic that burst from the two of them, sending the loose items in the room flying.


The next day Harry and Hermione walked down to the great hall hand in hand. They both were wearing large smiles, both happy with the progress of their relationship. It was then that Harry felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He quickly whipped around only to have someone's fist slam into his nose, easily breaking it. Harry stumbled back while holding onto Hermione and causing her to trip over.

Harry had to act quickly as another fist came flying at him, which Harry was barely able to block. Harry looked over at the attacker and felt his angry rise, KRUM! Harry mentally screamed, he didn't notice when Hermione winced slightly; Harry had thought it that loudly that even Hermione was able to hear it though their still un-developed link.

Harry blocked another two punches that Krum threw before striking faster, using his magic to enhance his speed. To anyone watching all they would have seen was Harry's hand blur before Krum was lifted into the air before falling heavily to the ground.

"Get up you pansy." Harry hissed, anger and hate basically flowing from his mouth. Krum pushed himself up before glaring at Harry.

"Shut up Potter, Herm-own-ninny vill be mine." Krum spat. Harry just laughed at Krum which seemed to make him even angrier. He then rushed at Harry trying to tackle him to the ground, once again Harry moved faster than humanely possible, stepping to the side and ramming his knee into Krum's stomach. Harry slightly cringed as he felt a couple of Krum's ribs break.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" came the screaming voice of McGonagall. Harry hadn't noticed but they were about fifteen meters away from the doors of the great hall and practically every student was staring though the doors.

McGonagall, Snape, Dumbledore and Karkaroff made their way through the students and came to where Harry and Hermione were standing while Krum was groaning on the ground. Karkaroff, upon seeing his student groaning in pain on the ground rushed forward to see if he was alright before glaring at Harry, then turning to Dumbledore.

"I DEMAND THAT YOU EXPEL HIM ALBUS!" he screamed. Dumbledore's face remained neutral before he turned to Harry, wanting an explanation.

"If anyone should be expelled it's him!" Hermione said in disgust pointing at Krum, "The coward attacked Harry from behind; all Harry did was defend himself."

"LIERS, that's all you are little girl a little lying mud…" Karkaroff started but stopped when he felt the tip of Harry's wand rest against his forehead.

"Say it, I dare you." Harry said in an angry voice.

"Harry…" Dumbledore said softly finally speaking up. Harry glared at Karkaroff before putting his wand back into his holster.

"Dumbledore I demand that you expel him now, pulling a wand on another headmaster!" Karkaroff spat, Dumbledore still just eyed him calmly.

"I think Karkaroff, that you should be thankful that Harry didn't do anything, especially when you were about to call the person he loves something rather disrespectful." Dumbledore said in a calm voice that brought no argument.

"Fine! But what about him attacking my student! Won't he be punished for that?" Karkaroff said glaring at Harry, who simply raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me? But I didn't attack anyone… he attacked me, I thought we had already pointed that out." Harry said, his voice matching Dumbledore's.

"LIE..." Karkaroff yelled but Harry cut him off.

"I'm sure a little bit of Veritaserum would be able to easily sort this out." Harry said looking over at Dumbledore who nodded.

"Severus?" Dumbledore said. Snape pulled out a small phial from his robe pocket; Harry wondered why he carried around Veritaserum…

"If you will Harry?" Dumbledore said handing Harry the phial, "You will only need two drops since we only need to ask one question." Harry nodded and dropped two drops on his tongue. Almost instantly his eyes glazed over indicating he was under the potion's influence.

"Did you attack Mr Krum?" Dumbledore asked clearly.

"No Viktor Krum attacked me from behind; we proceeded to fight until Viktor gave up." Harry said in a monotone voice before his eyes became normal once more. Harry shook his head as the effects wore off.

"Now? How will Krum be punished?" Harry asked glaring at Karkaroff.

"I will deal with my student and he will be properly punished." Karkaroff snapped before helping Krum off to the hospital wing. Dumbledore then turned to Harry, his eyes twinkling away.

"I hope the rest of your day will be much more enjoyable Harry." He said with a smile. He then pulled out his wand and flicked it twice. Harry felt his nose heal and the blood vanish.

"Thank you, sir." Harry said.

"Not a problem, now I suppose the two of you would like some breakfast?" Dumbledore said turning back to the Great Hall. Harry and Hermione followed him in before heading to the Gryffindor table, ignoring all the students gawping at them.


AN: WOW he updated! - is probley what you are thinking now, followed by the strong desire to throttle me… I know, I know I am very, very, very, very… (you get the point) late

Well here is my excuse: …

I don't have one… ive been busy what can I say? Well sorry once more, but since none of you know were I live im not that worried :P

Here is your chapter! Love it? OH and btw this was my first EVER venture into smut… was it ok?
