Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 16 - Catching the Rat

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Ah another chapter :P, thanks to Turnlach for his BETA work !


It was the last Hogsmeade weekend of the year and they were again meeting Sirius at the Three Broomsticks today. Harry had done like he had said regarding Hermione and helped with the work that she didn't need to study. It seemed to lift a great deal of stress off her shoulders. Harry meanwhile was growing rather frustrated, there had not been any sighting of Peter anywhere and they were running out of time.

The trio entered Hogsmeade, they had decided to stop at Honeydukes and pick up some more sweets, Ron's stash had finally ran out and Harry had agreed to lend him some money again. Once again people were staring at Ron wide eyed at he left with a large bag packed with every kind of treat imaginable. They then headed towards the Three Broomsticks.

When they entered they found the bar to be as packed as it usually was. Students were going from table to table talking to each other, trading wizarding cards and playing other small games, or just sitting down with a butterbeer having a chat. They walked around the bar and finally found Sirius/Maurice towards the back.

"Hello you three, good to see you guys again!" Sirius/Maurice said happily.

Harry, Hermione and Ron all said hello as well before they sat down and ordered some butterbeers.

"So what's been happening at school?" he asked. The trio spent the next hour or so telling Sirius/Maurice the going's on at Hogwarts, before they finally came to now. That was when Harry realized that he had not told Sirius that he had the Marauder's Map.

Harry pulled it out of his pocket and handed it over, "Do you recognize that?" Harry asked a small smile on his face.

Sirius was speechless, "H-How did you get it? It was confiscated by Filch in our seventh year…" Sirius whispered as he looked at the parchment. Harry just gave him a half smile.

"Ron's twin brothers… Fred and George stole it back in their first year. I don't have a clue how they managed to work the password out…" Harry said with a small frown. He had never thought about that.

Sirius/Maurice took out his wand and tapped the parchment, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." he said and writing appeared on the parchment

Welcome back Mr. Padfoot!

Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.

Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers are proud to present


Sirius/Maurice then slowly opened the map, looking over it and watching the teachers and students walk around. He then looked outside and his breath caught. A low growling sound came from him.

"What is it Maurice?" Harry asked a little concerned.

"Peter! He is near the Hogwarts Entrance!" Sirius hissed.

"Who's Peter?" Ron asked clearly confused.

"No time to explain Ron. Come on, let's go! We have to catch him. Si-Maurice, keep checking the map as well. Let's go!" Harry said quickly and all four of them got up.

"We will use the Honeydukes passage; it's the closest way there." Sirius said as the trio followed after him. They quickly entered the sweets shop and swiftly snuck down into the cellar where they went though the trap door.

The passageway was dark so the trio lit their wands as they made their way down. Sirius was keeping an eye on the map, so far Peter hadn't moved. "Quickly let's go!" Sirius said as they ran along the passageway.

When they got to the entrance they quickly got out, not caring if anyone saw them. "He's moving! He's just gone outside, we have to hurry!"

The four of them took off running towards the castle entrance. When they reached there Sirius kept going, not stopping. "Follow me, I know where he is going." Harry also knew where Peter was going… the Shrieking Shack.

When they reached the Whomping Wwillow, Sirius stopped in his tracks and cursed, it had always been Peter that had pressed the knot in the tree to stop it. Harry though had other ideas. He quickly whipped out his wand, he didn't say a word though a bright white blast hit the tree and it stopped moving.

Sirius didn't say anything and quickly ran for the little entrance, sliding down the hole, Harry, Hermione and Ron right on his tail. Taking one last look at the map, Sirius watched as Peter disappeared, the map didn't cover the shack. Realization dawned on Harry… that must have been where he has been hiding all the time.

Sirius turned to face them, "There is no way out of the Shack, cast silencing charms on your feet so he won't hear us coming." The three of them nodded and cast the spells, they then made their way towards the shack.

When they finally entered, Sirius cast a locking charm on the door. "We will search each room, he's an animagus and his form is a rat so look for him." The three of them nodded. Harry glanced at Hermione, he had never told her Scabbers was Peter, but by the look on her face she had worked it out now.

They went from room to room, ripping them apart until they finally came to the last one. Sirius cast another locking charm on this door before turning and facing the room. "Come out Peter… It's time." Sirius said softly in a sing-song voice, "Come out, come out, wherever you are."

They started searching everywhere but couldn't find him. It was then Harry had an idea, "Accio Peter!" Harry yelled and then out of the rubble Scabbers came flying, though Harry didn't catch him, he hit the wall behind them.

"SCABBERS!" Ron exclaimed. He went to go grab him but was stopped by Sirius/Maurice. "What are you doing!? I want to get Scabbers." Ron asked very confused now.

"That's no rat Ron." Sirius said softly. "That is a Death Eater." Ron looked at him like he was crazy.

"Are you saying that Scabbers is Peter?" Ron asked, Sirius nodded, "You're bonkers, Scabbers has been in our family for…"

"Thirteen years." Sirius said, Ron was wide eyed, "Yes…long time for a rat isn't it?" Ron was now pale… he had been living with a Death Eater for thirteen years…

Sirius quickly flicked his wand and Scabbers began to transform slowly, and by the looks of it, painfully.

"Is it safe now… is the dark lord dead?" Peter instantly asked.

"Oh save it you Death Eater!" Sirius/Maurice hissed.

"I don't know who you are! But I am not a Death Eater!" Peter said, trying to defend himself, but even an idiot could tell he was lying.

"Oh… you don't know who I am? Well allow me to introduce myself." Sirius said. He then flicked his wand and removed his glamour. Ron let out a shriek.

"I-It's Sirius B-Black." Ron stammered, Harry just looked over at Ron with a half apologetic smile.

"Sorry I didn't tell you before mate… but he is not a murderer. In fact, the person he was sent away for killing is right in front of us." Harry said pointed to Peter. Ron looked back and forth between Peter and Sirius not knowing what to believe. So instead of saying anything he just stayed quiet and let whatever was going to happen, happen.

"Tonight you will answer for your crime Peter! I will finally commit the murder I was sent to prison for 13 years for!" Sirius hissed.

"No… don't Sirius; he's not worth being killed by you." Harry said stepping forward. Peter's eyes widened and he quickly crawled over to Harry.

"Thank you Harry, thank you! James and Lily would be so proud!" Peter said. Harry just let out a growl and kicked Peter square in the face.

"Don't you dare speak my parents name you bloody traitor! I said you weren't good enough for us to kill! I'm going to make sure you get the kiss you bloody piss ant!" Harry growled, Peter shuddered as her held his nose, blood was now freely flowing from it.

It was then the door was blasted opened and all of a sudden Sirius, Harry and Hermione were disarmed, Snape then walked slowly into the room. "So, So, So, what do we have hear… planning with murderers are we Potter… I will have you in Azkaban for this." Snape hissed glaring at Harry, he then turned to Sirius, "Ah I was hoping to be the one to catch you Black." Snape said spitting Sirius's name.

"What do you want Snape, my innocence is cowering right there." Sirius said pointed to Peter. Snape looked over at Peter and his eyes widened for a moment, "Well too bad… do you think that it will stop the dementors." Snape hissed, a thin smile growing on his lips.

"Expellio!" Ron yelled, and watched with a large smile on his face as Snape was went straight through the door, sending splinters everywhere. He didn't get up. "I have wanted to do that for three years!" Ron said happily. This caused all four of them to laugh despite the situation. Everyone stopped laughing though when Peter tried to join in.

"N-nothing l-like picking on old S-Snape e-eh S-Sirius?" Peter asked nervously, Sirius just glared at him before a red bolt shot out across the room and Peter fell to the floor stunned.

"Come on, let's take the piece of filth to Dumbledore's office." Harry said. He then looked over at Sirius, "It might be better if you transformed into a dog until we got there though." Sirius for his part just nodded and changed back.

Harry then levitated Peter into the air and started to leave. He chuckled softly as Ron looked into where Snape was, he found the huge smile that Ron was wearing highly contagious.

They walked down the length of the passage and out of the base of the Whomping Willow. Harry could see the sparkle in Sirius's eyes as he looked out over the Quidditch pitch and up to the school.

"Come on let's go!" Harry said and they all headed towards the castle. Walking to the Headmaster's office they didn't come across anyone, thankfully. Harry really didn't want to explain why he was levitating an unconscious person. When they finally reached the stone gargoyle statue Harry just looked at it. He then reached out and placed his fingers on its eyes and then it slowly opened, revealing the revolving staircase.

"Er… Harry… what the hell did you just do?" Ron asked amazed, Hermione also had wide eyes, though she might have a better idea and her next comment proved that.

"You're Godric Gryffindor's heir aren't you?" Hermione asked, Harry just gave her a half smile and nodded. Ron's jaw nearly hit the ground.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Ron asked, a little disappointed.

"Well… I only found out this summer... and I guess the opportunity never came up. I mean what would you have said if I just came up and said, 'Hey Ron, guess what! I'm the heir of Godric Gryffindor!" Harry reasoned.

Ron seemed to think for a minute before he nodded his head in agreement. They walked up the staircase until they came to the headmaster's wooden door. Harry reached out and knocked.



There you go! I hope you all liked it :P I got my laptop hooked up to the hotels network for $(AU) 10 a week so I have broadband connection in my room :), next chapter coming soon!!